2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
( function ( ) {
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var image = ( function ( domGlobals ) {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
'use strict' ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var global = tinymce . util . Tools . resolve ( 'tinymce.PluginManager' ) ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var hasDimensions = function ( editor ) {
return editor . settings . image _dimensions === false ? false : true ;
} ;
var hasAdvTab = function ( editor ) {
return editor . settings . image _advtab === true ? true : false ;
} ;
var getPrependUrl = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'image_prepend_url' , '' ) ;
} ;
var getClassList = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'image_class_list' ) ;
} ;
var hasDescription = function ( editor ) {
return editor . settings . image _description === false ? false : true ;
} ;
var hasImageTitle = function ( editor ) {
return editor . settings . image _title === true ? true : false ;
} ;
var hasImageCaption = function ( editor ) {
return editor . settings . image _caption === true ? true : false ;
} ;
var getImageList = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'image_list' , false ) ;
} ;
var hasUploadUrl = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'images_upload_url' , false ) ;
} ;
var hasUploadHandler = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'images_upload_handler' , false ) ;
} ;
var getUploadUrl = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'images_upload_url' ) ;
} ;
var getUploadHandler = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'images_upload_handler' ) ;
} ;
var getUploadBasePath = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'images_upload_base_path' ) ;
} ;
var getUploadCredentials = function ( editor ) {
return editor . getParam ( 'images_upload_credentials' ) ;
} ;
var Settings = {
hasDimensions : hasDimensions ,
hasAdvTab : hasAdvTab ,
getPrependUrl : getPrependUrl ,
getClassList : getClassList ,
hasDescription : hasDescription ,
hasImageTitle : hasImageTitle ,
hasImageCaption : hasImageCaption ,
getImageList : getImageList ,
hasUploadUrl : hasUploadUrl ,
hasUploadHandler : hasUploadHandler ,
getUploadUrl : getUploadUrl ,
getUploadHandler : getUploadHandler ,
getUploadBasePath : getUploadBasePath ,
getUploadCredentials : getUploadCredentials
} ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var Global = typeof domGlobals . window !== 'undefined' ? domGlobals . window : Function ( 'return this;' ) ( ) ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var path = function ( parts , scope ) {
var o = scope !== undefined && scope !== null ? scope : Global ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < parts . length && o !== undefined && o !== null ; ++ i ) {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
o = o [ parts [ i ] ] ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return o ;
} ;
var resolve = function ( p , scope ) {
var parts = p . split ( '.' ) ;
return path ( parts , scope ) ;
} ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var unsafe = function ( name , scope ) {
return resolve ( name , scope ) ;
} ;
var getOrDie = function ( name , scope ) {
var actual = unsafe ( name , scope ) ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
if ( actual === undefined || actual === null ) {
throw new Error ( name + ' not available on this browser' ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return actual ;
} ;
var Global$1 = { getOrDie : getOrDie } ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
function FileReader ( ) {
var f = Global$1 . getOrDie ( 'FileReader' ) ;
return new f ( ) ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var global$1 = tinymce . util . Tools . resolve ( 'tinymce.util.Promise' ) ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var global$2 = tinymce . util . Tools . resolve ( 'tinymce.util.Tools' ) ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var global$3 = tinymce . util . Tools . resolve ( 'tinymce.util.XHR' ) ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var parseIntAndGetMax = function ( val1 , val2 ) {
return Math . max ( parseInt ( val1 , 10 ) , parseInt ( val2 , 10 ) ) ;
} ;
var getImageSize = function ( url , callback ) {
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var img = domGlobals . document . createElement ( 'img' ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
function done ( width , height ) {
if ( img . parentNode ) {
img . parentNode . removeChild ( img ) ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
callback ( {
width : width ,
height : height
} ) ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
img . onload = function ( ) {
var width = parseIntAndGetMax ( img . width , img . clientWidth ) ;
var height = parseIntAndGetMax ( img . height , img . clientHeight ) ;
done ( width , height ) ;
} ;
img . onerror = function ( ) {
done ( 0 , 0 ) ;
} ;
var style = img . style ;
style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
style . position = 'fixed' ;
style . bottom = style . left = '0px' ;
style . width = style . height = 'auto' ;
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
domGlobals . document . body . appendChild ( img ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
img . src = url ;
} ;
var buildListItems = function ( inputList , itemCallback , startItems ) {
function appendItems ( values , output ) {
output = output || [ ] ;
global$2 . each ( values , function ( item ) {
var menuItem = { text : item . text || item . title } ;
if ( item . menu ) {
menuItem . menu = appendItems ( item . menu ) ;
} else {
menuItem . value = item . value ;
itemCallback ( menuItem ) ;
output . push ( menuItem ) ;
} ) ;
return output ;
return appendItems ( inputList , startItems || [ ] ) ;
} ;
var removePixelSuffix = function ( value ) {
if ( value ) {
value = value . replace ( /px$/ , '' ) ;
return value ;
} ;
var addPixelSuffix = function ( value ) {
if ( value . length > 0 && /^[0-9]+$/ . test ( value ) ) {
value += 'px' ;
return value ;
} ;
var mergeMargins = function ( css ) {
if ( css . margin ) {
var splitMargin = css . margin . split ( ' ' ) ;
switch ( splitMargin . length ) {
case 1 :
css [ 'margin-top' ] = css [ 'margin-top' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
css [ 'margin-right' ] = css [ 'margin-right' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
css [ 'margin-bottom' ] = css [ 'margin-bottom' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
css [ 'margin-left' ] = css [ 'margin-left' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
break ;
case 2 :
css [ 'margin-top' ] = css [ 'margin-top' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
css [ 'margin-right' ] = css [ 'margin-right' ] || splitMargin [ 1 ] ;
css [ 'margin-bottom' ] = css [ 'margin-bottom' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
css [ 'margin-left' ] = css [ 'margin-left' ] || splitMargin [ 1 ] ;
break ;
case 3 :
css [ 'margin-top' ] = css [ 'margin-top' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
css [ 'margin-right' ] = css [ 'margin-right' ] || splitMargin [ 1 ] ;
css [ 'margin-bottom' ] = css [ 'margin-bottom' ] || splitMargin [ 2 ] ;
css [ 'margin-left' ] = css [ 'margin-left' ] || splitMargin [ 1 ] ;
break ;
case 4 :
css [ 'margin-top' ] = css [ 'margin-top' ] || splitMargin [ 0 ] ;
css [ 'margin-right' ] = css [ 'margin-right' ] || splitMargin [ 1 ] ;
css [ 'margin-bottom' ] = css [ 'margin-bottom' ] || splitMargin [ 2 ] ;
css [ 'margin-left' ] = css [ 'margin-left' ] || splitMargin [ 3 ] ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
delete css . margin ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
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return css ;
} ;
var createImageList = function ( editor , callback ) {
var imageList = Settings . getImageList ( editor ) ;
if ( typeof imageList === 'string' ) {
global$3 . send ( {
url : imageList ,
success : function ( text ) {
callback ( JSON . parse ( text ) ) ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
} ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} else if ( typeof imageList === 'function' ) {
imageList ( callback ) ;
} else {
callback ( imageList ) ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var waitLoadImage = function ( editor , data , imgElm ) {
function selectImage ( ) {
imgElm . onload = imgElm . onerror = null ;
if ( editor . selection ) {
editor . selection . select ( imgElm ) ;
editor . nodeChanged ( ) ;
imgElm . onload = function ( ) {
if ( ! data . width && ! data . height && Settings . hasDimensions ( editor ) ) {
editor . dom . setAttribs ( imgElm , {
width : imgElm . clientWidth ,
height : imgElm . clientHeight
} ) ;
selectImage ( ) ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
imgElm . onerror = selectImage ;
} ;
var blobToDataUri = function ( blob ) {
return new global$1 ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
var reader = FileReader ( ) ;
reader . onload = function ( ) {
resolve ( reader . result ) ;
} ;
reader . onerror = function ( ) {
reject ( reader . error . message ) ;
} ;
reader . readAsDataURL ( blob ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var Utils = {
getImageSize : getImageSize ,
buildListItems : buildListItems ,
removePixelSuffix : removePixelSuffix ,
addPixelSuffix : addPixelSuffix ,
mergeMargins : mergeMargins ,
createImageList : createImageList ,
waitLoadImage : waitLoadImage ,
blobToDataUri : blobToDataUri
} ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var global$4 = tinymce . util . Tools . resolve ( 'tinymce.dom.DOMUtils' ) ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var hasOwnProperty = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var shallow = function ( old , nu ) {
return nu ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var baseMerge = function ( merger ) {
return function ( ) {
var objects = new Array ( arguments . length ) ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < objects . length ; i ++ ) {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
objects [ i ] = arguments [ i ] ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
if ( objects . length === 0 ) {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
throw new Error ( 'Can\'t merge zero objects' ) ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var ret = { } ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < objects . length ; j ++ ) {
var curObject = objects [ j ] ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
for ( var key in curObject ) {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
if ( hasOwnProperty . call ( curObject , key ) ) {
ret [ key ] = merger ( ret [ key ] , curObject [ key ] ) ;
2019-09-18 21:00:57 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return ret ;
} ;
} ;
var merge = baseMerge ( shallow ) ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var DOM = global$4 . DOM ;
var getHspace = function ( image ) {
if ( image . style . marginLeft && image . style . marginRight && image . style . marginLeft === image . style . marginRight ) {
return Utils . removePixelSuffix ( image . style . marginLeft ) ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} else {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return '' ;
2017-09-26 17:15:47 -04:00
} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var getVspace = function ( image ) {
if ( image . style . marginTop && image . style . marginBottom && image . style . marginTop === image . style . marginBottom ) {
return Utils . removePixelSuffix ( image . style . marginTop ) ;
} else {
return '' ;
2017-05-08 01:32:46 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var getBorder = function ( image ) {
if ( image . style . borderWidth ) {
return Utils . removePixelSuffix ( image . style . borderWidth ) ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} else {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return '' ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var getAttrib = function ( image , name ) {
if ( image . hasAttribute ( name ) ) {
return image . getAttribute ( name ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} else {
return '' ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var getStyle = function ( image , name ) {
return image . style [ name ] ? image . style [ name ] : '' ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var hasCaption = function ( image ) {
return image . parentNode !== null && image . parentNode . nodeName === 'FIGURE' ;
} ;
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var setAttrib = function ( image , name , value ) {
image . setAttribute ( name , value ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var wrapInFigure = function ( image ) {
var figureElm = DOM . create ( 'figure' , { class : 'image' } ) ;
DOM . insertAfter ( figureElm , image ) ;
figureElm . appendChild ( image ) ;
figureElm . appendChild ( DOM . create ( 'figcaption' , { contentEditable : true } , 'Caption' ) ) ;
figureElm . contentEditable = 'false' ;
} ;
var removeFigure = function ( image ) {
var figureElm = image . parentNode ;
DOM . insertAfter ( image , figureElm ) ;
DOM . remove ( figureElm ) ;
} ;
var toggleCaption = function ( image ) {
if ( hasCaption ( image ) ) {
removeFigure ( image ) ;
} else {
wrapInFigure ( image ) ;
} ;
var normalizeStyle = function ( image , normalizeCss ) {
var attrValue = image . getAttribute ( 'style' ) ;
var value = normalizeCss ( attrValue !== null ? attrValue : '' ) ;
if ( value . length > 0 ) {
image . setAttribute ( 'style' , value ) ;
image . setAttribute ( 'data-mce-style' , value ) ;
} else {
image . removeAttribute ( 'style' ) ;
} ;
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var setSize = function ( name , normalizeCss ) {
return function ( image , name , value ) {
if ( image . style [ name ] ) {
image . style [ name ] = Utils . addPixelSuffix ( value ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
normalizeStyle ( image , normalizeCss ) ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} else {
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
setAttrib ( image , name , value ) ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
} ;
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var getSize = function ( image , name ) {
if ( image . style [ name ] ) {
return Utils . removePixelSuffix ( image . style [ name ] ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} else {
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
return getAttrib ( image , name ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var setHspace = function ( image , value ) {
var pxValue = Utils . addPixelSuffix ( value ) ;
image . style . marginLeft = pxValue ;
image . style . marginRight = pxValue ;
} ;
var setVspace = function ( image , value ) {
var pxValue = Utils . addPixelSuffix ( value ) ;
image . style . marginTop = pxValue ;
image . style . marginBottom = pxValue ;
} ;
var setBorder = function ( image , value ) {
var pxValue = Utils . addPixelSuffix ( value ) ;
image . style . borderWidth = pxValue ;
} ;
var setBorderStyle = function ( image , value ) {
image . style . borderStyle = value ;
} ;
var getBorderStyle = function ( image ) {
return getStyle ( image , 'borderStyle' ) ;
} ;
var isFigure = function ( elm ) {
return elm . nodeName === 'FIGURE' ;
} ;
var defaultData = function ( ) {
return {
src : '' ,
alt : '' ,
title : '' ,
width : '' ,
height : '' ,
class : '' ,
style : '' ,
caption : false ,
hspace : '' ,
vspace : '' ,
border : '' ,
borderStyle : ''
} ;
} ;
var getStyleValue = function ( normalizeCss , data ) {
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var image = domGlobals . document . createElement ( 'img' ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
setAttrib ( image , 'style' , data . style ) ;
if ( getHspace ( image ) || data . hspace !== '' ) {
setHspace ( image , data . hspace ) ;
if ( getVspace ( image ) || data . vspace !== '' ) {
setVspace ( image , data . vspace ) ;
if ( getBorder ( image ) || data . border !== '' ) {
setBorder ( image , data . border ) ;
if ( getBorderStyle ( image ) || data . borderStyle !== '' ) {
setBorderStyle ( image , data . borderStyle ) ;
return normalizeCss ( image . getAttribute ( 'style' ) ) ;
} ;
var create = function ( normalizeCss , data ) {
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var image = domGlobals . document . createElement ( 'img' ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
write ( normalizeCss , merge ( data , { caption : false } ) , image ) ;
setAttrib ( image , 'alt' , data . alt ) ;
if ( data . caption ) {
var figure = DOM . create ( 'figure' , { class : 'image' } ) ;
figure . appendChild ( image ) ;
figure . appendChild ( DOM . create ( 'figcaption' , { contentEditable : true } , 'Caption' ) ) ;
figure . contentEditable = 'false' ;
return figure ;
} else {
return image ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var read = function ( normalizeCss , image ) {
return {
src : getAttrib ( image , 'src' ) ,
alt : getAttrib ( image , 'alt' ) ,
title : getAttrib ( image , 'title' ) ,
width : getSize ( image , 'width' ) ,
height : getSize ( image , 'height' ) ,
class : getAttrib ( image , 'class' ) ,
style : normalizeCss ( getAttrib ( image , 'style' ) ) ,
caption : hasCaption ( image ) ,
hspace : getHspace ( image ) ,
vspace : getVspace ( image ) ,
border : getBorder ( image ) ,
borderStyle : getStyle ( image , 'borderStyle' )
} ;
} ;
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
var updateProp = function ( image , oldData , newData , name , set ) {
if ( newData [ name ] !== oldData [ name ] ) {
set ( image , name , newData [ name ] ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var normalized = function ( set , normalizeCss ) {
2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
return function ( image , name , value ) {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
set ( image , value ) ;
normalizeStyle ( image , normalizeCss ) ;
} ;
} ;
var write = function ( normalizeCss , newData , image ) {
var oldData = read ( normalizeCss , image ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'caption' , function ( image , _name , _value ) {
return toggleCaption ( image ) ;
} ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'src' , setAttrib ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'alt' , setAttrib ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'title' , setAttrib ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'width' , setSize ( 'width' , normalizeCss ) ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'height' , setSize ( 'height' , normalizeCss ) ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'class' , setAttrib ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'style' , normalized ( function ( image , value ) {
return setAttrib ( image , 'style' , value ) ;
} , normalizeCss ) ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'hspace' , normalized ( setHspace , normalizeCss ) ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'vspace' , normalized ( setVspace , normalizeCss ) ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'border' , normalized ( setBorder , normalizeCss ) ) ;
updateProp ( image , oldData , newData , 'borderStyle' , normalized ( setBorderStyle , normalizeCss ) ) ;
} ;
var normalizeCss = function ( editor , cssText ) {
var css = editor . dom . styles . parse ( cssText ) ;
var mergedCss = Utils . mergeMargins ( css ) ;
var compressed = editor . dom . styles . parse ( editor . dom . styles . serialize ( mergedCss ) ) ;
return editor . dom . styles . serialize ( compressed ) ;
} ;
var getSelectedImage = function ( editor ) {
var imgElm = editor . selection . getNode ( ) ;
var figureElm = editor . dom . getParent ( imgElm , 'figure.image' ) ;
if ( figureElm ) {
return editor . dom . select ( 'img' , figureElm ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( imgElm && ( imgElm . nodeName !== 'IMG' || imgElm . getAttribute ( 'data-mce-object' ) || imgElm . getAttribute ( 'data-mce-placeholder' ) ) ) {
return null ;
return imgElm ;
} ;
var splitTextBlock = function ( editor , figure ) {
var dom = editor . dom ;
var textBlock = dom . getParent ( figure . parentNode , function ( node ) {
return editor . schema . getTextBlockElements ( ) [ node . nodeName ] ;
} , editor . getBody ( ) ) ;
if ( textBlock ) {
return dom . split ( textBlock , figure ) ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} else {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return figure ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
var readImageDataFromSelection = function ( editor ) {
var image = getSelectedImage ( editor ) ;
return image ? read ( function ( css ) {
return normalizeCss ( editor , css ) ;
} , image ) : defaultData ( ) ;
} ;
var insertImageAtCaret = function ( editor , data ) {
var elm = create ( function ( css ) {
return normalizeCss ( editor , css ) ;
} , data ) ;
editor . dom . setAttrib ( elm , 'data-mce-id' , '__mcenew' ) ;
editor . focus ( ) ;
editor . selection . setContent ( elm . outerHTML ) ;
var insertedElm = editor . dom . select ( '*[data-mce-id="__mcenew"]' ) [ 0 ] ;
editor . dom . setAttrib ( insertedElm , 'data-mce-id' , null ) ;
if ( isFigure ( insertedElm ) ) {
var figure = splitTextBlock ( editor , insertedElm ) ;
editor . selection . select ( figure ) ;
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} else {
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
editor . selection . select ( insertedElm ) ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var syncSrcAttr = function ( editor , image ) {
editor . dom . setAttrib ( image , 'src' , image . getAttribute ( 'src' ) ) ;
} ;
var deleteImage = function ( editor , image ) {
if ( image ) {
var elm = editor . dom . is ( image . parentNode , 'figure.image' ) ? image . parentNode : image ;
editor . dom . remove ( elm ) ;
editor . focus ( ) ;
editor . nodeChanged ( ) ;
if ( editor . dom . isEmpty ( editor . getBody ( ) ) ) {
editor . setContent ( '' ) ;
editor . selection . setCursorLocation ( ) ;
} ;
var writeImageDataToSelection = function ( editor , data ) {
var image = getSelectedImage ( editor ) ;
write ( function ( css ) {
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
return normalizeCss ( editor , css ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} , data , image ) ;
syncSrcAttr ( editor , image ) ;
if ( isFigure ( image . parentNode ) ) {
var figure = image . parentNode ;
splitTextBlock ( editor , figure ) ;
editor . selection . select ( image . parentNode ) ;
} else {
editor . selection . select ( image ) ;
Utils . waitLoadImage ( editor , data , image ) ;
} ;
var insertOrUpdateImage = function ( editor , data ) {
var image = getSelectedImage ( editor ) ;
if ( image ) {
if ( data . src ) {
writeImageDataToSelection ( editor , data ) ;
} else {
deleteImage ( editor , image ) ;
} else if ( data . src ) {
insertImageAtCaret ( editor , data ) ;
} ;
var updateVSpaceHSpaceBorder = function ( editor ) {
return function ( evt ) {
var dom = editor . dom ;
var rootControl = evt . control . rootControl ;
if ( ! Settings . hasAdvTab ( editor ) ) {
return ;
var data = rootControl . toJSON ( ) ;
var css = dom . parseStyle ( data . style ) ;
rootControl . find ( '#vspace' ) . value ( '' ) ;
rootControl . find ( '#hspace' ) . value ( '' ) ;
css = Utils . mergeMargins ( css ) ;
if ( css [ 'margin-top' ] && css [ 'margin-bottom' ] || css [ 'margin-right' ] && css [ 'margin-left' ] ) {
if ( css [ 'margin-top' ] === css [ 'margin-bottom' ] ) {
rootControl . find ( '#vspace' ) . value ( Utils . removePixelSuffix ( css [ 'margin-top' ] ) ) ;
} else {
rootControl . find ( '#vspace' ) . value ( '' ) ;
if ( css [ 'margin-right' ] === css [ 'margin-left' ] ) {
rootControl . find ( '#hspace' ) . value ( Utils . removePixelSuffix ( css [ 'margin-right' ] ) ) ;
} else {
rootControl . find ( '#hspace' ) . value ( '' ) ;
if ( css [ 'border-width' ] ) {
rootControl . find ( '#border' ) . value ( Utils . removePixelSuffix ( css [ 'border-width' ] ) ) ;
} else {
rootControl . find ( '#border' ) . value ( '' ) ;
if ( css [ 'border-style' ] ) {
rootControl . find ( '#borderStyle' ) . value ( css [ 'border-style' ] ) ;
} else {
rootControl . find ( '#borderStyle' ) . value ( '' ) ;
rootControl . find ( '#style' ) . value ( dom . serializeStyle ( dom . parseStyle ( dom . serializeStyle ( css ) ) ) ) ;
} ;
} ;
var updateStyle = function ( editor , win ) {
win . find ( '#style' ) . each ( function ( ctrl ) {
var value = getStyleValue ( function ( css ) {
return normalizeCss ( editor , css ) ;
} , merge ( defaultData ( ) , win . toJSON ( ) ) ) ;
ctrl . value ( value ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var makeTab = function ( editor ) {
return {
title : 'Advanced' ,
type : 'form' ,
pack : 'start' ,
items : [
label : 'Style' ,
name : 'style' ,
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
type : 'textbox' ,
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
onchange : updateVSpaceHSpaceBorder ( editor )
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} ,
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
type : 'form' ,
layout : 'grid' ,
packV : 'start' ,
columns : 2 ,
padding : 0 ,
defaults : {
type : 'textbox' ,
maxWidth : 50 ,
onchange : function ( evt ) {
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
updateStyle ( editor , evt . control . rootControl ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ,
items : [
label : 'Vertical space' ,
name : 'vspace'
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} ,
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
label : 'Border width' ,
name : 'border'
} ,
label : 'Horizontal space' ,
name : 'hspace'
} ,
label : 'Border style' ,
type : 'listbox' ,
name : 'borderStyle' ,
width : 90 ,
maxWidth : 90 ,
onselect : function ( evt ) {
updateStyle ( editor , evt . control . rootControl ) ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} ,
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
values : [
text : 'Select...' ,
value : ''
} ,
text : 'Solid' ,
value : 'solid'
} ,
text : 'Dotted' ,
value : 'dotted'
} ,
text : 'Dashed' ,
value : 'dashed'
} ,
text : 'Double' ,
value : 'double'
} ,
text : 'Groove' ,
value : 'groove'
} ,
text : 'Ridge' ,
value : 'ridge'
} ,
text : 'Inset' ,
value : 'inset'
} ,
text : 'Outset' ,
value : 'outset'
} ,
text : 'None' ,
value : 'none'
} ,
text : 'Hidden' ,
value : 'hidden'
} ;
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var AdvTab = { makeTab : makeTab } ;
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var doSyncSize = function ( widthCtrl , heightCtrl ) {
widthCtrl . state . set ( 'oldVal' , widthCtrl . value ( ) ) ;
heightCtrl . state . set ( 'oldVal' , heightCtrl . value ( ) ) ;
} ;
var doSizeControls = function ( win , f ) {
var widthCtrl = win . find ( '#width' ) [ 0 ] ;
var heightCtrl = win . find ( '#height' ) [ 0 ] ;
var constrained = win . find ( '#constrain' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( widthCtrl && heightCtrl && constrained ) {
f ( widthCtrl , heightCtrl , constrained . checked ( ) ) ;
} ;
var doUpdateSize = function ( widthCtrl , heightCtrl , isContrained ) {
var oldWidth = widthCtrl . state . get ( 'oldVal' ) ;
var oldHeight = heightCtrl . state . get ( 'oldVal' ) ;
var newWidth = widthCtrl . value ( ) ;
var newHeight = heightCtrl . value ( ) ;
if ( isContrained && oldWidth && oldHeight && newWidth && newHeight ) {
if ( newWidth !== oldWidth ) {
newHeight = Math . round ( newWidth / oldWidth * newHeight ) ;
if ( ! isNaN ( newHeight ) ) {
heightCtrl . value ( newHeight ) ;
} else {
newWidth = Math . round ( newHeight / oldHeight * newWidth ) ;
if ( ! isNaN ( newWidth ) ) {
widthCtrl . value ( newWidth ) ;
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doSyncSize ( widthCtrl , heightCtrl ) ;
} ;
var syncSize = function ( win ) {
doSizeControls ( win , doSyncSize ) ;
} ;
var updateSize = function ( win ) {
doSizeControls ( win , doUpdateSize ) ;
} ;
var createUi = function ( ) {
var recalcSize = function ( evt ) {
updateSize ( evt . control . rootControl ) ;
} ;
return {
type : 'container' ,
label : 'Dimensions' ,
layout : 'flex' ,
align : 'center' ,
spacing : 5 ,
items : [
name : 'width' ,
type : 'textbox' ,
maxLength : 5 ,
size : 5 ,
onchange : recalcSize ,
ariaLabel : 'Width'
} ,
type : 'label' ,
text : 'x'
} ,
name : 'height' ,
type : 'textbox' ,
maxLength : 5 ,
size : 5 ,
onchange : recalcSize ,
ariaLabel : 'Height'
} ,
name : 'constrain' ,
type : 'checkbox' ,
checked : true ,
text : 'Constrain proportions'
} ;
} ;
var SizeManager = {
createUi : createUi ,
syncSize : syncSize ,
updateSize : updateSize
} ;
var onSrcChange = function ( evt , editor ) {
var srcURL , prependURL , absoluteURLPattern ;
var meta = evt . meta || { } ;
var control = evt . control ;
var rootControl = control . rootControl ;
var imageListCtrl = rootControl . find ( '#image-list' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( imageListCtrl ) {
imageListCtrl . value ( editor . convertURL ( control . value ( ) , 'src' ) ) ;
global$2 . each ( meta , function ( value , key ) {
rootControl . find ( '#' + key ) . value ( value ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! meta . width && ! meta . height ) {
srcURL = editor . convertURL ( control . value ( ) , 'src' ) ;
prependURL = Settings . getPrependUrl ( editor ) ;
absoluteURLPattern = new RegExp ( '^(?:[a-z]+:)?//' , 'i' ) ;
if ( prependURL && ! absoluteURLPattern . test ( srcURL ) && srcURL . substring ( 0 , prependURL . length ) !== prependURL ) {
srcURL = prependURL + srcURL ;
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control . value ( srcURL ) ;
Utils . getImageSize ( editor . documentBaseURI . toAbsolute ( control . value ( ) ) , function ( data ) {
if ( data . width && data . height && Settings . hasDimensions ( editor ) ) {
rootControl . find ( '#width' ) . value ( data . width ) ;
rootControl . find ( '#height' ) . value ( data . height ) ;
SizeManager . syncSize ( rootControl ) ;
} ) ;
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} ;
var onBeforeCall = function ( evt ) {
evt . meta = evt . control . rootControl . toJSON ( ) ;
} ;
var getGeneralItems = function ( editor , imageListCtrl ) {
var generalFormItems = [
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
name : 'src' ,
type : 'filepicker' ,
filetype : 'image' ,
label : 'Source' ,
autofocus : true ,
onchange : function ( evt ) {
onSrcChange ( evt , editor ) ;
} ,
onbeforecall : onBeforeCall
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
} ,
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
] ;
if ( Settings . hasDescription ( editor ) ) {
generalFormItems . push ( {
name : 'alt' ,
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
type : 'textbox' ,
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
label : 'Image description'
} ) ;
if ( Settings . hasImageTitle ( editor ) ) {
generalFormItems . push ( {
name : 'title' ,
type : 'textbox' ,
label : 'Image Title'
} ) ;
if ( Settings . hasDimensions ( editor ) ) {
generalFormItems . push ( SizeManager . createUi ( ) ) ;
if ( Settings . getClassList ( editor ) ) {
generalFormItems . push ( {
name : 'class' ,
type : 'listbox' ,
label : 'Class' ,
values : Utils . buildListItems ( Settings . getClassList ( editor ) , function ( item ) {
if ( item . value ) {
item . textStyle = function ( ) {
return editor . formatter . getCssText ( {
inline : 'img' ,
classes : [ item . value ]
} ) ;
} ;
} )
} ) ;
if ( Settings . hasImageCaption ( editor ) ) {
generalFormItems . push ( {
name : 'caption' ,
2018-04-25 18:35:21 -04:00
type : 'checkbox' ,
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
label : 'Caption'
} ) ;
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return generalFormItems ;
} ;
var makeTab$1 = function ( editor , imageListCtrl ) {
return {
title : 'General' ,
type : 'form' ,
items : getGeneralItems ( editor , imageListCtrl )
} ;
} ;
var MainTab = {
makeTab : makeTab$1 ,
getGeneralItems : getGeneralItems
} ;
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var url = function ( ) {
return Global$1 . getOrDie ( 'URL' ) ;
} ;
var createObjectURL = function ( blob ) {
return url ( ) . createObjectURL ( blob ) ;
} ;
var revokeObjectURL = function ( u ) {
url ( ) . revokeObjectURL ( u ) ;
} ;
var URL = {
createObjectURL : createObjectURL ,
revokeObjectURL : revokeObjectURL
} ;
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var global$5 = tinymce . util . Tools . resolve ( 'tinymce.ui.Factory' ) ;
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function XMLHttpRequest ( ) {
var f = Global$1 . getOrDie ( 'XMLHttpRequest' ) ;
return new f ( ) ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var noop = function ( ) {
} ;
var pathJoin = function ( path1 , path2 ) {
if ( path1 ) {
return path1 . replace ( /\/$/ , '' ) + '/' + path2 . replace ( /^\// , '' ) ;
return path2 ;
} ;
function Uploader ( settings ) {
var defaultHandler = function ( blobInfo , success , failure , progress ) {
var xhr , formData ;
xhr = XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
xhr . open ( 'POST' , settings . url ) ;
xhr . withCredentials = settings . credentials ;
xhr . upload . onprogress = function ( e ) {
progress ( e . loaded / e . total * 100 ) ;
} ;
xhr . onerror = function ( ) {
failure ( 'Image upload failed due to a XHR Transport error. Code: ' + xhr . status ) ;
} ;
xhr . onload = function ( ) {
var json ;
if ( xhr . status < 200 || xhr . status >= 300 ) {
failure ( 'HTTP Error: ' + xhr . status ) ;
return ;
json = JSON . parse ( xhr . responseText ) ;
if ( ! json || typeof json . location !== 'string' ) {
failure ( 'Invalid JSON: ' + xhr . responseText ) ;
return ;
success ( pathJoin ( settings . basePath , json . location ) ) ;
} ;
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formData = new domGlobals . FormData ( ) ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
formData . append ( 'file' , blobInfo . blob ( ) , blobInfo . filename ( ) ) ;
xhr . send ( formData ) ;
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} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var uploadBlob = function ( blobInfo , handler ) {
return new global$1 ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
try {
handler ( blobInfo , resolve , reject , noop ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
reject ( ex . message ) ;
} ) ;
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} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var isDefaultHandler = function ( handler ) {
return handler === defaultHandler ;
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} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var upload = function ( blobInfo ) {
return ! settings . url && isDefaultHandler ( settings . handler ) ? global$1 . reject ( 'Upload url missing from the settings.' ) : uploadBlob ( blobInfo , settings . handler ) ;
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} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
settings = global$2 . extend ( {
credentials : false ,
handler : defaultHandler
} , settings ) ;
return { upload : upload } ;
var onFileInput = function ( editor ) {
return function ( evt ) {
var Throbber = global$5 . get ( 'Throbber' ) ;
var rootControl = evt . control . rootControl ;
var throbber = new Throbber ( rootControl . getEl ( ) ) ;
var file = evt . control . value ( ) ;
var blobUri = URL . createObjectURL ( file ) ;
var uploader = Uploader ( {
url : Settings . getUploadUrl ( editor ) ,
basePath : Settings . getUploadBasePath ( editor ) ,
credentials : Settings . getUploadCredentials ( editor ) ,
handler : Settings . getUploadHandler ( editor )
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} ) ;
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var finalize = function ( ) {
throbber . hide ( ) ;
URL . revokeObjectURL ( blobUri ) ;
} ;
throbber . show ( ) ;
return Utils . blobToDataUri ( file ) . then ( function ( dataUrl ) {
var blobInfo = editor . editorUpload . blobCache . create ( {
blob : file ,
blobUri : blobUri ,
name : file . name ? file . name . replace ( /\.[^\.]+$/ , '' ) : null ,
base64 : dataUrl . split ( ',' ) [ 1 ]
} ) ;
return uploader . upload ( blobInfo ) . then ( function ( url ) {
var src = rootControl . find ( '#src' ) ;
src . value ( url ) ;
rootControl . find ( 'tabpanel' ) [ 0 ] . activateTab ( 0 ) ;
src . fire ( 'change' ) ;
finalize ( ) ;
return url ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
editor . windowManager . alert ( err ) ;
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finalize ( ) ;
} ) ;
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} ;
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} ;
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var acceptExts = '.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif' ;
var makeTab$2 = function ( editor ) {
return {
title : 'Upload' ,
type : 'form' ,
layout : 'flex' ,
direction : 'column' ,
align : 'stretch' ,
padding : '20 20 20 20' ,
items : [
type : 'container' ,
layout : 'flex' ,
direction : 'column' ,
align : 'center' ,
spacing : 10 ,
items : [
text : 'Browse for an image' ,
type : 'browsebutton' ,
accept : acceptExts ,
onchange : onFileInput ( editor )
} ,
text : 'OR' ,
type : 'label'
} ,
text : 'Drop an image here' ,
type : 'dropzone' ,
accept : acceptExts ,
height : 100 ,
onchange : onFileInput ( editor )
} ;
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} ;
2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var UploadTab = { makeTab : makeTab$2 } ;
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function curry ( fn ) {
var initialArgs = [ ] ;
for ( var _i = 1 ; _i < arguments . length ; _i ++ ) {
initialArgs [ _i - 1 ] = arguments [ _i ] ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return function ( ) {
var restArgs = [ ] ;
for ( var _i = 0 ; _i < arguments . length ; _i ++ ) {
restArgs [ _i ] = arguments [ _i ] ;
var all = initialArgs . concat ( restArgs ) ;
return fn . apply ( null , all ) ;
} ;
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var submitForm = function ( editor , evt ) {
var win = evt . control . getRoot ( ) ;
SizeManager . updateSize ( win ) ;
editor . undoManager . transact ( function ( ) {
var data = merge ( readImageDataFromSelection ( editor ) , win . toJSON ( ) ) ;
insertOrUpdateImage ( editor , data ) ;
} ) ;
editor . editorUpload . uploadImagesAuto ( ) ;
} ;
function Dialog ( editor ) {
function showDialog ( imageList ) {
var data = readImageDataFromSelection ( editor ) ;
var win , imageListCtrl ;
if ( imageList ) {
imageListCtrl = {
type : 'listbox' ,
label : 'Image list' ,
name : 'image-list' ,
values : Utils . buildListItems ( imageList , function ( item ) {
item . value = editor . convertURL ( item . value || item . url , 'src' ) ;
} , [ {
text : 'None' ,
value : ''
} ] ) ,
value : data . src && editor . convertURL ( data . src , 'src' ) ,
onselect : function ( e ) {
var altCtrl = win . find ( '#alt' ) ;
if ( ! altCtrl . value ( ) || e . lastControl && altCtrl . value ( ) === e . lastControl . text ( ) ) {
altCtrl . value ( e . control . text ( ) ) ;
win . find ( '#src' ) . value ( e . control . value ( ) ) . fire ( 'change' ) ;
} ,
onPostRender : function ( ) {
imageListCtrl = this ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
} ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
if ( Settings . hasAdvTab ( editor ) || Settings . hasUploadUrl ( editor ) || Settings . hasUploadHandler ( editor ) ) {
var body = [ MainTab . makeTab ( editor , imageListCtrl ) ] ;
if ( Settings . hasAdvTab ( editor ) ) {
body . push ( AdvTab . makeTab ( editor ) ) ;
if ( Settings . hasUploadUrl ( editor ) || Settings . hasUploadHandler ( editor ) ) {
body . push ( UploadTab . makeTab ( editor ) ) ;
win = editor . windowManager . open ( {
title : 'Insert/edit image' ,
data : data ,
bodyType : 'tabpanel' ,
body : body ,
onSubmit : curry ( submitForm , editor )
} ) ;
} else {
win = editor . windowManager . open ( {
title : 'Insert/edit image' ,
data : data ,
body : MainTab . getGeneralItems ( editor , imageListCtrl ) ,
onSubmit : curry ( submitForm , editor )
} ) ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
SizeManager . syncSize ( win ) ;
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function open ( ) {
Utils . createImageList ( editor , showDialog ) ;
return { open : open } ;
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var register = function ( editor ) {
editor . addCommand ( 'mceImage' , Dialog ( editor ) . open ) ;
} ;
var Commands = { register : register } ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var hasImageClass = function ( node ) {
var className = node . attr ( 'class' ) ;
return className && /\bimage\b/ . test ( className ) ;
} ;
var toggleContentEditableState = function ( state ) {
return function ( nodes ) {
var i = nodes . length , node ;
var toggleContentEditable = function ( node ) {
node . attr ( 'contenteditable' , state ? 'true' : null ) ;
} ;
while ( i -- ) {
node = nodes [ i ] ;
if ( hasImageClass ( node ) ) {
node . attr ( 'contenteditable' , state ? 'false' : null ) ;
global$2 . each ( node . getAll ( 'figcaption' ) , toggleContentEditable ) ;
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} ;
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} ;
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var setup = function ( editor ) {
editor . on ( 'preInit' , function ( ) {
editor . parser . addNodeFilter ( 'figure' , toggleContentEditableState ( true ) ) ;
editor . serializer . addNodeFilter ( 'figure' , toggleContentEditableState ( false ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var FilterContent = { setup : setup } ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
var register$1 = function ( editor ) {
editor . addButton ( 'image' , {
icon : 'image' ,
tooltip : 'Insert/edit image' ,
onclick : Dialog ( editor ) . open ,
stateSelector : 'img:not([data-mce-object],[data-mce-placeholder]),figure.image'
} ) ;
editor . addMenuItem ( 'image' , {
icon : 'image' ,
text : 'Image' ,
onclick : Dialog ( editor ) . open ,
context : 'insert' ,
prependToContext : true
} ) ;
} ;
var Buttons = { register : register$1 } ;
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
global . add ( 'image' , function ( editor ) {
FilterContent . setup ( editor ) ;
Buttons . register ( editor ) ;
Commands . register ( editor ) ;
} ) ;
function Plugin ( ) {
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2019-01-29 15:19:51 -05:00
return Plugin ;
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2019-05-15 19:45:52 -04:00
} ( window ) ) ;
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} ) ( ) ;