/* global tinymce */ tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpeditimage', function( editor ) { function parseShortcode( content ) { return content.replace( /(?:

)?\[(?:wp_)?caption([^\]]+)\]([\s\S]+?)\[\/(?:wp_)?caption\](?:<\/p>)?/g, function( a, b, c ) { var id, cls, w, cap, img, width, trim = tinymce.trim; id = b.match( /id=['"]([^'"]*)['"] ?/ ); if ( id ) { b = b.replace( id[0], '' ); } cls = b.match( /align=['"]([^'"]*)['"] ?/ ); if ( cls ) { b = b.replace( cls[0], '' ); } w = b.match( /width=['"]([0-9]*)['"] ?/ ); if ( w ) { b = b.replace( w[0], '' ); } c = trim( c ); img = c.match( /((?:]+>)?]+>(?:<\/a>)?)([\s\S]*)/i ); if ( img && img[2] ) { cap = trim( img[2] ); img = trim( img[1] ); } else { // old captions shortcode style cap = trim( b ).replace( /caption=['"]/, '' ).replace( /['"]$/, '' ); img = c; } id = ( id && id[1] ) ? id[1] : ''; cls = ( cls && cls[1] ) ? cls[1] : 'alignnone'; w = ( w && w[1] ) ? w[1] : ''; if ( ! w || ! cap ) { return c; } width = parseInt( w, 10 ) + 10; return '

' + '
'+ img +'
'+ cap +'
'; }); } function getShortcode( content ) { return content.replace( /
]*>([\s\S]+?)<\/div>/g, function( a, b ) { var out = ''; if ( b.indexOf(']+>([\s\S]+?)<\/dd>/i ); if ( out && out[1] ) { return '

' + out[1] + '

'; } return ''; } out = b.replace( /
]+>([\s\S]*?)<\/dd>\s*<\/dl>/gi, function( a, b, c, cap ) { var id, cls, w; w = c.match( /width="([0-9]*)"/ ); w = ( w && w[1] ) ? w[1] : ''; if ( ! w || ! cap ) { return c; } id = b.match( /id="([^"]*)"/ ); id = ( id && id[1] ) ? id[1] : ''; cls = b.match( /class="([^"]*)"/ ); cls = ( cls && cls[1] ) ? cls[1] : ''; cls = cls.match( /align[a-z]+/ ) || 'alignnone'; cap = cap.replace( /\r\n|\r/g, '\n' ).replace( /<[a-zA-Z0-9]+( [^<>]+)?>/g, function( a ) { // no line breaks inside HTML tags return a.replace( /[\r\n\t]+/, ' ' ); }); // convert remaining line breaks to
cap = cap.replace( /\s*\n\s*/g, '
' ); return '[caption id="'+ id +'" align="'+ cls +'" width="'+ w +'"]'+ c +' '+ cap +'[/caption]'; }); if ( out.indexOf('[caption') !== 0 ) { // the caption html seems brocken, try to find the image that may be wrapped in a link // and may be followed by

with the caption text. out = b.replace( /[\s\S]*?((?:]+>)?]+>(?:<\/a>)?)(

[\s\S]*<\/p>)?[\s\S]*/gi, '


$2' ); } return out; }); } function extractImageData( imageNode ) { var classes, metadata, captionBlock, caption, dom = editor.dom; // default attributes metadata = { attachment_id: false, url: false, height: '', width: '', size: 'none', caption: '', alt: '', align: 'none', link: false, linkUrl: '' }; metadata.url = dom.getAttrib( imageNode, 'src' ); metadata.alt = dom.getAttrib( imageNode, 'alt' ); metadata.width = parseInt( dom.getAttrib( imageNode, 'width' ), 10 ); metadata.height = parseInt( dom.getAttrib( imageNode, 'height' ), 10 ); //TODO: probably should capture attributes on both the and the so that they can be restored // when the image and/or caption are updated // maybe use getAttribs() // extract meta data from classes (candidate for turning into a method) classes = imageNode.className.split( ' ' ); tinymce.each( classes, function( name ) { if ( /^wp-image/.test( name ) ) { metadata.attachment_id = parseInt( name.replace( 'wp-image-', '' ), 10 ); } if ( /^align/.test( name ) ) { metadata.align = name.replace( 'align', '' ); } if ( /^size/.test( name ) ) { metadata.size = name.replace( 'size-', '' ); } } ); // extract caption captionBlock = dom.getParents( imageNode, '.wp-caption' ); if ( captionBlock.length ) { captionBlock = captionBlock[0]; classes = captionBlock.className.split( ' ' ); tinymce.each( classes, function( name ) { if ( /^align/.test( name ) ) { metadata.align = name.replace( 'align', '' ); } } ); caption = dom.select( 'dd.wp-caption-dd', captionBlock ); if ( caption.length ) { caption = caption[0]; // need to do some more thinking about this metadata.caption = editor.serializer.serialize( caption ) .replace( /]*>/g, '$&\n' ).replace( /^

/, '' ).replace( /<\/p>$/, '' ); } } // extract linkTo if ( imageNode.parentNode && imageNode.parentNode.nodeName === 'A' ) { metadata.linkUrl = dom.getAttrib( imageNode.parentNode, 'href' ); } return metadata; } function updateImage( imageNode, imageData ) { var className, width, node, html, captionNode, nodeToReplace, uid, editedImg; if ( imageData.caption ) { html = createImageAndLink( imageData, 'html' ); width = imageData.width + 10; className = 'align' + imageData.align; //TODO: shouldn't add the id attribute if it isn't an attachment // should create a new function for generating the caption markup html = '

' + '
'+ html + '
'+ imageData.caption +'
'; node = editor.dom.create( 'div', { 'class': 'mceTemp' }, html ); } else { node = createImageAndLink( imageData, 'node' ); } nodeToReplace = imageNode; captionNode = editor.dom.getParent( imageNode, '.mceTemp' ); if ( captionNode ) { nodeToReplace = captionNode; } else { if ( imageNode.parentNode.nodeName === 'A' ) { nodeToReplace = imageNode.parentNode; } } // uniqueId isn't super exciting, so maybe we want to use something else uid = editor.dom.uniqueId( 'wp_' ); editor.dom.setAttrib( node, 'data-wp-replace-id', uid ); editor.dom.replace( node, nodeToReplace ); // find the updated node node = editor.dom.select( '[data-wp-replace-id="' + uid + '"]' )[0]; editor.dom.setAttrib( node, 'data-wp-replace-id', '' ); editor.nodeChanged(); editedImg = node.nodeName === 'IMG' ? node : editor.dom.select( 'img', node )[0]; if ( editedImg ) { editor.selection.select( editedImg ); // refresh toolbar addToolbar( editedImg ); } } function createImageAndLink( imageData, mode ) { var classes = [], props; mode = mode ? mode : 'node'; if ( ! imageData.caption ) { classes.push( 'align' + imageData.align ); } if ( imageData.attachment_id ) { classes.push( 'wp-image-' + imageData.attachment_id ); if ( imageData.size ) { classes.push( 'size-' + imageData.size ); } } props = { src: imageData.url, width: imageData.width, height: imageData.height, alt: imageData.alt }; if ( classes.length ) { props['class'] = classes.join( ' ' ); } if ( imageData.linkUrl ) { if ( mode === 'node' ) { return editor.dom.create( 'a', { href: imageData.linkUrl }, editor.dom.createHTML( 'img', props ) ); } else if ( mode === 'html' ) { return editor.dom.createHTML( 'a', { href: imageData.linkUrl }, editor.dom.createHTML( 'img', props ) ); } } else if ( mode === 'node' ) { return editor.dom.create( 'img', props ); } else if ( mode === 'html' ) { return editor.dom.createHTML( 'img', props ); } } function editImage( img ) { var frame, callback; if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! wp.media ) { editor.execCommand( 'mceImage' ); return; } editor.undoManager.add(); frame = wp.media({ frame: 'image', state: 'image-details', metadata: extractImageData( img ) } ); callback = function( imageData ) { updateImage( img, imageData ); editor.focus(); }; frame.state('image-details').on( 'update', callback ); frame.state('replace-image').on( 'replace', callback ); frame.on( 'close', function() { editor.focus(); // editor.selection.select( img ); // editor.nodeChanged(); }); frame.open(); } function removeImage( node ) { var wrap; if ( node.nodeName === 'DIV' && editor.dom.hasClass( node, 'mceTemp' ) ) { wrap = node; } else if ( node.nodeName === 'IMG' || node.nodeName === 'DT' || node.nodeName === 'A' ) { wrap = editor.dom.getParent( node, 'div.mceTemp' ); } if ( wrap ) { if ( wrap.nextSibling ) { editor.selection.select( wrap.nextSibling ); } else if ( wrap.previousSibling ) { editor.selection.select( wrap.previousSibling ); } else { editor.selection.select( wrap.parentNode ); } editor.selection.collapse( true ); editor.nodeChanged(); editor.dom.remove( wrap ); } else { editor.dom.remove( node ); } } function addToolbar( node ) { var position, toolbarHtml, toolbar, dom = editor.dom; removeToolbar(); // Don't add to placeholders if ( ! node || node.nodeName !== 'IMG' || isPlaceholder( node ) ) { return; } dom.setAttrib( node, 'data-wp-imgselect', 1 ); position = dom.getPos( node, editor.getBody() ); toolbarHtml = '
' + '
' + '
'; toolbar = dom.create( 'div', { 'id': 'wp-image-toolbar', 'data-mce-bogus': '1', 'contenteditable': false }, toolbarHtml ); editor.getBody().appendChild( toolbar ); dom.setStyles( toolbar, { top: position.y, left: position.x, width: node.width }); } function removeToolbar() { var toolbar = editor.dom.get( 'wp-image-toolbar' ); if ( toolbar ) { editor.dom.remove( toolbar ); } editor.dom.setAttrib( editor.dom.select( 'img[data-wp-imgselect]' ), 'data-wp-imgselect', null ); } function isPlaceholder( node ) { var dom = editor.dom; if ( dom.hasClass( node, 'mceItem' ) || dom.getAttrib( node, 'data-mce-placeholder' ) || dom.getAttrib( node, 'data-mce-object' ) ) { return true; } return false; } editor.on( 'init', function() { var dom = editor.dom; // Add caption field to the default image dialog editor.on( 'wpLoadImageForm', function( event ) { if ( editor.getParam( 'wpeditimage_disable_captions' ) ) { return; } var captionField = { type: 'textbox', flex: 1, name: 'caption', minHeight: 60, multiline: true, scroll: true, label: 'Image caption' }; event.data.splice( event.data.length - 1, 0, captionField ); }); // Fix caption parent width for images added from URL editor.on( 'wpNewImageRefresh', function( event ) { var parent, captionWidth; if ( parent = dom.getParent( event.node, 'dl.wp-caption' ) ) { if ( ! parent.style.width ) { captionWidth = parseInt( event.node.clientWidth, 10 ) + 10; captionWidth = captionWidth ? captionWidth + 'px' : '50%'; dom.setStyle( parent, 'width', captionWidth ); } } }); editor.on( 'wpImageFormSubmit', function( event ) { var data = event.imgData.data, imgNode = event.imgData.node, caption = event.imgData.caption, captionId = '', captionAlign = '', captionWidth = '', wrap, parent, node, html, imgId; // Temp image id so we can find the node later data.id = '__wp-temp-img-id'; // Cancel the original callback event.imgData.cancel = true; if ( ! data.style ) { data.style = null; } if ( ! data.src ) { // Delete the image and the caption if ( imgNode ) { if ( wrap = dom.getParent( imgNode, 'div.mceTemp' ) ) { dom.remove( wrap ); } else if ( imgNode.parentNode.nodeName === 'A' ) { dom.remove( imgNode.parentNode ); } else { dom.remove( imgNode ); } editor.nodeChanged(); } return; } if ( caption ) { caption = caption.replace( /\r\n|\r/g, '\n' ).replace( /<\/?[a-zA-Z0-9]+( [^<>]+)?>/g, function( a ) { // No line breaks inside HTML tags return a.replace( /[\r\n\t]+/, ' ' ); }); // Convert remaining line breaks to
caption = caption.replace( /(]*>)\s*\n\s*/g, '$1' ).replace( /\s*\n\s*/g, '
' ); } if ( ! imgNode ) { // New image inserted html = dom.createHTML( 'img', data ); if ( caption ) { node = editor.selection.getNode(); if ( data.width ) { captionWidth = parseInt( data.width, 10 ) + 10; captionWidth = ' style="width: '+ captionWidth +'px"'; } html = '
' + '
'+ html +'
'+ caption +'
'; if ( node.nodeName === 'P' ) { parent = node; } else { parent = dom.getParent( node, 'p' ); } if ( parent && parent.nodeName === 'P' ) { wrap = dom.create( 'div', { 'class': 'mceTemp' }, html ); dom.insertAfter( wrap, parent ); editor.selection.select( wrap ); editor.nodeChanged(); if ( dom.isEmpty( parent ) ) { dom.remove( parent ); } } else { editor.selection.setContent( '
' + html + '
' ); } } else { editor.selection.setContent( html ); } } else { // Edit existing image // Store the original image id if any imgId = imgNode.id || null; // Update the image node dom.setAttribs( imgNode, data ); wrap = dom.getParent( imgNode, 'dl.wp-caption' ); if ( caption ) { if ( wrap ) { if ( parent = dom.select( 'dd.wp-caption-dd', wrap )[0] ) { parent.innerHTML = caption; } } else { if ( imgNode.className ) { captionId = imgNode.className.match( /wp-image-([0-9]+)/ ); captionAlign = imgNode.className.match( /align(left|right|center|none)/ ); } if ( captionAlign ) { captionAlign = captionAlign[0]; imgNode.className = imgNode.className.replace( /align(left|right|center|none)/g, '' ); } else { captionAlign = 'alignnone'; } captionAlign = ' class="wp-caption ' + captionAlign + '"'; if ( captionId ) { captionId = ' id="attachment_' + captionId[1] + '"'; } captionWidth = data.width || imgNode.clientWidth; if ( captionWidth ) { captionWidth = parseInt( captionWidth, 10 ) + 10; captionWidth = ' style="width: '+ captionWidth +'px"'; } if ( imgNode.parentNode && imgNode.parentNode.nodeName === 'A' ) { html = dom.getOuterHTML( imgNode.parentNode ); node = imgNode.parentNode; } else { html = dom.getOuterHTML( imgNode ); node = imgNode; } html = '
' + '
'+ html +'
'+ caption +'
'; if ( parent = dom.getParent( imgNode, 'p' ) ) { wrap = dom.create( 'div', { 'class': 'mceTemp' }, html ); dom.insertAfter( wrap, parent ); editor.selection.select( wrap ); editor.nodeChanged(); // Delete the old image node dom.remove( node ); if ( dom.isEmpty( parent ) ) { dom.remove( parent ); } } else { editor.selection.setContent( '
' + html + '
' ); } } } else { if ( wrap ) { // Remove the caption wrapper and place the image in new paragraph if ( imgNode.parentNode.nodeName === 'A' ) { html = dom.getOuterHTML( imgNode.parentNode ); } else { html = dom.getOuterHTML( imgNode ); } parent = dom.create( 'p', {}, html ); dom.insertAfter( parent, wrap.parentNode ); editor.selection.select( parent ); editor.nodeChanged(); dom.remove( wrap.parentNode ); } } } imgNode = dom.get('__wp-temp-img-id'); dom.setAttrib( imgNode, 'id', imgId ); event.imgData.node = imgNode; }); editor.on( 'wpLoadImageData', function( event ) { var parent, data = event.imgData.data, imgNode = event.imgData.node; if ( parent = dom.getParent( imgNode, 'dl.wp-caption' ) ) { parent = dom.select( 'dd.wp-caption-dd', parent )[0]; if ( parent ) { data.caption = editor.serializer.serialize( parent ) .replace( /]*>/g, '$&\n' ).replace( /^

/, '' ).replace( /<\/p>$/, '' ); } } }); dom.bind( editor.getDoc(), 'dragstart', function( event ) { var node = editor.selection.getNode(); // Prevent dragging images out of the caption elements if ( node.nodeName === 'IMG' && dom.getParent( node, '.wp-caption' ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } // Remove toolbar to avoid an orphaned toolbar when dragging an image to a new location removeToolbar(); }); // Prevent IE11 from making dl.wp-caption resizable if ( tinymce.Env.ie && tinymce.Env.ie > 10 ) { // The 'mscontrolselect' event is supported only in IE11+ dom.bind( editor.getBody(), 'mscontrolselect', function( event ) { if ( event.target.nodeName === 'IMG' && dom.getParent( event.target, '.wp-caption' ) ) { // Hide the thick border with resize handles around dl.wp-caption editor.getBody().focus(); // :( } else if ( event.target.nodeName === 'DL' && dom.hasClass( event.target, 'wp-caption' ) ) { // Trigger the thick border with resize handles... // This will make the caption text editable. event.target.focus(); } }); editor.on( 'click', function( event ) { if ( event.target.nodeName === 'IMG' && dom.getAttrib( event.target, 'data-wp-imgselect' ) && dom.getParent( event.target, 'dl.wp-caption' ) ) { editor.getBody().focus(); } }); } }); editor.on( 'ObjectResized', function( event ) { var parent, width, node = event.target; if ( node.nodeName === 'IMG' ) { if ( parent = editor.dom.getParent( node, '.wp-caption' ) ) { width = event.width || editor.dom.getAttrib( node, 'width' ); if ( width ) { width = parseInt( width, 10 ) + 10; editor.dom.setStyle( parent, 'width', width + 'px' ); } } // refresh toolbar addToolbar( node ); } }); editor.on( 'BeforeExecCommand', function( event ) { var node, p, DL, align, cmd = event.command, dom = editor.dom; if ( cmd === 'mceInsertContent' ) { // When inserting content, if the caret is inside a caption create new paragraph under // and move the caret there if ( node = dom.getParent( editor.selection.getNode(), 'div.mceTemp' ) ) { p = dom.create( 'p' ); dom.insertAfter( p, node ); editor.selection.setCursorLocation( p, 0 ); editor.nodeChanged(); if ( tinymce.Env.ie > 8 ) { setTimeout( function() { editor.selection.setCursorLocation( p, 0 ); editor.selection.setContent( event.value ); }, 500 ); return false; } } } else if ( cmd === 'JustifyLeft' || cmd === 'JustifyRight' || cmd === 'JustifyCenter' ) { node = editor.selection.getNode(); align = cmd.substr(7).toLowerCase(); align = 'align' + align; removeToolbar(); if ( dom.is( node, 'dl.wp-caption' ) ) { DL = node; } else { DL = dom.getParent( node, 'dl.wp-caption' ); } if ( DL ) { // When inside an image caption, set the align* class on dl.wp-caption if ( dom.hasClass( DL, align ) ) { dom.removeClass( DL, align ); dom.addClass( DL, 'alignnone' ); } else { DL.className = DL.className.replace( /align[^ ]+/g, '' ); dom.addClass( DL, align ); } return false; } if ( node.nodeName === 'IMG' ) { if ( dom.hasClass( node, align ) ) { // The align class is being removed dom.addClass( node, 'alignnone' ); } else { dom.removeClass( node, 'alignnone' ); } } } }); editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { var node, wrap, P, spacer, selection = editor.selection, dom = editor.dom; if ( event.keyCode === tinymce.util.VK.ENTER ) { // When pressing Enter inside a caption move the caret to a new parapraph under it node = selection.getNode(); wrap = dom.getParent( node, 'div.mceTemp' ); if ( wrap ) { dom.events.cancel( event ); // Doesn't cancel all :( // Remove any extra dt and dd cleated on pressing Enter... tinymce.each( dom.select( 'dt, dd', wrap ), function( element ) { if ( dom.isEmpty( element ) ) { dom.remove( element ); } }); spacer = tinymce.Env.ie && tinymce.Env.ie < 11 ? '' : '
'; P = dom.create( 'p', null, spacer ); if ( node.nodeName === 'DD' ) { dom.insertAfter( P, wrap ); } else { wrap.parentNode.insertBefore( P, wrap ); } editor.nodeChanged(); selection.setCursorLocation( P, 0 ); } } else if ( event.keyCode === tinymce.util.VK.DELETE || event.keyCode === tinymce.util.VK.BACKSPACE ) { node = selection.getNode(); if ( node.nodeName === 'DIV' && dom.hasClass( node, 'mceTemp' ) ) { wrap = node; } else if ( node.nodeName === 'IMG' || node.nodeName === 'DT' || node.nodeName === 'A' ) { wrap = dom.getParent( node, 'div.mceTemp' ); } if ( wrap ) { dom.events.cancel( event ); removeImage( node ); return false; } } }); editor.on( 'mousedown', function( event ) { var node = event.target; if ( tinymce.Env.ie && editor.dom.getParent( node, '#wp-image-toolbar' ) ) { // Stop IE > 8 from making the wrapper resizable on mousedown event.preventDefault(); } if ( node.nodeName === 'IMG' && ! editor.dom.getAttrib( node, 'data-wp-imgselect' ) && ! isPlaceholder( node ) ) { addToolbar( node ); } }); editor.on( 'mouseup', function( event ) { var image, node = event.target, dom = editor.dom; // Don't trigger on right-click if ( event.button && event.button > 1 ) { return; } if ( node.nodeName === 'DIV' && dom.getParent( node, '#wp-image-toolbar' ) ) { image = dom.select( 'img[data-wp-imgselect]' )[0]; if ( image ) { editor.selection.select( image ); if ( dom.hasClass( node, 'remove' ) ) { removeImage( image ); removeToolbar(); } else if ( dom.hasClass( node, 'edit' ) ) { editImage( image ); } } } else if ( node.nodeName !== 'IMG' ) { removeToolbar(); } }); editor.on( 'cut', function() { removeToolbar(); }); editor.wpSetImgCaption = function( content ) { return parseShortcode( content ); }; editor.wpGetImgCaption = function( content ) { return getShortcode( content ); }; editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function( event ) { event.content = editor.wpSetImgCaption( event.content ); }); editor.on( 'PostProcess', function( event ) { if ( event.get ) { event.content = editor.wpGetImgCaption( event.content ); event.content = event.content.replace( / data-wp-imgselect="1"/g, '' ); } }); return { _do_shcode: parseShortcode, _get_shcode: getShortcode }; });