diff --git a/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php b/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php
index 212fdab896..e1161df439 100644
--- a/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php
+++ b/wp-admin/import/livejournal.php
@@ -1,801 +1,180 @@
- '10' => 'discontent',
- '100' => 'rushed',
- '101' => 'contemplative',
- '102' => 'nerdy',
- '103' => 'geeky',
- '104' => 'cynical',
- '105' => 'quixotic',
- '106' => 'crazy',
- '107' => 'creative',
- '108' => 'artistic',
- '109' => 'pleased',
- '11' => 'energetic',
- '110' => 'bitchy',
- '111' => 'guilty',
- '112' => 'irritated',
- '113' => 'blank',
- '114' => 'apathetic',
- '115' => 'dorky',
- '116' => 'impressed',
- '117' => 'naughty',
- '118' => 'predatory',
- '119' => 'dirty',
- '12' => 'enraged',
- '120' => 'giddy',
- '121' => 'surprised',
- '122' => 'shocked',
- '123' => 'rejected',
- '124' => 'numb',
- '125' => 'cheerful',
- '126' => 'good',
- '127' => 'distressed',
- '128' => 'intimidated',
- '129' => 'crushed',
- '13' => 'enthralled',
- '130' => 'devious',
- '131' => 'thankful',
- '132' => 'grateful',
- '133' => 'jealous',
- '134' => 'nervous',
- '14' => 'exhausted',
- '15' => 'happy',
- '16' => 'high',
- '17' => 'horny',
- '18' => 'hungry',
- '19' => 'infuriated',
- '2' => 'angry',
- '20' => 'irate',
- '21' => 'jubilant',
- '22' => 'lonely',
- '23' => 'moody',
- '24' => 'pissed off',
- '25' => 'sad',
- '26' => 'satisfied',
- '27' => 'sore',
- '28' => 'stressed',
- '29' => 'thirsty',
- '3' => 'annoyed',
- '30' => 'thoughtful',
- '31' => 'tired',
- '32' => 'touched',
- '33' => 'lazy',
- '34' => 'drunk',
- '35' => 'ditzy',
- '36' => 'mischievous',
- '37' => 'morose',
- '38' => 'gloomy',
- '39' => 'melancholy',
- '4' => 'anxious',
- '40' => 'drained',
- '41' => 'excited',
- '42' => 'relieved',
- '43' => 'hopeful',
- '44' => 'amused',
- '45' => 'determined',
- '46' => 'scared',
- '47' => 'frustrated',
- '48' => 'indescribable',
- '49' => 'sleepy',
- '5' => 'bored',
- '51' => 'groggy',
- '52' => 'hyper',
- '53' => 'relaxed',
- '54' => 'restless',
- '55' => 'disappointed',
- '56' => 'curious',
- '57' => 'mellow',
- '58' => 'peaceful',
- '59' => 'bouncy',
- '6' => 'confused',
- '60' => 'nostalgic',
- '61' => 'okay',
- '62' => 'rejuvenated',
- '63' => 'complacent',
- '64' => 'content',
- '65' => 'indifferent',
- '66' => 'silly',
- '67' => 'flirty',
- '68' => 'calm',
- '69' => 'refreshed',
- '7' => 'crappy',
- '70' => 'optimistic',
- '71' => 'pessimistic',
- '72' => 'giggly',
- '73' => 'pensive',
- '74' => 'uncomfortable',
- '75' => 'lethargic',
- '76' => 'listless',
- '77' => 'recumbent',
- '78' => 'exanimate',
- '79' => 'embarrassed',
- '8' => 'cranky',
- '80' => 'envious',
- '81' => 'sympathetic',
- '82' => 'sick',
- '83' => 'hot',
- '84' => 'cold',
- '85' => 'worried',
- '86' => 'loved',
- '87' => 'awake',
- '88' => 'working',
- '89' => 'productive',
- '9' => 'depressed',
- '90' => 'accomplished',
- '91' => 'busy',
- '92' => 'blah',
- '93' => 'full',
- '95' => 'grumpy',
- '96' => 'weird',
- '97' => 'nauseated',
- '98' => 'ecstatic',
- '99' => 'chipper' );
+ var $file;
function header() {
echo '
- echo '
' . __( 'Import LiveJournal' ) . '
+ echo ''.__('Import LiveJournal').'
function footer() {
echo '';
+ function unhtmlentities($string) { // From php.net for < 4.3 compat
+ $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
+ $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
+ return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);
+ }
function greet() {
- ?>
- ';
+ echo ''.__('Howdy! Upload your LiveJournal XML export file and we’ll import the posts into this blog.').'
+ echo ''.__('Choose a LiveJournal XML file to upload, then click Upload file and import.').'
+ wp_import_upload_form("admin.php?import=livejournal&step=1");
+ echo '';
function import_posts() {
- $total = (int) get_option( 'ljapi_total' );
- $count = (int) get_option( 'ljapi_count' );
- $lastsync = get_option( 'ljapi_lastsync' );
- if ( !$lastsync ) {
- update_option( 'ljapi_lastsync', '1900-01-01 00:00:00' );
- }
- $sync_item_times = get_option( 'ljapi_sync_item_times' );
- if ( !is_array( $sync_item_times ) )
- $sync_item_times = array();
- do {
- $lastsync = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( get_option( 'ljapi_lastsync' ) ) );
- $synclist = $this->lj_ixr( 'syncitems', array( 'ver' => 1, 'lastsync' => $lastsync ) );
- $this->log( $synclist, 'ljimport-items-' . $total . '.txt' );
- // Keep track of if we've downloaded everything
- $total = $synclist['total'];
- $count = $synclist['count'];
- foreach ( $synclist['syncitems'] as $event ) {
- if ( substr( $event['item'], 0, 2 ) == 'L-' ) {
- $sync_item_times[ str_replace( 'L-', '', $event['item'] ) ] = $event['time'];
- if ( $event['time'] > $lastsync )
- $lastsync = $event['time'];
- }
- }
+ global $wpdb, $current_user;
- update_option( 'ljapi_sync_item_times', $sync_item_times );
- update_option( 'ljapi_total', $total );
- update_option( 'ljapi_count', $count );
- update_option( 'ljapi_lastsync', $lastsync );
- } while ( $total > $count );
- // endwhile - all post meta is cached locally
- $this->log( $sync_item_times, 'ljimport-post-mod-times.txt' );
+ set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
+ $importdata = file($this->file); // Read the file into an array
+ $importdata = implode('', $importdata); // squish it
+ $importdata = str_replace(array ("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $importdata);
+ preg_match_all('|(.*?)|is', $importdata, $posts);
+ $posts = $posts[1];
+ unset($importdata);
echo '';
- $imported_count = (int) get_option( 'ljapi_imported_count' );
- $lastsync = get_option( 'ljapi_lastsync_posts' );
- if ( !$lastsync )
- update_option( 'ljapi_lastsync_posts', date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 0 ) );
- do {
- $lastsync = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( get_option( 'ljapi_lastsync_posts' ) ) );
- // Get the batch of items that match up with the syncitems list
- $itemlist = $this->lj_ixr( 'getevents', array( 'ver' => 1,
- 'selecttype' => 'syncitems',
- 'lineendings' => 'pc',
- 'lastsync' => $lastsync ) );
- $this->log( $itemlist, 'ljimport-posts-' . $imported_count . '.txt' );
- if ( is_wp_error( $itemlist ) )
- return $itemlist;
- if ( $num = count( $itemlist['events'] ) ) {
- foreach ( $itemlist['events'] as $event ) {
- $imported_count++;
- $this->import_post( $event );
- if ( $sync_item_times[ $event['itemid'] ] > $lastsync )
- $lastsync = $sync_item_times[ $event['itemid'] ];
- }
- update_option( 'ljapi_lastsync_posts', $lastsync );
- update_option( 'ljapi_imported_count', $imported_count );
- update_option( 'ljapi_last_sync_count', $num );
+ foreach ($posts as $post) {
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_title);
+ $post_title = $wpdb->escape(trim($post_title[1]));
+ if ( empty($post_title) ) {
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_title);
+ $post_title = $wpdb->escape(trim($post_title[1]));
+ $post_content = preg_replace('||', '$1', $post_content);
- } while ( $num > 0 );
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_date);
+ $post_date = strtotime($post_date[1]);
+ $post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post_date);
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $post, $post_content);
+ $post_content = str_replace(array (''), '', trim($post_content[1]));
+ $post_content = $this->unhtmlentities($post_content);
+ // Clean up content
+ $post_content = preg_replace_callback('|<(/?[A-Z]+)|', create_function('$match', 'return "<" . strtolower($match[1]);'), $post_content);
+ $post_content = str_replace('
', '
', $post_content);
+ $post_content = str_replace('
', '
', $post_content);
+ $post_content = $wpdb->escape($post_content);
+ $post_author = $current_user->ID;
+ $post_status = 'publish';
+ echo '- ';
+ if ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) {
+ printf(__('Post %s already exists.'), stripslashes($post_title));
+ } else {
+ printf(__('Importing post %s...'), stripslashes($post_title));
+ $postdata = compact('post_author', 'post_date', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_status');
+ $post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata);
+ if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) )
+ return $post_id;
+ if (!$post_id) {
+ _e("Couldn't get post ID");
+ echo '
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ preg_match_all('|(.*?)|is', $post, $comments);
+ $comments = $comments[1];
+ if ( $comments ) {
+ $comment_post_ID = (int) $post_id;
+ $num_comments = 0;
+ foreach ($comments as $comment) {
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $comment, $comment_content);
+ $comment_content = str_replace(array (''), '', trim($comment_content[1]));
+ $comment_content = $this->unhtmlentities($comment_content);
+ // Clean up content
+ $comment_content = preg_replace_callback('|<(/?[A-Z]+)|', create_function('$match', 'return "<" . strtolower($match[1]);'), $comment_content);
+ $comment_content = str_replace('
', '
', $comment_content);
+ $comment_content = str_replace('
', '
', $comment_content);
+ $comment_content = $wpdb->escape($comment_content);
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $comment, $comment_date);
+ $comment_date = trim($comment_date[1]);
+ $comment_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($comment_date));
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $comment, $comment_author);
+ $comment_author = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author[1]));
+ preg_match('|(.*?)|is', $comment, $comment_author_email);
+ $comment_author_email = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author_email[1]));
+ $comment_approved = 1;
+ // Check if it's already there
+ if (!comment_exists($comment_author, $comment_date)) {
+ $commentdata = compact('comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_date', 'comment_content', 'comment_approved');
+ $commentdata = wp_filter_comment($commentdata);
+ wp_insert_comment($commentdata);
+ $num_comments++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $num_comments ) {
+ echo ' ';
+ printf(__ngettext('(%s comment)', '(%s comments)', $num_comments), $num_comments);
+ }
+ echo '';
+ }
echo '
- function import_post( $post ) {
- global $wpdb;
- // Make sure we haven't already imported this one
- if ( $this->get_wp_post_ID( $post['itemid'] ) )
+ function import() {
+ $file = wp_import_handle_upload();
+ if ( isset($file['error']) ) {
+ echo $file['error'];
- $user = wp_get_current_user();
- $post_author = $user->ID;
- $post_status = ( 'private' == trim( $post['security'] ) ) ? 'private' : 'publish'; // Only me
- $post_password = ( 'usemask' == trim( $post['security'] ) ) ? $this->protected_password : ''; // "Friends" via password
+ }
- // For some reason, LJ sometimes sends a date as "2004-04-1408:38:00" (no space btwn date/time)
- $post_date = $post['eventtime'];
- if ( 18 == strlen( $post_date ) )
- $post_date = substr( $post_date, 0, 10 ) . ' ' . substr( $post_date, 10 );
- // Cleaning up and linking the title
- $post_title = trim( $post['subject'] );
- $post_title = $this->translate_lj_user( $post_title ); // Translate it, but then we'll strip the link
- $post_title = strip_tags( $post_title ); // Can't have tags in the title in WP
- $post_title = $wpdb->escape( $post_title );
- // Clean up content
- $post_content = $post['event'];
- $post_content = preg_replace_callback( '|<(/?[A-Z]+)|', create_function( '$match', 'return "<" . strtolower( $match[1] );' ), $post_content );
- // XHTMLize some tags
- $post_content = str_replace( '
', '
', $post_content );
- $post_content = str_replace( '
', '
', $post_content );
- // lj-cut ==>
- $post_content = preg_replace( '||is', '', $post_content );
- $post_content = str_replace( array( '', '' ), array( '', '' ), $post_content );
- $first = strpos( $post_content, '|sUi', '', substr( $post_content, $first + 1 ) );
- // lj-user ==> a href
- $post_content = $this->translate_lj_user( $post_content );
- $post_content = force_balance_tags( $post_content );
- $post_content = $wpdb->escape( $post_content );
- // Handle any tags associated with the post
- $tags_input = !empty( $post['props']['taglist'] ) ? $post['props']['taglist'] : '';
- // Check if comments are closed on this post
- $comment_status = !empty( $post['props']['opt_nocomments'] ) ? 'closed' : 'open';
+ $this->file = $file['file'];
+ $result = $this->import_posts();
+ if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
+ return $result;
+ wp_import_cleanup($file['id']);
+ do_action('import_done', 'livejournal');
- echo '';
- if ( $post_id = post_exists( $post_title, $post_content, $post_date ) ) {
- printf( __( 'Post %s already exists.' ), stripslashes( $post_title ) );
- } else {
- printf( __( 'Importing post %s...' ), stripslashes( $post_title ) );
- $postdata = compact( 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_status', 'post_password', 'tags_input', 'comment_status' );
- $post_id = wp_insert_post( $postdata );
- if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) )
- return $post_id;
- if ( !$post_id ) {
- _e( "Couldn't get post ID" );
- echo '';
- break;
- }
- $postdata['post_ID'] = $post_id;
- $postdata['lj_itemid'] = $post['itemid'];
- $this->log( $postdata, 'ljimport-post-' . $post_id . '.txt' );
- // Handle all the metadata for this post
- $this->insert_postmeta( $post_id, $post );
- }
- echo '';
+ echo '';
+ printf(__('All done. Have fun!'), get_option('home'));
+ echo '
- // Convert lj-user tags to links to that user
- function translate_lj_user( $str ) {
- return preg_replace( '||', '$1', $str );
- }
- function insert_postmeta( $post_id, $post ) {
- // Need the original LJ id for comments
- add_post_meta( $post_id, 'lj_itemid', $post['itemid'] );
- // And save the permalink on LJ in case we want to link back or something
- add_post_meta( $post_id, 'lj_permalink', $post['url'] );
- // Supports the following "props" from LJ, saved as lj_ in wp_postmeta
- // Adult Content - adult_content
- // Location - current_coords + current_location
- // Mood - current_mood (translated from current_moodid)
- // Music - current_music
- // Userpic - picture_keyword
- foreach ( array( 'adult_content', 'current_coords', 'current_location', 'current_moodid', 'current_music', 'picture_keyword' ) as $prop ) {
- if ( !empty( $post['props'][$prop] ) ) {
- if ( 'current_moodid' == $prop ) {
- $prop = 'current_mood';
- $val = $this->moods[ $post['props']['current_moodid'] ];
- } else {
- $val = $post['props'][$prop];
- }
- add_post_meta( $post_id, 'lj_' . $prop, $val );
- }
- }
- }
- // Loops through and gets comment meta and content from LJ in batches
- // Writes raw XML files to disk for later processing
- function download_comments() {
- // Get a session via XMLRPC
- $cookie = $this->lj_ixr( 'sessiongenerate', array( 'ver' => 1, 'expiration' => 'short' ) );
- // Comment Meta
- // Load previous state (if any)
- $this->usermap = (array) get_option( 'ljapi_usermap' );
- $maxid = (int) get_option( 'ljapi_maxid' ) || 1;
- $highest_id = (int) get_option( 'ljapi_highest_id' );
- // Snoopy is required to handle the cookie
- $this->snoop = new Snoopy();
- $this->snoop->cookies = $cookie;
- // We need to loop over the metadata request until we have it all
- while ( $maxid > $highest_id ) {
- // Now get the meta listing
- if ( !$this->snoop->fetch( $this->comments_url . '?get=comment_meta&startid=' . ( $highest_id + 1 ) ) )
- return new WP_Error( 'Snoopy', __( 'Failed to retrieve comment meta information from LiveJournal. Please try again soon.' ) );
- // Snoopy doesn't provide an accessor for results...
- $results = $this->snoop->results;
- // Get the maxid so we know if we have them all yet
- preg_match( '|(\d+)|', $results, $matches );
- $maxid = !empty( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : $maxid;
- // Parse comments and get highest id available
- preg_match_all( '| $highest_id )
- $highest_id = $id;
- }
- // Parse out the list of user mappings, and add it to the known list
- preg_match_all( '||', $results, $matches );
- foreach ( $matches[1] as $count => $userid )
- $this->usermap[$userid] = $matches[2][$count]; // need this in memory for translating ids => names
- update_option( 'ljapi_usermap', $this->usermap );
- update_option( 'ljapi_maxid', $maxid );
- update_option( 'ljapi_highest_id', $highest_id );
- }
- // endwhile - should have seen all comment meta at this point
- // Download Comment XML
- // Load previous state (if any)
- $highest_id = (int) get_option( 'ljapi_highest_comment_id' );
- $comment_xml_files = get_option( 'ljapi_comment_xml_files' );
- if ( !is_array( $comment_xml_files ) ) {
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_xml_files', array() );
- $comment_xml_files = array();
- }
- echo '';
- // And now request the actual comments, and keep going until we have them all
- while ( $maxid > $highest_id ) {
- // Get a batch of comments, using the highest_id we've already got as a starting point
- if ( !$this->snoop->fetch( $this->comments_url . '?get=comment_body&startid=' . ( $highest_id + 1 ) ) )
- return new WP_Error( 'Snoopy', __( 'Failed to retrieve comment bodies from LiveJournal. Please try again soon.' ) );
- // Get the highest post ID in this batch (required for loop control)
- $results = $this->snoop->results;
- preg_match_all( '| $highest_id )
- $highest_id = $comments[1][$r];
- }
- // $this->snoop-results is where the actual response is stored
- $this->log( $this->snoop->results, 'ljimport-comment-bodies-' . $highest_id . '.txt' );
- // Store in uploads dir. Can't use *.xml because it's not allowed
- $results = wp_upload_bits( 'raw-comments-' . $highest_id . '.txt', null, $results );
- if ( !empty( $results['error'] ) )
- return new WP_Error( 'xml', $results['error'] );
- $comment_xml_files[] = $results['file'];
- echo '- ' . sprintf( __( 'Downloaded %s' ), basename( $results['file'] ) ) . '
- ob_flush(); flush();
- $comment_xml_files = array_unique( $comment_xml_files );
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_xml_files', $comment_xml_files );
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_xml_files_count', count( $comment_xml_files ) );
- }
- // endwhile - all comments downloaded and ready for bulk processing
- echo '
- return true;
- }
- function parse_comment_xml( $xml_file ) {
- if ( !is_file( $xml_file ) || !is_readable( $xml_file ) )
- return new WP_Error( 'file', sprintf( __( 'Could not access comment XML file: %s'), $filename ) );
- // Get content from file
- $xml = @file_get_contents( $xml_file );
- $cache_files = get_option( 'ljapi_comment_cache_files' );
- if ( !is_array( $cache_files ) )
- $cache_files = array();
- // Parse XML into comments
- preg_match_all( '||iUs', $xml, $matches );
- unset( $xml );
- for ( $c = 0; $c < count( $matches[0] ); $c++ ) {
- $comment = $matches[0][$c];
- // Filter out any captured, deleted comments (nothing useful to import)
- $comment = preg_replace( '||is', '', $comment );
- // Parse this comment into an array
- $comment = $this->parse_comment( $comment );
- if ( empty( $comment['comment_post_ID'] ) )
- continue;
- // Add this comment to the appropriate cache file
- $filename = $this->full_path( 'ljimport-comments-' . $comment['comment_post_ID'] . '.php' );
- if ( $this->write_file( '' . "\n",
- $filename,
- $comment['comment_post_ID'],
- 'a' ) )
- {
- // Keep track of files used
- $cache_files[] = $filename;
- }
- }
- // Update list of files in the DB
- sort( $cache_files );
- $cache_files = array_unique( $cache_files );
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_cache_files', $cache_files );
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_cache_files_count', count( $cache_files ) );
- $this->close_file_pointers();
- // Don't need this XML file anymore
- unlink( $xml_file );
- return true;
- }
- function parse_comment( $comment ) {
- global $wpdb;
- // Get the top-level attributes
- preg_match( '|]+)>|i', $comment, $attribs );
- preg_match( '| id=\'(\d+)\'|i', $attribs[1], $matches );
- $lj_comment_ID = $matches[1];
- preg_match( '| jitemid=\'(\d+)\'|i', $attribs[1], $matches );
- $lj_comment_post_ID = $matches[1];
- preg_match( '| posterid=\'(\d+)\'|i', $attribs[1], $matches );
- $comment_author_ID = $matches[1];
- preg_match( '| parentid=\'(\d+)\'|i', $attribs[1], $matches );
- $lj_comment_parent = $matches[1];
- preg_match( '| state=\'([SDFA])\'|i', $attribs[1], $matches );
- $lj_comment_state = !empty( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : 'A';
- // Clean up "subject" - this will become the first line of the comment in WP
- preg_match( '|(.*)|is', $comment, $matches );
- $comment_subject = $wpdb->escape( trim( $matches[1] ) );
- if ( 'Re:' == $comment_subject )
- $comment_subject = '';
- // Get the body and HTMLize it
- preg_match( '|(.*)|is', $comment, $matches );
- $comment_content = !empty( $comment_subject ) ? $comment_subject . "\n\n" . $matches[1] : $matches[1];
- $comment_content = html_entity_decode( $comment_content );
- $comment_content = str_replace( ''', "'", $comment_content );
- $comment_content = wpautop( $comment_content );
- $comment_content = str_replace( '
', '
', $comment_content );
- $comment_content = str_replace( '
', '
', $comment_content );
- $comment_content = preg_replace_callback( '|<(/?[A-Z]+)|', create_function( '$match', 'return "<" . strtolower( $match[1] );' ), $comment_content );
- $comment_content = $wpdb->escape( trim( $comment_content ) );
- // Get and convert the date
- preg_match( '|(.*)|i', $comment, $matches );
- $comment_date = trim( str_replace( array( 'T', 'Z' ), ' ', $matches[1] ) );
- // Grab IP if available
- preg_match( '|(.*)|i', $comment, $matches );
- $comment_author_IP = $matches[1];
- // Try to get something useful for the comment author, especially if it was "my" comment
- $author = ( substr( $this->usermap[$comment_author_ID], 0, 4 ) == 'ext_' || empty( $comment_author_ID ) ) ? __( 'Anonymous' ) : $this->usermap[$comment_author_ID];
- if ( get_option( 'ljapi_username' ) == $author ) {
- $user = wp_get_current_user();
- $user_id = $user->ID;
- $author = $user->display_name;
- $url = trailingslashit( get_option( 'home' ) );
- } else {
- $user_id = 0;
- $url = ( __( 'Anonymous' ) == $author ) ? '' : 'http://' . $author . '.livejournal.com/';
- }
- // Send back the array of details
- return array( 'lj_comment_ID' => $lj_comment_ID,
- 'lj_comment_post_ID' => $lj_comment_post_ID,
- 'lj_comment_parent' => ( !empty( $lj_comment_parent ) ? $lj_comment_parent : 0 ),
- 'lj_comment_state' => $lj_comment_state,
- 'comment_post_ID' => $this->get_wp_post_ID( $lj_comment_post_ID ),
- 'comment_author' => $author,
- 'comment_author_url' => $url,
- 'comment_content' => $comment_content,
- 'comment_date' => $comment_date,
- 'comment_author_IP' => ( !empty( $comment_author_IP ) ? $comment_author_IP : '' ),
- 'comment_approved' => ( in_array( $lj_comment_state, array( 'A', 'F' ) ) ? 1 : 0 ),
- 'comment_agent' => 'WP LJ Importer',
- 'user_id' => $user_id
- );
- }
- // Gets the post_ID that a LJ post has been saved as within WP
- function get_wp_post_ID( $post ) {
- global $wpdb;
- if ( empty( $this->postmap[$post] ) )
- $this->postmap[$post] = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'lj_itemid' AND meta_value = %d", $post ) );
- return $this->postmap[$post];
- }
- // Re-build the threading within a single cache file
- function thread_comments( $filename ) {
- if ( !is_file( $filename ) || !is_readable( $filename ) )
- return new WP_Error( 'File', __( sprintf( 'Cannot access file %s', $filename ) ) );
- $comments = array();
- @include( $filename );
- $this->comments = $comments;
- unset( $comments );
- if ( !is_array( $this->comments ) )
- $this->comments = array();
- $count = count( $this->comments );
- for ( $c = 0; $c < $count; $c++ ) {
- // Skip anything that's not "top-level" for now
- if ( 0 != $this->comments[$c]['lj_comment_parent'] )
- continue;
- $this->comments[$c]['children'] = $this->get_child_comments( $this->comments[$c]['lj_comment_ID'] );
- }
- // Remove anything that's not supposed to be at top level
- $top_comments = array();
- for ( $c = 0; $c < $count; $c++ ) {
- if ( 0 == $this->comments[$c]['lj_comment_parent'] ) {
- $top_comments[] = $this->comments[$c];
- }
- }
- // Write back to file
- @unlink( $filename );
- $this->write_file( '', $filename, $count, 'w' );
- unset( $top_comments );
- $this->close_file_pointers();
- // Reference this file as being threaded
- $files = get_option( 'ljapi_comment_threaded_files' );
- $files[] = $filename;
- array_unique( $files );
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_threaded_files', $files );
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_threaded_files_count', count( $files ) );
- return true;
- }
- function get_child_comments( $id ) {
- $children = array();
- $count = count( $this->comments );
- for ( $c = 0; $c < $count; $c++ ) {
- // This comment is a child of the $id
- if ( $id == $this->comments[$c]['lj_comment_parent'] ) {
- $this->comments[$c]['children'] = $this->get_child_comments( $this->comments[$c]['lj_comment_ID'] );
- $children[] = $this->comments[$c];
- }
- }
- return $children;
- }
- // Inserts the contents of each cache file (should be threaded already)
- function insert_comments( $filename ) {
- echo '';
- if ( !is_file( $filename ) || !is_readable( $filename ) )
- return new WP_Error( 'File', __( sprintf( 'Cannot access file %s', $filename ) ) );
- $comments = array();
- @include( $filename );
- $this->comments = $comments;
- unset( $comments );
- if ( !is_array( $this->comments ) )
- $this->comments = array();
- $count = count( $this->comments );
- for ( $c = 0; $c < $count; $c++ ) {
- $comment =& $this->comments[$c];
- echo '- ';
- printf( __( 'Imported comment from %s on %s' ), $comment['comment_author'], $comment['comment_date'] );
- $id = wp_insert_comment( $comment );
- $comment['comment_ID'] = $id;
- if ( count( $comment['children'] ) ) {
- _e( ' and replies:' );
- $this->insert_child_comments( $comment['children'], $id );
- }
- echo '
- }
- // Remove the file now that we're done with it
- @unlink( $filename );
- echo '
- return true;
- }
- function insert_child_comments( &$comments, $parent ) {
- echo '';
- $count = count( $comments );
- for ( $c = 0; $c < $count; $c++ ) {
- $comment =& $comments[$c];
- $comment['comment_parent'] = $parent;
- echo '- ';
- printf( __( 'Imported reply from %s on %s' ), $comment['comment_author'], $comment['comment_date'] );
- $id = wp_insert_comment( $comment );
- $comment['comment_ID'] = $id;
- if ( count( $comment['children'] ) ) {
- _e( ' and replies:' );
- $this->insert_child_comments( $comment['children'], $id );
- }
- echo '
- }
- echo '
- }
- function lj_ixr() {
- if ( $challenge = $this->ixr->query( 'LJ.XMLRPC.getchallenge' ) ) {
- $challenge = $this->ixr->getResponse();
- }
- if ( isset( $challenge['challenge'] ) ) {
- $params = array( 'username' => $this->username,
- 'auth_method' => 'challenge',
- 'auth_challenge' => $challenge['challenge'],
- 'auth_response' => md5( $challenge['challenge'] . md5( $this->password ) ) );
- } else {
- return new WP_Error( 'IXR', __( 'LiveJournal does not appear to be responding right now. Please try again later.' ) );
- }
- $args = func_get_args();
- $method = array_shift( $args );
- if ( isset( $args[0] ) )
- $params = array_merge( $params, $args[0] );
- if ( $this->ixr->query( 'LJ.XMLRPC.' . $method, $params ) ) {
- return $this->ixr->getResponse();
- } else {
- $this->log( $this->ixr->message, 'ljimport-error-' . $method . '.txt' );
- return new WP_Error( 'IXR', __( 'XML-RPC Request Failed - ' ) . $this->ixr->getErrorCode() . ': ' . $this->ixr->getErrorMessage() );
- }
- }
function dispatch() {
- if ( empty( $_REQUEST['step'] ) )
+ if (empty ($_GET['step']))
$step = 0;
- $step = (int) $_REQUEST['step'];
+ $step = (int) $_GET['step'];
- switch ( $step ) {
- case -1 :
- $this->cleanup();
- // Intentional no break
+ switch ($step) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
- case 2 :
- $this->ixr = new IXR_Client( $this->ixr_url );
- // Intentional no break
- case 3 :
- case 4 :
- case 5 :
- check_admin_referer( 'lj-api-import' );
- $result = $this->{ 'step' . $step }();
+ check_admin_referer('import-upload');
+ $result = $this->import();
if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
echo $result->get_error_message();
@@ -804,371 +183,12 @@ class LJ_API_Import {
- // Check form inputs and start importing posts
- function step1() {
- // Get details from form or from DB
- if ( !empty( $_POST['lj_username'] ) && !empty( $_POST['lj_password'] ) ) {
- // Store details for later
- $this->username = $_POST['lj_username'];
- $this->password = $_POST['lj_password'];
- update_option( 'ljapi_username', $this->username );
- update_option( 'ljapi_password', $this->password );
- } else {
- $this->username = get_option( 'ljapi_username' );
- $this->password = get_option( 'ljapi_password' );
- }
- // This is the password to set on protected posts
- if ( !empty( $_POST['protected_password'] ) ) {
- $this->protected_password = $_POST['protected_password'];
- update_option( 'ljapi_protected_password', $this->protected_password );
- } else {
- $this->protected_password = get_option( 'ljapi_protected_password' );
- }
- // Login to confirm the details are correct
- if ( empty( $this->username ) || empty( $this->password ) ) {
- ?>
- and password so we can download your posts and comments.' ) ?>
- lj_ixr( 'login' );
- if ( is_wp_error( $login ) ) {
- if ( 100 == $this->ixr->getErrorCode() || 101 == $this->ixr->getErrorCode() ) {
- ?>
- ' . __( 'Importing Posts' ) . '';
- echo '' . __( "We're downloading and importing all your LiveJournal posts..." ) . '
- ob_flush(); flush();
- // Now do the grunt work
- set_time_limit( 0 );
- $result = $this->import_posts();
- if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
- if ( 406 == $this->ixr->getErrorCode() ) {
- ?>
- ' . __( "Your posts have all been imported, but wait - there's more! Now we need to process & import your comments." ) . '';
- echo $this->next_step( 2, __( 'Download my comments »' ) );
- $this->auto_submit();
- }
- // Download comments to local XML
- function step2() {
- set_time_limit( 0 );
- update_option( 'ljapi_step', 2 );
- $this->username = get_option( 'ljapi_username' );
- $this->password = get_option( 'ljapi_password' );
- echo '' . __( 'Downloading Comments' ) . '
- echo '' . __( 'Now we will download your comments so we can process and import them...' ) . '
- ob_flush(); flush();
- $result = $this->download_comments();
- if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
- return $result;
- echo '' . __( 'Your comments have all been downloaded to this server now, so we can process them and get them ready for importing.' ) . '
- echo $this->next_step( 3, __( 'Process my comment files »' ) );
- $this->auto_submit();
- }
- // Parse XML into comment cache files
- function step3() {
- set_time_limit( 0 );
- update_option( 'ljapi_step', 3 );
- $this->usermap = get_option( 'ljapi_usermap' );
- echo '';
- echo '
' . __( 'Parsing Comments' ) . '
- echo '
' . __( 'Time to clean up your comments and get them into a format WordPress understands...' ) . '
- ob_flush(); flush();
- $files = get_option( 'ljapi_comment_xml_files' );
- if ( count( $files ) ) {
- $file = array_pop( $files );
- $result = $this->parse_comment_xml( $file );
- if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
- return $result;
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_xml_files', $files );
- }
- if ( count( $files ) ) {
- ?>
- auto_ajax( 'ljapi-auto-repost', 'auto-message', 0 ); ?>
- ' . __( 'Yay, we finished processing all of your comment files! Now we need to re-build your conversation threads.' ) . '';
- echo $this->next_step( 4, __( 'Thread my comments »' ) );
- $this->auto_submit();
- }
- echo '
- }
- // Thread comments within their cache files
- function step4() {
- set_time_limit( 0 );
- update_option( 'ljapi_step', 4 );
- echo '';
- echo '
' . __( 'Threading Comments' ) . '
- echo '
' . __( 'Re-building your conversation threads ready for import...' ) . '
- ob_flush(); flush();
- $files = get_option( 'ljapi_comment_cache_files' );
- if ( count( $files ) ) {
- $file = array_pop( $files );
- $result = $this->thread_comments( $file );
- if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
- return $result;
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_cache_files', $files );
- }
- if ( count( $files ) ) {
- ?>
- auto_ajax( 'ljapi-auto-repost', 'auto-message', 0 ); ?>
- ' . __( "Alrighty, your comments are all threaded. There's just one last step -- time to actually import them all now!" ) . '';
- echo '
' . __( 'This last part in particular can take a really long time if you have a lot of comments. You might want to go and do something else while you wait.' ) . '
- echo $this->next_step( 5, __( 'Import my threaded comments into WordPress »' ) );
- $this->auto_submit();
- }
- echo '
- }
- // Import comments from cache files into WP
- function step5() {
- set_time_limit( 0 );
- update_option( 'ljapi_step', 5 );
- echo '';
- echo '
' . __( 'Importing Comments' ) . '
- echo '
' . __( 'This is the big one -- we are now inserting your comment threads into WordPress...' ) . '
- $files = get_option( 'ljapi_comment_threaded_files' );
- echo '
' . sprintf( __( 'Importing cache file %d of %d' ), ( get_option( 'ljapi_comment_threaded_files_count' ) - count( $files ) + 1 ), get_option( 'ljapi_comment_threaded_files_count' ) ) . '
- ob_flush(); flush();
- if ( count( $files ) ) {
- $file = array_pop( $files );
- $result = $this->insert_comments( $file );
- if ( is_wp_error( $result ) )
- return $result;
- update_option( 'ljapi_comment_threaded_files', $files );
- }
- if ( count( $files ) ) {
- ?>
- auto_ajax( 'ljapi-auto-repost', 'auto-message', 0 ); ?>
- cleanup();
- do_action( 'import_done', 'livejournal' );
- echo '
- printf( __( 'All done. Have fun!' ), get_option( 'home' ) );
- echo '
- }
- echo '
- }
- // Returns the HTML for a link to the next page
- function next_step( $next_step, $label, $id = 'ljapi-next-form' ) {
- $str = '';
- return $str;
- }
- // Automatically submit the form with #id to continue the process
- // Hide any submit buttons to avoid people clicking them
- // Display a countdown in the element indicated by $msg for "Continuing in x"
- function auto_ajax( $id = 'ljapi-next-form', $msg = 'auto-message', $seconds = 5 ) {
- ?>pointers[$id] ) )
- $this->pointers[$id] = @fopen( $name, $mode );
- if ( $this->pointers[$id] )
- return fwrite( $this->pointers[$id], $data );
- return false;
- }
- function full_path( $basename ) {
- $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
- return $uploads['path'] . '/' . $basename;
- }
- function close_file_pointers() {
- foreach ( $this->pointers as $p )
- @fclose( $p );
- }
- function LJ_API_Import() {
- $this->__construct();
- }
- function __construct() {
- // Nothing
+ function LJ_Import() {
+ // Nothing.
-$lj_api_import = new LJ_API_Import();
+$livejournal_import = new LJ_Import();
-register_importer( 'livejournal', __( 'LiveJournal' ), __( 'Import posts from LiveJournal using their API.' ), array( $lj_api_import, 'dispatch' ) );
+register_importer('livejournal', __('LiveJournal'), __('Import posts from a LiveJournal XML export file.'), array ($livejournal_import, 'dispatch'));