mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 07:00:01 +00:00
Introduce metadata_exists(), WP_User::get_data_by(), WP_User::get(), WP_User::has_prop(). Don't fill user objects with meta. Eliminate data duplication in cache and memory. Props scribu. see #15458
git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@18597 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This commit is contained in:
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class WP_Users_List_Table extends WP_List_Table {
if ( !( is_object( $user_object ) && is_a( $user_object, 'WP_User' ) ) )
$user_object = new WP_User( (int) $user_object );
$user_object = sanitize_user_object( $user_object, 'display' );
$user_object->filter = 'display';
$email = $user_object->user_email;
if ( $this->is_site_users )
@ -226,16 +226,7 @@ function get_editable_roles() {
function get_user_to_edit( $user_id ) {
$user = new WP_User( $user_id );
$user_contactmethods = _wp_get_user_contactmethods( $user );
foreach ($user_contactmethods as $method => $name) {
if ( empty( $user->{$method} ) )
$user->{$method} = '';
if ( empty($user->description) )
$user->description = '';
$user = sanitize_user_object($user, 'edit');
$user->filter = 'edit';
return $user;
@ -420,42 +420,109 @@ class WP_User {
var $filter = null;
private static $back_compat_keys = array(
'user_firstname' => 'first_name',
'user_lastname' => 'last_name',
'user_description' => 'description'
* Constructor - Sets up the object properties.
* Constructor
* Retrieves the userdata and then assigns all of the data keys to direct
* properties of the object. Calls {@link WP_User::_init_caps()} after
* setting up the object's user data properties.
* Retrieves the userdata and passes it to {@link WP_User::init()}.
* @since 2.0.0
* @access public
* @param int|string $id User's ID or username
* @param int $name Optional. User's username
* @param int|string $id User's ID
* @param string $name Optional. User's username
* @param int $blog_id Optional Blog ID, defaults to current blog.
* @return WP_User
function __construct( $id, $name = '', $blog_id = '' ) {
if ( empty( $id ) && empty( $name ) )
function __construct( $id = 0, $name = '', $blog_id = '' ) {
if ( ! is_numeric( $id ) ) {
$name = $id;
$id = 0;
if ( ! empty( $id ) )
$this->data = get_userdata( $id );
if ( $id )
$data = self::get_data_by( 'id', $id );
$this->data = get_user_by('login', $name );
$data = self::get_data_by( 'login', $name );
if ( empty( $this->data->ID ) )
if ( $data )
$this->init( $data, $blog_id );
* Sets up object properties, including capabilities.
* @param object $data User DB row object
* @param int $blog_id Optional. The blog id to initialize for
function init( $data, $blog_id = '' ) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->ID = (int) $data->ID;
$this->ID = $this->data->ID;
$this->for_blog( $blog_id );
* Return only the main user fields
* @since 3.3.0
* @param string $field The field to query against: 'id', 'slug', 'email' or 'login'
* @param string|int $value The field value
static function get_data_by( $field, $value ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( 'id' == $field )
$value = absint( $value );
$value = trim( $value );
if ( !$value )
return false;
switch ( $field ) {
case 'id':
$user_id = $value;
$db_field = 'ID';
case 'slug':
$user_id = wp_cache_get($value, 'userslugs');
$db_field = 'user_nicename';
case 'email':
$user_id = wp_cache_get($value, 'useremail');
$db_field = 'user_email';
case 'login':
$value = sanitize_user( $value );
$user_id = wp_cache_get($value, 'userlogins');
$db_field = 'user_login';
return false;
if ( false !== $user_id ) {
if ( $user = wp_cache_get( $user_id, 'users' ) )
return $user;
if ( !$user = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE $db_field = %s", $value
) ) )
return false;
update_user_caches( $user );
return $user;
* Magic method for checking the existance of a certain custom field
@ -466,7 +533,14 @@ class WP_User {
_deprecated_argument( 'WP_User->id', '2.1', __( 'Use <code>WP_User->ID</code> instead.' ) );
$key = 'ID';
return isset( $this->data->$key );
if ( isset( $this->data->$key ) )
return true;
if ( isset( self::$back_compat_keys[ $key ] ) )
$key = self::$back_compat_keys[ $key ];
return metadata_exists( 'user', $this->ID, $key );
@ -480,7 +554,19 @@ class WP_User {
return $this->ID;
return $this->data->$key;
if ( isset( $this->data->$key ) ) {
$value = $this->data->$key;
} else {
if ( isset( self::$back_compat_keys[ $key ] ) )
$key = self::$back_compat_keys[ $key ];
$value = get_user_meta( $this->ID, $key, true );
if ( $this->filter ) {
$value = sanitize_user_field( $key, $value, $this->ID, $this->filter );
return $value;
@ -498,6 +584,32 @@ class WP_User {
$this->data->$key = $value;
* Retrieve the value of a property or meta key.
* Retrieves from the users and usermeta table.
* @since 3.3.0
* @param string $key Property
function get( $key ) {
return $this->__get( $key );
* Determine whether a property or meta key is set
* Consults the users and usermeta tables.
* @since 3.3.0
* @param string $key Property
function has_prop( $key ) {
return $this->__isset( $key );
* Set up capability object properties.
@ -519,7 +631,8 @@ class WP_User {
$this->cap_key = $cap_key;
$this->caps = &$this->data->{$this->cap_key};
$this->caps = get_user_meta( $this->ID, $this->cap_key, true );
if ( ! is_array( $this->caps ) )
$this->caps = array();
@ -662,7 +775,7 @@ class WP_User {
function update_user_level_from_caps() {
global $wpdb;
$this->user_level = array_reduce( array_keys( $this->allcaps ), array( &$this, 'level_reduction' ), 0 );
$this->user_level = array_reduce( array_keys( $this->allcaps ), array( $this, 'level_reduction' ), 0 );
update_user_meta( $this->ID, $wpdb->prefix . 'user_level', $this->user_level );
@ -1066,7 +1179,7 @@ function current_user_can( $capability ) {
$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
$args = array_merge( array( $capability ), $args );
return call_user_func_array( array( &$current_user, 'has_cap' ), $args );
return call_user_func_array( array( $current_user, 'has_cap' ), $args );
@ -2627,13 +2627,13 @@ function wp_timezone_supported() {
function wp_default_editor() {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.3' );
global $wp_editor;
if ( !is_a($wp_editor, 'WP_Editor') ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-editor.php' );
$wp_editor = new WP_Editor;
return $wp_editor->wp_default_editor();
@ -2641,7 +2641,7 @@ function wp_default_editor() {
* Display editor: TinyMCE, HTML, or both.
* @since 2.1.0
* @deprecated 3.3
* @deprecated 3.3
* @param string $content Textarea content.
* @param string $id Optional, default is 'content'. HTML ID attribute value.
@ -2650,8 +2650,74 @@ function wp_default_editor() {
* @param int $tab_index Optional, not used
function the_editor($content, $id = 'content', $prev_id = 'title', $media_buttons = true, $tab_index = 2, $extended = true) {
wp_editor( $content, $id, array( 'media_buttons' => $media_buttons ) );
* Perform the query to get the $metavalues array(s) needed by _fill_user and _fill_many_users
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $ids User ID numbers list.
* @return array of arrays. The array is indexed by user_id, containing $metavalues object arrays.
function get_user_metavalues($ids) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.3' );
$objects = array();
$ids = array_map('intval', $ids);
foreach ( $ids as $id )
$objects[$id] = array();
$metas = update_meta_cache('user', $ids);
foreach ( $metas as $id => $meta ) {
foreach ( $meta as $key => $metavalues ) {
foreach ( $metavalues as $value ) {
$objects[$id][] = (object)array( 'user_id' => $id, 'meta_key' => $key, 'meta_value' => $value);
return $objects;
* Sanitize every user field.
* If the context is 'raw', then the user object or array will get minimal santization of the int fields.
* @since 2.3.0
* @deprecated 3.3.0
* @uses sanitize_user_field() Used to sanitize the fields.
* @param object|array $user The User Object or Array
* @param string $context Optional, default is 'display'. How to sanitize user fields.
* @return object|array The now sanitized User Object or Array (will be the same type as $user)
function sanitize_user_object($user, $context = 'display') {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.3' );
if ( is_object($user) ) {
if ( !isset($user->ID) )
$user->ID = 0;
if ( !is_a( $user, 'WP_User' ) ) {
$vars = get_object_vars($user);
foreach ( array_keys($vars) as $field ) {
if ( is_string($user->$field) || is_numeric($user->$field) )
$user->$field = sanitize_user_field($field, $user->$field, $user->ID, $context);
$user->filter = $context;
} else {
if ( !isset($user['ID']) )
$user['ID'] = 0;
foreach ( array_keys($user) as $field )
$user[$field] = sanitize_user_field($field, $user[$field], $user['ID'], $context);
$user['filter'] = $context;
return $user;
@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ function add_metadata($meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $unique =
$mid = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
wp_cache_delete($object_id, $meta_type . '_meta');
// users cache stores usermeta that must be cleared.
if ( 'user' == $meta_type )
do_action( "added_{$meta_type}_meta", $mid, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value );
@ -149,21 +146,18 @@ function update_metadata($meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_v
do_action( "update_{$meta_type}_meta", $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value );
if ( 'post' == $meta_type )
do_action( 'update_postmeta', $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );
do_action( 'update_postmeta', $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );
$wpdb->update( $table, $data, $where );
wp_cache_delete($object_id, $meta_type . '_meta');
// users cache stores usermeta that must be cleared.
if ( 'user' == $meta_type )
do_action( "updated_{$meta_type}_meta", $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value );
if ( 'post' == $meta_type )
do_action( 'updated_postmeta', $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );
do_action( 'updated_postmeta', $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );
return true;
@ -210,7 +204,7 @@ function delete_metadata($meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '', $d
$_meta_value = $meta_value;
$meta_value = maybe_serialize( $meta_value );
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT $id_column FROM $table WHERE meta_key = %s", $meta_key );
if ( !$delete_all )
@ -227,7 +221,7 @@ function delete_metadata($meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '', $d
$object_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT $type_column FROM $table WHERE meta_key = %s", $meta_key ) );
do_action( "delete_{$meta_type}_meta", $meta_ids, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value );
if ( 'post' == $meta_type )
do_action( 'delete_postmeta', $meta_ids );
@ -246,12 +240,8 @@ function delete_metadata($meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '', $d
wp_cache_delete($object_id, $meta_type . '_meta');
// users cache stores usermeta that must be cleared.
if ( 'user' == $meta_type )
do_action( "deleted_{$meta_type}_meta", $meta_ids, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value );
if ( 'post' == $meta_type )
do_action( 'deleted_postmeta', $meta_ids );
@ -309,6 +299,40 @@ function get_metadata($meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key = '', $single = false) {
return array();
* Determine if a meta key is set for a given object
* @since 3.3.0
* @param string $meta_type Type of object metadata is for (e.g., comment, post, or user)
* @param int $object_id ID of the object metadata is for
* @param string $meta_key Metadata key.
* @return boolean true of the key is set, false if not.
function metadata_exists( $meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key ) {
if ( ! $meta_type )
return false;
if ( ! $object_id = absint( $object_id ) )
return false;
$check = apply_filters( "get_{$meta_type}_metadata", null, $object_id, $meta_key, true );
if ( null !== $check )
return true;
$meta_cache = wp_cache_get( $object_id, $meta_type . '_meta' );
if ( !$meta_cache ) {
$meta_cache = update_meta_cache( $meta_type, array( $object_id ) );
$meta_cache = $meta_cache[$object_id];
if ( isset( $meta_cache[ $meta_key ] ) )
return true;
return false;
* Get meta data by meta ID
@ -406,16 +430,12 @@ function update_metadata_by_mid( $meta_type, $meta_id, $meta_value, $meta_key =
if ( 'post' == $meta_type )
do_action( 'update_postmeta', $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );
// Run the update query, all fields in $data are %s, $where is a %d.
$result = (bool) $wpdb->update( $table, $data, $where, '%s', '%d' );
// Clear the caches.
wp_cache_delete($object_id, $meta_type . '_meta');
// Users cache stores usermeta that must be cleared.
if ( 'user' == $meta_type )
do_action( "updated_{$meta_type}_meta", $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value );
@ -424,7 +444,7 @@ function update_metadata_by_mid( $meta_type, $meta_id, $meta_value, $meta_key =
return $result;
// And if the meta was not found.
return false;
@ -443,7 +463,7 @@ function update_metadata_by_mid( $meta_type, $meta_id, $meta_value, $meta_key =
function delete_metadata_by_mid( $meta_type, $meta_id ) {
global $wpdb;
// Make sure everything is valid.
if ( ! $meta_type )
return false;
@ -453,7 +473,7 @@ function delete_metadata_by_mid( $meta_type, $meta_id ) {
if ( ! $table = _get_meta_table( $meta_type ) )
return false;
// object and id columns
$column = esc_sql($meta_type . '_id');
$id_column = 'user' == $meta_type ? 'umeta_id' : 'meta_id';
@ -473,10 +493,6 @@ function delete_metadata_by_mid( $meta_type, $meta_id ) {
// Clear the caches.
wp_cache_delete($object_id, $meta_type . '_meta');
// Users cache stores usermeta that must be cleared.
if ( 'user' == $meta_type )
do_action( "deleted_{$meta_type}_meta", (array) $meta_id, $object_id, $meta->meta_key, $meta->meta_value );
if ( 'post' == $meta_type )
@ -485,7 +501,7 @@ function delete_metadata_by_mid( $meta_type, $meta_id ) {
return $result;
// Meta id was not found.
return false;
@ -818,7 +834,7 @@ function sanitize_meta( $meta_key, $meta_value, $meta_type ) {
* Register meta key
* @since 3.3.0
* @param string $meta_type Type of meta
@ -98,61 +98,10 @@ if ( !function_exists('get_userdata') ) :
* @since 0.71
* @param int $user_id User ID
* @return bool|object False on failure, User DB row object
* @return bool|object False on failure, WP_User object on success
function get_userdata( $user_id ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! is_numeric( $user_id ) )
return false;
$user_id = absint( $user_id );
if ( ! $user_id )
return false;
$user = wp_cache_get( $user_id, 'users' );
if ( $user )
return $user;
if ( ! $user = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID = %d LIMIT 1", $user_id ) ) )
return false;
_fill_user( $user );
return $user;
if ( !function_exists('cache_users') ) :
* Retrieve info for user lists to prevent multiple queries by get_userdata()
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $users User ID numbers list
function cache_users( $users ) {
global $wpdb;
$clean = array();
foreach($users as $id) {
$id = (int) $id;
if (wp_cache_get($id, 'users')) {
// seems to be cached already
} else {
$clean[] = $id;
if ( 0 == count($clean) )
$list = implode(',', $clean);
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID IN ($list)");
return get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
@ -164,44 +113,56 @@ if ( !function_exists('get_user_by') ) :
* @param string $field The field to retrieve the user with. id | slug | email | login
* @param int|string $value A value for $field. A user ID, slug, email address, or login name.
* @return bool|object False on failure, User DB row object
* @return bool|object False on failure, WP_User object on success
function get_user_by($field, $value) {
global $wpdb;
function get_user_by( $field, $value ) {
$userdata = WP_User::get_data_by( $field, $value );
switch ($field) {
case 'id':
return get_userdata($value);
case 'slug':
$user_id = wp_cache_get($value, 'userslugs');
$field = 'user_nicename';
case 'email':
$user_id = wp_cache_get($value, 'useremail');
$field = 'user_email';
case 'login':
$value = sanitize_user( $value );
$user_id = wp_cache_get($value, 'userlogins');
$field = 'user_login';
return false;
if ( false !== $user_id )
return get_userdata($user_id);
if ( !$user = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE $field = %s", $value) ) )
if ( !$userdata )
return false;
$user = new WP_User;
$user->init( $userdata );
return $user;
if ( !function_exists('cache_users') ) :
* Retrieve info for user lists to prevent multiple queries by get_userdata()
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $user_ids User ID numbers list
function cache_users( $user_ids ) {
global $wpdb;
$clean = array();
foreach ( $user_ids as $id ) {
$id = (int) $id;
if ( !wp_cache_get( $id, 'users' ) ) {
$clean[] = $id;
if ( empty( $clean ) )
$list = implode( ',', $clean );
$users = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID IN ($list)" );
$ids = array();
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
update_user_caches( $user );
$ids[] = $user->ID;
update_meta_cache( 'user', $ids );
if ( !function_exists( 'wp_mail' ) ) :
* Send mail, similar to PHP's mail
@ -254,20 +254,18 @@ function get_user_option( $option, $user = 0, $deprecated = '' ) {
if ( !empty( $deprecated ) )
_deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.0' );
if ( empty($user) ) {
if ( empty( $user ) )
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$user = $user->ID;
$user = new WP_User( $user );
$user = get_userdata($user);
if ( ! isset( $user->ID ) )
return false;
// Keys used as object vars cannot have dashes.
$key = str_replace('-', '', $option);
if ( isset( $user->{$wpdb->prefix . $key} ) ) // Blog specific
$result = $user->{$wpdb->prefix . $key};
elseif ( isset( $user->{$key} ) ) // User specific and cross-blog
$result = $user->{$key};
if ( $user->has_prop( $wpdb->prefix . $option ) ) // Blog specific
$result = $user->get( $wpdb->prefix . $option );
elseif ( $user->has_prop( $option ) ) // User specific and cross-blog
$result = $user->get( $option );
$result = false;
@ -680,13 +678,13 @@ function get_blogs_of_user( $id, $all = false ) {
if ( false === $blogs ) {
$user = get_userdata( (int) $id );
if ( !$user )
$userkeys = array_keys( get_user_meta( (int) $id ) );
if ( empty( $userkeys ) )
return false;
$blogs = $match = array();
$prefix_length = strlen($wpdb->base_prefix);
foreach ( (array) $user as $key => $value ) {
$prefix_length = strlen( $wpdb->base_prefix );
foreach ( $userkeys as $key ) {
if ( $prefix_length && substr($key, 0, $prefix_length) != $wpdb->base_prefix )
if ( substr($key, -12, 12) != 'capabilities' )
@ -793,7 +791,7 @@ function delete_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '') {
* @return mixed Will be an array if $single is false. Will be value of meta data field if $single
* is true.
function get_user_meta($user_id, $key, $single = false) {
function get_user_meta($user_id, $key = '', $single = false) {
return get_metadata('user', $user_id, $key, $single);
@ -1042,141 +1040,6 @@ function wp_dropdown_users( $args = '' ) {
return $output;
* Add user meta data as properties to given user object.
* The finished user data is cached, but the cache is not used to fill in the
* user data for the given object. Once the function has been used, the cache
* should be used to retrieve user data. The intention is if the current data
* had been cached already, there would be no need to call this function.
* @access private
* @since 2.5.0
* @uses $wpdb WordPress database object for queries
* @param object $user The user data object.
function _fill_user( &$user ) {
$metavalues = get_user_metavalues(array($user->ID));
_fill_single_user($user, $metavalues[$user->ID]);
* Perform the query to get the $metavalues array(s) needed by _fill_user and _fill_many_users
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $ids User ID numbers list.
* @return array of arrays. The array is indexed by user_id, containing $metavalues object arrays.
function get_user_metavalues($ids) {
$objects = array();
$ids = array_map('intval', $ids);
foreach ( $ids as $id )
$objects[$id] = array();
$metas = update_meta_cache('user', $ids);
foreach ( $metas as $id => $meta ) {
foreach ( $meta as $key => $metavalues ) {
foreach ( $metavalues as $value ) {
$objects[$id][] = (object)array( 'user_id' => $id, 'meta_key' => $key, 'meta_value' => $value);
return $objects;
* Unserialize user metadata, fill $user object, then cache everything.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param object $user The User object.
* @param array $metavalues An array of objects provided by get_user_metavalues()
function _fill_single_user( &$user, &$metavalues ) {
global $wpdb;
foreach ( $metavalues as $meta ) {
$value = maybe_unserialize($meta->meta_value);
// Keys used as object vars cannot have dashes.
$key = str_replace('-', '', $meta->meta_key);
$user->{$key} = $value;
$level = $wpdb->prefix . 'user_level';
if ( isset( $user->{$level} ) )
$user->user_level = $user->{$level};
// For backwards compat.
if ( isset($user->first_name) )
$user->user_firstname = $user->first_name;
if ( isset($user->last_name) )
$user->user_lastname = $user->last_name;
if ( isset($user->description) )
$user->user_description = $user->description;
* Take an array of user objects, fill them with metas, and cache them.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $users User objects
function _fill_many_users( &$users ) {
$ids = array();
foreach( $users as $user_object ) {
$ids[] = $user_object->ID;
$metas = get_user_metavalues($ids);
foreach ( $users as $user_object ) {
if ( isset($metas[$user_object->ID]) ) {
_fill_single_user($user_object, $metas[$user_object->ID]);
* Sanitize every user field.
* If the context is 'raw', then the user object or array will get minimal santization of the int fields.
* @since 2.3.0
* @uses sanitize_user_field() Used to sanitize the fields.
* @param object|array $user The User Object or Array
* @param string $context Optional, default is 'display'. How to sanitize user fields.
* @return object|array The now sanitized User Object or Array (will be the same type as $user)
function sanitize_user_object($user, $context = 'display') {
if ( is_object($user) ) {
if ( !isset($user->ID) )
$user->ID = 0;
if ( isset($user->data) )
$vars = get_object_vars( $user->data );
$vars = get_object_vars($user);
foreach ( array_keys($vars) as $field ) {
if ( is_string($user->$field) || is_numeric($user->$field) )
$user->$field = sanitize_user_field($field, $user->$field, $user->ID, $context);
$user->filter = $context;
} else {
if ( !isset($user['ID']) )
$user['ID'] = 0;
foreach ( array_keys($user) as $field )
$user[$field] = sanitize_user_field($field, $user[$field], $user['ID'], $context);
$user['filter'] = $context;
return $user;
* Sanitize user field based on context.
@ -1264,7 +1127,7 @@ function sanitize_user_field($field, $value, $user_id, $context) {
* @param object $user User object to be cached
function update_user_caches(&$user) {
function update_user_caches($user) {
wp_cache_add($user->ID, $user, 'users');
wp_cache_add($user->user_login, $user->ID, 'userlogins');
wp_cache_add($user->user_email, $user->ID, 'useremail');
@ -1279,7 +1142,7 @@ function update_user_caches(&$user) {
* @param int $id User ID
function clean_user_cache($id) {
$user = new WP_User($id);
$user = WP_User::get_data_by( 'id', $id );
wp_cache_delete($id, 'users');
wp_cache_delete($user->user_login, 'userlogins');
@ -1390,7 +1253,7 @@ function wp_insert_user($userdata) {
if ( !empty($ID) ) {
$ID = (int) $ID;
$update = true;
$old_user_data = get_userdata($ID);
$old_user_data = WP_User::get_data_by( 'id', $ID );
} else {
$update = false;
// Hash the password
@ -1548,7 +1411,7 @@ function wp_update_user($userdata) {
$ID = (int) $userdata['ID'];
// First, get all of the original fields
$user = get_userdata($ID);
$user = WP_User::get_data_by('id', $ID);
// Escape data pulled from DB.
$user = add_magic_quotes(get_object_vars($user));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user