mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 01:18:42 +00:00
renamed these files to wp-
git-svn-id: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/trunk@383 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
<div class="wrap">
function selected($selected, $current) {
if ($selected == $current) echo ' selected="selected"';
switch($action) {
case 'post':
$submitbutton_text = 'Blog this!';
$toprow_title = 'New Post';
$form_action = 'post';
$form_extra = '';
if ($use_pingback) {
$form_pingback = '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="post_pingback" value="1" ';
if ($post_pingback) $form_pingback .= 'checked="checked" ';
$form_pingback .= 'tabindex="7" id="pingback" /> <label for="pingback"><strong>PingBack</strong> the <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locators">URL</acronym>s in this post</label> <a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#pingback" title="Help on Pingbacks">?</a><br />';
} else {
$form_pingback = '';
if ($use_trackback) {
$form_trackback = '<p><label for="trackback"><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#trackback" title="Help on trackbacks"><strong>TrackBack</strong> an <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym></a>:</label> (Separate multiple <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym>s with commas.)<br />
<input type="text" name="trackback_url" style="width: 415px" id="trackback" tabindex="7" /></p>';
} else {
$form_trackback = '';
$colspan = 3;
case "edit":
$submitbutton_text = 'Edit this!';
$toprow_title = 'Editing Post #' . $postdata['ID'];
$form_action = 'editpost';
$form_extra = "' />\n<input type='hidden' name='post_ID' value='$post";
$colspan = 2;
$form_pingback = '<input type="hidden" name="post_pingback" value="0" />';
$form_prevstatus = '<input type="hidden" name="prev_status" value="'.$post_status.'" />';
$form_trackback = '';
case "editcomment":
$submitbutton_text = 'Edit this!';
$toprow_title = 'Editing Comment # '.$commentdata['comment_ID'];
$form_action = 'editedcomment';
$form_extra = "' />\n<input type='hidden' name='comment_ID' value='$comment' />\n<input type='hidden' name='comment_post_ID' value='".$commentdata["comment_post_ID"];
$colspan = 3;
$form_pingback = '<input type="hidden" name="post_pingback" value="0" />';
$form_trackback = '';
<form name="post" action="b2edit.php" method="post" id="post">
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<?php if ($action != "editcomment") {
// this is for everything but comment editing
<script type="text/javascript">
function focusit() {
// focus on first input field
window.onload = focusit;
<div id="titlediv">
<label for="title"><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#title" title="Help on titles">Title</a>:</label>
<br />
<input type="text" name="post_title" size="25" tabindex="1" style="width: 190px;" value="<?php echo $edited_post_title; ?>" id="title" />
<div id="categorydiv">
<label for="category"><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#category" title="Help on categories">Category</a>:</label>
<br />
<?php dropdown_categories($blog_ID, $default_post_cat); ?>
<div id="poststatusdiv">
<label for="post_status"><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#post_status" title="Help on post status">Post
<br />
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<option value="draft"<?php selected($post_status, 'draft'); ?>>Draft</option>
<option value="private"<?php selected($post_status, 'private'); ?>>Private</option>
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<label for="comment_status"><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#comments" title="Help on comment status">Comments</a>:</label>
<br />
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<option value="open"<?php selected($comment_status, 'open'); ?>>Open</option>
<option value="closed"<?php selected($comment_status, 'closed'); ?>>Closed</option>
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<option value="closed"<?php selected($ping_status, 'closed'); ?>>Closed</option>
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} else {
// this is for comment editing
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function focusit() {
// focus on first input field
window.onload = focusit;
<label for="name">Name:</label><br />
<input type="text" name="newcomment_author" size="22" value="<?php echo format_to_edit($commentdata['comment_author']) ?>" tabindex="1" id="name" /></td>
<label for="email">E-mail:</label><br />
<input type="text" name="newcomment_author_email" size="30" value="<?php echo format_to_edit($commentdata['comment_author_email']) ?>" tabindex="2" id="email" />
<label for="URL">URL:</label><br />
<input type="text" name="newcomment_author_url" size="35" value="<?php echo format_to_edit($commentdata['comment_author_url']) ?>" tabindex="3" id="URL" />
} // end else comment editing
if ($action != 'editcomment') {
<p><label for="excerpt"><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#excerpt" title="Help with excerpts">Excerpt</a>:</label>
<br />
<textarea rows="3" cols="40" style="width:100%" name="excerpt" tabindex="4" wrap="virtual" id="excerpt"><?php echo $excerpt ?></textarea></p>
} // if not a comment
<table width="100%">
if ($action != 'editcomment') {
echo '<label for="content"><a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#post" title="Help with post field">Post</a>:</label>';
} else {
echo '<label for="content">Comment:</label>';
<td id="quicktags">
if ($use_quicktags) {
echo '<a href="http://wordpress.org/docs/reference/post/#quicktags" title="Help with quicktags">Quicktags</a>: ';
$rows = get_settings('default_post_edit_rows');
if (($rows < 3) || ($rows > 100)) {
$rows = 9;
<textarea rows="<?php echo $rows; ?>" cols="40" style="width:100%" name="content" tabindex="4" wrap="virtual" id="content"><?php echo $content ?></textarea><br />
if ($use_quicktags) {
<script language="JavaScript">
edCanvas = document.getElementById('content');
if (get_settings('use_geo_positions')) {
<label for="post_latf">Latitude:</label><input size="8" type="text" value="<?php echo $edited_lat; ?>" name="post_latf">
<label for="post_lonf">Longitude:</label><input size="8" type="text" value="<?php echo $edited_lon; ?>" name="post_lonf"> <a href="http://www.geourl.org/resources.html" rel="external" >click for Geo Info</a>
<?php echo $form_pingback ?>
<?php echo $form_prevstatus ?>
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $submitbutton_text ?>" class="search" style="font-weight: bold;" tabindex="6" /></p>
<?php if ( ($use_fileupload) && ($user_level >= $fileupload_minlevel) && ((ereg(" ".$user_login." ", $fileupload_allowedusers)) || (trim($fileupload_allowedusers)=="")) ) { ?>
<input type="button" value="upload a file/image" onclick="launchupload();" class="search" tabindex="10" />
<?php }
echo $form_trackback;
// if the level is 5+, allow user to edit the timestamp - not on 'new post' screen though
// if (($user_level > 4) && ($action != "post"))
if ($user_level > 4) {
touch_time(($action == 'edit'));
if ('edit' == $action) echo "
<p><a href='b2edit.php?action=delete&post=$post' onclick=\"return confirm('You are about to delete this post \'".$edited_post_title."\'\\n \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.')\">Delete this post</a></p>";
@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
if (!$showposts) {
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Show posts:
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if ($previousXstart > 0) {
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<input type="submit" name="submitnext" class="search" value="<?php echo $showposts ?> >" />
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<form name="showXfirstlastposts" method="get" action="">
<input type="text" name="showposts" value="<?php echo $showposts ?>" style="width:40px;" /?>
if (!isset($order))
$i = $order;
if ($i == "DESC")
$besp_selected = "selected='selected'";
<select name="order">
<option value="DESC" <?php echo $besp_selected ?>>last posts</option>
$besp_selected = "";
if ($i == "ASC")
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<option value="ASC" <?php echo $besp_selected?>>first posts</option>
<input type="submit" name="submitfirstlast" class="search" value="OK" />
<td valign="top"><!-- show post X to post X -->
<form name="showXfirstlastposts" method="get" action="">
<input type="text" name="poststart" value="<?php echo $poststart ?>" style="width:40px;" /?> to <input type="text" name="postend" value="<?php echo $postend ?>" style="width:40px;" /?>
<select name="order">
$besp_selected = "";
$i = $order;
if ($i == "DESC")
$besp_selected = "selected='selected'";
<option value="DESC" "<?php echo $besp_selected ?>">from the end</option>
$besp_selected = "";
if ($i == "ASC")
$besp_selected = "selected='selected'";
?> <option value="ASC" "<?php echo $besp_selected ?>">from the start</option>
<input type="submit" name="submitXtoX" class="search" value="OK" />
$posts_nav_bar = ob_get_contents();
echo $posts_nav_bar;
<div class="wrap">
<table width="100%">
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<form name="searchform" action="b2edit.php" method="get">
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<input type="submit" name="submit" value="search" class="search" />
<td valign="top" width="33%" align="center">
<form name="viewcat" action="b2edit.php" method="get">
<select name="cat" style="width:140px;">
<option value="all">All Categories</option>
$categories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $tablecategories");
$width = ($mode=="sidebar") ? "100%" : "170px";
foreach ($categories as $category) {
echo "<option value=\"".$category->cat_ID."\"";
if ($category->cat_ID == $postdata["Category"])
echo " selected='selected'";
echo ">".$category->cat_name."</option>";
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="View" class="search" />
<td valign="top" width="33%" align="right">
<form name="viewarc" action="b2edit.php" method="get">
if ($archive_mode == "monthly") {
echo "<select name=\"m\" style=\"width:120px;\">";
$arc_result=$wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) FROM $tableposts ORDER BY post_date DESC",ARRAY_A);
foreach ($arc_result as $arc_row) {
$arc_year = $arc_row["YEAR(post_date)"];
$arc_month = $arc_row["MONTH(post_date)"];
echo "<option value=\"$arc_year".zeroise($arc_month,2)."\">";
echo $month[zeroise($arc_month,2)]." $arc_year";
echo "</option>\n";
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echo "<select name=\"d\" style=\"width:120px;\">";
$archive_day_date_format = "Y/m/d";
$arc_result=$wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date), DAYOFMONTH(post_date) FROM $tableposts ORDER BY post_date DESC", ARRAY_A);
foreach ($arc_result as $arc_row) {
$arc_year = $arc_row["YEAR(post_date)"];
$arc_month = $arc_row["MONTH(post_date)"];
$arc_dayofmonth = $arc_row["DAYOFMONTH(post_date)"];
echo "<option value=\"$arc_year".zeroise($arc_month,2).zeroise($arc_dayofmonth,2)."\">";
echo mysql2date($archive_day_date_format, $arc_year.zeroise($arc_month,2).zeroise($arc_dayofmonth,2)." 00:00:00");
echo "</option>\n";
} elseif ($archive_mode == "weekly") {
echo "<select name=\"w\" style=\"width:120px;\">";
if (!isset($start_of_week)) {
$start_of_week = 1;
$archive_week_start_date_format = "Y/m/d";
$archive_week_end_date_format = "Y/m/d";
$archive_week_separator = " - ";
$arc_result=$wpdb->geT_results("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date), DAYOFMONTH(post_date), WEEK(post_date) FROM $tableposts ORDER BY post_date DESC", ARRAY_A);
$arc_w_last = '';
foreach ($arc_result as $arc_row) {
$arc_year = $arc_row["YEAR(post_date)"];
$arc_w = $arc_row["WEEK(post_date)"];
if ($arc_w != $arc_w_last) {
$arc_w_last = $arc_w;
$arc_ymd = $arc_year."-".zeroise($arc_row["MONTH(post_date)"],2)."-" .zeroise($arc_row["DAYOFMONTH(post_date)"],2);
$arc_week = get_weekstartend($arc_ymd, $start_of_week);
$arc_week_start = date($archive_week_start_date_format, $arc_week['start']);
$arc_week_end = date($archive_week_end_date_format, $arc_week['end']);
echo "<option value=\"$arc_w\">";
echo $arc_week_start.$archive_week_separator.$arc_week_end;
echo "</option>\n";
} elseif ($archive_mode == "postbypost") {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="more" value="1" />';
echo '<select name="p" style="width:120px;">';
$resultarc = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID,post_date,post_title FROM $tableposts ORDER BY post_date DESC");
foreach ($resultarc as $row) {
if ($row->post_date != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
echo "<option value=\"".$row->ID."\">";
if (strip_tags($row->post_title)) {
echo strip_tags(stripslashes($row->post_title));
} else {
echo $row->ID;
echo "</option>\n";
echo "</select>";
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="View" class="search" />
// these lines are b2's "motor", do not alter nor remove them
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
//$posts_per_page = 10;
start_b2(); ?>
<strong><?php the_time('Y/m/d @ H:i:s'); ?></strong> [ <a href="b2edit.php?p=<?php echo $id ?>&c=1"><?php comments_number('no comments', '1 comment', "% comments") ?></a>
if (($user_level > $authordata->user_level) or ($user_login == $authordata->user_login)) {
echo " - <a href='b2edit.php?action=edit&post=$id";
if ($m)
echo "&m=$m";
echo "'>Edit</a>";
echo " - <a href='b2edit.php?action=delete&post=$id' onclick=\"return confirm('You are about to delete this post \'".the_title('','',0)."\'\\n \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.')\">Delete</a> ";
if ('private' == $post->post_status) echo ' - <strong>Private</strong>';
<br />
<font color="#999999"><b><a href="<?php permalink_single($siteurl.'/'.$blogfilename); ?>" title="permalink"><?php the_title() ?></a></b> by <b><?php the_author() ?> (<a href="javascript:profile(<?php the_author_ID() ?>)"><?php the_author_nickname() ?></a>)</b>, in <b><?php the_category() ?></b></font><br />
<?php permalink_anchor(); ?>
// comments
if (($withcomments) or ($c)) {
$comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $tablecomments WHERE comment_post_ID = $id ORDER BY comment_date");
if ($comments) {
<ol id="comments">
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$commentdata = $comment;
<!-- comment -->
<b><?php comment_author() ?> ( <?php comment_author_email_link() ?> / <?php comment_author_url_link() ?> )</b> (IP: <?php comment_author_IP() ?>)
<?php comment_text() ?>
<?php comment_date('Y/m/d') ?> @ <?php comment_time() ?>
if (($user_level > $authordata->user_level) or ($user_login == $authordata->user_login)) {
echo "[ <a href=\"b2edit.php?action=editcomment&comment=".$commentdata->comment_ID."\">Edit</a>";
echo " - <a href=\"b2edit.php?action=deletecomment&p=".$post->ID."&comment=".$commentdata->comment_ID."\">Delete</a> ]";
} // end if any comments to show
<!-- /comment -->
<?php //end of the loop, don't delete
} // end foreach
echo '</ol>';
}//end if comments
if ($comment_error)
echo "<p>Error: please fill the required fields (name & comment)</p>";
<h3>Leave Comment</h3>
<!-- form to add a comment -->
<form action="<?php echo $siteurl.'/b2comments.post.php'?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>" />
<input type="text" name="author" class="textarea" value="<?php echo $user_nickname ?>" size="20" tabindex="1" /><br />
<input type="text" name="email" class="textarea" value="<?php echo $user_email ?>" size="20" tabindex="2" /><br />
<input type="text" name="url" class="textarea" value="<?php echo $user_url ?>" size="20" tabindex="3" /><br />
<textarea cols="40" rows="4" name="comment" tabindex="4" class="textarea">comment</textarea><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="buttonarea" value="ok" tabindex="5" />
<!-- /form -->
<?php // if you delete this the sky will fall on your head
<br />
} // end b2 loop
} else {
<strong>No results found.</strong>
} // end if ($posts)
<?php echo $posts_nav_bar; ?>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user