Caches the output of get_item_schema() to avoid redundant recomputation of translatable strings and other computed values. This method is called many times per item in each REST request, and the results of the method should not vary between calls.
Additional schema fields are not cached.
Props kadamwhite, joehoyle, TimothyBlynJacobs.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The original REST API revisions controller relied on `wp_get_post_revisions()`, getting all revisions of a post without any possibility to restrict the result. This changeset replaces that function call with a proper `WP_Query` setup, replicating how `wp_get_post_revisions()` works while offering parameters to alter the default behavior.
Props adamsilverstein, birgire, flixos90.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
WPCS 1.0.0 includes a bunch of new auto-fixers, which drops the number of coding standards issues across WordPress significantly. Prior to running the auto-fixers, there were 15,312 issues detected. With this commit, we now drop to 4,769 issues.
This change includes three notable additions:
- Multiline function calls must now put each parameter on a new line.
- Auto-formatting files is now part of the `grunt precommit` script.
- Auto-fixable coding standards issues will now cause Travis failures.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Historically, the REST API would generate the entire response object, including running expensive filters, then it would apply the `_fields` parameter, discarding the fields that weren't specificed.
This change causes `_fields` to be applied earlier, so that only requested fields are processed.
Props danielbachhuber.
See #43874.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Prior to about 2013, many class methods lacked even access modifiers which made the `@access` notations that much more useful. Now that we've gotten to a point where the codebase is more mature from a maintenance perspective and we can finally remove these notations. Notable exceptions to this change include standalone functions notated as private as well as some classes still considered to represent "private" APIs.
See #41452.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The `post_author` field is a string internally, but we need to cast it to an integer in the REST API. This was already done for posts, but not for revisions. The field is already declared as an integer in both controllers.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Add the `deleted` property to the root of the Response object to communicate if the delete action was successful. Move the state of the resource prior to the delete request under a new `previous` property. As a result DELETE responses are now structured like so:
`{ deleted: true, previous: { ... } }`
Also includes helpful information to DELETE requests for resources that are not trashable.
Props timmydcrawford, rmccue, jnylen0.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
REST API endpoints for your WordPress content. These endpoints provide machine-readable external access to your WordPress site with a clear, standards-driven interface, allowing new and innovative apps for interacting with your site. These endpoints support all of the following:
- Posts: Read and write access to all post data, for all types of post-based data, including pages and media.
- Comments: Read and write access to all comment data. This includes pingbacks and trackbacks.
- Terms: Read and write access to all term data.
- Users: Read and write access to all user data. This includes public access to some data for post authors.
- Meta: Read and write access to metadata for posts, comments, terms, and users, on an opt-in basis from plugins.
- Settings: Read and write access to settings, on an opt-in basis from plugins and core. This enables API management of key site content values that are technically stored in options, such as site title and byline.
Love your REST API, WordPress! The infrastructure says, "Let's do lunch!" but the content API endpoints say, "You're paying!"
Props rmccue, rachelbaker, danielbachhuber, joehoyle, adamsilverstein, afurculita, ahmadawais, airesvsg, alisspers, antisilent, apokalyptik, artoliukkonen, attitude, boonebgorges, bradyvercher, brianhogg, caseypatrickdriscoll, chopinbach, chredd, christianesperar, chrisvanpatten, claudiolabarbera, claudiosmweb, cmmarslender, codebykat, coderkevin, codfish, codonnell822, daggerhart, danielpunkass, davidbhayes, delphinus, desrosj, dimadin, dotancohen, DrewAPicture, Dudo1985, duncanjbrown, eherman24, eivhyl, eliorivero, elyobo, en-alis, ericandrewlewis, ericpedia, evansobkowicz, fjarrett, frozzare, georgestephanis, greatislander, guavaworks, hideokamoto, hkdobrev, hubdotcom, hurtige, iandunn, ircrash, ironpaperweight, iseulde, Japh, jaredcobb, JDGrimes, jdolan, jdoubleu, jeremyfelt, jimt, jjeaton, jmusal, jnylen0, johanmynhardt, johnbillion, jonathanbardo, jorbin, joshkadis, JPry, jshreve, jtsternberg, JustinSainton, kacperszurek, kadamwhite, kalenjohnson, kellbot, kjbenk, kokarn, krogsgard, kuchenundkakao, kuldipem, kwight, lgedeon, lukepettway, mantismamita, markoheijnen, matrixik, mattheu, mauteri, maxcutler, mayukojpn, michael-arestad, miyauchi, mjbanks, modemlooper, mrbobbybryant, NateWr, nathanrice, netweb, NikV, nullvariable, oskosk, oso96_2000, oxymoron, pcfreak30, pento, peterwilsoncc, Pezzab, phh, pippinsplugins, pjgalbraith, pkevan, pollyplummer, pushred, quasel, QWp6t, schlessera, schrapel, Shelob9, shprink, simonlampen, Soean, solal, tapsboy, tfrommen, tharsheblows, thenbrent, tierra, tlovett1, tnegri, tobych, Toddses, toro_unit, traversal, vanillalounge, vishalkakadiya, wanecek, web2style, webbgaraget, websupporter, westonruter, whyisjake, wonderboymusic, wpsmith, xknown, zyphonic.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd