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* @output wp-includes/js/customize-base.js
/** @namespace wp */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
(function( exports, $ ){
var api = {}, ctor, inherits,
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
// Shared empty constructor function to aid in prototype-chain creation.
ctor = function() {};
* Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain, for subclasses.
* Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and
* class properties to be extended.
* @param object parent Parent class constructor to inherit from.
* @param object protoProps Properties to apply to the prototype for use as class instance properties.
* @param object staticProps Properties to apply directly to the class constructor.
* @return child The subclassed constructor.
inherits = function( parent, protoProps, staticProps ) {
var child;
// The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you
// (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted
// by us to simply call `super()`.
if ( protoProps && protoProps.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) {
child = protoProps.constructor;
} else {
child = function() {
// Storing the result `super()` before returning the value
// prevents a bug in Opera where, if the constructor returns
// a function, Opera will reject the return value in favor of
// the original object. This causes all sorts of trouble.
var result = parent.apply( this, arguments );
return result;
// Inherit class (static) properties from parent.
$.extend( child, parent );
// Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
// `parent`'s constructor function.
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
// Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass,
// if supplied.
if ( protoProps )
$.extend( child.prototype, protoProps );
// Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
if ( staticProps )
$.extend( child, staticProps );
// Correctly set child's `prototype.constructor`.
child.prototype.constructor = child;
// Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed later.
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child;
* Base class for object inheritance.
api.Class = function( applicator, argsArray, options ) {
var magic, args = arguments;
if ( applicator && argsArray && api.Class.applicator === applicator ) {
args = argsArray;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
magic = this;
* If the class has a method called "instance",
* the return value from the class' constructor will be a function that
* calls the "instance" method.
* It is also an object that has properties and methods inside it.
if ( this.instance ) {
magic = function() {
return magic.instance.apply( magic, arguments );
$.extend( magic, this );
magic.initialize.apply( magic, args );
return magic;
* Creates a subclass of the class.
* @param object protoProps Properties to apply to the prototype.
* @param object staticProps Properties to apply directly to the class.
* @return child The subclass.
api.Class.extend = function( protoProps, classProps ) {
var child = inherits( this, protoProps, classProps );
child.extend = this.extend;
return child;
api.Class.applicator = {};
* Initialize a class instance.
* Override this function in a subclass as needed.
api.Class.prototype.initialize = function() {};
* Checks whether a given instance extended a constructor.
* The magic surrounding the instance parameter causes the instanceof
* keyword to return inaccurate results; it defaults to the function's
* prototype instead of the constructor chain. Hence this function.
api.Class.prototype.extended = function( constructor ) {
var proto = this;
while ( typeof proto.constructor !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( proto.constructor === constructor )
return true;
if ( typeof proto.constructor.__super__ === 'undefined' )
return false;
proto = proto.constructor.__super__;
return false;
* An events manager object, offering the ability to bind to and trigger events.
* Used as a mixin.
api.Events = {
trigger: function( id ) {
if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
this.topics[ id ].fireWith( this, slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
bind: function( id ) {
this.topics = this.topics || {};
this.topics[ id ] = this.topics[ id ] || $.Callbacks();
this.topics[ id ].add.apply( this.topics[ id ], slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
unbind: function( id ) {
if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
this.topics[ id ].remove.apply( this.topics[ id ], slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
* Observable values that support two-way binding.
* @memberOf wp.customize
* @alias wp.customize.Value
* @constructor
api.Value = api.Class.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Value.prototype */{
* @param {mixed} initial The initial value.
* @param {object} options
initialize: function( initial, options ) {
this._value = initial; // @todo: potentially change this to a this.set() call.
this.callbacks = $.Callbacks();
this._dirty = false;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.set = $.proxy( this.set, this );
* Magic. Returns a function that will become the instance.
* Set to null to prevent the instance from extending a function.
instance: function() {
return arguments.length ? this.set.apply( this, arguments ) : this.get();
* Get the value.
* @return {mixed}
get: function() {
return this._value;
* Set the value and trigger all bound callbacks.
* @param {object} to New value.
set: function( to ) {
var from = this._value;
to = this._setter.apply( this, arguments );
to = this.validate( to );
// Bail if the sanitized value is null or unchanged.
if ( null === to || _.isEqual( from, to ) ) {
return this;
this._value = to;
this._dirty = true;
this.callbacks.fireWith( this, [ to, from ] );
return this;
_setter: function( to ) {
return to;
setter: function( callback ) {
var from = this.get();
this._setter = callback;
// Temporarily clear value so setter can decide if it's valid.
this._value = null;
this.set( from );
return this;
resetSetter: function() {
this._setter = this.constructor.prototype._setter;
this.set( this.get() );
return this;
validate: function( value ) {
return value;
* Bind a function to be invoked whenever the value changes.
* @param {...Function} A function, or multiple functions, to add to the callback stack.
bind: function() {
this.callbacks.add.apply( this.callbacks, arguments );
return this;
* Unbind a previously bound function.
* @param {...Function} A function, or multiple functions, to remove from the callback stack.
unbind: function() {
this.callbacks.remove.apply( this.callbacks, arguments );
return this;
link: function() { // values*
var set = this.set;
$.each( arguments, function() {
this.bind( set );
return this;
unlink: function() { // values*
var set = this.set;
$.each( arguments, function() {
this.unbind( set );
return this;
sync: function() { // values*
var that = this;
$.each( arguments, function() {
that.link( this );
this.link( that );
return this;
unsync: function() { // values*
var that = this;
$.each( arguments, function() {
that.unlink( this );
this.unlink( that );
return this;
* A collection of observable values.
* @memberOf wp.customize
* @alias wp.customize.Values
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Class
* @mixes wp.customize.Events
api.Values = api.Class.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Values.prototype */{
* The default constructor for items of the collection.
* @type {object}
defaultConstructor: api.Value,
initialize: function( options ) {
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this._value = {};
this._deferreds = {};
* Get the instance of an item from the collection if only ID is specified.
* If more than one argument is supplied, all are expected to be IDs and
* the last to be a function callback that will be invoked when the requested
* items are available.
* @see {api.Values.when}
* @param {string} id ID of the item.
* @param {...} Zero or more IDs of items to wait for and a callback
* function to invoke when they're available. Optional.
* @return {mixed} The item instance if only one ID was supplied.
* A Deferred Promise object if a callback function is supplied.
instance: function( id ) {
if ( arguments.length === 1 )
return this.value( id );
return this.when.apply( this, arguments );
* Get the instance of an item.
* @param {string} id The ID of the item.
* @return {[type]} [description]
value: function( id ) {
return this._value[ id ];
* Whether the collection has an item with the given ID.
* @param {string} id The ID of the item to look for.
* @return {Boolean}
has: function( id ) {
return typeof this._value[ id ] !== 'undefined';
* Add an item to the collection.
* @param {string|wp.customize.Class} item - The item instance to add, or the ID for the instance to add. When an ID string is supplied, then itemObject must be provided.
* @param {wp.customize.Class} [itemObject] - The item instance when the first argument is a ID string.
* @return {wp.customize.Class} The new item's instance, or an existing instance if already added.
add: function( item, itemObject ) {
var collection = this, id, instance;
if ( 'string' === typeof item ) {
id = item;
instance = itemObject;
} else {
if ( 'string' !== typeof item.id ) {
throw new Error( 'Unknown key' );
id = item.id;
instance = item;
if ( collection.has( id ) ) {
return collection.value( id );
collection._value[ id ] = instance;
instance.parent = collection;
// Propagate a 'change' event on an item up to the collection.
if ( instance.extended( api.Value ) ) {
instance.bind( collection._change );
collection.trigger( 'add', instance );
// If a deferred object exists for this item,
// resolve it.
if ( collection._deferreds[ id ] ) {
collection._deferreds[ id ].resolve();
return collection._value[ id ];
* Create a new item of the collection using the collection's default constructor
* and store it in the collection.
* @param {string} id The ID of the item.
* @param {mixed} value Any extra arguments are passed into the item's initialize method.
* @return {mixed} The new item's instance.
create: function( id ) {
return this.add( id, new this.defaultConstructor( api.Class.applicator, slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ) );
* Iterate over all items in the collection invoking the provided callback.
* @param {Function} callback Function to invoke.
* @param {object} context Object context to invoke the function with. Optional.
each: function( callback, context ) {
context = typeof context === 'undefined' ? this : context;
$.each( this._value, function( key, obj ) {
callback.call( context, obj, key );
* Remove an item from the collection.
* @param {string} id The ID of the item to remove.
remove: function( id ) {
var value = this.value( id );
if ( value ) {
// Trigger event right before the element is removed from the collection.
this.trigger( 'remove', value );
if ( value.extended( api.Value ) ) {
value.unbind( this._change );
delete value.parent;
delete this._value[ id ];
delete this._deferreds[ id ];
// Trigger removed event after the item has been eliminated from the collection.
if ( value ) {
this.trigger( 'removed', value );
* Runs a callback once all requested values exist.
* when( ids*, [callback] );
* For example:
* when( id1, id2, id3, function( value1, value2, value3 ) {} );
* @return $.Deferred.promise();
when: function() {
var self = this,
ids = slice.call( arguments ),
dfd = $.Deferred();
// If the last argument is a callback, bind it to .done()
if ( $.isFunction( ids[ ids.length - 1 ] ) )
dfd.done( ids.pop() );
* Create a stack of deferred objects for each item that is not
* yet available, and invoke the supplied callback when they are.
$.when.apply( $, $.map( ids, function( id ) {
if ( self.has( id ) )
* The requested item is not available yet, create a deferred
* object to resolve when it becomes available.
return self._deferreds[ id ] = self._deferreds[ id ] || $.Deferred();
})).done( function() {
var values = $.map( ids, function( id ) {
return self( id );
// If a value is missing, we've used at least one expired deferred.
// Call Values.when again to generate a new deferred.
if ( values.length !== ids.length ) {
// ids.push( callback );
self.when.apply( self, ids ).done( function() {
dfd.resolveWith( self, values );
dfd.resolveWith( self, values );
return dfd.promise();
* A helper function to propagate a 'change' event from an item
* to the collection itself.
_change: function() {
this.parent.trigger( 'change', this );
// Create a global events bus on the Customizer.
$.extend( api.Values.prototype, api.Events );
* Cast a string to a jQuery collection if it isn't already.
* @param {string|jQuery collection} element
api.ensure = function( element ) {
return typeof element == 'string' ? $( element ) : element;
* An observable value that syncs with an element.
* Handles inputs, selects, and textareas by default.
* @memberOf wp.customize
* @alias wp.customize.Element
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Value
* @augments wp.customize.Class
api.Element = api.Value.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Element */{
initialize: function( element, options ) {
var self = this,
synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer.html,
type, update, refresh;
this.element = api.ensure( element );
this.events = '';
if ( this.element.is( 'input, select, textarea' ) ) {
type = this.element.prop( 'type' );
this.events += ' change input';
synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer.val;
if ( this.element.is( 'input' ) && api.Element.synchronizer[ type ] ) {
synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer[ type ];
api.Value.prototype.initialize.call( this, null, $.extend( options || {}, synchronizer ) );
this._value = this.get();
update = this.update;
refresh = this.refresh;
this.update = function( to ) {
if ( to !== refresh.call( self ) ) {
update.apply( this, arguments );
this.refresh = function() {
self.set( refresh.call( self ) );
this.bind( this.update );
this.element.bind( this.events, this.refresh );
find: function( selector ) {
return $( selector, this.element );
refresh: function() {},
update: function() {}
api.Element.synchronizer = {};
$.each( [ 'html', 'val' ], function( index, method ) {
api.Element.synchronizer[ method ] = {
update: function( to ) {
this.element[ method ]( to );
refresh: function() {
return this.element[ method ]();
api.Element.synchronizer.checkbox = {
update: function( to ) {
this.element.prop( 'checked', to );
refresh: function() {
return this.element.prop( 'checked' );
api.Element.synchronizer.radio = {
update: function( to ) {
this.element.filter( function() {
return this.value === to;
}).prop( 'checked', true );
refresh: function() {
return this.element.filter( ':checked' ).val();
$.support.postMessage = !! window.postMessage;
* A communicator for sending data from one window to another over postMessage.
* @memberOf wp.customize
* @alias wp.customize.Messenger
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Class
* @mixes wp.customize.Events
api.Messenger = api.Class.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Messenger.prototype */{
* Create a new Value.
* @param {string} key Unique identifier.
* @param {mixed} initial Initial value.
* @param {mixed} options Options hash. Optional.
* @return {Value} Class instance of the Value.
add: function( key, initial, options ) {
return this[ key ] = new api.Value( initial, options );
* Initialize Messenger.
* @param {object} params - Parameters to configure the messenger.
* {string} params.url - The URL to communicate with.
* {window} params.targetWindow - The window instance to communicate with. Default window.parent.
* {string} params.channel - If provided, will send the channel with each message and only accept messages a matching channel.
* @param {object} options - Extend any instance parameter or method with this object.
initialize: function( params, options ) {
// Target the parent frame by default, but only if a parent frame exists.
var defaultTarget = window.parent === window ? null : window.parent;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.add( 'channel', params.channel );
this.add( 'url', params.url || '' );
this.add( 'origin', this.url() ).link( this.url ).setter( function( to ) {
var urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' );
urlParser.href = to;
// Port stripping needed by IE since it adds to host but not to event.origin.
return urlParser.protocol + '//' + urlParser.host.replace( /:(80|443)$/, '' );
// first add with no value
this.add( 'targetWindow', null );
// This avoids SecurityErrors when setting a window object in x-origin iframe'd scenarios.
this.targetWindow.set = function( to ) {
var from = this._value;
to = this._setter.apply( this, arguments );
to = this.validate( to );
if ( null === to || from === to ) {
return this;
this._value = to;
this._dirty = true;
this.callbacks.fireWith( this, [ to, from ] );
return this;
// now set it
this.targetWindow( params.targetWindow || defaultTarget );
// Since we want jQuery to treat the receive function as unique
// to this instance, we give the function a new guid.
// This will prevent every Messenger's receive function from being
// unbound when calling $.off( 'message', this.receive );
this.receive = $.proxy( this.receive, this );
this.receive.guid = $.guid++;
$( window ).on( 'message', this.receive );
destroy: function() {
$( window ).off( 'message', this.receive );
* Receive data from the other window.
* @param {jQuery.Event} event Event with embedded data.
receive: function( event ) {
var message;
event = event.originalEvent;
if ( ! this.targetWindow || ! this.targetWindow() ) {
// Check to make sure the origin is valid.
if ( this.origin() && event.origin !== this.origin() )
// Ensure we have a string that's JSON.parse-able
if ( typeof event.data !== 'string' || event.data[0] !== '{' ) {
message = JSON.parse( event.data );
// Check required message properties.
if ( ! message || ! message.id || typeof message.data === 'undefined' )
// Check if channel names match.
if ( ( message.channel || this.channel() ) && this.channel() !== message.channel )
this.trigger( message.id, message.data );
* Send data to the other window.
* @param {string} id The event name.
* @param {object} data Data.
send: function( id, data ) {
var message;
data = typeof data === 'undefined' ? null : data;
if ( ! this.url() || ! this.targetWindow() )
message = { id: id, data: data };
if ( this.channel() )
message.channel = this.channel();
this.targetWindow().postMessage( JSON.stringify( message ), this.origin() );
// Add the Events mixin to api.Messenger.
$.extend( api.Messenger.prototype, api.Events );
Customize: Add setting validation model and control notifications to augment setting sanitization. When a setting is invalid, not only will it be blocked from being saved but all other settings will be blocked as well. This ensures that Customizer saves aren't partial but are more transactional. User will be displayed the error in a notification so that they can fix and re-attempt saving. PHP changes: * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::validate()`, `WP_Customize_Setting::$validate_callback`, and the `customize_validate_{$setting_id}` filter. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Manager::validate_setting_values()` to do validation (and sanitization) for the setting values supplied, returning a list of `WP_Error` instances for invalid settings. * Attempting to save settings that are invalid will result in the save being blocked entirely, with the errors being sent in the `customize_save_response`. Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::save()` to check all settings for validity issues prior to calling their `save` methods. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::json()` for parity with the other Customizer classes. This includes exporting of the `type`. * Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::post_value()` to apply `validate` after `sanitize`, and if validation fails, to return the `$default`. * Introduces `customize_save_validation_before` action which fires right before the validation checks are made prior to saving. JS changes: * Introduces `wp.customize.Notification` in JS which to represent `WP_Error` instances returned from the server when setting validation fails. * Introduces `wp.customize.Setting.prototype.notifications`. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.notifications`, which are synced with a control's settings' notifications. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.renderNotifications()` to re-render a control's notifications in its notification area. This is called automatically when the notifications collection changes. * Introduces `wp.customize.settingConstructor`, allowing custom setting types to be used in the same way that custom controls, panels, and sections can be made. * Injects a notification area into existing controls which is populated in response to the control's `notifications` collection changing. A custom control can customize the placement of the notification area by overriding the new `getNotificationsContainerElement` method. * When a save fails due to setting invalidity, the invalidity errors will be added to the settings to then populate in the controls' notification areas, and the first such invalid control will be focused. Props westonruter, celloexpressions, mrahmadawais. See #35210. See #30937. Fixes #34893. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37476 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37444 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-05-20 17:10:27 -04:00
* Notification.
* @class
* @augments wp.customize.Class
* @since 4.6.0
* @memberOf wp.customize
* @alias wp.customize.Notification
* @param {string} code - The error code.
* @param {object} params - Params.
* @param {string} params.message=null - The error message.
* @param {string} [params.type=error] - The notification type.
* @param {boolean} [params.fromServer=false] - Whether the notification was server-sent.
* @param {string} [params.setting=null] - The setting ID that the notification is related to.
* @param {*} [params.data=null] - Any additional data.
Customize: Add setting validation model and control notifications to augment setting sanitization. When a setting is invalid, not only will it be blocked from being saved but all other settings will be blocked as well. This ensures that Customizer saves aren't partial but are more transactional. User will be displayed the error in a notification so that they can fix and re-attempt saving. PHP changes: * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::validate()`, `WP_Customize_Setting::$validate_callback`, and the `customize_validate_{$setting_id}` filter. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Manager::validate_setting_values()` to do validation (and sanitization) for the setting values supplied, returning a list of `WP_Error` instances for invalid settings. * Attempting to save settings that are invalid will result in the save being blocked entirely, with the errors being sent in the `customize_save_response`. Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::save()` to check all settings for validity issues prior to calling their `save` methods. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::json()` for parity with the other Customizer classes. This includes exporting of the `type`. * Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::post_value()` to apply `validate` after `sanitize`, and if validation fails, to return the `$default`. * Introduces `customize_save_validation_before` action which fires right before the validation checks are made prior to saving. JS changes: * Introduces `wp.customize.Notification` in JS which to represent `WP_Error` instances returned from the server when setting validation fails. * Introduces `wp.customize.Setting.prototype.notifications`. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.notifications`, which are synced with a control's settings' notifications. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.renderNotifications()` to re-render a control's notifications in its notification area. This is called automatically when the notifications collection changes. * Introduces `wp.customize.settingConstructor`, allowing custom setting types to be used in the same way that custom controls, panels, and sections can be made. * Injects a notification area into existing controls which is populated in response to the control's `notifications` collection changing. A custom control can customize the placement of the notification area by overriding the new `getNotificationsContainerElement` method. * When a save fails due to setting invalidity, the invalidity errors will be added to the settings to then populate in the controls' notification areas, and the first such invalid control will be focused. Props westonruter, celloexpressions, mrahmadawais. See #35210. See #30937. Fixes #34893. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37476 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37444 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-05-20 17:10:27 -04:00
api.Notification = api.Class.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Notification.prototype */{
* Template function for rendering the notification.
* This will be populated with template option or else it will be populated with template from the ID.
* @since 4.9.0
* @var {Function}
template: null,
* ID for the template to render the notification.
* @since 4.9.0
* @var {string}
templateId: 'customize-notification',
Customize: Add infrastructure for trashing/reverting of unpublished changes; introduce full-screen `OverlayNotification` for trashing and theme install/preview. * Introduce a new `wp.customize.previewer.trash()` JS API to trash the current changeset, along with logic to `WP_Customize_Manager` to handle deleting changeset drafts. * Add `trashing` to `wp.customize.state` which is then used to update the UI. * UI for trashing is pending design feedback. One possibility is to add a new trash button to Publish Settings section that invokes `wp.customize.previewer.trash()`. * Improve logic for managing the visibility and disabled states for publish buttons. * Prevent attempting `requestChangesetUpdate` while processing and bump processing while doing `save`. * Update `changeset_date` state only if sent in save response. * Merge `ThemesSection#loadThemePreview()` into `ThemesPanel#loadThemePreview()`. * Remove unused `autosaved` state. * Start autosaving and prompting at beforeunload after a change first happens. This is key for theme previews since even if a user did not make any changes, there were still dirty settings which would get stored in an auto-draft unexpectedly. * Allow `Notification` to accept additional `classes` to be added to `container`. * Introduce `OverlayNotification` and use for theme installing, previewing, and trashing. Such overlay notifications take over the entire window. Props westonruter, celloexpressions. See #37661, #39896, #21666, #35210. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41667 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41501 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2017-10-01 23:37:46 -04:00
* Additional class names to add to the notification container.
* @since 4.9.0
* @var {string}
containerClasses: '',
Customize: Add infrastructure for trashing/reverting of unpublished changes; introduce full-screen `OverlayNotification` for trashing and theme install/preview. * Introduce a new `wp.customize.previewer.trash()` JS API to trash the current changeset, along with logic to `WP_Customize_Manager` to handle deleting changeset drafts. * Add `trashing` to `wp.customize.state` which is then used to update the UI. * UI for trashing is pending design feedback. One possibility is to add a new trash button to Publish Settings section that invokes `wp.customize.previewer.trash()`. * Improve logic for managing the visibility and disabled states for publish buttons. * Prevent attempting `requestChangesetUpdate` while processing and bump processing while doing `save`. * Update `changeset_date` state only if sent in save response. * Merge `ThemesSection#loadThemePreview()` into `ThemesPanel#loadThemePreview()`. * Remove unused `autosaved` state. * Start autosaving and prompting at beforeunload after a change first happens. This is key for theme previews since even if a user did not make any changes, there were still dirty settings which would get stored in an auto-draft unexpectedly. * Allow `Notification` to accept additional `classes` to be added to `container`. * Introduce `OverlayNotification` and use for theme installing, previewing, and trashing. Such overlay notifications take over the entire window. Props westonruter, celloexpressions. See #37661, #39896, #21666, #35210. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41667 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41501 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2017-10-01 23:37:46 -04:00
* Initialize notification.
* @since 4.9.0
* @param {string} code - Notification code.
* @param {object} params - Notification parameters.
* @param {string} params.message - Message.
* @param {string} [params.type=error] - Type.
* @param {string} [params.setting] - Related setting ID.
* @param {Function} [params.template] - Function for rendering template. If not provided, this will come from templateId.
* @param {string} [params.templateId] - ID for template to render the notification.
* @param {string} [params.containerClasses] - Additional class names to add to the notification container.
* @param {boolean} [params.dismissible] - Whether the notification can be dismissed.
Customize: Add setting validation model and control notifications to augment setting sanitization. When a setting is invalid, not only will it be blocked from being saved but all other settings will be blocked as well. This ensures that Customizer saves aren't partial but are more transactional. User will be displayed the error in a notification so that they can fix and re-attempt saving. PHP changes: * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::validate()`, `WP_Customize_Setting::$validate_callback`, and the `customize_validate_{$setting_id}` filter. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Manager::validate_setting_values()` to do validation (and sanitization) for the setting values supplied, returning a list of `WP_Error` instances for invalid settings. * Attempting to save settings that are invalid will result in the save being blocked entirely, with the errors being sent in the `customize_save_response`. Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::save()` to check all settings for validity issues prior to calling their `save` methods. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::json()` for parity with the other Customizer classes. This includes exporting of the `type`. * Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::post_value()` to apply `validate` after `sanitize`, and if validation fails, to return the `$default`. * Introduces `customize_save_validation_before` action which fires right before the validation checks are made prior to saving. JS changes: * Introduces `wp.customize.Notification` in JS which to represent `WP_Error` instances returned from the server when setting validation fails. * Introduces `wp.customize.Setting.prototype.notifications`. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.notifications`, which are synced with a control's settings' notifications. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.renderNotifications()` to re-render a control's notifications in its notification area. This is called automatically when the notifications collection changes. * Introduces `wp.customize.settingConstructor`, allowing custom setting types to be used in the same way that custom controls, panels, and sections can be made. * Injects a notification area into existing controls which is populated in response to the control's `notifications` collection changing. A custom control can customize the placement of the notification area by overriding the new `getNotificationsContainerElement` method. * When a save fails due to setting invalidity, the invalidity errors will be added to the settings to then populate in the controls' notification areas, and the first such invalid control will be focused. Props westonruter, celloexpressions, mrahmadawais. See #35210. See #30937. Fixes #34893. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37476 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37444 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-05-20 17:10:27 -04:00
initialize: function( code, params ) {
var _params;
Customize: Add setting validation model and control notifications to augment setting sanitization. When a setting is invalid, not only will it be blocked from being saved but all other settings will be blocked as well. This ensures that Customizer saves aren't partial but are more transactional. User will be displayed the error in a notification so that they can fix and re-attempt saving. PHP changes: * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::validate()`, `WP_Customize_Setting::$validate_callback`, and the `customize_validate_{$setting_id}` filter. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Manager::validate_setting_values()` to do validation (and sanitization) for the setting values supplied, returning a list of `WP_Error` instances for invalid settings. * Attempting to save settings that are invalid will result in the save being blocked entirely, with the errors being sent in the `customize_save_response`. Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::save()` to check all settings for validity issues prior to calling their `save` methods. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::json()` for parity with the other Customizer classes. This includes exporting of the `type`. * Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::post_value()` to apply `validate` after `sanitize`, and if validation fails, to return the `$default`. * Introduces `customize_save_validation_before` action which fires right before the validation checks are made prior to saving. JS changes: * Introduces `wp.customize.Notification` in JS which to represent `WP_Error` instances returned from the server when setting validation fails. * Introduces `wp.customize.Setting.prototype.notifications`. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.notifications`, which are synced with a control's settings' notifications. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.renderNotifications()` to re-render a control's notifications in its notification area. This is called automatically when the notifications collection changes. * Introduces `wp.customize.settingConstructor`, allowing custom setting types to be used in the same way that custom controls, panels, and sections can be made. * Injects a notification area into existing controls which is populated in response to the control's `notifications` collection changing. A custom control can customize the placement of the notification area by overriding the new `getNotificationsContainerElement` method. * When a save fails due to setting invalidity, the invalidity errors will be added to the settings to then populate in the controls' notification areas, and the first such invalid control will be focused. Props westonruter, celloexpressions, mrahmadawais. See #35210. See #30937. Fixes #34893. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37476 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37444 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-05-20 17:10:27 -04:00
this.code = code;
_params = _.extend(
message: null,
type: 'error',
fromServer: false,
data: null,
setting: null,
template: null,
Customize: Add infrastructure for trashing/reverting of unpublished changes; introduce full-screen `OverlayNotification` for trashing and theme install/preview. * Introduce a new `wp.customize.previewer.trash()` JS API to trash the current changeset, along with logic to `WP_Customize_Manager` to handle deleting changeset drafts. * Add `trashing` to `wp.customize.state` which is then used to update the UI. * UI for trashing is pending design feedback. One possibility is to add a new trash button to Publish Settings section that invokes `wp.customize.previewer.trash()`. * Improve logic for managing the visibility and disabled states for publish buttons. * Prevent attempting `requestChangesetUpdate` while processing and bump processing while doing `save`. * Update `changeset_date` state only if sent in save response. * Merge `ThemesSection#loadThemePreview()` into `ThemesPanel#loadThemePreview()`. * Remove unused `autosaved` state. * Start autosaving and prompting at beforeunload after a change first happens. This is key for theme previews since even if a user did not make any changes, there were still dirty settings which would get stored in an auto-draft unexpectedly. * Allow `Notification` to accept additional `classes` to be added to `container`. * Introduce `OverlayNotification` and use for theme installing, previewing, and trashing. Such overlay notifications take over the entire window. Props westonruter, celloexpressions. See #37661, #39896, #21666, #35210. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41667 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41501 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2017-10-01 23:37:46 -04:00
dismissible: false,
containerClasses: ''
delete _params.code;
_.extend( this, _params );
* Render the notification.
* @since 4.9.0
* @return {jQuery} Notification container element.
render: function() {
var notification = this, container, data;
if ( ! notification.template ) {
notification.template = wp.template( notification.templateId );
data = _.extend( {}, notification, {
alt: notification.parent && notification.parent.alt
} );
container = $( notification.template( data ) );
if ( notification.dismissible ) {
container.find( '.notice-dismiss' ).on( 'click keydown', function( event ) {
if ( 'keydown' === event.type && 13 !== event.which ) {
if ( notification.parent ) {
notification.parent.remove( notification.code );
} else {
return container;
Customize: Add setting validation model and control notifications to augment setting sanitization. When a setting is invalid, not only will it be blocked from being saved but all other settings will be blocked as well. This ensures that Customizer saves aren't partial but are more transactional. User will be displayed the error in a notification so that they can fix and re-attempt saving. PHP changes: * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::validate()`, `WP_Customize_Setting::$validate_callback`, and the `customize_validate_{$setting_id}` filter. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Manager::validate_setting_values()` to do validation (and sanitization) for the setting values supplied, returning a list of `WP_Error` instances for invalid settings. * Attempting to save settings that are invalid will result in the save being blocked entirely, with the errors being sent in the `customize_save_response`. Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::save()` to check all settings for validity issues prior to calling their `save` methods. * Introduces `WP_Customize_Setting::json()` for parity with the other Customizer classes. This includes exporting of the `type`. * Modifies `WP_Customize_Manager::post_value()` to apply `validate` after `sanitize`, and if validation fails, to return the `$default`. * Introduces `customize_save_validation_before` action which fires right before the validation checks are made prior to saving. JS changes: * Introduces `wp.customize.Notification` in JS which to represent `WP_Error` instances returned from the server when setting validation fails. * Introduces `wp.customize.Setting.prototype.notifications`. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.notifications`, which are synced with a control's settings' notifications. * Introduces `wp.customize.Control.prototype.renderNotifications()` to re-render a control's notifications in its notification area. This is called automatically when the notifications collection changes. * Introduces `wp.customize.settingConstructor`, allowing custom setting types to be used in the same way that custom controls, panels, and sections can be made. * Injects a notification area into existing controls which is populated in response to the control's `notifications` collection changing. A custom control can customize the placement of the notification area by overriding the new `getNotificationsContainerElement` method. * When a save fails due to setting invalidity, the invalidity errors will be added to the settings to then populate in the controls' notification areas, and the first such invalid control will be focused. Props westonruter, celloexpressions, mrahmadawais. See #35210. See #30937. Fixes #34893. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37476 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37444 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-05-20 17:10:27 -04:00
// The main API object is also a collection of all customizer settings.
api = $.extend( new api.Values(), api );
* Get all customize settings.
* @alias wp.customize.get
* @return {object}
api.get = function() {
var result = {};
this.each( function( obj, key ) {
result[ key ] = obj.get();
return result;
* Utility function namespace
* @namespace wp.customize.utils
api.utils = {};
* Parse query string.
* @since 4.7.0
* @access public
* @alias wp.customize.utils.parseQueryString
* @param {string} queryString Query string.
* @return {object} Parsed query string.
api.utils.parseQueryString = function parseQueryString( queryString ) {
var queryParams = {};
_.each( queryString.split( '&' ), function( pair ) {
var parts, key, value;
parts = pair.split( '=', 2 );
if ( ! parts[0] ) {
key = decodeURIComponent( parts[0].replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) );
key = key.replace( / /g, '_' ); // What PHP does.
if ( _.isUndefined( parts[1] ) ) {
value = null;
} else {
value = decodeURIComponent( parts[1].replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) );
queryParams[ key ] = value;
} );
return queryParams;
* Expose the API publicly on window.wp.customize
* @namespace wp.customize
exports.customize = api;
})( wp, jQuery );