2003-05-22 12:12:53 +00:00
< ? php
$title = " Options " ;
function add_magic_quotes ( $array ) {
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
if ( is_array ( $v )) {
$array [ $k ] = add_magic_quotes ( $v );
} else {
$array [ $k ] = addslashes ( $v );
return $array ;
if ( ! get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {
$HTTP_GET_VARS = add_magic_quotes ( $HTTP_GET_VARS );
$HTTP_POST_VARS = add_magic_quotes ( $HTTP_POST_VARS );
$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS = add_magic_quotes ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS );
$b2varstoreset = array ( 'action' , 'standalone' );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $b2varstoreset ); $i += 1 ) {
$b2var = $b2varstoreset [ $i ];
if ( ! isset ( $$b2var )) {
if ( empty ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " $b2var " ])) {
if ( empty ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ " $b2var " ])) {
$$b2var = '' ;
} else {
$$b2var = $HTTP_GET_VARS [ " $b2var " ];
} else {
$$b2var = $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " $b2var " ];
switch ( $action ) {
case " update " :
$standalone = 1 ;
include ( " ./b2header.php " );
$newposts_per_page = addslashes ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " newposts_per_page " ]);
$newwhat_to_show = addslashes ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " newwhat_to_show " ]);
$newarchive_mode = addslashes ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " newarchive_mode " ]);
$newtime_difference = addslashes ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " newtime_difference " ]);
2003-05-24 09:19:03 +00:00
//no longer use this? $newautobr=addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS["newautobr"]);
$newautobr = 0 ;
2003-05-22 12:12:53 +00:00
$newtime_format = addslashes ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " newtime_format " ]);
$newdate_format = addslashes ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " newdate_format " ]);
$query = " UPDATE $tablesettings SET posts_per_page= $newposts_per_page , what_to_show=' $newwhat_to_show ', archive_mode=' $newarchive_mode ', time_difference= $newtime_difference , AutoBR= $newautobr , time_format=' $newtime_format ', date_format=' $newdate_format ' WHERE ID = 1 " ;
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
if ( $result == false ) {
2003-05-24 09:19:03 +00:00
$oops = " <b>ERROR</b>: couldn't update the options... please contact the <a href= \" mailto: $admin_email\ " > webmaster </ a > !< br /> $query < br /> " .mysql_errno(). " : " .mysql_error();
2003-05-22 12:12:53 +00:00
die ( $oops );
header ( " Location: b2options.php " );
break ;
default :
$standalone = 0 ;
include ( " ./b2header.php " );
if ( $user_level <= 3 ) {
die ( " You have no right to edit the options for this blog.<br>Ask for a promotion to your <a href= \" mailto: $admin_email\ " > blog admin </ a > : ) " );
< form name = " form " action = " b2options.php " method = " post " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " action " value = " update " />
< div class = " wrap " >
< table width = " 550 " cellpadding = " 5 " cellspacing = " 0 " >
< tr height = " 40 " >
< td width = " 150 " height = " 40 " > Show :</ td >
< td width = " 350 " >< input type = " text " name = " newposts_per_page " value = " <?php echo get_settings( " posts_per_page " ) ?> " size = " 3 " >
< select name = " newwhat_to_show " >
< option value = " days " < ? php
$i = $what_to_show ;
if ( $i == " days " )
echo " selected " ;
?> >days</option>
< option value = " posts " < ? php
if ( $i == " posts " )
echo " selected " ;
?> >posts</option>
< option value = " paged " < ? php
if ( $i == " paged " )
echo " selected " ;
?> >posts paged</option>
</ select > </ td >
</ tr >
< tr height = " 40 " >
< td height = " 40 " > Archive mode :</ td >
< td >< select name = " newarchive_mode " >
< ? php $i = $archive_mode ; ?>
< option value = " daily " < ? php
if ( $i == " daily " )
echo " selected " ;
?> >daily</option>
< option value = " weekly " < ? php
if ( $i == " weekly " )
echo " selected " ;
?> >weekly</option>
< option value = " monthly " < ? php
if ( $i == " monthly " )
echo " selected " ;
?> >monthly</option>
< option value = " postbypost " < ? php
if ( $i == " postbypost " )
echo " selected " ;
?> >post by post</option>
</ select > </ tr >
< tr height = " 40 " >
< td height = " 40 " > Time difference :</ td >
< td >< input type = " text " name = " newtime_difference " value = " <?php echo $time_difference ?> " size = " 2 " >
< i > if you ' re not on the timezone of your server </ i > </ td >
</ tr >
< tr height = " 40 " >
< td height = " 40 " > Date format :</ td >
< td >< input type = " text " name = " newdate_format " value = " <?php echo $date_format ?> " size = " 10 " >
< i > ( < a href = " #dateformat " > note </ a > ) </ i > </ td >
</ tr >
< tr height = " 40 " >
< td height = " 40 " > Time format :</ td >
< td >< input type = " text " name = " newtime_format " value = " <?php echo $time_format ?> " size = " 10 " >
< i > ( < a href = " #dateformat " > note </ a > ) </ i > </ td >
</ tr >
< tr height = " 40 " >
< td height = " 40 " >& nbsp ; </ td >
< td > < input type = " submit " name = " submit " value = " Update " class = " search " > </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
</ form >
< div class = " wrap " >
< h2 id = " dateformat " >
About Date & Time formats :
</ h2 >
< p > You can format the date & time in many ways , using the PHP syntax .< br />
As quoted from the PHP manual , here are the letters you can use :< br />
</ p >
< blockquote >
The following characters are recognized in the format string :< br />
a - " am " or " pm " < br />
A - " AM " or " PM " < br />
B - Swatch Internet time < br />
d - day of the month , 2 digits with leading zeros ; i . e . " 01 " to " 31 " < br />
D - day of the week , textual , 3 letters ; i . e . " Fri " < br />
F - month , textual , long ; i . e . " January " < br />
g - hour , 12 - hour format without leading zeros ; i . e . " 1 " to " 12 " < br />
G - hour , 24 - hour format without leading zeros ; i . e . " 0 " to " 23 " < br />
h - hour , 12 - hour format ; i . e . " 01 " to " 12 " < br />
H - hour , 24 - hour format ; i . e . " 00 " to " 23 " < br />
i - minutes ; i . e . " 00 " to " 59 " < br />
I ( capital i ) - " 1 " if Daylight Savings Time , " 0 " otherwise .< br />
j - day of the month without leading zeros ; i . e . " 1 " to " 31 " < br />
l ( lowercase 'L' ) - day of the week , textual , long ; i . e . " Friday " < br />
L - boolean for whether it is a leap year ; i . e . " 0 " or " 1 " < br />
m - month ; i . e . " 01 " to " 12 " < br />
M - month , textual , 3 letters ; i . e . " Jan " < br />
n - month without leading zeros ; i . e . " 1 " to " 12 " < br />
r - RFC 822 formatted date ; i . e . " Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200 " ( added in PHP 4.0 . 4 ) < br />
s - seconds ; i . e . " 00 " to " 59 " < br />
S - English ordinal suffix , textual , 2 characters ; i . e . " th " , " nd " < br />
t - number of days in the given month ; i . e . " 28 " to " 31 " < br />
T - Timezone setting of this machine ; i . e . " MDT " < br />
U - seconds since the epoch < br />
w - day of the week , numeric , i . e . " 0 " ( Sunday ) to " 6 " ( Saturday ) < br />
Y - year , 4 digits ; i . e . " 1999 " < br />
y - year , 2 digits ; i . e . " 99 " < br />
z - day of the year ; i . e . " 0 " to " 365 " < br />
Z - timezone offset in seconds ( i . e . " -43200 " to " 43200 " ) . The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative , and for those east of UTC is always positive .< br />
< br />
Unrecognized characters in the format string will be printed as - is .
</ blockquote >
< p > For more information and examples , check the PHP manual on < a href = " http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php " > this
page </ a >.</ p >
</ div >
< ? php
break ;
include ( " b2footer.php " ) ?>