2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
/ * *
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
* TinyMCE Schema . js
* Duck - punched by WordPress core to support a sane schema superset .
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
* Copyright , Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License .
* License : http : //www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing : http : //www.tinymce.com/contributing
* /
( function ( tinymce ) {
var mapCache = { } , makeMap = tinymce . makeMap , each = tinymce . each ;
function split ( str , delim ) {
return str . split ( delim || ',' ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Unpacks the specified lookup and string data it will also parse it into an object
* map with sub object for it ' s children . This will later also include the attributes .
* /
function unpack ( lookup , data ) {
var key , elements = { } ;
function replace ( value ) {
return value . replace ( /[A-Z]+/g , function ( key ) {
return replace ( lookup [ key ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// Unpack lookup
for ( key in lookup ) {
if ( lookup . hasOwnProperty ( key ) )
lookup [ key ] = replace ( lookup [ key ] ) ;
// Unpack and parse data into object map
replace ( data ) . replace ( /#/g , '#text' ) . replace ( /(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]\[([^\]]*)\]/g , function ( str , name , attributes , children ) {
attributes = split ( attributes , '|' ) ;
elements [ name ] = {
attributes : makeMap ( attributes ) ,
attributesOrder : attributes ,
children : makeMap ( children , '|' , { '#comment' : { } } )
} ) ;
return elements ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns the HTML5 schema and caches it in the mapCache .
* /
function getHTML5 ( ) {
var html5 = mapCache . html5 ;
if ( ! html5 ) {
html5 = mapCache . html5 = unpack ( {
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
A : 'accesskey|class|contextmenu|dir|draggable|dropzone|hidden|id|inert|itemid|itemprop|itemref|itemscope|itemtype|lang|spellcheck|style|tabindex|title|translate|item|role|subject|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup' ,
B : '#|a|abbr|area|audio|b|bdi|bdo|br|button|canvas|cite|code|command|data|datalist|del|dfn|em|embed|i|iframe|img|input|ins|kbd|keygen|label|link|map|mark|math|meta|meter|noscript|object|output|progress|q|ruby|s|samp|script|select|small|span|strong|sub|sup|svg|textarea|time|u|var|video|wbr' ,
C : '#|a|abbr|area|address|article|aside|audio|b|bdi|bdo|blockquote|br|button|canvas|cite|code|command|data|datalist|del|details|dfn|dialog|div|dl|em|embed|fieldset|figure|footer|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|header|hgroup|hr|i|iframe|img|input|ins|kbd|keygen|label|link|map|mark|math|menu|meta|meter|nav|noscript|ol|object|output|p|pre|progress|q|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|small|span|strong|style|sub|sup|svg|table|textarea|time|u|ul|var|video|wbr'
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
} , 'html[A|manifest][body|head]' +
'head[A][base|command|link|meta|noscript|script|style|title]' +
'title[A][#]' +
'base[A|href|target][]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'link[A|href|rel|media|type|sizes|crossorigin|hreflang][]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'meta[A|http-equiv|name|content|charset][]' +
'style[A|type|media|scoped][#]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'script[A|charset|type|src|defer|async|crossorigin][#]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'noscript[A][C]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'body[A|onafterprint|onbeforeprint|onbeforeunload|onblur|onerror|onfocus|onfullscreenchange|onfullscreenerror|onhashchange|onload|onmessage|onoffline|ononline|onpagehide|onpageshow|onpopstate|onresize|onscroll|onstorage|onunload][C]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'section[A][C]' +
'nav[A][C]' +
'article[A][C]' +
'aside[A][C]' +
'h1[A][B]' +
'h2[A][B]' +
'h3[A][B]' +
'h4[A][B]' +
'h5[A][B]' +
'h6[A][B]' +
'hgroup[A][h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6]' +
'header[A][C]' +
'footer[A][C]' +
'address[A][C]' +
'p[A][B]' +
'br[A][]' +
'pre[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'dialog[A|open][C|dd|dt]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'blockquote[A|cite][C]' +
'ol[A|start|reversed][li]' +
'ul[A][li]' +
'li[A|value][C]' +
'dl[A][dd|dt]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'dt[A][C|B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'dd[A][C]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'a[A|href|target|download|ping|rel|media|type][C|B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'em[A][B]' +
'strong[A][B]' +
'small[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
's[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'cite[A][B]' +
'q[A|cite][B]' +
'dfn[A][B]' +
'abbr[A][B]' +
'code[A][B]' +
'var[A][B]' +
'samp[A][B]' +
'kbd[A][B]' +
'sub[A][B]' +
'sup[A][B]' +
'i[A][B]' +
'b[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'u[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'mark[A][B]' +
'progress[A|value|max][B]' +
'meter[A|value|min|max|low|high|optimum][B]' +
'time[A|datetime][B]' +
'ruby[A][B|rt|rp]' +
'rt[A][B]' +
'rp[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'bdi[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'bdo[A][B]' +
'span[A][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'ins[A|cite|datetime][C|B]' +
'del[A|cite|datetime][C|B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'figure[A][C|legend|figcaption]' +
'figcaption[A][C]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'img[A|alt|src|srcset|crossorigin|usemap|ismap|width|height][]' +
'iframe[A|name|src|srcdoc|height|width|sandbox|seamless|allowfullscreen][C|B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'embed[A|src|height|width|type][]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'object[A|data|type|typemustmatch|name|usemap|form|width|height][C|B|param]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'param[A|name|value][]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'summary[A][B]' +
'details[A|open][C|legend|summary]' +
'command[A|type|label|icon|disabled|checked|radiogroup|command][]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'menu[A|type|label][C|li]' +
'legend[A][C|B]' +
'div[A][C]' +
'source[A|src|type|media][]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'track[A|kind|src|srclang|label|default][]' +
'audio[A|src|autobuffer|autoplay|loop|controls|crossorigin|preload|mediagroup|muted][C|source|track]' +
'video[A|src|autobuffer|autoplay|loop|controls|width|height|poster|crossorigin|preload|mediagroup|muted][C|source|track]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'hr[A][]' +
'form[A|accept-charset|action|autocomplete|enctype|method|name|novalidate|target][C]' +
'fieldset[A|disabled|form|name][C|legend]' +
'label[A|form|for][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'input[A|type|accept|alt|autocomplete|autofocus|checked|dirname|disabled|form|formaction|formenctype|formmethod|formnovalidate|formtarget|height|inputmode|list|max|maxlength|min|multiple|name|pattern|placeholder|readonly|required|size|src|step|value|width|files][]' +
'button[A|autofocus|disabled|form|formaction|formenctype|formmethod|formnovalidate|formtarget|name|type|value][B]' +
'select[A|autofocus|disabled|form|multiple|name|required|size][option|optgroup]' +
'data[A|value][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'datalist[A][B|option]' +
'optgroup[A|disabled|label][option]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'option[A|disabled|selected|label|value][#]' +
'textarea[A|autocomplete|autofocus|cols|dirname|disabled|form|inputmode|maxlength|name|placeholder|readonly|required|rows|wrap][#]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'keygen[A|autofocus|challenge|disabled|form|keytype|name][]' +
'output[A|for|form|name][B]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'canvas[A|width|height][a|button|input]' +
'map[A|name][C|B]' +
'area[A|alt|coords|shape|href|target|download|ping|rel|media|hreflang|type][]' +
'math[A][]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'svg[A][]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'table[A][caption|colgroup|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'caption[A][C]' +
'colgroup[A|span][col]' +
'col[A|span][]' +
'thead[A][tr]' +
'tfoot[A][tr]' +
'tbody[A][tr]' +
'tr[A][th|td]' +
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
'th[A|headers|rowspan|colspan|scope][C]' +
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
'td[A|headers|rowspan|colspan][C]' +
) ;
return html5 ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns the HTML4 schema and caches it in the mapCache .
* /
function getHTML4 ( ) {
var html4 = mapCache . html4 ;
if ( ! html4 ) {
// This is the XHTML 1.0 transitional elements with it's attributes and children packed to reduce it's size
html4 = mapCache . html4 = unpack ( {
Z : 'H|K|N|O|P' ,
Y : 'X|form|R|Q' ,
ZG : 'E|span|width|align|char|charoff|valign' ,
X : 'p|T|div|U|W|isindex|fieldset|table' ,
ZF : 'E|align|char|charoff|valign' ,
W : 'pre|hr|blockquote|address|center|noframes' ,
ZE : 'abbr|axis|headers|scope|rowspan|colspan|align|char|charoff|valign|nowrap|bgcolor|width|height' ,
ZD : '[E][S]' ,
U : 'ul|ol|dl|menu|dir' ,
ZC : 'p|Y|div|U|W|table|br|span|bdo|object|applet|img|map|K|N|Q' ,
T : 'h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6' ,
ZB : 'X|S|Q' ,
S : 'R|P' ,
ZA : 'a|G|J|M|O|P' ,
R : 'a|H|K|N|O' ,
Q : 'noscript|P' ,
P : 'ins|del|script' ,
O : 'input|select|textarea|label|button' ,
N : 'M|L' ,
M : 'em|strong|dfn|code|q|samp|kbd|var|cite|abbr|acronym' ,
L : 'sub|sup' ,
K : 'J|I' ,
J : 'tt|i|b|u|s|strike' ,
I : 'big|small|font|basefont' ,
H : 'G|F' ,
G : 'br|span|bdo' ,
F : 'object|applet|img|map|iframe' ,
E : 'A|B|C' ,
D : 'accesskey|tabindex|onfocus|onblur' ,
C : 'onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup' ,
B : 'lang|xml:lang|dir' ,
A : 'id|class|style|title'
} , 'script[id|charset|type|language|src|defer|xml:space][]' +
'style[B|id|type|media|title|xml:space][]' +
'object[E|declare|classid|codebase|data|type|codetype|archive|standby|width|height|usemap|name|tabindex|align|border|hspace|vspace][#|param|Y]' +
'param[id|name|value|valuetype|type][]' +
'p[E|align][#|S]' +
'a[E|D|charset|type|name|href|hreflang|rel|rev|shape|coords|target][#|Z]' +
'br[A|clear][]' +
'span[E][#|S]' +
'bdo[A|C|B][#|S]' +
'applet[A|codebase|archive|code|object|alt|name|width|height|align|hspace|vspace][#|param|Y]' +
'h1[E|align][#|S]' +
'img[E|src|alt|name|longdesc|width|height|usemap|ismap|align|border|hspace|vspace][]' +
'map[B|C|A|name][X|form|Q|area]' +
'h2[E|align][#|S]' +
'iframe[A|longdesc|name|src|frameborder|marginwidth|marginheight|scrolling|align|width|height][#|Y]' +
'h3[E|align][#|S]' +
'tt[E][#|S]' +
'i[E][#|S]' +
'b[E][#|S]' +
'u[E][#|S]' +
's[E][#|S]' +
'strike[E][#|S]' +
'big[E][#|S]' +
'small[E][#|S]' +
'font[A|B|size|color|face][#|S]' +
'basefont[id|size|color|face][]' +
'em[E][#|S]' +
'strong[E][#|S]' +
'dfn[E][#|S]' +
'code[E][#|S]' +
'q[E|cite][#|S]' +
'samp[E][#|S]' +
'kbd[E][#|S]' +
'var[E][#|S]' +
'cite[E][#|S]' +
'abbr[E][#|S]' +
'acronym[E][#|S]' +
'sub[E][#|S]' +
'sup[E][#|S]' +
'input[E|D|type|name|value|checked|disabled|readonly|size|maxlength|src|alt|usemap|onselect|onchange|accept|align][]' +
'select[E|name|size|multiple|disabled|tabindex|onfocus|onblur|onchange][optgroup|option]' +
'optgroup[E|disabled|label][option]' +
'option[E|selected|disabled|label|value][]' +
'textarea[E|D|name|rows|cols|disabled|readonly|onselect|onchange][]' +
'label[E|for|accesskey|onfocus|onblur][#|S]' +
'button[E|D|name|value|type|disabled][#|p|T|div|U|W|table|G|object|applet|img|map|K|N|Q]' +
'h4[E|align][#|S]' +
'ins[E|cite|datetime][#|Y]' +
'h5[E|align][#|S]' +
'del[E|cite|datetime][#|Y]' +
'h6[E|align][#|S]' +
'div[E|align][#|Y]' +
'ul[E|type|compact][li]' +
'li[E|type|value][#|Y]' +
'ol[E|type|compact|start][li]' +
'dl[E|compact][dt|dd]' +
'dt[E][#|S]' +
'dd[E][#|Y]' +
'menu[E|compact][li]' +
'dir[E|compact][li]' +
'pre[E|width|xml:space][#|ZA]' +
'hr[E|align|noshade|size|width][]' +
'blockquote[E|cite][#|Y]' +
'address[E][#|S|p]' +
'center[E][#|Y]' +
'noframes[E][#|Y]' +
'isindex[A|B|prompt][]' +
'fieldset[E][#|legend|Y]' +
'legend[E|accesskey|align][#|S]' +
'table[E|summary|width|border|frame|rules|cellspacing|cellpadding|align|bgcolor][caption|col|colgroup|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr]' +
'caption[E|align][#|S]' +
'col[ZG][]' +
'colgroup[ZG][col]' +
'thead[ZF][tr]' +
'tr[ZF|bgcolor][th|td]' +
'th[E|ZE][#|Y]' +
'form[E|action|method|name|enctype|onsubmit|onreset|accept|accept-charset|target][#|X|R|Q]' +
'noscript[E][#|Y]' +
'td[E|ZE][#|Y]' +
'tfoot[ZF][tr]' +
'tbody[ZF][tr]' +
'area[E|D|shape|coords|href|nohref|alt|target][]' +
'base[id|href|target][]' +
) ;
return html4 ;
} ;
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
/ * *
* WordPress Core
* Returns a schema that is the result of a deep merge between the HTML5
* and HTML4 schemas .
* /
function getSaneSchema ( ) {
var cachedMapCache = mapCache ,
html5 , html4 ;
if ( mapCache . sane )
return mapCache . sane ;
// Bust the mapCache so we're not dealing with the other schema objects.
mapCache = { } ;
html5 = getHTML5 ( ) ;
html4 = getHTML4 ( ) ;
mapCache = cachedMapCache ;
each ( html4 , function ( html4settings , tag ) {
var html5settings = html5 [ tag ] ,
difference = [ ] ;
// Merge tags missing in HTML5 mode.
if ( ! html5settings ) {
html5 [ tag ] = html4settings ;
return ;
// Merge attributes missing from this HTML5 tag.
each ( html4settings . attributes , function ( attribute , key ) {
if ( ! html5settings . attributes [ key ] )
html5settings . attributes [ key ] = attribute ;
} ) ;
// Merge any missing attributes into the attributes order.
each ( html4settings . attributesOrder , function ( key ) {
if ( - 1 === tinymce . inArray ( html5settings . attributesOrder , key ) )
difference . push ( key ) ;
} ) ;
html5settings . attributesOrder = html5settings . attributesOrder . concat ( difference ) ;
// Merge children missing from this HTML5 tag.
each ( html4settings . children , function ( child , key ) {
if ( ! html5settings . children [ key ] )
html5settings . children [ key ] = child ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return mapCache . sane = html5 ;
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
/ * *
* Schema validator class .
* @ class tinymce . html . Schema
* @ example
* if ( tinymce . activeEditor . schema . isValidChild ( 'p' , 'span' ) )
* alert ( 'span is valid child of p.' ) ;
* if ( tinymce . activeEditor . schema . getElementRule ( 'p' ) )
* alert ( 'P is a valid element.' ) ;
* @ class tinymce . html . Schema
* @ version 3.4
* /
/ * *
* Constructs a new Schema instance .
* @ constructor
* @ method Schema
* @ param { Object } settings Name / value settings object .
* /
tinymce . html . Schema = function ( settings ) {
var self = this , elements = { } , children = { } , patternElements = [ ] , validStyles , schemaItems ;
var whiteSpaceElementsMap , selfClosingElementsMap , shortEndedElementsMap , boolAttrMap , blockElementsMap , nonEmptyElementsMap , customElementsMap = { } ;
// Creates an lookup table map object for the specified option or the default value
function createLookupTable ( option , default _value , extend ) {
var value = settings [ option ] ;
if ( ! value ) {
// Get cached default map or make it if needed
value = mapCache [ option ] ;
if ( ! value ) {
value = makeMap ( default _value , ' ' , makeMap ( default _value . toUpperCase ( ) , ' ' ) ) ;
value = tinymce . extend ( value , extend ) ;
mapCache [ option ] = value ;
} else {
// Create custom map
value = makeMap ( value , ',' , makeMap ( value . toUpperCase ( ) , ' ' ) ) ;
return value ;
} ;
settings = settings || { } ;
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00
/ * *
* WordPress core uses a sane schema in place of the default "HTML5" schema .
* /
schemaItems = settings . schema == "html5" ? getSaneSchema ( ) : getHTML4 ( ) ;
2012-12-10 10:02:43 +00:00
// Allow all elements and attributes if verify_html is set to false
if ( settings . verify _html === false )
settings . valid _elements = '*[*]' ;
// Build styles list
if ( settings . valid _styles ) {
validStyles = { } ;
// Convert styles into a rule list
each ( settings . valid _styles , function ( value , key ) {
validStyles [ key ] = tinymce . explode ( value ) ;
} ) ;
// Setup map objects
whiteSpaceElementsMap = createLookupTable ( 'whitespace_elements' , 'pre script noscript style textarea' ) ;
selfClosingElementsMap = createLookupTable ( 'self_closing_elements' , 'colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr' ) ;
shortEndedElementsMap = createLookupTable ( 'short_ended_elements' , 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr' ) ;
boolAttrMap = createLookupTable ( 'boolean_attributes' , 'checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls' ) ;
nonEmptyElementsMap = createLookupTable ( 'non_empty_elements' , 'td th iframe video audio object' , shortEndedElementsMap ) ;
textBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable ( 'text_block_elements' , 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div address pre form ' +
'blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside nav figure' ) ;
blockElementsMap = createLookupTable ( 'block_elements' , 'hr table tbody thead tfoot ' +
'th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex samp option datalist select optgroup' , textBlockElementsMap ) ;
// Converts a wildcard expression string to a regexp for example *a will become /.*a/.
function patternToRegExp ( str ) {
return new RegExp ( '^' + str . replace ( /([?+*])/g , '.$1' ) + '$' ) ;
} ;
// Parses the specified valid_elements string and adds to the current rules
// This function is a bit hard to read since it's heavily optimized for speed
function addValidElements ( valid _elements ) {
var ei , el , ai , al , yl , matches , element , attr , attrData , elementName , attrName , attrType , attributes , attributesOrder ,
prefix , outputName , globalAttributes , globalAttributesOrder , transElement , key , childKey , value ,
elementRuleRegExp = /^([#+\-])?([^\[\/]+)(?:\/([^\[]+))?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?$/ ,
attrRuleRegExp = /^([!\-])?(\w+::\w+|[^=:<]+)?(?:([=:<])(.*))?$/ ,
hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/ ;
if ( valid _elements ) {
// Split valid elements into an array with rules
valid _elements = split ( valid _elements ) ;
if ( elements [ '@' ] ) {
globalAttributes = elements [ '@' ] . attributes ;
globalAttributesOrder = elements [ '@' ] . attributesOrder ;
// Loop all rules
for ( ei = 0 , el = valid _elements . length ; ei < el ; ei ++ ) {
// Parse element rule
matches = elementRuleRegExp . exec ( valid _elements [ ei ] ) ;
if ( matches ) {
// Setup local names for matches
prefix = matches [ 1 ] ;
elementName = matches [ 2 ] ;
outputName = matches [ 3 ] ;
attrData = matches [ 4 ] ;
// Create new attributes and attributesOrder
attributes = { } ;
attributesOrder = [ ] ;
// Create the new element
element = {
attributes : attributes ,
attributesOrder : attributesOrder
} ;
// Padd empty elements prefix
if ( prefix === '#' )
element . paddEmpty = true ;
// Remove empty elements prefix
if ( prefix === '-' )
element . removeEmpty = true ;
// Copy attributes from global rule into current rule
if ( globalAttributes ) {
for ( key in globalAttributes )
attributes [ key ] = globalAttributes [ key ] ;
attributesOrder . push . apply ( attributesOrder , globalAttributesOrder ) ;
// Attributes defined
if ( attrData ) {
attrData = split ( attrData , '|' ) ;
for ( ai = 0 , al = attrData . length ; ai < al ; ai ++ ) {
matches = attrRuleRegExp . exec ( attrData [ ai ] ) ;
if ( matches ) {
attr = { } ;
attrType = matches [ 1 ] ;
attrName = matches [ 2 ] . replace ( /::/g , ':' ) ;
prefix = matches [ 3 ] ;
value = matches [ 4 ] ;
// Required
if ( attrType === '!' ) {
element . attributesRequired = element . attributesRequired || [ ] ;
element . attributesRequired . push ( attrName ) ;
attr . required = true ;
// Denied from global
if ( attrType === '-' ) {
delete attributes [ attrName ] ;
attributesOrder . splice ( tinymce . inArray ( attributesOrder , attrName ) , 1 ) ;
continue ;
// Default value
if ( prefix ) {
// Default value
if ( prefix === '=' ) {
element . attributesDefault = element . attributesDefault || [ ] ;
element . attributesDefault . push ( { name : attrName , value : value } ) ;
attr . defaultValue = value ;
// Forced value
if ( prefix === ':' ) {
element . attributesForced = element . attributesForced || [ ] ;
element . attributesForced . push ( { name : attrName , value : value } ) ;
attr . forcedValue = value ;
// Required values
if ( prefix === '<' )
attr . validValues = makeMap ( value , '?' ) ;
// Check for attribute patterns
if ( hasPatternsRegExp . test ( attrName ) ) {
element . attributePatterns = element . attributePatterns || [ ] ;
attr . pattern = patternToRegExp ( attrName ) ;
element . attributePatterns . push ( attr ) ;
} else {
// Add attribute to order list if it doesn't already exist
if ( ! attributes [ attrName ] )
attributesOrder . push ( attrName ) ;
attributes [ attrName ] = attr ;
// Global rule, store away these for later usage
if ( ! globalAttributes && elementName == '@' ) {
globalAttributes = attributes ;
globalAttributesOrder = attributesOrder ;
// Handle substitute elements such as b/strong
if ( outputName ) {
element . outputName = elementName ;
elements [ outputName ] = element ;
// Add pattern or exact element
if ( hasPatternsRegExp . test ( elementName ) ) {
element . pattern = patternToRegExp ( elementName ) ;
patternElements . push ( element ) ;
} else
elements [ elementName ] = element ;
} ;
function setValidElements ( valid _elements ) {
elements = { } ;
patternElements = [ ] ;
addValidElements ( valid _elements ) ;
each ( schemaItems , function ( element , name ) {
children [ name ] = element . children ;
} ) ;
} ;
// Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema
function addCustomElements ( custom _elements ) {
var customElementRegExp = /^(~)?(.+)$/ ;
if ( custom _elements ) {
each ( split ( custom _elements ) , function ( rule ) {
var matches = customElementRegExp . exec ( rule ) ,
inline = matches [ 1 ] === '~' ,
cloneName = inline ? 'span' : 'div' ,
name = matches [ 2 ] ;
children [ name ] = children [ cloneName ] ;
customElementsMap [ name ] = cloneName ;
// If it's not marked as inline then add it to valid block elements
if ( ! inline ) {
blockElementsMap [ name . toUpperCase ( ) ] = { } ;
blockElementsMap [ name ] = { } ;
// Add elements clone if needed
if ( ! elements [ name ] ) {
elements [ name ] = elements [ cloneName ] ;
// Add custom elements at span/div positions
each ( children , function ( element , child ) {
if ( element [ cloneName ] )
element [ name ] = element [ cloneName ] ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// Adds valid children to the schema object
function addValidChildren ( valid _children ) {
var childRuleRegExp = /^([+\-]?)(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/ ;
if ( valid _children ) {
each ( split ( valid _children ) , function ( rule ) {
var matches = childRuleRegExp . exec ( rule ) , parent , prefix ;
if ( matches ) {
prefix = matches [ 1 ] ;
// Add/remove items from default
if ( prefix )
parent = children [ matches [ 2 ] ] ;
parent = children [ matches [ 2 ] ] = { '#comment' : { } } ;
parent = children [ matches [ 2 ] ] ;
each ( split ( matches [ 3 ] , '|' ) , function ( child ) {
if ( prefix === '-' )
delete parent [ child ] ;
parent [ child ] = { } ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
function getElementRule ( name ) {
var element = elements [ name ] , i ;
// Exact match found
if ( element )
return element ;
// No exact match then try the patterns
i = patternElements . length ;
while ( i -- ) {
element = patternElements [ i ] ;
if ( element . pattern . test ( name ) )
return element ;
} ;
if ( ! settings . valid _elements ) {
// No valid elements defined then clone the elements from the schema spec
each ( schemaItems , function ( element , name ) {
elements [ name ] = {
attributes : element . attributes ,
attributesOrder : element . attributesOrder
} ;
children [ name ] = element . children ;
} ) ;
// Switch these on HTML4
if ( settings . schema != "html5" ) {
each ( split ( 'strong/b,em/i' ) , function ( item ) {
item = split ( item , '/' ) ;
elements [ item [ 1 ] ] . outputName = item [ 0 ] ;
} ) ;
// Add default alt attribute for images
elements . img . attributesDefault = [ { name : 'alt' , value : '' } ] ;
// Remove these if they are empty by default
each ( split ( 'ol,ul,sub,sup,blockquote,span,font,a,table,tbody,tr,strong,em,b,i' ) , function ( name ) {
if ( elements [ name ] ) {
elements [ name ] . removeEmpty = true ;
} ) ;
// Padd these by default
each ( split ( 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,th,td,pre,div,address,caption' ) , function ( name ) {
elements [ name ] . paddEmpty = true ;
} ) ;
} else
setValidElements ( settings . valid _elements ) ;
addCustomElements ( settings . custom _elements ) ;
addValidChildren ( settings . valid _children ) ;
addValidElements ( settings . extended _valid _elements ) ;
// Todo: Remove this when we fix list handling to be valid
addValidChildren ( '+ol[ul|ol],+ul[ul|ol]' ) ;
// Delete invalid elements
if ( settings . invalid _elements ) {
tinymce . each ( tinymce . explode ( settings . invalid _elements ) , function ( item ) {
if ( elements [ item ] )
delete elements [ item ] ;
} ) ;
// If the user didn't allow span only allow internal spans
if ( ! getElementRule ( 'span' ) )
addValidElements ( 'span[!data-mce-type|*]' ) ;
/ * *
* Name / value map object with valid parents and children to those parents .
* @ example
* children = {
* div : { p : { } , h1 : { } }
* } ;
* @ field children
* @ type { Object }
* /
self . children = children ;
/ * *
* Name / value map object with valid styles for each element .
* @ field styles
* @ type { Object }
* /
self . styles = validStyles ;
/ * *
* Returns a map with boolean attributes .
* @ method getBoolAttrs
* @ return { Object } Name / value lookup map for boolean attributes .
* /
self . getBoolAttrs = function ( ) {
return boolAttrMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns a map with block elements .
* @ method getBlockElements
* @ return { Object } Name / value lookup map for block elements .
* /
self . getBlockElements = function ( ) {
return blockElementsMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns a map with text block elements . Such as : p , h1 - h6 , div , address
* @ method getTextBlockElements
* @ return { Object } Name / value lookup map for block elements .
* /
self . getTextBlockElements = function ( ) {
return textBlockElementsMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns a map with short ended elements such as BR or IMG .
* @ method getShortEndedElements
* @ return { Object } Name / value lookup map for short ended elements .
* /
self . getShortEndedElements = function ( ) {
return shortEndedElementsMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns a map with self closing tags such as < li > .
* @ method getSelfClosingElements
* @ return { Object } Name / value lookup map for self closing tags elements .
* /
self . getSelfClosingElements = function ( ) {
return selfClosingElementsMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns a map with elements that should be treated as contents regardless if it has text
* content in them or not such as TD , VIDEO or IMG .
* @ method getNonEmptyElements
* @ return { Object } Name / value lookup map for non empty elements .
* /
self . getNonEmptyElements = function ( ) {
return nonEmptyElementsMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns a map with elements where white space is to be preserved like PRE or SCRIPT .
* @ method getWhiteSpaceElements
* @ return { Object } Name / value lookup map for white space elements .
* /
self . getWhiteSpaceElements = function ( ) {
return whiteSpaceElementsMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true / false if the specified element and it ' s child is valid or not
* according to the schema .
* @ method isValidChild
* @ param { String } name Element name to check for .
* @ param { String } child Element child to verify .
* @ return { Boolean } True / false if the element is a valid child of the specified parent .
* /
self . isValidChild = function ( name , child ) {
var parent = children [ name ] ;
return ! ! ( parent && parent [ child ] ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true / false if the specified element name and optional attribute is
* valid according to the schema .
* @ method isValid
* @ param { String } name Name of element to check .
* @ param { String } attr Optional attribute name to check for .
* @ return { Boolean } True / false if the element and attribute is valid .
* /
self . isValid = function ( name , attr ) {
var attrPatterns , i , rule = getElementRule ( name ) ;
// Check if it's a valid element
if ( rule ) {
if ( attr ) {
// Check if attribute name exists
if ( rule . attributes [ attr ] ) {
return true ;
// Check if attribute matches a regexp pattern
attrPatterns = rule . attributePatterns ;
if ( attrPatterns ) {
i = attrPatterns . length ;
while ( i -- ) {
if ( attrPatterns [ i ] . pattern . test ( name ) ) {
return true ;
} else {
return true ;
// No match
return false ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true / false if the specified element is valid or not
* according to the schema .
* @ method getElementRule
* @ param { String } name Element name to check for .
* @ return { Object } Element object or undefined if the element isn ' t valid .
* /
self . getElementRule = getElementRule ;
/ * *
* Returns an map object of all custom elements .
* @ method getCustomElements
* @ return { Object } Name / value map object of all custom elements .
* /
self . getCustomElements = function ( ) {
return customElementsMap ;
} ;
/ * *
* Parses a valid elements string and adds it to the schema . The valid elements format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]" .
* Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified , so this extends the schema .
* @ method addValidElements
* @ param { String } valid _elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed .
* /
self . addValidElements = addValidElements ;
/ * *
* Parses a valid elements string and sets it to the schema . The valid elements format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]" .
* Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified , so this extends the schema .
* @ method setValidElements
* @ param { String } valid _elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed .
* /
self . setValidElements = setValidElements ;
/ * *
* Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema .
* @ method addCustomElements
* @ param { String } custom _elements Comma separated list of custom elements to add .
* /
self . addCustomElements = addCustomElements ;
/ * *
* Parses a valid children string and adds them to the schema structure . The valid children format is for example : "element[child1|child2]" .
* @ method addValidChildren
* @ param { String } valid _children Valid children elements string to parse
* /
self . addValidChildren = addValidChildren ;
self . elements = elements ;
} ;
} ) ( tinymce ) ;