2004-04-11 04:15:10 -04:00
< ? php
2004-04-20 23:00:44 -04:00
require_once ( '../wp-includes/wp-l10n.php' );
2004-06-13 12:14:58 -04:00
$title = __ ( 'Miscellaneous Options' );
2004-04-19 04:09:27 -04:00
$parent_file = 'options-general.php' ;
2004-04-11 04:15:10 -04:00
function add_magic_quotes ( $array ) {
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
if ( is_array ( $v )) {
$array [ $k ] = add_magic_quotes ( $v );
} else {
$array [ $k ] = addslashes ( $v );
return $array ;
if ( ! get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {
2004-04-20 18:56:47 -04:00
$_GET = add_magic_quotes ( $_GET );
$_POST = add_magic_quotes ( $_POST );
$_COOKIE = add_magic_quotes ( $_COOKIE );
2004-04-11 04:15:10 -04:00
2004-09-04 20:24:28 -04:00
$wpvarstoreset = array ( 'action' , 'standalone' );
2004-04-11 04:15:10 -04:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $wpvarstoreset ); $i += 1 ) {
$wpvar = $wpvarstoreset [ $i ];
if ( ! isset ( $$wpvar )) {
2004-04-20 18:56:47 -04:00
if ( empty ( $_POST [ " $wpvar " ])) {
if ( empty ( $_GET [ " $wpvar " ])) {
2004-04-11 04:15:10 -04:00
$$wpvar = '' ;
} else {
2004-04-20 18:56:47 -04:00
$$wpvar = $_GET [ " $wpvar " ];
2004-04-11 04:15:10 -04:00
} else {
2004-04-20 18:56:47 -04:00
$$wpvar = $_POST [ " $wpvar " ];
2004-04-11 04:15:10 -04:00
$standalone = 0 ;
include_once ( 'admin-header.php' );
include ( 'options-head.php' );
< div class = " wrap " >
2004-09-04 20:24:28 -04:00
< h2 >< ? php _e ( 'Miscellaneous Options' ) ?> </h2>
< form name = " miscoptions " method = " post " action = " options.php " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " action " value = " update " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " page_options " value = " 'hack_file','use_fileupload','fileupload_realpath','fileupload_url','fileupload_allowedtypes','fileupload_maxk','fileupload_maxk','fileupload_minlevel','use_geo_positions','use_linksupdate','weblogs_xml_url','links_updated_date_format','links_recently_updated_prepend','links_recently_updated_append','default_geourl_lat','default_geourl_lon','use_default_geourl' " />
< fieldset class = " options " >
< legend >
< input name = " use_fileupload " type = " checkbox " id = " use_fileupload " value = " 1 " < ? php checked ( '1' , get_settings ( 'use_fileupload' )); ?> />
< label for = " use_fileupload " >< ? php _e ( 'Allow File Uploads' ) ?> </label></legend>
< table width = " 100% " cellspacing = " 2 " cellpadding = " 5 " class = " editform " >
< tr >
< th width = " 33% " valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Destination directory:' ) ?> </th>
< td >
< input name = " fileupload_realpath " type = " text " id = " fileupload_realpath " value = " <?php form_option('fileupload_realpath'); ?> " size = " 50 " />< br />
< ? php printf ( __ ( 'Recommended: <code>%s</code>' ), ABSPATH . 'wp-content' ) ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'URI of this directory:' ) ?> </th>
< td >
< input name = " fileupload_url " type = " text " id = " fileupload_url " value = " <?php form_option('fileupload_url'); ?> " size = " 50 " />< br />
< ? php printf ( __ ( 'Recommended: <code>%s</code>' ), get_settings ( 'siteurl' ) . '/wp-content' ) ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Maximum size:' ) ?> </th>
< td >< input name = " fileupload_maxk " type = " text " id = " fileupload_maxk " value = " <?php form_option('fileupload_maxk'); ?> " size = " 4 " />
< ? php _e ( 'Kilobytes (KB)' ) ?> </td>
</ tr >
< tr >
< th valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Allowed file extensions:' ) ?> </th>
< td >< input name = " fileupload_allowedtypes " type = " text " id = " fileupload_allowedtypes " value = " <?php form_option('fileupload_allowedtypes'); ?> " size = " 40 " />
< br />
< ? php _e ( 'Recommended: <code>jpg jpeg png gif</code>' ) ?> </td>
</ tr >
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Minimum level to upload:' ) ?> </th>
< td >< select name = " fileupload_minlevel " id = " fileupload_minlevel " >
< ? php
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 11 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $i == get_settings ( 'fileupload_minlevel' )) $selected = " selected='selected' " ;
else $selected = '' ;
2004-04-15 03:53:45 -04:00
echo " \n \t <option value=' $i ' $selected > $i </option> " ;
2004-09-04 20:24:28 -04:00
</ select ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset class = " options " >
< legend >
< input name = " use_linksupdate " type = " checkbox " id = " use_linksupdate " value = " 1 " < ? php checked ( '1' , get_settings ( 'use_linksupdate' )); ?> />
< label for = " use_linksupdate " >< ? php _e ( 'Track Link’s Update Times' ) ?> </label></legend>
< table width = " 100% " cellspacing = " 2 " cellpadding = " 5 " class = " editform " >
< tr >
< th width = " 33% " valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Update file:' ) ?> </th>
< td >
< input name = " weblogs_xml_url " type = " text " id = " weblogs_xml_url " value = " <?php form_option('weblogs_xml_url'); ?> " size = " 50 " />< br />
< ? php __ ( 'Recommended: <code>http://static.wordpress.org/changes.xml</code>' ) ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Updated link time format:' ) ?> </th>
< td >
< input name = " links_updated_date_format " type = " text " id = " links_updated_date_format " value = " <?php form_option('links_updated_date_format'); ?> " size = " 50 " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Prepend updated with:' ) ?> </th>
< td >< input name = " links_recently_updated_prepend " type = " text " id = " links_recently_updated_prepend " value = " <?php form_option('links_recently_updated_prepend'); ?> " size = " 50 " /></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Append updated with:' ) ?> </th>
< td >< input name = " links_recently_updated_append " type = " text " id = " links_recently_updated_append " value = " <?php form_option('links_recently_updated_append'); ?> " size = " 50 " /></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< p >< ? php printf ( __ ( 'A link is "recent" if it has been updated in the past %s minutes.' ), '<input name="links_recently_updated_time" type="text" id="links_recently_updated_time" size="3" value="' . get_settings ( 'links_recently_updated_time' ) . '" />' ) ?> </p>
</ fieldset >
< fieldset class = " options " >
< legend >
< input name = " use_geo_positions " type = " checkbox " id = " use_geo_positions " value = " 1 " < ? php checked ( '1' , get_settings ( 'use_geo_positions' )); ?> />
< label for = " use_geo_positions " >< ? php _e ( 'Use Geographic Tracking Features' ) ?> </label></legend>
< table width = " 100% " cellspacing = " 2 " cellpadding = " 5 " class = " editform " >
< tr >
< th width = " 33% " valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Default latitude:' ) ?> </th>
< td >
< input name = " default_geourl_lat " type = " text " id = " default_geourl_lat " value = " <?php form_option('default_geourl_lat'); ?> " size = " 50 " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th valign = " top " scope = " row " >< ? php _e ( 'Default longitude:' ) ?> </th>
< td >
< input name = " default_geourl_lon " type = " text " id = " default_geourl_lon " value = " <?php form_option('default_geourl_lon'); ?> " size = " 50 " />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th scope = " row " > </ th >
< td >< label >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " use_default_geourl " value = " 1 " < ? php checked ( '1' , get_settings ( 'use_default_geourl' )); ?> />
< ? php _e ( 'Use default location values if none specified.' ) ?> </label></td>
</ tr >
</ table >
</ fieldset >
< p >
< label >< input type = " checkbox " name = " hack_file " value = " 1 " < ? php checked ( '1' , get_settings ( 'hack_file' )); ?> /> <?php _e('Use legacy <code>my-hacks.php</code> file support') ?></label>
</ p >
< p class = " submit " >
< input type = " submit " name = " Submit " value = " <?php _e('Update Options') ?> » " />
</ p >
</ form >
</ div >
2004-04-24 19:25:53 -04:00
2004-09-04 20:24:28 -04:00
< ? php include ( './admin-footer.php' ); ?>