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* Taxonomy API
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
// Taxonomy Registration
* Creates the initial taxonomies.
* This function fires twice: in wp-settings.php before plugins are loaded (for
* backwards compatibility reasons), and again on the 'init' action. We must avoid
* registering rewrite rules before the 'init' action.
function create_initial_taxonomies() {
global $wp_rewrite;
if ( ! did_action( 'init' ) ) {
$rewrite = array( 'category' => false, 'post_tag' => false, 'post_format' => false );
} else {
$post_format_base = apply_filters( 'post_format_rewrite_base', 'type' );
$rewrite = array(
'category' => array(
'hierarchical' => true,
'slug' => get_option('category_base') ? get_option('category_base') : 'category',
'with_front' => ! get_option('category_base') || $wp_rewrite->using_index_permalinks(),
'ep_mask' => EP_CATEGORIES,
'post_tag' => array(
'slug' => get_option('tag_base') ? get_option('tag_base') : 'tag',
'with_front' => ! get_option('tag_base') || $wp_rewrite->using_index_permalinks(),
'ep_mask' => EP_TAGS,
'post_format' => $post_format_base ? array( 'slug' => $post_format_base ) : false,
register_taxonomy( 'category', 'post', array(
'hierarchical' => true,
'query_var' => 'category_name',
'rewrite' => $rewrite['category'],
'public' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_admin_column' => true,
'_builtin' => true,
) );
register_taxonomy( 'post_tag', 'post', array(
'hierarchical' => false,
'query_var' => 'tag',
'rewrite' => $rewrite['post_tag'],
'public' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_admin_column' => true,
'_builtin' => true,
) );
register_taxonomy( 'nav_menu', 'nav_menu_item', array(
'public' => false,
'hierarchical' => false,
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Navigation Menus' ),
'singular_name' => __( 'Navigation Menu' ),
'query_var' => false,
'rewrite' => false,
'show_ui' => false,
'_builtin' => true,
'show_in_nav_menus' => false,
) );
register_taxonomy( 'link_category', 'link', array(
'hierarchical' => false,
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Link Categories' ),
'singular_name' => __( 'Link Category' ),
'search_items' => __( 'Search Link Categories' ),
'popular_items' => null,
'all_items' => __( 'All Link Categories' ),
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Link Category' ),
'update_item' => __( 'Update Link Category' ),
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Link Category' ),
'new_item_name' => __( 'New Link Category Name' ),
'separate_items_with_commas' => null,
'add_or_remove_items' => null,
'choose_from_most_used' => null,
'capabilities' => array(
'manage_terms' => 'manage_links',
'edit_terms' => 'manage_links',
'delete_terms' => 'manage_links',
'assign_terms' => 'manage_links',
'query_var' => false,
'rewrite' => false,
'public' => false,
'show_ui' => false,
'_builtin' => true,
) );
register_taxonomy( 'post_format', 'post', array(
'public' => true,
'hierarchical' => false,
'labels' => array(
'name' => _x( 'Format', 'post format' ),
'singular_name' => _x( 'Format', 'post format' ),
'query_var' => true,
'rewrite' => $rewrite['post_format'],
'show_ui' => false,
'_builtin' => true,
'show_in_nav_menus' => current_theme_supports( 'post-formats' ),
) );
add_action( 'init', 'create_initial_taxonomies', 0 ); // highest priority
* Get a list of registered taxonomy objects.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 3.0.0
* @uses $wp_taxonomies
* @see register_taxonomy
* @param array $args An array of key => value arguments to match against the taxonomy objects.
* @param string $output The type of output to return, either taxonomy 'names' or 'objects'. 'names' is the default.
* @param string $operator The logical operation to perform. 'or' means only one element
* from the array needs to match; 'and' means all elements must match. The default is 'and'.
* @return array A list of taxonomy names or objects
function get_taxonomies( $args = array(), $output = 'names', $operator = 'and' ) {
global $wp_taxonomies;
$field = ('names' == $output) ? 'name' : false;
return wp_filter_object_list($wp_taxonomies, $args, $operator, $field);
* Return all of the taxonomy names that are of $object_type.
* It appears that this function can be used to find all of the names inside of
* $wp_taxonomies global variable.
* <code><?php $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies('post'); ?></code> Should
* result in <code>Array('category', 'post_tag')</code>
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wp_taxonomies
* @param array|string|object $object Name of the type of taxonomy object, or an object (row from posts)
* @param string $output The type of output to return, either taxonomy 'names' or 'objects'. 'names' is the default.
* @return array The names of all taxonomy of $object_type.
function get_object_taxonomies($object, $output = 'names') {
global $wp_taxonomies;
if ( is_object($object) ) {
if ( $object->post_type == 'attachment' )
return get_attachment_taxonomies($object);
$object = $object->post_type;
$object = (array) $object;
$taxonomies = array();
foreach ( (array) $wp_taxonomies as $tax_name => $tax_obj ) {
if ( array_intersect($object, (array) $tax_obj->object_type) ) {
if ( 'names' == $output )
$taxonomies[] = $tax_name;
$taxonomies[ $tax_name ] = $tax_obj;
return $taxonomies;
* Retrieves the taxonomy object of $taxonomy.
* The get_taxonomy function will first check that the parameter string given
* is a taxonomy object and if it is, it will return it.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wp_taxonomies
* @uses taxonomy_exists() Checks whether taxonomy exists
* @param string $taxonomy Name of taxonomy object to return
* @return object|bool The Taxonomy Object or false if $taxonomy doesn't exist
function get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ) {
global $wp_taxonomies;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
return false;
return $wp_taxonomies[$taxonomy];
* Checks that the taxonomy name exists.
* Formerly is_taxonomy(), introduced in 2.3.0.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 3.0.0
* @uses $wp_taxonomies
* @param string $taxonomy Name of taxonomy object
* @return bool Whether the taxonomy exists.
function taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) {
global $wp_taxonomies;
return isset( $wp_taxonomies[$taxonomy] );
* Whether the taxonomy object is hierarchical.
* Checks to make sure that the taxonomy is an object first. Then Gets the
* object, and finally returns the hierarchical value in the object.
* A false return value might also mean that the taxonomy does not exist.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses taxonomy_exists() Checks whether taxonomy exists
* @uses get_taxonomy() Used to get the taxonomy object
* @param string $taxonomy Name of taxonomy object
* @return bool Whether the taxonomy is hierarchical
function is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy) {
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) )
return false;
$taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
return $taxonomy->hierarchical;
* Create or modify a taxonomy object. Do not use before init.
* A simple function for creating or modifying a taxonomy object based on the
* parameters given. The function will accept an array (third optional
* parameter), along with strings for the taxonomy name and another string for
* the object type.
* Nothing is returned, so expect error maybe or use taxonomy_exists() to check
* whether taxonomy exists.
* Optional $args contents:
* label - Name of the taxonomy shown in the menu. Usually plural. If not set, labels['name'] will be used.
* hierarchical - has some defined purpose at other parts of the API and is a
* boolean value.
* update_count_callback - works much like a hook, in that it will be called when the count is updated.
* Defaults to _update_post_term_count() for taxonomies attached to post types, which then confirms
* that the objects are published before counting them.
* Defaults to _update_generic_term_count() for taxonomies attached to other object types, such as links.
* rewrite - false to prevent rewrite, or array('slug'=>$slug) to customize
* permastruct; default will use $taxonomy as slug.
* query_var - false to prevent queries, or string to customize query var
* (?$query_var=$term); default will use $taxonomy as query var.
* public - If the taxonomy should be publicly queryable; //@TODO not implemented.
* defaults to true.
* show_ui - If the WordPress UI admin tags UI should apply to this taxonomy;
* defaults to public.
* show_in_nav_menus - true makes this taxonomy available for selection in navigation menus.
* Defaults to public.
* show_tagcloud - false to prevent the taxonomy being listed in the Tag Cloud Widget;
* defaults to show_ui which defaults to public.
* labels - An array of labels for this taxonomy. You can see accepted values in {@link get_taxonomy_labels()}. By default tag labels are used for non-hierarchical types and category labels for hierarchical ones.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wp_taxonomies Inserts new taxonomy object into the list
* @uses $wp Adds query vars
* @param string $taxonomy Name of taxonomy object
* @param array|string $object_type Name of the object type for the taxonomy object.
* @param array|string $args See above description for the two keys values.
* @return null|WP_Error WP_Error if errors, otherwise null.
function register_taxonomy( $taxonomy, $object_type, $args = array() ) {
global $wp_taxonomies, $wp;
if ( ! is_array($wp_taxonomies) )
$wp_taxonomies = array();
$defaults = array( 'hierarchical' => false,
'update_count_callback' => '',
'rewrite' => true,
'query_var' => $taxonomy,
'public' => true,
'show_ui' => null,
'show_tagcloud' => null,
'_builtin' => false,
'labels' => array(),
'capabilities' => array(),
'show_in_nav_menus' => null,
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
if ( strlen( $taxonomy ) > 32 )
return new WP_Error( 'taxonomy_too_long', __( 'Taxonomies cannot exceed 32 characters in length' ) );
if ( false !== $args['query_var'] && !empty($wp) ) {
if ( true === $args['query_var'] )
$args['query_var'] = $taxonomy;
$args['query_var'] = sanitize_title_with_dashes($args['query_var']);
if ( false !== $args['rewrite'] && ( is_admin() || '' != get_option('permalink_structure') ) ) {
$args['rewrite'] = wp_parse_args($args['rewrite'], array(
'slug' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($taxonomy),
'with_front' => true,
'hierarchical' => false,
'ep_mask' => EP_NONE,
if ( $args['hierarchical'] && $args['rewrite']['hierarchical'] )
$tag = '(.+?)';
$tag = '([^/]+)';
add_rewrite_tag( "%$taxonomy%", $tag, $args['query_var'] ? "{$args['query_var']}=" : "taxonomy=$taxonomy&term=" );
add_permastruct( $taxonomy, "{$args['rewrite']['slug']}/%$taxonomy%", $args['rewrite'] );
if ( is_null($args['show_ui']) )
$args['show_ui'] = $args['public'];
// Whether to show this type in nav-menus.php. Defaults to the setting for public.
if ( null === $args['show_in_nav_menus'] )
$args['show_in_nav_menus'] = $args['public'];
if ( is_null($args['show_tagcloud']) )
$args['show_tagcloud'] = $args['show_ui'];
$default_caps = array(
'manage_terms' => 'manage_categories',
'edit_terms' => 'manage_categories',
'delete_terms' => 'manage_categories',
'assign_terms' => 'edit_posts',
$args['cap'] = (object) array_merge( $default_caps, $args['capabilities'] );
unset( $args['capabilities'] );
$args['name'] = $taxonomy;
$args['object_type'] = array_unique( (array)$object_type );
$args['labels'] = get_taxonomy_labels( (object) $args );
$args['label'] = $args['labels']->name;
$wp_taxonomies[$taxonomy] = (object) $args;
// register callback handling for metabox
add_filter('wp_ajax_add-' . $taxonomy, '_wp_ajax_add_hierarchical_term');
do_action( 'registered_taxonomy', $taxonomy, $object_type, $args );
* Builds an object with all taxonomy labels out of a taxonomy object
* Accepted keys of the label array in the taxonomy object:
* - name - general name for the taxonomy, usually plural. The same as and overridden by $tax->label. Default is Tags/Categories
* - singular_name - name for one object of this taxonomy. Default is Tag/Category
* - search_items - Default is Search Tags/Search Categories
* - popular_items - This string isn't used on hierarchical taxonomies. Default is Popular Tags
* - all_items - Default is All Tags/All Categories
* - parent_item - This string isn't used on non-hierarchical taxonomies. In hierarchical ones the default is Parent Category
* - parent_item_colon - The same as <code>parent_item</code>, but with colon <code>:</code> in the end
* - edit_item - Default is Edit Tag/Edit Category
* - view_item - Default is View Tag/View Category
* - update_item - Default is Update Tag/Update Category
* - add_new_item - Default is Add New Tag/Add New Category
* - new_item_name - Default is New Tag Name/New Category Name
* - separate_items_with_commas - This string isn't used on hierarchical taxonomies. Default is "Separate tags with commas", used in the meta box.
* - add_or_remove_items - This string isn't used on hierarchical taxonomies. Default is "Add or remove tags", used in the meta box when JavaScript is disabled.
* - choose_from_most_used - This string isn't used on hierarchical taxonomies. Default is "Choose from the most used tags", used in the meta box.
* Above, the first default value is for non-hierarchical taxonomies (like tags) and the second one is for hierarchical taxonomies (like categories).
* @since 3.0.0
* @param object $tax Taxonomy object
* @return object object with all the labels as member variables
function get_taxonomy_labels( $tax ) {
if ( isset( $tax->helps ) && empty( $tax->labels['separate_items_with_commas'] ) )
$tax->labels['separate_items_with_commas'] = $tax->helps;
$nohier_vs_hier_defaults = array(
'name' => array( _x( 'Tags', 'taxonomy general name' ), _x( 'Categories', 'taxonomy general name' ) ),
'singular_name' => array( _x( 'Tag', 'taxonomy singular name' ), _x( 'Category', 'taxonomy singular name' ) ),
'search_items' => array( __( 'Search Tags' ), __( 'Search Categories' ) ),
'popular_items' => array( __( 'Popular Tags' ), null ),
'all_items' => array( __( 'All Tags' ), __( 'All Categories' ) ),
'parent_item' => array( null, __( 'Parent Category' ) ),
'parent_item_colon' => array( null, __( 'Parent Category:' ) ),
'edit_item' => array( __( 'Edit Tag' ), __( 'Edit Category' ) ),
'view_item' => array( __( 'View Tag' ), __( 'View Category' ) ),
'update_item' => array( __( 'Update Tag' ), __( 'Update Category' ) ),
'add_new_item' => array( __( 'Add New Tag' ), __( 'Add New Category' ) ),
'new_item_name' => array( __( 'New Tag Name' ), __( 'New Category Name' ) ),
'separate_items_with_commas' => array( __( 'Separate tags with commas' ), null ),
'add_or_remove_items' => array( __( 'Add or remove tags' ), null ),
'choose_from_most_used' => array( __( 'Choose from the most used tags' ), null ),
$nohier_vs_hier_defaults['menu_name'] = $nohier_vs_hier_defaults['name'];
return _get_custom_object_labels( $tax, $nohier_vs_hier_defaults );
* Add an already registered taxonomy to an object type.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 3.0.0
* @uses $wp_taxonomies Modifies taxonomy object
* @param string $taxonomy Name of taxonomy object
* @param string $object_type Name of the object type
* @return bool True if successful, false if not
function register_taxonomy_for_object_type( $taxonomy, $object_type) {
global $wp_taxonomies;
if ( !isset($wp_taxonomies[$taxonomy]) )
return false;
if ( ! get_post_type_object($object_type) )
return false;
if ( ! in_array( $object_type, $wp_taxonomies[$taxonomy]->object_type ) )
$wp_taxonomies[$taxonomy]->object_type[] = $object_type;
return true;
// Term API
* Retrieve object_ids of valid taxonomy and term.
* The strings of $taxonomies must exist before this function will continue. On
* failure of finding a valid taxonomy, it will return an WP_Error class, kind
* of like Exceptions in PHP 5, except you can't catch them. Even so, you can
* still test for the WP_Error class and get the error message.
* The $terms aren't checked the same as $taxonomies, but still need to exist
* for $object_ids to be returned.
* It is possible to change the order that object_ids is returned by either
* using PHP sort family functions or using the database by using $args with
* either ASC or DESC array. The value should be in the key named 'order'.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses wp_parse_args() Creates an array from string $args.
* @param int|array $term_ids Term id or array of term ids of terms that will be used
* @param string|array $taxonomies String of taxonomy name or Array of string values of taxonomy names
* @param array|string $args Change the order of the object_ids, either ASC or DESC
* @return WP_Error|array If the taxonomy does not exist, then WP_Error will be returned. On success
* the array can be empty meaning that there are no $object_ids found or it will return the $object_ids found.
function get_objects_in_term( $term_ids, $taxonomies, $args = array() ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! is_array( $term_ids ) )
$term_ids = array( $term_ids );
if ( ! is_array( $taxonomies ) )
$taxonomies = array( $taxonomies );
foreach ( (array) $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_taxonomy', __( 'Invalid taxonomy' ) );
$defaults = array( 'order' => 'ASC' );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );
$order = ( 'desc' == strtolower( $order ) ) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
$term_ids = array_map('intval', $term_ids );
$taxonomies = "'" . implode( "', '", $taxonomies ) . "'";
$term_ids = "'" . implode( "', '", $term_ids ) . "'";
$object_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT tr.object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ($taxonomies) AND tt.term_id IN ($term_ids) ORDER BY tr.object_id $order");
if ( ! $object_ids )
return array();
return $object_ids;
* Given a taxonomy query, generates SQL to be appended to a main query.
* @since 3.1.0
* @see WP_Tax_Query
* @param array $tax_query A compact tax query
* @param string $primary_table
* @param string $primary_id_column
* @return array
function get_tax_sql( $tax_query, $primary_table, $primary_id_column ) {
$tax_query_obj = new WP_Tax_Query( $tax_query );
return $tax_query_obj->get_sql( $primary_table, $primary_id_column );
* Container class for a multiple taxonomy query.
* @since 3.1.0
class WP_Tax_Query {
* List of taxonomy queries. A single taxonomy query is an associative array:
* - 'taxonomy' string The taxonomy being queried
* - 'terms' string|array The list of terms
* - 'field' string (optional) Which term field is being used.
* Possible values: 'term_id', 'slug' or 'name'
* Default: 'term_id'
* - 'operator' string (optional)
* Possible values: 'AND', 'IN' or 'NOT IN'.
* Default: 'IN'
* - 'include_children' bool (optional) Whether to include child terms.
* Default: true
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @var array
public $queries = array();
* The relation between the queries. Can be one of 'AND' or 'OR'.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @var string
public $relation;
* Standard response when the query should not return any rows.
* @since 3.2.0
* @access private
* @var string
private static $no_results = array( 'join' => '', 'where' => ' AND 0 = 1' );
* Constructor.
* Parses a compact tax query and sets defaults.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @param array $tax_query A compact tax query:
* array(
* 'relation' => 'OR',
* array(
* 'taxonomy' => 'tax1',
* 'terms' => array( 'term1', 'term2' ),
* 'field' => 'slug',
* ),
* array(
* 'taxonomy' => 'tax2',
* 'terms' => array( 'term-a', 'term-b' ),
* 'field' => 'slug',
* ),
* )
public function __construct( $tax_query ) {
if ( isset( $tax_query['relation'] ) && strtoupper( $tax_query['relation'] ) == 'OR' ) {
$this->relation = 'OR';
} else {
$this->relation = 'AND';
$defaults = array(
'taxonomy' => '',
'terms' => array(),
'include_children' => true,
'field' => 'term_id',
'operator' => 'IN',
foreach ( $tax_query as $query ) {
if ( ! is_array( $query ) )
$query = array_merge( $defaults, $query );
$query['terms'] = (array) $query['terms'];
$this->queries[] = $query;
* Generates SQL clauses to be appended to a main query.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @param string $primary_table
* @param string $primary_id_column
* @return array
public function get_sql( $primary_table, $primary_id_column ) {
global $wpdb;
$join = '';
$where = array();
$i = 0;
$count = count( $this->queries );
foreach ( $this->queries as $index => $query ) {
$this->clean_query( $query );
if ( is_wp_error( $query ) )
return self::$no_results;
extract( $query );
if ( 'IN' == $operator ) {
if ( empty( $terms ) ) {
if ( 'OR' == $this->relation ) {
if ( ( $index + 1 === $count ) && empty( $where ) )
return self::$no_results;
} else {
return self::$no_results;
$terms = implode( ',', $terms );
$alias = $i ? 'tt' . $i : $wpdb->term_relationships;
$join .= " INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships";
$join .= $i ? " AS $alias" : '';
$join .= " ON ($primary_table.$primary_id_column = $alias.object_id)";
$where[] = "$alias.term_taxonomy_id $operator ($terms)";
} elseif ( 'NOT IN' == $operator ) {
if ( empty( $terms ) )
$terms = implode( ',', $terms );
$where[] = "$primary_table.$primary_id_column NOT IN (
SELECT object_id
FROM $wpdb->term_relationships
WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ($terms)
} elseif ( 'AND' == $operator ) {
if ( empty( $terms ) )
$num_terms = count( $terms );
$terms = implode( ',', $terms );
$where[] = "(
FROM $wpdb->term_relationships
WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ($terms)
AND object_id = $primary_table.$primary_id_column
) = $num_terms";
if ( ! empty( $where ) )
$where = ' AND ( ' . implode( " $this->relation ", $where ) . ' )';
$where = '';
return compact( 'join', 'where' );
* Validates a single query.
* @since 3.2.0
* @access private
* @param array &$query The single query
private function clean_query( &$query ) {
if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $query['taxonomy'] ) ) {
$query = new WP_Error( 'Invalid taxonomy' );
$query['terms'] = array_unique( (array) $query['terms'] );
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $query['taxonomy'] ) && $query['include_children'] ) {
$this->transform_query( $query, 'term_id' );
if ( is_wp_error( $query ) )
$children = array();
foreach ( $query['terms'] as $term ) {
$children = array_merge( $children, get_term_children( $term, $query['taxonomy'] ) );
$children[] = $term;
$query['terms'] = $children;
$this->transform_query( $query, 'term_taxonomy_id' );
* Transforms a single query, from one field to another.
* @since 3.2.0
* @param array &$query The single query
* @param string $resulting_field The resulting field
public function transform_query( &$query, $resulting_field ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( empty( $query['terms'] ) )
if ( $query['field'] == $resulting_field )
$resulting_field = esc_sql( $resulting_field );
switch ( $query['field'] ) {
case 'slug':
case 'name':
$terms = "'" . implode( "','", array_map( 'sanitize_title_for_query', $query['terms'] ) ) . "'";
$terms = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT $wpdb->term_taxonomy.$resulting_field
FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy
INNER JOIN $wpdb->terms USING (term_id)
WHERE taxonomy = '{$query['taxonomy']}'
AND $wpdb->terms.{$query['field']} IN ($terms)
" );
case 'term_taxonomy_id':
$terms = implode( ',', array_map( 'intval', $query['terms'] ) );
$terms = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT $resulting_field
FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy
WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ($terms)
" );
$terms = implode( ',', array_map( 'intval', $query['terms'] ) );
$terms = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT $resulting_field
FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy
WHERE taxonomy = '{$query['taxonomy']}'
AND term_id IN ($terms)
" );
if ( 'AND' == $query['operator'] && count( $terms ) < count( $query['terms'] ) ) {
$query = new WP_Error( 'Inexistent terms' );
$query['terms'] = $terms;
$query['field'] = $resulting_field;
* Get all Term data from database by Term ID.
* The usage of the get_term function is to apply filters to a term object. It
* is possible to get a term object from the database before applying the
* filters.
* $term ID must be part of $taxonomy, to get from the database. Failure, might
* be able to be captured by the hooks. Failure would be the same value as $wpdb
* returns for the get_row method.
* There are two hooks, one is specifically for each term, named 'get_term', and
* the second is for the taxonomy name, 'term_$taxonomy'. Both hooks gets the
* term object, and the taxonomy name as parameters. Both hooks are expected to
* return a Term object.
* 'get_term' hook - Takes two parameters the term Object and the taxonomy name.
* Must return term object. Used in get_term() as a catch-all filter for every
* $term.
* 'get_$taxonomy' hook - Takes two parameters the term Object and the taxonomy
* name. Must return term object. $taxonomy will be the taxonomy name, so for
* example, if 'category', it would be 'get_category' as the filter name. Useful
* for custom taxonomies or plugging into default taxonomies.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses sanitize_term() Cleanses the term based on $filter context before returning.
* @see sanitize_term_field() The $context param lists the available values for get_term_by() $filter param.
* @param int|object $term If integer, will get from database. If object will apply filters and return $term.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name that $term is part of.
* @param string $output Constant OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N
* @param string $filter Optional, default is raw or no WordPress defined filter will applied.
* @return mixed|null|WP_Error Term Row from database. Will return null if $term is empty. If taxonomy does not
* exist then WP_Error will be returned.
function get_term($term, $taxonomy, $output = OBJECT, $filter = 'raw') {
global $wpdb;
$null = null;
if ( empty($term) ) {
$error = new WP_Error('invalid_term', __('Empty Term'));
return $error;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) ) {
$error = new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __('Invalid taxonomy'));
return $error;
if ( is_object($term) && empty($term->filter) ) {
wp_cache_add($term->term_id, $term, $taxonomy);
$_term = $term;
} else {
if ( is_object($term) )
$term = $term->term_id;
if ( !$term = (int) $term )
return $null;
if ( ! $_term = wp_cache_get($term, $taxonomy) ) {
$_term = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s AND t.term_id = %d LIMIT 1", $taxonomy, $term) );
if ( ! $_term )
return $null;
wp_cache_add($term, $_term, $taxonomy);
$_term = apply_filters('get_term', $_term, $taxonomy);
$_term = apply_filters("get_$taxonomy", $_term, $taxonomy);
$_term = sanitize_term($_term, $taxonomy, $filter);
if ( $output == OBJECT ) {
return $_term;
} elseif ( $output == ARRAY_A ) {
$__term = get_object_vars($_term);
return $__term;
} elseif ( $output == ARRAY_N ) {
$__term = array_values(get_object_vars($_term));
return $__term;
} else {
return $_term;
* Get all Term data from database by Term field and data.
* Warning: $value is not escaped for 'name' $field. You must do it yourself, if
* required.
* The default $field is 'id', therefore it is possible to also use null for
* field, but not recommended that you do so.
* If $value does not exist, the return value will be false. If $taxonomy exists
* and $field and $value combinations exist, the Term will be returned.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses sanitize_term() Cleanses the term based on $filter context before returning.
* @see sanitize_term_field() The $context param lists the available values for get_term_by() $filter param.
* @param string $field Either 'slug', 'name', or 'id'
* @param string|int $value Search for this term value
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @param string $output Constant OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N
* @param string $filter Optional, default is raw or no WordPress defined filter will applied.
* @return mixed Term Row from database. Will return false if $taxonomy does not exist or $term was not found.
function get_term_by($field, $value, $taxonomy, $output = OBJECT, $filter = 'raw') {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) )
return false;
if ( 'slug' == $field ) {
$field = 't.slug';
$value = sanitize_title($value);
if ( empty($value) )
return false;
} else if ( 'name' == $field ) {
$field = 't.name';
} else {
$term = get_term( (int) $value, $taxonomy, $output, $filter);
if ( is_wp_error( $term ) )
$term = false;
return $term;
$term = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s AND $field = %s LIMIT 1", $taxonomy, $value) );
if ( !$term )
return false;
wp_cache_add($term->term_id, $term, $taxonomy);
$term = apply_filters('get_term', $term, $taxonomy);
$term = apply_filters("get_$taxonomy", $term, $taxonomy);
$term = sanitize_term($term, $taxonomy, $filter);
if ( $output == OBJECT ) {
return $term;
} elseif ( $output == ARRAY_A ) {
return get_object_vars($term);
} elseif ( $output == ARRAY_N ) {
return array_values(get_object_vars($term));
} else {
return $term;
* Merge all term children into a single array of their IDs.
* This recursive function will merge all of the children of $term into the same
* array of term IDs. Only useful for taxonomies which are hierarchical.
* Will return an empty array if $term does not exist in $taxonomy.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses _get_term_hierarchy()
* @uses get_term_children() Used to get the children of both $taxonomy and the parent $term
* @param string $term_id ID of Term to get children
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @return array|WP_Error List of Term Objects. WP_Error returned if $taxonomy does not exist
function get_term_children( $term_id, $taxonomy ) {
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) )
return new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __('Invalid taxonomy'));
$term_id = intval( $term_id );
$terms = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomy);
if ( ! isset($terms[$term_id]) )
return array();
$children = $terms[$term_id];
foreach ( (array) $terms[$term_id] as $child ) {
if ( isset($terms[$child]) )
$children = array_merge($children, get_term_children($child, $taxonomy));
return $children;
* Get sanitized Term field.
* Does checks for $term, based on the $taxonomy. The function is for contextual
* reasons and for simplicity of usage. See sanitize_term_field() for more
* information.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses sanitize_term_field() Passes the return value in sanitize_term_field on success.
* @param string $field Term field to fetch
* @param int $term Term ID
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @param string $context Optional, default is display. Look at sanitize_term_field() for available options.
* @return mixed Will return an empty string if $term is not an object or if $field is not set in $term.
function get_term_field( $field, $term, $taxonomy, $context = 'display' ) {
$term = (int) $term;
$term = get_term( $term, $taxonomy );
if ( is_wp_error($term) )
return $term;
if ( !is_object($term) )
return '';
if ( !isset($term->$field) )
return '';
return sanitize_term_field($field, $term->$field, $term->term_id, $taxonomy, $context);
* Sanitizes Term for editing.
* Return value is sanitize_term() and usage is for sanitizing the term for
* editing. Function is for contextual and simplicity.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses sanitize_term() Passes the return value on success
* @param int|object $id Term ID or Object
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @return mixed|null|WP_Error Will return empty string if $term is not an object.
function get_term_to_edit( $id, $taxonomy ) {
$term = get_term( $id, $taxonomy );
if ( is_wp_error($term) )
return $term;
if ( !is_object($term) )
return '';
return sanitize_term($term, $taxonomy, 'edit');
* Retrieve the terms in a given taxonomy or list of taxonomies.
* You can fully inject any customizations to the query before it is sent, as
* well as control the output with a filter.
* The 'get_terms' filter will be called when the cache has the term and will
* pass the found term along with the array of $taxonomies and array of $args.
* This filter is also called before the array of terms is passed and will pass
* the array of terms, along with the $taxonomies and $args.
* The 'list_terms_exclusions' filter passes the compiled exclusions along with
* the $args.
* The 'get_terms_orderby' filter passes the ORDER BY clause for the query
* along with the $args array.
* The 'get_terms_fields' filter passes the fields for the SELECT query
* along with the $args array.
* The list of arguments that $args can contain, which will overwrite the defaults:
* orderby - Default is 'name'. Can be name, count, term_group, slug or nothing
* (will use term_id), Passing a custom value other than these will cause it to
* order based on the custom value.
* order - Default is ASC. Can use DESC.
* hide_empty - Default is true. Will not return empty terms, which means
* terms whose count is 0 according to the given taxonomy.
* exclude - Default is an empty array. An array, comma- or space-delimited string
* of term ids to exclude from the return array. If 'include' is non-empty,
* 'exclude' is ignored.
* exclude_tree - Default is an empty array. An array, comma- or space-delimited
* string of term ids to exclude from the return array, along with all of their
* descendant terms according to the primary taxonomy. If 'include' is non-empty,
* 'exclude_tree' is ignored.
* include - Default is an empty array. An array, comma- or space-delimited string
* of term ids to include in the return array.
* number - The maximum number of terms to return. Default is to return them all.
* offset - The number by which to offset the terms query.
* fields - Default is 'all', which returns an array of term objects.
* If 'fields' is 'ids' or 'names', returns an array of
* integers or strings, respectively.
* slug - Returns terms whose "slug" matches this value. Default is empty string.
* hierarchical - Whether to include terms that have non-empty descendants
* (even if 'hide_empty' is set to true).
* search - Returned terms' names will contain the value of 'search',
* case-insensitive. Default is an empty string.
* name__like - Returned terms' names will begin with the value of 'name__like',
* case-insensitive. Default is empty string.
* The argument 'pad_counts', if set to true will include the quantity of a term's
* children in the quantity of each term's "count" object variable.
* The 'get' argument, if set to 'all' instead of its default empty string,
* returns terms regardless of ancestry or whether the terms are empty.
* The 'child_of' argument, when used, should be set to the integer of a term ID. Its default
* is 0. If set to a non-zero value, all returned terms will be descendants
* of that term according to the given taxonomy. Hence 'child_of' is set to 0
* if more than one taxonomy is passed in $taxonomies, because multiple taxonomies
* make term ancestry ambiguous.
* The 'parent' argument, when used, should be set to the integer of a term ID. Its default is
* the empty string '', which has a different meaning from the integer 0.
* If set to an integer value, all returned terms will have as an immediate
* ancestor the term whose ID is specified by that integer according to the given taxonomy.
* The 'parent' argument is different from 'child_of' in that a term X is considered a 'parent'
* of term Y only if term X is the father of term Y, not its grandfather or great-grandfather, etc.
* The 'cache_domain' argument enables a unique cache key to be produced when this query is stored
* in object cache. For instance, if you are using one of this function's filters to modify the
* query (such as 'terms_clauses'), setting 'cache_domain' to a unique value will not overwrite
* the cache for similar queries. Default value is 'core'.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses wp_parse_args() Merges the defaults with those defined by $args and allows for strings.
* @param string|array $taxonomies Taxonomy name or list of Taxonomy names
* @param string|array $args The values of what to search for when returning terms
* @return array|WP_Error List of Term Objects and their children. Will return WP_Error, if any of $taxonomies do not exist.
function get_terms($taxonomies, $args = '') {
global $wpdb;
$empty_array = array();
$single_taxonomy = ! is_array( $taxonomies ) || 1 === count( $taxonomies );
if ( ! is_array( $taxonomies ) )
$taxonomies = array( $taxonomies );
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) ) {
$error = new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __('Invalid taxonomy'));
return $error;
$defaults = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC',
'hide_empty' => true, 'exclude' => array(), 'exclude_tree' => array(), 'include' => array(),
'number' => '', 'fields' => 'all', 'slug' => '', 'parent' => '',
'hierarchical' => true, 'child_of' => 0, 'get' => '', 'name__like' => '',
'pad_counts' => false, 'offset' => '', 'search' => '', 'cache_domain' => 'core' );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
$args['number'] = absint( $args['number'] );
$args['offset'] = absint( $args['offset'] );
if ( !$single_taxonomy || !is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomies[0]) ||
'' !== $args['parent'] ) {
$args['child_of'] = 0;
$args['hierarchical'] = false;
$args['pad_counts'] = false;
if ( 'all' == $args['get'] ) {
$args['child_of'] = 0;
$args['hide_empty'] = 0;
$args['hierarchical'] = false;
$args['pad_counts'] = false;
$args = apply_filters( 'get_terms_args', $args, $taxonomies );
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
if ( $child_of ) {
$hierarchy = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomies[0]);
if ( !isset($hierarchy[$child_of]) )
return $empty_array;
if ( $parent ) {
$hierarchy = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomies[0]);
if ( !isset($hierarchy[$parent]) )
return $empty_array;
// $args can be whatever, only use the args defined in defaults to compute the key
$filter_key = ( has_filter('list_terms_exclusions') ) ? serialize($GLOBALS['wp_filter']['list_terms_exclusions']) : '';
$key = md5( serialize( compact(array_keys($defaults)) ) . serialize( $taxonomies ) . $filter_key );
$last_changed = wp_cache_get( 'last_changed', 'terms' );
if ( ! $last_changed ) {
$last_changed = microtime();
wp_cache_set( 'last_changed', $last_changed, 'terms' );
$cache_key = "get_terms:$key:$last_changed";
$cache = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'terms' );
if ( false !== $cache ) {
$cache = apply_filters('get_terms', $cache, $taxonomies, $args);
return $cache;
$_orderby = strtolower($orderby);
if ( 'count' == $_orderby )
$orderby = 'tt.count';
else if ( 'name' == $_orderby )
$orderby = 't.name';
else if ( 'slug' == $_orderby )
$orderby = 't.slug';
else if ( 'term_group' == $_orderby )
$orderby = 't.term_group';
else if ( 'none' == $_orderby )
$orderby = '';
elseif ( empty($_orderby) || 'id' == $_orderby )
$orderby = 't.term_id';
$orderby = 't.name';
$orderby = apply_filters( 'get_terms_orderby', $orderby, $args );
if ( !empty($orderby) )
$orderby = "ORDER BY $orderby";
$order = '';
$order = strtoupper( $order );
if ( '' !== $order && !in_array( $order, array( 'ASC', 'DESC' ) ) )
$order = 'ASC';
$where = "tt.taxonomy IN ('" . implode("', '", $taxonomies) . "')";
$inclusions = '';
if ( !empty($include) ) {
$exclude = '';
$exclude_tree = '';
$interms = wp_parse_id_list($include);
foreach ( $interms as $interm ) {
if ( empty($inclusions) )
$inclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' ';
$inclusions .= ' OR t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' ';
if ( !empty($inclusions) )
$inclusions .= ')';
$where .= $inclusions;
$exclusions = '';
if ( !empty( $exclude_tree ) ) {
$excluded_trunks = wp_parse_id_list($exclude_tree);
foreach ( $excluded_trunks as $extrunk ) {
$excluded_children = (array) get_terms($taxonomies[0], array('child_of' => intval($extrunk), 'fields' => 'ids', 'hide_empty' => 0));
$excluded_children[] = $extrunk;
foreach( $excluded_children as $exterm ) {
if ( empty($exclusions) )
$exclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' ';
$exclusions .= ' AND t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' ';
if ( !empty($exclude) ) {
$exterms = wp_parse_id_list($exclude);
foreach ( $exterms as $exterm ) {
if ( empty($exclusions) )
$exclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' ';
$exclusions .= ' AND t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' ';
if ( !empty($exclusions) )
$exclusions .= ')';
$exclusions = apply_filters('list_terms_exclusions', $exclusions, $args );
$where .= $exclusions;
if ( !empty($slug) ) {
$slug = sanitize_title($slug);
$where .= " AND t.slug = '$slug'";
if ( !empty($name__like) ) {
$name__like = like_escape( $name__like );
$where .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND t.name LIKE %s", $name__like . '%' );
if ( '' !== $parent ) {
$parent = (int) $parent;
$where .= " AND tt.parent = '$parent'";
if ( $hide_empty && !$hierarchical )
$where .= ' AND tt.count > 0';
// don't limit the query results when we have to descend the family tree
if ( ! empty($number) && ! $hierarchical && empty( $child_of ) && '' === $parent ) {
if ( $offset )
$limits = 'LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $number;
$limits = 'LIMIT ' . $number;
} else {
$limits = '';
if ( !empty($search) ) {
$search = like_escape($search);
$where .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND (t.name LIKE %s)", '%' . $search . '%');
$selects = array();
switch ( $fields ) {
case 'all':
$selects = array('t.*', 'tt.*');
case 'ids':
case 'id=>parent':
$selects = array('t.term_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count');
case 'names':
$selects = array('t.term_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count', 't.name');
case 'count':
$orderby = '';
$order = '';
$selects = array('COUNT(*)');
$_fields = $fields;
$fields = implode(', ', apply_filters( 'get_terms_fields', $selects, $args ));
$join = "INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id";
$pieces = array( 'fields', 'join', 'where', 'orderby', 'order', 'limits' );
$clauses = apply_filters( 'terms_clauses', compact( $pieces ), $taxonomies, $args );
foreach ( $pieces as $piece )
$$piece = isset( $clauses[ $piece ] ) ? $clauses[ $piece ] : '';
$query = "SELECT $fields FROM $wpdb->terms AS t $join WHERE $where $orderby $order $limits";
$fields = $_fields;
if ( 'count' == $fields ) {
$term_count = $wpdb->get_var($query);
return $term_count;
$terms = $wpdb->get_results($query);
if ( 'all' == $fields ) {
if ( empty($terms) ) {
wp_cache_add( $cache_key, array(), 'terms', DAY_IN_SECONDS );
$terms = apply_filters('get_terms', array(), $taxonomies, $args);
return $terms;
if ( $child_of ) {
$children = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomies[0]);
if ( ! empty($children) )
$terms = _get_term_children($child_of, $terms, $taxonomies[0]);
// Update term counts to include children.
if ( $pad_counts && 'all' == $fields )
_pad_term_counts($terms, $taxonomies[0]);
// Make sure we show empty categories that have children.
if ( $hierarchical && $hide_empty && is_array($terms) ) {
foreach ( $terms as $k => $term ) {
if ( ! $term->count ) {
$children = _get_term_children($term->term_id, $terms, $taxonomies[0]);
if ( is_array($children) )
foreach ( $children as $child )
if ( $child->count )
continue 2;
// It really is empty
reset ( $terms );
$_terms = array();
if ( 'id=>parent' == $fields ) {
while ( $term = array_shift($terms) )
$_terms[$term->term_id] = $term->parent;
$terms = $_terms;
} elseif ( 'ids' == $fields ) {
while ( $term = array_shift($terms) )
$_terms[] = $term->term_id;
$terms = $_terms;
} elseif ( 'names' == $fields ) {
while ( $term = array_shift($terms) )
$_terms[] = $term->name;
$terms = $_terms;
if ( 0 < $number && intval(@count($terms)) > $number ) {
$terms = array_slice($terms, $offset, $number);
wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $terms, 'terms', DAY_IN_SECONDS );
$terms = apply_filters('get_terms', $terms, $taxonomies, $args);
return $terms;
* Check if Term exists.
* Formerly is_term(), introduced in 2.3.0.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 3.0.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param int|string $term The term to check
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy name to use
* @param int $parent ID of parent term under which to confine the exists search.
* @return mixed Returns 0 if the term does not exist. Returns the term ID if no taxonomy is specified
* and the term ID exists. Returns an array of the term ID and the taxonomy if the pairing exists.
function term_exists($term, $taxonomy = '', $parent = 0) {
global $wpdb;
$select = "SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->terms as t WHERE ";
$tax_select = "SELECT tt.term_id, tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE ";
if ( is_int($term) ) {
if ( 0 == $term )
return 0;
$where = 't.term_id = %d';
if ( !empty($taxonomy) )
return $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $tax_select . $where . " AND tt.taxonomy = %s", $term, $taxonomy ), ARRAY_A );
return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $select . $where, $term ) );
Change all core API to expect unslashed rather than slashed arguments. The exceptions to this are update_post_meta() and add_post_meta() which are often used by plugins in POST handlers and will continue accepting slashed data for now. Introduce wp_upate_post_meta() and wp_add_post_meta() as unslashed alternatives to update_post_meta() and add_post_meta(). These functions could become methods in WP_Post so don't use them too heavily yet. Remove all escape() calls from wp_xmlrpc_server. Now that core expects unslashed data this is no longer needed. Remove addslashes(), addslashes_gpc(), add_magic_quotes() calls on data being prepared for handoff to core functions that until now expected slashed data. Adding slashes in no longer necessary. Introduce wp_unslash() and use to it remove slashes from GPCS data before using it in core API. Almost every instance of stripslashes() in core should now be wp_unslash(). In the future (a release or three) when GPCS is no longer slashed, wp_unslash() will stop stripping slashes and simply return what is passed. At this point wp_unslash() calls can be removed from core. Introduce wp_slash() for slashing GPCS data. This will also turn into a noop once GPCS is no longer slashed. wp_slash() should almost never be used. It is mainly of use in unit tests. Plugins should use wp_unslash() on data being passed to core API. Plugins should no longer slash data being passed to core. So when you get_post() and then wp_insert_post() the post data from get_post() no longer needs addslashes(). Most plugins were not bothering with this. They will magically start doing the right thing. Unfortunately, those few souls who did it properly will now have to avoid calling addslashes() for 3.6 and newer. Use wp_kses_post() and wp_kses_data(), which expect unslashed data, instead of wp_filter_post_kses() and wp_filter_kses(), which expect slashed data. Filters are no longer passed slashed data. Remove many no longer necessary calls to $wpdb->escape() and esc_sql(). In wp_get_referer() and wp_get_original_referer(), return unslashed data. Remove old stripslashes() calls from WP_Widget::update() handlers. These haven't been necessary since WP_Widget. Switch several queries over to prepare(). Expect something to break. Props alexkingorg see #21767 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@23416 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-02-14 17:51:06 -05:00
$term = trim( $term );
if ( '' === $slug = sanitize_title($term) )
return 0;
$where = 't.slug = %s';
$else_where = 't.name = %s';
$where_fields = array($slug);
$else_where_fields = array($term);
if ( !empty($taxonomy) ) {
$parent = (int) $parent;
if ( $parent > 0 ) {
$where_fields[] = $parent;
$else_where_fields[] = $parent;
$where .= ' AND tt.parent = %d';
$else_where .= ' AND tt.parent = %d';
$where_fields[] = $taxonomy;
$else_where_fields[] = $taxonomy;
if ( $result = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT tt.term_id, tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE $where AND tt.taxonomy = %s", $where_fields), ARRAY_A) )
return $result;
return $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT tt.term_id, tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE $else_where AND tt.taxonomy = %s", $else_where_fields), ARRAY_A);
if ( $result = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->terms as t WHERE $where", $where_fields) ) )
return $result;
return $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->terms as t WHERE $else_where", $else_where_fields) );
* Check if a term is an ancestor of another term.
* You can use either an id or the term object for both parameters.
* @since 3.4.0
* @param int|object $term1 ID or object to check if this is the parent term.
* @param int|object $term2 The child term.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name that $term1 and $term2 belong to.
* @return bool Whether $term2 is child of $term1
function term_is_ancestor_of( $term1, $term2, $taxonomy ) {
if ( ! isset( $term1->term_id ) )
$term1 = get_term( $term1, $taxonomy );
if ( ! isset( $term2->parent ) )
$term2 = get_term( $term2, $taxonomy );
if ( empty( $term1->term_id ) || empty( $term2->parent ) )
return false;
if ( $term2->parent == $term1->term_id )
return true;
return term_is_ancestor_of( $term1, get_term( $term2->parent, $taxonomy ), $taxonomy );
* Sanitize Term all fields.
* Relies on sanitize_term_field() to sanitize the term. The difference is that
* this function will sanitize <strong>all</strong> fields. The context is based
* on sanitize_term_field().
* The $term is expected to be either an array or an object.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses sanitize_term_field Used to sanitize all fields in a term
* @param array|object $term The term to check
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy name to use
* @param string $context Default is 'display'.
* @return array|object Term with all fields sanitized
function sanitize_term($term, $taxonomy, $context = 'display') {
if ( 'raw' == $context )
return $term;
$fields = array('term_id', 'name', 'description', 'slug', 'count', 'parent', 'term_group');
$do_object = false;
if ( is_object($term) )
$do_object = true;
$term_id = $do_object ? $term->term_id : (isset($term['term_id']) ? $term['term_id'] : 0);
foreach ( (array) $fields as $field ) {
if ( $do_object ) {
if ( isset($term->$field) )
$term->$field = sanitize_term_field($field, $term->$field, $term_id, $taxonomy, $context);
} else {
if ( isset($term[$field]) )
$term[$field] = sanitize_term_field($field, $term[$field], $term_id, $taxonomy, $context);
if ( $do_object )
$term->filter = $context;
$term['filter'] = $context;
return $term;
* Cleanse the field value in the term based on the context.
* Passing a term field value through the function should be assumed to have
* cleansed the value for whatever context the term field is going to be used.
* If no context or an unsupported context is given, then default filters will
* be applied.
* There are enough filters for each context to support a custom filtering
* without creating your own filter function. Simply create a function that
* hooks into the filter you need.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param string $field Term field to sanitize
* @param string $value Search for this term value
* @param int $term_id Term ID
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @param string $context Either edit, db, display, attribute, or js.
* @return mixed sanitized field
function sanitize_term_field($field, $value, $term_id, $taxonomy, $context) {
if ( 'parent' == $field || 'term_id' == $field || 'count' == $field || 'term_group' == $field ) {
$value = (int) $value;
if ( $value < 0 )
$value = 0;
if ( 'raw' == $context )
return $value;
if ( 'edit' == $context ) {
$value = apply_filters("edit_term_{$field}", $value, $term_id, $taxonomy);
$value = apply_filters("edit_{$taxonomy}_{$field}", $value, $term_id);
if ( 'description' == $field )
$value = esc_html($value); // textarea_escaped
$value = esc_attr($value);
} else if ( 'db' == $context ) {
$value = apply_filters("pre_term_{$field}", $value, $taxonomy);
$value = apply_filters("pre_{$taxonomy}_{$field}", $value);
// Back compat filters
if ( 'slug' == $field )
$value = apply_filters('pre_category_nicename', $value);
} else if ( 'rss' == $context ) {
$value = apply_filters("term_{$field}_rss", $value, $taxonomy);
$value = apply_filters("{$taxonomy}_{$field}_rss", $value);
} else {
// Use display filters by default.
$value = apply_filters("term_{$field}", $value, $term_id, $taxonomy, $context);
$value = apply_filters("{$taxonomy}_{$field}", $value, $term_id, $context);
if ( 'attribute' == $context )
$value = esc_attr($value);
else if ( 'js' == $context )
$value = esc_js($value);
return $value;
* Count how many terms are in Taxonomy.
* Default $args is 'hide_empty' which can be 'hide_empty=true' or array('hide_empty' => true).
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses get_terms()
* @uses wp_parse_args() Turns strings into arrays and merges defaults into an array.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name
* @param array|string $args Overwrite defaults. See get_terms()
* @return int|WP_Error How many terms are in $taxonomy. WP_Error if $taxonomy does not exist.
function wp_count_terms( $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
$defaults = array('hide_empty' => false);
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
// backwards compatibility
if ( isset($args['ignore_empty']) ) {
$args['hide_empty'] = $args['ignore_empty'];
$args['fields'] = 'count';
return get_terms($taxonomy, $args);
* Will unlink the object from the taxonomy or taxonomies.
* Will remove all relationships between the object and any terms in
* a particular taxonomy or taxonomies. Does not remove the term or
* taxonomy itself.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses wp_remove_object_terms()
* @param int $object_id The term Object Id that refers to the term
* @param string|array $taxonomies List of Taxonomy Names or single Taxonomy name.
function wp_delete_object_term_relationships( $object_id, $taxonomies ) {
$object_id = (int) $object_id;
if ( !is_array($taxonomies) )
$taxonomies = array($taxonomies);
foreach ( (array) $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
$term_ids = wp_get_object_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) );
$term_ids = array_map( 'intval', $term_ids );
wp_remove_object_terms( $object_id, $term_ids, $taxonomy );
* Removes a term from the database.
* If the term is a parent of other terms, then the children will be updated to
* that term's parent.
* The $args 'default' will only override the terms found, if there is only one
* term found. Any other and the found terms are used.
* The $args 'force_default' will force the term supplied as default to be
* assigned even if the object was not going to be termless
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses do_action() Calls both 'delete_term' and 'delete_$taxonomy' action
* hooks, passing term object, term id. 'delete_term' gets an additional
* parameter with the $taxonomy parameter.
* @param int $term Term ID
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @param array|string $args Optional. Change 'default' term id and override found term ids.
* @return bool|WP_Error Returns false if not term; true if completes delete action.
function wp_delete_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
global $wpdb;
$term = (int) $term;
if ( ! $ids = term_exists($term, $taxonomy) )
return false;
if ( is_wp_error( $ids ) )
return $ids;
$tt_id = $ids['term_taxonomy_id'];
$defaults = array();
if ( 'category' == $taxonomy ) {
$defaults['default'] = get_option( 'default_category' );
if ( $defaults['default'] == $term )
return 0; // Don't delete the default category
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
if ( isset( $default ) ) {
$default = (int) $default;
if ( ! term_exists($default, $taxonomy) )
// Update children to point to new parent
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy) ) {
$term_obj = get_term($term, $taxonomy);
if ( is_wp_error( $term_obj ) )
return $term_obj;
$parent = $term_obj->parent;
$edit_tt_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT `term_taxonomy_id` FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE `parent` = " . (int)$term_obj->term_id );
do_action( 'edit_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'parent' ), array( 'parent' => $term_obj->term_id) + compact( 'taxonomy' ) );
do_action( 'edited_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids );
$objects = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $tt_id ) );
foreach ( (array) $objects as $object ) {
$terms = wp_get_object_terms($object, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'ids', 'orderby' => 'none'));
if ( 1 == count($terms) && isset($default) ) {
$terms = array($default);
} else {
$terms = array_diff($terms, array($term));
if (isset($default) && isset($force_default) && $force_default)
$terms = array_merge($terms, array($default));
$terms = array_map('intval', $terms);
wp_set_object_terms($object, $terms, $taxonomy);
// Clean the relationship caches for all object types using this term
$tax_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
foreach ( $tax_object->object_type as $object_type )
clean_object_term_cache( $objects, $object_type );
// Get the object before deletion so we can pass to actions below
$deleted_term = get_term( $term, $taxonomy );
do_action( 'delete_term_taxonomy', $tt_id );
$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id ) );
do_action( 'deleted_term_taxonomy', $tt_id );
// Delete the term if no taxonomies use it.
if ( !$wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_id = %d", $term) ) )
$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->terms, array( 'term_id' => $term ) );
clean_term_cache($term, $taxonomy);
do_action( 'delete_term', $term, $tt_id, $taxonomy, $deleted_term );
do_action( "delete_$taxonomy", $term, $tt_id, $deleted_term );
return true;
* Deletes one existing category.
* @since 2.0.0
* @uses wp_delete_term()
* @param int $cat_ID
* @return mixed Returns true if completes delete action; false if term doesn't exist;
* Zero on attempted deletion of default Category; WP_Error object is also a possibility.
function wp_delete_category( $cat_ID ) {
return wp_delete_term( $cat_ID, 'category' );
* Retrieves the terms associated with the given object(s), in the supplied taxonomies.
* The following information has to do the $args parameter and for what can be
* contained in the string or array of that parameter, if it exists.
* The first argument is called, 'orderby' and has the default value of 'name'.
* The other value that is supported is 'count'.
* The second argument is called, 'order' and has the default value of 'ASC'.
* The only other value that will be acceptable is 'DESC'.
* The final argument supported is called, 'fields' and has the default value of
* 'all'. There are multiple other options that can be used instead. Supported
* values are as follows: 'all', 'ids', 'names', and finally
* 'all_with_object_id'.
* The fields argument also decides what will be returned. If 'all' or
* 'all_with_object_id' is chosen or the default kept intact, then all matching
* terms objects will be returned. If either 'ids' or 'names' is used, then an
* array of all matching term ids or term names will be returned respectively.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param int|array $object_ids The ID(s) of the object(s) to retrieve.
* @param string|array $taxonomies The taxonomies to retrieve terms from.
* @param array|string $args Change what is returned
* @return array|WP_Error The requested term data or empty array if no terms found. WP_Error if any of the $taxonomies don't exist.
function wp_get_object_terms($object_ids, $taxonomies, $args = array()) {
global $wpdb;
if ( empty( $object_ids ) || empty( $taxonomies ) )
return array();
if ( !is_array($taxonomies) )
$taxonomies = array($taxonomies);
foreach ( (array) $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) )
return new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __('Invalid taxonomy'));
if ( !is_array($object_ids) )
$object_ids = array($object_ids);
$object_ids = array_map('intval', $object_ids);
$defaults = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'fields' => 'all');
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
$terms = array();
if ( count($taxonomies) > 1 ) {
foreach ( $taxonomies as $index => $taxonomy ) {
$t = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
if ( isset($t->args) && is_array($t->args) && $args != array_merge($args, $t->args) ) {
$terms = array_merge($terms, wp_get_object_terms($object_ids, $taxonomy, array_merge($args, $t->args)));
} else {
$t = get_taxonomy($taxonomies[0]);
if ( isset($t->args) && is_array($t->args) )
$args = array_merge($args, $t->args);
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
if ( 'count' == $orderby )
$orderby = 'tt.count';
else if ( 'name' == $orderby )
$orderby = 't.name';
else if ( 'slug' == $orderby )
$orderby = 't.slug';
else if ( 'term_group' == $orderby )
$orderby = 't.term_group';
else if ( 'term_order' == $orderby )
$orderby = 'tr.term_order';
else if ( 'none' == $orderby ) {
$orderby = '';
$order = '';
} else {
$orderby = 't.term_id';
// tt_ids queries can only be none or tr.term_taxonomy_id
if ( ('tt_ids' == $fields) && !empty($orderby) )
$orderby = 'tr.term_taxonomy_id';
if ( !empty($orderby) )
$orderby = "ORDER BY $orderby";
$order = strtoupper( $order );
if ( '' !== $order && ! in_array( $order, array( 'ASC', 'DESC' ) ) )
$order = 'ASC';
$taxonomies = "'" . implode("', '", $taxonomies) . "'";
$object_ids = implode(', ', $object_ids);
$select_this = '';
if ( 'all' == $fields )
$select_this = 't.*, tt.*';
else if ( 'ids' == $fields )
$select_this = 't.term_id';
else if ( 'names' == $fields )
$select_this = 't.name';
else if ( 'slugs' == $fields )
$select_this = 't.slug';
else if ( 'all_with_object_id' == $fields )
$select_this = 't.*, tt.*, tr.object_id';
$query = "SELECT $select_this FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ($taxonomies) AND tr.object_id IN ($object_ids) $orderby $order";
if ( 'all' == $fields || 'all_with_object_id' == $fields ) {
$terms = array_merge($terms, $wpdb->get_results($query));
} else if ( 'ids' == $fields || 'names' == $fields || 'slugs' == $fields ) {
$terms = array_merge($terms, $wpdb->get_col($query));
} else if ( 'tt_ids' == $fields ) {
$terms = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT tr.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tr.object_id IN ($object_ids) AND tt.taxonomy IN ($taxonomies) $orderby $order");
if ( ! $terms )
$terms = array();
return apply_filters('wp_get_object_terms', $terms, $object_ids, $taxonomies, $args);
* Adds a new term to the database. Optionally marks it as an alias of an existing term.
* Error handling is assigned for the nonexistence of the $taxonomy and $term
* parameters before inserting. If both the term id and taxonomy exist
* previously, then an array will be returned that contains the term id and the
* contents of what is returned. The keys of the array are 'term_id' and
* 'term_taxonomy_id' containing numeric values.
* It is assumed that the term does not yet exist or the above will apply. The
* term will be first added to the term table and then related to the taxonomy
* if everything is well. If everything is correct, then several actions will be
* run prior to a filter and then several actions will be run after the filter
* is run.
* The arguments decide how the term is handled based on the $args parameter.
* The following is a list of the available overrides and the defaults.
* 'alias_of'. There is no default, but if added, expected is the slug that the
* term will be an alias of. Expected to be a string.
* 'description'. There is no default. If exists, will be added to the database
* along with the term. Expected to be a string.
* 'parent'. Expected to be numeric and default is 0 (zero). Will assign value
* of 'parent' to the term.
* 'slug'. Expected to be a string. There is no default.
* If 'slug' argument exists then the slug will be checked to see if it is not
* a valid term. If that check succeeds (it is not a valid term), then it is
* added and the term id is given. If it fails, then a check is made to whether
* the taxonomy is hierarchical and the parent argument is not empty. If the
* second check succeeds, the term will be inserted and the term id will be
* given.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses apply_filters() Calls 'pre_insert_term' hook with term and taxonomy as parameters.
* @uses do_action() Calls 'create_term' hook with the term id and taxonomy id as parameters.
* @uses do_action() Calls 'create_$taxonomy' hook with term id and taxonomy id as parameters.
* @uses apply_filters() Calls 'term_id_filter' hook with term id and taxonomy id as parameters.
* @uses do_action() Calls 'created_term' hook with the term id and taxonomy id as parameters.
* @uses do_action() Calls 'created_$taxonomy' hook with term id and taxonomy id as parameters.
* @param string $term The term to add or update.
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term
* @param array|string $args Change the values of the inserted term
* @return array|WP_Error The Term ID and Term Taxonomy ID
function wp_insert_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) )
return new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __('Invalid taxonomy'));
$term = apply_filters( 'pre_insert_term', $term, $taxonomy );
if ( is_wp_error( $term ) )
return $term;
if ( is_int($term) && 0 == $term )
return new WP_Error('invalid_term_id', __('Invalid term ID'));
if ( '' == trim($term) )
return new WP_Error('empty_term_name', __('A name is required for this term'));
$defaults = array( 'alias_of' => '', 'description' => '', 'parent' => 0, 'slug' => '');
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
$args['name'] = $term;
$args['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy;
$args = sanitize_term($args, $taxonomy, 'db');
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
if ( empty($slug) )
$slug = sanitize_title($name);
$term_group = 0;
if ( $alias_of ) {
$alias = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_id, term_group FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $alias_of) );
if ( $alias->term_group ) {
// The alias we want is already in a group, so let's use that one.
$term_group = $alias->term_group;
} else {
// The alias isn't in a group, so let's create a new one and firstly add the alias term to it.
$term_group = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(term_group) FROM $wpdb->terms") + 1;
do_action( 'edit_terms', $alias->term_id );
$wpdb->update($wpdb->terms, compact('term_group'), array('term_id' => $alias->term_id) );
do_action( 'edited_terms', $alias->term_id );
if ( $term_id = term_exists($slug) ) {
$existing_term = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT name FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE term_id = %d", $term_id), ARRAY_A );
// We've got an existing term in the same taxonomy, which matches the name of the new term:
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy) && $existing_term['name'] == $name && $exists = term_exists( (int) $term_id, $taxonomy ) ) {
// Hierarchical, and it matches an existing term, Do not allow same "name" in the same level.
$siblings = get_terms($taxonomy, array('fields' => 'names', 'get' => 'all', 'parent' => (int)$parent) );
if ( in_array($name, $siblings) ) {
return new WP_Error('term_exists', __('A term with the name provided already exists with this parent.'), $exists['term_id']);
} else {
$slug = wp_unique_term_slug($slug, (object) $args);
if ( false === $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, compact( 'name', 'slug', 'term_group' ) ) )
return new WP_Error('db_insert_error', __('Could not insert term into the database'), $wpdb->last_error);
$term_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
} elseif ( $existing_term['name'] != $name ) {
// We've got an existing term, with a different name, Create the new term.
$slug = wp_unique_term_slug($slug, (object) $args);
if ( false === $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, compact( 'name', 'slug', 'term_group' ) ) )
return new WP_Error('db_insert_error', __('Could not insert term into the database'), $wpdb->last_error);
$term_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
} elseif ( $exists = term_exists( (int) $term_id, $taxonomy ) ) {
// Same name, same slug.
return new WP_Error('term_exists', __('A term with the name provided already exists.'), $exists['term_id']);
} else {
// This term does not exist at all in the database, Create it.
$slug = wp_unique_term_slug($slug, (object) $args);
if ( false === $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, compact( 'name', 'slug', 'term_group' ) ) )
return new WP_Error('db_insert_error', __('Could not insert term into the database'), $wpdb->last_error);
$term_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
// Seems unreachable, However, Is used in the case that a term name is provided, which sanitizes to an empty string.
if ( empty($slug) ) {
$slug = sanitize_title($slug, $term_id);
do_action( 'edit_terms', $term_id );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->terms, compact( 'slug' ), compact( 'term_id' ) );
do_action( 'edited_terms', $term_id );
$tt_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt INNER JOIN $wpdb->terms AS t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s AND t.term_id = %d", $taxonomy, $term_id ) );
if ( !empty($tt_id) )
return array('term_id' => $term_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id);
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'term_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent') + array( 'count' => 0 ) );
$tt_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
do_action("create_term", $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy);
do_action("create_$taxonomy", $term_id, $tt_id);
$term_id = apply_filters('term_id_filter', $term_id, $tt_id);
clean_term_cache($term_id, $taxonomy);
do_action("created_term", $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy);
do_action("created_$taxonomy", $term_id, $tt_id);
return array('term_id' => $term_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id);
* Create Term and Taxonomy Relationships.
* Relates an object (post, link etc) to a term and taxonomy type. Creates the
* term and taxonomy relationship if it doesn't already exist. Creates a term if
* it doesn't exist (using the slug).
* A relationship means that the term is grouped in or belongs to the taxonomy.
* A term has no meaning until it is given context by defining which taxonomy it
* exists under.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses wp_remove_object_terms()
* @param int $object_id The object to relate to.
* @param array|int|string $terms The slug or id of the term, will replace all existing
* related terms in this taxonomy.
* @param array|string $taxonomy The context in which to relate the term to the object.
* @param bool $append If false will delete difference of terms.
* @return array|WP_Error Affected Term IDs
function wp_set_object_terms($object_id, $terms, $taxonomy, $append = false) {
global $wpdb;
$object_id = (int) $object_id;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) )
return new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __('Invalid taxonomy'));
if ( !is_array($terms) )
$terms = array($terms);
if ( ! $append )
$old_tt_ids = wp_get_object_terms($object_id, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'tt_ids', 'orderby' => 'none'));
$old_tt_ids = array();
$tt_ids = array();
$term_ids = array();
$new_tt_ids = array();
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term) {
if ( !strlen(trim($term)) )
if ( !$term_info = term_exists($term, $taxonomy) ) {
// Skip if a non-existent term ID is passed.
if ( is_int($term) )
$term_info = wp_insert_term($term, $taxonomy);
if ( is_wp_error($term_info) )
return $term_info;
$term_ids[] = $term_info['term_id'];
$tt_id = $term_info['term_taxonomy_id'];
$tt_ids[] = $tt_id;
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id = %d AND term_taxonomy_id = %d", $object_id, $tt_id ) ) )
do_action( 'add_term_relationship', $object_id, $tt_id );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_relationships, array( 'object_id' => $object_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id ) );
do_action( 'added_term_relationship', $object_id, $tt_id );
$new_tt_ids[] = $tt_id;
if ( $new_tt_ids )
wp_update_term_count( $new_tt_ids, $taxonomy );
if ( ! $append ) {
$delete_tt_ids = array_diff( $old_tt_ids, $tt_ids );
if ( $delete_tt_ids ) {
$in_delete_tt_ids = "'" . implode( "', '", $delete_tt_ids ) . "'";
$delete_term_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT tt.term_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s AND tt.term_taxonomy_id IN ($in_delete_tt_ids)", $taxonomy ) );
$delete_term_ids = array_map( 'intval', $delete_term_ids );
$remove = wp_remove_object_terms( $object_id, $delete_term_ids, $taxonomy );
if ( is_wp_error( $remove ) ) {
return $remove;
$t = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
if ( ! $append && isset($t->sort) && $t->sort ) {
$values = array();
$term_order = 0;
$final_tt_ids = wp_get_object_terms($object_id, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'tt_ids'));
foreach ( $tt_ids as $tt_id )
if ( in_array($tt_id, $final_tt_ids) )
$values[] = $wpdb->prepare( "(%d, %d, %d)", $object_id, $tt_id, ++$term_order);
if ( $values )
if ( false === $wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id, term_order) VALUES " . join( ',', $values ) . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE term_order = VALUES(term_order)" ) )
return new WP_Error( 'db_insert_error', __( 'Could not insert term relationship into the database' ), $wpdb->last_error );
wp_cache_delete( $object_id, $taxonomy . '_relationships' );
do_action('set_object_terms', $object_id, $terms, $tt_ids, $taxonomy, $append, $old_tt_ids);
return $tt_ids;
* Add term(s) associated with a given object.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 3.6
* @uses wp_set_object_terms()
* @param int $object_id The ID of the object to which the terms will be added.
* @param array|int|string $terms The slug(s) or ID(s) of the term(s) to add.
* @param array|string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
* @return array|WP_Error Affected Term IDs
function wp_add_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $taxonomy ) {
return wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $taxonomy, true );
* Remove term(s) associated with a given object.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 3.6
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses apply_filters() Calls 'delete_term_relationships' hook with object_id and tt_ids as parameters.
* @uses apply_filters() Calls 'deleted_term_relationships' hook with object_id and tt_ids as parameters.
* @param int $object_id The ID of the object from which the terms will be removed.
* @param array|int|string $terms The slug(s) or ID(s) of the term(s) to remove.
* @param array|string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
* @return bool|WP_Error True on success, false or WP_Error on failure.
function wp_remove_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $taxonomy ) {
global $wpdb;
$object_id = (int) $object_id;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_taxonomy', __( 'Invalid Taxonomy' ) );
if ( ! is_array( $terms ) ) {
$terms = array( $terms );
$tt_ids = array();
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
if ( ! strlen( trim( $term ) ) ) {
if ( ! $term_info = term_exists( $term, $taxonomy ) ) {
// Skip if a non-existent term ID is passed.
if ( is_int( $term ) ) {
if ( is_wp_error( $term_info ) ) {
return $term_info;
$tt_ids[] = $term_info['term_taxonomy_id'];
if ( $tt_ids ) {
$in_tt_ids = "'" . implode( "', '", $tt_ids ) . "'";
do_action( 'delete_term_relationships', $object_id, $tt_ids );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id = %d AND term_taxonomy_id IN ($in_tt_ids)", $object_id ) );
do_action( 'deleted_term_relationships', $object_id, $tt_ids );
wp_update_term_count( $tt_ids, $taxonomy );
return true;
return false;
* Will make slug unique, if it isn't already.
* The $slug has to be unique global to every taxonomy, meaning that one
* taxonomy term can't have a matching slug with another taxonomy term. Each
* slug has to be globally unique for every taxonomy.
* The way this works is that if the taxonomy that the term belongs to is
* hierarchical and has a parent, it will append that parent to the $slug.
* If that still doesn't return an unique slug, then it try to append a number
* until it finds a number that is truly unique.
* The only purpose for $term is for appending a parent, if one exists.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param string $slug The string that will be tried for a unique slug
* @param object $term The term object that the $slug will belong too
* @return string Will return a true unique slug.
function wp_unique_term_slug($slug, $term) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! term_exists( $slug ) )
return $slug;
// If the taxonomy supports hierarchy and the term has a parent, make the slug unique
// by incorporating parent slugs.
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical($term->taxonomy) && !empty($term->parent) ) {
$the_parent = $term->parent;
while ( ! empty($the_parent) ) {
$parent_term = get_term($the_parent, $term->taxonomy);
if ( is_wp_error($parent_term) || empty($parent_term) )
$slug .= '-' . $parent_term->slug;
if ( ! term_exists( $slug ) )
return $slug;
if ( empty($parent_term->parent) )
$the_parent = $parent_term->parent;
// If we didn't get a unique slug, try appending a number to make it unique.
if ( !empty($args['term_id']) )
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT slug FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s AND term_id != %d", $slug, $args['term_id'] );
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT slug FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $slug );
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $query ) ) {
$num = 2;
do {
$alt_slug = $slug . "-$num";
$slug_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT slug FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $alt_slug ) );
} while ( $slug_check );
$slug = $alt_slug;
return $slug;
* Update term based on arguments provided.
* The $args will indiscriminately override all values with the same field name.
* Care must be taken to not override important information need to update or
* update will fail (or perhaps create a new term, neither would be acceptable).
* Defaults will set 'alias_of', 'description', 'parent', and 'slug' if not
* defined in $args already.
* 'alias_of' will create a term group, if it doesn't already exist, and update
* it for the $term.
* If the 'slug' argument in $args is missing, then the 'name' in $args will be
* used. It should also be noted that if you set 'slug' and it isn't unique then
* a WP_Error will be passed back. If you don't pass any slug, then a unique one
* will be created for you.
* For what can be overrode in $args, check the term scheme can contain and stay
* away from the term keys.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @uses do_action() Will call both 'edit_term' and 'edit_$taxonomy' twice.
* @uses apply_filters() Will call the 'term_id_filter' filter and pass the term
* id and taxonomy id.
* @param int $term_id The ID of the term
* @param string $taxonomy The context in which to relate the term to the object.
* @param array|string $args Overwrite term field values
* @return array|WP_Error Returns Term ID and Taxonomy Term ID
function wp_update_term( $term_id, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) )
return new WP_Error('invalid_taxonomy', __('Invalid taxonomy'));
$term_id = (int) $term_id;
// First, get all of the original args
$term = get_term ($term_id, $taxonomy, ARRAY_A);
if ( is_wp_error( $term ) )
return $term;
// Merge old and new args with new args overwriting old ones.
$args = array_merge($term, $args);
$defaults = array( 'alias_of' => '', 'description' => '', 'parent' => 0, 'slug' => '');
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
$args = sanitize_term($args, $taxonomy, 'db');
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
if ( '' == trim($name) )
return new WP_Error('empty_term_name', __('A name is required for this term'));
$empty_slug = false;
if ( empty($slug) ) {
$empty_slug = true;
$slug = sanitize_title($name);
if ( $alias_of ) {
$alias = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_id, term_group FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $alias_of) );
if ( $alias->term_group ) {
// The alias we want is already in a group, so let's use that one.
$term_group = $alias->term_group;
} else {
// The alias isn't in a group, so let's create a new one and firstly add the alias term to it.
$term_group = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(term_group) FROM $wpdb->terms") + 1;
do_action( 'edit_terms', $alias->term_id );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->terms, compact('term_group'), array( 'term_id' => $alias->term_id ) );
do_action( 'edited_terms', $alias->term_id );
// Check $parent to see if it will cause a hierarchy loop
$parent = apply_filters( 'wp_update_term_parent', $parent, $term_id, $taxonomy, compact( array_keys( $args ) ), $args );
// Check for duplicate slug
$id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $slug ) );
if ( $id && ($id != $term_id) ) {
// If an empty slug was passed or the parent changed, reset the slug to something unique.
// Otherwise, bail.
if ( $empty_slug || ( $parent != $term['parent']) )
$slug = wp_unique_term_slug($slug, (object) $args);
return new WP_Error('duplicate_term_slug', sprintf(__('The slug &#8220;%s&#8221; is already in use by another term'), $slug));
do_action( 'edit_terms', $term_id );
$wpdb->update($wpdb->terms, compact( 'name', 'slug', 'term_group' ), compact( 'term_id' ) );
if ( empty($slug) ) {
$slug = sanitize_title($name, $term_id);
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->terms, compact( 'slug' ), compact( 'term_id' ) );
do_action( 'edited_terms', $term_id );
$tt_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt INNER JOIN $wpdb->terms AS t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s AND t.term_id = %d", $taxonomy, $term_id) );
do_action( 'edit_term_taxonomy', $tt_id, $taxonomy );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'term_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent' ), array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id ) );
do_action( 'edited_term_taxonomy', $tt_id, $taxonomy );
do_action("edit_term", $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy);
do_action("edit_$taxonomy", $term_id, $tt_id);
$term_id = apply_filters('term_id_filter', $term_id, $tt_id);
clean_term_cache($term_id, $taxonomy);
do_action("edited_term", $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy);
do_action("edited_$taxonomy", $term_id, $tt_id);
return array('term_id' => $term_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id);
* Enable or disable term counting.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param bool $defer Optional. Enable if true, disable if false.
* @return bool Whether term counting is enabled or disabled.
function wp_defer_term_counting($defer=null) {
static $_defer = false;
if ( is_bool($defer) ) {
$_defer = $defer;
// flush any deferred counts
if ( !$defer )
wp_update_term_count( null, null, true );
return $_defer;
* Updates the amount of terms in taxonomy.
* If there is a taxonomy callback applied, then it will be called for updating
* the count.
* The default action is to count what the amount of terms have the relationship
* of term ID. Once that is done, then update the database.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param int|array $terms The term_taxonomy_id of the terms
* @param string $taxonomy The context of the term.
* @return bool If no terms will return false, and if successful will return true.
function wp_update_term_count( $terms, $taxonomy, $do_deferred=false ) {
static $_deferred = array();
if ( $do_deferred ) {
foreach ( (array) array_keys($_deferred) as $tax ) {
wp_update_term_count_now( $_deferred[$tax], $tax );
unset( $_deferred[$tax] );
if ( empty($terms) )
return false;
if ( !is_array($terms) )
$terms = array($terms);
if ( wp_defer_term_counting() ) {
if ( !isset($_deferred[$taxonomy]) )
$_deferred[$taxonomy] = array();
$_deferred[$taxonomy] = array_unique( array_merge($_deferred[$taxonomy], $terms) );
return true;
return wp_update_term_count_now( $terms, $taxonomy );
* Perform term count update immediately.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param array $terms The term_taxonomy_id of terms to update.
* @param string $taxonomy The context of the term.
* @return bool Always true when complete.
function wp_update_term_count_now( $terms, $taxonomy ) {
global $wpdb;
$terms = array_map('intval', $terms);
$taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
if ( !empty($taxonomy->update_count_callback) ) {
call_user_func($taxonomy->update_count_callback, $terms, $taxonomy);
} else {
$object_types = (array) $taxonomy->object_type;
foreach ( $object_types as &$object_type ) {
if ( 0 === strpos( $object_type, 'attachment:' ) )
list( $object_type ) = explode( ':', $object_type );
if ( $object_types == array_filter( $object_types, 'post_type_exists' ) ) {
// Only post types are attached to this taxonomy
_update_post_term_count( $terms, $taxonomy );
} else {
// Default count updater
_update_generic_term_count( $terms, $taxonomy );
clean_term_cache($terms, '', false);
return true;
// Cache
* Removes the taxonomy relationship to terms from the cache.
* Will remove the entire taxonomy relationship containing term $object_id. The
* term IDs have to exist within the taxonomy $object_type for the deletion to
* take place.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @see get_object_taxonomies() for more on $object_type
* @uses do_action() Will call action hook named, 'clean_object_term_cache' after completion.
* Passes, function params in same order.
* @param int|array $object_ids Single or list of term object ID(s)
* @param array|string $object_type The taxonomy object type
function clean_object_term_cache($object_ids, $object_type) {
if ( !is_array($object_ids) )
$object_ids = array($object_ids);
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $object_type );
foreach ( $object_ids as $id )
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy )
wp_cache_delete($id, "{$taxonomy}_relationships");
do_action('clean_object_term_cache', $object_ids, $object_type);
* Will remove all of the term ids from the cache.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param int|array $ids Single or list of Term IDs
* @param string $taxonomy Can be empty and will assume tt_ids, else will use for context.
* @param bool $clean_taxonomy Whether to clean taxonomy wide caches (true), or just individual term object caches (false). Default is true.
function clean_term_cache($ids, $taxonomy = '', $clean_taxonomy = true) {
global $wpdb;
static $cleaned = array();
if ( !is_array($ids) )
$ids = array($ids);
$taxonomies = array();
// If no taxonomy, assume tt_ids.
if ( empty($taxonomy) ) {
$tt_ids = array_map('intval', $ids);
$tt_ids = implode(', ', $tt_ids);
$terms = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT term_id, taxonomy FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ($tt_ids)");
$ids = array();
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$taxonomies[] = $term->taxonomy;
$ids[] = $term->term_id;
wp_cache_delete($term->term_id, $term->taxonomy);
$taxonomies = array_unique($taxonomies);
} else {
$taxonomies = array($taxonomy);
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
wp_cache_delete($id, $taxonomy);
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
if ( isset($cleaned[$taxonomy]) )
$cleaned[$taxonomy] = true;
if ( $clean_taxonomy ) {
wp_cache_delete('all_ids', $taxonomy);
wp_cache_delete('get', $taxonomy);
// Regenerate {$taxonomy}_children
do_action('clean_term_cache', $ids, $taxonomy);
wp_cache_set( 'last_changed', microtime(), 'terms' );
* Retrieves the taxonomy relationship to the term object id.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses wp_cache_get() Retrieves taxonomy relationship from cache
* @param int|array $id Term object ID
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @return bool|array Empty array if $terms found, but not $taxonomy. False if nothing is in cache for $taxonomy and $id.
function get_object_term_cache($id, $taxonomy) {
$cache = wp_cache_get($id, "{$taxonomy}_relationships");
return $cache;
* Updates the cache for Term ID(s).
* Will only update the cache for terms not already cached.
* The $object_ids expects that the ids be separated by commas, if it is a
* string.
* It should be noted that update_object_term_cache() is very time extensive. It
* is advised that the function is not called very often or at least not for a
* lot of terms that exist in a lot of taxonomies. The amount of time increases
* for each term and it also increases for each taxonomy the term belongs to.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses wp_get_object_terms() Used to get terms from the database to update
* @param string|array $object_ids Single or list of term object ID(s)
* @param array|string $object_type The taxonomy object type
* @return null|bool Null value is given with empty $object_ids. False if
function update_object_term_cache($object_ids, $object_type) {
if ( empty($object_ids) )
if ( !is_array($object_ids) )
$object_ids = explode(',', $object_ids);
$object_ids = array_map('intval', $object_ids);
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($object_type);
$ids = array();
foreach ( (array) $object_ids as $id ) {
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
if ( false === wp_cache_get($id, "{$taxonomy}_relationships") ) {
$ids[] = $id;
if ( empty( $ids ) )
return false;
$terms = wp_get_object_terms($ids, $taxonomies, array('fields' => 'all_with_object_id'));
$object_terms = array();
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term )
$object_terms[$term->object_id][$term->taxonomy][$term->term_id] = $term;
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
if ( ! isset($object_terms[$id][$taxonomy]) ) {
if ( !isset($object_terms[$id]) )
$object_terms[$id] = array();
$object_terms[$id][$taxonomy] = array();
foreach ( $object_terms as $id => $value ) {
foreach ( $value as $taxonomy => $terms ) {
wp_cache_add( $id, $terms, "{$taxonomy}_relationships" );
* Updates Terms to Taxonomy in cache.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 2.3.0
* @param array $terms List of Term objects to change
* @param string $taxonomy Optional. Update Term to this taxonomy in cache
function update_term_cache($terms, $taxonomy = '') {
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$term_taxonomy = $taxonomy;
if ( empty($term_taxonomy) )
$term_taxonomy = $term->taxonomy;
wp_cache_add($term->term_id, $term, $term_taxonomy);
// Private
* Retrieves children of taxonomy as Term IDs.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @access private
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses update_option() Stores all of the children in "$taxonomy_children"
* option. That is the name of the taxonomy, immediately followed by '_children'.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy Name
* @return array Empty if $taxonomy isn't hierarchical or returns children as Term IDs.
function _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomy) {
if ( !is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy) )
return array();
$children = get_option("{$taxonomy}_children");
if ( is_array($children) )
return $children;
$children = array();
$terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array('get' => 'all', 'orderby' => 'id', 'fields' => 'id=>parent'));
foreach ( $terms as $term_id => $parent ) {
if ( $parent > 0 )
$children[$parent][] = $term_id;
update_option("{$taxonomy}_children", $children);
return $children;
* Get the subset of $terms that are descendants of $term_id.
* If $terms is an array of objects, then _get_term_children returns an array of objects.
* If $terms is an array of IDs, then _get_term_children returns an array of IDs.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @access private
* @since 2.3.0
* @param int $term_id The ancestor term: all returned terms should be descendants of $term_id.
* @param array $terms The set of terms---either an array of term objects or term IDs---from which those that are descendants of $term_id will be chosen.
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy which determines the hierarchy of the terms.
* @return array The subset of $terms that are descendants of $term_id.
function _get_term_children($term_id, $terms, $taxonomy) {
$empty_array = array();
if ( empty($terms) )
return $empty_array;
$term_list = array();
$has_children = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomy);
if ( ( 0 != $term_id ) && ! isset($has_children[$term_id]) )
return $empty_array;
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$use_id = false;
if ( !is_object($term) ) {
$term = get_term($term, $taxonomy);
if ( is_wp_error( $term ) )
return $term;
$use_id = true;
if ( $term->term_id == $term_id )
if ( $term->parent == $term_id ) {
if ( $use_id )
$term_list[] = $term->term_id;
$term_list[] = $term;
if ( !isset($has_children[$term->term_id]) )
if ( $children = _get_term_children($term->term_id, $terms, $taxonomy) )
$term_list = array_merge($term_list, $children);
return $term_list;
* Add count of children to parent count.
* Recalculates term counts by including items from child terms. Assumes all
* relevant children are already in the $terms argument.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @access private
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param array $terms List of Term IDs
* @param string $taxonomy Term Context
* @return null Will break from function if conditions are not met.
function _pad_term_counts(&$terms, $taxonomy) {
global $wpdb;
// This function only works for hierarchical taxonomies like post categories.
if ( !is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) )
$term_hier = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomy);
if ( empty($term_hier) )
$term_items = array();
foreach ( (array) $terms as $key => $term ) {
$terms_by_id[$term->term_id] = & $terms[$key];
$term_ids[$term->term_taxonomy_id] = $term->term_id;
// Get the object and term ids and stick them in a lookup table
$tax_obj = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
$object_types = esc_sql($tax_obj->object_type);
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT object_id, term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON object_id = ID WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($term_ids)) . ") AND post_type IN ('" . implode("', '", $object_types) . "') AND post_status = 'publish'");
foreach ( $results as $row ) {
$id = $term_ids[$row->term_taxonomy_id];
$term_items[$id][$row->object_id] = isset($term_items[$id][$row->object_id]) ? ++$term_items[$id][$row->object_id] : 1;
// Touch every ancestor's lookup row for each post in each term
foreach ( $term_ids as $term_id ) {
$child = $term_id;
while ( !empty( $terms_by_id[$child] ) && $parent = $terms_by_id[$child]->parent ) {
if ( !empty( $term_items[$term_id] ) )
foreach ( $term_items[$term_id] as $item_id => $touches ) {
$term_items[$parent][$item_id] = isset($term_items[$parent][$item_id]) ? ++$term_items[$parent][$item_id]: 1;
$child = $parent;
// Transfer the touched cells
foreach ( (array) $term_items as $id => $items )
if ( isset($terms_by_id[$id]) )
$terms_by_id[$id]->count = count($items);
// Default callbacks
* Will update term count based on object types of the current taxonomy.
* Private function for the default callback for post_tag and category
* taxonomies.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @access private
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param array $terms List of Term taxonomy IDs
* @param object $taxonomy Current taxonomy object of terms
function _update_post_term_count( $terms, $taxonomy ) {
global $wpdb;
$object_types = (array) $taxonomy->object_type;
foreach ( $object_types as &$object_type )
list( $object_type ) = explode( ':', $object_type );
$object_types = array_unique( $object_types );
if ( false !== ( $check_attachments = array_search( 'attachment', $object_types ) ) ) {
unset( $object_types[ $check_attachments ] );
$check_attachments = true;
if ( $object_types )
$object_types = esc_sql( array_filter( $object_types, 'post_type_exists' ) );
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$count = 0;
// Attachments can be 'inherit' status, we need to base count off the parent's status if so
if ( $check_attachments )
$count += (int) $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_relationships, $wpdb->posts p1 WHERE p1.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id AND ( post_status = 'publish' OR ( post_status = 'inherit' AND post_parent > 0 AND ( SELECT post_status FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = p1.post_parent ) = 'publish' ) ) AND post_type = 'attachment' AND term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term ) );
if ( $object_types )
$count += (int) $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_relationships, $wpdb->posts WHERE $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type IN ('" . implode("', '", $object_types ) . "') AND term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term ) );
do_action( 'edit_term_taxonomy', $term, $taxonomy );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'count' ), array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $term ) );
do_action( 'edited_term_taxonomy', $term, $taxonomy );
* Will update term count based on number of objects.
* Default callback for the link_category taxonomy.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Taxonomy
* @since 3.3.0
* @uses $wpdb
* @param array $terms List of Term taxonomy IDs
* @param object $taxonomy Current taxonomy object of terms
function _update_generic_term_count( $terms, $taxonomy ) {
global $wpdb;
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term ) );
do_action( 'edit_term_taxonomy', $term, $taxonomy );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'count' ), array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $term ) );
do_action( 'edited_term_taxonomy', $term, $taxonomy );
* Generates a permalink for a taxonomy term archive.
* @since 2.5.0
* @uses apply_filters() Calls 'term_link' with term link and term object, and taxonomy parameters.
* @uses apply_filters() For the post_tag Taxonomy, Calls 'tag_link' with tag link and tag ID as parameters.
* @uses apply_filters() For the category Taxonomy, Calls 'category_link' filter on category link and category ID.
* @param object|int|string $term
* @param string $taxonomy (optional if $term is object)
* @return string|WP_Error HTML link to taxonomy term archive on success, WP_Error if term does not exist.
function get_term_link( $term, $taxonomy = '') {
global $wp_rewrite;
if ( !is_object($term) ) {
if ( is_int($term) ) {
$term = get_term($term, $taxonomy);
} else {
$term = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy);
if ( !is_object($term) )
$term = new WP_Error('invalid_term', __('Empty Term'));
if ( is_wp_error( $term ) )
return $term;
$taxonomy = $term->taxonomy;
$termlink = $wp_rewrite->get_extra_permastruct($taxonomy);
$slug = $term->slug;
$t = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
if ( empty($termlink) ) {
if ( 'category' == $taxonomy )
$termlink = '?cat=' . $term->term_id;
elseif ( $t->query_var )
$termlink = "?$t->query_var=$slug";
$termlink = "?taxonomy=$taxonomy&term=$slug";
$termlink = home_url($termlink);
} else {
if ( $t->rewrite['hierarchical'] ) {
$hierarchical_slugs = array();
$ancestors = get_ancestors($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
foreach ( (array)$ancestors as $ancestor ) {
$ancestor_term = get_term($ancestor, $taxonomy);
$hierarchical_slugs[] = $ancestor_term->slug;
$hierarchical_slugs = array_reverse($hierarchical_slugs);
$hierarchical_slugs[] = $slug;
$termlink = str_replace("%$taxonomy%", implode('/', $hierarchical_slugs), $termlink);
} else {
$termlink = str_replace("%$taxonomy%", $slug, $termlink);
$termlink = home_url( user_trailingslashit($termlink, 'category') );
// Back Compat filters.
if ( 'post_tag' == $taxonomy )
$termlink = apply_filters( 'tag_link', $termlink, $term->term_id );
elseif ( 'category' == $taxonomy )
$termlink = apply_filters( 'category_link', $termlink, $term->term_id );
return apply_filters('term_link', $termlink, $term, $taxonomy);
* Display the taxonomies of a post with available options.
* This function can be used within the loop to display the taxonomies for a
* post without specifying the Post ID. You can also use it outside the Loop to
* display the taxonomies for a specific post.
* The available defaults are:
* 'post' : default is 0. The post ID to get taxonomies of.
* 'before' : default is empty string. Display before taxonomies list.
* 'sep' : default is empty string. Separate every taxonomy with value in this.
* 'after' : default is empty string. Display this after the taxonomies list.
* 'template' : The template to use for displaying the taxonomy terms.
* @since 2.5.0
* @uses get_the_taxonomies()
* @param array $args Override the defaults.
function the_taxonomies($args = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'post' => 0,
'before' => '',
'sep' => ' ',
'after' => '',
'template' => '%s: %l.'
$r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP );
echo $before . join($sep, get_the_taxonomies($post, $r)) . $after;
* Retrieve all taxonomies associated with a post.
* This function can be used within the loop. It will also return an array of
* the taxonomies with links to the taxonomy and name.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param int $post Optional. Post ID or will use Global Post ID (in loop).
* @param array $args Override the defaults.
* @return array
function get_the_taxonomies($post = 0, $args = array() ) {
$post = get_post( $post );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'template' => '%s: %l.',
) );
extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );
$taxonomies = array();
if ( !$post )
return $taxonomies;
foreach ( get_object_taxonomies($post) as $taxonomy ) {
$t = (array) get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
if ( empty($t['label']) )
$t['label'] = $taxonomy;
if ( empty($t['args']) )
$t['args'] = array();
if ( empty($t['template']) )
$t['template'] = $template;
$terms = get_object_term_cache($post->ID, $taxonomy);
if ( false === $terms )
$terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy, $t['args']);
$links = array();
foreach ( $terms as $term )
$links[] = "<a href='" . esc_attr( get_term_link($term) ) . "'>$term->name</a>";
if ( $links )
$taxonomies[$taxonomy] = wp_sprintf($t['template'], $t['label'], $links, $terms);
return $taxonomies;
* Retrieve all taxonomies of a post with just the names.
* @since 2.5.0
* @uses get_object_taxonomies()
* @param int $post Optional. Post ID
* @return array
function get_post_taxonomies($post = 0) {
$post = get_post( $post );
return get_object_taxonomies($post);
* Determine if the given object is associated with any of the given terms.
* The given terms are checked against the object's terms' term_ids, names and slugs.
* Terms given as integers will only be checked against the object's terms' term_ids.
* If no terms are given, determines if object is associated with any terms in the given taxonomy.
* @since 2.7.0
* @uses get_object_term_cache()
* @uses wp_get_object_terms()
* @param int $object_id ID of the object (post ID, link ID, ...)
* @param string $taxonomy Single taxonomy name
* @param int|string|array $terms Optional. Term term_id, name, slug or array of said
* @return bool|WP_Error. WP_Error on input error.
function is_object_in_term( $object_id, $taxonomy, $terms = null ) {
if ( !$object_id = (int) $object_id )
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_object', __( 'Invalid object ID' ) );
$object_terms = get_object_term_cache( $object_id, $taxonomy );
if ( false === $object_terms )
$object_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy );
if ( is_wp_error( $object_terms ) )
return $object_terms;
if ( empty( $object_terms ) )
return false;
if ( empty( $terms ) )
return ( !empty( $object_terms ) );
$terms = (array) $terms;
if ( $ints = array_filter( $terms, 'is_int' ) )
$strs = array_diff( $terms, $ints );
$strs =& $terms;
foreach ( $object_terms as $object_term ) {
if ( $ints && in_array( $object_term->term_id, $ints ) ) return true; // If int, check against term_id
if ( $strs ) {
if ( in_array( $object_term->term_id, $strs ) ) return true;
if ( in_array( $object_term->name, $strs ) ) return true;
if ( in_array( $object_term->slug, $strs ) ) return true;
return false;
* Determine if the given object type is associated with the given taxonomy.
* @since 3.0.0
* @uses get_object_taxonomies()
* @param string $object_type Object type string
* @param string $taxonomy Single taxonomy name
* @return bool True if object is associated with the taxonomy, otherwise false.
function is_object_in_taxonomy($object_type, $taxonomy) {
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($object_type);
if ( empty($taxonomies) )
return false;
if ( in_array($taxonomy, $taxonomies) )
return true;
return false;
* Get an array of ancestor IDs for a given object.
* @param int $object_id The ID of the object
* @param string $object_type The type of object for which we'll be retrieving ancestors.
* @return array of ancestors from lowest to highest in the hierarchy.
function get_ancestors($object_id = 0, $object_type = '') {
$object_id = (int) $object_id;
$ancestors = array();
if ( empty( $object_id ) ) {
return apply_filters('get_ancestors', $ancestors, $object_id, $object_type);
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $object_type ) ) {
$term = get_term($object_id, $object_type);
while ( ! is_wp_error($term) && ! empty( $term->parent ) && ! in_array( $term->parent, $ancestors ) ) {
$ancestors[] = (int) $term->parent;
$term = get_term($term->parent, $object_type);
} elseif ( post_type_exists( $object_type ) ) {
$ancestors = get_post_ancestors($object_id);
return apply_filters('get_ancestors', $ancestors, $object_id, $object_type);
* Returns the term's parent's term_ID
* @since 3.1.0
* @param int $term_id
* @param string $taxonomy
* @return int|bool false on error
function wp_get_term_taxonomy_parent_id( $term_id, $taxonomy ) {
$term = get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy );
if ( !$term || is_wp_error( $term ) )
return false;
return (int) $term->parent;
* Checks the given subset of the term hierarchy for hierarchy loops.
* Prevents loops from forming and breaks those that it finds.
* Attached to the wp_update_term_parent filter.
* @since 3.1.0
* @uses wp_find_hierarchy_loop()
* @param int $parent term_id of the parent for the term we're checking.
* @param int $term_id The term we're checking.
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy of the term we're checking.
* @return int The new parent for the term.
function wp_check_term_hierarchy_for_loops( $parent, $term_id, $taxonomy ) {
// Nothing fancy here - bail
if ( !$parent )
return 0;
// Can't be its own parent
if ( $parent == $term_id )
return 0;
// Now look for larger loops
if ( !$loop = wp_find_hierarchy_loop( 'wp_get_term_taxonomy_parent_id', $term_id, $parent, array( $taxonomy ) ) )
return $parent; // No loop
// Setting $parent to the given value causes a loop
if ( isset( $loop[$term_id] ) )
return 0;
// There's a loop, but it doesn't contain $term_id. Break the loop.
foreach ( array_keys( $loop ) as $loop_member )
wp_update_term( $loop_member, $taxonomy, array( 'parent' => 0 ) );
return $parent;