Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ *
Theme Name : Twenty Seventeen
Theme URI : https : / / wordpress . org / themes / twentyseventeen /
Author : the WordPress team
Author URI : https : / / wordpress . org /
2016-12-04 23:27:41 +00:00
Description : Twenty Seventeen brings your site to life with header video and immersive featured images . With a focus on business sites , it features multiple sections on the front page as well as widgets , navigation and social menus , a logo , and more . Personalize its asymmetrical grid with a custom color scheme and showcase your multimedia content with post formats . Our default theme for 2017 works great in many languages , for any abilities , and on any device .
2021-04-13 23:49:06 +00:00
Version : 2 . 7
2019-11-07 15:19:04 +00:00
Requires at least : 4 . 7
Requires PHP : 5 . 2 . 4
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
License : GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI : http : / / www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl-2 . 0 . html
Text Domain : twentyseventeen
2020-11-12 21:22:12 +00:00
Tags : one-column , two-columns , right-sidebar , flexible-header , accessibility-ready , custom-colors , custom-header , custom-menu , custom-logo , editor-style , featured-images , footer-widgets , post-formats , rtl-language-support , sticky-post , theme-options , threaded-comments , translation-ready , block-patterns
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
This theme , like WordPress , is licensed under the GPL .
Use it to make something cool , have fun , and share what you ' ve learned with others .
* /
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
1 . 0 Normalize
2 . 0 Accessibility
3 . 0 Alignments
4 . 0 Clearings
5 . 0 Typography
6 . 0 Forms
7 . 0 Formatting
8 . 0 Lists
9 . 0 Tables
10 . 0 Links
11 . 0 Featured Image Hover
12 . 0 Navigation
13 . 0 Layout
13 . 1 Header
13 . 2 Front Page
13 . 3 Regular Content
13 . 4 Posts
13 . 5 Pages
13 . 6 Footer
14 . 0 Comments
15 . 0 Widgets
16 . 0 Media
16 . 1 Galleries
17 . 0 Customizer
18 . 0 SVGs Fallbacks
19 . 0 Media Queries
20 . 0 Print
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
1 . 0 Normalize
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
Styles based on Normalize v5 . 0 . 0 @ link https : / / github . com / necolas / normalize . css
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
html {
font-family : sans-serif ;
line-height : 1 . 15 ;
-ms-text-size-adjust : 100 % ;
-webkit-text-size-adjust : 100 % ;
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margin : 0 ;
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b ,
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2016-11-22 20:47:33 +00:00
font-weight : 700 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
code ,
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white-space : normal ;
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box-sizing : border-box ;
padding : 0 ;
[ type = "number" ] :: -webkit-inner-spin-button ,
[ type = "number" ] :: -webkit-outer-spin-button {
height : auto ;
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-webkit-appearance : textfield ;
outline-offset : -2px ;
[ type = "search" ] :: -webkit-search-cancel-button ,
[ type = "search" ] :: -webkit-search-decoration {
-webkit-appearance : none ;
:: -webkit-file-upload-button {
-webkit-appearance : button ;
font : inherit ;
details ,
menu {
display : block ;
summary {
display : list-item ;
canvas {
display : inline-block ;
template {
display : none ;
[ hidden ] {
display : none ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
2 . 0 Accessibility
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
/* Text meant only for screen readers. */
. screen-reader-text {
clip : rect ( 1px , 1px , 1px , 1px ) ;
height : 1px ;
overflow : hidden ;
position : absolute ! important ;
width : 1px ;
2016-11-13 00:26:30 +00:00
word-wrap : normal ! important ; /* Many screen reader and browser combinations announce broken words as they would appear visually. */
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. screen-reader-text : focus {
background-color : # f1f1f1 ;
-webkit-border-radius : 3px ;
border-radius : 3px ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0 0 2px 2px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 6 ) ;
box-shadow : 0 0 2px 2px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 6 ) ;
clip : auto ! important ;
color : # 21759b ;
display : block ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 700 ;
height : auto ;
left : 5px ;
line-height : normal ;
padding : 15px 23px 14px ;
text-decoration : none ;
top : 5px ;
width : auto ;
z-index : 100000 ; /* Above WP toolbar. */
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
3 . 0 Alignments
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. alignleft {
display : inline ;
float : left ;
margin-right : 1 . 5em ;
. alignright {
display : inline ;
float : right ;
margin-left : 1 . 5em ;
. aligncenter {
clear : both ;
display : block ;
margin-left : auto ;
margin-right : auto ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
4 . 0 Clearings
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. clear : before ,
. clear : after ,
. entry-content : before ,
. entry-content : after ,
. entry-footer : before ,
. entry-footer : after ,
. comment-content : before ,
. comment-content : after ,
. site-header : before ,
. site-header : after ,
. site-content : before ,
. site-content : after ,
. site-footer : before ,
. site-footer : after ,
. nav-links : before ,
. nav-links : after ,
. pagination : before ,
. pagination : after ,
. comment-author : before ,
. comment-author : after ,
. widget-area : before ,
. widget-area : after ,
. widget : before ,
. widget : after ,
. comment-meta : before ,
. comment-meta : after {
content : "" ;
display : table ;
table-layout : fixed ;
. clear : after ,
. entry-content : after ,
. entry-footer : after ,
. comment-content : after ,
. site-header : after ,
. site-content : after ,
. site-footer : after ,
. nav-links : after ,
. pagination : after ,
. comment-author : after ,
. widget-area : after ,
. widget : after ,
. comment-meta : after {
clear : both ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
5 . 0 Typography
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
body ,
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font-size : 15px ;
font-size : 0 . 9375rem ;
font-weight : 400 ;
line-height : 1 . 66 ;
h1 ,
h2 ,
h3 ,
h4 ,
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clear : both ;
line-height : 1 . 4 ;
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h1 : first-child ,
h2 : first-child ,
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h4 : first-child ,
h5 : first-child ,
h6 : first-child {
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h1 {
font-size : 24px ;
font-size : 1 . 5rem ;
font-weight : 300 ;
2017-04-17 10:09:43 +00:00
h2 ,
. home . blog . entry-title {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
color : # 666 ;
font-size : 20px ;
font-size : 1 . 25rem ;
font-weight : 300 ;
h3 {
color : # 333 ;
font-size : 18px ;
font-size : 1 . 125rem ;
font-weight : 300 ;
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color : # 333 ;
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
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color : # 767676 ;
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font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 15em ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
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font-size : 0 . 9375rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
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margin : 0 0 1 . 5em ;
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line-height : 1 . 7 ;
margin : 0 ;
overflow : hidden ;
padding : 0 ;
blockquote cite {
display : block ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 600 ;
margin-top : 0 . 5em ;
address {
margin : 0 0 1 . 5em ;
pre {
background : # eee ;
font-family : "Courier 10 Pitch" , Courier , monospace ;
font-size : 15px ;
font-size : 0 . 9375rem ;
line-height : 1 . 6 ;
margin-bottom : 1 . 6em ;
max-width : 100 % ;
overflow : auto ;
padding : 1 . 6em ;
code ,
kbd ,
tt ,
var {
font-family : Monaco , Consolas , "Andale Mono" , "DejaVu Sans Mono" , monospace ;
font-size : 15px ;
font-size : 0 . 9375rem ;
abbr ,
acronym {
border-bottom : 1px dotted # 666 ;
cursor : help ;
mark ,
ins {
background : # eee ;
text-decoration : none ;
big {
font-size : 125 % ;
blockquote {
quotes : "" "" ;
q {
quotes : "“" "”" "‘ " "’ " ;
blockquote : before ,
blockquote : after {
content : "" ;
: focus {
outline : none ;
/* Typography for Arabic Font */
html [ lang = "ar" ] body ,
html [ lang = "ar" ] button ,
html [ lang = "ar" ] input ,
html [ lang = "ar" ] select ,
html [ lang = "ar" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "ary" ] body ,
html [ lang = "ary" ] button ,
html [ lang = "ary" ] input ,
html [ lang = "ary" ] select ,
html [ lang = "ary" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "azb" ] body ,
html [ lang = "azb" ] button ,
html [ lang = "azb" ] input ,
html [ lang = "azb" ] select ,
html [ lang = "azb" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] body ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] button ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] input ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] select ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "haz" ] body ,
html [ lang = "haz" ] button ,
html [ lang = "haz" ] input ,
html [ lang = "haz" ] select ,
html [ lang = "haz" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "ps" ] body ,
html [ lang = "ps" ] button ,
html [ lang = "ps" ] input ,
html [ lang = "ps" ] select ,
html [ lang = "ps" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] body ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] button ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] input ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] select ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] textarea {
font-family : Tahoma , Arial , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "ar" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "ar" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "ar" ] h3 ,
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html [ lang = "azb" ] h1 ,
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html [ lang = "azb" ] h6 ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] h1 ,
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html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "fa-IR" ] h6 ,
html [ lang = "haz" ] h1 ,
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html [ lang = "ps" ] h1 ,
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html [ lang = "ps" ] h3 ,
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html [ lang = "ur" ] h1 ,
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html [ lang = "ur" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "ur" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
/* Typography for Chinese Font */
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] body ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] button ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] input ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] select ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] textarea {
font-family : "PingFang TC" , "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , STHeitiTC-Light , Arial , sans-serif ;
2017-01-24 07:27:44 +00:00
html [ lang = "zh-CN" ] body ,
html [ lang = "zh-CN" ] button ,
html [ lang = "zh-CN" ] input ,
html [ lang = "zh-CN" ] select ,
html [ lang = "zh-CN" ] textarea {
font-family : "PingFang SC" , "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , STHeitiSC-Light , Arial , sans-serif ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] h1 ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] h2 ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] h3 ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] h4 ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] h5 ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
/* Typography for Cyrillic Font */
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] body ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] button ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] input ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] select ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] body ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] button ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] input ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] select ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] body ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] button ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] input ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] select ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] textarea {
font-family : "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , "Segoe UI" , Arial , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] h6 ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] h6 ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
line-height : 1 . 2 ;
/* Typography for Devanagari Font */
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] body ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] button ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] input ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] select ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] body ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] button ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] input ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] select ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] textarea ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] body ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] button ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] input ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] select ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] textarea {
font-family : Arial , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] h6 ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] h6 ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
/* Typography for Greek Font */
html [ lang = "el" ] body ,
html [ lang = "el" ] button ,
html [ lang = "el" ] input ,
html [ lang = "el" ] select ,
html [ lang = "el" ] textarea {
font-family : "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "el" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "el" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "el" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "el" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "el" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "el" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
line-height : 1 . 3 ;
/* Typography for Gujarati Font */
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] body ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] button ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] input ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] select ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] textarea {
font-family : Arial , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
/* Typography for Hebrew Font */
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] body ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] button ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] input ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] select ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] textarea {
font-family : "Arial Hebrew" , Arial , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
/* Typography for Japanese Font */
html [ lang = "ja" ] body ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] button ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] input ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] select ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] textarea {
font-family : "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro" , Meiryo , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "ja" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] h6 {
font-weight : 700 ;
/* Typography for Korean font */
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] body ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] button ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] input ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] select ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] textarea {
font-family : "Apple SD Gothic Neo" , "Malgun Gothic" , "Nanum Gothic" , Dotum , sans-serif ;
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] h6 {
font-weight : 600 ;
/* Typography for Thai Font */
html [ lang = "th" ] h1 ,
html [ lang = "th" ] h2 ,
html [ lang = "th" ] h3 ,
html [ lang = "th" ] h4 ,
html [ lang = "th" ] h5 ,
html [ lang = "th" ] h6 {
line-height : 1 . 65 ;
2016-12-04 19:06:41 +00:00
font-family : "Sukhumvit Set" , "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
html [ lang = "th" ] body ,
html [ lang = "th" ] button ,
html [ lang = "th" ] input ,
html [ lang = "th" ] select ,
html [ lang = "th" ] textarea {
line-height : 1 . 8 ;
2016-12-04 19:06:41 +00:00
font-family : "Sukhumvit Set" , "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* Remove letter-spacing for all non-latin alphabets */
html [ lang = "ar" ] * ,
html [ lang = "ary" ] * ,
html [ lang = "azb" ] * ,
html [ lang = "haz" ] * ,
html [ lang = "ps" ] * ,
html [ lang ^ = "zh-" ] * ,
html [ lang = "bg-BG" ] * ,
html [ lang = "ru-RU" ] * ,
html [ lang = "uk" ] * ,
html [ lang = "bn-BD" ] * ,
html [ lang = "hi-IN" ] * ,
html [ lang = "mr-IN" ] * ,
html [ lang = "el" ] * ,
html [ lang = "gu-IN" ] * ,
html [ lang = "he-IL" ] * ,
html [ lang = "ja" ] * ,
html [ lang = "ko-KR" ] * ,
html [ lang = "th" ] * {
letter-spacing : 0 ! important ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
6 . 0 Forms
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
label {
color : # 333 ;
display : block ;
font-weight : 800 ;
margin-bottom : 0 . 5em ;
fieldset {
margin-bottom : 1em ;
input [ type = "text" ] ,
input [ type = "email" ] ,
input [ type = "url" ] ,
input [ type = "password" ] ,
input [ type = "search" ] ,
input [ type = "number" ] ,
input [ type = "tel" ] ,
input [ type = "range" ] ,
input [ type = "date" ] ,
input [ type = "month" ] ,
input [ type = "week" ] ,
input [ type = "time" ] ,
input [ type = "datetime" ] ,
input [ type = "datetime-local" ] ,
input [ type = "color" ] ,
textarea {
color : # 666 ;
2016-11-30 23:03:43 +00:00
background : # fff ;
2016-10-24 19:11:35 +00:00
background-image : -webkit-linear-gradient ( rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ) ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
border : 1px solid # bbb ;
-webkit-border-radius : 3px ;
border-radius : 3px ;
display : block ;
padding : 0 . 7em ;
width : 100 % ;
input [ type = "text" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "email" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "url" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "password" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "search" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "number" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "tel" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "range" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "date" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "month" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "week" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "time" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "datetime" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "datetime-local" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "color" ] : focus ,
textarea : focus {
color : # 222 ;
border-color : # 333 ;
select {
border : 1px solid # bbb ;
-webkit-border-radius : 3px ;
border-radius : 3px ;
height : 3em ;
max-width : 100 % ;
Twenty Seventeen: Bug Fixes.
- Remove unnecessary `ol` styles from editor. Twenty Seventeen was designed with bolded numbers for its ordered list styles. This was removed from the theme prior to launch, but it was left in the editor styles, so it needed to be removed there, too.
- To improve accessibility, the cookies content checkbox in the comment form needed some visible indication when it’s in focus.
- Twenty Seventeen’s editor styles contained an Internet Explorer 8 specific fix that stopped images from being scalable in the editor in other browsers. Since the editor no longer supports IE8, this fix can safely be removed.
- Fix the `font-family` used for Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) in the block editor CSS.
Props mmaumio, edpittol, pratikthink, afercia, audrasjb, mihaivalentin, subrataemfluence, vaishalipanchal, ze3kr, laurelfulford.
Merges [44203-44205] and [44235] into trunk.
Fixes #44775, #44699, #39738, #45408.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-19 03:25:48 +00:00
input [ type = "radio" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "checkbox" ] : focus {
outline : thin dotted # 333 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
input [ type = "radio" ] ,
input [ type = "checkbox" ] {
margin-right : 0 . 5em ;
input [ type = "radio" ] + label ,
input [ type = "checkbox" ] + label {
font-weight : 400 ;
button ,
input [ type = "button" ] ,
input [ type = "submit" ] {
background-color : # 222 ;
border : 0 ;
-webkit-border-radius : 2px ;
border-radius : 2px ;
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
color : # fff ;
cursor : pointer ;
display : inline-block ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
line-height : 1 ;
padding : 1em 2em ;
text-shadow : none ;
-webkit-transition : background 0 . 2s ;
transition : background 0 . 2s ;
input + button ,
input + input [ type = "button" ] ,
input + input [ type = "submit" ] {
padding : 0 . 75em 2em ;
button . secondary ,
input [ type = "reset" ] ,
input [ type = "button" ] . secondary ,
input [ type = "reset" ] . secondary ,
input [ type = "submit" ] . secondary {
background-color : # ddd ;
color : # 222 ;
2019-06-29 00:51:58 +00:00
: not ( . mejs-button ) > button : hover ,
: not ( . mejs-button ) > button : focus ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
input [ type = "button" ] : hover ,
input [ type = "button" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "submit" ] : hover ,
input [ type = "submit" ] : focus {
background : # 767676 ;
button . secondary : hover ,
button . secondary : focus ,
input [ type = "reset" ] : hover ,
input [ type = "reset" ] : focus ,
input [ type = "button" ] . secondary : hover ,
input [ type = "button" ] . secondary : focus ,
input [ type = "reset" ] . secondary : hover ,
input [ type = "reset" ] . secondary : focus ,
input [ type = "submit" ] . secondary : hover ,
input [ type = "submit" ] . secondary : focus {
background : # bbb ;
2016-10-26 21:56:29 +00:00
/* Placeholder text color -- selectors need to be separate to work. */
:: -webkit-input-placeholder {
color : # 333 ;
font-family : "Libre Franklin" , "Helvetica Neue" , helvetica , arial , sans-serif ;
: -moz-placeholder {
color : # 333 ;
font-family : "Libre Franklin" , "Helvetica Neue" , helvetica , arial , sans-serif ;
:: -moz-placeholder {
color : # 333 ;
font-family : "Libre Franklin" , "Helvetica Neue" , helvetica , arial , sans-serif ;
opacity : 1 ;
/* Since FF19 lowers the opacity of the placeholder by default */
: -ms-input-placeholder {
color : # 333 ;
font-family : "Libre Franklin" , "Helvetica Neue" , helvetica , arial , sans-serif ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
7 . 0 Formatting
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
hr {
background-color : # bbb ;
border : 0 ;
height : 1px ;
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
8 . 0 Lists
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
ul ,
ol {
margin : 0 0 1 . 5em ;
padding : 0 ;
ul {
list-style : disc ;
ol {
2016-11-01 20:53:30 +00:00
list-style : decimal ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
li > ul ,
li > ol {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
margin-left : 1 . 5em ;
dt {
font-weight : 700 ;
dd {
margin : 0 1 . 5em 1 . 5em ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
9 . 0 Tables
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
table {
border-collapse : collapse ;
margin : 0 0 1 . 5em ;
width : 100 % ;
thead th {
border-bottom : 2px solid # bbb ;
padding-bottom : 0 . 5em ;
th {
2016-10-26 17:25:40 +00:00
padding : 0 . 4em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
text-align : left ;
tr {
border-bottom : 1px solid # eee ;
td {
padding : 0 . 4em ;
2020-06-11 17:15:08 +00:00
th ,
td ,
2016-10-26 17:25:40 +00:00
th : first-child ,
td : first-child {
padding-left : 0 ;
th : last-child ,
td : last-child {
padding-right : 0 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
10 . 0 Links
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
a {
color : # 222 ;
text-decoration : none ;
a : focus {
outline : thin dotted ;
a : hover ,
a : active {
color : # 000 ;
outline : 0 ;
/* Hover effects */
. entry-content a ,
. entry-summary a ,
2018-02-15 03:34:30 +00:00
. comment-content a ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. widget a ,
. site-footer . widget-area a ,
. posts-navigation a ,
. widget_authors a strong {
-webkit-box-shadow : inset 0 -1px 0 rgba ( 15 , 15 , 15 , 1 ) ;
box-shadow : inset 0 -1px 0 rgba ( 15 , 15 , 15 , 1 ) ;
-webkit-transition : color 80ms ease-in , -webkit-box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
transition : color 80ms ease-in , -webkit-box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
transition : color 80ms ease-in , box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
transition : color 80ms ease-in , box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out , -webkit-box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
. entry-title a ,
. entry-meta a ,
. page-links a ,
. page-links a . page-number ,
. entry-footer a ,
. entry-footer . cat-links a ,
. entry-footer . tags-links a ,
. edit-link a ,
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. logged-in-as a ,
. comment-navigation a ,
. comment-metadata a ,
. comment-metadata a . comment-edit-link ,
. comment-reply-link ,
a . nav-title ,
. pagination a ,
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
. comments-pagination a ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. site-info a ,
. widget . widget-title a ,
. widget ul li a ,
. site-footer . widget-area ul li a ,
. site-footer . widget-area ul li a {
-webkit-box-shadow : inset 0 -1px 0 rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 1 ) ;
box-shadow : inset 0 -1px 0 rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 1 ) ;
text-decoration : none ;
-webkit-transition : color 80ms ease-in , -webkit-box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
transition : color 80ms ease-in , -webkit-box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
transition : color 80ms ease-in , box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
transition : color 80ms ease-in , box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out , -webkit-box-shadow 130ms ease-in-out ;
. entry-content a : focus ,
. entry-content a : hover ,
. entry-summary a : focus ,
. entry-summary a : hover ,
2018-02-15 03:34:30 +00:00
. comment-content a : focus ,
. comment-content a : hover ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. widget a : focus ,
. widget a : hover ,
. site-footer . widget-area a : focus ,
. site-footer . widget-area a : hover ,
. posts-navigation a : focus ,
. posts-navigation a : hover ,
. comment-metadata a : focus ,
. comment-metadata a : hover ,
. comment-metadata a . comment-edit-link : focus ,
. comment-metadata a . comment-edit-link : hover ,
. comment-reply-link : focus ,
. comment-reply-link : hover ,
. widget_authors a : focus strong ,
. widget_authors a : hover strong ,
. entry-title a : focus ,
. entry-title a : hover ,
. entry-meta a : focus ,
. entry-meta a : hover ,
. page-links a : focus . page-number ,
. page-links a : hover . page-number ,
. entry-footer a : focus ,
. entry-footer a : hover ,
. entry-footer . cat-links a : focus ,
. entry-footer . cat-links a : hover ,
. entry-footer . tags-links a : focus ,
. entry-footer . tags-links a : hover ,
. post-navigation a : focus ,
. post-navigation a : hover ,
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
. pagination a : not ( . prev ) : not ( . next ) : focus ,
. pagination a : not ( . prev ) : not ( . next ) : hover ,
. comments-pagination a : not ( . prev ) : not ( . next ) : focus ,
. comments-pagination a : not ( . prev ) : not ( . next ) : hover ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. logged-in-as a : focus ,
. logged-in-as a : hover ,
a : focus . nav-title ,
a : hover . nav-title ,
. edit-link a : focus ,
. edit-link a : hover ,
. site-info a : focus ,
. site-info a : hover ,
. widget . widget-title a : focus ,
. widget . widget-title a : hover ,
. widget ul li a : focus ,
. widget ul li a : hover {
color : # 000 ;
-webkit-box-shadow : inset 0 0 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , 0 3px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
box-shadow : inset 0 0 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , 0 3px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
/* Fixes linked images */
. entry-content a img ,
2018-02-15 03:34:30 +00:00
. comment-content a img ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. widget a img {
-webkit-box-shadow : 0 0 0 8px # fff ;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 8px # fff ;
. post-navigation a : focus . icon ,
. post-navigation a : hover . icon {
color : # 222 ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
11 . 0 Featured Image Hover
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. post-thumbnail {
margin-bottom : 1em ;
. post-thumbnail a img {
-webkit-backface-visibility : hidden ;
-webkit-transition : opacity 0 . 2s ;
transition : opacity 0 . 2s ;
. post-thumbnail a : hover img ,
. post-thumbnail a : focus img {
opacity : 0 . 7 ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
12 . 0 Navigation
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. navigation-top {
background : # fff ;
border-bottom : 1px solid # eee ;
border-top : 1px solid # eee ;
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
position : relative ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. navigation-top . wrap {
max-width : 1000px ;
padding : 0 ;
. navigation-top a {
color : # 222 ;
font-weight : 600 ;
-webkit-transition : color 0 . 2s ;
transition : color 0 . 2s ;
. navigation-top . current-menu-item > a ,
. navigation-top . current_page_item > a {
color : # 767676 ;
. main-navigation {
clear : both ;
display : block ;
. main-navigation ul {
background : # fff ;
list-style : none ;
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 1 . 5em ;
text-align : left ;
/ * Hide the menu on small screens when JavaScript is available .
* It only works with JavaScript .
* /
. js . main-navigation ul ,
. main-navigation . menu-item-has-children > a > . icon ,
. main-navigation . page_item_has_children > a > . icon ,
. main-navigation ul a > . icon {
display : none ;
. main-navigation > div > ul {
border-top : 1px solid # eee ;
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
padding : 0 . 75em 1 . 695em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. js . main-navigation . toggled-on > div > ul {
display : block ;
. main-navigation ul ul {
padding : 0 0 0 1 . 5em ;
. main-navigation ul ul . toggled-on {
display : block ;
. main-navigation ul ul a {
letter-spacing : 0 ;
padding : 0 . 4em 0 ;
position : relative ;
text-transform : none ;
. main-navigation li {
border-bottom : 1px solid # eee ;
position : relative ;
. main-navigation li li ,
. main-navigation li : last-child {
border : 0 ;
. main-navigation a {
display : block ;
padding : 0 . 5em 0 ;
text-decoration : none ;
. main-navigation a : hover {
color : # 767676 ;
/* Menu toggle */
. menu-toggle {
background-color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
color : # 222 ;
display : none ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
line-height : 1 . 5 ;
margin : 1px auto 2px ;
padding : 1em ;
text-shadow : none ;
/* Display the menu toggle when JavaScript is available. */
. js . menu-toggle {
display : block ;
. main-navigation . toggled-on ul . nav-menu {
display : block ;
. menu-toggle : hover ,
. menu-toggle : focus {
background-color : transparent ;
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
. menu-toggle : focus {
outline : thin solid ;
. menu-toggle . icon {
margin-right : 0 . 5em ;
top : -2px ;
. toggled-on . menu-toggle . icon-bars ,
. menu-toggle . icon-close {
display : none ;
. toggled-on . menu-toggle . icon-close {
display : inline-block ;
/* Dropdown Toggle */
. dropdown-toggle {
background-color : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
color : # 222 ;
display : block ;
font-size : 16px ;
right : -0 . 5em ;
line-height : 1 . 5 ;
margin : 0 auto ;
padding : 0 . 5em ;
position : absolute ;
text-shadow : none ;
top : 0 ;
. dropdown-toggle : hover ,
. dropdown-toggle : focus {
background : transparent ;
. dropdown-toggle : focus {
outline : thin dotted ;
. dropdown-toggle . toggled-on . icon {
-ms-transform : rotate ( -180deg ) ; /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform : rotate ( -180deg ) ; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
transform : rotate ( -180deg ) ;
/* Scroll down arrow */
2016-10-25 16:51:35 +00:00
. site-header . menu-scroll-down {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
display : none ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
13 . 0 Layout
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
html {
-webkit-box-sizing : border-box ;
-moz-box-sizing : border-box ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
* ,
* : before ,
* : after {
/* Inherit box-sizing to make it easier to change the property for components that leverage other behavior; see */
-webkit-box-sizing : inherit ;
-moz-box-sizing : inherit ;
box-sizing : inherit ;
body {
background : # fff ;
/* Fallback for when there is no custom background color defined. */
# page {
position : relative ;
word-wrap : break-word ;
. wrap {
margin-left : auto ;
margin-right : auto ;
max-width : 700px ;
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
padding-left : 2em ;
padding-right : 2em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. wrap : after {
clear : both ;
content : "" ;
display : block ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
13 . 1 Header
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
# masthead . wrap {
position : relative ;
. site-header {
background-color : # fafafa ;
position : relative ;
/* Site branding */
. site-branding {
padding : 1em 0 ;
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
position : relative ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-webkit-transition : margin-bottom 0 . 2s ;
transition : margin-bottom 0 . 2s ;
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
z-index : 3 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. site-branding a {
text-decoration : none ;
-webkit-transition : opacity 0 . 2s ;
transition : opacity 0 . 2s ;
. site-branding a : hover ,
. site-branding a : focus {
opacity : 0 . 7 ;
. site-title {
clear : none ;
font-size : 24px ;
font-size : 1 . 5rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
line-height : 1 . 25 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 08em ;
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. site-title ,
. site-title a {
color : # 222 ;
2016-10-26 18:43:42 +00:00
opacity : 1 ; /* Prevent opacity from changing during selective refreshes in the customize preview */
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
body . has-header-image . site-title ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
body . has-header-video . site-title ,
body . has-header-image . site-title a ,
body . has-header-video . site-title a {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
color : # fff ;
. site-description {
color : # 666 ;
font-size : 13px ;
font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
body . has-header-image . site-description ,
body . has-header-video . site-description {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
color : # fff ;
opacity : 0 . 8 ;
. custom-logo-link {
display : inline-block ;
padding-right : 1em ;
vertical-align : middle ;
width : auto ;
. custom-logo-link img {
display : inline-block ;
max-height : 80px ;
width : auto ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
body . home . title-tagline-hidden . has-header-image . custom-logo-link img ,
body . home . title-tagline-hidden . has-header-video . custom-logo-link img {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
max-height : 200px ;
max-width : 100 % ;
. custom-logo-link a : hover ,
. custom-logo-link a : focus {
opacity : 0 . 9 ;
body : not ( . title-tagline-hidden ) . site-branding-text {
display : inline-block ;
2019-04-23 16:44:52 +00:00
max-width : 100 % ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
vertical-align : middle ;
. custom-header {
position : relative ;
. has-header-image . twentyseventeen-front-page . custom-header ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. has-header-video . twentyseventeen-front-page . custom-header ,
. has-header-image . home . blog . custom-header ,
. has-header-video . home . blog . custom-header {
2016-11-04 17:10:31 +00:00
display : table ;
2016-11-04 17:12:57 +00:00
height : 300px ;
height : 75vh ;
2016-11-04 17:10:31 +00:00
width : 100 % ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. custom-header-media {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
bottom : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
overflow : hidden ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
top : 0 ;
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
width : 100 % ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. custom-header-media : before {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* Permalink - use to edit and share this gradient:,000000+100&0+0,0.3+75 */
background : -moz-linear-gradient ( to top , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) 0 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 75 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 100 % ) ; /* FF3.6-15 */
background : -webkit-linear-gradient ( to top , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) 0 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 75 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 100 % ) ; /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */
background : linear-gradient ( to bottom , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) 0 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 75 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 100 % ) ; /* W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ */
filter : progid : DXImageTransform . Microsoft . gradient ( startColorstr = "#00000000" , endColorstr = "#4d000000" , GradientType = 0 ) ; /* IE6-9 */
bottom : 0 ;
content : "" ;
display : block ;
height : 100 % ;
left : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
z-index : 2 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. has-header-image . custom-header-media img ,
. has-header-video . custom-header-media video ,
. has-header-video . custom-header-media iframe {
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
position : fixed ;
height : auto ;
left : 50 % ;
max-width : 1000 % ;
min-height : 100 % ;
min-width : 100 % ;
min-width : 100vw ; /* vw prevents 1px gap on left that 100% has */
width : auto ;
top : 50 % ;
2016-11-30 20:53:42 +00:00
padding-bottom : 1px ; /* Prevent header from extending beyond the footer */
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
-ms-transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( -50 % ) ;
-moz-transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( -50 % ) ;
-webkit-transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( -50 % ) ;
transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( -50 % ) ;
2016-11-22 20:47:33 +00:00
. wp-custom-header . wp-custom-header-video-button { /* Specificity prevents .color-dark button overrides */
background-color : rgba ( 34 , 34 , 34 , 0 . 5 ) ;
border : 1px solid rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 . 6 ) ;
color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 . 6 ) ;
2016-11-16 23:38:29 +00:00
height : 45px ;
overflow : hidden ;
padding : 0 ;
position : fixed ;
right : 30px ;
top : 30px ;
-webkit-transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
width : 45px ;
. wp-custom-header . wp-custom-header-video-button : hover ,
2016-11-22 20:47:33 +00:00
. wp-custom-header . wp-custom-header-video-button : focus { /* Specificity prevents .color-dark button overrides */
border-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 . 8 ) ;
background-color : rgba ( 34 , 34 , 34 , 0 . 8 ) ;
2016-11-16 23:38:29 +00:00
color : # fff ;
. admin-bar . wp-custom-header-video-button {
top : 62px ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. has-header-image : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) : not ( . home ) . custom-header-media img {
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
bottom : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
top : auto ;
-ms-transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
-moz-transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
-webkit-transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : translateX ( -50 % ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-12-04 23:12:42 +00:00
/* For browsers that support 'object-fit' */
@ supports ( object-fit : cover ) {
. has-header-image . custom-header-media img ,
. has-header-video . custom-header-media video ,
. has-header-image : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) : not ( . home ) . custom-header-media img {
height : 100 % ;
left : 0 ;
-o-object-fit : cover ;
object-fit : cover ;
top : 0 ;
-ms-transform : none ;
-moz-transform : none ;
-webkit-transform : none ;
transform : none ;
width : 100 % ;
2016-11-14 11:23:32 +00:00
/* Hides div in Customizer preview when header images or videos change. */
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
body : not ( . has-header-image ) : not ( . has-header-video ) . custom-header-media {
2016-11-14 11:23:32 +00:00
display : none ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-11-04 17:10:31 +00:00
. has-header-image . twentyseventeen-front-page . site-branding ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. has-header-video . twentyseventeen-front-page . site-branding ,
. has-header-image . home . blog . site-branding ,
. has-header-video . home . blog . site-branding {
2016-11-04 17:10:31 +00:00
display : table-cell ;
height : 100 % ;
vertical-align : bottom ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
13 . 2 Front Page
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. twentyseventeen-front-page . site-content {
padding : 0 ;
. twentyseventeen-panel {
overflow : hidden ;
position : relative ;
. panel-image {
background-position : center center ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
-webkit-background-size : cover ;
background-size : cover ;
position : relative ;
. panel-image : before {
/* Permalink - use to edit and share this gradient:,000000+100&0+0,0.3+100 */ /* FF3.6-15 */
background : -webkit-linear-gradient ( to top , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) 0 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 100 % ) ; /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */
background : -webkit-gradient ( linear , left top , left bottom , from ( rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) , to ( rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) ) ) ;
background : -webkit-linear-gradient ( to top , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) 0 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 100 % ) ;
background : linear-gradient ( to bottom , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) 0 % , rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 3 ) 100 % ) ; /* W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ */
filter : progid : DXImageTransform . Microsoft . gradient ( startColorstr = "#00000000" , endColorstr = "#4d000000" , GradientType = 0 ) ; /* IE6-9 */
bottom : 0 ;
content : "" ;
left : 0 ;
right : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
top : 100px ;
. twentyseventeen-front-page article : not ( . has-post-thumbnail ) : not ( : first-child ) {
border-top : 1px solid # ddd ;
. panel-content {
position : relative ;
. panel-content . wrap {
padding-bottom : 0 . 5em ;
padding-top : 1 . 75em ;
/* Panel edit link */
. twentyseventeen-panel . edit-link {
display : block ;
margin : 0 . 3em 0 0 ;
. twentyseventeen-panel . entry-header . edit-link {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
/* Front Page - Recent Posts */
. twentyseventeen-front-page . panel-content . recent-posts article {
border : 0 ;
color : # 333 ;
margin-bottom : 3em ;
. recent-posts . entry-header {
margin-bottom : 1 . 2em ;
. page . panel-content . recent-posts . entry-title {
font-size : 20px ;
font-size : 1 . 25rem ;
font-weight : 300 ;
letter-spacing : 0 ;
text-transform : none ;
. twentyseventeen-panel . recent-posts . entry-header . edit-link {
color : # 222 ;
display : inline-block ;
font-size : 11px ;
font-size : 0 . 6875rem ;
margin-left : 1em ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
13 . 3 Regular Content
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
. site-content-contain {
background-color : # fff ;
position : relative ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. site-content {
padding : 2 . 5em 0 0 ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
13 . 4 Posts
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
/* Post Landing Page */
. sticky {
position : relative ;
2016-11-01 20:56:30 +00:00
. post : not ( . sticky ) . icon-thumb-tack {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
display : none ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. sticky . icon-thumb-tack {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
display : block ;
2016-10-24 22:31:12 +00:00
height : 18px ;
left : -1 . 5em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
position : absolute ;
2016-10-24 22:31:12 +00:00
top : 1 . 65em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
width : 20px ;
. page . panel-content . entry-title ,
. page-title ,
body . page : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) . entry-title {
color : # 222 ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 14em ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. entry-header . entry-title {
margin-bottom : 0 . 25em ;
. entry-title a {
color : # 333 ;
text-decoration : none ;
margin-left : -2px ;
. entry-title : not ( : first-child ) {
padding-top : 0 ;
. entry-meta {
color : # 767676 ;
font-size : 11px ;
font-size : 0 . 6875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 1818em ;
padding-bottom : 0 . 25em ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. entry-meta a {
color : # 767676 ;
. byline ,
. updated : not ( . published ) {
display : none ;
. single . byline ,
. group-blog . byline {
display : inline ;
. pagination ,
. comments-pagination {
border-top : 1px solid # eee ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
padding : 2em 0 3em ;
text-align : center ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. pagination . icon ,
. comments-pagination . icon {
width : 0 . 666666666em ;
height : 0 . 666666666em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. comments-pagination {
border : 0 ;
. page-numbers {
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
display : none ;
padding : 0 . 5em 0 . 75em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. page-numbers . current {
color : # 767676 ;
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
display : inline-block ;
. page-numbers . current . screen-reader-text {
clip : auto ;
height : auto ;
overflow : auto ;
position : relative ! important ;
width : auto ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. prev . page-numbers ,
. next . page-numbers {
background-color : # ddd ;
-webkit-border-radius : 2px ;
border-radius : 2px ;
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
display : inline-block ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
font-size : 24px ;
font-size : 1 . 5rem ;
line-height : 1 ;
padding : 0 . 25em 0 . 5em 0 . 4em ;
. prev . page-numbers ,
. next . page-numbers {
-webkit-transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
. prev . page-numbers : focus ,
. prev . page-numbers : hover ,
. next . page-numbers : focus ,
. next . page-numbers : hover {
background-color : # 767676 ;
color : # fff ;
. prev . page-numbers {
float : left ;
. next . page-numbers {
float : right ;
/* Aligned blockquotes */
. entry-content blockquote . alignleft ,
. entry-content blockquote . alignright {
color : # 666 ;
font-size : 13px ;
font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
width : 48 % ;
/* Blog landing, search, archives */
. blog . site-main > article ,
. archive . site-main > article ,
. search . site-main > article {
padding-bottom : 2em ;
body : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) . entry-header {
padding : 1em 0 ;
body : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) . entry-header ,
body : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) . entry-content ,
body : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) # comments {
margin-left : auto ;
margin-right : auto ;
body : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) . entry-header {
padding-top : 0 ;
. blog . entry-meta a . post-edit-link ,
. archive . entry-meta a . post-edit-link ,
. search . entry-meta a . post-edit-link {
color : # 222 ;
display : inline-block ;
margin-left : 1em ;
2016-11-23 00:44:30 +00:00
white-space : nowrap ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. search . page . entry-meta a . post-edit-link {
margin-left : 0 ;
2016-11-23 00:44:30 +00:00
white-space : nowrap ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. taxonomy-description {
color : # 666 ;
font-size : 13px ;
font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
/* More tag */
. entry-content . more-link : before {
content : "" ;
display : block ;
margin-top : 1 . 5em ;
/* Single Post */
. single-post : not ( . has-sidebar ) # primary ,
2016-11-01 20:40:31 +00:00
. page . page-one-column : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) # primary ,
. archive . page-one-column : not ( . has-sidebar ) . page-header ,
. archive . page-one-column : not ( . has-sidebar ) # primary {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
margin-left : auto ;
margin-right : auto ;
max-width : 740px ;
. single-featured-image-header {
background-color : # fafafa ;
border-bottom : 1px solid # eee ;
. single-featured-image-header img {
display : block ;
margin : auto ;
. page-links {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
padding : 2em 0 3em ;
. page-links . page-number {
color : # 767676 ;
display : inline-block ;
padding : 0 . 5em 1em ;
. page-links a {
display : inline-block ;
. page-links a . page-number {
color : # 222 ;
/* Entry footer */
. entry-footer {
border-bottom : 1px solid # eee ;
border-top : 1px solid # eee ;
margin-top : 2em ;
padding : 2em 0 ;
. entry-footer . cat-links ,
. entry-footer . tags-links {
display : block ;
font-size : 11px ;
font-size : 0 . 6875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 1818em ;
padding-left : 2 . 5em ;
position : relative ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. entry-footer . cat-links + . tags-links {
margin-top : 1em ;
. entry-footer . cat-links a ,
. entry-footer . tags-links a {
color : # 333 ;
. entry-footer . cat-links . icon ,
. entry-footer . tags-links . icon {
2016-10-25 20:00:42 +00:00
color : # 767676 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
left : 0 ;
margin-right : 0 . 5em ;
position : absolute ;
top : 2px ;
. entry-footer . edit-link {
display : inline-block ;
. entry-footer . edit-link a . post-edit-link {
background-color : # 222 ;
-webkit-border-radius : 2px ;
border-radius : 2px ;
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
color : # fff ;
display : inline-block ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
margin-top : 2em ;
padding : 0 . 7em 2em ;
-webkit-transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out ;
transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out ;
2016-11-23 00:44:30 +00:00
white-space : nowrap ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. entry-footer . edit-link a . post-edit-link : hover ,
. entry-footer . edit-link a . post-edit-link : focus {
background-color : # 767676 ;
/* Post Formats */
. blog . format-status . entry-title ,
. archive . format-status . entry-title ,
. blog . format-aside . entry-title ,
. archive . format-aside . entry-title {
display : none ;
. format-quote blockquote {
color : # 333 ;
font-size : 20px ;
font-size : 1 . 25rem ;
font-weight : 300 ;
overflow : visible ;
position : relative ;
. format-quote blockquote . icon {
display : block ;
height : 20px ;
left : -1 . 25em ;
position : absolute ;
top : 0 . 4em ;
-webkit-transform : scale ( -1 , 1 ) ;
-ms-transform : scale ( -1 , 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( -1 , 1 ) ;
width : 20px ;
/* Post Navigation */
. post-navigation {
font-weight : 800 ;
margin : 3em 0 ;
. post-navigation . nav-links {
padding : 1em 0 ;
. nav-subtitle {
background : transparent ;
color : # 767676 ;
display : block ;
font-size : 11px ;
font-size : 0 . 6875rem ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 1818em ;
margin-bottom : 1em ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. nav-title {
color : # 333 ;
2016-11-07 21:07:34 +00:00
font-size : 15px ;
font-size : 0 . 9375rem ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. post-navigation . nav-next {
margin-top : 1 . 5em ;
2016-11-07 21:07:34 +00:00
. nav-links . nav-previous . nav-title . nav-title-icon-wrapper {
margin-right : 0 . 5em ;
. nav-links . nav-next . nav-title . nav-title-icon-wrapper {
margin-left : 0 . 5em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
13 . 5 Pages
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. page-header {
padding-bottom : 2em ;
. page . entry-header . edit-link {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
. search . page . entry-header . edit-link {
font-size : 11px ;
font-size : 0 . 6875rem ;
. page-links {
clear : both ;
margin : 0 0 1 . 5em ;
2016-12-01 02:48:48 +00:00
. page : not ( . home ) # content {
padding-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* 404 page */
. error404 . page-content {
padding-bottom : 4em ;
. error404 . page-content . search-form ,
. search . page-content . search-form {
margin-bottom : 3em ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
13 . 6 Footer
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. site-footer {
border-top : 1px solid # eee ;
. site-footer . wrap {
padding-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
padding-top : 2em ;
/* Footer widgets */
. site-footer . widget-area {
padding-bottom : 2em ;
padding-top : 2em ;
/* Social nav */
. social-navigation {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
margin-bottom : 1em ;
. social-navigation ul {
list-style : none ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
margin-left : 0 ;
. social-navigation li {
display : inline ;
. social-navigation a {
background-color : # 767676 ;
-webkit-border-radius : 40px ;
border-radius : 40px ;
color : # fff ;
display : inline-block ;
height : 40px ;
margin : 0 1em 0 . 5em 0 ;
text-align : center ;
width : 40px ;
. social-navigation a : hover ,
. social-navigation a : focus {
background-color : # 333 ;
. social-navigation . icon {
height : 16px ;
top : 12px ;
width : 16px ;
vertical-align : top ;
/* Site info */
. site-info {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
margin-bottom : 1em ;
. site-info a {
color : # 666 ;
. site-info . sep {
margin : 0 ;
display : block ;
visibility : hidden ;
height : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
Bundled Themes: Add link to privacy policy page in footer.
If a privacy policy has been set, then a link to it will automatically be shown in the footer.
The element containing the "Proudly powered by WordPress" link was chosen for the new policy link, in order to minimize visual conflicts with custom CSS that was written before the new link existed. Unfortunately, some minor conflicts are expected and unavoidable. Adding this link is required as part of GDPR compliance, and the benefits outweigh the downsides.
To further mitigate the conflicts, a new `imprint` class was added to the "Proudly powered..." link, in order to facilitate targeting each link invididually with custom styles.
Props xkon, laurelfulford, birgire, azaozz, iandunn.
See #43715.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-05-01 06:28:21 +00:00
. site-info span [ role = separator ] {
padding : 0 0 . 2em 0 0 . 4em ;
. site-info span [ role = separator ] :: before {
content : '\002f' ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
14 . 0 Comments
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
# comments {
2016-10-21 20:51:53 +00:00
clear : both ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
padding : 2em 0 0 . 5em ;
. comments-title {
font-size : 20px ;
font-size : 1 . 25rem ;
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
. comment-list ,
. comment-list . children {
list-style : none ;
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
. comment-list li : before {
display : none ;
. comment-body {
margin-left : 65px ;
. comment-author {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
margin-bottom : 0 . 4em ;
position : relative ;
z-index : 2 ;
. comment-author . avatar {
height : 50px ;
left : -65px ;
position : absolute ;
width : 50px ;
. comment-author . says {
display : none ;
. comment-meta {
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
. comment-metadata {
color : # 767676 ;
font-size : 10px ;
font-size : 0 . 625rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 1818em ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. comment-metadata a {
color : # 767676 ;
. comment-metadata a . comment-edit-link {
color : # 222 ;
margin-left : 1em ;
. comment-body {
color : # 333 ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
margin-bottom : 4em ;
. comment-reply-link {
font-weight : 800 ;
position : relative ;
. comment-reply-link . icon {
color : # 222 ;
left : -2em ;
height : 1em ;
position : absolute ;
top : 0 ;
width : 1em ;
. children . comment-author . avatar {
height : 30px ;
left : -45px ;
width : 30px ;
2016-10-21 20:37:34 +00:00
. bypostauthor > . comment-body > . comment-meta > . comment-author . avatar {
border : 1px solid # 333 ;
padding : 2px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. no-comments ,
. comment-awaiting-moderation {
color : # 767676 ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-style : italic ;
. comments-pagination {
margin : 2em 0 3em ;
. form-submit {
text-align : right ;
2018-05-02 22:00:49 +00:00
. comment-form # wp-comment-cookies-consent {
margin : 0 10px 0 0 ;
. comment-form . comment-form-cookies-consent label {
display : inline ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
15 . 0 Widgets
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
# secondary {
padding : 1em 0 2em ;
. widget {
padding-bottom : 3em ;
h2 . widget-title {
color : # 222 ;
font-size : 13px ;
font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 1818em ;
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. widget-title a {
color : inherit ;
/* widget forms */
. widget select {
width : 100 % ;
/* widget lists */
. widget ul {
list-style : none ;
margin : 0 ;
2017-05-25 15:19:42 +00:00
. widget ul li ,
. widget ol li {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
border-bottom : 1px solid # ddd ;
border-top : 1px solid # ddd ;
padding : 0 . 5em 0 ;
2017-10-03 12:17:46 +00:00
. widget : not ( . widget_tag_cloud ) ul li + li {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
margin-top : -1px ;
. widget ul li ul {
margin : 0 0 -1px ;
padding : 0 ;
position : relative ;
. widget ul li li {
border : 0 ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
padding-left : 24px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
padding-left : 1 . 5rem ;
/* Widget lists of links */
. widget_top-posts ul li ul ,
. widget_rss_links ul li ul ,
. widget-grofile ul . grofile-links li ul ,
. widget_pages ul li ul ,
. widget_meta ul li ul {
bottom : 0 ;
. widget_nav_menu ul li li ,
. widget_top-posts ul li ,
. widget_top-posts ul li li ,
. widget_rss_links ul li ,
. widget_rss_links ul li li ,
. widget-grofile ul . grofile-links li ,
. widget-grofile ul . grofile-links li li {
padding-bottom : 0 . 25em ;
padding-top : 0 . 25em ;
. widget_rss ul li {
padding-bottom : 1em ;
padding-top : 1em ;
2017-10-25 02:17:47 +00:00
/* Widget markup */
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. widget . post-date ,
. widget . rss-date {
font-size : 0 . 81em ;
/* Text widget */
. widget_text {
word-wrap : break-word ;
2017-05-25 15:19:42 +00:00
. widget_text ul {
list-style : disc ;
margin : 0 0 1 . 5em 1 . 5em ;
. widget_text ol {
list-style : decimal ;
. widget_text ul li ,
. widget_text ol li {
border : none ;
. widget_text ul li : last-child ,
. widget_text ol li : last-child {
padding-bottom : 0 ;
. widget_text ul li ul {
margin : 0 0 0 1 . 5em ;
. widget_text ul li li {
padding-left : 0 ;
padding-right : 0 ;
. widget_text ol li {
list-style-position : inside ;
. widget_text ol li + li {
margin-top : -1px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* RSS Widget */
. widget_rss . widget-title . rsswidget : first-child {
float : right ;
. widget_rss . widget-title . rsswidget : first-child : hover {
background-color : transparent ;
. widget_rss . widget-title . rsswidget : first-child img {
display : block ;
. widget_rss ul li {
padding : 2 . 125em 0 ;
. widget_rss ul li : first-child {
border-top : none ;
padding-top : 0 ;
. widget_rss li . rsswidget {
font-size : 22px ;
font-size : 1 . 375rem ;
font-weight : 300 ;
line-height : 1 . 4 ;
. widget_rss . rss-date ,
. widget_rss li cite {
color : # 767676 ;
display : block ;
font-size : 10px ;
font-size : 0 . 625rem ;
font-style : normal ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 18em ;
line-height : 1 . 5 ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. widget_rss . rss-date {
margin : 0 . 5em 0 1 . 5em ;
padding : 0 ;
. widget_rss . rssSummary {
margin-bottom : 0 . 5em ;
/* Contact Info Widget */
. widget_contact_info . contact-map {
margin-bottom : 0 . 5em ;
/* Gravatar */
. widget-grofile h4 {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
/* Recent Comments */
. widget_recent_comments table ,
. widget_recent_comments th ,
. widget_recent_comments td {
border : 0 ;
/* Recent Posts widget */
. widget_recent_entries . post-date {
display : block ;
/* Search */
. search-form {
position : relative ;
. search-form . search-submit {
bottom : 3px ;
padding : 0 . 5em 1em ;
position : absolute ;
right : 3px ;
top : 3px ;
. search-form . search-submit . icon {
height : 24px ;
top : -2px ;
width : 24px ;
/* Tag cloud widget */
2017-10-03 12:17:46 +00:00
. tagcloud ul li {
float : left ;
border-top : 0 ;
border-bottom : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
margin : 4px 4px 0 0 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. tagcloud ,
. widget_tag_cloud ,
. wp_widget_tag_cloud {
line-height : 1 . 5 ;
. widget . tagcloud a ,
. widget . widget_tag_cloud a ,
. wp_widget_tag_cloud a {
border : 1px solid # ddd ;
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
2017-10-03 12:17:46 +00:00
display : block ;
padding : 4px 10px 5px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
position : relative ;
-webkit-transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
width : auto ;
word-wrap : break-word ;
z-index : 0 ;
. widget . tagcloud a : hover ,
. widget . tagcloud a : focus ,
. widget . widget_tag_cloud a : hover ,
. widget . widget_tag_cloud a : focus ,
. wp_widget_tag_cloud a : hover ,
. wp_widget_tag_cloud a : focus {
border-color : # bbb ;
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
text-decoration : none ;
/* Calendar widget */
2020-03-02 16:55:08 +00:00
. widget_calendar . wp-calendar-table {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. widget_calendar . wp-calendar-nav {
display : table ;
width : 100 % ;
margin : 0 0 1 . 5em ;
padding : 0 . 4em 0 ;
. widget_calendar . wp-calendar-nav span {
display : table-cell ;
2020-03-10 20:53:06 +00:00
. widget_calendar . wp-calendar-nav-prev ,
. widget_calendar . wp-calendar-nav-next {
width : 40 % ;
2020-03-02 16:55:08 +00:00
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. widget_calendar th ,
2020-03-02 16:55:08 +00:00
. widget_calendar td ,
. widget_calendar . wp-calendar-nav span {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
text-align : center ;
. widget_calendar tfoot td {
border : 0 ;
2017-10-25 02:17:47 +00:00
/* Gallery widget */
. gallery-columns-5 . gallery-caption ,
. gallery-columns-6 . gallery-caption ,
. gallery-columns-7 . gallery-caption ,
. gallery-columns-8 . gallery-caption ,
. gallery-columns-9 . gallery-caption {
display : none ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
16 . 0 Media
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
img ,
video {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
height : auto ; /* Make sure images are scaled correctly. */
max-width : 100 % ; /* Adhere to container width. */
img . alignleft ,
img . alignright {
float : none ;
margin : 0 ;
. page-content . wp-smiley ,
. entry-content . wp-smiley ,
. comment-content . wp-smiley {
border : none ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
margin-top : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
2019-05-26 02:01:52 +00:00
audio : focus ,
video : focus {
outline : thin dotted ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* Make sure embeds and iframes fit their containers. */
embed ,
iframe ,
object {
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
max-width : 100 % ;
2017-10-17 22:50:51 +00:00
/* Remove bottom on embeds that wrapped in paragraphs via wpautop. */
p > embed : only-child ,
p > iframe : only-child ,
p > object : only-child {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. wp-caption ,
. gallery-caption {
color : # 666 ;
font-size : 13px ;
font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
font-style : italic ;
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
max-width : 100 % ;
. wp-caption img [ class * = "wp-image-" ] {
display : block ;
margin-left : auto ;
margin-right : auto ;
. wp-caption . wp-caption-text {
margin : 0 . 8075em 0 ;
/* Media Elements */
. mejs-container {
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
/* Audio Player */
. mejs-controls a . mejs-horizontal-volume-slider ,
. mejs-controls a . mejs-horizontal-volume-slider : focus ,
. mejs-controls a . mejs-horizontal-volume-slider : hover {
background : transparent ;
border : 0 ;
/* Playlist Color Overrides: Light */
. site-content . wp-playlist-light {
border-color : # eee ;
color : # 222 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-light . wp-playlist-current-item . wp-playlist-item-album {
color : # 333 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-light . wp-playlist-current-item . wp-playlist-item-artist {
color : # 767676 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-light . wp-playlist-item {
border-bottom : 1px dotted # eee ;
-webkit-transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-light . wp-playlist-item : hover ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-light . wp-playlist-item : focus {
border-bottom-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
background-color : # 767676 ;
color : # fff ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-light a . wp-playlist-caption : hover ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-light . wp-playlist-item : hover a ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-light . wp-playlist-item : focus a {
color : # fff ;
/* Playlist Color Overrides: Dark */
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark {
background : # 222 ;
border-color : # 333 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . mejs-container . mejs-controls {
background-color : # 333 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-caption {
color : # fff ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-current-item . wp-playlist-item-album {
color : # eee ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-current-item . wp-playlist-item-artist {
color : # aaa ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-playing {
background-color : # 333 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-item {
border-bottom : 1px dotted # 555 ;
-webkit-transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , border-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out , color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-item : hover ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-item : focus {
border-bottom-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
background-color : # aaa ;
color : # 222 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark a . wp-playlist-caption : hover ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-item : hover a ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-dark . wp-playlist-item : focus a {
color : # 222 ;
/* Playlist Style Overrides */
. site-content . wp-playlist {
padding : 0 . 625em 0 . 625em 0 . 3125em ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-current-item . wp-playlist-item-title {
font-weight : 700 ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-current-item . wp-playlist-item-album {
font-style : normal ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-current-item . wp-playlist-item-artist {
font-size : 10px ;
font-size : 0 . 625rem ;
font-weight : 800 ;
letter-spacing : 0 . 1818em ;
text-transform : uppercase ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-item {
padding : 0 0 . 3125em ;
cursor : pointer ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-item : last-of-type {
border-bottom : none ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-item a {
padding : 0 . 3125em 0 ;
border-bottom : none ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-item a ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-item a : focus ,
. site-content . wp-playlist-item a : hover {
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
background : transparent ;
. site-content . wp-playlist-item-length {
top : 5px ;
/* SVG Icons base styles */
. icon {
display : inline-block ;
fill : currentColor ;
height : 1em ;
position : relative ; /* Align more nicely with capital letters */
top : -0 . 0625em ;
vertical-align : middle ;
width : 1em ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
16 . 1 Galleries
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. gallery-item {
display : inline-block ;
text-align : left ;
vertical-align : top ;
margin : 0 0 1 . 5em ;
padding : 0 1em 0 0 ;
width : 50 % ;
. gallery-columns-1 . gallery-item {
width : 100 % ;
. gallery-columns-2 . gallery-item {
max-width : 50 % ;
. gallery-item a ,
. gallery-item a : hover ,
2017-10-24 21:53:51 +00:00
. gallery-item a : focus ,
. widget-area . gallery-item a ,
. widget-area . gallery-item a : hover ,
. widget-area . gallery-item a : focus {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-webkit-box-shadow : none ;
box-shadow : none ;
background : none ;
display : inline-block ;
2016-12-02 06:10:42 +00:00
max-width : 100 % ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. gallery-item a img {
display : block ;
-webkit-transition : -webkit-filter 0 . 2s ease-in ;
transition : -webkit-filter 0 . 2s ease-in ;
transition : filter 0 . 2s ease-in ;
transition : filter 0 . 2s ease-in , -webkit-filter 0 . 2s ease-in ;
-webkit-backface-visibility : hidden ;
backface-visibility : hidden ;
. gallery-item a : hover img ,
. gallery-item a : focus img {
-webkit-filter : opacity ( 60 % ) ;
filter : opacity ( 60 % ) ;
. gallery-caption {
display : block ;
text-align : left ;
padding : 0 10px 0 0 ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
17 . 0 Customizer
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
. highlight-front-sections . twentyseventeen-customizer . twentyseventeen-front-page . twentyseventeen-panel : after {
2016-10-27 23:24:32 +00:00
border : 2px dashed # 0085ba ; /* Matches visible edit shortcuts. */
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
bottom : 1em ;
content : "" ;
display : block ;
left : 1em ;
position : absolute ;
right : 1em ;
top : 1em ;
2016-10-27 23:24:32 +00:00
z-index : 1 ;
. highlight-front-sections . twentyseventeen-customizer . twentyseventeen-front-page . twentyseventeen-panel . panel-content {
z-index : 2 ; /* Prevent :after from preventing interactions within the section */
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
/* Used for placeholder text */
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-customizer . twentyseventeen-front-page . twentyseventeen-panel . twentyseventeen-panel-title {
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
display : block ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
font-weight : 700 ;
letter-spacing : 1px ;
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
padding : 3em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
text-transform : uppercase ;
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
text-align : center ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
/* Show borders on the custom page panels only when the front page sections are being edited */
. highlight-front-sections . twentyseventeen-customizer . twentyseventeen-front-page . twentyseventeen-panel : nth-of-type ( 1 ) : after {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
border : none ;
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . twentyseventeen-customizer # primary article . panel-placeholder {
border : 0 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
/* Add some space around the visual edit shortcut buttons. */
2017-10-12 04:44:45 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-panel > . customize-partial-edit-shortcut > button {
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
top : 30px ;
left : 30px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-10-27 22:09:40 +00:00
/* Ensure that placeholder icons are visible. */
. twentyseventeen-panel . customize-partial-edit-shortcut-hidden : before {
visibility : visible ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
18 . 0 SVGs Fallbacks
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
. svg-fallback {
display : none ;
. no-svg . svg-fallback {
display : inline-block ;
2016-10-26 16:43:34 +00:00
. no-svg . dropdown-toggle {
padding : 0 . 5em 0 0 ;
right : 0 ;
text-align : center ;
width : 2em ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. no-svg . dropdown-toggle . svg-fallback . icon-angle-down {
2016-10-26 16:43:34 +00:00
font-size : 20px ;
font-size : 1 . 25rem ;
2016-11-22 20:47:33 +00:00
font-weight : 400 ;
2016-10-26 16:43:34 +00:00
line-height : 1 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-webkit-transform : rotate ( 180deg ) ; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-ms-transform : rotate ( 180deg ) ; /* IE 9 */
transform : rotate ( 180deg ) ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. no-svg . dropdown-toggle . toggled-on . svg-fallback . icon-angle-down {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-webkit-transform : rotate ( 0 ) ; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-ms-transform : rotate ( 0 ) ; /* IE 9 */
transform : rotate ( 0 ) ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. no-svg . dropdown-toggle . svg-fallback . icon-angle-down : before {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
content : "\005E" ;
/* Social Menu fallbacks */
. no-svg . social-navigation a {
background : transparent ;
color : # 222 ;
height : auto ;
width : auto ;
/* Show screen reader text in some cases */
. no-svg . next . page-numbers . screen-reader-text ,
. no-svg . prev . page-numbers . screen-reader-text ,
. no-svg . social-navigation li a . screen-reader-text ,
. no-svg . search-submit . screen-reader-text {
clip : auto ;
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
font-weight : 400 ;
height : auto ;
position : relative ! important ; /* overrides previous !important styles */
width : auto ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
19 . 0 Media Queries
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
2016-11-15 00:15:30 +00:00
/* Adjust positioning of edit shortcuts, override style in customize-preview.css */
@ media screen and ( min-width : 20em ) {
2016-11-22 20:47:33 +00:00
2016-11-15 00:15:30 +00:00
body . customize-partial-edit-shortcuts-shown . site-header . site-title {
padding-left : 0 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
@ media screen and ( min-width : 30em ) {
/* Typography */
body ,
button ,
input ,
select ,
textarea {
font-size : 18px ;
font-size : 1 . 125rem ;
h1 {
font-size : 30px ;
font-size : 1 . 875rem ;
h2 ,
2017-04-17 10:09:43 +00:00
. home . blog . entry-title ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. page . panel-content . recent-posts . entry-title {
font-size : 26px ;
font-size : 1 . 625rem ;
h3 {
font-size : 22px ;
font-size : 1 . 375rem ;
h4 {
font-size : 18px ;
font-size : 1 . 125rem ;
h5 {
font-size : 13px ;
font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
h6 {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
. entry-content blockquote . alignleft ,
. entry-content blockquote . alignright {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
/* Fix image alignment */
img . alignleft {
float : left ;
margin-right : 1 . 5em ;
img . alignright {
float : right ;
margin-left : 1 . 5em ;
/* Site Branding */
. site-branding {
padding : 3em 0 ;
/* Front Page */
. panel-content . wrap {
padding-bottom : 2em ;
padding-top : 3 . 5em ;
. page-one-column . panel-content . wrap {
max-width : 740px ;
. panel-content . entry-header {
margin-bottom : 4 . 5em ;
. panel-content . recent-posts . entry-header {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
/* Blog Index, Archive, Search */
. taxonomy-description {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
. page-numbers . current {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* Site Footer */
. site-footer {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
/* Gallery Columns */
. gallery-item {
max-width : 25 % ;
. gallery-columns-1 . gallery-item {
max-width : 100 % ;
. gallery-columns-2 . gallery-item {
max-width : 50 % ;
. gallery-columns-3 . gallery-item {
max-width : 33 . 33 % ;
. gallery-columns-4 . gallery-item {
max-width : 25 % ;
@ media screen and ( min-width : 48em ) {
/* Typography */
body ,
button ,
input ,
select ,
textarea {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
line-height : 1 . 5 ;
. entry-content blockquote . alignleft ,
. entry-content blockquote . alignright {
font-size : 13px ;
font-size : 0 . 8125rem ;
/* Layout */
. wrap {
max-width : 1000px ;
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
padding-left : 3em ;
padding-right : 3em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. has-sidebar : not ( . error404 ) # primary {
float : left ;
width : 58 % ;
. has-sidebar # secondary {
float : right ;
padding-top : 0 ;
width : 36 % ;
. error404 # primary {
float : none ;
/* Site Branding */
. site-branding {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
. has-header-image . twentyseventeen-front-page . site-branding ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. has-header-video . twentyseventeen-front-page . site-branding ,
. has-header-image . home . blog . site-branding ,
. has-header-video . home . blog . site-branding {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
bottom : 0 ;
2016-11-04 17:10:31 +00:00
display : block ;
left : 0 ;
height : auto ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
padding-top : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
width : 100 % ;
. has-header-image . twentyseventeen-front-page . custom-header ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. has-header-video . twentyseventeen-front-page . custom-header ,
. has-header-image . home . blog . custom-header ,
. has-header-video . home . blog . custom-header {
2016-11-04 17:10:31 +00:00
display : block ;
2016-11-04 17:12:57 +00:00
height : auto ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. custom-header-media {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
height : 165px ;
position : relative ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . custom-header-media ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . custom-header-media ,
. home . blog . has-header-image . custom-header-media ,
. home . blog . has-header-video . custom-header-media {
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
height : 0 ;
position : relative ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. has-header-image : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) : not ( . home ) . custom-header-media ,
. has-header-video : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) : not ( . home ) . custom-header-media {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
bottom : 0 ;
height : auto ;
left : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
top : 0 ;
. custom-logo-link {
padding-right : 2em ;
. custom-logo-link img ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
body . home . title-tagline-hidden . has-header-image . custom-logo-link img ,
body . home . title-tagline-hidden . has-header-video . custom-logo-link img {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
max-width : 350px ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. title-tagline-hidden . home . has-header-image . custom-logo-link img ,
. title-tagline-hidden . home . has-header-video . custom-logo-link img {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
max-height : 200px ;
. site-title {
font-size : 36px ;
font-size : 2 . 25rem ;
. site-description {
font-size : 16px ;
font-size : 1rem ;
/* Navigation */
. navigation-top {
bottom : 0 ;
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
left : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
z-index : 3 ;
. navigation-top . wrap {
max-width : 1000px ;
/* The font size is 14px here and we need 50px padding in ems */
padding : 0 . 75em 3 . 4166666666667em ;
. navigation-top nav {
margin-left : -1 . 25em ;
. site-navigation-fixed . navigation-top {
bottom : auto ;
position : fixed ;
left : 0 ;
right : 0 ;
top : 0 ;
width : 100 % ;
2020-06-16 17:16:10 +00:00
z-index : 1000 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. admin-bar . site-navigation-fixed . navigation-top {
top : 32px ;
/* Main Navigation */
. js . menu-toggle ,
. js . dropdown-toggle {
display : none ;
. main-navigation {
width : auto ;
. js . main-navigation ul ,
. js . main-navigation ul ul ,
. js . main-navigation > div > ul {
display : block ;
. main-navigation ul {
background : transparent ;
padding : 0 ;
. main-navigation > div > ul {
border : 0 ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
. main-navigation li {
border : 0 ;
display : inline-block ;
. main-navigation li li {
display : block ;
. main-navigation a {
padding : 1em 1 . 25em ;
. main-navigation ul ul {
background : # fff ;
border : 1px solid # bbb ;
left : -999em ;
padding : 0 ;
position : absolute ;
top : 100 % ;
z-index : 99999 ;
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children : before ,
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children : after ,
. main-navigation ul li . page_item_has_children : before ,
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border-style : solid ;
border-width : 0 6px 6px ;
content : "" ;
display : none ;
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right : 1em ;
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z-index : 100000 ;
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children . focus : before ,
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children : hover : before ,
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children . focus : after ,
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children : hover : after ,
. main-navigation ul li . page_item_has_children . focus : before ,
. main-navigation ul li . page_item_has_children : hover : before ,
. main-navigation ul li . page_item_has_children . focus : after ,
. main-navigation ul li . page_item_has_children : hover : after {
display : block ;
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children : before ,
. main-navigation ul li . page_item_has_children : before {
border-color : transparent transparent # bbb ;
bottom : 0 ;
. main-navigation ul li . menu-item-has-children : after ,
. main-navigation ul li . page_item_has_children : after {
border-color : transparent transparent # fff ;
. main-navigation ul ul li : hover > ul ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . focus > ul {
left : 100 % ;
right : auto ;
. main-navigation ul ul a {
padding : 0 . 75em 1 . 25em ;
width : 16em ;
. main-navigation li li {
-webkit-transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out ;
transition : background-color 0 . 2s ease-in-out ;
. main-navigation li li : hover ,
. main-navigation li li . focus {
background : # 767676 ;
. main-navigation li li a {
-webkit-transition : color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
transition : color 0 . 3s ease-in-out ;
. main-navigation li li . focus > a ,
. main-navigation li li : focus > a ,
. main-navigation li li : hover > a ,
. main-navigation li li a : hover ,
. main-navigation li li a : focus ,
. main-navigation li li . current_page_item a : hover ,
. main-navigation li li . current-menu-item a : hover ,
. main-navigation li li . current_page_item a : focus ,
. main-navigation li li . current-menu-item a : focus {
color : # fff ;
. main-navigation ul li : hover > ul ,
. main-navigation ul li . focus > ul {
left : 0 . 5em ;
right : auto ;
. main-navigation . menu-item-has-children > a > . icon ,
. main-navigation . page_item_has_children > a > . icon {
display : inline ;
left : 5px ;
position : relative ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
top : -1px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. main-navigation ul ul . menu-item-has-children > a > . icon ,
. main-navigation ul ul . page_item_has_children > a > . icon {
margin-top : -9px ;
left : auto ;
position : absolute ;
right : 1em ;
top : 50 % ;
-webkit-transform : rotate ( -90deg ) ; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-ms-transform : rotate ( -90deg ) ; /* IE 9 */
transform : rotate ( -90deg ) ;
. main-navigation ul ul ul {
left : -999em ;
margin-top : -1px ;
top : 0 ;
. main-navigation ul ul li . menu-item-has-children . focus : before ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . menu-item-has-children : hover : before ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . menu-item-has-children . focus : after ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . menu-item-has-children : hover : after ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . page_item_has_children . focus : before ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . page_item_has_children : hover : before ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . page_item_has_children . focus : after ,
. main-navigation ul ul li . page_item_has_children : hover : after {
display : none ;
2016-10-29 09:45:31 +00:00
. site-header . site-navigation-fixed . menu-scroll-down {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
display : none ;
/* Scroll down arrow */
2016-10-25 16:51:35 +00:00
. site-header . menu-scroll-down {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
display : block ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
padding : 1em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
2016-11-04 17:12:57 +00:00
. site-header . menu-scroll-down . icon {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-webkit-transform : rotate ( 90deg ) ; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-ms-transform : rotate ( 90deg ) ; /* IE 9 */
transform : rotate ( 90deg ) ;
2016-10-25 16:51:35 +00:00
. site-header . menu-scroll-down {
color : # fff ;
top : 2em ;
. site-header . navigation-top . menu-scroll-down {
color : # 767676 ;
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
top : 0 . 7em ;
2016-10-25 16:51:35 +00:00
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. menu-scroll-down : focus {
outline : thin dotted ;
. menu-scroll-down . icon {
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
height : 18px ;
width : 18px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* Front Page */
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . site-branding ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . site-branding ,
. home . blog . has-header-image . site-branding ,
. home . blog . has-header-video . site-branding {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
margin-bottom : 70px ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . custom-header-media ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . custom-header-media ,
. home . blog . has-header-image . custom-header-media ,
. home . blog . has-header-video . custom-header-media {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
height : 1200px ;
height : 100vh ;
max-height : 100 % ;
2016-10-27 21:51:31 +00:00
overflow : hidden ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . custom-header-media : before ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . custom-header-media : before ,
. home . blog . has-header-image . custom-header-media : before ,
. home . blog . has-header-video . custom-header-media : before {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
height : 33 % ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. admin-bar . twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . custom-header-media ,
. admin-bar . twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . custom-header-media ,
. admin-bar . home . blog . has-header-image . custom-header-media ,
. admin-bar . home . blog . has-header-video . custom-header-media {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
height : calc ( 100vh - 32px ) ;
. panel-content . wrap {
padding-bottom : 4 . 5em ;
padding-top : 6em ;
. panel-image {
height : 100vh ;
max-height : 1200px ;
2016-11-18 20:11:30 +00:00
/* With panel images 100% of the screen height, we're going to fix the background image where supported to create a parallax-like effect. */
. background-fixed . panel-image {
background-attachment : fixed ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. page-two-column . panel-content . entry-header {
float : left ;
width : 36 % ;
. page-two-column . panel-content . entry-content {
float : right ;
width : 58 % ;
/* Front Page - Recent Posts */
. page-two-column . panel-content . recent-posts {
clear : right ;
float : right ;
width : 58 % ;
. panel-content . recent-posts article {
margin-bottom : 4em ;
. panel-content . recent-posts . entry-header ,
. page-two-column # primary . panel-content . recent-posts . entry-header ,
. panel-content . recent-posts . entry-content ,
. page-two-column # primary . panel-content . recent-posts . entry-content {
float : none ;
width : 100 % ;
. panel-content . recent-posts . entry-header {
margin-bottom : 1 . 5em ;
. page . panel-content . recent-posts . entry-title {
font-size : 26px ;
font-size : 1 . 625rem ;
/* Posts */
. site-content {
2016-12-01 02:48:48 +00:00
padding : 5 . 5em 0 0 ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. single-post . entry-title ,
. page . entry-title {
font-size : 26px ;
font-size : 1 . 625rem ;
. comments-pagination ,
. post-navigation {
clear : both ;
. post-navigation . nav-previous {
float : left ;
width : 50 % ;
. post-navigation . nav-next {
float : right ;
text-align : right ;
width : 50 % ;
. nav-next ,
. post-navigation . nav-next {
margin-top : 0 ;
/* Blog, archive, search */
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. sticky . icon-thumb-tack {
2016-10-24 22:31:12 +00:00
height : 23px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
left : -2 . 5em ;
top : 1 . 5em ;
width : 32px ;
2016-11-01 20:40:31 +00:00
body : not ( . has-sidebar ) : not ( . page-one-column ) . page-header ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
body . has-sidebar . error404 # primary . page-header ,
2016-11-01 20:40:31 +00:00
body . page-two-column : not ( . archive ) # primary . entry-header ,
body . page-two-column . archive : not ( . has-sidebar ) # primary . page-header {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
float : left ;
width : 36 % ;
. blog : not ( . has-sidebar ) # primary article ,
2016-11-01 20:40:31 +00:00
. archive : not ( . page-one-column ) : not ( . has-sidebar ) # primary article ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. search : not ( . has-sidebar ) # primary article ,
. error404 : not ( . has-sidebar ) # primary . page-content ,
. error404 . has-sidebar # primary . page-content ,
2016-11-01 20:40:31 +00:00
body . page-two-column : not ( . archive ) # primary . entry-content ,
2016-10-21 20:51:53 +00:00
body . page-two-column # comments {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
float : right ;
width : 58 % ;
. blog . site-main > article ,
. archive . site-main > article ,
. search . site-main > article {
padding-bottom : 4em ;
. navigation . pagination {
clear : both ;
float : right ;
width : 58 % ;
2016-11-01 20:40:31 +00:00
. has-sidebar . navigation . pagination ,
. archive . page-one-column : not ( . has-sidebar ) . navigation . pagination {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
float : none ;
width : 100 % ;
. entry-footer {
display : table ;
width : 100 % ;
. entry-footer . cat-tags-links {
display : table-cell ;
vertical-align : middle ;
width : 100 % ;
. entry-footer . edit-link {
display : table-cell ;
text-align : right ;
vertical-align : middle ;
. entry-footer . edit-link a . post-edit-link {
margin-top : 0 ;
margin-left : 1em ;
/* Entry content */
/* without sidebar */
: not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignleft {
margin-left : -17 . 5 % ;
width : 48 % ;
: not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignright {
margin-right : -17 . 5 % ;
width : 48 % ;
/* with sidebar */
. has-sidebar . entry-content blockquote . alignleft {
margin-left : 0 ;
width : 34 % ;
. has-sidebar . entry-content blockquote . alignright {
margin-right : 0 ;
width : 34 % ;
. has-sidebar # primary . entry-content blockquote . alignright . below-entry-meta {
margin-right : -72 . 5 % ;
width : 62 % ;
/* blog and archive */
. blog : not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignleft ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . page-two-column . entry-content blockquote . alignleft ,
. archive : not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignleft ,
. page-two-column . entry-content blockquote . alignleft {
margin-left : -72 . 5 % ;
width : 62 % ;
. blog : not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignright ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . page-two-column . entry-content blockquote . alignright ,
. archive : not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignright ,
. page-two-column . entry-content blockquote . alignright {
margin-right : 0 ;
width : 36 % ;
/* Post formats */
. format-quote blockquote . icon {
left : -1 . 5em ;
/* Pages */
2016-11-01 20:40:31 +00:00
. page . page-one-column . entry-header ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . page-one-column . entry-header ,
. archive . page-one-column : not ( . has-sidebar ) . page-header {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
margin-bottom : 4em ;
2016-12-01 02:48:48 +00:00
. page : not ( . home ) # content {
padding-bottom : 3 . 25em ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* 404 page */
. error404 . page-content {
padding-bottom : 9em ;
/* Comments */
# comments {
padding-top : 5em ;
. comments-title {
margin-bottom : 2 . 5em ;
ol . children . children {
padding-left : 2em ;
/* Posts pagination */
. nav-links . nav-title {
position : relative ;
. nav-title-icon-wrapper {
position : absolute ;
text-align : center ;
width : 2em ;
. nav-links . nav-previous . nav-title . nav-title-icon-wrapper {
left : -2em ;
. nav-links . nav-next . nav-title . nav-title-icon-wrapper {
right : -2em ;
/* Secondary */
# secondary {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
line-height : 1 . 6 ;
/* Widgets */
h2 . widget-title {
font-size : 11px ;
font-size : 0 . 6875rem ;
margin-bottom : 2em ;
/* Footer */
. site-footer {
font-size : 14px ;
font-size : 0 . 875rem ;
line-height : 1 . 6 ;
margin-top : 3em ;
. site-footer . widget-column . footer-widget-1 {
float : left ;
width : 36 % ;
. site-footer . widget-column . footer-widget-2 {
float : right ;
width : 58 % ;
. social-navigation {
clear : left ;
float : left ;
margin-bottom : 0 ;
width : 36 % ;
. site-info {
float : left ;
padding : 0 . 7em 0 0 ;
width : 58 % ;
. social-navigation + . site-info {
margin-left : 6 % ;
. site-info . sep {
margin : 0 0 . 5em ;
display : inline ;
visibility : visible ;
height : auto ;
width : auto ;
/* Gallery Columns */
. gallery-columns-5 . gallery-item {
max-width : 20 % ;
. gallery-columns-6 . gallery-item {
max-width : 16 . 66 % ;
. gallery-columns-7 . gallery-item {
max-width : 14 . 28 % ;
. gallery-columns-8 . gallery-item {
max-width : 12 . 5 % ;
. gallery-columns-9 . gallery-item {
max-width : 11 . 11 % ;
@ media screen and ( min-width : 67em ) {
/* Layout */
/* Navigation */
. navigation-top . wrap {
padding : 0 . 75em 2em ;
. navigation-top nav {
margin-left : 0 ;
/* Sticky posts */
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. sticky . icon-thumb-tack {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
font-size : 32px ;
font-size : 2rem ;
2016-10-24 22:31:12 +00:00
height : 22px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
left : -1 . 25em ;
top : 0 . 75em ;
width : 32px ;
2016-10-28 17:38:42 +00:00
/* Pagination */
. page-numbers {
display : inline-block ;
. page-numbers . current {
font-size : 15px ;
font-size : 0 . 9375rem ;
. page-numbers . current . screen-reader-text {
clip : rect ( 1px , 1px , 1px , 1px ) ;
height : 1px ;
overflow : hidden ;
position : absolute ! important ;
width : 1px ;
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
/* Comments */
. comment-body {
margin-left : 0 ;
@ media screen and ( min-width : 79em ) {
. has-sidebar . entry-content blockquote . alignleft {
margin-left : -20 % ;
. blog : not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignright ,
. archive : not ( . has-sidebar ) . entry-content blockquote . alignright ,
. page-two-column . entry-content blockquote . alignright ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . entry-content blockquote . alignright {
margin-right : -20 % ;
@ media screen and ( max-width : 48 . 875em ) and ( min-width : 48em ) {
. admin-bar . site-navigation-fixed . navigation-top ,
. admin-bar . site-navigation-hidden . navigation-top {
top : 46px ;
/ * --------------------------------------------------------------
2016-11-13 23:45:32 +00:00
20 . 0 Print
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
-------------------------------------------------------------- * /
@ media print {
/* Hide elements */
form ,
button ,
input ,
select ,
textarea ,
. navigation-top ,
. social-navigation ,
# secondary ,
. content-bottom-widgets ,
. header-image ,
. panel-image-prop ,
2016-11-01 17:26:32 +00:00
. icon-thumb-tack ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. page-links ,
. edit-link ,
. post-navigation ,
. pagination . navigation ,
. comments-pagination ,
. comment-respond ,
. comment-edit-link ,
. comment-reply-link ,
. comment-metadata . edit-link ,
. pingback . edit-link ,
. site-footer aside . widget-area ,
. site-info {
display : none ! important ;
. entry-footer ,
# comments ,
. site-footer ,
. single-featured-image-header {
border : 0 ;
/* Font sizes */
body {
font-size : 12pt ;
h1 {
font-size : 24pt ;
h2 {
font-size : 22pt ;
h3 {
font-size : 17pt ;
h4 {
font-size : 12pt ;
h5 {
font-size : 11pt ;
h6 {
font-size : 12pt ;
. page . panel-content . entry-title ,
. page-title ,
body . page : not ( . twentyseventeen-front-page ) . entry-title {
font-size : 10pt ;
/* Layout */
. wrap {
padding-left : 5 % ! important ;
padding-right : 5 % ! important ;
max-width : none ;
/* Site Branding */
. site-header {
background : transparent ;
padding : 0 ;
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. custom-header-media {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
padding : 0 ;
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . site-branding ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . site-branding ,
. home . blog . has-header-image . site-branding ,
. home . blog . has-header-video . site-branding {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
position : relative ;
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font-size : 25pt ;
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font-size : 12pt ;
opacity : 1 ;
/* Posts */
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background : transparent ;
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font-size : 9pt ;
/* Colors */
body ,
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background : none ! important ; /* Brute force since user agents all print differently. */
body ,
a ,
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. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . site-title ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . site-title ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . site-title a ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . site-title a {
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
color : # 222 ! important ; /* Make sure color schemes don't affect to print */
h2 ,
h5 ,
blockquote ,
. site-description ,
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-image . site-description ,
2016-12-02 05:12:41 +00:00
. twentyseventeen-front-page . has-header-video . site-description ,
Importing Twenty Seventeen, our new default theme for 2017, set for 4.7.
With a focus on business sites, it will let you get down to business in style. Initial development occurred on GitHub. See:
Props melchoyce, laurelfulford, davidakennedy, grapplerulrich, manishsongirkar36, joefusco, smyoon315, b-07, rabmalin, mrahmadawais, hardeepasrani, implenton, acmethemes, claudiosanches, valeriutihai, pressionate, sgr33n, doughamlin, zodiac1978, tsl143, nikschavan, joshcummingsdesign, enodekciw, jordesign, patilvikasj, ryelle, mahesh901122, williampatton, juanfra, imnok, littlebigthing, mor10, samikeijonen, celloexpressions, akshayvinchurkar, davidmosterd, hiddenpearls, netweb, pratikchaskar, taggon, nukaga, ranh, yoavf, karmatosed, sandesh055, adammacias, noplanman, yogasukma, binarymoon, swapnilld, swissspidy, joyously, allancole, rianrietveld, sixhours, alex27, themeshaper, mapk, leobaiano.
See #38372.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-20 04:12:31 +00:00
. entry-meta ,
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font-size : 11pt ;
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