diff --git a/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php b/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php
index e69de29bb2..657fe93906 100644
--- a/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php
+++ b/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ echo '
'.__('Import LiveJournal').'
+ }
+ function footer() {
+ echo '';
+ }
+ function unhtmlentities($string) { // From php.net for < 4.3 compat
+ $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
+ $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
+ return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);
+ }
+ function greet() {
+ echo ''.__('Howdy! This importer allows you to extract posts from LiveJournal XML export file into your blog. Pick a LiveJournal file to upload and click Import.').'
+ wp_import_upload_form("admin.php?import=livejournal&step=1");
+ }
+ function get_posts() {
+ global $wpdb, $current_user;
+ set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
+ $datalines = file($this->file); // Read the file into an array
+ $importdata = implode('', $datalines); // squish it
+ $importdata = str_replace(array ("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $importdata);
+ preg_match_all('|(.*?)|is', $importdata, $this->posts);
+ $this->posts = $this->posts[1];
+ $index = 0;
+ foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_title);
+ $post_title = $wpdb->escape(trim($post_title[1]));
+ if ( empty($post_title) ) {
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_title);
+ $post_title = $wpdb->escape(trim($post_title[1]));
+ }
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_date);
+ $post_date = strtotime($post_date[1]);
+ $post_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post_date);
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_content);
+ $post_content = str_replace(array (''), '', $wpdb->escape(trim($post_content[1])));
+ if (!$post_content) {
+ // This is for feeds that put content in description
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_content);
+ $post_content = $wpdb->escape($this->unhtmlentities(trim($post_content[1])));
+ }
+ // Clean up content
+ $post_content = preg_replace('|<(/?[A-Z]+)|e', "'<' . strtolower('$1')", $post_content);
+ $post_content = str_replace('
', '
', $post_content);
+ $post_content = str_replace('
', '
', $post_content);
+ $post_author = $current_user->ID;
+ $post_status = 'publish';
+ $this->posts[$index] = compact('post_author', 'post_date', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_status');
+ $index++;
+ }
+ }
+ function import_posts() {
+ echo '';
+ foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
+ echo "- ".__('Importing post...');
+ extract($post);
+ if ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) {
+ _e('Post already imported');
+ } else {
+ $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
+ if (!$post_id) {
+ _e("Couldn't get post ID");
+ return;
+ }
+ _e('Done !');
+ }
+ echo '
+ }
+ echo '
+ }
+ function import() {
+ $file = wp_import_handle_upload();
+ if ( isset($file['error']) ) {
+ echo $file['error'];
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->file = $file['file'];
+ $this->get_posts();
+ $this->import_posts();
+ wp_import_cleanup($file['id']);
+ echo '';
+ printf(__('All done. Have fun!'), get_option('home'));
+ echo '
+ }
+ function dispatch() {
+ if (empty ($_GET['step']))
+ $step = 0;
+ else
+ $step = (int) $_GET['step'];
+ $this->header();
+ switch ($step) {
+ case 0 :
+ $this->greet();
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ $this->import();
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->footer();
+ }
+ function LJ_Import() {
+ // Nothing.
+ }
+$livejournal_import = new LJ_Import();
+//register_importer('livejournal', 'LiveJournal', __('Import posts from LiveJournal'), array ($livejournal_import, 'dispatch'));
diff --git a/wp-admin/import/rss.php b/wp-admin/import/rss.php
index c79bf99e75..e4a81673df 100644
--- a/wp-admin/import/rss.php
+++ b/wp-admin/import/rss.php
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@