var tinymce = null, tinyMCEPopup, tinyMCE, wpImage; tinyMCEPopup = { init: function() { var t = this, w, ti; // Find window & API w = t.getWin(); tinymce = w.tinymce; tinyMCE = w.tinyMCE; t.editor = tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor; t.params = t.editor.windowManager.params; t.features = t.editor.windowManager.features; // Setup local DOM t.dom = t.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.dom.DOMUtils', document); t.editor.windowManager.onOpen.dispatch(t.editor.windowManager, window); }, getWin : function() { return (!window.frameElement && window.dialogArguments) || opener || parent || top; }, getParam : function(n, dv) { return this.editor.getParam(n, dv); }, close : function() { var t = this; // To avoid domain relaxing issue in Opera function close() { t.editor.windowManager.close(window); tinymce = tinyMCE = t.editor = t.params = t.dom = t.dom.doc = null; // Cleanup }; if (tinymce.isOpera) t.getWin().setTimeout(close, 0); else close(); }, execCommand : function(cmd, ui, val, a) { a = a || {}; a.skip_focus = 1; this.restoreSelection(); return this.editor.execCommand(cmd, ui, val, a); }, storeSelection : function() { this.editor.windowManager.bookmark = tinyMCEPopup.editor.selection.getBookmark(1); }, restoreSelection : function() { var t = tinyMCEPopup; if ( tinymce.isIE ) t.editor.selection.moveToBookmark(t.editor.windowManager.bookmark); } } tinyMCEPopup.init(); wpImage = { preInit : function() { // import colors stylesheet from parent var ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor, win = tinyMCEPopup.getWin(), styles = win.document.styleSheets, url, i; for ( i = 0; i < styles.length; i++ ) { url = styles.item(i).href; if ( url && url.indexOf('colors') != -1 ) { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( ed.dom.create('link', {rel:'stylesheet', href: url}) ); break; } } }, I : function(e) { return document.getElementById(e); }, current : '', link : '', link_rel : '', target_value : '', current_size_sel : 's100', width : '', height : '', align : '', img_alt : '', setTabs : function(tab) { var t = this; if ( 'current' == tab.className ) return false; t.I('div_advanced').style.display = ( 'tab_advanced' == ) ? 'block' : 'none'; t.I('div_basic').style.display = ( 'tab_basic' == ) ? 'block' : 'none'; t.I('tab_basic').className = t.I('tab_advanced').className = ''; tab.className = 'current'; return false; }, img_seturl : function(u) { var t = this, rel = t.I('link_rel').value; if ( 'current' == u ) { t.I('link_href').value = t.current; t.I('link_rel').value = t.link_rel; } else { t.I('link_href').value =; if ( rel ) { rel = rel.replace( /attachment|wp-att-[0-9]+/gi, '' ); t.I('link_rel').value = tinymce.trim(rel); } } }, imgAlignCls : function(v) { var t = this, cls = t.I('img_classes').value; t.I('img_demo').className = t.align = v; cls = cls.replace( /align[^ "']+/gi, '' ); cls += (' ' + v); cls = cls.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ).replace( /^\s/, '' ); if ( 'aligncenter' == v ) { t.I('hspace').value = ''; t.updateStyle('hspace'); } t.I('img_classes').value = cls; }, showSize : function(el) { var t = this, demo = t.I('img_demo'), w = t.width, h = t.height, id = || 's100', size; size = parseInt(id.substring(1)) / 200; demo.width = Math.round(w * size); demo.height = Math.round(h * size); t.showSizeClear(); = '#A3A3A3'; = '#E5E5E5'; }, showSizeSet : function() { var t = this, s130, s120, s110; if ( (t.width * 1.3) > parseInt(t.preloadImg.width) ) { s130 = t.I('s130'), s120 = t.I('s120'), s110 = t.I('s110'); s130.onclick = s120.onclick = s110.onclick = null; s130.onmouseover = s120.onmouseover = s110.onmouseover = null; = = = '#aaa'; } }, showSizeRem : function() { var t = this, demo = t.I('img_demo'), f = document.forms[0]; demo.width = Math.round(f.width.value * 0.5); demo.height = Math.round(f.height.value * 0.5); t.showSizeClear(); t.I(t.current_size_sel).style.borderColor = '#A3A3A3'; t.I(t.current_size_sel).style.backgroundColor = '#E5E5E5'; return false; }, showSizeClear : function() { var divs = this.I('img_size').getElementsByTagName('div'), i; for ( i = 0; i < divs.length; i++ ) { divs[i].style.borderColor = '#f1f1f1'; divs[i].style.backgroundColor = '#f1f1f1'; } }, imgEditSize : function(el) { var t = this, f = document.forms[0], W, H, w, h, id; if ( ! t.preloadImg || ! t.preloadImg.width || ! t.preloadImg.height ) return; W = parseInt(t.preloadImg.width), H = parseInt(t.preloadImg.height), w = t.width || W, h = t.height || H, id = || 's100'; size = parseInt(id.substring(1)) / 100; w = Math.round(w * size); h = Math.round(h * size); f.width.value = Math.min(W, w); f.height.value = Math.min(H, h); t.current_size_sel = id; t.demoSetSize(); }, demoSetSize : function(img) { var demo = this.I('img_demo'), f = document.forms[0]; demo.width = f.width.value ? Math.round(f.width.value * 0.5) : ''; demo.height = f.height.value ? Math.round(f.height.value * 0.5) : ''; }, demoSetStyle : function() { var f = document.forms[0], demo = this.I('img_demo'), dom = tinyMCEPopup.editor.dom; if (demo) { dom.setAttrib(demo, 'style', f.img_style.value); dom.setStyle(demo, 'width', ''); dom.setStyle(demo, 'height', ''); } }, origSize : function() { var t = this, f = document.forms[0], el = t.I('s100'); f.width.value = t.width = t.preloadImg.width; f.height.value = t.height = t.preloadImg.height; t.showSizeSet(); t.demoSetSize(); t.showSize(el); }, init : function() { var ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor, h; h = document.body.innerHTML; document.body.innerHTML = ed.translate(h); window.setTimeout( function(){wpImage.setup();}, 500 ); }, setup : function() { var t = this, c, el, link, fname, f = document.forms[0], ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor, d = t.I('img_demo'), dom = tinyMCEPopup.dom, DL, DD, caption = '', dlc, pa; document.dir = tinyMCEPopup.editor.getParam('directionality',''); if ( tinyMCEPopup.editor.getParam('wpeditimage_disable_captions', false) ) t.I('cap_field').style.display = 'none'; tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); el = ed.selection.getNode(); if (el.nodeName != 'IMG') return; f.img_src.value = d.src = link = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'src'); ed.dom.setStyle(el, 'float', ''); t.getImageData(); c = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'class'); if ( DL = dom.getParent(el, 'dl') ) { dlc = ed.dom.getAttrib(DL, 'class'); dlc = dlc.match(/align[^ "']+/i); if ( dlc && ! dom.hasClass(el, dlc) ) { c += ' '+dlc; tinymce.trim(c); } DD ='dd.wp-caption-dd', DL); if ( DD && DD[0] ) caption = ed.serializer.serialize(DD[0]).replace(/^

/, '').replace(/<\/p>$/, ''); } f.img_cap_text.value = caption; f.img_title.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'title'); f.img_alt.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'alt'); f.border.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'border'); f.vspace.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'vspace'); f.hspace.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'hspace'); f.align.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'align'); f.width.value = t.width = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'width'); f.height.value = t.height = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'height'); f.img_classes.value = c; f.img_style.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'style'); // Move attribs to styles if ( dom.getAttrib(el, 'hspace') ) t.updateStyle('hspace'); if ( dom.getAttrib(el, 'border') ) t.updateStyle('border'); if ( dom.getAttrib(el, 'vspace') ) t.updateStyle('vspace'); if ( pa = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'A') ) { f.link_href.value = t.current = ed.dom.getAttrib(pa, 'href'); f.link_title.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(pa, 'title'); f.link_rel.value = t.link_rel = ed.dom.getAttrib(pa, 'rel'); f.link_style.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(pa, 'style'); t.target_value = ed.dom.getAttrib(pa, 'target'); f.link_classes.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(pa, 'class'); } f.link_target.checked = ( t.target_value && t.target_value == '_blank' ) ? 'checked' : ''; fname = link.substring( link.lastIndexOf('/') ); fname = fname.replace(/-[0-9]{2,4}x[0-9]{2,4}/, '' ); = link.substring( 0, link.lastIndexOf('/') ) + fname; if ( c.indexOf('alignleft') != -1 ) { t.I('alignleft').checked = "checked"; d.className = t.align = "alignleft"; } else if ( c.indexOf('aligncenter') != -1 ) { t.I('aligncenter').checked = "checked"; d.className = t.align = "aligncenter"; } else if ( c.indexOf('alignright') != -1 ) { t.I('alignright').checked = "checked"; d.className = t.align = "alignright"; } else if ( c.indexOf('alignnone') != -1 ) { t.I('alignnone').checked = "checked"; d.className = t.align = "alignnone"; } if ( t.width && t.preloadImg.width ) t.showSizeSet(); = ''; }, remove : function() { var ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor, p, el; tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); el = ed.selection.getNode(); if (el.nodeName != 'IMG') return; if ( (p = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'div')) && ed.dom.hasClass(p, 'mceTemp') ) ed.dom.remove(p); else if ( (p = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'A')) && p.childNodes.length == 1 ) ed.dom.remove(p); else ed.dom.remove(el); ed.execCommand('mceRepaint'); tinyMCEPopup.close(); return; }, update : function() { var t = this, f = document.forms[0], ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor, el, b, fixSafari = null, DL, P, A, DIV, do_caption = null, img_class = f.img_classes.value, html, id, cap_id = '', cap, DT, DD, cap_width, div_cls, lnk = '', pa, aa, caption; tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); el = ed.selection.getNode(); if (el.nodeName != 'IMG') return; if (f.img_src.value === '') { t.remove(); return; } if ( f.img_cap_text.value != '' && f.width.value != '' ) { do_caption = 1; img_class = img_class.replace( /align[^ "']+\s?/gi, '' ); } A = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'a'); P = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'p'); DL = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'dl'); DIV = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'div'); tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("mceBeginUndoLevel"); if ( f.width.value != el.width || f.height.value != el.height ) img_class = img_class.replace(/size-[^ "']+/, ''); ed.dom.setAttribs(el, { src : f.img_src.value, title : f.img_title.value, alt : f.img_alt.value, width : f.width.value, height : f.height.value, style : f.img_style.value, 'class' : img_class }); if ( f.link_href.value ) { // Create new anchor elements if ( A == null ) { if ( ! f.link_href.value.match(/https?:\/\//i) ) f.link_href.value = tinyMCEPopup.editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(f.link_href.value); ed.getDoc().execCommand("unlink", false, null); tinyMCEPopup.execCommand("mceInsertLink", false, "#mce_temp_url#", {skip_undo : 1}); tinymce.each("a"), function(n) { if ( ed.dom.getAttrib(n, 'href') == '#mce_temp_url#' ) { ed.dom.setAttribs(n, { href : f.link_href.value, title : f.link_title.value, rel : f.link_rel.value, target : (f.link_target.checked == true) ? '_blank' : '', 'class' : f.link_classes.value, style : f.link_style.value }); } }); } else { ed.dom.setAttribs(A, { href : f.link_href.value, title : f.link_title.value, rel : f.link_rel.value, target : (f.link_target.checked == true) ? '_blank' : '', 'class' : f.link_classes.value, style : f.link_style.value }); } } if ( do_caption ) { cap_width = 10 + parseInt(f.width.value); div_cls = (t.align == 'aligncenter') ? 'mceTemp mceIEcenter' : 'mceTemp'; caption = f.img_cap_text.value; caption = caption.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n').replace(/<[a-zA-Z0-9]+( [^<>]+)?>/g, function(a){ return a.replace(/[\r\n\t]+/, ' '); }); caption = caption.replace(/\s*\n\s*/g, '
'); if ( DL ) { ed.dom.setAttribs(DL, { 'class' : 'wp-caption '+t.align, style : 'width: '+cap_width+'px;' }); if ( DIV ) ed.dom.setAttrib(DIV, 'class', div_cls); if ( (DT = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'dt')) && (DD = DT.nextSibling) && ed.dom.hasClass(DD, 'wp-caption-dd') ) ed.dom.setHTML(DD, caption); } else { if ( (id = f.img_classes.value.match( /wp-image-([0-9]{1,6})/ )) && id[1] ) cap_id = 'attachment_'+id[1]; if ( f.link_href.value && (lnk = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'a')) ) { if ( lnk.childNodes.length == 1 ) { html = ed.dom.getOuterHTML(lnk); } else { html = ed.dom.getOuterHTML(lnk); html = html.match(/]+>/i); html = html+ed.dom.getOuterHTML(el)+''; } } else { html = ed.dom.getOuterHTML(el); } html = '

'; cap = ed.dom.create('div', {'class': div_cls}, html); if ( P ) { P.parentNode.insertBefore(cap, P); if ( P.childNodes.length == 1 ) ed.dom.remove(P); else if ( lnk && lnk.childNodes.length == 1 ) ed.dom.remove(lnk); else ed.dom.remove(el); } else if ( pa = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'TD,TH,LI') ) { pa.appendChild(cap); if ( lnk && lnk.childNodes.length == 1 ) ed.dom.remove(lnk); else ed.dom.remove(el); } } } else { if ( DL && DIV ) { if ( f.link_href.value && (aa = ed.dom.getParent(el, 'a')) ) html = ed.dom.getOuterHTML(aa); else html = ed.dom.getOuterHTML(el); P = ed.dom.create('p', {}, html); DIV.parentNode.insertBefore(P, DIV); ed.dom.remove(DIV); } } if ( f.img_classes.value.indexOf('aligncenter') != -1 ) { if ( P && ( ! || != 'center' ) ) ed.dom.setStyle(P, 'textAlign', 'center'); } else { if ( P && && == 'center' ) ed.dom.setStyle(P, 'textAlign', ''); } if ( ! f.link_href.value && A ) { b = ed.selection.getBookmark(); ed.dom.remove(A, 1); ed.selection.moveToBookmark(b); } ed.execCommand("mceEndUndoLevel"); ed.execCommand('mceRepaint'); tinyMCEPopup.close(); }, updateStyle : function(ty) { var dom = tinyMCEPopup.dom, v, f = document.forms[0], img = dom.create('img', {style : f.img_style.value}); if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.settings.inline_styles) { // Handle align if (ty == 'align') { dom.setStyle(img, 'float', ''); dom.setStyle(img, 'vertical-align', ''); v = f.align.value; if (v) { if (v == 'left' || v == 'right') dom.setStyle(img, 'float', v); else = v; } } // Handle border if (ty == 'border') { dom.setStyle(img, 'border', ''); v = f.border.value; if (v || v == '0') { if (v == '0') = '0'; else = v + 'px solid black'; } } // Handle hspace if (ty == 'hspace') { dom.setStyle(img, 'marginLeft', ''); dom.setStyle(img, 'marginRight', ''); v = f.hspace.value; if (v) { = v + 'px'; = v + 'px'; } } // Handle vspace if (ty == 'vspace') { dom.setStyle(img, 'marginTop', ''); dom.setStyle(img, 'marginBottom', ''); v = f.vspace.value; if (v) { = v + 'px'; = v + 'px'; } } // Merge f.img_style.value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(; this.demoSetStyle(); } }, checkVal : function(f) { if ( f.value == '' ) { // if ( == 'width' ) f.value = this.width || this.preloadImg.width; // if ( == 'height' ) f.value = this.height || this.preloadImg.height; if ( == 'img_src' ) f.value = this.I('img_demo').src || this.preloadImg.src; } }, resetImageData : function() { var f = document.forms[0]; f.width.value = f.height.value = ''; }, updateImageData : function() { var f = document.forms[0], t = wpImage, w = f.width.value, h = f.height.value; if ( !w && h ) w = f.width.value = t.width = Math.round( t.preloadImg.width / (t.preloadImg.height / h) ); else if ( w && !h ) h = f.height.value = t.height = Math.round( t.preloadImg.height / (t.preloadImg.width / w) ); if ( !w ) f.width.value = t.width = t.preloadImg.width; if ( !h ) f.height.value = t.height = t.preloadImg.height; t.showSizeSet(); t.demoSetSize(); if ( f.img_style.value ) t.demoSetStyle(); }, getImageData : function() { var t = wpImage, f = document.forms[0]; t.preloadImg = new Image(); t.preloadImg.onload = t.updateImageData; t.preloadImg.onerror = t.resetImageData; t.preloadImg.src = tinyMCEPopup.editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(f.img_src.value); } }; window.onload = function(){wpImage.init();} wpImage.preInit();