// send html to the post editor var wpActiveEditor; function send_to_editor(h) { var ed, mce = typeof(tinymce) != 'undefined', qt = typeof(QTags) != 'undefined'; if ( !wpActiveEditor ) { if ( mce && tinymce.activeEditor ) { ed = tinymce.activeEditor; wpActiveEditor = ed.id; } else if ( !qt ) { return false; } } else if ( mce ) { if ( tinymce.activeEditor && (tinymce.activeEditor.id == 'mce_fullscreen' || tinymce.activeEditor.id == 'wp_mce_fullscreen') ) ed = tinymce.activeEditor; else ed = tinymce.get(wpActiveEditor); } if ( ed && !ed.isHidden() ) { // restore caret position on IE if ( tinymce.isIE && ed.windowManager.insertimagebookmark ) ed.selection.moveToBookmark(ed.windowManager.insertimagebookmark); if ( h.indexOf('[caption') === 0 ) { if ( ed.wpSetImgCaption ) h = ed.wpSetImgCaption(h); } else if ( h.indexOf('[gallery') === 0 ) { if ( ed.plugins.wpgallery ) h = ed.plugins.wpgallery._do_gallery(h); } else if ( h.indexOf('[embed') === 0 ) { if ( ed.plugins.wordpress ) h = ed.plugins.wordpress._setEmbed(h); } ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, h); } else if ( qt ) { QTags.insertContent(h); } else { document.getElementById(wpActiveEditor).value += h; } try{tb_remove();}catch(e){}; } // thickbox settings var tb_position; (function($) { tb_position = function() { var tbWindow = $('#TB_window'), width = $(window).width(), H = $(window).height(), W = ( 720 < width ) ? 720 : width, adminbar_height = 0; if ( $('body.admin-bar').length ) adminbar_height = 28; if ( tbWindow.size() ) { tbWindow.width( W - 50 ).height( H - 45 - adminbar_height ); $('#TB_iframeContent').width( W - 50 ).height( H - 75 - adminbar_height ); tbWindow.css({'margin-left': '-' + parseInt((( W - 50 ) / 2),10) + 'px'}); if ( typeof document.body.style.maxWidth != 'undefined' ) tbWindow.css({'top': 20 + adminbar_height + 'px','margin-top':'0'}); }; return $('a.thickbox').each( function() { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if ( ! href ) return; href = href.replace(/&width=[0-9]+/g, ''); href = href.replace(/&height=[0-9]+/g, ''); $(this).attr( 'href', href + '&width=' + ( W - 80 ) + '&height=' + ( H - 85 - adminbar_height ) ); }); }; $(window).resize(function(){ tb_position(); }); // store caret position in IE $(document).ready(function($){ $('a.thickbox').click(function(){ var ed; if ( typeof(tinymce) != 'undefined' && tinymce.isIE && ( ed = tinymce.get(wpActiveEditor) ) && !ed.isHidden() ) { ed.focus(); ed.windowManager.insertimagebookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(); } }); }); })(jQuery); // WordPress, TinyMCE, and Media // ----------------------------- (function($){ // Stores the editors' `wp.media.controller.Frame` instances. var workflows = {}, linkToUrl; linkToUrl = function( attachment, props ) { var link = props.link, url; if ( 'file' === link ) url = attachment.get('url'); else if ( 'post' === link ) url = attachment.get('link'); else if ( 'custom' === link ) url = props.linkUrl; return url || ''; }; wp.media.string = { link: function( attachment, props ) { var linkTo = getUserSetting( 'urlbutton', 'post' ), options = { tag: 'a', content: attachment.get('title') || attachment.get('filename'), attrs: { rel: 'attachment wp-att-' + attachment.id } }; options.attrs.href = linkToUrl( attachment, props ); return wp.html.string( options ); }, image: function( attachment, props ) { var classes, img, options, size, shortcode, html; props = _.defaults( props || {}, { img: {}, align: getUserSetting( 'align', 'none' ), size: getUserSetting( 'imgsize', 'medium' ), link: getUserSetting( 'urlbutton', 'post' ) }); props.linkUrl = linkToUrl( attachment, props ); attachment = attachment.toJSON(); img = _.clone( props.img ); classes = img['class'] ? img['class'].split(/\s+/) : []; size = attachment.sizes ? attachment.sizes[ props.size ] : {}; if ( ! size ) { delete props.size; size = attachment; } img.width = size.width; img.height = size.height; img.src = size.url; // Only assign the align class to the image if we're not printing // a caption, since the alignment is sent to the shortcode. if ( props.align && ! attachment.caption ) classes.push( 'align' + props.align ); if ( props.size ) classes.push( 'size-' + props.size ); classes.push( 'wp-image-' + attachment.id ); img['class'] = _.compact( classes ).join(' '); // Generate `img` tag options. options = { tag: 'img', attrs: img, single: true }; // Generate the `href` based on the `link` property. if ( props.linkUrl ) { props.anchor = props.anchor || {}; props.anchor.href = props.linkUrl; } // Generate the `a` element options, if they exist. if ( props.anchor ) { options = { tag: 'a', attrs: props.anchor, content: options }; } html = wp.html.string( options ); // Generate the caption shortcode. if ( attachment.caption ) { shortcode = { id: 'attachment_' + attachment.id, width: img.width }; if ( props.align ) shortcode.align = 'align' + props.align; html = wp.shortcode.string({ tag: 'caption', attrs: shortcode, content: html + ' ' + attachment.caption }); } return html; } }; wp.media.gallery = (function() { var galleries = {}; return { defaults: { order: 'ASC', id: wp.media.view.settings.postId, itemtag: 'dl', icontag: 'dt', captiontag: 'dd', columns: 3, size: 'thumbnail' }, attachments: function( shortcode ) { var shortcodeString = shortcode.string(), result = galleries[ shortcodeString ], attrs, args, query, others; delete galleries[ shortcodeString ]; if ( result ) return result; attrs = shortcode.attrs.named; args = _.pick( attrs, 'orderby', 'order' ); args.type = 'image'; args.perPage = -1; // Map the `ids` param to the correct query args. if ( attrs.ids ) { args.post__in = attrs.ids.split(','); args.orderby = 'post__in'; } else if ( attrs.include ) { args.post__in = attrs.include.split(','); } if ( attrs.exclude ) args.post__not_in = attrs.exclude.split(','); if ( ! args.post__in ) args.parent = attrs.id; // Collect the attributes that were not included in `args`. others = {}; _.filter( attrs, function( value, key ) { if ( _.isUndefined( args[ key ] ) ) others[ key ] = value; }); query = media.query( args ); query.gallery = new Backbone.Model( others ); return query; }, shortcode: function( attachments ) { var props = attachments.props.toJSON(), attrs = _.pick( props, 'include', 'exclude', 'orderby', 'order' ), shortcode, clone; if ( attachments.gallery ) _.extend( attrs, attachments.gallery.toJSON() ); attrs.ids = attachments.pluck('id'); // If the `ids` attribute is set and `orderby` attribute // is the default value, clear it for cleaner output. if ( attrs.ids && 'post__in' === attrs.orderby ) delete attrs.orderby; // Remove default attributes from the shortcode. _.each( wp.media.gallery.defaults, function( value, key ) { if ( value === attrs[ key ] ) delete attrs[ key ]; }); shortcode = new wp.shortcode({ tag: 'gallery', attrs: attrs, type: 'single' }); // Use a cloned version of the gallery. clone = new wp.media.model.Attachments( attachments.models, { props: props }); clone.gallery = attachments.gallery; galleries[ shortcode.string() ] = clone; return shortcode; }, edit: function( content ) { var shortcode = wp.shortcode.next( 'gallery', content ), defaultPostId = wp.media.gallery.defaults.id, attachments, selection; // Bail if we didn't match the shortcode or all of the content. if ( ! shortcode || shortcode.content !== content ) return; // Ignore the rest of the match object. shortcode = shortcode.shortcode; if ( _.isUndefined( shortcode.get('id') ) && ! _.isUndefined( defaultPostId ) ) shortcode.set( 'id', defaultPostId ); attachments = wp.media.gallery.attachments( shortcode ); selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( attachments.models, { props: attachments.props.toJSON(), multiple: true }); selection.gallery = attachments.gallery; // Fetch the query's attachments, and then break ties from the // query to allow for sorting. selection.more().done( function() { // Break ties with the query. selection.props.set({ query: false }); selection.unmirror(); selection.props.unset('orderby'); }); return wp.media({ frame: 'post', state: 'gallery-edit', title: wp.media.view.l10n.editGalleryTitle, editing: true, multiple: true, selection: selection }); } }; }()); wp.media.editor = { insert: send_to_editor, add: function( id, options ) { var workflow = this.get( id ); if ( workflow ) return workflow; workflow = workflows[ id ] = wp.media( _.defaults( options || {}, { frame: 'post', title: wp.media.view.l10n.insertMedia, multiple: true } ) ); workflow.on( 'insert', function( selection ) { var state = workflow.state(), details = state.get('details'); selection = selection || state.get('selection'); if ( ! selection || ! details ) return; selection.each( function( attachment ) { var detail = details[ attachment.cid ]; if ( detail ) detail = detail.toJSON(); // Reset the attachment details. delete details[ attachment.cid ]; if ( 'image' === attachment.get('type') ) this.insert( wp.media.string.image( attachment, detail ) + ' ' ); else this.insert( wp.media.string.link( attachment, detail ) + ' ' ); }, this ); }, this ); workflow.get('gallery-edit').on( 'update', function( selection ) { this.insert( wp.media.gallery.shortcode( selection ).string() ); }, this ); workflow.get('embed').on( 'select', function() { var embed = workflow.state().toJSON(), options; if ( 'link' === embed.type ) { this.insert( wp.html.string({ tag: 'a', content: embed.title || embed.url, attrs: { href: embed.url } }) ); } else if ( 'image' === embed.type ) { _.defaults( embed, { align: 'none', url: '', alt: '', linkUrl: '', link: 'none' }); options = { single: true, tag: 'img', attrs: { 'class': 'align' + embed.align, src: embed.url, alt: embed.alt } }; if ( 'custom' === embed.link || 'file' === embed.link ) { options = { tag: 'a', content: options, attrs: { href: 'custom' === embed.link ? embed.linkUrl : embed.url } }; } this.insert( wp.html.string( options ) ); } }, this ); return workflow; }, get: function( id ) { return workflows[ id ]; }, remove: function( id ) { delete workflows[ id ]; }, init: function() { $(document.body).on('click', '.insert-media', function( event ) { var $this = $(this), editor = $this.data('editor'), workflow; event.preventDefault(); // Remove focus from the `.insert-media` button. // Prevents Opera from showing the outline of the button // above the modal. // // See: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/22445 $this.blur(); if ( ! _.isString( editor ) ) return; workflow = wp.media.editor.get( editor ); // If the workflow exists, just open it. if ( workflow ) { workflow.open(); return; } // Initialize the editor's workflow if we haven't yet. wp.media.editor.add( editor ); }); } }; $( wp.media.editor.init ); }(jQuery));