2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( 'admin.php' );
2006-11-18 07:31:29 +00:00
$title = __ ( 'Export' );
$parent_file = 'edit.php' ;
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'download' ] ) )
export_wp ();
require_once ( 'admin-header.php' );
< div class = " wrap " >
< h2 >< ? php _e ( 'Export' ); ?> </h2>
< div class = " narrow " >
2006-12-05 07:15:12 +00:00
< p >< ? php _e ( 'When you click the button below WordPress will create an XML file for you to save to your computer.' ); ?> </p>
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< p >< ? php _e ( 'This format, which we call WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR, will contain your posts, comments, custom fields, and categories.' ); ?> </p>
2006-12-27 00:51:00 +00:00
< p >< ? php _e ( 'Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function on another WordPress blog to import this blog.' ); ?> </p>
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< form action = " " method = " get " >
2006-11-18 23:13:15 +00:00
< h3 >< ? php _e ( 'Optional options' ); ?> </h3>
< table >
< tr >
< th >< ? php _e ( 'Restrict Author:' ); ?> </th>
< td >
< select name = " author " >
< option value = " all " selected = " selected " >< ? php _e ( 'All' ); ?> </option>
< ? php
$authors = $wpdb -> get_col ( " SELECT post_author FROM $wpdb->posts GROUP BY post_author " );
foreach ( $authors as $id ) {
$o = get_userdata ( $id );
echo " <option value=' $o->ID '> $o->display_name </option> " ;
</ select >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< p class = " submit " >< input type = " submit " name = " submit " value = " <?php _e('Download Export File'); ?> » " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " download " value = " true " />
</ p >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php
function export_wp () {
2006-11-18 23:13:15 +00:00
global $wpdb , $posts , $post ;
$filename = 'wordpress.' . date ( 'Y-m-d' ) . '.xml' ;
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
header ( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' );
header ( " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= $filename " );
2006-12-01 00:11:43 +00:00
header ( 'Content-type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option ( 'blog_charset' ), true );
2006-11-18 23:13:15 +00:00
$where = '' ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'author' ] ) && $_GET [ 'author' ] != 'all' ) {
$author_id = ( int ) $_GET [ 'author' ];
$where = " WHERE post_author = ' $author_id ' " ;
$posts = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts $where ORDER BY post_date_gmt ASC " );
2006-11-30 18:15:14 +00:00
$categories = ( array ) $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description, category_parent, posts_private, links_private FROM $wpdb->categories LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON (category_id = cat_id) LEFT JOIN $wpdb->posts ON (post_id <=> id) $where GROUP BY cat_id " );
function wxr_missing_parents ( $categories ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $categories ) || empty ( $categories ) )
return array ();
foreach ( $categories as $category )
$parents [ $category -> cat_ID ] = $category -> category_parent ;
$parents = array_unique ( array_diff ( $parents , array_keys ( $parents )));
if ( $zero = array_search ( '0' , $parents ) )
unset ( $parents [ $zero ]);
return $parents ;
while ( $parents = wxr_missing_parents ( $categories ) ) {
$found_parents = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description, category_parent, posts_private, links_private FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE cat_ID IN ( " . join ( ', ' , $parents ) . " ) " );
if ( is_array ( $found_parents ) && count ( $found_parents ) )
$categories = array_merge ( $categories , $found_parents );
break ;
// Put them in order to be inserted with no child going before its parent
$pass = 0 ;
$passes = 1000 + count ( $categories );
while ( ( $cat = array_shift ( $categories ) ) && ++ $pass < $passes ) {
if ( $cat -> category_parent == 0 || isset ( $cats [ $cat -> category_parent ]) ) {
$cats [ $cat -> cat_ID ] = $cat ;
} else {
$categories [] = $cat ;
unset ( $categories );
function wxr_cdata ( $str ) {
if ( seems_utf8 ( $str ) == false )
$str = utf8_encode ( $str );
// $str = ent2ncr(wp_specialchars($str));
$str = " <![CDATA[ $str " . ( ( substr ( $str , - 1 ) == ']' ) ? ' ' : '' ) . " ]]> " ;
return $str ;
function wxr_cat_name ( $c ) {
if ( empty ( $c -> cat_name ) )
return ;
echo '<wp:cat_name>' . wxr_cdata ( $c -> cat_name ) . '</wp:cat_name>' ;
function wxr_category_description ( $c ) {
if ( empty ( $c -> category_description ) )
return ;
echo '<wp:category_description>' . wxr_cdata ( $c -> category_description ) . '</wp:category_description>' ;
2007-04-12 23:53:36 +00:00
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_bloginfo ( 'charset' ) . '"?' . " > \n " ;
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
2007-04-12 23:53:36 +00:00
This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of
your blog . It contains information about your blog ' s posts , comments , and
categories . You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to
another . This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your
blog .
To import this information into a WordPress blog follow these steps :
1. Log into that blog as an administrator .
2. Go to Manage > Import in the blog ' s admin .
3. Choose " WordPress " from the list of importers .
4. Upload this file using the form provided on that page .
5. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users
on the blog . For each author , you may choose to map an existing user on
the blog or to create a new user .
6. WordPress will then import each of the posts , comments , and categories
contained in this file onto your blog .
2006-11-18 01:27:22 +00:00
2007-06-08 23:06:10 +00:00
<!-- generator = " wordpress/<?php bloginfo_rss('version') ?> " created = " <?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i'); ?> " -->
2006-11-19 07:56:05 +00:00
< rss version = " 2.0 "
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
xmlns : content = " http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/ "
xmlns : wfw = " http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/ "
xmlns : dc = " http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ "
xmlns : wp = " http://wordpress.org/export/1.0/ "
< channel >
< title >< ? php bloginfo_rss ( 'name' ); ?> </title>
< link >< ? php bloginfo_rss ( 'url' ) ?> </link>
< description >< ? php bloginfo_rss ( " description " ) ?> </description>
< pubDate >< ? php echo mysql2date ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s +0000' , get_lastpostmodified ( 'GMT' ), false ); ?> </pubDate>
< generator > http :// wordpress . org / ? v =< ? php bloginfo_rss ( 'version' ); ?> </generator>
< language >< ? php echo get_option ( 'rss_language' ); ?> </language>
2006-11-30 18:15:14 +00:00
< ? php if ( $cats ) : foreach ( $cats as $c ) : ?>
< wp : category >< wp : category_nicename >< ? php echo $c -> category_nicename ; ?> </wp:category_nicename><wp:category_parent><?php echo $c->category_parent ? $cats[$c->category_parent]->cat_name : ''; ?></wp:category_parent><wp:posts_private><?php echo $c->posts_private ? '1' : '0'; ?></wp:posts_private><wp:links_private><?php echo $c->links_private ? '1' : '0'; ?></wp:links_private><?php wxr_cat_name($c); ?><?php wxr_category_description($c); ?></wp:category>
< ? php endforeach ; endif ; ?>
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< ? php do_action ( 'rss2_head' ); ?>
< ? php if ( $posts ) { foreach ( $posts as $post ) { start_wp (); ?>
< item >
< title >< ? php the_title_rss () ?> </title>
< link >< ? php permalink_single_rss () ?> </link>
< pubDate >< ? php echo mysql2date ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s +0000' , get_post_time ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , true ), false ); ?> </pubDate>
< dc : creator >< ? php the_author () ?> </dc:creator>
< ? php the_category_rss () ?>
< guid isPermaLink = " false " >< ? php the_guid (); ?> </guid>
< description ></ description >
< content : encoded ><! [ CDATA [ < ? php echo $post -> post_content ?> ]]></content:encoded>
2006-11-18 23:13:15 +00:00
< wp : post_id >< ? php echo $post -> ID ; ?> </wp:post_id>
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< wp : post_date >< ? php echo $post -> post_date ; ?> </wp:post_date>
< wp : post_date_gmt >< ? php echo $post -> post_date_gmt ; ?> </wp:post_date_gmt>
< wp : comment_status >< ? php echo $post -> comment_status ; ?> </wp:comment_status>
< wp : ping_status >< ? php echo $post -> ping_status ; ?> </wp:ping_status>
< wp : post_name >< ? php echo $post -> post_name ; ?> </wp:post_name>
< wp : status >< ? php echo $post -> post_status ; ?> </wp:status>
< wp : post_parent >< ? php echo $post -> post_parent ; ?> </wp:post_parent>
2007-04-07 16:36:10 +00:00
< wp : menu_order >< ? php echo $post -> menu_order ; ?> </wp:menu_order>
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< wp : post_type >< ? php echo $post -> post_type ; ?> </wp:post_type>
< ? php
2006-11-19 07:56:05 +00:00
$postmeta = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = $post->ID " );
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
if ( $postmeta ) {
< ? php foreach ( $postmeta as $meta ) { ?>
< wp : postmeta >
< wp : meta_key >< ? php echo $meta -> meta_key ; ?> </wp:meta_key>
< wp : meta_value >< ? Php echo $meta -> meta_value ; ?> </wp:meta_value>
</ wp : postmeta >
< ? php } ?>
< ? php } ?>
< ? php
2006-11-19 07:56:05 +00:00
$comments = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = $post->ID " );
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
if ( $comments ) { foreach ( $comments as $c ) { ?>
< wp : comment >
2006-11-18 23:13:15 +00:00
< wp : comment_id >< ? php echo $c -> comment_ID ; ?> </wp:comment_id>
2006-10-25 22:55:05 +00:00
< wp : comment_author >< ? php echo $c -> comment_author ; ?> </wp:comment_author>
< wp : comment_author_email >< ? php echo $c -> comment_author_email ; ?> </wp:comment_author_email>
< wp : comment_author_url >< ? php echo $c -> comment_author_url ; ?> </wp:comment_author_url>
< wp : comment_author_IP >< ? php echo $c -> comment_author_IP ; ?> </wp:comment_author_IP>
< wp : comment_date >< ? php echo $c -> comment_date ; ?> </wp:comment_date>
< wp : comment_date_gmt >< ? php echo $c -> comment_date_gmt ; ?> </wp:comment_date_gmt>
< wp : comment_content >< ? php echo $c -> comment_content ; ?> </wp:comment_content>
< wp : comment_approved >< ? php echo $c -> comment_approved ; ?> </wp:comment_approved>
< wp : comment_type >< ? php echo $c -> comment_type ; ?> </wp:comment_type>
< wp : comment_parent >< ? php echo $c -> comment_parent ; ?> </wp:comment_parent>
</ wp : comment >
< ? php } } ?>
</ item >
< ? php } } ?>
</ channel >
</ rss >
< ? php
die ();
include ( 'admin-footer.php' );
2006-11-18 01:27:22 +00:00