var tagBox, commentsBox, editPermalink, makeSlugeditClickable; // return an array with any duplicate, whitespace or values removed function array_unique_noempty(a) { var out = []; jQuery.each( a, function(key, val) { val = jQuery.trim(val); if ( val && jQuery.inArray(val, out) == -1 ) out.push(val); } ); return out; } (function($){ tagBox = { clean : function(tags) { return tags.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',').replace(/,+/g, ',').replace(/[,\s]+$/, '').replace(/^[,\s]+/, ''); }, parseTags : function(el) { var id =, num = id.split('-check-num-')[1], taxbox = $(el).closest('.tagsdiv'), thetags = taxbox.find('.the-tags'), current_tags = thetags.val().split(','), new_tags = []; delete current_tags[num]; $.each( current_tags, function(key, val) { val = $.trim(val); if ( val ) { new_tags.push(val); } }); thetags.val( this.clean( new_tags.join(',') ) ); this.quickClicks(taxbox); return false; }, quickClicks : function(el) { var thetags = $('.the-tags', el), tagchecklist = $('.tagchecklist', el), current_tags; if ( !thetags.length ) return; current_tags = thetags.val().split(','); tagchecklist.empty(); $.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) { var txt, button_id, id = $(el).attr('id'); val = $.trim(val); if ( !val.match(/^\s+$/) && '' != val ) { button_id = id + '-check-num-' + key; txt = 'X ' + val + ' '; tagchecklist.append(txt); $( '#' + button_id ).click( function(){ tagBox.parseTags(this); }); } }); }, flushTags : function(el, a) { a = a || false; var text, tags = $('.the-tags', el), newtag = $('input.newtag', el), newtags; text = a ? $(a).text() : newtag.val(); tagsval = tags.val(); newtags = tagsval ? tagsval + ',' + text : text; newtags = this.clean( newtags ); newtags = array_unique_noempty( newtags.split(',') ).join(','); tags.val(newtags); this.quickClicks(el); if ( !a ) newtag.val('').focus(); return false; }, get : function(id) { var tax = id.substr(id.indexOf('-')+1); $.post(ajaxurl, {'action':'get-tagcloud','tax':tax}, function(r, stat) { if ( 0 == r || 'success' != stat ) r = wpAjax.broken; r = $('


'); $('a', r).click(function(){ tagBox.flushTags( $(this).closest('.inside').children('.tagsdiv'), this); return false; }); $('#'+id).after(r); }); }, init : function() { var t = this, ajaxtag = $('div.ajaxtag'); $('.tagsdiv').each( function() { tagBox.quickClicks(this); }); $('input.tagadd', ajaxtag).click(function(){ t.flushTags( $(this).closest('.tagsdiv') ); }); $('input.newtag', ajaxtag).blur(function() { var taghint = $(this).siblings('.taghint'); if ( this.value == '' ) taghint.css('visibility', ''); else taghint.css('visibility', 'hidden'); }).keyup(function(e){ if ( 13 == e.which ) { tagBox.flushTags( $(this).closest('.tagsdiv') ); return false; } }).keypress(function(e){ if ( 13 == e.which ) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }).each(function(){ var tax = $(this).closest('div.tagsdiv').attr('id'); $(this).suggest( ajaxurl + '?action=ajax-tag-search&tax=' + tax, { delay: 500, minchars: 2, multiple: true, multipleSep: ", " } ); }); // save tags on post save/publish $('#post').submit(function(){ $('div.tagsdiv').each( function() { tagBox.flushTags(this); }); }); // tag cloud $('a.tagcloud-link').click(function(){ tagBox.get( $(this).attr('id') ); $(this).unbind().click(function(){ $(this).siblings('.the-tagcloud').toggle(); return false; }); return false; }); } }; commentsBox = { st : 0, get : function(total, num) { var st =, data; if ( ! num ) num = 20; += num; = total; $('#commentsdiv img.waiting').show(); data = { 'action' : 'get-comments', 'mode' : 'single', '_ajax_nonce' : $('#add_comment_nonce').val(), 'post_ID' : $('#post_ID').val(), 'start' : st, 'num' : num }; $.post(ajaxurl, data, function(r) { r = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(r); $('#commentsdiv .widefat').show(); $('#commentsdiv img.waiting').hide(); if ( 'object' == typeof r && r.responses[0] ) { $('#the-comment-list').append( r.responses[0].data ); theList = theExtraList = null; $("a[className*=':']").unbind(); setCommentsList(); if ( > ) $('#show-comments').hide(); else $('#show-comments').html(postL10n.showcomm); return; } else if ( 1 == r ) { $('#show-comments').parent().html(postL10n.endcomm); return; } $('#the-comment-list').append(''+wpAjax.broken+''); } ); return false; } }; })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready( function($) { var catAddAfter, stamp, visibility, sticky = '', post = 'post' == pagenow || 'post-new' == pagenow, page = 'page' == pagenow || 'page-new' == pagenow; // postboxes if ( post ) postboxes.add_postbox_toggles('post'); else if ( page ) postboxes.add_postbox_toggles('page'); // multi-taxonomies if ( $('#tagsdiv-post_tag').length ) { tagBox.init(); } else { $('#side-sortables, #normal-sortables, #advanced-sortables').children('div.postbox').each(function(){ if ('tagsdiv-') === 0 ) { tagBox.init(); return false; } }); } // categories if ( $('#categorydiv').length ) { // TODO: move to jQuery 1.3+, support for multiple hierarchical taxonomies, see $('a', '#category-tabs').click(function(){ var t = $(this).attr('href'); $(this).parent().addClass('tabs').siblings('li').removeClass('tabs'); $('#category-tabs').siblings('.tabs-panel').hide(); $(t).show(); if ( '#categories-all' == t ) deleteUserSetting('cats'); else setUserSetting('cats','pop'); return false; }); if ( getUserSetting('cats') ) $('a[href="#categories-pop"]', '#category-tabs').click(); // Ajax Cat $('#newcat').one( 'focus', function() { $(this).val( '' ).removeClass( 'form-input-tip' ) } ); $('#category-add-sumbit').click( function(){ $('#newcat').focus(); } ); catAddBefore = function( s ) { if ( !$('#newcat').val() ) return false; += '&' + $( ':checked', '#categorychecklist' ).serialize(); return s; }; catAddAfter = function( r, s ) { var sup, drop = $('#newcat_parent'); if ( 'undefined' != s.parsed.responses[0] && (sup = s.parsed.responses[0].supplemental.newcat_parent) ) { drop.before(sup); drop.remove(); } }; $('#categorychecklist').wpList({ alt: '', response: 'category-ajax-response', addBefore: catAddBefore, addAfter: catAddAfter }); $('#category-add-toggle').click( function() { $('#category-adder').toggleClass( 'wp-hidden-children' ); $('a[href="#categories-all"]', '#category-tabs').click(); return false; }); $('#categorychecklist').children('li.popular-category').add( $('#categorychecklist-pop').children() ).find(':checkbox').live( 'click', function(){ var t = $(this), c =':checked'), id = t.val(); $('#in-category-' + id + ', #in-popular-category-' + id).attr( 'checked', c ); }); } // end cats // Custom Fields if ( $('#postcustom').length ) { $('#the-list').wpList( { addAfter: function( xml, s ) { $('table#list-table').show(); if ( typeof( autosave_update_post_ID ) != 'undefined' ) { autosave_update_post_ID(s.parsed.responses[0].supplemental.postid); } }, addBefore: function( s ) { += '&post_id=' + $('#post_ID').val(); return s; } }); } // submitdiv if ( $('#submitdiv').length ) { stamp = $('#timestamp').html(); visibility = $('#post-visibility-display').html(); function updateVisibility() { var pvSelect = $('#post-visibility-select'); if ( $('input:radio:checked', pvSelect).val() != 'public' ) { $('#sticky').attr('checked', false); $('#sticky-span').hide(); } else { $('#sticky-span').show(); } if ( $('input:radio:checked', pvSelect).val() != 'password' ) { $('#password-span').hide(); } else { $('#password-span').show(); } } function updateText() { var attemptedDate, originalDate, currentDate, publishOn, postStatus = $('#post_status'), optPublish = $('option[value=publish]', postStatus); 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} if ( $('input:radio:checked', '#post-visibility-select').val() == 'private' ) { if ( page ) $('#publish').val( postL10n.updatePage ); else $('#publish').val( postL10n.updatePost ); if ( optPublish.length == 0 ) { postStatus.append(''); } else { optPublish.html( postL10n.privatelyPublished ); } $('option[value=publish]', postStatus).attr('selected', true); $('.edit-post-status', '#misc-publishing-actions').hide(); } else { if ( $('#original_post_status').val() == 'future' || $('#original_post_status').val() == 'draft' ) { if ( optPublish.length ) { optPublish.remove(); postStatus.val($('#hidden_post_status').val()); } } else { optPublish.html( postL10n.published ); } $('.edit-post-status', '#misc-publishing-actions').show(); } $('#post-status-display').html($('option:selected', postStatus).text()); if ( $('option:selected', postStatus).val() == 'private' || $('option:selected', postStatus).val() == 'publish' ) { $('#save-post').hide(); } else { $('#save-post').show(); if ( $('option:selected', postStatus).val() == 'pending' ) { $('#save-post').show().val( postL10n.savePending ); } else { $('#save-post').show().val( postL10n.saveDraft ); } } } $('.edit-visibility', '#visibility').click(function () { if ($('#post-visibility-select').is(":hidden")) { updateVisibility(); $('#post-visibility-select').slideDown("normal"); $(this).hide(); } return false; }); $('.cancel-post-visibility', '#post-visibility-select').click(function () { $('#post-visibility-select').slideUp("normal"); $('#visibility-radio-' + $('#hidden-post-visibility').val()).attr('checked', true); $('#post_password').val($('#hidden_post_password').val()); $('#sticky').attr('checked', $('#hidden-post-sticky').attr('checked')); $('#post-visibility-display').html(visibility); $('.edit-visibility', '#visibility').show(); updateText(); return false; }); $('.save-post-visibility', '#post-visibility-select').click(function () { // crazyhorse - multiple ok cancels var pvSelect = $('#post-visibility-select'); pvSelect.slideUp("normal"); $('.edit-visibility', '#visibility').show(); updateText(); if ( $('input:radio:checked', pvSelect).val() != 'public' ) { $('#sticky').attr('checked', false); } if ( true == $('#sticky').attr('checked') ) { sticky = 'Sticky'; } else { sticky = ''; } $('#post-visibility-display').html( postL10n[$('input:radio:checked', pvSelect).val() + sticky] ); return false; }); $('input:radio', '#post-visibility-select').change(function() { updateVisibility(); }); $('#timestampdiv').siblings('a.edit-timestamp').click(function() { if ($('#timestampdiv').is(":hidden")) { $('#timestampdiv').slideDown("normal"); $(this).hide(); } return false; }); $('.cancel-timestamp', '#timestampdiv').click(function() { $('#timestampdiv').slideUp("normal"); $('#mm').val($('#hidden_mm').val()); $('#jj').val($('#hidden_jj').val()); $('#aa').val($('#hidden_aa').val()); $('#hh').val($('#hidden_hh').val()); $('#mn').val($('#hidden_mn').val()); $('#timestampdiv').siblings('a.edit-timestamp').show(); updateText(); return false; }); $('.save-timestamp', '#timestampdiv').click(function () { // crazyhorse - multiple ok cancels $('#timestampdiv').slideUp("normal"); $('#timestampdiv').siblings('a.edit-timestamp').show(); updateText(); return false; }); $('#post-status-select').siblings('a.edit-post-status').click(function() { if ($('#post-status-select').is(":hidden")) { $('#post-status-select').slideDown("normal"); $(this).hide(); } return false; }); $('.save-post-status', '#post-status-select').click(function() { $('#post-status-select').slideUp("normal"); $('#post-status-select').siblings('a.edit-post-status').show(); updateText(); return false; }); $('.cancel-post-status', '#post-status-select').click(function() { $('#post-status-select').slideUp("normal"); $('#post_status').val($('#hidden_post_status').val()); $('#post-status-select').siblings('a.edit-post-status').show(); updateText(); return false; }); } // end submitdiv // permalink if ( $('#edit-slug-box').length ) { editPermalink = function(post_id) { var i, c = 0, e = $('#editable-post-name'), revert_e = e.html(), real_slug = $('#post_name'), revert_slug = real_slug.html(), b = $('#edit-slug-buttons'), revert_b = b.html(), full = $('#editable-post-name-full').html(); $('#view-post-btn').hide(); b.html(''+postL10n.ok+' '+postL10n.cancel+''); b.children('.save').click(function() { var new_slug = e.children('input').val(); $.post(ajaxurl, { action: 'sample-permalink', post_id: post_id, new_slug: new_slug, new_title: $('#title').val(), samplepermalinknonce: $('#samplepermalinknonce').val() }, function(data) { $('#edit-slug-box').html(data); b.html(revert_b); real_slug.attr('value', new_slug); makeSlugeditClickable(); $('#view-post-btn').show(); }); return false; }); $('.cancel', '#edit-slug-buttons').click(function() { $('#view-post-btn').show(); e.html(revert_e); b.html(revert_b); real_slug.attr('value', revert_slug); return false; }); for ( i = 0; i < full.length; ++i ) { if ( '%' == full.charAt(i) ) c++; } slug_value = ( c > full.length / 4 ) ? '' : full; e.html('').children('input').keypress(function(e){ var key = e.keyCode || 0; // on enter, just save the new slug, don't save the post if ( 13 == key ) { b.children('.save').click(); return false; } if ( 27 == key ) { b.children('.cancel').click(); return false; } real_slug.attr('value', this.value); }).focus(); } makeSlugeditClickable = function() { $('#editable-post-name').click(function() { $('#edit-slug-buttons').children('.edit-slug').click(); }); } makeSlugeditClickable(); } });