diff --git a/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js b/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js
index 212c02d638..82449aa24e 100644
--- a/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js
+++ b/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js
@@ -5584,12 +5584,167 @@
// Change objects contained within the main customize object to Settings.
api.defaultConstructor = api.Setting;
- // Create the collections for Controls, Sections and Panels.
+ /**
+ * Callback for resolved controls.
+ *
+ * @callback deferredControlsCallback
+ * @param {wp.customize.Control[]} Resolved controls.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Collection of all registered controls.
+ *
+ * @since 3.4.0
+ *
+ * @type {Function}
+ * @param {...string} ids - One or more ids for controls to obtain.
+ * @param {deferredControlsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied controls exist.
+ * @returns {wp.customize.Control|undefined|jQuery.promise} Control instance or undefined (if function called with one id param), or promise resolving to requested controls.
+ *
+ * @example
Loop over all registered controls.
+ * wp.customize.control.each( function( control ) { ... } );
+ *
+ * @example Getting `background_color` control instance.
+ * control = wp.customize.control( 'background_color' );
+ *
+ * @example Check if control exists.
+ * hasControl = wp.customize.control.has( 'background_color' );
+ *
+ * @example Deferred getting of `background_color` control until it exists, using callback.
+ * wp.customize.control( 'background_color', function( control ) { ... } );
+ *
+ * @example Get title and tagline controls when they both exist, using promise (only available when multiple IDs are present).
+ * promise = wp.customize.control( 'blogname', 'blogdescription' );
+ * promise.done( function( titleControl, taglineControl ) { ... } );
+ *
+ * @example Get title and tagline controls when they both exist, using callback.
+ * wp.customize.control( 'blogname', 'blogdescription', function( titleControl, taglineControl ) { ... } );
+ *
+ * @example Getting setting value for `background_color` control.
+ * value = wp.customize.control( 'background_color ').setting.get();
+ * value = wp.customize( 'background_color' ).get(); // Same as above, since setting ID and control ID are the same.
+ *
+ * @example Add new control for site title.
+ * wp.customize.control.add( new wp.customize.Control( 'other_blogname', {
+ * setting: 'blogname',
+ * type: 'text',
+ * label: 'Site title',
+ * section: 'other_site_identify'
+ * } ) );
+ *
+ * @example Remove control.
+ * wp.customize.control.remove( 'other_blogname' );
+ *
+ * @example Listen for control being added.
+ * wp.customize.control.bind( 'add', function( addedControl ) { ... } )
+ *
+ * @example Listen for control being removed.
+ * wp.customize.control.bind( 'removed', function( removedControl ) { ... } )
+ */
api.control = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Control });
+ /**
+ * Callback for resolved sections.
+ *
+ * @callback deferredSectionsCallback
+ * @param {wp.customize.Section[]} Resolved sections.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Collection of all registered sections.
+ *
+ * @since 3.4.0
+ *
+ * @type {Function}
+ * @param {...string} ids - One or more ids for sections to obtain.
+ * @param {deferredSectionsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied sections exist.
+ * @returns {wp.customize.Section|undefined|jQuery.promise} Section instance or undefined (if function called with one id param), or promise resolving to requested sections.
+ *
+ * @example Loop over all registered sections.
+ * wp.customize.section.each( function( section ) { ... } )
+ *
+ * @example Getting `title_tagline` section instance.
+ * section = wp.customize.section( 'title_tagline' )
+ *
+ * @example Expand dynamically-created section when it exists.
+ * wp.customize.section( 'dynamically_created', function( section ) {
+ * section.expand();
+ * } );
+ *
+ * @see {@link wp.customize.control} for further examples of how to interact with {@link wp.customize.Values} instances.
+ */
api.section = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Section });
+ /**
+ * Callback for resolved panels.
+ *
+ * @callback deferredPanelsCallback
+ * @param {wp.customize.Panel[]} Resolved panels.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Collection of all registered panels.
+ *
+ * @since 4.0.0
+ *
+ * @type {Function}
+ * @param {...string} ids - One or more ids for panels to obtain.
+ * @param {deferredPanelsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied panels exist.
+ * @returns {wp.customize.Panel|undefined|jQuery.promise} Panel instance or undefined (if function called with one id param), or promise resolving to requested panels.
+ *
+ * @example Loop over all registered panels.
+ * wp.customize.panel.each( function( panel ) { ... } )
+ *
+ * @example Getting nav_menus panel instance.
+ * panel = wp.customize.panel( 'nav_menus' );
+ *
+ * @example Expand dynamically-created panel when it exists.
+ * wp.customize.panel( 'dynamically_created', function( panel ) {
+ * panel.expand();
+ * } );
+ *
+ * @see {@link wp.customize.control} for further examples of how to interact with {@link wp.customize.Values} instances.
+ */
api.panel = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Panel });
- // Create the collection for global Notifications.
+ /**
+ * Callback for resolved notifications.
+ *
+ * @callback deferredNotificationsCallback
+ * @param {wp.customize.Notification[]} Resolved notifications.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Collection of all global notifications.
+ *
+ * @since 4.9.0
+ *
+ * @type {Function}
+ * @param {...string} codes - One or more codes for notifications to obtain.
+ * @param {deferredNotificationsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied notifications exist.
+ * @returns {wp.customize.Notification|undefined|jQuery.promise} notification instance or undefined (if function called with one code param), or promise resolving to requested notifications.
+ *
+ * @example Check if existing notification
+ * exists = wp.customize.notifications.has( 'a_new_day_arrived' );
+ *
+ * @example Obtain existing notification
+ * notification = wp.customize.notifications( 'a_new_day_arrived' );
+ *
+ * @example Obtain notification that may not exist yet.
+ * wp.customize.notifications( 'a_new_day_arrived', function( notification ) { ... } );
+ *
+ * @example Add a warning notification.
+ * wp.customize.notifications.add( new wp.customize.Notification( 'midnight_almost_here', {
+ * type: 'warning',
+ * message: 'Midnight has almost arrived!',
+ * dismissible: true
+ * } ) );
+ *
+ * @example Remove a notification.
+ * wp.customize.notifications.remove( 'a_new_day_arrived' );
+ *
+ * @see {@link wp.customize.control} for further examples of how to interact with {@link wp.customize.Values} instances.
+ */
api.notifications = new api.Notifications();
diff --git a/wp-includes/version.php b/wp-includes/version.php
index 3918a98647..9ce48785cd 100644
--- a/wp-includes/version.php
+++ b/wp-includes/version.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* @global string $wp_version
-$wp_version = '4.9-beta1-41798';
+$wp_version = '4.9-beta1-41799';
* Holds the WordPress DB revision, increments when changes are made to the WordPress DB schema.