Update mce-view.js and the `wpview` TinyMCE plugin, and use them to show gallery previews in the Visual editor, props gcorne, see #26959

Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@27408

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@27255 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Ozz 2014-03-05 07:01:14 +00:00
parent 0e9ef2491c
commit 6074dfa272
11 changed files with 733 additions and 428 deletions

View File

@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ final class _WP_Editors {
) ) );
if ( ( $key = array_search( 'spellchecker', $plugins ) ) !== false ) {
@ -501,6 +502,9 @@ final class _WP_Editors {
if ( self::$has_medialib ) {
if ( self::$has_tinymce )

View File

@ -1,173 +1,95 @@
/* global tinymce */
// Ensure the global `wp` object exists.
window.wp = window.wp || {};
var views = {},
instances = {};
instances = {},
media = wp.media,
viewOptions = ['encodedText'];
// Create the `wp.mce` object if necessary.
wp.mce = wp.mce || {};
// wp.mce.view
// -----------
// A set of utilities that simplifies adding custom UI within a TinyMCE editor.
// At its core, it serves as a series of converters, transforming text to a
// custom UI, and back again.
wp.mce.view = {
// ### defaults
defaults: {
// The default properties used for objects with the `pattern` key in
// `wp.mce.view.add()`.
pattern: {
view: Backbone.View,
text: function( instance ) {
return instance.options.original;
* wp.mce.View
* A Backbone-like View constructor intended for use when rendering a TinyMCE View. The main difference is
* that the TinyMCE View is not tied to a particular DOM node.
wp.mce.View = function( options ) {
options || (options = {});
_.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
toView: function( content ) {
if ( ! this.pattern )
this.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
var match = this.pattern.exec( content );
if ( ! match )
return {
index: match.index,
content: match[0],
options: {
original: match[0],
results: match
_.extend( wp.mce.View.prototype, {
initialize: function() {},
html: function() {},
render: function() {
var html = this.getHtml();
// Search all tinymce editor instances and update the placeholders
_.each( tinymce.editors, function( editor ) {
var doc;
if ( editor.plugins.wpview ) {
doc = editor.getDoc();
$( doc ).find( '[data-wpview-text="' + this.encodedText + '"]' ).html( html );
}, this );
} );
// The default properties used for objects with the `shortcode` key in
// `wp.mce.view.add()`.
shortcode: {
view: Backbone.View,
text: function( instance ) {
return instance.options.shortcode.string();
// take advantage of the Backbone extend method
wp.mce.View.extend = Backbone.View.extend;
toView: function( content ) {
var match = wp.shortcode.next( this.shortcode, content );
* wp.mce.views
* A set of utilities that simplifies adding custom UI within a TinyMCE editor.
* At its core, it serves as a series of converters, transforming text to a
* custom UI, and back again.
wp.mce.views = {
if ( ! match )
return {
index: match.index,
content: match.content,
options: {
shortcode: match.shortcode
* wp.mce.views.register( type, view )
* Registers a new TinyMCE view.
* @param type
* @param constructor
register: function( type, constructor ) {
views[ type ] = constructor;
// ### add( id, options )
// Registers a new TinyMCE view.
// Accepts a unique `id` and an `options` object.
// `options` accepts the following properties:
// * `pattern` is the regular expression used to scan the content and
// detect matching views.
// * `view` is a `Backbone.View` constructor. If a plain object is
// provided, it will automatically extend the parent constructor
// (usually `Backbone.View`). Views are instantiated when the `pattern`
// is successfully matched. The instance's `options` object is provided
// with the `original` matched value, the match `results` including
// capture groups, and the `viewType`, which is the constructor's `id`.
// * `extend` an existing view by passing in its `id`. The current
// view will inherit all properties from the parent view, and if
// `view` is set to a plain object, it will extend the parent `view`
// constructor.
// * `text` is a method that accepts an instance of the `view`
// constructor and transforms it into a text representation.
add: function( id, options ) {
var parent, remove, base, properties;
// Fetch the parent view or the default options.
if ( options.extend )
parent = wp.mce.view.get( options.extend );
else if ( options.shortcode )
parent = wp.mce.view.defaults.shortcode;
parent = wp.mce.view.defaults.pattern;
// Extend the `options` object with the parent's properties.
_.defaults( options, parent );
options.id = id;
// Create properties used to enhance the view for use in TinyMCE.
properties = {
// Ensure the wrapper element and references to the view are
// removed. Otherwise, removed views could randomly restore.
remove: function() {
delete instances[ this.el.id ];
// Trigger the inherited `remove` method.
if ( remove )
remove.apply( this, arguments );
return this;
// If the `view` provided was an object, use the parent's
// `view` constructor as a base. If a `view` constructor
// was provided, treat that as the base.
if ( _.isFunction( options.view ) ) {
base = options.view;
} else {
base = parent.view;
remove = options.view.remove;
_.defaults( properties, options.view );
// If there's a `remove` method on the `base` view that wasn't
// created by this method, inherit it.
if ( ! remove && ! base._mceview )
remove = base.prototype.remove;
// Automatically create the new `Backbone.View` constructor.
options.view = base.extend( properties, {
// Flag that the new view has been created by `wp.mce.view`.
_mceview: true
views[ id ] = options;
* wp.mce.views.get( id )
* Returns a TinyMCE view constructor.
get: function( type ) {
return views[ type ];
// ### get( id )
// Returns a TinyMCE view options object.
get: function( id ) {
return views[ id ];
* wp.mce.views.unregister( type )
* Unregisters a TinyMCE view.
unregister: function( type ) {
delete views[ type ];
// ### remove( id )
// Unregisters a TinyMCE view.
remove: function( id ) {
delete views[ id ];
// ### toViews( content )
// Scans a `content` string for each view's pattern, replacing any
// matches with wrapper elements, and creates a new view instance for
// every match.
// To render the views, call `wp.mce.view.render( scope )`.
* toViews( content )
* Scans a `content` string for each view's pattern, replacing any
* matches with wrapper elements, and creates a new instance for
* every match, which triggers the related data to be fetched.
toViews: function( content ) {
var pieces = [ { content: content } ],
@ -190,12 +112,13 @@ window.wp = window.wp || {};
// and slicing the string as we go.
while ( remaining && (result = view.toView( remaining )) ) {
// Any text before the match becomes an unprocessed piece.
if ( result.index )
if ( result.index ) {
pieces.push({ content: remaining.substring( 0, result.index ) });
// Add the processed piece for the match.
content: wp.mce.view.toView( viewType, result.options ),
content: wp.mce.views.toView( viewType, result.content, result.options ),
processed: true
@ -205,145 +128,178 @@ window.wp = window.wp || {};
// There are no additional matches. If any content remains,
// add it as an unprocessed piece.
if ( remaining )
if ( remaining ) {
pieces.push({ content: remaining });
return _.pluck( pieces, 'content' ).join('');
toView: function( viewType, options ) {
var view = wp.mce.view.get( viewType ),
instance, id;
* Create a placeholder for a particular view type
* @param viewType
* @param text
* @param options
toView: function( viewType, text, options ) {
var view = wp.mce.views.get( viewType ),
encodedText = window.encodeURIComponent( text ),
instance, viewOptions;
if ( ! view )
return '';
// Create a new view instance.
instance = new view.view( _.extend( options || {}, {
viewType: viewType
}) );
if ( ! view ) {
return text;
// Use the view's `id` if it already exists. Otherwise,
// create a new `id`.
id = instance.el.id = instance.el.id || _.uniqueId('__wpmce-');
instances[ id ] = instance;
// Create a dummy `$wrapper` property to allow `$wrapper` to be
// called in the view's `render` method without a conditional.
instance.$wrapper = $();
if ( ! wp.mce.views.getInstance( encodedText ) ) {
viewOptions = options;
viewOptions.encodedText = encodedText;
instance = new view.View( viewOptions );
instances[ encodedText ] = instance;
return wp.html.string({
// If the view is a span, wrap it in a span.
tag: 'span' === instance.tagName ? 'span' : 'div',
tag: 'div',
attrs: {
'class': 'wp-view-wrap wp-view-type-' + viewType,
'data-wp-view': id,
'contenteditable': false
'class': 'wpview-wrap wpview-type-' + viewType,
'data-wpview-text': encodedText,
'data-wpview-type': viewType,
'contenteditable': 'false'
content: '\u00a0'
// ### render( scope )
// Renders any view instances inside a DOM node `scope`.
// View instances are detected by the presence of wrapper elements.
// To generate wrapper elements, pass your content through
// `wp.mce.view.toViews( content )`.
render: function( scope ) {
$( '.wp-view-wrap', scope ).each( function() {
var wrapper = $(this),
view = wp.mce.view.instance( this );
* Refresh views after an update is made
* @param view {object} being refreshed
* @param text {string} textual representation of the view
refreshView: function( view, text ) {
var encodedText = window.encodeURIComponent( text ),
result, instance;
if ( ! view )
instance = wp.mce.views.getInstance( encodedText );
// Link the real wrapper to the view.
view.$wrapper = wrapper;
// Render the view.
// Detach the view element to ensure events are not unbound.
if ( ! instance ) {
result = view.toView( text );
viewOptions = result.options;
viewOptions.encodedText = encodedText;
instance = new view.View( viewOptions );
instances[ encodedText ] = instance;
// Empty the wrapper, attach the view element to the wrapper,
// and add an ending marker to the wrapper to help regexes
// scan the HTML string.
wrapper.empty().append( view.el ).append('<span data-wp-view-end class="wp-view-end"></span>');
// ### toText( content )
// Scans an HTML `content` string and replaces any view instances with
// their respective text representations.
toText: function( content ) {
return content.replace( /<(?:div|span)[^>]+data-wp-view="([^"]+)"[^>]*>.*?<span[^>]+data-wp-view-end[^>]*><\/span><\/(?:div|span)>/g, function( match, id ) {
var instance = instances[ id ],
if ( instance )
view = wp.mce.view.get( instance.options.viewType );
return instance && view ? view.text( instance ) : '';
getInstance: function( encodedText ) {
return instances[ encodedText ];
// ### Remove internal TinyMCE attributes.
removeInternalAttrs: function( attrs ) {
var result = {};
_.each( attrs, function( value, attr ) {
if ( -1 === attr.indexOf('data-mce') )
result[ attr ] = value;
return result;
* render( scope )
* Renders any view instances inside a DOM node `scope`.
* View instances are detected by the presence of wrapper elements.
* To generate wrapper elements, pass your content through
* `wp.mce.view.toViews( content )`.
render: function() {
_.each( instances, function( instance ) {
} );
// ### Parse an attribute string and removes internal TinyMCE attributes.
attrs: function( content ) {
return wp.mce.view.removeInternalAttrs( wp.html.attrs( content ) );
edit: function( node ) {
var viewType = $( node ).data('wpview-type'),
view = wp.mce.views.get( viewType );
// ### instance( scope )
// Accepts a MCE view wrapper `node` (i.e. a node with the
// `wp-view-wrap` class).
instance: function( node ) {
var id = $( node ).data('wp-view');
if ( id )
return instances[ id ];
// ### Select a view.
// Accepts a MCE view wrapper `node` (i.e. a node with the
// `wp-view-wrap` class).
select: function( node ) {
var $node = $(node);
// Bail if node is already selected.
if ( $node.hasClass('selected') )
$( node.firstChild ).trigger('select');
// ### Deselect a view.
// Accepts a MCE view wrapper `node` (i.e. a node with the
// `wp-view-wrap` class).
deselect: function( node ) {
var $node = $(node);
// Bail if node is already selected.
if ( ! $node.hasClass('selected') )
$( node.firstChild ).trigger('deselect');
if ( view ) {
view.edit( node );
wp.mce.gallery = {
shortcode: 'gallery',
toView: function( content ) {
var match = wp.shortcode.next( this.shortcode, content );
if ( ! match ) {
return {
index: match.index,
content: match.content,
options: {
shortcode: match.shortcode
View: wp.mce.View.extend({
className: 'editor-gallery',
template: media.template('editor-gallery'),
// The fallback post ID to use as a parent for galleries that don't
// specify the `ids` or `include` parameters.
// Uses the hidden input on the edit posts page by default.
postID: $('#post_ID').val(),
initialize: function( options ) {
this.shortcode = options.shortcode;
fetch: function() {
this.attachments = wp.media.gallery.attachments( this.shortcode, this.postID );
this.attachments.more().done( _.bind( this.render, this ) );
getHtml: function() {
var attrs = this.shortcode.attrs.named,
if ( ! this.attachments.length ) {
options = {
attachments: this.attachments.toJSON(),
columns: attrs.columns ? parseInt( attrs.columns, 10 ) : 3
return this.template( options );
edit: function( node ) {
var gallery = wp.media.gallery,
self = this,
frame, data;
data = window.decodeURIComponent( $( node ).data('wpview-text') );
frame = gallery.edit( data );
frame.state('gallery-edit').on( 'update', function( selection ) {
var shortcode = gallery.shortcode( selection ).string();
$( node ).attr( 'data-wpview-text', window.encodeURIComponent( shortcode ) );
wp.mce.views.refreshView( self, shortcode );
wp.mce.views.register( 'gallery', wp.mce.gallery );

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
window.wp=window.wp||{},function(a){var b={},c={};wp.mce=wp.mce||{},wp.mce.view={defaults:{pattern:{view:Backbone.View,text:function(a){return a.options.original},toView:function(a){if(this.pattern){this.pattern.lastIndex=0;var b=this.pattern.exec(a);if(b)return{index:b.index,content:b[0],options:{original:b[0],results:b}}}}},shortcode:{view:Backbone.View,text:function(a){return a.options.shortcode.string()},toView:function(a){var b=wp.shortcode.next(this.shortcode,a);if(b)return{index:b.index,content:b.content,options:{shortcode:b.shortcode}}}}},add:function(a,d){var e,f,g,h;e=d.extend?wp.mce.view.get(d.extend):d.shortcode?wp.mce.view.defaults.shortcode:wp.mce.view.defaults.pattern,_.defaults(d,e),d.id=a,h={remove:function(){return delete c[this.el.id],this.$el.parent().remove(),f&&f.apply(this,arguments),this}},_.isFunction(d.view)?g=d.view:(g=e.view,f=d.view.remove,_.defaults(h,d.view)),f||g._mceview||(f=g.prototype.remove),d.view=g.extend(h,{_mceview:!0}),b[a]=d},get:function(a){return b[a]},remove:function(a){delete b[a]},toViews:function(a){var c,d=[{content:a}];return _.each(b,function(a,b){c=d.slice(),d=[],_.each(c,function(c){var e,f=c.content;if(c.processed)return void d.push(c);for(;f&&(e=a.toView(f));)e.index&&d.push({content:f.substring(0,e.index)}),d.push({content:wp.mce.view.toView(b,e.options),processed:!0}),f=f.slice(e.index+e.content.length);f&&d.push({content:f})})}),_.pluck(d,"content").join("")},toView:function(b,d){var e,f,g=wp.mce.view.get(b);return g?(e=new g.view(_.extend(d||{},{viewType:b})),f=e.el.id=e.el.id||_.uniqueId("__wpmce-"),c[f]=e,e.$wrapper=a(),wp.html.string({tag:"span"===e.tagName?"span":"div",attrs:{"class":"wp-view-wrap wp-view-type-"+b,"data-wp-view":f,contenteditable:!1}})):""},render:function(b){a(".wp-view-wrap",b).each(function(){var b=a(this),c=wp.mce.view.instance(this);c&&(c.$wrapper=b,c.render(),c.$el.detach(),b.empty().append(c.el).append('<span data-wp-view-end class="wp-view-end"></span>'))})},toText:function(a){return a.replace(/<(?:div|span)[^>]+data-wp-view="([^"]+)"[^>]*>.*?<span[^>]+data-wp-view-end[^>]*><\/span><\/(?:div|span)>/g,function(a,b){var d,e=c[b];return e&&(d=wp.mce.view.get(e.options.viewType)),e&&d?d.text(e):""})},removeInternalAttrs:function(a){var b={};return _.each(a,function(a,c){-1===c.indexOf("data-mce")&&(b[c]=a)}),b},attrs:function(a){return wp.mce.view.removeInternalAttrs(wp.html.attrs(a))},instance:function(b){var d=a(b).data("wp-view");return d?c[d]:void 0},select:function(b){var c=a(b);c.hasClass("selected")||(c.addClass("selected"),a(b.firstChild).trigger("select"))},deselect:function(b){var c=a(b);c.hasClass("selected")&&(c.removeClass("selected"),a(b.firstChild).trigger("deselect"))}}}(jQuery);
window.wp=window.wp||{},function(a){var b={},c={},d=wp.media,e=["encodedText"];wp.mce=wp.mce||{},wp.mce.View=function(a){a||(a={}),_.extend(this,_.pick(a,e)),this.initialize.apply(this,arguments)},_.extend(wp.mce.View.prototype,{initialize:function(){},html:function(){},render:function(){var b=this.getHtml();_.each(tinymce.editors,function(c){var d;c.plugins.wpview&&(d=c.getDoc(),a(d).find('[data-wpview-text="'+this.encodedText+'"]').html(b))},this)}}),wp.mce.View.extend=Backbone.View.extend,wp.mce.views={register:function(a,c){b[a]=c},get:function(a){return b[a]},unregister:function(a){delete b[a]},toViews:function(a){var c,d=[{content:a}];return _.each(b,function(a,b){c=d.slice(),d=[],_.each(c,function(c){var e,f=c.content;if(c.processed)return void d.push(c);for(;f&&(e=a.toView(f));)e.index&&d.push({content:f.substring(0,e.index)}),d.push({content:wp.mce.views.toView(b,e.content,e.options),processed:!0}),f=f.slice(e.index+e.content.length);f&&d.push({content:f})})}),_.pluck(d,"content").join("")},toView:function(a,b,d){var e,f,g=wp.mce.views.get(a),h=window.encodeURIComponent(b);return g?(wp.mce.views.getInstance(h)||(f=d,f.encodedText=h,e=new g.View(f),c[h]=e),wp.html.string({tag:"div",attrs:{"class":"wpview-wrap wpview-type-"+a,"data-wpview-text":h,"data-wpview-type":a,contenteditable:"false"},content:" "})):b},refreshView:function(a,b){var d,e,f,g=window.encodeURIComponent(b);f=wp.mce.views.getInstance(g),f||(e=a.toView(b),d=e.options,d.encodedText=g,f=new a.View(d),c[g]=f),wp.mce.views.render()},getInstance:function(a){return c[a]},render:function(){_.each(c,function(a){a.render()})},edit:function(b){var c=a(b).data("wpview-type"),d=wp.mce.views.get(c);d&&d.edit(b)}},wp.mce.gallery={shortcode:"gallery",toView:function(a){var b=wp.shortcode.next(this.shortcode,a);if(b)return{index:b.index,content:b.content,options:{shortcode:b.shortcode}}},View:wp.mce.View.extend({className:"editor-gallery",template:d.template("editor-gallery"),postID:a("#post_ID").val(),initialize:function(a){this.shortcode=a.shortcode,this.fetch()},fetch:function(){this.attachments=wp.media.gallery.attachments(this.shortcode,this.postID),this.attachments.more().done(_.bind(this.render,this))},getHtml:function(){var a,b=this.shortcode.attrs.named;if(this.attachments.length)return a={attachments:this.attachments.toJSON(),columns:b.columns?parseInt(b.columns,10):3},this.template(a)}}),edit:function(b){var c,d,e=wp.media.gallery,f=this;d=window.decodeURIComponent(a(b).data("wpview-text")),c=e.edit(d),c.state("gallery-edit").on("update",function(d){var g=e.shortcode(d).string();a(b).attr("data-wpview-text",window.encodeURIComponent(g)),wp.mce.views.refreshView(f,g),c.detach()})}},wp.mce.views.register("gallery",wp.mce.gallery)}(jQuery);

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ tinymce.PluginManager.add('wpgallery', function( editor ) {
// Check if the `wp.media.gallery` API exists.
// Check if the `wp.media` API exists.
if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! wp.media ) {
@ -166,7 +166,11 @@ tinymce.PluginManager.add('wpgallery', function( editor ) {
editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function( event ) {
event.content = replaceGalleryShortcodes( event.content );
// 'wpview' handles the gallery shortcode when present
if ( ! editor.plugins.wpview ) {
event.content = replaceGalleryShortcodes( event.content );
event.content = replaceAVShortcodes( event.content );

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
tinymce.PluginManager.add("wpgallery",function(a){function b(a){return a.replace(/\[gallery([^\]]*)\]/g,function(a){return c("wp-gallery",a)})}function c(a,b){return b=window.encodeURIComponent(b),'<img src="'+tinymce.Env.transparentSrc+'" class="wp-media mceItem '+a+'" data-wp-media="'+b+'" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" />'}function d(a,b,d){var e;return d&&d.indexOf("["+b)>-1?(e=a.length-d.length,c("wp-"+b,a.substring(0,e))+a.substring(e)):c("wp-"+b,a)}function e(a){for(var b=/\[(video-playlist|audio|video|playlist)[^\]]*\]/,c=/\[(video-playlist|audio|video|playlist)[^\]]*\]([\s\S]*?\[\/\1\])?/;b.test(a);)a=a.replace(c,d);return a}function f(a){function b(a,b){return b=new RegExp(b+'="([^"]+)"').exec(a),b?window.decodeURIComponent(b[1]):""}return a.replace(/(?:<p(?: [^>]+)?>)*(<img [^>]+>)(?:<\/p>)*/g,function(a,c){var d=b(c,"data-wp-media");return d?"<p>"+d+"</p>":a})}function g(b){var c,d,e;"IMG"===b.nodeName&&"undefined"!=typeof wp&&wp.media&&(a.dom.hasClass(b,"wp-gallery")&&wp.media.gallery?(c=wp.media.gallery,e=window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media")),d=c.edit(e),d.state("gallery-edit").on("update",function(e){var f=c.shortcode(e).string();a.dom.setAttrib(b,"data-wp-media",window.encodeURIComponent(f)),d.detach()})):a.dom.hasClass(b,"wp-playlist")&&wp.media.playlist?(e=window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media")),d=wp.media.playlist.edit(e),d.state("playlist-edit").on("update",function(c){var e=wp.media.playlist.shortcode(c).string();a.dom.setAttrib(b,"data-wp-media",window.encodeURIComponent(e)),d.detach()})):a.dom.hasClass(b,"wp-video-playlist")&&wp.media["video-playlist"]?(e=window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media")),d=wp.media["video-playlist"].edit(e),d.state("video-playlist-edit").on("update",function(c){var e=wp.media["video-playlist"].shortcode(c).string();a.dom.setAttrib(b,"data-wp-media",window.encodeURIComponent(e)),d.detach()})):window.console&&window.console.log("Edit AV shortcode "+window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media"))))}a.addCommand("WP_Gallery",function(){g(a.selection.getNode())}),a.on("mouseup",function(b){function c(){d.removeClass(d.select("img.wp-media-selected"),"wp-media-selected")}var d=a.dom,e=b.target;"IMG"===e.nodeName&&d.getAttrib(e,"data-wp-media")?2!==b.button&&(d.hasClass(e,"wp-media-selected")?g(e):(c(),d.addClass(e,"wp-media-selected"))):c()}),a.on("ResolveName",function(b){var c=a.dom,d=b.target;"IMG"===d.nodeName&&c.getAttrib(d,"data-wp-media")&&(c.hasClass(d,"wp-gallery")?b.name="gallery":c.hasClass(d,"wp-video")?b.name="video":c.hasClass(d,"wp-audio")?b.name="audio":c.hasClass(d,"wp-playlist")?b.name="playlist":c.hasClass(d,"wp-video-playlist")&&(b.name="video-playlist"))}),a.on("BeforeSetContent",function(a){a.content=b(a.content),a.content=e(a.content)}),a.on("PostProcess",function(a){a.get&&(a.content=f(a.content))})});
tinymce.PluginManager.add("wpgallery",function(a){function b(a){return a.replace(/\[gallery([^\]]*)\]/g,function(a){return c("wp-gallery",a)})}function c(a,b){return b=window.encodeURIComponent(b),'<img src="'+tinymce.Env.transparentSrc+'" class="wp-media mceItem '+a+'" data-wp-media="'+b+'" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" />'}function d(a,b,d){var e;return d&&d.indexOf("["+b)>-1?(e=a.length-d.length,c("wp-"+b,a.substring(0,e))+a.substring(e)):c("wp-"+b,a)}function e(a){for(var b=/\[(video-playlist|audio|video|playlist)[^\]]*\]/,c=/\[(video-playlist|audio|video|playlist)[^\]]*\]([\s\S]*?\[\/\1\])?/;b.test(a);)a=a.replace(c,d);return a}function f(a){function b(a,b){return b=new RegExp(b+'="([^"]+)"').exec(a),b?window.decodeURIComponent(b[1]):""}return a.replace(/(?:<p(?: [^>]+)?>)*(<img [^>]+>)(?:<\/p>)*/g,function(a,c){var d=b(c,"data-wp-media");return d?"<p>"+d+"</p>":a})}function g(b){var c,d,e;"IMG"===b.nodeName&&"undefined"!=typeof wp&&wp.media&&(a.dom.hasClass(b,"wp-gallery")&&wp.media.gallery?(c=wp.media.gallery,e=window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media")),d=c.edit(e),d.state("gallery-edit").on("update",function(e){var f=c.shortcode(e).string();a.dom.setAttrib(b,"data-wp-media",window.encodeURIComponent(f)),d.detach()})):a.dom.hasClass(b,"wp-playlist")&&wp.media.playlist?(e=window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media")),d=wp.media.playlist.edit(e),d.state("playlist-edit").on("update",function(c){var e=wp.media.playlist.shortcode(c).string();a.dom.setAttrib(b,"data-wp-media",window.encodeURIComponent(e)),d.detach()})):a.dom.hasClass(b,"wp-video-playlist")&&wp.media["video-playlist"]?(e=window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media")),d=wp.media["video-playlist"].edit(e),d.state("video-playlist-edit").on("update",function(c){var e=wp.media["video-playlist"].shortcode(c).string();a.dom.setAttrib(b,"data-wp-media",window.encodeURIComponent(e)),d.detach()})):window.console&&window.console.log("Edit AV shortcode "+window.decodeURIComponent(a.dom.getAttrib(b,"data-wp-media"))))}a.addCommand("WP_Gallery",function(){g(a.selection.getNode())}),a.on("mouseup",function(b){function c(){d.removeClass(d.select("img.wp-media-selected"),"wp-media-selected")}var d=a.dom,e=b.target;"IMG"===e.nodeName&&d.getAttrib(e,"data-wp-media")?2!==b.button&&(d.hasClass(e,"wp-media-selected")?g(e):(c(),d.addClass(e,"wp-media-selected"))):c()}),a.on("ResolveName",function(b){var c=a.dom,d=b.target;"IMG"===d.nodeName&&c.getAttrib(d,"data-wp-media")&&(c.hasClass(d,"wp-gallery")?b.name="gallery":c.hasClass(d,"wp-video")?b.name="video":c.hasClass(d,"wp-audio")?b.name="audio":c.hasClass(d,"wp-playlist")?b.name="playlist":c.hasClass(d,"wp-video-playlist")&&(b.name="video-playlist"))}),a.on("BeforeSetContent",function(c){a.plugins.wpview||(c.content=b(c.content)),c.content=e(c.content)}),a.on("PostProcess",function(a){a.get&&(a.content=f(a.content))})});

View File

@ -2,190 +2,366 @@
* WordPress View plugin.
(function() {
var VK = tinymce.VK,
tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpview', function( editor ) {
var selected,
VK = tinymce.util.VK,
TreeWalker = tinymce.dom.TreeWalker,
toRemove = false;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.wpView', {
init : function( editor ) {
var wpView = this;
// Check if the `wp.mce` API exists.
if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! wp.mce ) {
function getParentView( node ) {
while ( node && node.nodeName !== 'BODY' ) {
if ( isView( node ) ) {
return node;
editor.on( 'PreInit', function() {
// Add elements so we can set `contenteditable` to false.
node = node.parentNode;
// When the editor's content changes, scan the new content for
// matching view patterns, and transform the matches into
// view wrappers. Since the editor's DOM is outdated at this point,
// we'll wait to render the views.
editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function( e ) {
if ( ! e.content ) {
function isView( node ) {
return node && /\bwpview-wrap\b/.test( node.className );
e.content = wp.mce.view.toViews( e.content );
function createPadNode() {
return editor.dom.create( 'p', { 'data-wpview-pad': 1 },
( tinymce.Env.ie && tinymce.Env.ie < 11 ) ? '' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />' );
// When the editor's content has been updated and the DOM has been
// processed, render the views in the document.
editor.on( 'SetContent', function() {
wp.mce.view.render( editor.getDoc() );
* Get the text/shortcode string for a view.
* @param view The view wrapper's HTML id or node
* @returns string The text/shoercode string of the view
function getViewText( view ) {
view = getParentView( typeof view === 'string' ? editor.dom.get( view ) : view );
editor.on( 'init', function() {
var selection = editor.selection;
// When a view is selected, ensure content that is being pasted
// or inserted is added to a text node (instead of the view).
editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function() {
var walker, target,
view = wpView.getParentView( selection.getNode() );
if ( view ) {
return window.decodeURIComponent( editor.dom.getAttrib( view, 'data-wpview-text' ) || '' );
return '';
// If the selection is not within a view, bail.
if ( ! view ) {
* Set the view's original text/shortcode string
* @param view The view wrapper's HTML id or node
* @param text The text string to be set
function setViewText( view, text ) {
view = getParentView( typeof view === 'string' ? editor.dom.get( view ) : view );
// If there are no additional nodes or the next node is a
// view, create a text node after the current view.
if ( ! view.nextSibling || wpView.isView( view.nextSibling ) ) {
target = editor.getDoc().createTextNode('');
editor.dom.insertAfter( target, view );
if ( view ) {
editor.dom.setAttrib( view, 'data-wpview-text', window.encodeURIComponent( text || '' ) );
return true;
return false;
// Otherwise, find the next text node.
} else {
walker = new TreeWalker( view.nextSibling, view.nextSibling );
target = walker.next();
function _stop( event ) {
// Select the `target` text node.
selection.select( target );
selection.collapse( true );
function select( viewNode ) {
var clipboard,
dom = editor.dom;
// When the selection's content changes, scan any new content
// for matching views and immediately render them.
// Runs on paste and on inserting nodes/html.
editor.on( 'SetContent', function( e ) {
if ( ! e.context ) {
// Bail if node is already selected.
if ( viewNode === selected ) {
var node = selection.getNode();
selected = viewNode;
dom.addClass( viewNode, 'selected' );
if ( ! node.innerHTML ) {
clipboard = dom.create( 'div', {
'class': 'wpview-clipboard',
'contenteditable': 'true'
}, getViewText( viewNode ) );
node.innerHTML = wp.mce.view.toViews( node.innerHTML );
wp.mce.view.render( node );
viewNode.appendChild( clipboard );
// When the editor's contents are being accessed as a string,
// transform any views back to their text representations.
editor.on( 'PostProcess', function( e ) {
if ( ( ! e.get && ! e.save ) || ! e.content ) {
// Both of the following are necessary to prevent manipulating the selection/focus
editor.dom.bind( clipboard, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', _stop );
editor.dom.bind( selected, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', _stop );
e.content = wp.mce.view.toText( e.content );
// select the hidden div
editor.selection.select( clipboard, true );
// Triggers when the selection is changed.
// Add the event handler to the top of the stack.
editor.on( 'NodeChange', function( e ) {
var view = wpView.getParentView( e.element );
* Deselect a selected view and remove clipboard
function deselect() {
var clipboard,
dom = editor.dom;
// Update the selected view.
if ( view ) {
wpView.select( view );
if ( selected ) {
clipboard = editor.dom.select( '.wpview-clipboard', selected )[0];
dom.unbind( clipboard );
dom.remove( clipboard );
// Prevent the selection from propagating to other plugins.
return false;
dom.unbind( selected, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout click mouseup', _stop );
dom.removeClass( selected, 'selected' );
// If we've clicked off of the selected view, deselect it.
} else {
editor.selection.select( selected.nextSibling );
editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode,
view, instance;
// If a view isn't selected, let the event go on its merry way.
if ( ! selected ) {
selected = null;
// If the caret is not within the selected view, deselect the
// view and bail.
view = wpView.getParentView( editor.selection.getNode() );
if ( view !== selected ) {
// Check if the `wp.mce` API exists.
if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! wp.mce ) {
// If delete or backspace is pressed, delete the view.
if ( keyCode === VK.DELETE || keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE ) {
if ( (instance = wp.mce.view.instance( selected )) ) {
// Let keypresses that involve the command or control keys through.
// Also, let any of the F# keys through.
if ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || ( keyCode >= 112 && keyCode <= 123 ) ) {
getParentView : function( node ) {
while ( node ) {
if ( this.isView( node ) ) {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
isView : function( node ) {
return (/(?:^|\s)wp-view-wrap(?:\s|$)/).test( node.className );
select : function( view ) {
if ( view === selected ) {
selected = view;
wp.mce.view.select( selected );
deselect : function() {
if ( selected ) {
wp.mce.view.deselect( selected );
selected = null;
editor.on( 'BeforeAddUndo', function( event ) {
if ( selected && ! toRemove ) {
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpview', tinymce.plugins.wpView );
// When the editor's content changes, scan the new content for
// matching view patterns, and transform the matches into
// view wrappers.
editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function( e ) {
if ( ! e.content ) {
e.content = wp.mce.views.toViews( e.content );
// When the editor's content has been updated and the DOM has been
// processed, render the views in the document.
editor.on( 'SetContent', function( event ) {
var body, padNode;
// Add padding <p> if the noneditable node is last
if ( event.load || ! event.set ) {
body = editor.getBody();
if ( isView( body.lastChild ) ) {
padNode = createPadNode();
body.appendChild( padNode );
editor.selection.setCursorLocation( padNode, 0 );
// refreshEmptyContentNode();
// Detect mouse down events that are adjacent to a view when a view is the first view or the last view
editor.on( 'click', function( event ) {
var body = editor.getBody(),
doc = editor.getDoc(),
scrollTop = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop || 0,
x, y, firstNode, lastNode, padNode;
if ( event.target.nodeName === 'HTML' && ! event.metaKey && ! event.ctrlKey ) {
firstNode = body.firstChild;
lastNode = body.lastChild;
x = event.clientX;
y = event.clientY;
if ( isView( firstNode ) && ( ( x < firstNode.offsetLeft && y < ( firstNode.offsetHeight - scrollTop ) ) ||
y < firstNode.offsetTop ) ) {
// detect events above or to the left of the first view
padNode = createPadNode();
body.insertBefore( padNode, firstNode );
} else if ( isView( lastNode ) && ( x > ( lastNode.offsetLeft + lastNode.offsetWidth ) ||
( ( scrollTop + y ) - ( lastNode.offsetTop + lastNode.offsetHeight ) ) > 0 ) ) {
// detect events to the right and below the last view
padNode = createPadNode();
body.appendChild( padNode );
if ( padNode ) {
editor.selection.setCursorLocation( padNode, 0 );
editor.on( 'init', function() {
var selection = editor.selection;
// When a view is selected, ensure content that is being pasted
// or inserted is added to a text node (instead of the view).
editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function() {
var walker, target,
view = getParentView( selection.getNode() );
// If the selection is not within a view, bail.
if ( ! view ) {
if ( ! view.nextSibling || isView( view.nextSibling ) ) {
// If there are no additional nodes or the next node is a
// view, create a text node after the current view.
target = editor.getDoc().createTextNode('');
editor.dom.insertAfter( target, view );
} else {
// Otherwise, find the next text node.
walker = new TreeWalker( view.nextSibling, view.nextSibling );
target = walker.next();
// Select the `target` text node.
selection.select( target );
selection.collapse( true );
// When the selection's content changes, scan any new content
// for matching views.
// Runs on paste and on inserting nodes/html.
editor.on( 'SetContent', function( e ) {
if ( ! e.context ) {
var node = selection.getNode();
if ( ! node.innerHTML ) {
node.innerHTML = wp.mce.views.toViews( node.innerHTML );
editor.dom.bind( editor.getBody(), 'mousedown mouseup click', function( event ) {
var view = getParentView( event.target );
// Contain clicks inside the view wrapper
if ( view ) {
if ( event.type === 'click' ) {
if ( ! event.metaKey && ! event.ctrlKey ) {
if ( editor.dom.hasClass( event.target, 'edit' ) ) {
wp.mce.views.edit( view );
} else if ( editor.dom.hasClass( event.target, 'remove' ) ) {
editor.dom.remove( view );
select( view );
// returning false stops the ugly bars from appearing in IE11 and stops the view being selected as a range in FF
// unfortunately, it also inhibits the dragging fo views to a new location
return false;
} else {
if ( event.type === 'click' ) {
editor.on( 'PreProcess', function( event ) {
var dom = editor.dom;
// Remove empty padding nodes
tinymce.each( dom.select( 'p[data-wpview-pad]', event.node ), function( node ) {
if ( dom.isEmpty( node ) ) {
dom.remove( node );
} else {
dom.setAttrib( node, 'data-wpview-pad', null );
// Replace the wpview node with the wpview string/shortcode?
tinymce.each( dom.select( 'div[data-wpview-text]', event.node ), function( node ) {
// Empty the wrap node
if ( 'textContent' in node ) {
node.textContent = '';
} else {
node.innerText = '';
// TODO: that makes all views into block tags (as we use <div>).
// Can use 'PostProcess' and a regex instead.
dom.replace( dom.create( 'p', null, window.decodeURIComponent( dom.getAttrib( node, 'data-wpview-text' ) ) ), node );
editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode,
// If a view isn't selected, let the event go on its merry way.
if ( ! selected ) {
// Let keypresses that involve the command or control keys through.
// Also, let any of the F# keys through.
if ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || ( keyCode >= 112 && keyCode <= 123 ) ) {
if ( ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) && keyCode === 88 ) {
toRemove = selected;
// If the caret is not within the selected view, deselect the
// view and bail.
view = getParentView( editor.selection.getNode() );
if ( view !== selected ) {
// If delete or backspace is pressed, delete the view.
if ( keyCode === VK.DELETE || keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE ) {
editor.dom.remove( selected );
editor.on( 'keyup', function( event ) {
var padNode,
keyCode = event.keyCode,
body = editor.getBody(),
if ( toRemove ) {
editor.dom.remove( toRemove );
toRemove = false;
if ( keyCode === VK.DELETE || keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE ) {
// Make sure there is padding if the last element is a view
if ( isView( body.lastChild ) ) {
padNode = createPadNode();
body.appendChild( padNode );
if ( body.childNodes.length === 2 ) {
editor.selection.setCursorLocation( padNode, 0 );
range = editor.selection.getRng();
// Allow an initial element in the document to be removed when it is before a view
if ( body.firstChild === range.startContainer && range.collapsed === true &&
isView( range.startContainer.nextSibling ) && range.startOffset === 0 ) {
editor.dom.remove( range.startContainer );
return {
getViewText: getViewText,
setViewText: setViewText

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
!function(){var a,b=tinymce.VK,c=tinymce.dom.TreeWalker;tinymce.create("tinymce.plugins.wpView",{init:function(d){var e=this;"undefined"!=typeof wp&&wp.mce&&(d.on("PreInit",function(){d.schema.addValidElements("div[*],span[*]")}),d.on("BeforeSetContent",function(a){a.content&&(a.content=wp.mce.view.toViews(a.content))}),d.on("SetContent",function(){wp.mce.view.render(d.getDoc())}),d.on("init",function(){var a=d.selection;d.on("BeforeSetContent",function(){var b,f,g=e.getParentView(a.getNode());g&&(!g.nextSibling||e.isView(g.nextSibling)?(f=d.getDoc().createTextNode(""),d.dom.insertAfter(f,g)):(b=new c(g.nextSibling,g.nextSibling),f=b.next()),a.select(f),a.collapse(!0))}),d.on("SetContent",function(b){if(b.context){var c=a.getNode();c.innerHTML&&(c.innerHTML=wp.mce.view.toViews(c.innerHTML),wp.mce.view.render(c))}})}),d.on("PostProcess",function(a){(a.get||a.save)&&a.content&&(a.content=wp.mce.view.toText(a.content))}),d.on("NodeChange",function(a){var b=e.getParentView(a.element);return b?(e.select(b),!1):void e.deselect()}),d.on("keydown",function(c){var f,g,h=c.keyCode;if(a){if(f=e.getParentView(d.selection.getNode()),f!==a)return void e.deselect();(h===b.DELETE||h===b.BACKSPACE)&&(g=wp.mce.view.instance(a))&&(g.remove(),e.deselect()),c.metaKey||c.ctrlKey||h>=112&&123>=h||c.preventDefault()}}))},getParentView:function(a){for(;a;){if(this.isView(a))return a;a=a.parentNode}},isView:function(a){return/(?:^|\s)wp-view-wrap(?:\s|$)/.test(a.className)},select:function(b){b!==a&&(this.deselect(),a=b,wp.mce.view.select(a))},deselect:function(){a&&wp.mce.view.deselect(a),a=null}}),tinymce.PluginManager.add("wpview",tinymce.plugins.wpView)}();
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View File

@ -198,6 +198,141 @@ img::selection {
outline: 0;
* WP Views
/* IE hasLayout. Needed for all IE incl. 11 (ugh, not again!!) */
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width: 99.99%;
position: relative;
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user-select: none;
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outline: 0;
* Gallery preview
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position: relative;
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outline: none;
.gallery a {
cursor: default;
.gallery {
margin: auto;
line-height: 1;
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margin: 10px 0 0 0;
text-align: center;
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margin: 0;
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width: 99%;
.gallery-columns-2 .gallery-item {
width: 49.5%;
.gallery-columns-3 .gallery-item {
width: 33%;
.gallery-columns-4 .gallery-item {
width: 24.75%;
.gallery-columns-5 .gallery-item {
width: 19.825%;
.gallery-columns-6 .gallery-item {
width: 16%;
.gallery-columns-7 .gallery-item {
width: 14%;
.gallery-columns-8 .gallery-item {
width: 12%;
.gallery-columns-9 .gallery-item {
width: 11%;
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View File

@ -648,6 +648,36 @@ function wp_print_media_templates() {
//TODO: do we want to deal with the fact that the elements used for gallery items are filterable and can be overriden via shortcode attributes
// do we want to deal with the difference between display and edit context at all? (e.g. wptexturize() being applied to the caption.
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-editor-gallery">
<div class="toolbar">
<div class="dashicons dashicons-format-gallery edit"></div>
<div class="dashicons dashicons-no-alt remove"></div>
<div class="gallery gallery-columns-{{{ data.columns }}}">
<# _.each( data.attachments, function( attachment, index ) { #>
<dl class="gallery-item">
<dt class="gallery-icon">
<?php // TODO: need to figure out the best way to make sure that we have thumbnails ?>
<img src="{{{ attachment.sizes.thumbnail.url }}}" />
<dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption">
{{ attachment.caption }}
<?php // this is kind silly, but copied from the gallery shortcode. Maybe it should be removed ?>
<# if ( index % data.columns === data.columns - 1 ) { #>
<br style="clear: both;">
<# } #>
<# } ); #>

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $wp_db_version = 26691;
* @global string $tinymce_version
$tinymce_version = '4018-20140303';
$tinymce_version = '4018-20140304';
* Holds the required PHP version