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* WordPress Theme Install Administration API
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Administration
$themes_allowedtags = array('a' => array('href' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'target' => array()),
'abbr' => array('title' => array()), 'acronym' => array('title' => array()),
'code' => array(), 'pre' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'strong' => array(),
'div' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'ul' => array(), 'ol' => array(), 'li' => array(),
'h1' => array(), 'h2' => array(), 'h3' => array(), 'h4' => array(), 'h5' => array(), 'h6' => array(),
'img' => array('src' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'alt' => array())
$theme_field_defaults = array( 'description' => true, 'sections' => false, 'tested' => true, 'requires' => true,
'rating' => true, 'downloaded' => true, 'downloadlink' => true, 'last_updated' => true, 'homepage' => true,
'tags' => true, 'num_ratings' => true
* Retrieve list of WordPress theme features (aka theme tags)
* @since 2.8.0
* @deprecated since 3.1.0 Use get_theme_feature_list() instead.
* @return array
function install_themes_feature_list( ) {
if ( !$cache = get_transient( 'wporg_theme_feature_list' ) )
set_transient( 'wporg_theme_feature_list', array( ), 10800);
if ( $cache )
return $cache;
$feature_list = themes_api( 'feature_list', array( ) );
if ( is_wp_error( $feature_list ) )
return $features;
set_transient( 'wporg_theme_feature_list', $feature_list, 10800 );
return $feature_list;
* Display search form for searching themes.
* @since 2.8.0
function install_theme_search_form() {
$type = isset( $_REQUEST['type'] ) ? stripslashes( $_REQUEST['type'] ) : '';
$term = isset( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ? stripslashes( $_REQUEST['s'] ) : '';
<p class="install-help"><?php _e('Search for themes by keyword, author, or tag.') ?></p>
<form id="search-themes" method="get" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="tab" value="search" />
<select name="type" id="typeselector">
<option value="term" <?php selected('term', $type) ?>><?php _e('Term'); ?></option>
<option value="author" <?php selected('author', $type) ?>><?php _e('Author'); ?></option>
<option value="tag" <?php selected('tag', $type) ?>><?php _ex('Tag', 'Theme Installer'); ?></option>
<input type="text" name="s" size="30" value="<?php echo esc_attr($term) ?>" />
<?php submit_button( __( 'Search' ), 'button', 'search', false ); ?>
* Display tags filter for themes.
* @since 2.8.0
function install_themes_dashboard() {
<h4><?php _e('Feature Filter') ?></h4>
<p class="install-help"><?php _e('Find a theme based on specific features') ?></p>
<form method="get" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="tab" value="search" />
$feature_list = get_theme_feature_list( );
echo '<div class="feature-filter">';
foreach ( (array) $feature_list as $feature_name => $features ) {
$feature_name = esc_html( $feature_name );
echo '<div class="feature-name">' . $feature_name . '</div>';
echo '<ol class="feature-group">';
foreach ( $features as $feature => $feature_name ) {
$feature_name = esc_html( $feature_name );
$feature = esc_attr($feature);
<input type="checkbox" name="features[]" id="feature-id-<?php echo $feature; ?>" value="<?php echo $feature; ?>" />
<label for="feature-id-<?php echo $feature; ?>"><?php echo $feature_name; ?></label>
<?php } ?>
<br class="clear" />
} ?>
<br class="clear" />
<?php submit_button( __( 'Find Themes' ), 'button', 'search' ); ?>
add_action('install_themes_dashboard', 'install_themes_dashboard');
function install_themes_upload($page = 1) {
<h4><?php _e('Install a theme in .zip format') ?></h4>
<p class="install-help"><?php _e('If you have a theme in a .zip format, you may install it by uploading it here.') ?></p>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo self_admin_url('update.php?action=upload-theme') ?>">
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'theme-upload') ?>
<input type="file" name="themezip" />
<?php submit_button( __( 'Install Now' ), 'button', 'install-theme-submit', false ); ?>
add_action('install_themes_upload', 'install_themes_upload', 10, 1);
* Prints a theme on the Install Themes pages.
* @param object $theme An object that contains theme data returned by the WordPress.org API.
* Example theme data:
* object(stdClass)[59]
* public 'name' => string 'Magazine Basic' (length=14)
* public 'slug' => string 'magazine-basic' (length=14)
* public 'version' => string '1.1' (length=3)
* public 'author' => string 'tinkerpriest' (length=12)
* public 'preview_url' => string 'http://wp-themes.com/?magazine-basic' (length=36)
* public 'screenshot_url' => string 'http://wp-themes.com/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/screenshot.png' (length=68)
* public 'rating' => float 80
* public 'num_ratings' => int 1
* public 'homepage' => string 'http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/magazine-basic' (length=49)
* public 'description' => string 'A basic magazine style layout with a fully customizable layout through a backend interface. Designed by <a href="http://bavotasan.com">c.bavota</a> of <a href="http://tinkerpriestmedia.com">Tinker Priest Media</a>.' (length=214)
* public 'download_link' => string 'http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/download/magazine-basic.1.1.zip' (length=66)
function display_theme( $theme ) {
global $themes_allowedtags;
if ( empty( $theme ) )
$name = wp_kses( $theme->name, $themes_allowedtags );
$author = wp_kses( $theme->author, $themes_allowedtags );
$num_ratings = sprintf( _n( '(based on %s rating)', '(based on %s ratings)', $theme->num_ratings ), number_format_i18n( $theme->num_ratings ) );
$preview_url = add_query_arg( 'theme_preview', '1' );
$preview_title = sprintf( __('Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;'), $name );
$install_url = add_query_arg( array(
'action' => 'install-theme',
'theme' => $theme->slug,
), self_admin_url( 'update.php' ) );
<a class="screenshot" href="<?php echo esc_url( $preview_url ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $preview_title ); ?>">
<img src='<?php echo esc_url( $theme->screenshot_url ); ?>' width='150' />
/* translators: 1: theme name, 2: author name */
printf( __( '%1$s <span>by %2$s</span>' ), $name, $author );
<div class="install-theme-info">
<a class="theme-install button-primary" href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url( $install_url, 'install-theme_' . $theme->slug ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Install' ); ?></a>
<h3 class="theme-name"><?php echo $name; ?></h3>
<span class="theme-by"><?php printf( __( 'By %s' ), $author ); ?></span>
<img class="theme-screenshot" src="<?php echo esc_url( $theme->screenshot_url ); ?>" />
<div class="theme-rating" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $num_ratings ); ?>">
<div style="width:<?php echo esc_attr( intval( $theme->rating ) . 'px' ); ?>;"></div>
<div class="theme-version">
<strong><?php _e('Version:') ?> </strong>
<?php echo wp_kses( $theme->version, $themes_allowedtags ); ?>
<div class="theme-description">
<?php echo wp_kses( $theme->description, $themes_allowedtags ); ?>
<input class="theme-preview-url" type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_url( $theme->preview_url ); ?>" />
* Display theme content based on theme list.
* @since 2.8.0
function display_themes() {
global $wp_list_table;
add_action('install_themes_search', 'display_themes');
add_action('install_themes_featured', 'display_themes');
add_action('install_themes_new', 'display_themes');
add_action('install_themes_updated', 'display_themes');
* Display theme information in dialog box form.
* @since 2.8.0
function install_theme_information() {
//TODO: This function needs a LOT of UI work :)
global $tab, $themes_allowedtags;
$api = themes_api('theme_information', array('slug' => stripslashes( $_REQUEST['theme'] ) ));
if ( is_wp_error($api) )
// Sanitize HTML
foreach ( (array)$api->sections as $section_name => $content )
$api->sections[$section_name] = wp_kses($content, $themes_allowedtags);
foreach ( array('version', 'author', 'requires', 'tested', 'homepage', 'downloaded', 'slug') as $key ) {
if ( isset($api->$key) )
$api->$key = wp_kses($api->$key, $themes_allowedtags);
iframe_header( __('Theme Install') );
if ( empty($api->download_link) ) {
echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . __('<strong>ERROR:</strong> This theme is currently not available. Please try again later.') . '</p></div>';
if ( !empty($api->tested) && version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], $api->tested, '>') )
echo '<div class="updated"><p>' . __('<strong>Warning:</strong> This theme has <strong>not been tested</strong> with your current version of WordPress.') . '</p></div>';
else if ( !empty($api->requires) && version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], $api->requires, '<') )
echo '<div class="updated"><p>' . __('<strong>Warning:</strong> This theme has not been marked as <strong>compatible</strong> with your version of WordPress.') . '</p></div>';
// Default to a "new" theme
$type = 'install';
// Check to see if this theme is known to be installed, and has an update awaiting it.
$update_themes = get_site_transient('update_themes');
if ( is_object($update_themes) && isset($update_themes->response) ) {
foreach ( (array)$update_themes->response as $theme_slug => $theme_info ) {
if ( $theme_slug === $api->slug ) {
$type = 'update_available';
$update_file = $theme_slug;
Introduce WP_Theme, wp_get_themes(), and wp_get_theme() to replace get_themes(), get_theme(), get_theme_data(), current_theme_info(), and others. * Getters and Helpers: Introduces a series of methods to allow for easy generation of headers for display, and other theme metadata, including page templates. * Screenshots: Handles support for multiple screenshots. (see # Additional screenshots must be PNG and start with screenshot-2.png, and be sequential to be counted. see #19816. * Error Handling: Broken themes have a WP_Error object attached to them. * Caching: Introduces a wp_cache_themes_persistently filter (also in [20020]) to enable persistent caching of all filesystem and sanitization operations normally handled by WP_Theme (and formerly get_file_data() and get_themes()). Themes are cached individually and across five different cache keys for different data pieces. * Compatibility: A WP_Theme object is backwards compatible with a theme's array formerly returned by get_themes() and get_theme(), and an stdClass object formerly returned by current_theme_info(). * i18n/L10n: Theme headers are now localizable with proper Text Domain and Domain Path headers, like plugins. (Language packs may remove the requirement for headers.) For page templates, see #6007 (not fixed yet, but will be easy now). For headers, fixes #15858. * PHP and CSS files: New methods that fetch a list of theme files (for the theme editor) only on demand, rather than only loading them into memory. fixes #11214. Functions deprecated: * get_themes(), get_allowed_themes() and get_broken_themes() -- use wp_get_themes() * get_theme() and current_theme_info() -- use wp_get_theme() * get_site_allowed_themes() -- use WP_Theme::get_allowed_on_network() * wpmu_get_blog_allowedthemes() -- use WP_theme::get_allowed_on_site() see also [20016], [20018], [20019], [20020], [20021], [20022], [20025], [20026], [20027]. also fixes #19244. see #20103. git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@20029 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2012-02-28 21:24:44 +00:00
$theme = wp_get_theme( $api->slug );
if ( is_a( $theme, 'WP_Theme' ) ) {
switch ( version_compare( $theme->get('Version'), $api->version ) ) {
case 0; // equal
$type = 'latest_installed';
Introduce WP_Theme, wp_get_themes(), and wp_get_theme() to replace get_themes(), get_theme(), get_theme_data(), current_theme_info(), and others. * Getters and Helpers: Introduces a series of methods to allow for easy generation of headers for display, and other theme metadata, including page templates. * Screenshots: Handles support for multiple screenshots. (see # Additional screenshots must be PNG and start with screenshot-2.png, and be sequential to be counted. see #19816. * Error Handling: Broken themes have a WP_Error object attached to them. * Caching: Introduces a wp_cache_themes_persistently filter (also in [20020]) to enable persistent caching of all filesystem and sanitization operations normally handled by WP_Theme (and formerly get_file_data() and get_themes()). Themes are cached individually and across five different cache keys for different data pieces. * Compatibility: A WP_Theme object is backwards compatible with a theme's array formerly returned by get_themes() and get_theme(), and an stdClass object formerly returned by current_theme_info(). * i18n/L10n: Theme headers are now localizable with proper Text Domain and Domain Path headers, like plugins. (Language packs may remove the requirement for headers.) For page templates, see #6007 (not fixed yet, but will be easy now). For headers, fixes #15858. * PHP and CSS files: New methods that fetch a list of theme files (for the theme editor) only on demand, rather than only loading them into memory. fixes #11214. Functions deprecated: * get_themes(), get_allowed_themes() and get_broken_themes() -- use wp_get_themes() * get_theme() and current_theme_info() -- use wp_get_theme() * get_site_allowed_themes() -- use WP_Theme::get_allowed_on_network() * wpmu_get_blog_allowedthemes() -- use WP_theme::get_allowed_on_site() see also [20016], [20018], [20019], [20020], [20021], [20022], [20025], [20026], [20027]. also fixes #19244. see #20103. git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@20029 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2012-02-28 21:24:44 +00:00
case 1: // installed theme > api version
$type = 'newer_installed';
Introduce WP_Theme, wp_get_themes(), and wp_get_theme() to replace get_themes(), get_theme(), get_theme_data(), current_theme_info(), and others. * Getters and Helpers: Introduces a series of methods to allow for easy generation of headers for display, and other theme metadata, including page templates. * Screenshots: Handles support for multiple screenshots. (see # Additional screenshots must be PNG and start with screenshot-2.png, and be sequential to be counted. see #19816. * Error Handling: Broken themes have a WP_Error object attached to them. * Caching: Introduces a wp_cache_themes_persistently filter (also in [20020]) to enable persistent caching of all filesystem and sanitization operations normally handled by WP_Theme (and formerly get_file_data() and get_themes()). Themes are cached individually and across five different cache keys for different data pieces. * Compatibility: A WP_Theme object is backwards compatible with a theme's array formerly returned by get_themes() and get_theme(), and an stdClass object formerly returned by current_theme_info(). * i18n/L10n: Theme headers are now localizable with proper Text Domain and Domain Path headers, like plugins. (Language packs may remove the requirement for headers.) For page templates, see #6007 (not fixed yet, but will be easy now). For headers, fixes #15858. * PHP and CSS files: New methods that fetch a list of theme files (for the theme editor) only on demand, rather than only loading them into memory. fixes #11214. Functions deprecated: * get_themes(), get_allowed_themes() and get_broken_themes() -- use wp_get_themes() * get_theme() and current_theme_info() -- use wp_get_theme() * get_site_allowed_themes() -- use WP_Theme::get_allowed_on_network() * wpmu_get_blog_allowedthemes() -- use WP_theme::get_allowed_on_site() see also [20016], [20018], [20019], [20020], [20021], [20022], [20025], [20026], [20027]. also fixes #19244. see #20103. git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@20029 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2012-02-28 21:24:44 +00:00
$newer_version = $theme->get('Version');
<div class='available-theme'>
<img src='<?php echo esc_url($api->screenshot_url) ?>' width='300' class="theme-preview-img" />
<h3><?php echo $api->name; ?></h3>
<p><?php printf(__('by %s'), $api->author); ?></p>
<p><?php printf(__('Version: %s'), $api->version); ?></p>
$buttons = '<a class="button" id="cancel" href="#" onclick="tb_close();return false;">' . __('Cancel') . '</a> ';
switch ( $type ) {
case 'install':
if ( current_user_can('install_themes') ) :
$buttons .= '<a class="button-primary" id="install" href="' . wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=install-theme&theme=' . $api->slug), 'install-theme_' . $api->slug) . '" target="_parent">' . __('Install Now') . '</a>';
case 'update_available':
if ( current_user_can('update_themes') ) :
$buttons .= '<a class="button-primary" id="install" href="' . wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=upgrade-theme&theme=' . $update_file), 'upgrade-theme_' . $update_file) . '" target="_parent">' . __('Install Update Now') . '</a>';
case 'newer_installed':
if ( current_user_can('install_themes') || current_user_can('update_themes') ) :
?><p><?php printf(__('Newer version (%s) is installed.'), $newer_version); ?></p><?php
case 'latest_installed':
if ( current_user_can('install_themes') || current_user_can('update_themes') ) :
?><p><?php _e('This version is already installed.'); ?></p><?php
} ?>
<br class="clear" />
<p class="action-button">
<?php echo $buttons; ?>
<br class="clear" />
add_action('install_themes_pre_theme-information', 'install_theme_information');