<?php /** * Parse OPML XML files and store in globals. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Administration */ /** Load WordPress Bootstrap */ require_once('../wp-load.php'); // columns we wish to find are: link_url, link_name, link_target, link_description // we need to map XML attribute names to our columns $opml_map = array('URL' => 'link_url', 'HTMLURL' => 'link_url', 'TEXT' => 'link_name', 'TITLE' => 'link_name', 'TARGET' => 'link_target', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'link_description', 'XMLURL' => 'link_rss' ); $map = $opml_map; /** * XML callback function for the start of a new XML tag. * * @since unknown * @access private * * @uses $updated_timestamp Not used inside function. * @uses $all_links Not used inside function. * @uses $map Stores names of attributes to use. * @global array $names * @global array $urls * @global array $targets * @global array $descriptions * @global array $feeds * * @param mixed $parser XML Parser resource. * @param string $tagName XML element name. * @param array $attrs XML element attributes. */ function startElement($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { global $updated_timestamp, $all_links, $map; global $names, $urls, $targets, $descriptions, $feeds; if ($tagName == 'OUTLINE') { foreach (array_keys($map) as $key) { if (isset($attrs[$key])) { $$map[$key] = $attrs[$key]; } } //echo("got data: link_url = [$link_url], link_name = [$link_name], link_target = [$link_target], link_description = [$link_description]<br />\n"); // save the data away. $names[] = $link_name; $urls[] = $link_url; $targets[] = $link_target; $feeds[] = $link_rss; $descriptions[] = $link_description; } // end if outline } /** * XML callback function that is called at the end of a XML tag. * * @since unknown * @access private * @package WordPress * @subpackage Dummy * * @param mixed $parser XML Parser resource. * @param string $tagName XML tag name. */ function endElement($parser, $tagName) { // nothing to do. } // Create an XML parser $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); // Set the functions to handle opening and closing tags xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $opml, true)) { echo(sprintf(__('XML error: %1$s at line %2$s'), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } // Free up memory used by the XML parser xml_parser_free($xml_parser); ?>