// script.aculo.us builder.js v1.8.0, Tue Nov 06 15:01:40 +0300 2007 // Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us) // // script.aculo.us is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. // For details, see the script.aculo.us web site: http://script.aculo.us/ var Builder = { NODEMAP: { AREA: 'map', CAPTION: 'table', COL: 'table', COLGROUP: 'table', LEGEND: 'fieldset', OPTGROUP: 'select', OPTION: 'select', PARAM: 'object', TBODY: 'table', TD: 'table', TFOOT: 'table', TH: 'table', THEAD: 'table', TR: 'table' }, // note: For Firefox < 1.5, OPTION and OPTGROUP tags are currently broken, // due to a Firefox bug node: function(elementName) { elementName = elementName.toUpperCase(); // try innerHTML approach var parentTag = this.NODEMAP[elementName] || 'div'; var parentElement = document.createElement(parentTag); try { // prevent IE "feature": http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/2707 parentElement.innerHTML = "<" + elementName + "></" + elementName + ">"; } catch(e) {} var element = parentElement.firstChild || null; // see if browser added wrapping tags if(element && (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != elementName)) element = element.getElementsByTagName(elementName)[0]; // fallback to createElement approach if(!element) element = document.createElement(elementName); // abort if nothing could be created if(!element) return; // attributes (or text) if(arguments[1]) if(this._isStringOrNumber(arguments[1]) || (arguments[1] instanceof Array) || arguments[1].tagName) { this._children(element, arguments[1]); } else { var attrs = this._attributes(arguments[1]); if(attrs.length) { try { // prevent IE "feature": http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/2707 parentElement.innerHTML = "<" +elementName + " " + attrs + "></" + elementName + ">"; } catch(e) {} element = parentElement.firstChild || null; // workaround firefox 1.0.X bug if(!element) { element = document.createElement(elementName); for(attr in arguments[1]) element[attr == 'class' ? 'className' : attr] = arguments[1][attr]; } if(element.tagName.toUpperCase() != elementName) element = parentElement.getElementsByTagName(elementName)[0]; } } // text, or array of children if(arguments[2]) this._children(element, arguments[2]); return element; }, _text: function(text) { return document.createTextNode(text); }, ATTR_MAP: { 'className': 'class', 'htmlFor': 'for' }, _attributes: function(attributes) { var attrs = []; for(attribute in attributes) attrs.push((attribute in this.ATTR_MAP ? this.ATTR_MAP[attribute] : attribute) + '="' + attributes[attribute].toString().escapeHTML().gsub(/"/,'"') + '"'); return attrs.join(" "); }, _children: function(element, children) { if(children.tagName) { element.appendChild(children); return; } if(typeof children=='object') { // array can hold nodes and text children.flatten().each( function(e) { if(typeof e=='object') element.appendChild(e) else if(Builder._isStringOrNumber(e)) element.appendChild(Builder._text(e)); }); } else if(Builder._isStringOrNumber(children)) element.appendChild(Builder._text(children)); }, _isStringOrNumber: function(param) { return(typeof param=='string' || typeof param=='number'); }, build: function(html) { var element = this.node('div'); $(element).update(html.strip()); return element.down(); }, dump: function(scope) { if(typeof scope != 'object' && typeof scope != 'function') scope = window; //global scope var tags = ("A ABBR ACRONYM ADDRESS APPLET AREA B BASE BASEFONT BDO BIG BLOCKQUOTE BODY " + "BR BUTTON CAPTION CENTER CITE CODE COL COLGROUP DD DEL DFN DIR DIV DL DT EM FIELDSET " + "FONT FORM FRAME FRAMESET H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HEAD HR HTML I IFRAME IMG INPUT INS ISINDEX "+ "KBD LABEL LEGEND LI LINK MAP MENU META NOFRAMES NOSCRIPT OBJECT OL OPTGROUP OPTION P "+ "PARAM PRE Q S SAMP SCRIPT SELECT SMALL SPAN STRIKE STRONG STYLE SUB SUP TABLE TBODY TD "+ "TEXTAREA TFOOT TH THEAD TITLE TR TT U UL VAR").split(/\s+/); tags.each( function(tag){ scope[tag] = function() { return Builder.node.apply(Builder, [tag].concat($A(arguments))); } }); } }