diff --git a/wp-admin/includes/media.php b/wp-admin/includes/media.php
index b5aa42b221..fce66f7e25 100644
--- a/wp-admin/includes/media.php
+++ b/wp-admin/includes/media.php
@@ -381,6 +381,8 @@ function media_buttons($editor_id = 'content') {
$img = '';
+ echo '' . sprintf( __('%s Beta Media'), $img ) . '';
echo '' . sprintf( $context, $img ) . '';
add_action( 'media_buttons', 'media_buttons' );
diff --git a/wp-admin/js/media-upload.js b/wp-admin/js/media-upload.js
index 9b998ff2a3..16f0a6e26e 100644
--- a/wp-admin/js/media-upload.js
+++ b/wp-admin/js/media-upload.js
@@ -86,3 +86,66 @@ var tb_position;
+// WordPress, TinyMCE, and Media
+// -----------------------------
+ // Stores the editors' `wp.media.controller.Workflow` instaces.
+ var workflows = {};
+ wp.mce.media = {
+ insert: send_to_editor,
+ add: function( id, options ) {
+ var workflow = this.get( id );
+ if ( workflow )
+ return workflow;
+ workflow = workflows[ id ] = wp.media( _.defaults( options || {}, {
+ multiple: true
+ } ) );
+ workflow.on( 'update', function( selection ) {
+ this.insert( '\n' + selection.map( function( attachment ) {
+ return wp.media.string.image( attachment );
+ }).join('\n\n') + '\n' );
+ }, this );
+ return workflow;
+ },
+ get: function( id ) {
+ return workflows[ id ];
+ },
+ remove: function( id ) {
+ delete workflows[ id ];
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ $('.insert-media').on( 'click', function( event ) {
+ var editor = $(this).data('editor'),
+ workflow;
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if ( ! editor )
+ return;
+ workflow = wp.mce.media.get( editor );
+ // If the workflow exists, just open it.
+ if ( workflow ) {
+ workflow.open();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Initialize the editor's workflow if we haven't yet.
+ wp.mce.media.add( editor );
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $( wp.mce.media.init )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wp-includes/css/editor.css b/wp-includes/css/editor.css
index c53d7fdce4..a00cdee8b8 100644
--- a/wp-includes/css/editor.css
+++ b/wp-includes/css/editor.css
@@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@
.wp-editor-tools {
height: 30px;
- padding: 0 10px;
+ padding: 0 10px 0 0;
.wp-editor-container {
@@ -1079,16 +1079,18 @@ html[dir="rtl"] .wp-switch-editor {
color: #555;
-.wp-media-buttons {
- line-height: 1;
- padding: 9px 0 0;
+.wp-media-buttons .button {
+ margin-right: 5px;
+.wp-media-buttons .insert-media {
+ padding-left: 0.4em;
.wp-media-buttons a {
text-decoration: none;
- color: #333;
+ color: #464646;
font-size: 12px;
- vertical-align: bottom;
.wp-media-buttons img {
diff --git a/wp-includes/js/mce-view.js b/wp-includes/js/mce-view.js
index d2c9e55d50..d16fe1601e 100644
--- a/wp-includes/js/mce-view.js
+++ b/wp-includes/js/mce-view.js
@@ -359,45 +359,68 @@ if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' )
// Default TinyMCE Views
// ---------------------
- var mceview = wp.mce.view,
- mceFreeAttrs;
+ var mceview = wp.mce.view;
+ wp.media.string = {};
+ wp.media.string.image = function( attachment, props ) {
+ var classes, img, options, size;
+ attachment = attachment.toJSON();
+ props = _.defaults( props || {}, {
+ img: {},
+ align: getUserSetting( 'align', 'none' ),
+ size: getUserSetting( 'imgsize', 'medium' ),
+ link: getUserSetting( 'urlbutton', 'post' )
+ });
+ img = _.clone( props.img );
+ classes = img['class'] ? img['class'].split(/\s+/) : [];
+ size = attachment.sizes ? attachment.sizes[ props.size ] : {};
+ if ( ! size )
+ delete props.size;
+ img.width = size.width || attachment.width;
+ img.height = size.height || attachment.height;
+ img.src = size.url || attachment.url;
+ // Update `img` classes.
+ if ( props.align )
+ classes.push( 'align' + props.align );
+ if ( props.size )
+ classes.push( 'size-' + props.size );
+ classes.push( 'wp-image-' + attachment.id );
+ img['class'] = _.compact( classes ).join(' ');
+ // Generate `img` tag options.
+ options = {
+ tag: 'img',
+ attrs: img,
+ single: true
+ };
+ // Generate the `a` element options, if they exist.
+ if ( props.anchor ) {
+ options = {
+ tag: 'a',
+ attrs: props.anchor,
+ content: options
+ };
+ }
+ return wp.html.string( options );
+ };
mceview.add( 'attachment', {
pattern: new RegExp( '(?:]*)>)?]*class=(?:"[^"]*|\'[^\']*)\\bwp-image-(\\d+)[^>]*)>(?:)?' ),
text: function( instance ) {
- var img = _.clone( instance.img ),
- classes = img['class'].split(/\s+/),
- options;
- // Update `img` classes.
- if ( instance.align )
- classes.push( 'align' + instance.align );
- if ( instance.size )
- classes.push( 'size-' + instance.size );
- classes.push( 'wp-image-' + instance.model.id );
- img['class'] = _.compact( classes ).join(' ');
- // Generate `img` tag options.
- options = {
- tag: 'img',
- attrs: img,
- single: true
- };
- // Generate the `a` element options, if they exist.
- if ( instance.anchor ) {
- options = {
- tag: 'a',
- attrs: instance.anchor,
- content: options
- };
- }
- return wp.html.string( options );
+ var props = _.pick( instance, 'align', 'size', 'link', 'img', 'anchor' );
+ return wp.media.string.image( instance.model, props );
view: {
diff --git a/wp-includes/js/media-views.js b/wp-includes/js/media-views.js
index f3bec0cdb2..4d30d594b6 100644
--- a/wp-includes/js/media-views.js
+++ b/wp-includes/js/media-views.js
@@ -116,6 +116,12 @@
return this;
+ update: function() {
+ this.close();
+ this.trigger( 'update', this.selection );
+ this.selection.clear();
+ },
createSelection: function() {
var controller = this;
@@ -479,7 +485,8 @@
'insert-into-post': {
text: l10n.insertIntoPost,
- priority: 30
+ priority: 30,
+ click: _.bind( controller.update, controller )
'add-to-gallery': {
@@ -528,24 +535,23 @@
this.toolbarView = new media.view.Toolbar({
items: {
'return-to-library': {
- text: 'Return to media library',
+ text: l10n.returnToLibrary,
priority: -40,
click: function() {
'insert-gallery-into-post': {
- style: 'primary',
- text: 'Insert gallery into post',
+ style: 'primary',
+ text: l10n.insertGalleryIntoPost,
priority: 40,
- click: function() {
- controller.close();
- }
+ click: _.bind( controller.update, controller )
- 'add-images': {
- text: 'Add images from media library',
+ 'add-images-from-library': {
+ text: l10n.addImagesFromLibrary,
priority: 30
diff --git a/wp-includes/script-loader.php b/wp-includes/script-loader.php
index f002abd2b4..451ea2cb34 100644
--- a/wp-includes/script-loader.php
+++ b/wp-includes/script-loader.php
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ function wp_default_scripts( &$scripts ) {
'type' => 'characters' == _x( 'words', 'word count: words or characters?' ) ? 'c' : 'w',
) );
- $scripts->add( 'media-upload', "/wp-admin/js/media-upload$suffix.js", array( 'thickbox' ), false, 1 );
+ $scripts->add( 'media-upload', "/wp-admin/js/media-upload$suffix.js", array( 'thickbox', 'mce-view' ), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'hoverIntent', "/wp-includes/js/hoverIntent$suffix.js", array('jquery'), 'r6', 1 );
@@ -317,12 +317,20 @@ function wp_default_scripts( &$scripts ) {
$scripts->add( 'media-models', "/wp-includes/js/media-models$suffix.js", array( 'backbone', 'jquery' ), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'media-views', "/wp-includes/js/media-views$suffix.js", array( 'media-models', 'wp-plupload' ), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'media-views', '_wpMediaViewsL10n', array(
- 'insertMedia' => __( 'Insert Media' ),
- 'selectMediaSingular' => __( 'Select a media file:' ),
- 'selectMediaMultiple' => __( 'Select one or more media files:' ),
- 'createNewGallery' => __( 'Create a new gallery' ),
- 'insertIntoPost' => __( 'Insert into post' ),
- 'addToGallery' => __( 'Add to gallery' ),
+ // Generic
+ 'insertMedia' => __( 'Insert Media' ),
+ 'selectMediaSingular' => __( 'Select a media file:' ),
+ 'selectMediaMultiple' => __( 'Select one or more media files:' ),
+ // Library
+ 'createNewGallery' => __( 'Create a new gallery' ),
+ 'insertIntoPost' => __( 'Insert into post' ),
+ 'addToGallery' => __( 'Add to gallery' ),
+ // Gallery
+ 'returnToLibrary' => __( 'Return to media library' ),
+ 'insertGalleryIntoPost' => __( 'Insert gallery into post' ),
+ 'addImagesFromLibrary' => __( 'Add images from media library' ),
) );
$scripts->add( 'shortcode', "/wp-includes/js/shortcode$suffix.js", array( 'underscore' ), false, 1 );