2005-08-23 01:33:52 +00:00
/ * *
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
* $RCSfile : tiny _mce _src . js , v $
* $Revision : 1.281 $
* $Date : 2005 / 12 / 02 08 : 12 : 07 $
2005-08-23 01:33:52 +00:00
* @ author Moxiecode
* @ copyright Copyright <EFBFBD> 2004 , Moxiecode Systems AB , All rights reserved .
* /
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
function TinyMCE ( ) {
this . majorVersion = "2" ;
this . minorVersion = "0" ;
this . releaseDate = "2005-12-01" ;
this . instances = new Array ( ) ;
this . stickyClassesLookup = new Array ( ) ;
this . windowArgs = new Array ( ) ;
this . loadedFiles = new Array ( ) ;
this . configs = new Array ( ) ;
this . currentConfig = 0 ;
this . eventHandlers = new Array ( ) ;
// Browser check
var ua = navigator . userAgent ;
this . isMSIE = ( navigator . appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) ;
this . isMSIE5 = this . isMSIE && ( ua . indexOf ( 'MSIE 5' ) != - 1 ) ;
this . isMSIE5 _0 = this . isMSIE && ( ua . indexOf ( 'MSIE 5.0' ) != - 1 ) ;
this . isGecko = ua . indexOf ( 'Gecko' ) != - 1 ;
this . isSafari = ua . indexOf ( 'Safari' ) != - 1 ;
this . isOpera = ua . indexOf ( 'Opera' ) != - 1 ;
this . isMac = ua . indexOf ( 'Mac' ) != - 1 ;
this . isNS7 = ua . indexOf ( 'Netscape/7' ) != - 1 ;
this . isNS71 = ua . indexOf ( 'Netscape/7.1' ) != - 1 ;
this . dialogCounter = 0 ;
// Fake MSIE on Opera and if Opera fakes IE, Gecko or Safari cancel those
if ( this . isOpera ) {
this . isMSIE = true ;
this . isGecko = false ;
this . isSafari = false ;
// TinyMCE editor id instance counter
this . idCounter = 0 ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . defParam = function ( key , def _val ) {
this . settings [ key ] = tinyMCE . getParam ( key , def _val ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . init = function ( settings ) {
var theme ;
this . settings = settings ;
// Check if valid browser has execcommand support
if ( typeof ( document . execCommand ) == 'undefined' )
return ;
// Get script base path
if ( ! tinyMCE . baseURL ) {
var elements = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'script' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( elements [ i ] . src && ( elements [ i ] . src . indexOf ( "tiny_mce.js" ) != - 1 || elements [ i ] . src . indexOf ( "tiny_mce_src.js" ) != - 1 || elements [ i ] . src . indexOf ( "tiny_mce_gzip" ) != - 1 ) ) {
var src = elements [ i ] . src ;
tinyMCE . srcMode = ( src . indexOf ( '_src' ) != - 1 ) ? '_src' : '' ;
src = src . substring ( 0 , src . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ) ;
tinyMCE . baseURL = src ;
break ;
// Get document base path
this . documentBasePath = document . location . href ;
if ( this . documentBasePath . indexOf ( '?' ) != - 1 )
this . documentBasePath = this . documentBasePath . substring ( 0 , this . documentBasePath . indexOf ( '?' ) ) ;
this . documentURL = this . documentBasePath ;
this . documentBasePath = this . documentBasePath . substring ( 0 , this . documentBasePath . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ) ;
// If not HTTP absolute
if ( tinyMCE . baseURL . indexOf ( '://' ) == - 1 && tinyMCE . baseURL . charAt ( 0 ) != '/' ) {
// If site absolute
tinyMCE . baseURL = this . documentBasePath + "/" + tinyMCE . baseURL ;
// Set default values on settings
this . defParam ( "mode" , "none" ) ;
this . defParam ( "theme" , "advanced" ) ;
this . defParam ( "plugins" , "" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "language" , "en" ) ;
this . defParam ( "docs_language" , this . settings [ 'language' ] ) ;
this . defParam ( "elements" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "textarea_trigger" , "mce_editable" ) ;
this . defParam ( "editor_selector" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "editor_deselector" , "mceNoEditor" ) ;
this . defParam ( "valid_elements" , "+a[id|style|rel|rev|charset|hreflang|dir|lang|tabindex|accesskey|type|name|href|target|title|class|onfocus|onblur|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup],-strong/b[class|style],-em/i[class|style],-strike[class|style],-u[class|style],+p[style|dir|class|align],-ol[class|style],-ul[class|style],-li[class|style],br,img[id|dir|lang|longdesc|usemap|style|class|src|onmouseover|onmouseout|border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align],-sub[style|class],-sup[style|class],-blockquote[dir|style],-table[border=0|cellspacing|cellpadding|width|height|class|align|summary|style|dir|id|lang|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],-tr[id|lang|dir|class|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|style|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],tbody[id|class],thead[id|class],tfoot[id|class],-td[id|lang|dir|class|colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|style|bgcolor|background|bordercolor|scope],-th[id|lang|dir|class|colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|style|scope],caption[id|lang|dir|class|style],-div[id|dir|class|align|style],-span[style|class|align],-pre[class|align|style],address[class|align|style],-h1[style|dir|class|align],-h2[style|dir|class|align],-h3[style|dir|class|align],-h4[style|dir|class|align],-h5[style|dir|class|align],-h6[style|dir|class|align],hr[class|style],font[face|size|style|id|class|dir|color]" ) ;
this . defParam ( "extended_valid_elements" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "invalid_elements" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "encoding" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "urlconverter_callback" , tinyMCE . getParam ( "urlconvertor_callback" , "TinyMCE.prototype.convertURL" ) ) ;
this . defParam ( "save_callback" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "debug" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "force_br_newlines" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "force_p_newlines" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "add_form_submit_trigger" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "relative_urls" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "remove_script_host" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "focus_alert" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "document_base_url" , this . documentURL ) ;
this . defParam ( "visual" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "visual_table_class" , "mceVisualAid" ) ;
this . defParam ( "setupcontent_callback" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "fix_content_duplication" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "custom_undo_redo" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "custom_undo_redo_levels" , - 1 ) ;
this . defParam ( "custom_undo_redo_keyboard_shortcuts" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "verify_css_classes" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "verify_html" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "apply_source_formatting" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "directionality" , "ltr" ) ;
this . defParam ( "cleanup_on_startup" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "inline_styles" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "convert_newlines_to_brs" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "auto_reset_designmode" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "entities" , "160,nbsp,38,amp,34,quot,162,cent,8364,euro,163,pound,165,yen,169,copy,174,reg,8482,trade,8240,permil,181,micro,183,middot,8226,bull,8230,hellip,8242,prime,8243,Prime,167,sect,182,para,223,szlig,8249,lsaquo,8250,rsaquo,171,laquo,187,raquo,8216,lsquo,8217,rsquo,8220,ldquo,8221,rdquo,8218,sbquo,8222,bdquo,60,lt,62,gt,8804,le,8805,ge,8211,ndash,8212,mdash,175,macr,8254,oline,164,curren,166,brvbar,168,uml,161,iexcl,191,iquest,710,circ,732,tilde,176,deg,8722,minus,177,plusmn,247,divide,8260,frasl,215,times,185,sup1,178,sup2,179,sup3,188,frac14,189,frac12,190,frac34,402,fnof,8747,int,8721,sum,8734,infin,8730,radic,8764,sim,8773,cong,8776,asymp,8800,ne,8801,equiv,8712,isin,8713,notin,8715,ni,8719,prod,8743,and,8744,or,172,not,8745,cap,8746,cup,8706,part,8704,forall,8707,exist,8709,empty,8711,nabla,8727,lowast,8733,prop,8736,ang,180,acute,184,cedil,170,ordf,186,ordm,8224,dagger,8225,Dagger,192,Agrave,194,Acirc,195,Atilde,196,Auml,197,Aring,198,AElig,199,Ccedil,200,Egrave,202,Ecirc,203,Euml,204,Igrave,206,Icirc,207,Iuml,208,ETH,209,Ntilde,210,Ograve,212,Ocirc,213,Otilde,214,Ouml,216,Oslash,338,OElig,217,Ugrave,219,Ucirc,220,Uuml,376,Yuml,222,THORN,224,agrave,226,acirc,227,atilde,228,auml,229,aring,230,aelig,231,ccedil,232,egrave,234,ecirc,235,euml,236,igrave,238,icirc,239,iuml,240,eth,241,ntilde,242,ograve,244,ocirc,245,otilde,246,ouml,248,oslash,339,oelig,249,ugrave,251,ucirc,252,uuml,254,thorn,255,yuml,914,Beta,915,Gamma,916,Delta,917,Epsilon,918,Zeta,919,Eta,920,Theta,921,Iota,922,Kappa,923,Lambda,924,Mu,925,Nu,926,Xi,927,Omicron,928,Pi,929,Rho,931,Sigma,932,Tau,933,Upsilon,934,Phi,935,Chi,936,Psi,937,Omega,945,alpha,946,beta,947,gamma,948,delta,949,epsilon,950,zeta,951,eta,952,theta,953,iota,954,kappa,955,lambda,956,mu,957,nu,958,xi,959,omicron,960,pi,961,rho,962,sigmaf,963,sigma,964,tau,965,upsilon,966,phi,967,chi,968,psi,969,omega,8501,alefsym,982,piv,8476,real,977,thetasym,978,upsih,8472,weierp,8465,image,8592,larr,8593,uarr,8594,rarr,8595,darr,8596,harr,8629,crarr,8656,lArr,8657,uArr,8658,rArr,8659,dArr,8660,hArr,8756,there4,8834,sub,8835,sup,8836,nsub,8838,sube,8839,supe,8853,oplus,8855,otimes,8869,perp,8901,sdot,8968,lceil,8969,rceil,8970,lfloor,8971,rfloor,9001,lang,9002,rang,9674,loz,9824,spades,9827,clubs,9829,hearts,9830,diams,8194,ensp,8195,emsp,8201,thinsp,8204,zwnj,8205,zwj,8206,lrm,8207,rlm,173,shy,233,eacute,237,iacute,243,oacute,250,uacute,193,Aacute,225,aacute,201,Eacute,205,Iacute,211,Oacute,218,Uacute,221,Yacute,253,yacute" ) ;
this . defParam ( "entity_encoding" , "named" ) ;
this . defParam ( "cleanup_callback" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "add_unload_trigger" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "ask" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "nowrap" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "auto_resize" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "auto_focus" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "cleanup" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "remove_linebreaks" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "button_tile_map" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "submit_patch" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "browsers" , "msie,safari,gecko,opera" ) ;
this . defParam ( "dialog_type" , "window" ) ;
this . defParam ( "accessibility_warnings" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "merge_styles_invalid_parents" , "" ) ;
this . defParam ( "force_hex_style_colors" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "trim_span_elements" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "convert_fonts_to_spans" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "doctype" , '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">' ) ;
this . defParam ( "font_size_classes" , '' ) ;
this . defParam ( "font_size_style_values" , 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large' ) ;
this . defParam ( "event_elements" , 'a,img' ) ;
this . defParam ( "convert_urls" , true ) ;
this . defParam ( "table_inline_editing" , false ) ;
this . defParam ( "object_resizing" , true ) ;
// Browser check IE
if ( this . isMSIE && this . settings [ 'browsers' ] . indexOf ( 'msie' ) == - 1 )
return ;
// Browser check Gecko
if ( this . isGecko && this . settings [ 'browsers' ] . indexOf ( 'gecko' ) == - 1 )
return ;
// Browser check Safari
if ( this . isSafari && this . settings [ 'browsers' ] . indexOf ( 'safari' ) == - 1 )
return ;
// Browser check Opera
if ( this . isOpera && this . settings [ 'browsers' ] . indexOf ( 'opera' ) == - 1 )
return ;
// If not super absolute make it so
var baseHREF = tinyMCE . settings [ 'document_base_url' ] ;
var h = document . location . href ;
var p = h . indexOf ( '://' ) ;
if ( p > 0 && document . location . protocol != "file:" ) {
p = h . indexOf ( '/' , p + 3 ) ;
h = h . substring ( 0 , p ) ;
if ( baseHREF . indexOf ( '://' ) == - 1 )
baseHREF = h + baseHREF ;
tinyMCE . settings [ 'document_base_url' ] = baseHREF ;
tinyMCE . settings [ 'document_base_prefix' ] = h ;
// Trim away query part
if ( baseHREF . indexOf ( '?' ) != - 1 )
baseHREF = baseHREF . substring ( 0 , baseHREF . indexOf ( '?' ) ) ;
this . settings [ 'base_href' ] = baseHREF . substring ( 0 , baseHREF . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ) + "/" ;
theme = this . settings [ 'theme' ] ;
this . blockRegExp = new RegExp ( "^(h[1-6]|p|div|address|pre|form|table|li|ol|ul|td|blockquote|center|dl|dir|fieldset|form|noscript|noframes|menu|isindex)$" , "i" ) ;
this . posKeyCodes = new Array ( 13 , 45 , 36 , 35 , 33 , 34 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 ) ;
this . uniqueURL = 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.cp/mce_temp_url' ; // Make unique URL non real URL
this . uniqueTag = '<div id="mceTMPElement" style="display: none">TMP</div>' ;
// Theme url
this . settings [ 'theme_href' ] = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/themes/" + theme ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE )
this . settings [ 'force_br_newlines' ] = false ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( "content_css" , false ) ) {
var cssPath = tinyMCE . getParam ( "content_css" , "" ) ;
// Is relative
if ( cssPath . indexOf ( '://' ) == - 1 && cssPath . charAt ( 0 ) != '/' )
this . settings [ 'content_css' ] = this . documentBasePath + "/" + cssPath ;
this . settings [ 'content_css' ] = cssPath ;
} else
this . settings [ 'content_css' ] = '' ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( "popups_css" , false ) ) {
var cssPath = tinyMCE . getParam ( "popups_css" , "" ) ;
// Is relative
if ( cssPath . indexOf ( '://' ) == - 1 && cssPath . charAt ( 0 ) != '/' )
this . settings [ 'popups_css' ] = this . documentBasePath + "/" + cssPath ;
this . settings [ 'popups_css' ] = cssPath ;
} else
this . settings [ 'popups_css' ] = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/themes/" + theme + "/css/editor_popup.css" ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( "editor_css" , false ) ) {
var cssPath = tinyMCE . getParam ( "editor_css" , "" ) ;
// Is relative
if ( cssPath . indexOf ( '://' ) == - 1 && cssPath . charAt ( 0 ) != '/' )
this . settings [ 'editor_css' ] = this . documentBasePath + "/" + cssPath ;
this . settings [ 'editor_css' ] = cssPath ;
} else
this . settings [ 'editor_css' ] = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/themes/" + theme + "/css/editor_ui.css" ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'debug' ] ) {
var msg = "Debug: \n" ;
msg += "baseURL: " + this . baseURL + "\n" ;
msg += "documentBasePath: " + this . documentBasePath + "\n" ;
msg += "content_css: " + this . settings [ 'content_css' ] + "\n" ;
msg += "popups_css: " + this . settings [ 'popups_css' ] + "\n" ;
msg += "editor_css: " + this . settings [ 'editor_css' ] + "\n" ;
alert ( msg ) ;
// Init HTML cleanup
this . _initCleanup ( ) ;
// Only do this once
if ( this . configs . length == 0 ) {
// Is Safari enabled
if ( this . isSafari && this . getParam ( 'safari_warning' , true ) )
alert ( "Safari support is very limited and should be considered experimental.\nSo there is no need to even submit bugreports on this early version.\nYou can disable this message by setting: safari_warning option to false" ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( window , "load" , TinyMCE . prototype . onLoad ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'add_unload_trigger' ] ) {
tinyMCE . addEvent ( window , "unload" , TinyMCE . prototype . unloadHandler ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( window . document , "beforeunload" , TinyMCE . prototype . unloadHandler ) ;
} else {
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'add_unload_trigger' ] )
tinyMCE . addEvent ( window , "unload" , function ( ) { tinyMCE . triggerSave ( true , true ) ; } ) ;
this . loadScript ( tinyMCE . baseURL + '/themes/' + this . settings [ 'theme' ] + '/editor_template' + tinyMCE . srcMode + '.js' ) ;
this . loadScript ( tinyMCE . baseURL + '/langs/' + this . settings [ 'language' ] + '.js' ) ;
this . loadCSS ( this . settings [ 'editor_css' ] ) ;
// Add plugins
var themePlugins = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'plugins' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
if ( this . settings [ 'plugins' ] != '' ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < themePlugins . length ; i ++ )
this . loadScript ( tinyMCE . baseURL + '/plugins/' + themePlugins [ i ] + '/editor_plugin' + tinyMCE . srcMode + '.js' ) ;
// Setup entities
settings [ 'cleanup_entities' ] = new Array ( ) ;
var entities = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'entities' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < entities . length ; i += 2 )
settings [ 'cleanup_entities' ] [ 'c' + entities [ i ] ] = entities [ i + 1 ] ;
// Save away this config
settings [ 'index' ] = this . configs . length ;
this . configs [ this . configs . length ] = settings ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . loadScript = function ( url ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . loadedFiles . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . loadedFiles [ i ] == url )
return ;
document . write ( '<sc' + 'ript language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"></script>' ) ;
this . loadedFiles [ this . loadedFiles . length ] = url ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . loadCSS = function ( url ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . loadedFiles . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . loadedFiles [ i ] == url )
return ;
document . write ( '<link href="' + url + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' ) ;
this . loadedFiles [ this . loadedFiles . length ] = url ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . importCSS = function ( doc , css _file ) {
if ( css _file == '' )
return ;
if ( typeof ( doc . createStyleSheet ) == "undefined" ) {
var elm = doc . createElement ( "link" ) ;
elm . rel = "stylesheet" ;
elm . href = css _file ;
if ( ( headArr = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "head" ) ) != null && headArr . length > 0 )
headArr [ 0 ] . appendChild ( elm ) ;
} else
var styleSheet = doc . createStyleSheet ( css _file ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . confirmAdd = function ( e , settings ) {
var elm = tinyMCE . isMSIE ? event . srcElement : e . target ;
var elementId = elm . name ? elm . name : elm . id ;
tinyMCE . settings = settings ;
if ( ! elm . getAttribute ( 'mce_noask' ) && confirm ( tinyMCELang [ 'lang_edit_confirm' ] ) )
tinyMCE . addMCEControl ( elm , elementId ) ;
elm . setAttribute ( 'mce_noask' , 'true' ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . updateContent = function ( form _element _name ) {
// Find MCE instance linked to given form element and copy it's value
var formElement = document . getElementById ( form _element _name ) ;
for ( var n in tinyMCE . instances ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . instances [ n ] ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( inst ) )
continue ;
inst . switchSettings ( ) ;
if ( inst . formElement == formElement ) {
var doc = inst . getDoc ( ) ;
2006-02-12 07:53:23 +00:00
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
tinyMCE . _setHTML ( doc , inst . formElement . value ) ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE )
doc . body . innerHTML = tinyMCE . _cleanupHTML ( inst , doc , this . settings , doc . body , inst . visualAid ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . addMCEControl = function ( replace _element , form _element _name , target _document ) {
var id = "mce_editor_" + tinyMCE . idCounter ++ ;
var inst = new TinyMCEControl ( tinyMCE . settings ) ;
inst . editorId = id ;
this . instances [ id ] = inst ;
inst . onAdd ( replace _element , form _element _name , target _document ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . triggerSave = function ( skip _cleanup , skip _callback ) {
// Cleanup and set all form fields
for ( var n in tinyMCE . instances ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . instances [ n ] ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( inst ) )
continue ;
inst . switchSettings ( ) ;
tinyMCE . settings [ 'preformatted' ] = false ;
// Default to false
if ( typeof ( skip _cleanup ) == "undefined" )
skip _cleanup = false ;
// Default to false
if ( typeof ( skip _callback ) == "undefined" )
skip _callback = false ;
tinyMCE . _setHTML ( inst . getDoc ( ) , inst . getBody ( ) . innerHTML ) ;
// Remove visual aids when cleanup is disabled
if ( inst . settings [ 'cleanup' ] == false ) {
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( inst . getBody ( ) , true , false , inst ) ;
tinyMCE . _setEventsEnabled ( inst . getBody ( ) , true ) ;
tinyMCE . _customCleanup ( inst , "submit_content_dom" , inst . contentWindow . document . body ) ;
var htm = skip _cleanup ? inst . getBody ( ) . innerHTML : tinyMCE . _cleanupHTML ( inst , inst . getDoc ( ) , this . settings , inst . getBody ( ) , this . visualAid , true ) ;
htm = tinyMCE . _customCleanup ( inst , "submit_content" , htm ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ "encoding" ] == "xml" || tinyMCE . settings [ "encoding" ] == "html" )
htm = tinyMCE . convertStringToXML ( htm ) ;
if ( ! skip _callback && tinyMCE . settings [ 'save_callback' ] != "" )
var content = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'save_callback' ] + "(inst.formTargetElementId,htm,inst.getBody());" ) ;
// Use callback content if available
if ( ( typeof ( content ) != "undefined" ) && content != null )
htm = content ;
// Replace some weird entities (Bug: #1056343)
htm = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( htm , "(" , "(" , "gi" ) ;
htm = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( htm , ")" , ")" , "gi" ) ;
htm = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( htm , ";" , ";" , "gi" ) ;
htm = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( htm , """ , """ , "gi" ) ;
htm = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( htm , "^" , "^" , "gi" ) ;
if ( inst . formElement )
inst . formElement . value = htm ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _setEventsEnabled = function ( node , state ) {
var events = new Array ( 'onfocus' , 'onblur' , 'onclick' , 'ondblclick' ,
'onmousedown' , 'onmouseup' , 'onmouseover' , 'onmousemove' ,
'onmouseout' , 'onkeypress' , 'onkeydown' , 'onkeydown' , 'onkeyup' ) ;
var evs = tinyMCE . settings [ 'event_elements' ] . split ( ',' ) ;
for ( var y = 0 ; y < evs . length ; y ++ ) {
var elms = node . getElementsByTagName ( evs [ y ] ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elms . length ; i ++ ) {
var event = "" ;
for ( var x = 0 ; x < events . length ; x ++ ) {
if ( ( event = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elms [ i ] , events [ x ] ) ) != '' ) {
event = tinyMCE . cleanupEventStr ( "" + event ) ;
if ( ! state )
event = "return true;" + event ;
event = event . replace ( /^return true;/gi , '' ) ;
elms [ i ] . removeAttribute ( events [ x ] ) ;
elms [ i ] . setAttribute ( events [ x ] , event ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . resetForm = function ( form _index ) {
var formObj = document . forms [ form _index ] ;
for ( var n in tinyMCE . instances ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . instances [ n ] ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( inst ) )
continue ;
inst . switchSettings ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < formObj . elements . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( inst . formTargetElementId == formObj . elements [ i ] . name )
inst . getBody ( ) . innerHTML = inst . startContent ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . execInstanceCommand = function ( editor _id , command , user _interface , value , focus ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( editor _id ) ;
if ( inst ) {
if ( typeof ( focus ) == "undefined" )
focus = true ;
if ( focus )
inst . contentWindow . focus ( ) ;
// Reset design mode if lost
inst . autoResetDesignMode ( ) ;
this . selectedElement = inst . getFocusElement ( ) ;
this . selectedInstance = inst ;
tinyMCE . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
// Cancel event so it doesn't call onbeforeonunlaod
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && window . event != null )
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( window . event ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . execCommand = function ( command , user _interface , value ) {
// Default input
user _interface = user _interface ? user _interface : false ;
value = value ? value : null ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . switchSettings ( ) ;
switch ( command ) {
case 'mceHelp' :
var template = new Array ( ) ;
template [ 'file' ] = 'about.htm' ;
template [ 'width' ] = 480 ;
template [ 'height' ] = 380 ;
tinyMCE . openWindow ( template , {
tinymce _version : tinyMCE . majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE . minorVersion ,
tinymce _releasedate : tinyMCE . releaseDate ,
inline : "yes"
} ) ;
return ;
case 'mceFocus' :
var inst = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( value ) ;
if ( inst )
inst . contentWindow . focus ( ) ;
return ;
case "mceAddControl" :
case "mceAddEditor" :
tinyMCE . addMCEControl ( tinyMCE . _getElementById ( value ) , value ) ;
return ;
case "mceAddFrameControl" :
tinyMCE . addMCEControl ( tinyMCE . _getElementById ( value ) , value [ 'element' ] , value [ 'document' ] ) ;
return ;
case "mceRemoveControl" :
case "mceRemoveEditor" :
tinyMCE . removeMCEControl ( value ) ;
return ;
case "mceResetDesignMode" :
// Resets the designmode state of the editors in Gecko
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
for ( var n in tinyMCE . instances ) {
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( tinyMCE . instances [ n ] ) )
continue ;
try {
tinyMCE . instances [ n ] . getDoc ( ) . designMode = "on" ;
} catch ( e ) {
// Ignore any errors
return ;
if ( this . selectedInstance ) {
this . selectedInstance . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
} else if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'focus_alert' ] )
alert ( tinyMCELang [ 'lang_focus_alert' ] ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch = function ( editor _id ) {
// Remove odd, error
if ( typeof ( tinyMCE ) == "undefined" )
return true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < document . frames . length ; i ++ ) {
try {
if ( document . frames [ i ] . event ) {
var event = document . frames [ i ] . event ;
if ( ! event . target )
event . target = event . srcElement ;
TinyMCE . prototype . handleEvent ( event ) ;
return ;
} catch ( ex ) {
// Ignore error if iframe is pointing to external URL
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . unloadHandler = function ( ) {
tinyMCE . triggerSave ( true , true ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . addEventHandlers = function ( editor _id ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var doc = document . frames [ editor _id ] . document ;
// Event patch
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "keypress" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "keyup" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "keydown" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "mouseup" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "click" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
} else {
var inst = tinyMCE . instances [ editor _id ] ;
var doc = inst . getDoc ( ) ;
inst . switchSettings ( ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "keypress" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "keydown" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "keyup" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "click" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "mouseup" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "mousedown" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "focus" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( doc , "blur" , tinyMCE . handleEvent ) ;
eval ( 'try { doc.designMode = "On"; } catch(e) {}' ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _createIFrame = function ( replace _element ) {
var iframe = document . createElement ( "iframe" ) ;
var id = replace _element . getAttribute ( "id" ) ;
var aw , ah ;
aw = "" + tinyMCE . settings [ 'area_width' ] ;
ah = "" + tinyMCE . settings [ 'area_height' ] ;
if ( aw . indexOf ( '%' ) == - 1 ) {
aw = parseInt ( aw ) ;
aw = aw < 0 ? 300 : aw ;
aw = aw + "px" ;
if ( ah . indexOf ( '%' ) == - 1 ) {
ah = parseInt ( ah ) ;
ah = ah < 0 ? 240 : ah ;
ah = ah + "px" ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "id" , id ) ;
//iframe.setAttribute("className", "mceEditorArea");
iframe . setAttribute ( "border" , "0" ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "frameBorder" , "0" ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "marginWidth" , "0" ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "marginHeight" , "0" ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "leftMargin" , "0" ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "topMargin" , "0" ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "width" , aw ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "height" , ah ) ;
iframe . setAttribute ( "allowtransparency" , "true" ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ "auto_resize" ] )
iframe . setAttribute ( "scrolling" , "no" ) ;
// Must have a src element in MSIE HTTPs breaks aswell as absoute URLs
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera )
iframe . setAttribute ( "src" , this . settings [ 'default_document' ] ) ;
iframe . style . width = aw ;
iframe . style . height = ah ;
// MSIE 5.0 issue
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera )
replace _element . outerHTML = iframe . outerHTML ;
replace _element . parentNode . replaceChild ( iframe , replace _element ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
return window . frames [ id ] ;
return iframe ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . setupContent = function ( editor _id ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . instances [ editor _id ] ;
var doc = inst . getDoc ( ) ;
var head = doc . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' ) . item ( 0 ) ;
var content = inst . startContent ;
tinyMCE . operaOpacityCounter = 100 * tinyMCE . idCounter ;
inst . switchSettings ( ) ;
// Not loaded correctly hit it again, Mozilla bug #997860
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE && tinyMCE . getParam ( "setupcontent_reload" , false ) && doc . title != "blank_page" ) {
// This part will remove the designMode status
// Failes first time in Firefox 1.5b2 on Mac
try { doc . location . href = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/blank.htm" ; } catch ( ex ) { }
window . setTimeout ( "tinyMCE.setupContent('" + editor _id + "');" , 1000 ) ;
return ;
if ( ! head ) {
window . setTimeout ( "tinyMCE.setupContent('" + editor _id + "');" , 10 ) ;
return ;
// Import theme specific content CSS the user specific
tinyMCE . importCSS ( inst . getDoc ( ) , tinyMCE . baseURL + "/themes/" + inst . settings [ 'theme' ] + "/css/editor_content.css" ) ;
tinyMCE . importCSS ( inst . getDoc ( ) , inst . settings [ 'content_css' ] ) ;
tinyMCE . executeCallback ( 'init_instance_callback' , '_initInstance' , 0 , inst ) ;
// Setup span styles
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( "convert_fonts_to_spans" ) )
inst . getDoc ( ) . body . setAttribute ( 'id' , 'mceSpanFonts' ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'nowrap' ] )
doc . body . style . whiteSpace = "nowrap" ;
doc . body . dir = this . settings [ 'directionality' ] ;
doc . editorId = editor _id ;
// Add on document element in Mozilla
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE )
doc . documentElement . editorId = editor _id ;
// Setup base element
var base = doc . createElement ( "base" ) ;
base . setAttribute ( 'href' , tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] ) ;
head . appendChild ( base ) ;
// Replace new line characters to BRs
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'convert_newlines_to_brs' ] ) {
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "\r\n" , "<br />" , "gi" ) ;
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "\r" , "<br />" , "gi" ) ;
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "\n" , "<br />" , "gi" ) ;
// Open closed anchors
// content = content.replace(new RegExp('<a(.*?)/>', 'gi'), '<a$1></a>');
// Call custom cleanup code
content = tinyMCE . storeAwayURLs ( content ) ;
content = tinyMCE . _customCleanup ( inst , "insert_to_editor" , content ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
// Ugly!!!
window . setInterval ( 'try{tinyMCE.getCSSClasses(document.frames["' + editor _id + '"].document, "' + editor _id + '");}catch(e){}' , 500 ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ "force_br_newlines" ] )
document . frames [ editor _id ] . document . styleSheets [ 0 ] . addRule ( "p" , "margin: 0px;" ) ;
var body = document . frames [ editor _id ] . document . body ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( body , "beforepaste" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( body , "beforecut" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
body . editorId = editor _id ;
content = tinyMCE . cleanupHTMLCode ( content ) ;
// Fix for bug #958637
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var contentElement = inst . getDoc ( ) . createElement ( "body" ) ;
var doc = inst . getDoc ( ) ;
contentElement . innerHTML = content ;
// Remove weridness!
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && tinyMCE . settings [ 'remove_lt_gt' ] )
content = content . replace ( new RegExp ( '<>' , 'g' ) , "" ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_on_startup' ] )
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( inst . getBody ( ) , tinyMCE . _cleanupHTML ( inst , doc , this . settings , contentElement ) ) ;
else {
// Convert all strong/em to b/i
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "<strong" , "<b" , "gi" ) ;
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "<em(/?)>" , "<i$1>" , "gi" ) ;
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "<em " , "<i " , "gi" ) ;
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "</strong>" , "</b>" , "gi" ) ;
content = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( content , "</em>" , "</i>" , "gi" ) ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( inst . getBody ( ) , content ) ;
inst . convertAllRelativeURLs ( ) ;
} else {
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_on_startup' ] ) {
tinyMCE . _setHTML ( inst . getDoc ( ) , content ) ;
// Produces permission denied error in MSIE 5.5
eval ( 'try {tinyMCE.setInnerHTML(inst.getBody(), tinyMCE._cleanupHTML(inst, inst.contentDocument, this.settings, inst.getBody()));} catch(e) {}' ) ;
} else
tinyMCE . _setHTML ( inst . getDoc ( ) , content ) ;
// Fix for bug #957681
//inst.getDoc().designMode = inst.getDoc().designMode;
// Setup element references
var parentElm = document . getElementById ( inst . editorId + '_parent' ) ;
if ( parentElm . lastChild . nodeName == "INPUT" )
inst . formElement = tinyMCE . isGecko ? parentElm . firstChild : parentElm . lastChild ;
inst . formElement = tinyMCE . isGecko ? parentElm . previousSibling : parentElm . nextSibling ;
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( inst . getBody ( ) , true , tinyMCE . settings [ 'visual' ] , inst ) ;
tinyMCE . executeCallback ( 'setupcontent_callback' , '_setupContent' , 0 , editor _id , inst . getBody ( ) , inst . getDoc ( ) ) ;
// Re-add design mode on mozilla
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE )
TinyMCE . prototype . addEventHandlers ( editor _id ) ;
// Add blur handler
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
tinyMCE . addEvent ( inst . getBody ( ) , "blur" , TinyMCE . prototype . eventPatch ) ;
// Trigger node change, this call locks buttons for tables and so forth
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = inst ;
tinyMCE . selectedElement = inst . contentWindow . document . body ;
if ( ! inst . isHidden ( ) )
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false , true ) ;
// Call custom DOM cleanup
tinyMCE . _customCleanup ( inst , "insert_to_editor_dom" , inst . getBody ( ) ) ;
tinyMCE . _customCleanup ( inst , "setup_content_dom" , inst . getBody ( ) ) ;
tinyMCE . _setEventsEnabled ( inst . getBody ( ) , false ) ;
tinyMCE . cleanupAnchors ( inst . getDoc ( ) ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( "convert_fonts_to_spans" ) )
tinyMCE . convertSpansToFonts ( inst . getDoc ( ) ) ;
inst . startContent = tinyMCE . trim ( inst . getBody ( ) . innerHTML ) ;
inst . undoLevels [ inst . undoLevels . length ] = inst . startContent ;
tinyMCE . operaOpacityCounter = - 1 ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . cleanupHTMLCode = function ( s ) {
s = s . replace ( /<p \/>/gi , '<p> </p>' ) ;
s = s . replace ( /<p>\s*<\/p>/gi , '<p> </p>' ) ;
// Open closed tags like <b/> to <b></b>
// tinyMCE.debug("f:" + s);
s = s . replace ( /<(h[1-6]|p|div|address|pre|form|table|li|ol|ul|td|b|em|strong|i|strike|u|span|a|ul|ol|li|blockquote)([a-z]*)([^\\|>]*?)\/>/gi , '<$1$2$3></$1$2>' ) ;
// tinyMCE.debug("e:" + s);
// Remove trailing space <b > to <b>
s = s . replace ( new RegExp ( '\\s+></' , 'gi' ) , '></' ) ;
// Close tags <img></img> to <img/>
s = s . replace ( /<(img|br|hr)(.*?)><\/(img|br|hr)>/gi , '<$1$2 />' ) ;
// Weird MSIE bug, <p><hr /></p> breaks runtime?
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
s = s . replace ( /<p><hr \/><\/p>/gi , "<hr>" ) ;
// Convert relative anchors to absolute URLs ex: #something to file.htm#something
s = s . replace ( new RegExp ( '(href=\"?)(\\s*?#)' , 'gi' ) , '$1' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'document_base_url' ] + "#" ) ;
return s ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . storeAwayURLs = function ( s ) {
// Remove all mce_src, mce_href and replace them with new ones
s = s . replace ( new RegExp ( 'mce_src\\s*=\\s*\"[^ >\"]*\"' , 'gi' ) , '' ) ;
s = s . replace ( new RegExp ( 'mce_href\\s*=\\s*\"[^ >\"]*\"' , 'gi' ) , '' ) ;
s = s . replace ( new RegExp ( 'src\\s*=\\s*\"([^ >\"]*)\"' , 'gi' ) , 'src="$1" mce_src="$1"' ) ;
s = s . replace ( new RegExp ( 'href\\s*=\\s*\"([^ >\"]*)\"' , 'gi' ) , 'href="$1" mce_href="$1"' ) ;
return s ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . cancelEvent = function ( e ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
e . returnValue = false ;
e . cancelBubble = true ;
} else
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . removeTinyMCEFormElements = function ( form _obj ) {
// Check if form is valid
if ( typeof ( form _obj ) == "undefined" || form _obj == null )
return ;
// If not a form, find the form
if ( form _obj . nodeName != "FORM" ) {
if ( form _obj . form )
form _obj = form _obj . form ;
form _obj = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( form _obj , "form" ) ;
// Still nothing
if ( form _obj == null )
return ;
// Disable all UI form elements that TinyMCE created
for ( var i = 0 ; i < form _obj . elements . length ; i ++ ) {
var elementId = form _obj . elements [ i ] . name ? form _obj . elements [ i ] . name : form _obj . elements [ i ] . id ;
if ( elementId . indexOf ( 'mce_editor_' ) == 0 )
form _obj . elements [ i ] . disabled = true ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . accessibleEventHandler = function ( e ) {
var win = this . _win ;
e = tinyMCE . isMSIE ? win . event : e ;
var elm = tinyMCE . isMSIE ? e . srcElement : e . target ;
// Piggyback onchange
if ( elm . nodeName == "SELECT" && ! elm . oldonchange ) {
elm . oldonchange = elm . onchange ;
elm . onchange = null ;
// Execute onchange and remove piggyback
if ( e . keyCode == 13 || e . keyCode == 32 ) {
elm . onchange = elm . oldonchange ;
elm . onchange ( ) ;
elm . oldonchange = null ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . addSelectAccessibility = function ( e , select , win ) {
// Add event handlers
if ( ! select . _isAccessible ) {
select . onkeydown = tinyMCE . accessibleEventHandler ;
select . _isAccessible = true ;
select . _win = win ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . handleEvent = function ( e ) {
// Remove odd, error
if ( typeof ( tinyMCE ) == "undefined" )
return true ;
//tinyMCE.debug(e.type + " " + e.target.nodeName + " " + (e.relatedTarget ? e.relatedTarget.nodeName : ""));
switch ( e . type ) {
case "blur" :
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( 'mceEndTyping' ) ;
return ;
case "submit" :
tinyMCE . removeTinyMCEFormElements ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ? window . event . srcElement : e . target ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerSave ( ) ;
tinyMCE . isNotDirty = true ;
return ;
case "reset" :
var formObj = tinyMCE . isMSIE ? window . event . srcElement : e . target ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < document . forms . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( document . forms [ i ] == formObj )
window . setTimeout ( 'tinyMCE.resetForm(' + i + ');' , 10 ) ;
return ;
case "keypress" :
if ( e . target . editorId ) {
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = tinyMCE . instances [ e . target . editorId ] ;
} else {
if ( e . target . ownerDocument . editorId )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = tinyMCE . instances [ e . target . ownerDocument . editorId ] ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . switchSettings ( ) ;
// Insert space instead of
/ * i f ( t i n y M C E . i s G e c k o & & e . c h a r C o d e = = 3 2 ) {
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance . _insertSpace ( ) ) {
// Cancel event
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
return false ;
} * /
// Insert P element
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && tinyMCE . settings [ 'force_p_newlines' ] && e . keyCode == 13 && ! e . shiftKey ) {
// Insert P element instead of BR
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance . _insertPara ( e ) ) {
// Cancel event
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceAddUndoLevel" ) ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
// Handle backspace
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && tinyMCE . settings [ 'force_p_newlines' ] && ( e . keyCode == 8 || e . keyCode == 46 ) && ! e . shiftKey ) {
// Insert P element instead of BR
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance . _handleBackSpace ( e . type ) ) {
// Cancel event
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceAddUndoLevel" ) ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
// Mozilla custom key handling
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && ( e . ctrlKey && ! e . altKey ) && tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] ) {
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo_keyboard_shortcuts' ] ) {
if ( e . charCode == 122 ) { // Ctrl+Z
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "Undo" ) ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
if ( e . charCode == 121 ) { // Ctrl+Y
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "Redo" ) ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
if ( e . charCode == 98 ) { // Ctrl+B
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "Bold" ) ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
if ( e . charCode == 105 ) { // Ctrl+I
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "Italic" ) ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
if ( e . charCode == 117 ) { // Ctrl+U
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "Underline" ) ;
tinyMCE . cancelEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
2005-12-11 01:32:05 +00:00
if ( e . charCode == 118 ) { // Ctrl+V
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "mceInsertContent" , false , '<geckopastefix/>' ) ;
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
// Return key pressed
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && tinyMCE . settings [ 'force_br_newlines' ] && e . keyCode == 13 ) {
if ( e . target . editorId )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = tinyMCE . instances [ e . target . editorId ] ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance ) {
var sel = tinyMCE . selectedInstance . getDoc ( ) . selection ;
var rng = sel . createRange ( ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParentElement ( rng . parentElement ( ) , "li" ) != null )
return false ;
// Cancel event
e . returnValue = false ;
e . cancelBubble = true ;
// Insert BR element
rng . pasteHTML ( "<br />" ) ;
rng . collapse ( false ) ;
rng . select ( ) ;
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceAddUndoLevel" ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
return false ;
// Backspace or delete
if ( e . keyCode == 8 || e . keyCode == 46 ) {
tinyMCE . selectedElement = e . target ;
tinyMCE . linkElement = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( e . target , "a" ) ;
tinyMCE . imgElement = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( e . target , "img" ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
return false ;
break ;
case "keyup" :
case "keydown" :
if ( e . target . editorId )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = tinyMCE . instances [ e . target . editorId ] ;
return ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . switchSettings ( ) ;
var inst = tinyMCE . selectedInstance ;
// Handle backspace
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && tinyMCE . settings [ 'force_p_newlines' ] && ( e . keyCode == 8 || e . keyCode == 46 ) && ! e . shiftKey ) {
// Insert P element instead of BR
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance . _handleBackSpace ( e . type ) ) {
// Cancel event
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceAddUndoLevel" ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
return false ;
tinyMCE . selectedElement = null ;
tinyMCE . selectedNode = null ;
var elm = tinyMCE . selectedInstance . getFocusElement ( ) ;
tinyMCE . linkElement = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( elm , "a" ) ;
tinyMCE . imgElement = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( elm , "img" ) ;
tinyMCE . selectedElement = elm ;
// Update visualaids on tabs
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && e . type == "keyup" && e . keyCode == 9 )
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance . getBody ( ) , true , tinyMCE . settings [ 'visual' ] , tinyMCE . selectedInstance ) ;
// Fix empty elements on return/enter, check where enter occured
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && e . type == "keydown" && e . keyCode == 13 )
tinyMCE . enterKeyElement = tinyMCE . selectedInstance . getFocusElement ( ) ;
// Fix empty elements on return/enter
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && e . type == "keyup" && e . keyCode == 13 ) {
var elm = tinyMCE . enterKeyElement ;
if ( elm ) {
var re = new RegExp ( '^HR|IMG|BR$' , 'g' ) ; // Skip these
var dre = new RegExp ( '^H[1-6]$' , 'g' ) ; // Add double on these
if ( ! elm . hasChildNodes ( ) && ! re . test ( elm . nodeName ) ) {
if ( dre . test ( elm . nodeName ) )
elm . innerHTML = " " ;
elm . innerHTML = " " ;
// Check if it's a position key
var keys = tinyMCE . posKeyCodes ;
var posKey = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( keys [ i ] == e . keyCode ) {
posKey = true ;
break ;
// MSIE custom key handling
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] ) {
var keys = new Array ( 8 , 46 ) ; // Backspace,Delete
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( keys [ i ] == e . keyCode ) {
if ( e . type == "keyup" )
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo_keyboard_shortcuts' ] ) {
if ( e . keyCode == 90 && ( e . ctrlKey && ! e . altKey ) && e . type == "keydown" ) { // Ctrl+Z
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "Undo" ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
if ( e . keyCode == 89 && ( e . ctrlKey && ! e . altKey ) && e . type == "keydown" ) { // Ctrl+Y
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( "Redo" ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
if ( ( e . keyCode == 90 || e . keyCode == 89 ) && ( e . ctrlKey && ! e . altKey ) ) {
// Cancel event
e . returnValue = false ;
e . cancelBubble = true ;
return false ;
// If undo/redo key
if ( ( e . keyCode == 90 || e . keyCode == 89 ) && ( e . ctrlKey && ! e . altKey ) )
return true ;
// If Ctrl key
if ( e . keyCode == 17 )
return true ;
// Handle Undo/Redo when typing content
// Start typing (non position key)
if ( ! posKey && e . type == "keyup" )
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceStartTyping" ) ;
// End typing (position key) or some Ctrl event
if ( e . type == "keyup" && ( posKey || e . ctrlKey ) )
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceEndTyping" ) ;
if ( posKey && e . type == "keyup" )
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && e . ctrlKey )
window . setTimeout ( 'tinyMCE.triggerNodeChange(false);' , 1 ) ;
break ;
case "mousedown" :
case "mouseup" :
case "click" :
case "focus" :
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . switchSettings ( ) ;
// Check instance event trigged on
var targetBody = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( e . target , "body" ) ;
for ( var instanceName in tinyMCE . instances ) {
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( tinyMCE . instances [ instanceName ] ) )
continue ;
var inst = tinyMCE . instances [ instanceName ] ;
// Reset design mode if lost (on everything just in case)
inst . autoResetDesignMode ( ) ;
if ( inst . getBody ( ) == targetBody ) {
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = inst ;
tinyMCE . selectedElement = e . target ;
tinyMCE . linkElement = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( tinyMCE . selectedElement , "a" ) ;
tinyMCE . imgElement = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( tinyMCE . selectedElement , "img" ) ;
break ;
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . lastSafariSelection = tinyMCE . selectedInstance . getBookmark ( ) ;
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . lastSafariSelectedElement = tinyMCE . selectedElement ;
var lnk = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( tinyMCE . selectedElement , "a" ) ;
// Patch the darned link
if ( lnk && e . type == "mousedown" ) {
lnk . setAttribute ( "mce_real_href" , lnk . getAttribute ( "href" ) ) ;
lnk . setAttribute ( "href" , "javascript:void(0);" ) ;
// Patch back
if ( lnk && e . type == "click" ) {
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
lnk . setAttribute ( "href" , lnk . getAttribute ( "mce_real_href" ) ) ;
lnk . removeAttribute ( "mce_real_href" ) ;
} , 10 ) ;
// Reset selected node
if ( e . type != "focus" )
tinyMCE . selectedNode = null ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceEndTyping" ) ;
if ( e . type == "mouseup" )
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceAddUndoLevel" ) ;
// Just in case
if ( ! tinyMCE . selectedInstance && e . target . editorId )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = tinyMCE . instances [ e . target . editorId ] ;
return false ;
break ;
} // end switch
} ; // end function
TinyMCE . prototype . switchClass = function ( element , class _name , lock _state ) {
var lockChanged = false ;
if ( typeof ( lock _state ) != "undefined" && element != null ) {
element . classLock = lock _state ;
lockChanged = true ;
if ( element != null && ( lockChanged || ! element . classLock ) ) {
element . oldClassName = element . className ;
element . className = class _name ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . restoreAndSwitchClass = function ( element , class _name ) {
if ( element != null && ! element . classLock ) {
this . restoreClass ( element ) ;
this . switchClass ( element , class _name ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . switchClassSticky = function ( element _name , class _name , lock _state ) {
var element , lockChanged = false ;
// Performance issue
if ( ! this . stickyClassesLookup [ element _name ] )
this . stickyClassesLookup [ element _name ] = document . getElementById ( element _name ) ;
// element = document.getElementById(element_name);
element = this . stickyClassesLookup [ element _name ] ;
if ( typeof ( lock _state ) != "undefined" && element != null ) {
element . classLock = lock _state ;
lockChanged = true ;
if ( element != null && ( lockChanged || ! element . classLock ) ) {
element . className = class _name ;
element . oldClassName = class _name ;
// Fix opacity in Opera
if ( tinyMCE . isOpera ) {
if ( class _name == "mceButtonDisabled" ) {
var suffix = "" ;
if ( ! element . mceOldSrc )
element . mceOldSrc = element . src ;
if ( this . operaOpacityCounter > - 1 )
suffix = '?rnd=' + this . operaOpacityCounter ++ ;
element . src = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/themes/" + tinyMCE . getParam ( "theme" ) + "/images/opacity.png" + suffix ;
element . style . backgroundImage = "url('" + element . mceOldSrc + "')" ;
} else {
if ( element . mceOldSrc ) {
element . src = element . mceOldSrc ;
element . parentNode . style . backgroundImage = "" ;
element . mceOldSrc = null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . restoreClass = function ( element ) {
if ( element != null && element . oldClassName && ! element . classLock ) {
element . className = element . oldClassName ;
element . oldClassName = null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . setClassLock = function ( element , lock _state ) {
if ( element != null )
element . classLock = lock _state ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . addEvent = function ( obj , name , handler ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
obj . attachEvent ( "on" + name , handler ) ;
} else
obj . addEventListener ( name , handler , false ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . submitPatch = function ( ) {
tinyMCE . removeTinyMCEFormElements ( this ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerSave ( ) ;
this . mceOldSubmit ( ) ;
tinyMCE . isNotDirty = true ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . onLoad = function ( ) {
for ( var c = 0 ; c < tinyMCE . configs . length ; c ++ ) {
tinyMCE . settings = tinyMCE . configs [ c ] ;
var selector = tinyMCE . getParam ( "editor_selector" ) ;
var deselector = tinyMCE . getParam ( "editor_deselector" ) ;
var elementRefAr = new Array ( ) ;
// Add submit triggers
if ( document . forms && tinyMCE . settings [ 'add_form_submit_trigger' ] && ! tinyMCE . submitTriggers ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < document . forms . length ; i ++ ) {
var form = document . forms [ i ] ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( form , "submit" , TinyMCE . prototype . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( form , "reset" , TinyMCE . prototype . handleEvent ) ;
tinyMCE . submitTriggers = true ; // Do it only once
// Patch the form.submit function
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'submit_patch' ] ) {
try {
form . mceOldSubmit = form . submit ;
form . submit = TinyMCE . prototype . submitPatch ;
} catch ( e ) {
// Do nothing
// Add editor instances based on mode
var mode = tinyMCE . settings [ 'mode' ] ;
switch ( mode ) {
case "exact" :
var elements = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'elements' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements . length ; i ++ ) {
var element = tinyMCE . _getElementById ( elements [ i ] ) ;
var trigger = element ? element . getAttribute ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'textarea_trigger' ] ) : "" ;
if ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( element , "class" ) . indexOf ( deselector ) != - 1 )
continue ;
if ( trigger == "false" )
continue ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'ask' ] && element ) {
elementRefAr [ elementRefAr . length ] = element ;
continue ;
if ( element )
tinyMCE . addMCEControl ( element , elements [ i ] ) ;
else if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'debug' ] )
alert ( "Error: Could not find element by id or name: " + elements [ i ] ) ;
break ;
case "specific_textareas" :
case "textareas" :
var nodeList = document . getElementsByTagName ( "textarea" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodeList . length ; i ++ ) {
var elm = nodeList . item ( i ) ;
var trigger = elm . getAttribute ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'textarea_trigger' ] ) ;
if ( selector != '' && tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elm , "class" ) . indexOf ( selector ) == - 1 )
continue ;
if ( selector != '' )
trigger = selector != "" ? "true" : "" ;
if ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elm , "class" ) . indexOf ( deselector ) != - 1 )
continue ;
if ( ( mode == "specific_textareas" && trigger == "true" ) || ( mode == "textareas" && trigger != "false" ) )
elementRefAr [ elementRefAr . length ] = elm ;
break ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elementRefAr . length ; i ++ ) {
var element = elementRefAr [ i ] ;
var elementId = element . name ? element . name : element . id ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'ask' ] ) {
// Focus breaks in Mozilla
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
var settings = tinyMCE . settings ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( element , "focus" , function ( e ) { window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { TinyMCE . prototype . confirmAdd ( e , settings ) ; } , 10 ) ; } ) ;
} else {
var settings = tinyMCE . settings ;
tinyMCE . addEvent ( element , "focus" , function ( ) { TinyMCE . prototype . confirmAdd ( null , settings ) ; } ) ;
} else
tinyMCE . addMCEControl ( element , elementId ) ;
// Handle auto focus
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'auto_focus' ] ) {
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'auto_focus' ] ) ;
inst . selectNode ( inst . getBody ( ) , true , true ) ;
inst . contentWindow . focus ( ) ;
} , 10 ) ;
tinyMCE . executeCallback ( 'oninit' , '_oninit' , 0 ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . removeMCEControl = function ( editor _id ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( editor _id ) ;
if ( inst ) {
inst . switchSettings ( ) ;
editor _id = inst . editorId ;
var html = tinyMCE . getContent ( editor _id ) ;
// Remove editor instance from instances array
var tmpInstances = new Array ( ) ;
for ( var instanceName in tinyMCE . instances ) {
var instance = tinyMCE . instances [ instanceName ] ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( instance ) )
continue ;
if ( instanceName != editor _id )
tmpInstances [ instanceName ] = instance ;
tinyMCE . instances = tmpInstances ;
tinyMCE . selectedElement = null ;
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = null ;
// Remove element
var replaceElement = document . getElementById ( editor _id + "_parent" ) ;
var oldTargetElement = inst . oldTargetElement ;
var targetName = oldTargetElement . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( targetName == "textarea" || targetName == "input" ) {
// Just show the old text area
replaceElement . parentNode . removeChild ( replaceElement ) ;
oldTargetElement . style . display = "inline" ;
oldTargetElement . value = html ;
} else {
oldTargetElement . innerHTML = html ;
replaceElement . parentNode . insertBefore ( oldTargetElement , replaceElement ) ;
replaceElement . parentNode . removeChild ( replaceElement ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _cleanupElementName = function ( element _name , element ) {
var name = "" ;
element _name = element _name . toLowerCase ( ) ;
// Never include body
if ( element _name == "body" )
return null ;
// If verification mode
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _verify _html ) {
// Check if invalid element
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tinyMCE . cleanup _invalidElements . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _invalidElements [ i ] == element _name )
return null ;
// Check if valid element
var validElement = false ;
var elementAttribs = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tinyMCE . cleanup _validElements . length && ! elementAttribs ; i ++ ) {
for ( var x = 0 , n = tinyMCE . cleanup _validElements [ i ] [ 0 ] . length ; x < n ; x ++ ) {
var elmMatch = tinyMCE . cleanup _validElements [ i ] [ 0 ] [ x ] ;
if ( elmMatch . charAt ( 0 ) == '+' || elmMatch . charAt ( 0 ) == '-' )
elmMatch = elmMatch . substring ( 1 ) ;
// Handle wildcard/regexp
if ( elmMatch . match ( new RegExp ( '\\*|\\?|\\+' , 'g' ) ) != null ) {
elmMatch = elmMatch . replace ( new RegExp ( '\\?' , 'g' ) , '(\\S?)' ) ;
elmMatch = elmMatch . replace ( new RegExp ( '\\+' , 'g' ) , '(\\S+)' ) ;
elmMatch = elmMatch . replace ( new RegExp ( '\\*' , 'g' ) , '(\\S*)' ) ;
elmMatch = "^" + elmMatch + "$" ;
if ( element _name . match ( new RegExp ( elmMatch , 'g' ) ) ) {
elementAttribs = tinyMCE . cleanup _validElements [ i ] ;
validElement = true ;
break ;
// Handle non regexp
if ( element _name == elmMatch ) {
elementAttribs = tinyMCE . cleanup _validElements [ i ] ;
validElement = true ;
element _name = elementAttribs [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
break ;
if ( ! validElement )
return null ;
if ( element _name . charAt ( 0 ) == '+' || element _name . charAt ( 0 ) == '-' )
name = element _name . substring ( 1 ) ;
// Special Mozilla stuff
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
// Fix for bug #958498
if ( name == "strong" && ! tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save )
element _name = "b" ;
else if ( name == "em" && ! tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save )
element _name = "i" ;
var elmData = new Object ( ) ;
elmData . element _name = element _name ;
elmData . valid _attribs = elementAttribs ;
return elmData ;
} ;
/ * *
* This function moves CSS styles to / from attributes .
* /
TinyMCE . prototype . _moveStyle = function ( elm , style , attrib ) {
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _inline _styles ) {
var val = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elm , attrib ) ;
if ( val != '' ) {
val = '' + val ;
switch ( attrib ) {
case "background" :
val = "url('" + val + "')" ;
break ;
case "bordercolor" :
if ( elm . style . borderStyle == '' || elm . style . borderStyle == 'none' )
elm . style . borderStyle = 'solid' ;
break ;
case "border" :
case "width" :
case "height" :
if ( attrib == "border" && elm . style . borderWidth > 0 )
return ;
if ( val . indexOf ( '%' ) == - 1 )
val += 'px' ;
break ;
case "vspace" :
case "hspace" :
elm . style . marginTop = val + "px" ;
elm . style . marginBottom = val + "px" ;
elm . removeAttribute ( attrib ) ;
return ;
case "align" :
if ( elm . nodeName == "IMG" ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
elm . style . styleFloat = val ;
elm . style . cssFloat = val ;
} else
elm . style . textAlign = val ;
elm . removeAttribute ( attrib ) ;
return ;
if ( val != '' ) {
eval ( 'elm.style.' + style + ' = val;' ) ;
elm . removeAttribute ( attrib ) ;
} else {
if ( style == '' )
return ;
var val = eval ( 'elm.style.' + style ) == '' ? tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elm , attrib ) : eval ( 'elm.style.' + style ) ;
val = val == null ? '' : '' + val ;
switch ( attrib ) {
// Always move background to style
case "background" :
if ( val . indexOf ( 'url' ) == - 1 && val != '' )
val = "url('" + val + "');" ;
if ( val != '' ) {
elm . style . backgroundImage = val ;
elm . removeAttribute ( attrib ) ;
return ;
case "border" :
case "width" :
case "height" :
val = val . replace ( 'px' , '' ) ;
break ;
case "align" :
if ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elm , 'align' ) == '' ) {
if ( elm . nodeName == "IMG" ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && elm . style . styleFloat != '' ) {
val = elm . style . styleFloat ;
style = 'styleFloat' ;
} else if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && elm . style . cssFloat != '' ) {
val = elm . style . cssFloat ;
style = 'cssFloat' ;
break ;
if ( val != '' ) {
elm . removeAttribute ( attrib ) ;
elm . setAttribute ( attrib , val ) ;
eval ( 'elm.style.' + style + ' = "";' ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _cleanupAttribute = function ( valid _attributes , element _name , attribute _node , element _node ) {
var attribName = attribute _node . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var attribValue = attribute _node . nodeValue ;
var attribMustBeValue = null ;
var verified = false ;
// Mozilla attibute, remove them
if ( attribName . indexOf ( 'moz_' ) != - 1 )
return null ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save && ( attribName == "mce_href" || attribName == "mce_src" ) )
return { name : attribName , value : attribValue } ;
// Verify attrib
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _verify _html && ! verified ) {
for ( var i = 1 ; i < valid _attributes . length ; i ++ ) {
var attribMatch = valid _attributes [ i ] [ 0 ] ;
var re = null ;
// Build regexp from wildcard
if ( attribMatch . match ( new RegExp ( '\\*|\\?|\\+' , 'g' ) ) != null ) {
attribMatch = attribMatch . replace ( new RegExp ( '\\?' , 'g' ) , '(\\S?)' ) ;
attribMatch = attribMatch . replace ( new RegExp ( '\\+' , 'g' ) , '(\\S+)' ) ;
attribMatch = attribMatch . replace ( new RegExp ( '\\*' , 'g' ) , '(\\S*)' ) ;
attribMatch = "^" + attribMatch + "$" ;
re = new RegExp ( attribMatch , 'g' ) ;
if ( ( re && attribName . match ( re ) != null ) || attribName == attribMatch ) {
verified = true ;
attribMustBeValue = valid _attributes [ i ] [ 3 ] ;
break ;
if ( ! verified )
return false ;
} else
verified = true ;
// Treat some attribs diffrent
switch ( attribName ) {
case "size" :
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE5 && element _name == "font" )
attribValue = element _node . size ;
break ;
case "width" :
case "height" :
case "border" :
// Old MSIE needs this
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE5 )
attribValue = eval ( "element_node." + attribName ) ;
break ;
case "shape" :
attribValue = attribValue . toLowerCase ( ) ;
break ;
case "cellspacing" :
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE5 )
attribValue = element _node . cellSpacing ;
break ;
case "cellpadding" :
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE5 )
attribValue = element _node . cellPadding ;
break ;
case "color" :
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE5 && element _name == "font" )
attribValue = element _node . color ;
break ;
case "class" :
// Remove mceItem classes from anchors
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save && attribValue . indexOf ( 'mceItemAnchor' ) != - 1 )
attribValue = attribValue . replace ( /mceItem[a-z0-9]+/gi , '' ) ;
if ( element _name == "table" || element _name == "td" || element _name == "th" ) {
// Handle visual aid
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _visual _table _class != "" )
attribValue = tinyMCE . getVisualAidClass ( attribValue , ! tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save ) ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . _verifyClass ( element _node ) || attribValue == "" )
return null ;
break ;
case "onfocus" :
case "onblur" :
case "onclick" :
case "ondblclick" :
case "onmousedown" :
case "onmouseup" :
case "onmouseover" :
case "onmousemove" :
case "onmouseout" :
case "onkeypress" :
case "onkeydown" :
case "onkeydown" :
case "onkeyup" :
attribValue = tinyMCE . cleanupEventStr ( "" + attribValue ) ;
if ( attribValue . indexOf ( 'return false;' ) == 0 )
attribValue = attribValue . substring ( 14 ) ;
break ;
case "style" :
attribValue = tinyMCE . serializeStyle ( tinyMCE . parseStyle ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( element _node , "style" ) ) ) ;
break ;
// Convert the URLs of these
case "href" :
case "src" :
case "longdesc" :
attribValue = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( element _node , attribName ) ;
// Use mce_href instead
var href = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( element _node , "mce_href" ) ;
if ( attribName == "href" && href != "" )
attribValue = href ;
// Use mce_src instead
var src = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( element _node , "mce_src" ) ;
if ( attribName == "src" && src != "" )
attribValue = src ;
// Always use absolute URLs within TinyMCE
if ( ! tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save )
attribValue = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , attribValue ) ;
else if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) )
attribValue = eval ( tinyMCE . cleanup _urlconverter _callback + "(attribValue, element_node, tinyMCE.cleanup_on_save);" ) ;
break ;
case "colspan" :
case "rowspan" :
// Not needed
if ( attribValue == "1" )
return null ;
break ;
// Skip these
case "_moz-userdefined" :
case "editorid" :
case "mce_href" :
case "mce_src" :
return null ;
// Not the must be value
if ( attribMustBeValue != null ) {
var isCorrect = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attribMustBeValue . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( attribValue == attribMustBeValue [ i ] ) {
isCorrect = true ;
break ;
if ( ! isCorrect )
return null ;
var attrib = new Object ( ) ;
attrib . name = attribName ;
attrib . value = attribValue ;
return attrib ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . clearArray = function ( ar ) {
// Since stupid people tend to extend core objects like
// Array with their own crap I needed to make functions that clean away
// this junk so the arrays get clean and nice as they should be
for ( var key in ar )
ar [ key ] = null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . isInstance = function ( inst ) {
return inst != null && typeof ( inst ) == "object" && inst . isTinyMCEControl ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . parseStyle = function ( str ) {
var ar = new Array ( ) ;
if ( str == null )
return ar ;
var st = str . split ( ';' ) ;
tinyMCE . clearArray ( ar ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < st . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( st [ i ] == '' )
continue ;
var re = new RegExp ( '^\\s*([^:]*):\\s*(.*)\\s*$' ) ;
var pa = st [ i ] . replace ( re , '$1||$2' ) . split ( '||' ) ;
//tinyMCE.debug(str, pa[0] + "=" + pa[1], st[i].replace(re, '$1||$2'));
if ( pa . length == 2 )
ar [ pa [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ] = pa [ 1 ] ;
return ar ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . compressStyle = function ( ar , pr , sf , res ) {
var box = new Array ( ) ;
box [ 0 ] = ar [ pr + '-top' + sf ] ;
box [ 1 ] = ar [ pr + '-left' + sf ] ;
box [ 2 ] = ar [ pr + '-right' + sf ] ;
box [ 3 ] = ar [ pr + '-bottom' + sf ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < box . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( box [ i ] == null )
return ;
for ( var a = 0 ; a < box . length ; a ++ ) {
if ( box [ a ] != box [ i ] )
return ;
// They are all the same
ar [ res ] = box [ 0 ] ;
ar [ pr + '-top' + sf ] = null ;
ar [ pr + '-left' + sf ] = null ;
ar [ pr + '-right' + sf ] = null ;
ar [ pr + '-bottom' + sf ] = null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . serializeStyle = function ( ar ) {
var str = "" ;
// Compress box
tinyMCE . compressStyle ( ar , "border" , "" , "border" ) ;
tinyMCE . compressStyle ( ar , "border" , "-width" , "border-width" ) ;
tinyMCE . compressStyle ( ar , "border" , "-color" , "border-color" ) ;
for ( var key in ar ) {
var val = ar [ key ] ;
if ( typeof ( val ) == 'function' )
continue ;
if ( val != null && val != '' ) {
val = '' + val ; // Force string
// Fix style URL
val = val . replace ( new RegExp ( "url\\(\\'?([^\\']*)\\'?\\)" , 'gi' ) , "url('$1')" ) ;
// Convert URL
if ( val . indexOf ( 'url(' ) != - 1 && tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) ) {
var m = new RegExp ( "url\\('(.*?)'\\)" ) . exec ( val ) ;
if ( m . length > 1 )
val = "url('" + eval ( tinyMCE . getParam ( 'urlconverter_callback' ) + "(m[1], null, true);" ) + "')" ;
// Force HEX colors
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( "force_hex_style_colors" ) )
val = tinyMCE . convertRGBToHex ( val , true ) ;
if ( val != "url('')" )
str += key . toLowerCase ( ) + ": " + val + "; " ;
if ( new RegExp ( '; $' ) . test ( str ) )
str = str . substring ( 0 , str . length - 2 ) ;
return str ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . convertRGBToHex = function ( s , k ) {
if ( s . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( 'rgb' ) != - 1 ) {
var re = new RegExp ( "(.*?)rgb\\s*?\\(\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?\\)(.*?)" , "gi" ) ;
var rgb = s . replace ( re , "$1,$2,$3,$4,$5" ) . split ( ',' ) ;
if ( rgb . length == 5 ) {
r = parseInt ( rgb [ 1 ] ) . toString ( 16 ) ;
g = parseInt ( rgb [ 2 ] ) . toString ( 16 ) ;
b = parseInt ( rgb [ 3 ] ) . toString ( 16 ) ;
r = r . length == 1 ? '0' + r : r ;
g = g . length == 1 ? '0' + g : g ;
b = b . length == 1 ? '0' + b : b ;
s = "#" + r + g + b ;
if ( k )
s = rgb [ 0 ] + s + rgb [ 4 ] ;
return s ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . convertHexToRGB = function ( s ) {
if ( s . indexOf ( '#' ) != - 1 ) {
s = s . replace ( new RegExp ( '[^0-9A-F]' , 'gi' ) , '' ) ;
return "rgb(" + parseInt ( s . substring ( 0 , 2 ) , 16 ) + "," + parseInt ( s . substring ( 2 , 4 ) , 16 ) + "," + parseInt ( s . substring ( 4 , 6 ) , 16 ) + ")" ;
return s ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _verifyClass = function ( node ) {
// Sometimes the class gets set to null, weird Gecko bug?
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
var className = node . getAttribute ( 'class' ) ;
if ( ! className )
return false ;
// Trim CSS class
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
var className = node . getAttribute ( 'className' ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _verify _css _classes && tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save ) {
var csses = tinyMCE . getCSSClasses ( ) ;
nonDefinedCSS = true ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < csses . length ; c ++ ) {
if ( csses [ c ] == className ) {
nonDefinedCSS = false ;
break ;
if ( nonDefinedCSS && className . indexOf ( 'mce_' ) != 0 ) {
node . removeAttribute ( 'className' ) ;
node . removeAttribute ( 'class' ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . cleanupNode = function ( node ) {
var output = "" ;
switch ( node . nodeType ) {
case 1 : // Element
var elementData = tinyMCE . _cleanupElementName ( node . nodeName , node ) ;
var elementName = elementData ? elementData . element _name : null ;
var elementValidAttribs = elementData ? elementData . valid _attribs : null ;
var elementAttribs = "" ;
var openTag = false , nonEmptyTag = false ;
if ( elementName != null && elementName . charAt ( 0 ) == '+' ) {
elementName = elementName . substring ( 1 ) ;
openTag = true ;
if ( elementName != null && elementName . charAt ( 0 ) == '-' ) {
elementName = elementName . substring ( 1 ) ;
nonEmptyTag = true ;
// Checking DOM tree for MSIE weirdness!!
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && tinyMCE . settings [ 'fix_content_duplication' ] ) {
var lookup = tinyMCE . cleanup _elementLookupTable ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lookup . length ; i ++ ) {
// Found element reference else were, hmm?
if ( lookup [ i ] == node )
return output ;
// Add element to lookup table
lookup [ lookup . length ] = node ;
// Element not valid (only render children)
if ( ! elementName ) {
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < node . childNodes . length ; i ++ )
output += this . cleanupNode ( node . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
return output ;
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save ) {
if ( node . nodeName == "A" && node . className == "mceItemAnchor" ) {
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < node . childNodes . length ; i ++ )
output += this . cleanupNode ( node . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
return '<a name="' + this . convertStringToXML ( node . getAttribute ( "name" ) ) + '"></a>' + output ;
// Remove deprecated attributes
var re = new RegExp ( "^(TABLE|TD|TR)$" ) ;
if ( re . test ( node . nodeName ) ) {
// Move attrib to style
if ( ( node . nodeName != "TABLE" || tinyMCE . cleanup _inline _styles ) && ( width = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( node , "width" ) ) != '' ) {
node . style . width = width . indexOf ( '%' ) != - 1 ? width : width . replace ( /[^0-9]/gi , '' ) + "px" ;
node . removeAttribute ( "width" ) ;
// Is table and not inline
if ( ( node . nodeName == "TABLE" && ! tinyMCE . cleanup _inline _styles ) && node . style . width != '' ) {
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( node , "width" , node . style . width . replace ( 'px' , '' ) ) ;
node . style . width = '' ;
// Move attrib to style
if ( ( height = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( node , "height" ) ) != '' ) {
height = "" + height ; // Force string
node . style . height = height . indexOf ( '%' ) != - 1 ? height : height . replace ( /[^0-9]/gi , '' ) + "px" ;
node . removeAttribute ( "height" ) ;
// Handle inline/outline styles
if ( tinyMCE . cleanup _inline _styles ) {
var re = new RegExp ( "^(TABLE|TD|TR|IMG|HR)$" ) ;
if ( re . test ( node . nodeName ) && tinyMCE . getAttrib ( node , "class" ) . indexOf ( 'mceItem' ) == - 1 ) {
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'width' , 'width' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'height' , 'height' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'borderWidth' , 'border' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , '' , 'vspace' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , '' , 'hspace' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'textAlign' , 'align' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'backgroundColor' , 'bgColor' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'borderColor' , 'borderColor' ) ;
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'backgroundImage' , 'background' ) ;
// Refresh element in old MSIE
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE5 )
node . outerHTML = node . outerHTML ;
} else if ( tinyMCE . isBlockElement ( node ) )
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'textAlign' , 'align' ) ;
if ( node . nodeName == "FONT" )
tinyMCE . _moveStyle ( node , 'color' , 'color' ) ;
// Set attrib data
if ( elementValidAttribs ) {
for ( var a = 1 ; a < elementValidAttribs . length ; a ++ ) {
var attribName , attribDefaultValue , attribForceValue , attribValue ;
attribName = elementValidAttribs [ a ] [ 0 ] ;
attribDefaultValue = elementValidAttribs [ a ] [ 1 ] ;
attribForceValue = elementValidAttribs [ a ] [ 2 ] ;
if ( attribDefaultValue != null || attribForceValue != null ) {
var attribValue = node . getAttribute ( attribName ) ;
if ( node . getAttribute ( attribName ) == null || node . getAttribute ( attribName ) == "" )
attribValue = attribDefaultValue ;
attribValue = attribForceValue ? attribForceValue : attribValue ;
// Is to generate id
if ( attribValue == "{$uid}" )
attribValue = "uid_" + ( tinyMCE . cleanup _idCount ++ ) ;
// Add visual aid class
if ( attribName == "class" )
attribValue = tinyMCE . getVisualAidClass ( attribValue , tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save ) ;
node . setAttribute ( attribName , attribValue ) ;
//alert(attribName + "=" + attribValue);
if ( ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera ) && elementName == "style" )
return "<style>" + node . innerHTML + "</style>" ;
// Remove empty tables
if ( elementName == "table" && ! node . hasChildNodes ( ) )
return "" ;
// Handle element attributes
if ( node . attributes . length > 0 ) {
var lastAttrib = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < node . attributes . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( node . attributes [ i ] . specified ) {
// Is the attrib already processed (removed duplicate attributes in opera TD[align=left])
if ( tinyMCE . isOpera ) {
if ( node . attributes [ i ] . nodeName == lastAttrib )
continue ;
lastAttrib = node . attributes [ i ] . nodeName ;
// tinyMCE.debug(node.nodeName, node.attributes[i].nodeName, node.attributes[i].nodeValue, node.innerHTML);
var attrib = tinyMCE . _cleanupAttribute ( elementValidAttribs , elementName , node . attributes [ i ] , node ) ;
if ( attrib && attrib . value != "" )
elementAttribs += " " + attrib . name + "=" + '"' + this . convertStringToXML ( "" + attrib . value ) + '"' ;
// MSIE table summary fix (MSIE 5.5)
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && elementName == "table" && node . getAttribute ( "summary" ) != null && elementAttribs . indexOf ( 'summary' ) == - 1 ) {
var summary = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( node , 'summary' ) ;
if ( summary != '' )
elementAttribs += " summary=" + '"' + this . convertStringToXML ( summary ) + '"' ;
// Handle missing attributes in MSIE 5.5
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE5 && /^(td|img|a)$/ . test ( elementName ) ) {
var ma = new Array ( "scope" , "longdesc" , "hreflang" , "charset" , "type" ) ;
for ( var u = 0 ; u < ma . length ; u ++ ) {
if ( node . getAttribute ( ma [ u ] ) != null ) {
var s = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( node , ma [ u ] ) ;
if ( s != '' )
elementAttribs += " " + ma [ u ] + "=" + '"' + this . convertStringToXML ( s ) + '"' ;
// MSIE form element issue
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && elementName == "input" ) {
if ( node . type ) {
if ( ! elementAttribs . match ( / type=/g ) )
elementAttribs += " type=" + '"' + node . type + '"' ;
if ( node . value ) {
if ( ! elementAttribs . match ( / value=/g ) )
elementAttribs += " value=" + '"' + node . value + '"' ;
// Add nbsp to some elements
if ( ( elementName == "p" || elementName == "td" ) && ( node . innerHTML == "" || node . innerHTML == " " ) )
return "<" + elementName + elementAttribs + ">" + this . convertStringToXML ( String . fromCharCode ( 160 ) ) + "</" + elementName + ">" ;
// Is MSIE script element
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && elementName == "script" )
return "<" + elementName + elementAttribs + ">" + node . text + "</" + elementName + ">" ;
// Clean up children
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
// If not empty span
if ( ! ( elementName == "span" && elementAttribs == "" && tinyMCE . getParam ( "trim_span_elements" ) ) ) {
// Force BR
if ( elementName == "p" && tinyMCE . cleanup _force _br _newlines )
output += "<div" + elementAttribs + ">" ;
output += "<" + elementName + elementAttribs + ">" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < node . childNodes . length ; i ++ )
output += this . cleanupNode ( node . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
// If not empty span
if ( ! ( elementName == "span" && elementAttribs == "" && tinyMCE . getParam ( "trim_span_elements" ) ) ) {
// Force BR
if ( elementName == "p" && tinyMCE . cleanup _force _br _newlines )
output += "</div><br />" ;
output += "</" + elementName + ">" ;
} else {
if ( ! nonEmptyTag ) {
if ( openTag )
output += "<" + elementName + elementAttribs + "></" + elementName + ">" ;
output += "<" + elementName + elementAttribs + " />" ;
return output ;
case 3 : // Text
// Do not convert script elements
if ( node . parentNode . nodeName == "SCRIPT" || node . parentNode . nodeName == "NOSCRIPT" || node . parentNode . nodeName == "STYLE" )
return node . nodeValue ;
return this . convertStringToXML ( node . nodeValue ) ;
case 8 : // Comment
return "<!--" + node . nodeValue + "-->" ;
default : // Unknown
return "[UNKNOWN NODETYPE " + node . nodeType + "]" ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . convertStringToXML = function ( html _data ) {
var output = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < html _data . length ; i ++ ) {
var chr = html _data . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
// Numeric entities
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'entity_encoding' ] == "numeric" ) {
if ( chr > 127 )
output += '&#' + chr + ";" ;
output += String . fromCharCode ( chr ) ;
continue ;
// Raw entities
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'entity_encoding' ] == "raw" ) {
output += String . fromCharCode ( chr ) ;
continue ;
// Named entities
if ( typeof ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_entities' ] [ "c" + chr ] ) != 'undefined' && tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_entities' ] [ "c" + chr ] != '' )
output += '&' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_entities' ] [ "c" + chr ] + ';' ;
output += '' + String . fromCharCode ( chr ) ;
return output ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _getCleanupElementName = function ( chunk ) {
var pos ;
if ( chunk . charAt ( 0 ) == '+' )
chunk = chunk . substring ( 1 ) ;
if ( chunk . charAt ( 0 ) == '-' )
chunk = chunk . substring ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( pos = chunk . indexOf ( '/' ) ) != - 1 )
chunk = chunk . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
if ( ( pos = chunk . indexOf ( '[' ) ) != - 1 )
chunk = chunk . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
return chunk ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _initCleanup = function ( ) {
// Parse valid elements and attributes
var validElements = tinyMCE . settings [ "valid_elements" ] ;
validElements = validElements . split ( ',' ) ;
// Handle extended valid elements
var extendedValidElements = tinyMCE . settings [ "extended_valid_elements" ] ;
extendedValidElements = extendedValidElements . split ( ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < extendedValidElements . length ; i ++ ) {
var elementName = this . _getCleanupElementName ( extendedValidElements [ i ] ) ;
var skipAdd = false ;
// Check if it's defined before, if so override that one
for ( var x = 0 ; x < validElements . length ; x ++ ) {
if ( this . _getCleanupElementName ( validElements [ x ] ) == elementName ) {
validElements [ x ] = extendedValidElements [ i ] ;
skipAdd = true ;
break ;
if ( ! skipAdd )
validElements [ validElements . length ] = extendedValidElements [ i ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < validElements . length ; i ++ ) {
var item = validElements [ i ] ;
item = item . replace ( '[' , '|' ) ;
item = item . replace ( ']' , '' ) ;
// Split and convert
var attribs = item . split ( '|' ) ;
for ( var x = 0 ; x < attribs . length ; x ++ )
attribs [ x ] = attribs [ x ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
// Handle change elements
attribs [ 0 ] = attribs [ 0 ] . split ( '/' ) ;
// Handle default attribute values
for ( var x = 1 ; x < attribs . length ; x ++ ) {
var attribName = attribs [ x ] ;
var attribDefault = null ;
var attribForce = null ;
var attribMustBe = null ;
// Default value
if ( ( pos = attribName . indexOf ( '=' ) ) != - 1 ) {
attribDefault = attribName . substring ( pos + 1 ) ;
attribName = attribName . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
// Force check
if ( ( pos = attribName . indexOf ( ':' ) ) != - 1 ) {
attribForce = attribName . substring ( pos + 1 ) ;
attribName = attribName . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
// Force check
if ( ( pos = attribName . indexOf ( '<' ) ) != - 1 ) {
attribMustBe = attribName . substring ( pos + 1 ) . split ( '?' ) ;
attribName = attribName . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
attribs [ x ] = new Array ( attribName , attribDefault , attribForce , attribMustBe ) ;
validElements [ i ] = attribs ;
var invalidElements = tinyMCE . settings [ 'invalid_elements' ] . split ( ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < invalidElements . length ; i ++ )
invalidElements [ i ] = invalidElements [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
// Set these for performance
tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_validElements' ] = validElements ;
tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_invalidElements' ] = invalidElements ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _cleanupHTML = function ( inst , doc , config , element , visual , on _save ) {
if ( ! tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup' ] ) {
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( inst . getBody ( ) , true , false , inst ) ;
var html = element . innerHTML ;
// Remove mce_href/mce_src
html = html . replace ( new RegExp ( '(mce_href|mce_src)=".*?"' , 'gi' ) , '' ) ;
html = html . replace ( /\s+>/gi , '>' ) ;
return html ;
if ( on _save && tinyMCE . getParam ( "convert_fonts_to_spans" ) )
tinyMCE . convertFontsToSpans ( doc ) ;
// Call custom cleanup code
tinyMCE . _customCleanup ( inst , on _save ? "get_from_editor_dom" : "insert_to_editor_dom" , doc . body ) ;
// Move bgcolor to style
var n = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "font" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n . length ; i ++ ) {
var c = "" ;
if ( ( c = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( n [ i ] , "bgcolor" ) ) != "" ) {
n [ i ] . style . backgroundColor = c ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( n [ i ] , "bgcolor" , "" ) ;
// Set these for performance
tinyMCE . cleanup _validElements = tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_validElements' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _invalidElements = tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_invalidElements' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _verify _html = tinyMCE . settings [ 'verify_html' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _force _br _newlines = tinyMCE . settings [ 'force_br_newlines' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _urlconverter _callback = tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _verify _css _classes = tinyMCE . settings [ 'verify_css_classes' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _visual _table _class = tinyMCE . settings [ 'visual_table_class' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _apply _source _formatting = tinyMCE . settings [ 'apply_source_formatting' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _inline _styles = tinyMCE . settings [ 'inline_styles' ] ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _visual _aid = visual ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _on _save = on _save ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _idCount = 0 ;
tinyMCE . cleanup _elementLookupTable = new Array ( ) ;
var startTime = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
// Cleanup madness that breaks the editor in MSIE
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
// Remove null ids from HR elements, results in runtime error
var nodes = element . getElementsByTagName ( "hr" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodes . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( nodes [ i ] . id == "null" )
nodes [ i ] . removeAttribute ( "id" ) ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( element , tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( element . innerHTML , '<p>[ \n\r]*<hr.*>[ \n\r]*</p>' , '<hr />' , 'gi' ) ) ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( element , tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( element . innerHTML , '<!([^-(DOCTYPE)]* )|<!/[^-]*>' , '' , 'gi' ) ) ;
var html = this . cleanupNode ( element ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'debug' ] )
tinyMCE . debug ( "Cleanup process executed in: " + ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - startTime ) + " ms." ) ;
// Remove pesky HR paragraphs and other crap
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , '<p><hr /></p>' , '<hr />' ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , '<p> </p><hr /><p> </p>' , '<hr />' ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , '<td>\\s*<br />\\s*</td>' , '<td> </td>' ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , '<p>\\s*<br />\\s*</p>' , '<p> </p>' ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , '<p>\\s* \\s*<br />\\s* \\s*</p>' , '<p> </p>' ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , '<p>\\s* \\s*<br />\\s*</p>' , '<p> </p>' ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , '<p>\\s*<br />\\s* \\s*</p>' , '<p> </p>' ) ;
// Remove empty anchors
html = html . replace ( new RegExp ( '<a>(.*?)</a>' , 'gi' ) , '$1' ) ;
// Remove some mozilla crap
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE )
html = html . replace ( new RegExp ( '<o:p _moz-userdefined="" />' , 'g' ) , "" ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'remove_linebreaks' ] )
html = html . replace ( new RegExp ( '\r|\n' , 'g' ) , ' ' ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( 'apply_source_formatting' ) ) {
html = html . replace ( new RegExp ( '<(p|div)([^>]*)>' , 'g' ) , "\n<$1$2>\n" ) ;
html = html . replace ( new RegExp ( '<\/(p|div)([^>]*)>' , 'g' ) , "\n</$1$2>\n" ) ;
html = html . replace ( new RegExp ( '<br />' , 'g' ) , "<br />\n" ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'force_br_newlines' ] ) {
var re = new RegExp ( '<p> </p>' , 'g' ) ;
html = html . replace ( re , "<br />" ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && tinyMCE . settings [ 'remove_lt_gt' ] ) {
// Remove weridness!
var re = new RegExp ( '<>' , 'g' ) ;
html = html . replace ( re , "" ) ;
// Call custom cleanup code
html = tinyMCE . _customCleanup ( inst , on _save ? "get_from_editor" : "insert_to_editor" , html ) ;
// Emtpy node, return empty
var chk = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "[ \t\r\n]" , "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( chk == "<br/>" || chk == "<br>" || chk == "<p> </p>" || chk == "<p> </p>" || chk == "<p></p>" )
html = "" ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ "preformatted" ] )
return "<pre>" + html + "</pre>" ;
return html ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . insertLink = function ( href , target , title , onclick , style _class ) {
tinyMCE . execCommand ( 'mceBeginUndoLevel' ) ;
if ( this . selectedInstance && this . selectedElement && this . selectedElement . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "img" ) {
var doc = this . selectedInstance . getDoc ( ) ;
var linkElement = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( this . selectedElement , "a" ) ;
var newLink = false ;
if ( ! linkElement ) {
linkElement = doc . createElement ( "a" ) ;
newLink = true ;
var mhref = href ;
var thref = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(href, linkElement);" ) ;
mhref = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) ? href : mhref ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( linkElement , 'href' , thref ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( linkElement , 'mce_href' , mhref ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( linkElement , 'target' , target ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( linkElement , 'title' , title ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( linkElement , 'onclick' , onclick ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( linkElement , 'class' , style _class ) ;
if ( newLink ) {
linkElement . appendChild ( this . selectedElement . cloneNode ( true ) ) ;
this . selectedElement . parentNode . replaceChild ( linkElement , this . selectedElement ) ;
return ;
if ( ! this . linkElement && this . selectedInstance ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceInsertContent" , false , '<a href="' + tinyMCE . uniqueURL + '">' + this . selectedInstance . getSelectedHTML ( ) + '</a>' ) ;
} else
this . selectedInstance . contentDocument . execCommand ( "createlink" , false , tinyMCE . uniqueURL ) ;
tinyMCE . linkElement = this . getElementByAttributeValue ( this . selectedInstance . contentDocument . body , "a" , "href" , tinyMCE . uniqueURL ) ;
var elementArray = this . getElementsByAttributeValue ( this . selectedInstance . contentDocument . body , "a" , "href" , tinyMCE . uniqueURL ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elementArray . length ; i ++ ) {
var mhref = href ;
var thref = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(href, elementArray[i]);" ) ;
mhref = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) ? href : mhref ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( elementArray [ i ] , 'href' , thref ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( elementArray [ i ] , 'mce_href' , mhref ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( elementArray [ i ] , 'target' , target ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( elementArray [ i ] , 'title' , title ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( elementArray [ i ] , 'onclick' , onclick ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( elementArray [ i ] , 'class' , style _class ) ;
tinyMCE . linkElement = elementArray [ 0 ] ;
if ( this . linkElement ) {
var mhref = href ;
href = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(href, this.linkElement);" ) ;
mhref = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) ? href : mhref ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . linkElement , 'href' , href ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . linkElement , 'mce_href' , mhref ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . linkElement , 'target' , target ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . linkElement , 'title' , title ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . linkElement , 'onclick' , onclick ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . linkElement , 'class' , style _class ) ;
tinyMCE . execCommand ( 'mceEndUndoLevel' ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . insertImage = function ( src , alt , border , hspace , vspace , width , height , align , title , onmouseover , onmouseout ) {
tinyMCE . execCommand ( 'mceBeginUndoLevel' ) ;
if ( src == "" )
return ;
if ( ! this . imgElement && tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
var html = "" ;
html += '<img src="' + src + '" alt="' + alt + '"' ;
html += ' border="' + border + '" hspace="' + hspace + '"' ;
html += ' vspace="' + vspace + '" width="' + width + '"' ;
html += ' height="' + height + '" align="' + align + '" title="' + title + '" onmouseover="' + onmouseover + '" onmouseout="' + onmouseout + '" />' ;
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceInsertContent" , false , html ) ;
} else {
if ( ! this . imgElement && this . selectedInstance ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari )
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceInsertContent" , false , '<img src="' + tinyMCE . uniqueURL + '" />' ) ;
this . selectedInstance . contentDocument . execCommand ( "insertimage" , false , tinyMCE . uniqueURL ) ;
tinyMCE . imgElement = this . getElementByAttributeValue ( this . selectedInstance . contentDocument . body , "img" , "src" , tinyMCE . uniqueURL ) ;
if ( this . imgElement ) {
var needsRepaint = false ;
var msrc = src ;
src = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(src, tinyMCE.imgElement);" ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) )
msrc = src ;
if ( onmouseover && onmouseover != "" )
onmouseover = "this.src='" + eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(onmouseover, tinyMCE.imgElement);" ) + "';" ;
if ( onmouseout && onmouseout != "" )
onmouseout = "this.src='" + eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(onmouseout, tinyMCE.imgElement);" ) + "';" ;
// Use alt as title if it's undefined
if ( typeof ( title ) == "undefined" )
title = alt ;
if ( width != this . imgElement . getAttribute ( "width" ) || height != this . imgElement . getAttribute ( "height" ) || align != this . imgElement . getAttribute ( "align" ) )
needsRepaint = true ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'src' , src ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'mce_src' , msrc ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'alt' , alt ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'title' , title ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'align' , align ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'border' , border , true ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'hspace' , hspace , true ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'vspace' , vspace , true ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'width' , width , true ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'height' , height , true ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'onmouseover' , onmouseover ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( this . imgElement , 'onmouseout' , onmouseout ) ;
// Fix for bug #989846 - Image resize bug
if ( width && width != "" )
this . imgElement . style . pixelWidth = width ;
if ( height && height != "" )
this . imgElement . style . pixelHeight = height ;
if ( needsRepaint )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . repaint ( ) ;
tinyMCE . execCommand ( 'mceEndUndoLevel' ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getElementByAttributeValue = function ( node , element _name , attrib , value ) {
var elements = this . getElementsByAttributeValue ( node , element _name , attrib , value ) ;
if ( elements . length == 0 )
return null ;
return elements [ 0 ] ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getElementsByAttributeValue = function ( node , element _name , attrib , value ) {
var elements = new Array ( ) ;
if ( node && node . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == element _name ) {
if ( node . getAttribute ( attrib ) && node . getAttribute ( attrib ) . indexOf ( value ) != - 1 )
elements [ elements . length ] = node ;
if ( node && node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
for ( var x = 0 , n = node . childNodes . length ; x < n ; x ++ ) {
var childElements = this . getElementsByAttributeValue ( node . childNodes [ x ] , element _name , attrib , value ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , m = childElements . length ; i < m ; i ++ )
elements [ elements . length ] = childElements [ i ] ;
return elements ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . isBlockElement = function ( node ) {
return node != null && node . nodeType == 1 && this . blockRegExp . test ( node . nodeName ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getParentBlockElement = function ( node ) {
// Search up the tree for block element
while ( node ) {
if ( this . blockRegExp . test ( node . nodeName ) )
return node ;
node = node . parentNode ;
return null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getNodeTree = function ( node , node _array , type , node _name ) {
if ( typeof ( type ) == "undefined" || node . nodeType == type && ( typeof ( node _name ) == "undefined" || node . nodeName == node _name ) )
node _array [ node _array . length ] = node ;
if ( node . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < node . childNodes . length ; i ++ )
tinyMCE . getNodeTree ( node . childNodes [ i ] , node _array , type , node _name ) ;
return node _array ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getParentElement = function ( node , names , attrib _name , attrib _value ) {
if ( typeof ( names ) == "undefined" ) {
if ( node . nodeType == 1 )
return node ;
// Find parent node that is a element
while ( ( node = node . parentNode ) != null && node . nodeType != 1 ) ;
return node ;
var namesAr = names . split ( ',' ) ;
if ( node == null )
return null ;
do {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < namesAr . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( node . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == namesAr [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) || names == "*" ) {
if ( typeof ( attrib _name ) == "undefined" )
return node ;
else if ( node . getAttribute ( attrib _name ) ) {
if ( typeof ( attrib _value ) == "undefined" ) {
if ( node . getAttribute ( attrib _name ) != "" )
return node ;
} else if ( node . getAttribute ( attrib _name ) == attrib _value )
return node ;
} while ( ( node = node . parentNode ) != null ) ;
return null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . convertURL = function ( url , node , on _save ) {
var prot = document . location . protocol ;
var host = document . location . hostname ;
var port = document . location . port ;
// Pass through file protocol
if ( prot == "file:" )
return url ;
// Something is wrong, remove weirdness
url = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( url , '(http|https):///' , '/' ) ;
// Mailto link or anchor (Pass through)
if ( url . indexOf ( 'mailto:' ) != - 1 || url . indexOf ( 'javascript:' ) != - 1 || tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( url , '[ \t\r\n\+]|%20' , '' ) . charAt ( 0 ) == "#" )
return url ;
// Fix relative/Mozilla
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! on _save && url . indexOf ( "://" ) == - 1 && url . charAt ( 0 ) != '/' )
return tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] + url ;
// Handle relative URLs
if ( on _save && tinyMCE . getParam ( 'relative_urls' ) ) {
var curl = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , url ) ;
if ( curl . charAt ( 0 ) == '/' )
curl = tinyMCE . settings [ 'document_base_prefix' ] + curl ;
var urlParts = tinyMCE . parseURL ( curl ) ;
var tmpUrlParts = tinyMCE . parseURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'document_base_url' ] ) ;
// Force relative
if ( urlParts [ 'host' ] == tmpUrlParts [ 'host' ] && ( urlParts [ 'port' ] == tmpUrlParts [ 'port' ] ) )
return tinyMCE . convertAbsoluteURLToRelativeURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'document_base_url' ] , curl ) ;
// Handle absolute URLs
if ( ! tinyMCE . getParam ( 'relative_urls' ) ) {
var urlParts = tinyMCE . parseURL ( url ) ;
var baseUrlParts = tinyMCE . parseURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] ) ;
// Force absolute URLs from relative URLs
url = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , url ) ;
// If anchor and path is the same page
if ( urlParts [ 'anchor' ] && urlParts [ 'path' ] == baseUrlParts [ 'path' ] )
return "#" + urlParts [ 'anchor' ] ;
// Remove current domain
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( 'remove_script_host' ) ) {
var start = "" , portPart = "" ;
if ( port != "" )
portPart = ":" + port ;
start = prot + "//" + host + portPart + "/" ;
if ( url . indexOf ( start ) == 0 )
url = url . substring ( start . length - 1 ) ;
return url ;
} ;
/ * *
* Parses a URL in to its diffrent components .
* /
TinyMCE . prototype . parseURL = function ( url _str ) {
var urlParts = new Array ( ) ;
if ( url _str ) {
var pos , lastPos ;
// Parse protocol part
pos = url _str . indexOf ( '://' ) ;
if ( pos != - 1 ) {
urlParts [ 'protocol' ] = url _str . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
lastPos = pos + 3 ;
// Find port or path start
for ( var i = lastPos ; i < url _str . length ; i ++ ) {
var chr = url _str . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( chr == ':' )
break ;
if ( chr == '/' )
break ;
pos = i ;
// Get host
urlParts [ 'host' ] = url _str . substring ( lastPos , pos ) ;
// Get port
urlParts [ 'port' ] = "" ;
lastPos = pos ;
if ( url _str . charAt ( pos ) == ':' ) {
pos = url _str . indexOf ( '/' , lastPos ) ;
urlParts [ 'port' ] = url _str . substring ( lastPos + 1 , pos ) ;
// Get path
lastPos = pos ;
pos = url _str . indexOf ( '?' , lastPos ) ;
if ( pos == - 1 )
pos = url _str . indexOf ( '#' , lastPos ) ;
if ( pos == - 1 )
pos = url _str . length ;
urlParts [ 'path' ] = url _str . substring ( lastPos , pos ) ;
// Get query
lastPos = pos ;
if ( url _str . charAt ( pos ) == '?' ) {
pos = url _str . indexOf ( '#' ) ;
pos = ( pos == - 1 ) ? url _str . length : pos ;
urlParts [ 'query' ] = url _str . substring ( lastPos + 1 , pos ) ;
// Get anchor
lastPos = pos ;
if ( url _str . charAt ( pos ) == '#' ) {
pos = url _str . length ;
urlParts [ 'anchor' ] = url _str . substring ( lastPos + 1 , pos ) ;
return urlParts ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . serializeURL = function ( up ) {
var url = "" ;
if ( up [ 'protocol' ] )
url += up [ 'protocol' ] + "://" ;
if ( up [ 'host' ] )
url += up [ 'host' ] ;
if ( up [ 'port' ] )
url += ":" + up [ 'port' ] ;
if ( up [ 'path' ] )
url += up [ 'path' ] ;
if ( up [ 'query' ] )
url += "?" + up [ 'query' ] ;
if ( up [ 'anchor' ] )
url += "#" + up [ 'anchor' ] ;
return url ;
} ;
/ * *
* Converts an absolute path to relative path .
* /
TinyMCE . prototype . convertAbsoluteURLToRelativeURL = function ( base _url , url _to _relative ) {
var baseURL = this . parseURL ( base _url ) ;
var targetURL = this . parseURL ( url _to _relative ) ;
var strTok1 ;
var strTok2 ;
var breakPoint = 0 ;
var outPath = "" ;
var forceSlash = false ;
if ( targetURL . path == "" )
targetURL . path = "/" ;
forceSlash = true ;
// Crop away last path part
base _url = baseURL . path . substring ( 0 , baseURL . path . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ) ;
strTok1 = base _url . split ( '/' ) ;
strTok2 = targetURL . path . split ( '/' ) ;
if ( strTok1 . length >= strTok2 . length ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < strTok1 . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i >= strTok2 . length || strTok1 [ i ] != strTok2 [ i ] ) {
breakPoint = i + 1 ;
break ;
if ( strTok1 . length < strTok2 . length ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < strTok2 . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i >= strTok1 . length || strTok1 [ i ] != strTok2 [ i ] ) {
breakPoint = i + 1 ;
break ;
if ( breakPoint == 1 )
return targetURL . path ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ( strTok1 . length - ( breakPoint - 1 ) ) ; i ++ )
outPath += "../" ;
for ( var i = breakPoint - 1 ; i < strTok2 . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i != ( breakPoint - 1 ) )
outPath += "/" + strTok2 [ i ] ;
outPath += strTok2 [ i ] ;
targetURL . protocol = null ;
targetURL . host = null ;
targetURL . port = null ;
targetURL . path = outPath == "" && forceSlash ? "/" : outPath ;
// Remove document prefix from local anchors
var fileName = baseURL . path ;
var pos ;
if ( ( pos = fileName . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ) != - 1 )
fileName = fileName . substring ( pos + 1 ) ;
// Is local anchor
if ( fileName == targetURL . path && targetURL . anchor != "" )
targetURL . path = "" ;
return this . serializeURL ( targetURL ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL = function ( base _url , relative _url ) {
var baseURL = TinyMCE . prototype . parseURL ( base _url ) ;
var relURL = TinyMCE . prototype . parseURL ( relative _url ) ;
if ( relative _url == "" || relative _url . charAt ( 0 ) == '/' || relative _url . indexOf ( '://' ) != - 1 || relative _url . indexOf ( 'mailto:' ) != - 1 || relative _url . indexOf ( 'javascript:' ) != - 1 )
return relative _url ;
// Split parts
baseURLParts = baseURL [ 'path' ] . split ( '/' ) ;
relURLParts = relURL [ 'path' ] . split ( '/' ) ;
// Remove empty chunks
var newBaseURLParts = new Array ( ) ;
for ( var i = baseURLParts . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( baseURLParts [ i ] . length == 0 )
continue ;
newBaseURLParts [ newBaseURLParts . length ] = baseURLParts [ i ] ;
baseURLParts = newBaseURLParts . reverse ( ) ;
// Merge relURLParts chunks
var newRelURLParts = new Array ( ) ;
var numBack = 0 ;
for ( var i = relURLParts . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( relURLParts [ i ] . length == 0 || relURLParts [ i ] == "." )
continue ;
if ( relURLParts [ i ] == '..' ) {
numBack ++ ;
continue ;
if ( numBack > 0 ) {
numBack -- ;
continue ;
newRelURLParts [ newRelURLParts . length ] = relURLParts [ i ] ;
relURLParts = newRelURLParts . reverse ( ) ;
// Remove end from absolute path
var len = baseURLParts . length - numBack ;
var absPath = ( len <= 0 ? "" : "/" ) + baseURLParts . slice ( 0 , len ) . join ( '/' ) + "/" + relURLParts . join ( '/' ) ;
var start = "" , end = "" ;
// Build output URL
relURL . protocol = baseURL . protocol ;
relURL . host = baseURL . host ;
relURL . port = baseURL . port ;
// Re-add trailing slash if it's removed
if ( relURL . path . charAt ( relURL . path . length - 1 ) == "/" )
absPath += "/" ;
relURL . path = absPath ;
return TinyMCE . prototype . serializeURL ( relURL ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getParam = function ( name , default _value , strip _whitespace , split _chr ) {
var value = ( typeof ( this . settings [ name ] ) == "undefined" ) ? default _value : this . settings [ name ] ;
// Fix bool values
if ( value == "true" || value == "false" )
return ( value == "true" ) ;
if ( strip _whitespace )
value = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( value , "[ \t\r\n]" , "" ) ;
if ( typeof ( split _chr ) != "undefined" && split _chr != null ) {
value = value . split ( split _chr ) ;
var outArray = new Array ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < value . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( value [ i ] && value [ i ] != "" )
outArray [ outArray . length ] = value [ i ] ;
value = outArray ;
return value ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getLang = function ( name , default _value , parse _entities ) {
var value = ( typeof ( tinyMCELang [ name ] ) == "undefined" ) ? default _value : tinyMCELang [ name ] ;
if ( parse _entities )
value = tinyMCE . entityDecode ( value ) ;
return value ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . entityDecode = function ( s ) {
var e = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
e . innerHTML = s ;
return e . innerHTML ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . addToLang = function ( prefix , ar ) {
for ( var key in ar ) {
if ( typeof ( ar [ key ] ) == 'function' )
continue ;
tinyMCELang [ ( key . indexOf ( 'lang_' ) == - 1 ? 'lang_' : '' ) + ( prefix != '' ? ( prefix + "_" ) : '' ) + key ] = ar [ key ] ;
// for (var key in ar)
// tinyMCELang[(key.indexOf('lang_') == -1 ? 'lang_' : '') + (prefix != '' ? (prefix + "_") : '') + key] = "|" + ar[key] + "|";
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . replaceVar = function ( replace _haystack , replace _var , replace _str ) {
var re = new RegExp ( '{\\\$' + replace _var + '}' , 'g' ) ;
return replace _haystack . replace ( re , replace _str ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . replaceVars = function ( replace _haystack , replace _vars ) {
for ( var key in replace _vars ) {
var value = replace _vars [ key ] ;
if ( typeof ( value ) == 'function' )
continue ;
replace _haystack = tinyMCE . replaceVar ( replace _haystack , key , value ) ;
return replace _haystack ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . triggerNodeChange = function ( focus , setup _content ) {
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'handleNodeChangeCallback' ] ) {
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . selectedInstance ;
var editorId = inst . editorId ;
var elm = ( typeof ( setup _content ) != "undefined" && setup _content ) ? tinyMCE . selectedElement : inst . getFocusElement ( ) ;
var undoIndex = - 1 ;
var undoLevels = - 1 ;
var anySelection = false ;
var selectedText = inst . getSelectedText ( ) ;
inst . switchSettings ( ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ "auto_resize" ] ) {
var doc = inst . getDoc ( ) ;
inst . iframeElement . style . width = doc . body . offsetWidth + "px" ;
inst . iframeElement . style . height = doc . body . offsetHeight + "px" ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedElement )
anySelection = ( tinyMCE . selectedElement . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "img" ) || ( selectedText && selectedText . length > 0 ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] ) {
undoIndex = inst . undoIndex ;
undoLevels = inst . undoLevels . length ;
tinyMCE . executeCallback ( 'handleNodeChangeCallback' , '_handleNodeChange' , 0 , editorId , elm , undoIndex , undoLevels , inst . visualAid , anySelection , setup _content ) ;
if ( this . selectedInstance && ( typeof ( focus ) == "undefined" || focus ) )
this . selectedInstance . contentWindow . focus ( ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _customCleanup = function ( inst , type , content ) {
// Call custom cleanup
var customCleanup = tinyMCE . settings [ 'cleanup_callback' ] ;
if ( customCleanup != "" && eval ( "typeof(" + customCleanup + ")" ) != "undefined" )
content = eval ( customCleanup + "(type, content, inst);" ) ;
// Trigger plugin cleanups
var plugins = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'plugins' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < plugins . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( eval ( "typeof(TinyMCE_" + plugins [ i ] + "_cleanup)" ) != "undefined" )
content = eval ( "TinyMCE_" + plugins [ i ] + "_cleanup(type, content, inst);" ) ;
return content ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getContent = function ( editor _id ) {
if ( typeof ( editor _id ) != "undefined" )
tinyMCE . selectedInstance = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( editor _id ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance ) {
var old = this . selectedInstance . getBody ( ) . innerHTML ;
var html = tinyMCE . _cleanupHTML ( this . selectedInstance , this . selectedInstance . getDoc ( ) , tinyMCE . settings , this . selectedInstance . getBody ( ) , false , true ) ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( this . selectedInstance . getBody ( ) , old ) ;
return html ;
return null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . setContent = function ( html _content ) {
if ( tinyMCE . selectedInstance ) {
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . execCommand ( 'mceSetContent' , false , html _content ) ;
tinyMCE . selectedInstance . repaint ( ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . importThemeLanguagePack = function ( name ) {
if ( typeof ( name ) == "undefined" )
name = tinyMCE . settings [ 'theme' ] ;
tinyMCE . loadScript ( tinyMCE . baseURL + '/themes/' + name + '/langs/' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'language' ] + '.js' ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . importPluginLanguagePack = function ( name , valid _languages ) {
var lang = "en" ;
valid _languages = valid _languages . split ( ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < valid _languages . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'language' ] == valid _languages [ i ] )
lang = tinyMCE . settings [ 'language' ] ;
tinyMCE . loadScript ( tinyMCE . baseURL + '/plugins/' + name + '/langs/' + lang + '.js' ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Adds themeurl , settings and lang to HTML code .
* /
TinyMCE . prototype . applyTemplate = function ( html , args ) {
html = tinyMCE . replaceVar ( html , "themeurl" , tinyMCE . themeURL ) ;
if ( typeof ( args ) != "undefined" )
html = tinyMCE . replaceVars ( html , args ) ;
html = tinyMCE . replaceVars ( html , tinyMCE . settings ) ;
html = tinyMCE . replaceVars ( html , tinyMCELang ) ;
return html ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . openWindow = function ( template , args ) {
var html , width , height , x , y , resizable , scrollbars , url ;
args [ 'mce_template_file' ] = template [ 'file' ] ;
args [ 'mce_width' ] = template [ 'width' ] ;
args [ 'mce_height' ] = template [ 'height' ] ;
tinyMCE . windowArgs = args ;
html = template [ 'html' ] ;
if ( ! ( width = parseInt ( template [ 'width' ] ) ) )
width = 320 ;
if ( ! ( height = parseInt ( template [ 'height' ] ) ) )
height = 200 ;
// Add to height in M$ due to SP2 WHY DON'T YOU GUYS IMPLEMENT innerWidth of windows!!
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
height += 40 ;
height += 20 ;
x = parseInt ( screen . width / 2.0 ) - ( width / 2.0 ) ;
y = parseInt ( screen . height / 2.0 ) - ( height / 2.0 ) ;
resizable = ( args && args [ 'resizable' ] ) ? args [ 'resizable' ] : "no" ;
scrollbars = ( args && args [ 'scrollbars' ] ) ? args [ 'scrollbars' ] : "no" ;
if ( template [ 'file' ] . charAt ( 0 ) != '/' && template [ 'file' ] . indexOf ( '://' ) == - 1 )
url = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/themes/" + tinyMCE . getParam ( "theme" ) + "/" + template [ 'file' ] ;
url = template [ 'file' ] ;
// Replace all args as variables in URL
for ( var name in args ) {
if ( typeof ( args [ name ] ) == 'function' )
continue ;
url = tinyMCE . replaceVar ( url , name , escape ( args [ name ] ) ) ;
if ( html ) {
html = tinyMCE . replaceVar ( html , "css" , this . settings [ 'popups_css' ] ) ;
html = tinyMCE . applyTemplate ( html , args ) ;
var win = window . open ( "" , "mcePopup" + new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) , "top=" + y + ",left=" + x + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",dialog=yes,minimizable=" + resizable + ",modal=yes,width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",resizable=" + resizable ) ;
if ( win == null ) {
alert ( tinyMCELang [ 'lang_popup_blocked' ] ) ;
return ;
win . document . write ( html ) ;
win . document . close ( ) ;
win . resizeTo ( width , height ) ;
win . focus ( ) ;
} else {
if ( ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera ) && resizable != 'yes' && tinyMCE . settings [ "dialog_type" ] == "modal" ) {
var features = "resizable:" + resizable
+ ";scroll:"
+ scrollbars + ";status:yes;center:yes;help:no;dialogWidth:"
+ width + "px;dialogHeight:" + height + "px;" ;
window . showModalDialog ( url , window , features ) ;
} else {
var modal = ( resizable == "yes" ) ? "no" : "yes" ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && tinyMCE . isMac )
modal = "no" ;
if ( template [ 'close_previous' ] != "no" )
try { tinyMCE . lastWindow . close ( ) ; } catch ( ex ) { }
var win = window . open ( url , "mcePopup" + new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) , "top=" + y + ",left=" + x + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",dialog=" + modal + ",minimizable=" + resizable + ",modal=" + modal + ",width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",resizable=" + resizable ) ;
if ( win == null ) {
alert ( tinyMCELang [ 'lang_popup_blocked' ] ) ;
return ;
if ( template [ 'close_previous' ] != "no" )
tinyMCE . lastWindow = win ;
eval ( 'try { win.resizeTo(width, height); } catch(e) { }' ) ;
// Make it bigger if statusbar is forced
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
if ( win . document . defaultView . statusbar . visible )
win . resizeBy ( 0 , tinyMCE . isMac ? 10 : 24 ) ;
win . focus ( ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . closeWindow = function ( win ) {
win . close ( ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getVisualAidClass = function ( class _name , state ) {
var aidClass = tinyMCE . settings [ 'visual_table_class' ] ;
if ( typeof ( state ) == "undefined" )
state = tinyMCE . settings [ 'visual' ] ;
// Split
var classNames = new Array ( ) ;
var ar = class _name . split ( ' ' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ar . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ar [ i ] == aidClass )
ar [ i ] = "" ;
if ( ar [ i ] != "" )
classNames [ classNames . length ] = ar [ i ] ;
if ( state )
classNames [ classNames . length ] = aidClass ;
// Glue
var className = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < classNames . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i > 0 )
className += " " ;
className += classNames [ i ] ;
return className ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . handleVisualAid = function ( el , deep , state , inst ) {
if ( ! el )
return ;
var tableElement = null ;
switch ( el . nodeName ) {
case "TABLE" :
var oldW = el . style . width ;
var oldH = el . style . height ;
var bo = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( el , "border" ) ;
bo = bo == "" || bo == "0" ? true : false ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( el , "class" , tinyMCE . getVisualAidClass ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( el , "class" ) , state && bo ) ) ;
el . style . width = oldW ;
el . style . height = oldH ;
for ( var y = 0 ; y < el . rows . length ; y ++ ) {
for ( var x = 0 ; x < el . rows [ y ] . cells . length ; x ++ ) {
var cn = tinyMCE . getVisualAidClass ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( el . rows [ y ] . cells [ x ] , "class" ) , state && bo ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( el . rows [ y ] . cells [ x ] , "class" , cn ) ;
break ;
case "A" :
var anchorName = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( el , "name" ) ;
if ( anchorName != '' && state ) {
el . title = anchorName ;
el . className = 'mceItemAnchor' ;
} else if ( anchorName != '' && ! state )
el . className = '' ;
break ;
if ( deep && el . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < el . childNodes . length ; i ++ )
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( el . childNodes [ i ] , deep , state , inst ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getAttrib = function ( elm , name , default _value ) {
if ( typeof ( default _value ) == "undefined" )
default _value = "" ;
// Not a element
if ( ! elm || elm . nodeType != 1 )
return default _value ;
var v = elm . getAttribute ( name ) ;
// Try className for class attrib
if ( name == "class" && ! v )
v = elm . className ;
// Workaround for a issue with Firefox 1.5rc2+
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && name == "src" && elm . src != null && elm . src != "" )
v = elm . src ;
// Workaround for a issue with Firefox 1.5rc2+
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && name == "href" && elm . href != null && elm . href != "" )
v = elm . href ;
if ( name == "style" && ! tinyMCE . isOpera )
v = elm . style . cssText ;
return ( v && v != "" ) ? v : default _value ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . setAttrib = function ( element , name , value , fix _value ) {
if ( typeof ( value ) == "number" && value != null )
value = "" + value ;
if ( fix _value ) {
if ( value == null )
value = "" ;
var re = new RegExp ( '[^0-9%]' , 'g' ) ;
value = value . replace ( re , '' ) ;
if ( name == "style" )
element . style . cssText = value ;
if ( name == "class" )
element . className = value ;
if ( value != null && value != "" && value != - 1 )
element . setAttribute ( name , value ) ;
element . removeAttribute ( name ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . setStyleAttrib = function ( elm , name , value ) {
eval ( 'elm.style.' + name + '=value;' ) ;
// Style attrib deleted
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && value == null || value == '' ) {
var str = tinyMCE . serializeStyle ( tinyMCE . parseStyle ( elm . style . cssText ) ) ;
elm . style . cssText = str ;
elm . setAttribute ( "style" , str ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . convertSpansToFonts = function ( doc ) {
var sizes = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'font_size_style_values' ) . replace ( /\s+/ , '' ) . split ( ',' ) ;
var h = doc . body . innerHTML ;
h = h . replace ( /<span/gi , '<font' ) ;
h = h . replace ( /<\/span/gi , '</font' ) ;
doc . body . innerHTML = h ;
var s = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "font" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < s . length ; i ++ ) {
var size = tinyMCE . trim ( s [ i ] . style . fontSize ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var fSize = 0 ;
for ( var x = 0 ; x < sizes . length ; x ++ ) {
if ( sizes [ x ] == size ) {
fSize = x + 1 ;
break ;
if ( fSize > 0 ) {
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( s [ i ] , 'size' , fSize ) ;
s [ i ] . style . fontSize = '' ;
var fFace = s [ i ] . style . fontFamily ;
if ( fFace != null && fFace != "" ) {
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( s [ i ] , 'face' , fFace ) ;
s [ i ] . style . fontFamily = '' ;
var fColor = s [ i ] . style . color ;
if ( fColor != null && fColor != "" ) {
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( s [ i ] , 'color' , tinyMCE . convertRGBToHex ( fColor ) ) ;
s [ i ] . style . color = '' ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . convertFontsToSpans = function ( doc ) {
var sizes = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'font_size_style_values' ) . replace ( /\s+/ , '' ) . split ( ',' ) ;
var h = doc . body . innerHTML ;
h = h . replace ( /<font/gi , '<span' ) ;
h = h . replace ( /<\/font/gi , '</span' ) ;
doc . body . innerHTML = h ;
var fsClasses = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'font_size_classes' ) ;
if ( fsClasses != '' )
fsClasses = fsClasses . replace ( /\s+/ , '' ) . split ( ',' ) ;
fsClasses = null ;
var s = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < s . length ; i ++ ) {
var fSize , fFace , fColor ;
fSize = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( s [ i ] , 'size' ) ;
fFace = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( s [ i ] , 'face' ) ;
fColor = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( s [ i ] , 'color' ) ;
if ( fSize != "" ) {
fSize = parseInt ( fSize ) ;
if ( fSize > 0 && fSize < 8 ) {
if ( fsClasses != null )
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( s [ i ] , 'class' , fsClasses [ fSize - 1 ] ) ;
s [ i ] . style . fontSize = sizes [ fSize - 1 ] ;
s [ i ] . removeAttribute ( 'size' ) ;
if ( fFace != "" ) {
s [ i ] . style . fontFamily = fFace ;
s [ i ] . removeAttribute ( 'face' ) ;
if ( fColor != "" ) {
s [ i ] . style . color = fColor ;
s [ i ] . removeAttribute ( 'color' ) ;
} ;
/ *
TinyMCE . prototype . applyClassesToFonts = function ( doc , size ) {
var f = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "font" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < f . length ; i ++ ) {
var s = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( f [ i ] , "size" ) ;
if ( s != "" )
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( f [ i ] , 'class' , "mceItemFont" + s ) ;
if ( typeof ( size ) != "undefined" ) {
var css = "" ;
for ( var x = 0 ; x < doc . styleSheets . length ; x ++ ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . styleSheets [ x ] . rules . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( doc . styleSheets [ x ] . rules [ i ] . selectorText == '#mceSpanFonts .mceItemFont' + size ) {
css = doc . styleSheets [ x ] . rules [ i ] . style . cssText ;
break ;
if ( css != "" )
break ;
if ( doc . styleSheets [ 0 ] . rules [ 0 ] . selectorText == "FONT" )
doc . styleSheets [ 0 ] . removeRule ( 0 ) ;
doc . styleSheets [ 0 ] . addRule ( "FONT" , css , 0 ) ;
} ;
* /
TinyMCE . prototype . setInnerHTML = function ( e , h ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera ) {
e . innerHTML = tinyMCE . uniqueTag + h ;
e . firstChild . removeNode ( true ) ;
} else {
h = this . fixGeckoBaseHREFBug ( 1 , e , h ) ;
e . innerHTML = h ;
this . fixGeckoBaseHREFBug ( 2 , e , h ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . fixGeckoBaseHREFBug = function ( m , e , h ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
if ( m == 1 ) {
h = h . replace ( /\ssrc=/gi , " xsrc=" ) ;
h = h . replace ( /\shref=/gi , " xhref=" ) ;
return h ;
} else {
if ( h . indexOf ( ' xsrc' ) != - 1 ) {
var n = e . getElementsByTagName ( "img" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n . length ; i ++ ) {
var xsrc = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( n [ i ] , "xsrc" ) ;
if ( xsrc != "" ) {
n [ i ] . src = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , xsrc ) ;
n [ i ] . removeAttribute ( "xsrc" ) ;
// Select image form fields
var n = e . getElementsByTagName ( "select" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n . length ; i ++ ) {
var xsrc = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( n [ i ] , "xsrc" ) ;
if ( xsrc != "" ) {
n [ i ] . src = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , xsrc ) ;
n [ i ] . removeAttribute ( "xsrc" ) ;
// iframes
var n = e . getElementsByTagName ( "iframe" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n . length ; i ++ ) {
var xsrc = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( n [ i ] , "xsrc" ) ;
if ( xsrc != "" ) {
n [ i ] . src = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , xsrc ) ;
n [ i ] . removeAttribute ( "xsrc" ) ;
if ( h . indexOf ( ' xhref' ) != - 1 ) {
var n = e . getElementsByTagName ( "a" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n . length ; i ++ ) {
var xhref = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( n [ i ] , "xhref" ) ;
if ( xhref != "" ) {
n [ i ] . href = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , xhref ) ;
n [ i ] . removeAttribute ( "xhref" ) ;
return h ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getOuterHTML = function ( e ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
return e . outerHTML ;
var d = e . ownerDocument . createElement ( "body" ) ;
d . appendChild ( e ) ;
return d . innerHTML ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . setOuterHTML = function ( doc , e , h ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
e . outerHTML = h ;
return ;
var d = e . ownerDocument . createElement ( "body" ) ;
d . innerHTML = h ;
e . parentNode . replaceChild ( d . firstChild , e ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . insertAfter = function ( nc , rc ) {
if ( rc . nextSibling )
rc . parentNode . insertBefore ( nc , rc . nextSibling ) ;
rc . parentNode . appendChild ( nc ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . cleanupAnchors = function ( doc ) {
var an = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "a" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < an . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( an [ i ] , "name" ) != "" ) {
var cn = an [ i ] . childNodes ;
for ( var x = cn . length - 1 ; x >= 0 ; x -- )
tinyMCE . insertAfter ( cn [ x ] , an [ i ] ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _setHTML = function ( doc , html _content ) {
// Force closed anchors open
//html_content = html_content.replace(new RegExp('<a(.*?)/>', 'gi'), '<a$1></a>');
html _content = tinyMCE . cleanupHTMLCode ( html _content ) ;
// Try innerHTML if it fails use pasteHTML in MSIE
try {
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( doc . body , html _content ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
if ( this . isMSIE )
doc . body . createTextRange ( ) . pasteHTML ( html _content ) ;
// Content duplication bug fix
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && tinyMCE . settings [ 'fix_content_duplication' ] ) {
// Remove P elements in P elements
var paras = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "P" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < paras . length ; i ++ ) {
var node = paras [ i ] ;
while ( ( node = node . parentNode ) != null ) {
if ( node . nodeName == "P" )
node . outerHTML = node . innerHTML ;
// Content duplication bug fix (Seems to be word crap)
var html = doc . body . innerHTML ;
if ( html . indexOf ( '="mso' ) != - 1 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . body . all . length ; i ++ ) {
var el = doc . body . all [ i ] ;
el . removeAttribute ( "className" , "" , 0 ) ;
el . removeAttribute ( "style" , "" , 0 ) ;
html = doc . body . innerHTML ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<o:p><\/o:p>" , "<br />" ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<o:p> <\/o:p>" , "" ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<st1:.*?>" , "" ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<p><\/p>" , "" ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<p><\/p>\r\n<p><\/p>" , "" ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<p> <\/p>" , "<br />" ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<p>\s*(<p>\s*)?" , "<p>" ) ;
html = tinyMCE . regexpReplace ( html , "<\/p>\s*(<\/p>\s*)?" , "</p>" ) ;
// Always set the htmlText output
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( doc . body , html ) ;
tinyMCE . cleanupAnchors ( doc ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( "convert_fonts_to_spans" ) )
tinyMCE . convertSpansToFonts ( doc ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getImageSrc = function ( str ) {
var pos = - 1 ;
if ( ! str )
return "" ;
if ( ( pos = str . indexOf ( 'this.src=' ) ) != - 1 ) {
var src = str . substring ( pos + 10 ) ;
src = src . substring ( 0 , src . indexOf ( '\'' ) ) ;
return src ;
return "" ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _getElementById = function ( element _id ) {
var elm = document . getElementById ( element _id ) ;
if ( ! elm ) {
// Check for element in forms
for ( var j = 0 ; j < document . forms . length ; j ++ ) {
for ( var k = 0 ; k < document . forms [ j ] . elements . length ; k ++ ) {
if ( document . forms [ j ] . elements [ k ] . name == element _id ) {
elm = document . forms [ j ] . elements [ k ] ;
break ;
return elm ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getEditorId = function ( form _element ) {
var inst = this . getInstanceById ( form _element ) ;
if ( ! inst )
return null ;
return inst . editorId ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getInstanceById = function ( editor _id ) {
var inst = this . instances [ editor _id ] ;
if ( ! inst ) {
for ( var n in tinyMCE . instances ) {
var instance = tinyMCE . instances [ n ] ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( instance ) )
continue ;
if ( instance . formTargetElementId == editor _id ) {
inst = instance ;
break ;
return inst ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . queryInstanceCommandValue = function ( editor _id , command ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( editor _id ) ;
if ( inst )
return inst . queryCommandValue ( command ) ;
return false ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . queryInstanceCommandState = function ( editor _id , command ) {
var inst = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( editor _id ) ;
if ( inst )
return inst . queryCommandState ( command ) ;
return null ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . setWindowArg = function ( name , value ) {
this . windowArgs [ name ] = value ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getWindowArg = function ( name , default _value ) {
return ( typeof ( this . windowArgs [ name ] ) == "undefined" ) ? default _value : this . windowArgs [ name ] ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getCSSClasses = function ( editor _id , doc ) {
var output = new Array ( ) ;
// Is cached, use that
if ( typeof ( tinyMCE . cssClasses ) != "undefined" )
return tinyMCE . cssClasses ;
if ( typeof ( editor _id ) == "undefined" && typeof ( doc ) == "undefined" ) {
var instance ;
for ( var instanceName in tinyMCE . instances ) {
instance = tinyMCE . instances [ instanceName ] ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isInstance ( instance ) )
continue ;
break ;
doc = instance . getDoc ( ) ;
if ( typeof ( doc ) == "undefined" ) {
var instance = tinyMCE . getInstanceById ( editor _id ) ;
doc = instance . getDoc ( ) ;
if ( doc ) {
var styles = tinyMCE . isMSIE ? doc . styleSheets : doc . styleSheets ;
if ( styles && styles . length > 0 ) {
for ( var x = 0 ; x < styles . length ; x ++ ) {
var csses = null ;
// Just ignore any errors
eval ( "try {var csses = tinyMCE.isMSIE ? doc.styleSheets(" + x + ").rules : doc.styleSheets[" + x + "].cssRules;} catch(e) {}" ) ;
if ( ! csses )
return new Array ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < csses . length ; i ++ ) {
var selectorText = csses [ i ] . selectorText ;
// Can be multiple rules per selector
if ( selectorText ) {
var rules = selectorText . split ( ',' ) ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < rules . length ; c ++ ) {
// Invalid rule
if ( rules [ c ] . indexOf ( ' ' ) != - 1 || rules [ c ] . indexOf ( ':' ) != - 1 || rules [ c ] . indexOf ( 'mceItem' ) != - 1 )
continue ;
if ( rules [ c ] == "." + tinyMCE . settings [ 'visual_table_class' ] )
continue ;
// Is class rule
if ( rules [ c ] . indexOf ( '.' ) != - 1 ) {
output [ output . length ] = rules [ c ] . substring ( rules [ c ] . indexOf ( '.' ) + 1 ) ;
// Cache em
if ( output . length > 0 )
tinyMCE . cssClasses = output ;
return output ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . regexpReplace = function ( in _str , reg _exp , replace _str , opts ) {
if ( in _str == null )
return in _str ;
if ( typeof ( opts ) == "undefined" )
opts = 'g' ;
var re = new RegExp ( reg _exp , opts ) ;
return in _str . replace ( re , replace _str ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . trim = function ( str ) {
return str . replace ( /^\s*|\s*$/g , "" ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . cleanupEventStr = function ( str ) {
str = "" + str ;
str = str . replace ( 'function anonymous()\n{\n' , '' ) ;
str = str . replace ( '\n}' , '' ) ;
str = str . replace ( /^return true;/gi , '' ) ; // Remove event blocker
return str ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getAbsPosition = function ( node ) {
var pos = new Object ( ) ;
pos . absLeft = pos . absTop = 0 ;
var parentNode = node ;
while ( parentNode ) {
pos . absLeft += parentNode . offsetLeft ;
pos . absTop += parentNode . offsetTop ;
parentNode = parentNode . offsetParent ;
return pos ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . getControlHTML = function ( control _name ) {
var themePlugins = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'plugins' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
var templateFunction ;
// Is it defined in any plugins
for ( var i = themePlugins . length ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
templateFunction = 'TinyMCE_' + themePlugins [ i ] + "_getControlHTML" ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) != 'undefined' ) {
var html = eval ( templateFunction + "('" + control _name + "');" ) ;
if ( html != "" )
return tinyMCE . replaceVar ( html , "pluginurl" , tinyMCE . baseURL + "/plugins/" + themePlugins [ i ] ) ;
return eval ( 'TinyMCE_' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'theme' ] + "_getControlHTML" + "('" + control _name + "');" ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _themeExecCommand = function ( editor _id , element , command , user _interface , value ) {
var themePlugins = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'plugins' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
var templateFunction ;
// Is it defined in any plugins
for ( var i = themePlugins . length ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
templateFunction = 'TinyMCE_' + themePlugins [ i ] + "_execCommand" ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) != 'undefined' ) {
if ( eval ( templateFunction + "(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value);" ) )
return true ;
// Theme funtion
templateFunction = 'TinyMCE_' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'theme' ] + "_execCommand" ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) != 'undefined' )
return eval ( templateFunction + "(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value);" ) ;
// Pass to normal
return false ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . _getThemeFunction = function ( suffix , skip _plugins ) {
if ( skip _plugins )
return 'TinyMCE_' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'theme' ] + suffix ;
var themePlugins = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'plugins' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
var templateFunction ;
// Is it defined in any plugins
for ( var i = themePlugins . length ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
templateFunction = 'TinyMCE_' + themePlugins [ i ] + suffix ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) != 'undefined' )
return templateFunction ;
return 'TinyMCE_' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'theme' ] + suffix ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . isFunc = function ( func _name ) {
if ( func _name == null || func _name == "" )
return false ;
return eval ( "typeof(" + func _name + ")" ) != "undefined" ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . exec = function ( func _name , args ) {
var str = func _name + '(' ;
// Add all arguments
for ( var i = 3 ; i < args . length ; i ++ ) {
str += 'args[' + i + ']' ;
if ( i < args . length - 1 )
str += ',' ;
str += ');' ;
return eval ( str ) ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . executeCallback = function ( param , suffix , mode ) {
switch ( mode ) {
// No chain
case 0 :
var state = false ;
// Execute each plugin callback
var plugins = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'plugins' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < plugins . length ; i ++ ) {
var func = "TinyMCE_" + plugins [ i ] + suffix ;
if ( tinyMCE . isFunc ( func ) ) {
tinyMCE . exec ( func , this . executeCallback . arguments ) ;
state = true ;
// Execute theme callback
var func = 'TinyMCE_' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'theme' ] + suffix ;
if ( tinyMCE . isFunc ( func ) ) {
tinyMCE . exec ( func , this . executeCallback . arguments ) ;
state = true ;
// Execute settings callback
var func = tinyMCE . getParam ( param , '' ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isFunc ( func ) ) {
tinyMCE . exec ( func , this . executeCallback . arguments ) ;
state = true ;
return state ;
// Chain mode
case 1 :
// Execute each plugin callback
var plugins = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'plugins' , '' , true , ',' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < plugins . length ; i ++ ) {
var func = "TinyMCE_" + plugins [ i ] + suffix ;
if ( tinyMCE . isFunc ( func ) ) {
if ( tinyMCE . exec ( func , this . executeCallback . arguments ) )
return true ;
// Execute theme callback
var func = 'TinyMCE_' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'theme' ] + suffix ;
if ( tinyMCE . isFunc ( func ) ) {
if ( tinyMCE . exec ( func , this . executeCallback . arguments ) )
return true ;
// Execute settings callback
var func = tinyMCE . getParam ( param , '' ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isFunc ( func ) ) {
if ( tinyMCE . exec ( func , this . executeCallback . arguments ) )
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
TinyMCE . prototype . debug = function ( ) {
var msg = "" ;
var elm = document . getElementById ( "tinymce_debug" ) ;
if ( ! elm ) {
var debugDiv = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
debugDiv . setAttribute ( "className" , "debugger" ) ;
debugDiv . className = "debugger" ;
debugDiv . innerHTML = ' \
2005-08-23 01:33:52 +00:00
Debug output : \
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
< textarea id = "tinymce_debug" style = "width: 100%; height: 300px" wrap = "nowrap" > < / t e x t a r e a > ' ;
document . body . appendChild ( debugDiv ) ;
elm = document . getElementById ( "tinymce_debug" ) ;
var args = this . debug . arguments ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < args . length ; i ++ ) {
msg += args [ i ] ;
if ( i < args . length - 1 )
msg += ', ' ;
elm . value += msg + "\n" ;
} ;
// TinyMCEControl
function TinyMCEControl ( settings ) {
// Undo levels
this . undoLevels = new Array ( ) ;
this . undoIndex = 0 ;
this . typingUndoIndex = - 1 ;
this . undoRedo = true ;
this . isTinyMCEControl = true ;
// Default settings
this . settings = settings ;
this . settings [ 'theme' ] = tinyMCE . getParam ( "theme" , "default" ) ;
this . settings [ 'width' ] = tinyMCE . getParam ( "width" , - 1 ) ;
this . settings [ 'height' ] = tinyMCE . getParam ( "height" , - 1 ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . repaint = function ( ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera )
return ;
// Ugly mozilla hack to remove ghost resize handles
try {
this . getBody ( ) . style . display = 'none' ;
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( 'selectall' , false , null ) ;
this . getSel ( ) . collapseToStart ( ) ;
this . getBody ( ) . style . display = 'block' ;
} catch ( ex ) {
// Could I care less!!
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . switchSettings = function ( ) {
if ( tinyMCE . configs . length > 1 && tinyMCE . currentConfig != this . settings [ 'index' ] ) {
tinyMCE . settings = this . settings ;
tinyMCE . currentConfig = this . settings [ 'index' ] ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . convertAllRelativeURLs = function ( ) {
var body = this . getBody ( ) ;
// Convert all image URL:s to absolute URL
var elms = body . getElementsByTagName ( "img" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elms . length ; i ++ ) {
var src = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elms [ i ] , 'src' ) ;
var msrc = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elms [ i ] , 'mce_src' ) ;
if ( msrc != "" )
src = msrc ;
if ( src != "" ) {
src = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , src ) ;
elms [ i ] . setAttribute ( "src" , src ) ;
// Convert all link URL:s to absolute URL
var elms = body . getElementsByTagName ( "a" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elms . length ; i ++ ) {
var href = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elms [ i ] , 'href' ) ;
var mhref = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elms [ i ] , 'mce_href' ) ;
if ( mhref != "" )
href = mhref ;
if ( href && href != "" ) {
href = tinyMCE . convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] , href ) ;
elms [ i ] . setAttribute ( "href" , href ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getSelectedHTML = function ( ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
// Not realy perfect!!
return this . getRng ( ) . toString ( ) ;
var elm = document . createElement ( "body" ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko )
elm . appendChild ( this . getRng ( ) . cloneContents ( ) ) ;
elm . innerHTML = this . getRng ( ) . htmlText ;
return tinyMCE . _cleanupHTML ( this , this . contentDocument , this . settings , elm , this . visualAid ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getBookmark = function ( ) {
var rng = this . getRng ( ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari )
return rng ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
return rng ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko )
return rng . cloneRange ( ) ;
return null ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . moveToBookmark = function ( bookmark ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
var sel = this . getSel ( ) . realSelection ;
sel . setBaseAndExtent ( bookmark . startContainer , bookmark . startOffset , bookmark . endContainer , bookmark . endOffset ) ;
return true ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
return bookmark . select ( ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
var rng = this . getDoc ( ) . createRange ( ) ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
rng . setStart ( bookmark . startContainer , bookmark . startOffset ) ;
rng . setEnd ( bookmark . endContainer , bookmark . endOffset ) ;
sel . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
sel . addRange ( rng ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getSelectedText = function ( ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
if ( doc . selection . type == "Text" ) {
var rng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
selectedText = rng . text ;
} else
selectedText = '' ;
} else {
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
if ( sel && sel . toString )
selectedText = sel . toString ( ) ;
selectedText = '' ;
return selectedText ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . selectNode = function ( node , collapse , select _text _node , to _start ) {
if ( ! node )
return ;
if ( typeof ( collapse ) == "undefined" )
collapse = true ;
if ( typeof ( select _text _node ) == "undefined" )
select _text _node = false ;
if ( typeof ( to _start ) == "undefined" )
to _start = true ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var rng = this . getBody ( ) . createTextRange ( ) ;
try {
rng . moveToElementText ( node ) ;
if ( collapse )
rng . collapse ( to _start ) ;
rng . select ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// Throws illigal agrument in MSIE some times
} else {
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
if ( ! sel )
return ;
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
sel . realSelection . setBaseAndExtent ( node , 0 , node , node . innerText . length ) ;
if ( collapse ) {
if ( to _start )
sel . realSelection . collapseToStart ( ) ;
sel . realSelection . collapseToEnd ( ) ;
this . scrollToNode ( node ) ;
return ;
var rng = this . getDoc ( ) . createRange ( ) ;
if ( select _text _node ) {
// Find first textnode in tree
var nodes = tinyMCE . getNodeTree ( node , new Array ( ) , 3 ) ;
if ( nodes . length > 0 )
rng . selectNodeContents ( nodes [ 0 ] ) ;
rng . selectNodeContents ( node ) ;
} else
rng . selectNode ( node ) ;
if ( collapse ) {
// Special treatment of textnode collapse
if ( ! to _start && node . nodeType == 3 ) {
rng . setStart ( node , node . nodeValue . length ) ;
rng . setEnd ( node , node . nodeValue . length ) ;
} else
rng . collapse ( to _start ) ;
sel . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
sel . addRange ( rng ) ;
this . scrollToNode ( node ) ;
// Set selected element
tinyMCE . selectedElement = null ;
if ( node . nodeType == 1 )
tinyMCE . selectedElement = node ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . scrollToNode = function ( node ) {
// Scroll to node position
var pos = tinyMCE . getAbsPosition ( node ) ;
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
var scrollX = doc . body . scrollLeft + doc . documentElement . scrollLeft ;
var scrollY = doc . body . scrollTop + doc . documentElement . scrollTop ;
var height = tinyMCE . isMSIE ? document . getElementById ( this . editorId ) . style . pixelHeight : this . targetElement . clientHeight ;
// Only scroll if out of visible area
if ( ! tinyMCE . settings [ 'auto_resize' ] && ! ( pos . absTop > scrollY && pos . absTop < ( scrollY - 25 + height ) ) )
this . contentWindow . scrollTo ( pos . absLeft , pos . absTop - height + 25 ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getBody = function ( ) {
return this . getDoc ( ) . body ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getDoc = function ( ) {
return this . contentWindow . document ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getWin = function ( ) {
return this . contentWindow ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getSel = function ( ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera )
return this . getDoc ( ) . selection ;
var sel = this . contentWindow . getSelection ( ) ;
// Fake getRangeAt
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari && ! sel . getRangeAt ) {
var newSel = new Object ( ) ;
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
function getRangeAt ( idx ) {
var rng = new Object ( ) ;
rng . startContainer = this . focusNode ;
rng . endContainer = this . anchorNode ;
rng . commonAncestorContainer = this . focusNode ;
rng . createContextualFragment = function ( html ) {
// Seems to be a tag
if ( html . charAt ( 0 ) == '<' ) {
var elm = doc . createElement ( "div" ) ;
elm . innerHTML = html ;
return elm . firstChild ;
return doc . createTextNode ( "UNSUPPORTED, DUE TO LIMITATIONS IN SAFARI!" ) ;
} ;
rng . deleteContents = function ( ) {
doc . execCommand ( "Delete" , false , "" ) ;
} ;
return rng ;
// Patch selection
newSel . focusNode = sel . baseNode ;
newSel . focusOffset = sel . baseOffset ;
newSel . anchorNode = sel . extentNode ;
newSel . anchorOffset = sel . extentOffset ;
newSel . getRangeAt = getRangeAt ;
newSel . text = "" + sel ;
newSel . realSelection = sel ;
newSel . toString = function ( ) { return this . text ; } ;
return newSel ;
return sel ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getRng = function ( ) {
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
if ( sel == null )
return null ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera )
return sel . createRange ( ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
var rng = this . getDoc ( ) . createRange ( ) ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) . realSelection ;
rng . setStart ( sel . baseNode , sel . baseOffset ) ;
rng . setEnd ( sel . extentNode , sel . extentOffset ) ;
return rng ;
return this . getSel ( ) . getRangeAt ( 0 ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . _insertPara = function ( e ) {
function isEmpty ( para ) {
function isEmptyHTML ( html ) {
return html . replace ( new RegExp ( '[ \t\r\n]+' , 'g' ) , '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) == "" ;
// Check for images
if ( para . getElementsByTagName ( "img" ) . length > 0 )
return false ;
// Check for tables
if ( para . getElementsByTagName ( "table" ) . length > 0 )
return false ;
// Check for HRs
if ( para . getElementsByTagName ( "hr" ) . length > 0 )
return false ;
// Check all textnodes
var nodes = tinyMCE . getNodeTree ( para , new Array ( ) , 3 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodes . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! isEmptyHTML ( nodes [ i ] . nodeValue ) )
return false ;
// No images, no tables, no hrs, no text content then it's empty
return true ;
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
var win = this . contentWindow ;
var rng = sel . getRangeAt ( 0 ) ;
var body = doc . body ;
var rootElm = doc . documentElement ;
var self = this ;
var blockName = "P" ;
// tinyMCE.debug(body.innerHTML);
// debug(e.target, sel.anchorNode.nodeName, sel.focusNode.nodeName, rng.startContainer, rng.endContainer, rng.commonAncestorContainer, sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusOffset, rng.toString());
// Setup before range
var rngBefore = doc . createRange ( ) ;
rngBefore . setStart ( sel . anchorNode , sel . anchorOffset ) ;
rngBefore . collapse ( true ) ;
// Setup after range
var rngAfter = doc . createRange ( ) ;
rngAfter . setStart ( sel . focusNode , sel . focusOffset ) ;
rngAfter . collapse ( true ) ;
// Setup start/end points
var direct = rngBefore . compareBoundaryPoints ( rngBefore . START _TO _END , rngAfter ) < 0 ;
var startNode = direct ? sel . anchorNode : sel . focusNode ;
var startOffset = direct ? sel . anchorOffset : sel . focusOffset ;
var endNode = direct ? sel . focusNode : sel . anchorNode ;
var endOffset = direct ? sel . focusOffset : sel . anchorOffset ;
startNode = startNode . nodeName == "BODY" ? startNode . firstChild : startNode ;
endNode = endNode . nodeName == "BODY" ? endNode . firstChild : endNode ;
// tinyMCE.debug(startNode, endNode);
// Get block elements
var startBlock = tinyMCE . getParentBlockElement ( startNode ) ;
var endBlock = tinyMCE . getParentBlockElement ( endNode ) ;
// Use current block name
if ( startBlock != null ) {
blockName = startBlock . nodeName ;
// Use P instead
if ( blockName == "TD" || blockName == "TABLE" || ( blockName == "DIV" && new RegExp ( 'left|right' , 'gi' ) . test ( startBlock . style . cssFloat ) ) )
blockName = "P" ;
// Within a list use normal behaviour
if ( tinyMCE . getParentElement ( startBlock , "OL,UL" ) != null )
return false ;
// Within a table create new paragraphs
if ( ( startBlock != null && startBlock . nodeName == "TABLE" ) || ( endBlock != null && endBlock . nodeName == "TABLE" ) )
startBlock = endBlock = null ;
// Setup new paragraphs
var paraBefore = ( startBlock != null && startBlock . nodeName == blockName ) ? startBlock . cloneNode ( false ) : doc . createElement ( blockName ) ;
var paraAfter = ( endBlock != null && endBlock . nodeName == blockName ) ? endBlock . cloneNode ( false ) : doc . createElement ( blockName ) ;
// Is header, then force paragraph under
if ( /^(H[1-6])$/ . test ( blockName ) )
paraAfter = doc . createElement ( "p" ) ;
// Setup chop nodes
var startChop = startNode ;
var endChop = endNode ;
// Get startChop node
node = startChop ;
do {
if ( node == body || node . nodeType == 9 || tinyMCE . isBlockElement ( node ) )
break ;
startChop = node ;
} while ( ( node = node . previousSibling ? node . previousSibling : node . parentNode ) ) ;
// Get endChop node
node = endChop ;
do {
if ( node == body || node . nodeType == 9 || tinyMCE . isBlockElement ( node ) )
break ;
endChop = node ;
} while ( ( node = node . nextSibling ? node . nextSibling : node . parentNode ) ) ;
// Fix when only a image is within the TD
if ( startChop . nodeName == "TD" )
startChop = startChop . firstChild ;
if ( endChop . nodeName == "TD" )
endChop = endChop . lastChild ;
// If not in a block element
if ( startBlock == null ) {
// Delete selection
rng . deleteContents ( ) ;
sel . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
if ( startChop != rootElm && endChop != rootElm ) {
// Insert paragraph before
rngBefore = rng . cloneRange ( ) ;
if ( startChop == body )
rngBefore . setStart ( startChop , 0 ) ;
rngBefore . setStartBefore ( startChop ) ;
paraBefore . appendChild ( rngBefore . cloneContents ( ) ) ;
// Insert paragraph after
if ( endChop . parentNode . nodeName == blockName )
endChop = endChop . parentNode ;
// If not after image
//if (rng.startContainer.nodeName != "BODY" && rng.endContainer.nodeName != "BODY")
rng . setEndAfter ( endChop ) ;
if ( endChop . nodeName != "#text" && endChop . nodeName != "BODY" )
rngBefore . setEndAfter ( endChop ) ;
var contents = rng . cloneContents ( ) ;
if ( contents . firstChild && ( contents . firstChild . nodeName == blockName || contents . firstChild . nodeName == "BODY" ) )
paraAfter . innerHTML = contents . firstChild . innerHTML ;
paraAfter . appendChild ( contents ) ;
// Check if it's a empty paragraph
if ( isEmpty ( paraBefore ) )
paraBefore . innerHTML = " " ;
// Check if it's a empty paragraph
if ( isEmpty ( paraAfter ) )
paraAfter . innerHTML = " " ;
// Delete old contents
rng . deleteContents ( ) ;
rngAfter . deleteContents ( ) ;
rngBefore . deleteContents ( ) ;
// Insert new paragraphs
paraAfter . normalize ( ) ;
rngBefore . insertNode ( paraAfter ) ;
paraBefore . normalize ( ) ;
rngBefore . insertNode ( paraBefore ) ;
// tinyMCE.debug("1: ", paraBefore.innerHTML, paraAfter.innerHTML);
} else {
body . innerHTML = "<" + blockName + "> </" + blockName + "><" + blockName + "> </" + blockName + ">" ;
paraAfter = body . childNodes [ 1 ] ;
this . selectNode ( paraAfter , true , true ) ;
return true ;
// Place first part within new paragraph
if ( startChop . nodeName == blockName )
rngBefore . setStart ( startChop , 0 ) ;
rngBefore . setStartBefore ( startChop ) ;
rngBefore . setEnd ( startNode , startOffset ) ;
paraBefore . appendChild ( rngBefore . cloneContents ( ) ) ;
// Place secound part within new paragraph
rngAfter . setEndAfter ( endChop ) ;
rngAfter . setStart ( endNode , endOffset ) ;
var contents = rngAfter . cloneContents ( ) ;
if ( contents . firstChild && contents . firstChild . nodeName == blockName ) {
/ * v a r n o d e s = c o n t e n t s . f i r s t C h i l d . c h i l d N o d e s ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodes . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( nodes [ i ] . nodeName != "BODY" )
paraAfter . appendChild ( nodes [ i ] ) ;
* /
paraAfter . innerHTML = contents . firstChild . innerHTML ;
} else
paraAfter . appendChild ( contents ) ;
// Check if it's a empty paragraph
if ( isEmpty ( paraBefore ) )
paraBefore . innerHTML = " " ;
// Check if it's a empty paragraph
if ( isEmpty ( paraAfter ) )
paraAfter . innerHTML = " " ;
// Create a range around everything
var rng = doc . createRange ( ) ;
if ( ! startChop . previousSibling && startChop . parentNode . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) == blockName ) {
rng . setStartBefore ( startChop . parentNode ) ;
} else {
if ( rngBefore . startContainer . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) == blockName && rngBefore . startOffset == 0 )
rng . setStartBefore ( rngBefore . startContainer ) ;
rng . setStart ( rngBefore . startContainer , rngBefore . startOffset ) ;
if ( ! endChop . nextSibling && endChop . parentNode . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) == blockName )
rng . setEndAfter ( endChop . parentNode ) ;
rng . setEnd ( rngAfter . endContainer , rngAfter . endOffset ) ;
// Delete all contents and insert new paragraphs
rng . deleteContents ( ) ;
rng . insertNode ( paraAfter ) ;
rng . insertNode ( paraBefore ) ;
//tinyMCE.debug("2", paraBefore.innerHTML, paraAfter.innerHTML);
// Normalize
paraAfter . normalize ( ) ;
paraBefore . normalize ( ) ;
this . selectNode ( paraAfter , true , true ) ;
return true ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . _handleBackSpace = function ( evt _type ) {
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
if ( sel == null )
return false ;
var rng = sel . getRangeAt ( 0 ) ;
var node = rng . startContainer ;
var elm = node . nodeType == 3 ? node . parentNode : node ;
if ( node == null )
return ;
// Empty node, wrap contents in paragraph
if ( elm && elm . nodeName == "" ) {
var para = doc . createElement ( "p" ) ;
while ( elm . firstChild )
para . appendChild ( elm . firstChild ) ;
elm . parentNode . insertBefore ( para , elm ) ;
elm . parentNode . removeChild ( elm ) ;
var rng = rng . cloneRange ( ) ;
rng . setStartBefore ( node . nextSibling ) ;
rng . setEndAfter ( node . nextSibling ) ;
rng . extractContents ( ) ;
this . selectNode ( node . nextSibling , true , true ) ;
// Remove empty paragraphs
var para = tinyMCE . getParentBlockElement ( node ) ;
if ( para != null && para . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == 'p' && evt _type == "keypress" ) {
var htm = para . innerHTML ;
var block = tinyMCE . getParentBlockElement ( node ) ;
// Empty node, we do the killing!!
if ( htm == "" || htm == " " || block . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "li" ) {
var prevElm = para . previousSibling ;
while ( prevElm != null && prevElm . nodeType != 1 )
prevElm = prevElm . previousSibling ;
if ( prevElm == null )
return false ;
// Get previous elements last text node
var nodes = tinyMCE . getNodeTree ( prevElm , new Array ( ) , 3 ) ;
var lastTextNode = nodes . length == 0 ? null : nodes [ nodes . length - 1 ] ;
// Select the last text node and move curstor to end
if ( lastTextNode != null )
this . selectNode ( lastTextNode , true , false , false ) ;
// Remove the empty paragrapsh
para . parentNode . removeChild ( para ) ;
//debug("within p element" + para.innerHTML);
return true ;
// Remove BR elements
/ * w h i l e ( n o d e ! = n u l l & & ( n o d e = n o d e . n e x t S i b l i n g ) ! = n u l l ) {
if ( node . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == 'br' )
node . parentNode . removeChild ( node ) ;
else if ( node . nodeType == 1 ) // Break at other element
break ;
} * /
return false ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . _insertSpace = function ( ) {
return true ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . autoResetDesignMode = function ( ) {
// Add fix for tab/style.display none/block problems in Gecko
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE && tinyMCE . settings [ 'auto_reset_designmode' ] && this . isHidden ( ) )
eval ( 'try { this.getDoc().designMode = "On"; } catch(e) {}' ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . isHidden = function ( ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
return false ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
// Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
return ( ! sel || ! sel . rangeCount || sel . rangeCount == 0 ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . isDirty = function ( ) {
// Is content modified and not in a submit procedure
return this . startContent != tinyMCE . trim ( this . getBody ( ) . innerHTML ) && ! tinyMCE . isNotDirty ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . _mergeElements = function ( scmd , pa , ch , override ) {
if ( scmd == "removeformat" ) {
pa . className = "" ;
pa . style . cssText = "" ;
ch . className = "" ;
ch . style . cssText = "" ;
return ;
var st = tinyMCE . parseStyle ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( pa , "style" ) ) ;
var stc = tinyMCE . parseStyle ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( ch , "style" ) ) ;
var className = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( pa , "class" ) ;
className += " " + tinyMCE . getAttrib ( ch , "class" ) ;
if ( override ) {
for ( var n in st ) {
if ( typeof ( st [ n ] ) == 'function' )
continue ;
stc [ n ] = st [ n ] ;
} else {
for ( var n in stc ) {
if ( typeof ( stc [ n ] ) == 'function' )
continue ;
st [ n ] = stc [ n ] ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( pa , "style" , tinyMCE . serializeStyle ( st ) ) ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( pa , "class" , tinyMCE . trim ( className ) ) ;
ch . className = "" ;
ch . style . cssText = "" ;
ch . removeAttribute ( "class" ) ;
ch . removeAttribute ( "style" ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . setUseCSS = function ( b ) {
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
try { doc . execCommand ( "useCSS" , false , ! b ) ; } catch ( ex ) { }
try { doc . execCommand ( "styleWithCSS" , false , b ) ; } catch ( ex ) { }
if ( ! tinyMCE . getParam ( "table_inline_editing" ) )
try { doc . execCommand ( 'enableInlineTableEditing' , false , "false" ) ; } catch ( ex ) { }
if ( ! tinyMCE . getParam ( "object_resizing" ) )
try { doc . execCommand ( 'enableObjectResizing' , false , "false" ) ; } catch ( ex ) { }
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . execCommand = function ( command , user _interface , value ) {
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
var win = this . getWin ( ) ;
var focusElm = this . getFocusElement ( ) ;
if ( this . lastSafariSelection && ! new RegExp ( 'mceStartTyping|mceEndTyping|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceAddUndoLevel' , 'gi' ) . test ( command ) ) {
this . moveToBookmark ( this . lastSafariSelection ) ;
tinyMCE . selectedElement = this . lastSafariSelectedElement ;
// Mozilla issue
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! this . useCSS ) {
this . setUseCSS ( false ) ;
this . useCSS = true ;
//debug("command: " + command + ", user_interface: " + user_interface + ", value: " + value);
this . contentDocument = doc ; // <-- Strange, unless this is applied Mozilla 1.3 breaks
// Call theme execcommand
if ( tinyMCE . _themeExecCommand ( this . editorId , this . getBody ( ) , command , user _interface , value ) )
return ;
// Fix align on images
if ( focusElm && focusElm . nodeName == "IMG" ) {
var align = focusElm . getAttribute ( 'align' ) ;
var img = command == "JustifyCenter" ? focusElm . cloneNode ( false ) : focusElm ;
switch ( command ) {
case "JustifyLeft" :
if ( align == 'left' )
img . removeAttribute ( 'align' ) ;
img . setAttribute ( 'align' , 'left' ) ;
// Remove the div
var div = focusElm . parentNode ;
if ( div && div . nodeName == "DIV" && div . childNodes . length == 1 && div . parentNode )
div . parentNode . replaceChild ( img , div ) ;
this . selectNode ( img ) ;
this . repaint ( ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
return ;
case "JustifyCenter" :
img . removeAttribute ( 'align' ) ;
// Is centered
var div = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( focusElm , "div" ) ;
if ( div && div . style . textAlign == "center" ) {
// Remove div
if ( div . nodeName == "DIV" && div . childNodes . length == 1 && div . parentNode )
div . parentNode . replaceChild ( img , div ) ;
} else {
// Add div
var div = this . getDoc ( ) . createElement ( "div" ) ;
div . style . textAlign = 'center' ;
div . appendChild ( img ) ;
focusElm . parentNode . replaceChild ( div , focusElm ) ;
this . selectNode ( img ) ;
this . repaint ( ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
return ;
case "JustifyRight" :
if ( align == 'right' )
img . removeAttribute ( 'align' ) ;
img . setAttribute ( 'align' , 'right' ) ;
// Remove the div
var div = focusElm . parentNode ;
if ( div && div . nodeName == "DIV" && div . childNodes . length == 1 && div . parentNode )
div . parentNode . replaceChild ( img , div ) ;
this . selectNode ( img ) ;
this . repaint ( ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
return ;
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'force_br_newlines' ] ) {
var alignValue = "" ;
if ( doc . selection . type != "Control" ) {
switch ( command ) {
case "JustifyLeft" :
alignValue = "left" ;
break ;
case "JustifyCenter" :
alignValue = "center" ;
break ;
case "JustifyFull" :
alignValue = "justify" ;
break ;
case "JustifyRight" :
alignValue = "right" ;
break ;
if ( alignValue != "" ) {
var rng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
if ( ( divElm = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( rng . parentElement ( ) , "div" ) ) != null )
divElm . setAttribute ( "align" , alignValue ) ;
else if ( rng . pasteHTML && rng . htmlText . length > 0 )
rng . pasteHTML ( '<div align="' + alignValue + '">' + rng . htmlText + "</div>" ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
return ;
switch ( command ) {
case "mceRepaint" :
this . repaint ( ) ;
return true ;
case "mceStoreSelection" :
this . selectionBookmark = this . getBookmark ( ) ;
return true ;
case "mceRestoreSelection" :
this . moveToBookmark ( this . selectionBookmark ) ;
return true ;
case "InsertUnorderedList" :
case "InsertOrderedList" :
var tag = ( command == "InsertUnorderedList" ) ? "ul" : "ol" ;
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari )
this . execCommand ( "mceInsertContent" , false , "<" + tag + "><li> </li><" + tag + ">" ) ;
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "Strikethrough" :
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari )
this . execCommand ( "mceInsertContent" , false , "<strike>" + this . getSelectedHTML ( ) + "</strike>" ) ;
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceSelectNode" :
this . selectNode ( value ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
tinyMCE . selectedNode = value ;
break ;
case "FormatBlock" :
if ( value == null || value == "" ) {
var elm = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( this . getFocusElement ( ) , "p,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,address" ) ;
if ( elm )
this . execCommand ( "mceRemoveNode" , false , elm ) ;
} else
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( "FormatBlock" , false , value ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceRemoveNode" :
if ( ! value )
value = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( this . getFocusElement ( ) ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
value . outerHTML = value . innerHTML ;
} else {
var rng = value . ownerDocument . createRange ( ) ;
rng . setStartBefore ( value ) ;
rng . setEndAfter ( value ) ;
rng . deleteContents ( ) ;
rng . insertNode ( rng . createContextualFragment ( value . innerHTML ) ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceSelectNodeDepth" :
var parentNode = this . getFocusElement ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; parentNode ; i ++ ) {
if ( parentNode . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "body" )
break ;
if ( parentNode . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "#text" ) {
i -- ;
parentNode = parentNode . parentNode ;
continue ;
if ( i == value ) {
this . selectNode ( parentNode , false ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
tinyMCE . selectedNode = parentNode ;
return ;
parentNode = parentNode . parentNode ;
break ;
case "SetStyleInfo" :
var rng = this . getRng ( ) ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
var scmd = value [ 'command' ] ;
var sname = value [ 'name' ] ;
var svalue = value [ 'value' ] == null ? '' : value [ 'value' ] ;
//var svalue = value['value'] == null ? '' : value['value'];
var wrapper = value [ 'wrapper' ] ? value [ 'wrapper' ] : "span" ;
var parentElm = null ;
var invalidRe = new RegExp ( "^BODY|HTML$" , "g" ) ;
var invalidParentsRe = tinyMCE . settings [ 'merge_styles_invalid_parents' ] != '' ? new RegExp ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'merge_styles_invalid_parents' ] , "gi" ) : null ;
// Whole element selected check
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
// Control range
if ( rng . item )
parentElm = rng . item ( 0 ) ;
else {
var pelm = rng . parentElement ( ) ;
var prng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
prng . moveToElementText ( pelm ) ;
if ( rng . htmlText == prng . htmlText || rng . boundingWidth == 0 ) {
if ( invalidParentsRe == null || ! invalidParentsRe . test ( pelm . nodeName ) )
parentElm = pelm ;
} else {
var felm = this . getFocusElement ( ) ;
if ( sel . isCollapsed || ( /td|tr|tbody|table/ig . test ( felm . nodeName ) && sel . anchorNode == felm . parentNode ) )
parentElm = felm ;
// Whole element selected
if ( parentElm && ! invalidRe . test ( parentElm . nodeName ) ) {
if ( scmd == "setstyle" )
tinyMCE . setStyleAttrib ( parentElm , sname , svalue ) ;
if ( scmd == "setattrib" )
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( parentElm , sname , svalue ) ;
if ( scmd == "removeformat" ) {
parentElm . style . cssText = '' ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( parentElm , 'class' , '' ) ;
// Remove style/attribs from all children
var ch = tinyMCE . getNodeTree ( parentElm , new Array ( ) , 1 ) ;
for ( var z = 0 ; z < ch . length ; z ++ ) {
if ( ch [ z ] == parentElm )
continue ;
if ( scmd == "setstyle" )
tinyMCE . setStyleAttrib ( ch [ z ] , sname , '' ) ;
if ( scmd == "setattrib" )
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( ch [ z ] , sname , '' ) ;
if ( scmd == "removeformat" ) {
ch [ z ] . style . cssText = '' ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( ch [ z ] , 'class' , '' ) ;
} else {
doc . execCommand ( "fontname" , false , "#mce_temp_font#" ) ;
var elementArray = tinyMCE . getElementsByAttributeValue ( this . getBody ( ) , "font" , "face" , "#mce_temp_font#" ) ;
// Change them all
for ( var x = 0 ; x < elementArray . length ; x ++ ) {
elm = elementArray [ x ] ;
if ( elm ) {
var spanElm = doc . createElement ( wrapper ) ;
if ( scmd == "setstyle" )
tinyMCE . setStyleAttrib ( spanElm , sname , svalue ) ;
if ( scmd == "setattrib" )
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( spanElm , sname , svalue ) ;
if ( scmd == "removeformat" ) {
spanElm . style . cssText = '' ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( spanElm , 'class' , '' ) ;
if ( elm . hasChildNodes ( ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elm . childNodes . length ; i ++ )
spanElm . appendChild ( elm . childNodes [ i ] . cloneNode ( true ) ) ;
spanElm . setAttribute ( "mce_new" , "true" ) ;
elm . parentNode . replaceChild ( spanElm , elm ) ;
// Remove style/attribs from all children
var ch = tinyMCE . getNodeTree ( spanElm , new Array ( ) , 1 ) ;
for ( var z = 0 ; z < ch . length ; z ++ ) {
if ( ch [ z ] == spanElm )
continue ;
if ( scmd == "setstyle" )
tinyMCE . setStyleAttrib ( ch [ z ] , sname , '' ) ;
if ( scmd == "setattrib" )
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( ch [ z ] , sname , '' ) ;
if ( scmd == "removeformat" ) {
ch [ z ] . style . cssText = '' ;
tinyMCE . setAttrib ( ch [ z ] , 'class' , '' ) ;
// Cleaup wrappers
var nodes = doc . getElementsByTagName ( wrapper ) ;
for ( var i = nodes . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var elm = nodes [ i ] ;
var isNew = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( elm , "mce_new" ) == "true" ;
elm . removeAttribute ( "mce_new" ) ;
// Is only child a element
if ( elm . childNodes && elm . childNodes . length == 1 && elm . childNodes [ 0 ] . nodeType == 1 ) {
//tinyMCE.debug("merge1" + isNew);
this . _mergeElements ( scmd , elm , elm . childNodes [ 0 ] , isNew ) ;
continue ;
// Is I the only child
if ( elm . parentNode . childNodes . length == 1 && ! invalidRe . test ( elm . nodeName ) && ! invalidRe . test ( elm . parentNode . nodeName ) ) {
//tinyMCE.debug("merge2" + isNew + "," + elm.nodeName + "," + elm.parentNode.nodeName);
if ( invalidParentsRe == null || ! invalidParentsRe . test ( elm . parentNode . nodeName ) )
this . _mergeElements ( scmd , elm . parentNode , elm , false ) ;
// Remove empty wrappers
var nodes = doc . getElementsByTagName ( wrapper ) ;
for ( var i = nodes . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var elm = nodes [ i ] ;
var isEmpty = true ;
// Check if it has any attribs
var tmp = doc . createElement ( "body" ) ;
tmp . appendChild ( elm . cloneNode ( false ) ) ;
// Is empty span, remove it
tmp . innerHTML = tmp . innerHTML . replace ( new RegExp ( 'style=""|class=""' , 'gi' ) , '' ) ;
if ( new RegExp ( '<span>' , 'gi' ) . test ( tmp . innerHTML ) ) {
for ( var x = 0 ; x < elm . childNodes . length ; x ++ ) {
if ( elm . parentNode != null )
elm . parentNode . insertBefore ( elm . childNodes [ x ] . cloneNode ( true ) , elm ) ;
elm . parentNode . removeChild ( elm ) ;
// Re add the visual aids
if ( scmd == "removeformat" )
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( this . getBody ( ) , true , this . visualAid , this ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "FontName" :
if ( value == null ) {
var s = this . getSel ( ) ;
// Find font and select it
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && s . isCollapsed ) {
var f = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( this . getFocusElement ( ) , "font" ) ;
if ( f != null )
this . selectNode ( f , false ) ;
// Remove format
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( "RemoveFormat" , false , null ) ;
// Collapse range if font was found
if ( f != null && tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
var r = this . getRng ( ) . cloneRange ( ) ;
r . collapse ( true ) ;
s . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
s . addRange ( r ) ;
} else
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( 'FontName' , false , value ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko )
window . setTimeout ( 'tinyMCE.triggerNodeChange(false);' , 1 ) ;
return ;
case "FontSize" :
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( 'FontSize' , false , value ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko )
window . setTimeout ( 'tinyMCE.triggerNodeChange(false);' , 1 ) ;
return ;
case "forecolor" :
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( 'forecolor' , false , value ) ;
break ;
case "HiliteColor" :
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
this . setUseCSS ( true ) ;
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( 'hilitecolor' , false , value ) ;
this . setUseCSS ( false ) ;
} else
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( 'BackColor' , false , value ) ;
break ;
case "Cut" :
case "Copy" :
case "Paste" :
var cmdFailed = false ;
// Try executing command
eval ( 'try {this.getDoc().execCommand(command, user_interface, value);} catch (e) {cmdFailed = true;}' ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isOpera && cmdFailed )
alert ( 'Currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcuts instead.' ) ;
// Alert error in gecko if command failed
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko && cmdFailed ) {
// Confirm more info
if ( confirm ( tinyMCE . getLang ( 'lang_clipboard_msg' ) ) )
window . open ( 'http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html' , 'mceExternal' ) ;
return ;
} else
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceSetContent" :
if ( ! value )
value = "" ;
// Call custom cleanup code
value = tinyMCE . storeAwayURLs ( value ) ;
2005-12-07 00:36:07 +00:00
//value = tinyMCE._customCleanup(this, "insert_to_editor", value);
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
tinyMCE . _setHTML ( doc , value ) ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( doc . body , tinyMCE . _cleanupHTML ( this , doc , tinyMCE . settings , doc . body ) ) ;
this . convertAllRelativeURLs ( ) ;
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( doc . body , true , this . visualAid , this ) ;
tinyMCE . _setEventsEnabled ( doc . body , false ) ;
return true ;
case "mceLink" :
var selectedText = "" ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var rng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
selectedText = rng . text ;
} else
selectedText = this . getSel ( ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . linkElement ) {
if ( ( tinyMCE . selectedElement . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) != "img" ) && ( selectedText . length <= 0 ) )
return ;
var href = "" , target = "" , title = "" , onclick = "" , action = "insert" , style _class = "" ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedElement . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "a" )
tinyMCE . linkElement = tinyMCE . selectedElement ;
// Is anchor not a link
if ( tinyMCE . linkElement != null && tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'href' ) == "" )
tinyMCE . linkElement = null ;
if ( tinyMCE . linkElement ) {
href = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'href' ) ;
target = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'target' ) ;
title = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'title' ) ;
onclick = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'onclick' ) ;
style _class = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'class' ) ;
// Try old onclick to if copy/pasted content
if ( onclick == "" )
onclick = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'onclick' ) ;
onclick = tinyMCE . cleanupEventStr ( onclick ) ;
href = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(href, tinyMCE.linkElement, true);" ) ;
// Use mce_href if defined
mceRealHref = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( tinyMCE . linkElement , 'mce_href' ) ;
if ( mceRealHref != "" ) {
href = mceRealHref ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) )
href = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(href, tinyMCE.linkElement, true);" ) ;
action = "update" ;
if ( this . settings [ 'insertlink_callback' ] ) {
var returnVal = eval ( this . settings [ 'insertlink_callback' ] + "(href, target, title, onclick, action, style_class);" ) ;
if ( returnVal && returnVal [ 'href' ] )
tinyMCE . insertLink ( returnVal [ 'href' ] , returnVal [ 'target' ] , returnVal [ 'title' ] , returnVal [ 'onclick' ] , returnVal [ 'style_class' ] ) ;
} else {
tinyMCE . openWindow ( this . insertLinkTemplate , { href : href , target : target , title : title , onclick : onclick , action : action , className : style _class , inline : "yes" } ) ;
break ;
case "mceImage" :
var src = "" , alt = "" , border = "" , hspace = "" , vspace = "" , width = "" , height = "" , align = "" ;
var title = "" , onmouseover = "" , onmouseout = "" , action = "insert" ;
var img = tinyMCE . imgElement ;
if ( tinyMCE . selectedElement != null && tinyMCE . selectedElement . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "img" ) {
img = tinyMCE . selectedElement ;
tinyMCE . imgElement = img ;
if ( img ) {
// Is it a internal MCE visual aid image, then skip this one.
if ( tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'name' ) . indexOf ( 'mce_' ) == 0 )
return ;
src = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'src' ) ;
alt = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'alt' ) ;
// Try polling out the title
if ( alt == "" )
alt = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'title' ) ;
// Fix width/height attributes if the styles is specified
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko ) {
var w = img . style . width ;
if ( w != null && w != "" )
img . setAttribute ( "width" , w ) ;
var h = img . style . height ;
if ( h != null && h != "" )
img . setAttribute ( "height" , h ) ;
border = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'border' ) ;
hspace = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'hspace' ) ;
vspace = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'vspace' ) ;
width = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'width' ) ;
height = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'height' ) ;
align = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'align' ) ;
onmouseover = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'onmouseover' ) ;
onmouseout = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'onmouseout' ) ;
title = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'title' ) ;
// Is realy specified?
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
width = img . attributes [ 'width' ] . specified ? width : "" ;
height = img . attributes [ 'height' ] . specified ? height : "" ;
onmouseover = tinyMCE . getImageSrc ( tinyMCE . cleanupEventStr ( onmouseover ) ) ;
onmouseout = tinyMCE . getImageSrc ( tinyMCE . cleanupEventStr ( onmouseout ) ) ;
src = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(src, img, true);" ) ;
// Use mce_src if defined
mceRealSrc = tinyMCE . getAttrib ( img , 'mce_src' ) ;
if ( mceRealSrc != "" ) {
src = mceRealSrc ;
if ( tinyMCE . getParam ( 'convert_urls' ) )
src = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(src, img, true);" ) ;
if ( onmouseover != "" )
onmouseover = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(onmouseover, img, true);" ) ;
if ( onmouseout != "" )
onmouseout = eval ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'urlconverter_callback' ] + "(onmouseout, img, true);" ) ;
action = "update" ;
if ( this . settings [ 'insertimage_callback' ] ) {
var returnVal = eval ( this . settings [ 'insertimage_callback' ] + "(src, alt, border, hspace, vspace, width, height, align, title, onmouseover, onmouseout, action);" ) ;
if ( returnVal && returnVal [ 'src' ] )
tinyMCE . insertImage ( returnVal [ 'src' ] , returnVal [ 'alt' ] , returnVal [ 'border' ] , returnVal [ 'hspace' ] , returnVal [ 'vspace' ] , returnVal [ 'width' ] , returnVal [ 'height' ] , returnVal [ 'align' ] , returnVal [ 'title' ] , returnVal [ 'onmouseover' ] , returnVal [ 'onmouseout' ] ) ;
} else
tinyMCE . openWindow ( this . insertImageTemplate , { src : src , alt : alt , border : border , hspace : hspace , vspace : vspace , width : width , height : height , align : align , title : title , onmouseover : onmouseover , onmouseout : onmouseout , action : action , inline : "yes" } ) ;
break ;
case "mceCleanup" :
tinyMCE . _setHTML ( this . contentDocument , this . getBody ( ) . innerHTML ) ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( this . getBody ( ) , tinyMCE . _cleanupHTML ( this , this . contentDocument , this . settings , this . getBody ( ) , this . visualAid ) ) ;
this . convertAllRelativeURLs ( ) ;
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( this . getBody ( ) , true , this . visualAid , this ) ;
tinyMCE . _setEventsEnabled ( this . getBody ( ) , false ) ;
this . repaint ( ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceReplaceContent" :
this . getWin ( ) . focus ( ) ;
var selectedText = "" ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var rng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
selectedText = rng . text ;
} else
selectedText = this . getSel ( ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( selectedText . length > 0 ) {
value = tinyMCE . replaceVar ( value , "selection" , selectedText ) ;
tinyMCE . execCommand ( 'mceInsertContent' , false , value ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceSetAttribute" :
if ( typeof ( value ) == 'object' ) {
var targetElms = ( typeof ( value [ 'targets' ] ) == "undefined" ) ? "p,img,span,div,td,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,address" : value [ 'targets' ] ;
var targetNode = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( this . getFocusElement ( ) , targetElms ) ;
if ( targetNode ) {
targetNode . setAttribute ( value [ 'name' ] , value [ 'value' ] ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceSetCSSClass" :
this . execCommand ( "SetStyleInfo" , false , { command : "setattrib" , name : "class" , value : value } ) ;
break ;
case "mceInsertRawHTML" :
var key = 'tiny_mce_marker' ;
this . execCommand ( 'mceBeginUndoLevel' ) ;
// Insert marker key
this . execCommand ( 'mceInsertContent' , false , key ) ;
// Store away scroll pos
var scrollX = this . getDoc ( ) . body . scrollLeft + this . getDoc ( ) . documentElement . scrollLeft ;
var scrollY = this . getDoc ( ) . body . scrollTop + this . getDoc ( ) . documentElement . scrollTop ;
// Find marker and replace with RAW HTML
var html = this . getBody ( ) . innerHTML ;
if ( ( pos = html . indexOf ( key ) ) != - 1 )
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( this . getBody ( ) , html . substring ( 0 , pos ) + value + html . substring ( pos + key . length ) ) ;
// Restore scoll pos
this . contentWindow . scrollTo ( scrollX , scrollY ) ;
this . execCommand ( 'mceEndUndoLevel' ) ;
break ;
case "mceInsertContent" :
var insertHTMLFailed = false ;
this . getWin ( ) . focus ( ) ;
2005-12-09 19:24:14 +00:00
/ * W P
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko || tinyMCE . isOpera ) {
try {
// Is plain text or HTML
if ( value . indexOf ( '<' ) == - 1 ) {
var r = this . getRng ( ) ;
var n = this . getDoc ( ) . createTextNode ( tinyMCE . entityDecode ( value ) ) ;
var s = this . getSel ( ) ;
var r2 = r . cloneRange ( ) ;
// Insert text at cursor position
s . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
r . deleteContents ( ) ;
r . insertNode ( n ) ;
// Move the cursor to the end of text
r2 . selectNode ( n ) ;
r2 . collapse ( false ) ;
s . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
s . addRange ( r2 ) ;
} else {
value = tinyMCE . fixGeckoBaseHREFBug ( 1 , this . getDoc ( ) , value ) ;
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( 'inserthtml' , false , value ) ;
tinyMCE . fixGeckoBaseHREFBug ( 2 , this . getDoc ( ) , value ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
insertHTMLFailed = true ;
if ( ! insertHTMLFailed ) {
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
return ;
2005-12-09 19:24:14 +00:00
* /
2005-12-05 03:04:25 +00:00
// Ugly hack in Opera due to non working "inserthtml"
if ( tinyMCE . isOpera && insertHTMLFailed ) {
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( "insertimage" , false , tinyMCE . uniqueURL ) ;
var ar = tinyMCE . getElementsByAttributeValue ( this . getBody ( ) , "img" , "src" , tinyMCE . uniqueURL ) ;
ar [ 0 ] . outerHTML = value ;
return ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var isHTML = value . indexOf ( '<' ) != - 1 ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
var rng = this . getRng ( ) ;
if ( isHTML ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari ) {
var tmpRng = this . getDoc ( ) . createRange ( ) ;
tmpRng . setStart ( this . getBody ( ) , 0 ) ;
tmpRng . setEnd ( this . getBody ( ) , 0 ) ;
value = tmpRng . createContextualFragment ( value ) ;
} else
value = rng . createContextualFragment ( value ) ;
} else {
// Setup text node
var el = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
el . innerHTML = value ;
value = el . firstChild . nodeValue ;
value = doc . createTextNode ( value ) ;
// Insert plain text in Safari
if ( tinyMCE . isSafari && ! isHTML ) {
this . execCommand ( 'InsertText' , false , value . nodeValue ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
return true ;
} else if ( tinyMCE . isSafari && isHTML ) {
rng . deleteContents ( ) ;
rng . insertNode ( value ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
return true ;
rng . deleteContents ( ) ;
// If target node is text do special treatment, (Mozilla 1.3 fix)
if ( rng . startContainer . nodeType == 3 ) {
var node = rng . startContainer . splitText ( rng . startOffset ) ;
node . parentNode . insertBefore ( value , node ) ;
} else
rng . insertNode ( value ) ;
if ( ! isHTML ) {
// Removes weird selection trails
sel . selectAllChildren ( doc . body ) ;
sel . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
// Move cursor to end of content
var rng = doc . createRange ( ) ;
rng . selectNode ( value ) ;
rng . collapse ( false ) ;
sel . addRange ( rng ) ;
} else
rng . collapse ( false ) ;
} else {
var rng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
var c = value . indexOf ( '<!--' ) != - 1 ;
// Fix comment bug, add tag before comments
if ( c )
value = tinyMCE . uniqueTag + value ;
if ( rng . item )
rng . item ( 0 ) . outerHTML = value ;
rng . pasteHTML ( value ) ;
// Remove unique tag
if ( c ) {
var e = this . getDoc ( ) . getElementById ( 'mceTMPElement' ) ;
e . parentNode . removeChild ( e ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "mceStartTyping" :
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] && this . typingUndoIndex == - 1 ) {
this . typingUndoIndex = this . undoIndex ;
this . execCommand ( 'mceAddUndoLevel' ) ;
break ;
case "mceEndTyping" :
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] && this . typingUndoIndex != - 1 ) {
this . execCommand ( 'mceAddUndoLevel' ) ;
this . typingUndoIndex = - 1 ;
break ;
case "mceBeginUndoLevel" :
this . undoRedo = false ;
break ;
case "mceEndUndoLevel" :
this . undoRedo = true ;
this . execCommand ( 'mceAddUndoLevel' ) ;
break ;
case "mceAddUndoLevel" :
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] && this . undoRedo ) {
// tinyMCE.debug("add level");
if ( this . typingUndoIndex != - 1 ) {
this . undoIndex = this . typingUndoIndex ;
// tinyMCE.debug("Override: " + this.undoIndex);
var newHTML = tinyMCE . trim ( this . getBody ( ) . innerHTML ) ;
if ( newHTML != this . undoLevels [ this . undoIndex ] ) {
tinyMCE . executeCallback ( 'onchange_callback' , '_onchange' , 0 , this ) ;
// Time to compress
var customUndoLevels = tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo_levels' ] ;
if ( customUndoLevels != - 1 && this . undoLevels . length > customUndoLevels ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . undoLevels . length - 1 ; i ++ ) {
//tinyMCE.debug(this.undoLevels[i] + "=" + this.undoLevels[i+1]);
this . undoLevels [ i ] = this . undoLevels [ i + 1 ] ;
this . undoLevels . length -- ;
this . undoIndex -- ;
this . undoIndex ++ ;
this . undoLevels [ this . undoIndex ] = newHTML ;
this . undoLevels . length = this . undoIndex + 1 ;
// tinyMCE.debug("level added" + this.undoIndex);
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( false ) ;
// tinyMCE.debug(this.undoIndex + "," + (this.undoLevels.length-1));
break ;
case "Undo" :
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] ) {
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceEndTyping" ) ;
// Do undo
if ( this . undoIndex > 0 ) {
this . undoIndex -- ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( this . getBody ( ) , this . undoLevels [ this . undoIndex ] ) ;
this . repaint ( ) ;
// tinyMCE.debug("Undo - undo levels:" + this.undoLevels.length + ", undo index: " + this.undoIndex);
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
} else
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
break ;
case "Redo" :
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'custom_undo_redo' ] ) {
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceEndTyping" ) ;
if ( this . undoIndex < ( this . undoLevels . length - 1 ) ) {
this . undoIndex ++ ;
tinyMCE . setInnerHTML ( this . getBody ( ) , this . undoLevels [ this . undoIndex ] ) ;
this . repaint ( ) ;
// tinyMCE.debug("Redo - undo levels:" + this.undoLevels.length + ", undo index: " + this.undoIndex);
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
} else
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
break ;
case "mceToggleVisualAid" :
this . visualAid = ! this . visualAid ;
tinyMCE . handleVisualAid ( this . getBody ( ) , true , this . visualAid , this ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
case "Indent" :
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var n = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( this . getFocusElement ( ) , "blockquote" ) ;
do {
if ( n && n . nodeName == "BLOCKQUOTE" ) {
n . removeAttribute ( "dir" ) ;
n . removeAttribute ( "style" ) ;
} while ( n != null && ( n = n . parentNode ) != null ) ;
break ;
case "removeformat" :
var text = this . getSelectedText ( ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isOpera ) {
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( "RemoveFormat" , false , null ) ;
return ;
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
try {
var rng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
rng . execCommand ( "RemoveFormat" , false , null ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// Do nothing
this . execCommand ( "SetStyleInfo" , false , { command : "removeformat" } ) ;
} else {
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
this . execCommand ( "SetStyleInfo" , false , { command : "removeformat" } ) ;
// Remove class
if ( text . length == 0 )
this . execCommand ( "mceSetCSSClass" , false , "" ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
break ;
default :
this . getDoc ( ) . execCommand ( command , user _interface , value ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko )
window . setTimeout ( 'tinyMCE.triggerNodeChange(false);' , 1 ) ;
tinyMCE . triggerNodeChange ( ) ;
// Add undo level after modification
if ( command != "mceAddUndoLevel" && command != "Undo" && command != "Redo" && command != "mceStartTyping" && command != "mceEndTyping" )
tinyMCE . execCommand ( "mceAddUndoLevel" ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . queryCommandValue = function ( command ) {
try {
return this . getDoc ( ) . queryCommandValue ( command ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
return null ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . queryCommandState = function ( command ) {
return this . getDoc ( ) . queryCommandState ( command ) ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . onAdd = function ( replace _element , form _element _name , target _document ) {
var targetDoc = target _document ? target _document : document ;
this . targetDoc = targetDoc ;
tinyMCE . themeURL = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/themes/" + this . settings [ 'theme' ] ;
this . settings [ 'themeurl' ] = tinyMCE . themeURL ;
if ( ! replace _element ) {
alert ( "Error: Could not find the target element." ) ;
return false ;
var templateFunction = tinyMCE . _getThemeFunction ( '_getInsertLinkTemplate' ) ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) != 'undefined' )
this . insertLinkTemplate = eval ( templateFunction + '(this.settings);' ) ;
var templateFunction = tinyMCE . _getThemeFunction ( '_getInsertImageTemplate' ) ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) != 'undefined' )
this . insertImageTemplate = eval ( templateFunction + '(this.settings);' ) ;
var templateFunction = tinyMCE . _getThemeFunction ( '_getEditorTemplate' ) ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) == 'undefined' ) {
alert ( "Error: Could not find the template function: " + templateFunction ) ;
return false ;
var editorTemplate = eval ( templateFunction + '(this.settings, this.editorId);' ) ;
var deltaWidth = editorTemplate [ 'delta_width' ] ? editorTemplate [ 'delta_width' ] : 0 ;
var deltaHeight = editorTemplate [ 'delta_height' ] ? editorTemplate [ 'delta_height' ] : 0 ;
var html = '<span id="' + this . editorId + '_parent">' + editorTemplate [ 'html' ] ;
var templateFunction = tinyMCE . _getThemeFunction ( '_handleNodeChange' , true ) ;
if ( eval ( "typeof(" + templateFunction + ")" ) != 'undefined' )
this . settings [ 'handleNodeChangeCallback' ] = templateFunction ;
html = tinyMCE . replaceVar ( html , "editor_id" , this . editorId ) ;
this . settings [ 'default_document' ] = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/blank.htm" ;
this . settings [ 'old_width' ] = this . settings [ 'width' ] ;
this . settings [ 'old_height' ] = this . settings [ 'height' ] ;
// Set default width, height
if ( this . settings [ 'width' ] == - 1 )
this . settings [ 'width' ] = replace _element . offsetWidth ;
if ( this . settings [ 'height' ] == - 1 )
this . settings [ 'height' ] = replace _element . offsetHeight ;
// Try the style width
if ( this . settings [ 'width' ] == 0 )
this . settings [ 'width' ] = replace _element . style . width ;
// Try the style height
if ( this . settings [ 'height' ] == 0 )
this . settings [ 'height' ] = replace _element . style . height ;
// If no width/height then default to 320x240, better than nothing
if ( this . settings [ 'width' ] == 0 )
this . settings [ 'width' ] = 320 ;
if ( this . settings [ 'height' ] == 0 )
this . settings [ 'height' ] = 240 ;
this . settings [ 'area_width' ] = parseInt ( this . settings [ 'width' ] ) ;
this . settings [ 'area_height' ] = parseInt ( this . settings [ 'height' ] ) ;
this . settings [ 'area_width' ] += deltaWidth ;
this . settings [ 'area_height' ] += deltaHeight ;
// Special % handling
if ( ( "" + this . settings [ 'width' ] ) . indexOf ( '%' ) != - 1 )
this . settings [ 'area_width' ] = "100%" ;
if ( ( "" + this . settings [ 'height' ] ) . indexOf ( '%' ) != - 1 )
this . settings [ 'area_height' ] = "100%" ;
if ( ( "" + replace _element . style . width ) . indexOf ( '%' ) != - 1 ) {
this . settings [ 'width' ] = replace _element . style . width ;
this . settings [ 'area_width' ] = "100%" ;
if ( ( "" + replace _element . style . height ) . indexOf ( '%' ) != - 1 ) {
this . settings [ 'height' ] = replace _element . style . height ;
this . settings [ 'area_height' ] = "100%" ;
html = tinyMCE . applyTemplate ( html ) ;
this . settings [ 'width' ] = this . settings [ 'old_width' ] ;
this . settings [ 'height' ] = this . settings [ 'old_height' ] ;
this . visualAid = this . settings [ 'visual' ] ;
this . formTargetElementId = form _element _name ;
// Get replace_element contents
if ( replace _element . nodeName == "TEXTAREA" || replace _element . nodeName == "INPUT" )
this . startContent = replace _element . value ;
this . startContent = replace _element . innerHTML ;
// If not text area
if ( replace _element . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) != "textarea" ) {
this . oldTargetElement = replace _element . cloneNode ( true ) ;
// Debug mode
if ( tinyMCE . settings [ 'debug' ] )
html += '<textarea wrap="off" id="' + form _element _name + '" name="' + form _element _name + '" cols="100" rows="15"></textarea>' ;
html += '<input type="hidden" type="text" id="' + form _element _name + '" name="' + form _element _name + '" />' ;
html += '</span>' ;
// Output HTML and set editable
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var rng = replace _element . ownerDocument . createRange ( ) ;
rng . setStartBefore ( replace _element ) ;
var fragment = rng . createContextualFragment ( html ) ;
replace _element . parentNode . replaceChild ( fragment , replace _element ) ;
} else
replace _element . outerHTML = html ;
} else {
html += '</span>' ;
// Just hide the textarea element
this . oldTargetElement = replace _element ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . settings [ 'debug' ] )
this . oldTargetElement . style . display = "none" ;
// Output HTML and set editable
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
var rng = replace _element . ownerDocument . createRange ( ) ;
rng . setStartBefore ( replace _element ) ;
var fragment = rng . createContextualFragment ( html ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isGecko )
tinyMCE . insertAfter ( fragment , replace _element ) ;
replace _element . parentNode . insertBefore ( fragment , replace _element ) ;
} else
replace _element . insertAdjacentHTML ( "beforeBegin" , html ) ;
// Setup iframe
var dynamicIFrame = false ;
var tElm = targetDoc . getElementById ( this . editorId ) ;
if ( ! tinyMCE . isMSIE ) {
if ( tElm && tElm . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "span" ) {
tElm = tinyMCE . _createIFrame ( tElm ) ;
dynamicIFrame = true ;
this . targetElement = tElm ;
this . iframeElement = tElm ;
this . contentDocument = tElm . contentDocument ;
this . contentWindow = tElm . contentWindow ;
//this.getDoc().designMode = "on";
} else {
if ( tElm && tElm . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == "span" )
tElm = tinyMCE . _createIFrame ( tElm ) ;
tElm = targetDoc . frames [ this . editorId ] ;
this . targetElement = tElm ;
this . iframeElement = targetDoc . getElementById ( this . editorId ) ;
if ( tinyMCE . isOpera ) {
this . contentDocument = this . iframeElement . contentDocument ;
this . contentWindow = this . iframeElement . contentWindow ;
dynamicIFrame = true ;
} else {
this . contentDocument = tElm . window . document ;
this . contentWindow = tElm . window ;
this . getDoc ( ) . designMode = "on" ;
// Setup base HTML
var doc = this . contentDocument ;
if ( dynamicIFrame ) {
var html = tinyMCE . getParam ( 'doctype' ) + '<html><head xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><base href="' + tinyMCE . settings [ 'base_href' ] + '" /><title>blank_page</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body class="mceContentBody"></body></html>' ;
try {
if ( ! this . isHidden ( ) )
this . getDoc ( ) . designMode = "on" ;
doc . open ( ) ;
doc . write ( html ) ;
doc . close ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// Failed Mozilla 1.3
this . getDoc ( ) . location . href = tinyMCE . baseURL + "/blank.htm" ;
// This timeout is needed in MSIE 5.5 for some odd reason
// it seems that the document.frames isn't initialized yet?
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE )
window . setTimeout ( "TinyMCE.prototype.addEventHandlers('" + this . editorId + "');" , 1 ) ;
tinyMCE . setupContent ( this . editorId , true ) ;
return true ;
} ;
TinyMCEControl . prototype . getFocusElement = function ( ) {
if ( tinyMCE . isMSIE && ! tinyMCE . isOpera ) {
var doc = this . getDoc ( ) ;
var rng = doc . selection . createRange ( ) ;
// if (rng.collapse)
// rng.collapse(true);
var elm = rng . item ? rng . item ( 0 ) : rng . parentElement ( ) ;
} else {
if ( this . isHidden ( ) )
return this . getBody ( ) ;
var sel = this . getSel ( ) ;
var rng = this . getRng ( ) ;
var elm = rng . commonAncestorContainer ;
//var elm = (sel && sel.anchorNode) ? sel.anchorNode : null;
// Handle selection a image or other control like element such as anchors
if ( ! rng . collapsed ) {
// Is selection small
if ( rng . startContainer == rng . endContainer ) {
if ( rng . startOffset - rng . endOffset < 2 ) {
if ( rng . startContainer . hasChildNodes ( ) )
elm = rng . startContainer . childNodes [ rng . startOffset ] ;
// Get the element parent of the node
elm = tinyMCE . getParentElement ( elm ) ;
//if (tinyMCE.selectedElement != null && tinyMCE.selectedElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "img")
// elm = tinyMCE.selectedElement;
return elm ;
} ;
// Global instances
var tinyMCE = new TinyMCE ( ) ;
var tinyMCELang = new Array ( ) ;