
651 lines
20 KiB
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/* global plupload, pluploadL10n, ajaxurl, post_id, wpUploaderInit, deleteUserSetting, setUserSetting, getUserSetting, shortform */
var topWin = window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top, uploader, uploader_init;
// Progress and success handlers for media multi uploads.
function fileQueued( fileObj ) {
// Get rid of unused form.
jQuery( '.media-blank' ).remove();
var items = jQuery( '#media-items' ).children(), postid = post_id || 0;
// Collapse a single item.
if ( items.length == 1 ) {
items.removeClass( 'open' ).find( '.slidetoggle' ).slideUp( 200 );
// Create a progress bar containing the filename.
jQuery( '<div class="media-item">' )
.attr( 'id', 'media-item-' + fileObj.id )
.addClass( 'child-of-' + postid )
.append( '<div class="progress"><div class="percent">0%</div><div class="bar"></div></div>',
jQuery( '<div class="filename original">' ).text( ' ' + fileObj.name ) )
.appendTo( jQuery( '#media-items' ) );
// Disable submit.
jQuery( '#insert-gallery' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
function uploadStart() {
try {
if ( typeof topWin.tb_remove != 'undefined' )
topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay' ).unbind( 'click', topWin.tb_remove );
} catch( e ){}
return true;
function uploadProgress( up, file ) {
var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + file.id );
jQuery( '.bar', item ).width( ( 200 * file.loaded ) / file.size );
jQuery( '.percent', item ).html( file.percent + '%' );
// Check to see if a large file failed to upload.
function fileUploading( up, file ) {
var hundredmb = 100 * 1024 * 1024,
max = parseInt( up.settings.max_file_size, 10 );
if ( max > hundredmb && file.size > hundredmb ) {
setTimeout( function() {
if ( file.status < 3 && file.loaded === 0 ) { // Not uploading.
wpFileError( file, pluploadL10n.big_upload_failed.replace( '%1$s', '<a class="uploader-html" href="#">' ).replace( '%2$s', '</a>' ) );
up.stop(); // Stop the whole queue.
up.removeFile( file );
up.start(); // Restart the queue.
}, 10000 ); // Wait for 10 seconds for the file to start uploading.
function updateMediaForm() {
var items = jQuery( '#media-items' ).children();
// Just one file, no need for collapsible part.
if ( items.length == 1 ) {
items.addClass( 'open' ).find( '.slidetoggle' ).show();
jQuery( '.insert-gallery' ).hide();
} else if ( items.length > 1 ) {
items.removeClass( 'open' );
// Only show Gallery/Playlist buttons when there are at least two files.
jQuery( '.insert-gallery' ).show();
// Only show Save buttons when there is at least one file.
if ( items.not( '.media-blank' ).length > 0 )
jQuery( '.savebutton' ).show();
jQuery( '.savebutton' ).hide();
function uploadSuccess( fileObj, serverData ) {
var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );
// On success serverData should be numeric,
// fix bug in html4 runtime returning the serverData wrapped in a <pre> tag.
if ( typeof serverData === 'string' ) {
serverData = serverData.replace( /^<pre>(\d+)<\/pre>$/, '$1' );
// If async-upload returned an error message, place it in the media item div and return.
if ( /media-upload-error|error-div/.test( serverData ) ) {
item.html( serverData );
item.find( '.percent' ).html( pluploadL10n.crunching );
prepareMediaItem( fileObj, serverData );
// Increment the counter.
if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-' + post_id ) ) {
jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( 1 * jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text() + 1 );
function setResize( arg ) {
if ( arg ) {
if ( window.resize_width && window.resize_height ) {
uploader.settings.resize = {
enabled: true,
width: window.resize_width,
height: window.resize_height,
quality: 100
} else {
uploader.settings.multipart_params.image_resize = true;
} else {
delete( uploader.settings.multipart_params.image_resize );
function prepareMediaItem( fileObj, serverData ) {
var f = ( typeof shortform == 'undefined' ) ? 1 : 2, item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );
if ( f == 2 && shortform > 2 )
f = shortform;
try {
if ( typeof topWin.tb_remove != 'undefined' )
topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay' ).click( topWin.tb_remove );
} catch( e ){}
if ( isNaN( serverData ) || !serverData ) {
// Old style: Append the HTML returned by the server -- thumbnail and form inputs.
item.append( serverData );
prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj );
} else {
// New style: server data is just the attachment ID, fetch the thumbnail and form html from the server.
item.load( 'async-upload.php', {attachment_id:serverData, fetch:f}, function(){prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj );updateMediaForm();});
function prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj ) {
var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );
// Clone the thumbnail as a "pinkynail" -- a tiny image to the left of the filename.
jQuery( '.thumbnail', item ).clone().attr( 'class', 'pinkynail toggle' ).prependTo( item );
// Replace the original filename with the new (unique) one assigned during upload.
jQuery( '.filename.original', item ).replaceWith( jQuery( '.filename.new', item ) );
// Bind Ajax to the new Delete button.
jQuery( 'a.delete', item ).click( function(){
// Tell the server to delete it. TODO: Handle exceptions.
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'post',
success: deleteSuccess,
error: deleteError,
id: fileObj.id,
data: {
id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '' ),
action : 'trash-post',
_ajax_nonce : this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' )
return false;
// Bind Ajax to the new Undo button.
jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).click( function(){
// Tell the server to untrash it. TODO: Handle exceptions.
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'post',
id: fileObj.id,
data: {
id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'' ),
action: 'untrash-post',
_ajax_nonce: this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' )
success: function( ){
var type,
item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id );
if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + fileObj.id ).val() )
jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text( jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text()-0+1 );
if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id ) )
jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text()-0+1 );
jQuery( '.filename .trashnotice', item ).remove();
jQuery( '.filename .title', item ).css( 'font-weight','normal' );
jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).addClass( 'hidden' );
jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item ).show();
item.css( {backgroundColor:'#ceb'} ).animate( {backgroundColor: '#fff'}, { queue: false, duration: 500, complete: function(){ jQuery( this ).css({backgroundColor:''}); } }).removeClass( 'undo' );
return false;
// Open this item if it says to start open (e.g. to display an error).
jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id + '.startopen' ).removeClass( 'startopen' ).addClass( 'open' ).find( 'slidetoggle' ).fadeIn();
// Generic error message.
function wpQueueError( message ) {
jQuery( '#media-upload-error' ).show().html( '<div class="error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>' );
// File-specific error messages.
function wpFileError( fileObj, message ) {
itemAjaxError( fileObj.id, message );
function itemAjaxError( id, message ) {
var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id ), filename = item.find( '.filename' ).text(), last_err = item.data( 'last-err' );
if ( last_err == id ) // Prevent firing an error for the same file twice.
item.html( '<div class="error-div">' +
'<a class="dismiss" href="#">' + pluploadL10n.dismiss + '</a>' +
'<strong>' + pluploadL10n.error_uploading.replace( '%s', jQuery.trim( filename )) + '</strong> ' +
message +
'</div>' ).data( 'last-err', id );
function deleteSuccess( data ) {
var type, id, item;
if ( data == '-1' )
return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'You do not have permission. Has your session expired?' );
if ( data == '0' )
return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'Could not be deleted. Has it been deleted already?' );
id = this.id;
item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id );
// Decrement the counters.
if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + id ).val() )
jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text( jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text() - 1 );
if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id ) )
jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text() - 1 );
if ( jQuery( 'form.type-form #media-items' ).children().length == 1 && jQuery( '.hidden', '#media-items' ).length > 0 ) {
jQuery( '.toggle' ).toggle();
jQuery( '.slidetoggle' ).slideUp( 200 ).siblings().removeClass( 'hidden' );
// Vanish it.
jQuery( '.toggle', item ).toggle();
jQuery( '.slidetoggle', item ).slideUp( 200 ).siblings().removeClass( 'hidden' );
item.css( {backgroundColor:'#faa'} ).animate( {backgroundColor:'#f4f4f4'}, {queue:false, duration:500} ).addClass( 'undo' );
jQuery( '.filename:empty', item ).remove();
jQuery( '.filename .title', item ).css( 'font-weight','bold' );
jQuery( '.filename', item ).append( '<span class="trashnotice"> ' + pluploadL10n.deleted + ' </span>' ).siblings( 'a.toggle' ).hide();
jQuery( '.filename', item ).append( jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).removeClass( 'hidden' ) );
jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item ).hide();
function deleteError() {
function uploadComplete() {
jQuery( '#insert-gallery' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
function switchUploader( s ) {
if ( s ) {
deleteUserSetting( 'uploader' );
jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).removeClass( 'html-uploader' );
if ( typeof( uploader ) == 'object' )
} else {
setUserSetting( 'uploader', '1' ); // 1 == html uploader.
jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).addClass( 'html-uploader' );
function uploadError( fileObj, errorCode, message, up ) {
var hundredmb = 100 * 1024 * 1024, max;
switch ( errorCode ) {
case plupload.FAILED:
wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.upload_failed );
wpFileExtensionError( up, fileObj, pluploadL10n.invalid_filetype );
case plupload.FILE_SIZE_ERROR:
uploadSizeError( up, fileObj );
case plupload.IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR:
wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.not_an_image );
case plupload.IMAGE_MEMORY_ERROR:
wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_memory_exceeded );
wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_dimensions_exceeded );
case plupload.GENERIC_ERROR:
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.upload_failed );
case plupload.IO_ERROR:
max = parseInt( up.settings.filters.max_file_size, 10 );
if ( max > hundredmb && fileObj.size > hundredmb ) {
wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.big_upload_failed.replace( '%1$s', '<a class="uploader-html" href="#">' ).replace( '%2$s', '</a>' ) );
} else {
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.io_error );
case plupload.HTTP_ERROR:
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error );
case plupload.INIT_ERROR:
jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).addClass( 'html-uploader' );
case plupload.SECURITY_ERROR:
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.security_error );
jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id ).remove();
wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.default_error );
function uploadSizeError( up, file ) {
var message, errorDiv;
message = pluploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit.replace( '%s', file.name );
// Construct the error div.
errorDiv = jQuery( '<div />' )
.attr( {
'id': 'media-item-' + file.id,
'class': 'media-item error'
} )
jQuery( '<p />' )
.text( message )
// Append the error.
jQuery( '#media-items' ).append( errorDiv );
up.removeFile( file );
function wpFileExtensionError( up, file, message ) {
jQuery( '#media-items' ).append( '<div id="media-item-' + file.id + '" class="media-item error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>' );
up.removeFile( file );
* Copies the attachment URL to the clipboard.
* @since 5.8.0
* @param {MouseEvent} event A click event.
* @return {void}
function copyAttachmentUploadURLClipboard() {
var clipboard = new ClipboardJS( '.copy-attachment-url' ),
clipboard.on( 'success', function( event ) {
var triggerElement = jQuery( event.trigger ),
successElement = jQuery( '.success', triggerElement.closest( '.copy-to-clipboard-container' ) );
// Clear the selection and move focus back to the trigger.
// Handle ClipboardJS focus bug, see https://github.com/zenorocha/clipboard.js/issues/680
triggerElement.trigger( 'focus' );
// Show success visual feedback.
clearTimeout( successTimeout );
successElement.removeClass( 'hidden' );
// Hide success visual feedback after 3 seconds since last success.
successTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
successElement.addClass( 'hidden' );
}, 3000 );
// Handle success audible feedback.
wp.a11y.speak( pluploadL10n.file_url_copied );
} );
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
var tryAgainCount = {};
var tryAgain;
$( '.media-upload-form' ).bind( 'click.uploader', function( e ) {
var target = $( e.target ), tr, c;
if ( target.is( 'input[type="radio"]' ) ) { // Remember the last used image size and alignment.
tr = target.closest( 'tr' );
if ( tr.hasClass( 'align' ) )
setUserSetting( 'align', target.val() );
else if ( tr.hasClass( 'image-size' ) )
setUserSetting( 'imgsize', target.val() );
} else if ( target.is( 'button.button' ) ) { // Remember the last used image link url.
c = e.target.className || '';
c = c.match( /url([^ '"]+)/ );
if ( c && c[1] ) {
setUserSetting( 'urlbutton', c[1] );
target.siblings( '.urlfield' ).val( target.data( 'link-url' ) );
} else if ( target.is( 'a.dismiss' ) ) {
target.parents( '.media-item' ).fadeOut( 200, function() {
$( this ).remove();
} );
} else if ( target.is( '.upload-flash-bypass a' ) || target.is( 'a.uploader-html' ) ) { // Switch uploader to html4.
$( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
switchUploader( 0 );
} else if ( target.is( '.upload-html-bypass a' ) ) { // Switch uploader to multi-file.
$( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning' ).css( 'display', '' );
switchUploader( 1 );
} else if ( target.is( 'a.describe-toggle-on' ) ) { // Show.
target.parent().addClass( 'open' );
target.siblings( '.slidetoggle' ).fadeIn( 250, function() {
var S = $( window ).scrollTop(),
H = $( window ).height(),
top = $( this ).offset().top,
h = $( this ).height(),
if ( H && top && h ) {
b = top + h;
B = S + H;
if ( b > B ) {
if ( b - B < top - S )
window.scrollBy( 0, ( b - B ) + 10 );
window.scrollBy( 0, top - S - 40 );
} );
} else if ( target.is( 'a.describe-toggle-off' ) ) { // Hide.
target.siblings( '.slidetoggle' ).fadeOut( 250, function() {
target.parent().removeClass( 'open' );
} );
// Attempt to create image sub-sizes when an image was uploaded successfully
// but the server responded with an HTTP 5xx error.
tryAgain = function( up, error ) {
var file = error.file;
var times;
var id;
if ( ! error || ! error.responseHeaders ) {
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );
id = error.responseHeaders.match( /x-wp-upload-attachment-id:\s*(\d+)/i );
if ( id && id[1] ) {
id = id[1];
} else {
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );
times = tryAgainCount[ file.id ];
if ( times && times > 4 ) {
* The file may have been uploaded and attachment post created,
* but post-processing and resizing failed...
* Do a cleanup then tell the user to scale down the image and upload it again.
type: 'post',
url: ajaxurl,
dataType: 'json',
data: {
action: 'media-create-image-subsizes',
_wpnonce: wpUploaderInit.multipart_params._wpnonce,
attachment_id: id,
_wp_upload_failed_cleanup: true,
if ( error.message && ( error.status < 500 || error.status >= 600 ) ) {
wpQueueError( error.message );
} else {
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );
if ( ! times ) {
tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = 1;
} else {
tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = ++times;
// Try to create the missing image sizes.
type: 'post',
url: ajaxurl,
dataType: 'json',
data: {
action: 'media-create-image-subsizes',
_wpnonce: wpUploaderInit.multipart_params._wpnonce,
attachment_id: id,
_legacy_support: 'true',
}).done( function( response ) {
var message;
if ( response.success ) {
uploadSuccess( file, response.data.id );
} else {
if ( response.data && response.data.message ) {
message = response.data.message;
wpQueueError( message || pluploadL10n.http_error_image );
}).fail( function( jqXHR ) {
// If another HTTP 5xx error, try try again...
if ( jqXHR.status >= 500 && jqXHR.status < 600 ) {
tryAgain( up, error );
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error_image );
// Init and set the uploader.
uploader_init = function() {
uploader = new plupload.Uploader( wpUploaderInit );
$( '#image_resize' ).bind( 'change', function() {
var arg = $( this ).prop( 'checked' );
setResize( arg );
if ( arg )
setUserSetting( 'upload_resize', '1' );
deleteUserSetting( 'upload_resize' );
uploader.bind( 'Init', function( up ) {
var uploaddiv = $( '#plupload-upload-ui' );
setResize( getUserSetting( 'upload_resize', false ) );
if ( up.features.dragdrop && ! $( document.body ).hasClass( 'mobile' ) ) {
uploaddiv.addClass( 'drag-drop' );
$( '#drag-drop-area' ).on( 'dragover.wp-uploader', function() { // dragenter doesn't fire right :(
uploaddiv.addClass( 'drag-over' );
}).on( 'dragleave.wp-uploader, drop.wp-uploader', function() {
uploaddiv.removeClass( 'drag-over' );
} else {
uploaddiv.removeClass( 'drag-drop' );
$( '#drag-drop-area' ).off( '.wp-uploader' );
if ( up.runtime === 'html4' ) {
$( '.upload-flash-bypass' ).hide();
uploader.bind( 'postinit', function( up ) {
uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function( up, files ) {
$( '#media-upload-error' ).empty();
plupload.each( files, function( file ) {
if ( file.type === 'image/heic' && up.settings.heic_upload_error ) {
// Show error but do not block uploading.
wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.unsupported_image )
fileQueued( file );
uploader.bind( 'UploadFile', function( up, file ) {
fileUploading( up, file );
uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', function( up, file ) {
uploadProgress( up, file );
uploader.bind( 'Error', function( up, error ) {
var isImage = error.file && error.file.type && error.file.type.indexOf( 'image/' ) === 0;
var status = error && error.status;
// If the file is an image and the error is HTTP 5xx try to create sub-sizes again.
if ( isImage && status >= 500 && status < 600 ) {
tryAgain( up, error );
uploadError( error.file, error.code, error.message, up );
uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function( up, file, response ) {
uploadSuccess( file, response.response );
uploader.bind( 'UploadComplete', function() {
if ( typeof( wpUploaderInit ) == 'object' ) {