

"; if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) echo "


"; else echo "


"; echo "\n"; } // Deletes saved data and redirect. function restart() { delete_option('import-blogger'); wp_redirect("admin.php?import=blogger"); die(); } // Generates a string that will make the page reload in a specified interval. function refresher($msec) { if ( $msec ) return "\n\n\n"; else return "\n\n\n"; } // Returns associative array of code, header, cookies, body. Based on code from php.net. function parse_response($this_response) { // Split response into header and body sections list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this_response, 2); $response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers); // First line of headers is the HTTP response code $http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines); if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; } // put the rest of the headers in an array $response_header_array = array(); foreach($response_header_lines as $header_line) { list($header,$value) = explode(': ', $header_line, 2); $response_header_array[$header] .= $value."\n"; } $cookie_array = array(); $cookies = explode("\n", $response_header_array["Set-Cookie"]); foreach($cookies as $this_cookie) { array_push($cookie_array, "Cookie: ".$this_cookie); } return array("code" => $response_code, "header" => $response_header_array, "cookies" => $cookie_array, "body" => $response_body); } // Prints a form for the user to enter Blogger creds. function login_form($text='') { echo '

' . __('Log in to Blogger') . "

\n$text\n"; echo '
' . __('Username') . ':
' . __('Password') . ':
'; die; } // Sends creds to Blogger, returns the session cookies an array of headers. function login_blogger($user, $pass) { $_url = 'http://www.blogger.com/login.do'; $params = "username=$user&password=$pass"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Blogger Exporter'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $response = curl_exec ($ch); $response = $this->parse_response($response); sleep(1); return $response['cookies']; } // Requests page from Blogger, returns the response array. function get_blogger($url, $header = '', $user=false, $pass=false) { $ch = curl_init(); if ($user && $pass) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD,"{$user}:{$pass}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Blogger Exporter'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); if (is_array($header)) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); $response = curl_exec ($ch); $response = $this->parse_response($response); $response['url'] = $url; if (curl_errno($ch)) { print curl_error($ch); } else { curl_close($ch); } return $response; } // Posts data to Blogger, returns response array. function post_blogger($url, $header = false, $paramary = false, $parse=true) { $params = ''; if ( is_array($paramary) ) { foreach($paramary as $key=>$value) if($key && $value != '') $params.=$key."=".urlencode(stripslashes($value))."&"; } if ($user && $pass) $params .= "username=$user&password=$pass"; $params = trim($params,'&'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); if ($user && $pass) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD,"{$user}:{$pass}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Blogger Exporter'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,$parse); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); if ($header) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); $response = curl_exec ($ch); if ($parse) { $response = $this->parse_response($response); $response['url'] = $url; return $response; } return $response; } // Prints the list of blogs for import. function show_blogs() { global $import; echo '

' . __('Selecting a Blog') . "

\n\n"); } // Publishes. function publish_blogger($i, $text) { $head = $this->refresher(2000) . "


\n"; if ( ! strstr($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i], 'http') ) { // First call. Start the publish process with a fresh set of cookies. $this->import['cookies'] = $this->login_blogger($this->import['user'], $this->import['pass']); update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); $paramary = array('blogID' => $_GET['blog'], 'all' => '1', 'republishAll' => 'Republish Entire Blog', 'publish' => '1', 'redirectUrl' => "/publish.do?blogID={$_GET['blog']}&inprogress=true"); $response = $this->post_blogger("http://www.blogger.com/publish.do?blogID={$_GET['blog']}", $this->import['cookies'], $paramary); if ( $response['code'] == '302' ) { $url = str_replace('publish.g', 'publish-body.g', $response['header']['Location']); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i] = $url; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); $response = $this->get_blogger($url, $this->import['cookies']); preg_match('#


#U', $response['body'], $matches); $progress = $matches[0]; die($head . $progress); } else { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i] = false; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); die($head); } } else { // Subsequent call. Keep checking status until Blogger reports publish complete. $url = $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i]; $response = $this->get_blogger($url, $this->import['cookies']); if ( preg_match('#


#U', $response['body'], $matches) ) { $progress = $matches[0]; if ( strstr($progress, '100%') ) { $this->set_next_step($i); $progress .= '

'.__('Moving on...').'

'; } die($head . $progress); } else { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i] = false; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); die("$head

" . __('Trying again...') . '

'); } } } // Sets next step, saves options function set_next_step($step) { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['nextstep'] = $step; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); } // Redirects to next step function do_next_step() { wp_redirect("admin.php?import=blogger&noheader=true&blog={$_GET['blog']}"); die(); } // Step 0: Do Blogger login, get blogid/title pairs. function do_login() { if ( ( ! $this->import['user'] && ! is_array($this->import['cookies']) ) ) { // The user must provide a Blogger username and password. if ( ! ( $_POST['user'] && $_POST['pass'] ) ) { $this->login_form(__('The script will log into your Blogger account, change some settings so it can read your blog, and restore the original settings when it\'s done. Here\'s what you do:').'

  1. '.__('Back up your Blogger template.').'
  2. '.__('Back up any other Blogger settings you might need later.').'
  3. '.__('Log out of Blogger').'
  4. '.__('Log in here with your Blogger username and password.').'
  5. '.__('On the next screen, click one of your Blogger blogs.').'
  6. '.__('Do not close this window or navigate away until the process is complete.').'
'); } // Try logging in. If we get an array of cookies back, we at least connected. $this->import['cookies'] = $this->login_blogger($_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']); if ( !is_array( $this->import['cookies'] ) ) { $this->login_form(__('Login failed. Please enter your credentials again.')); } // Save the password so we can log the browser in when it's time to publish. $this->import['pass'] = $_POST['pass']; $this->import['user'] = $_POST['user']; // Get the Blogger welcome page and scrape the blog numbers and names from it $response = $this->get_blogger('http://www.blogger.com/home', $this->import['cookies']); if (! stristr($response['body'], 'signed in as') ) $this->login_form(__('Login failed. Please re-enter your username and password.')); $blogsary = array(); preg_match_all('#posts\.g\?blogID=(\d+)">([^<]+)#U', $response['body'], $blogsary); if ( ! count( $blogsary[1] < 1 ) ) wp_die(__('No blogs found for this user.')); $this->import['blogs'] = array(); $template = '

'.__('Are you looking for %title%? It is temporarily out of service. Please try again in a few minutes. Meanwhile, discover a better blogging tool.').'

<$BlogItemDateTime$>|W|P|<$BlogItemAuthorNickname$>|W|P|<$BlogItemBody$>|W|P|<$BlogItemNumber$>|W|P|<$BlogItemTitle$>|W|P|<$BlogItemAuthorEmail$><$BlogCommentDateTime$>|W|P|<$BlogCommentAuthor$>|W|P|<$BlogCommentBody$>'; foreach ( $blogsary[1] as $key => $id ) { // Define the required Blogger options. $blog_opts = array( 'blog-options-basic' => false, 'blog-options-archiving' => array('archiveFrequency' => 'm'), 'blog-publishing' => array('publishMode'=>'0', 'blogID' => "$id", 'subdomain' => mt_rand().mt_rand(), 'pingWeblogs' => 'false'), 'blog-formatting' => array('timeStampFormat' => '0', 'encoding'=>'UTF-8', 'convertLineBreaks'=>'false', 'floatAlignment'=>'false'), 'blog-comments' => array('commentsTimeStampFormat' => '0'), 'template-edit' => array( 'templateText' => str_replace('%title%', trim($blogsary[2][$key]), $template) ) ); // Build the blog options array template foreach ($blog_opts as $blog_opt => $modify) $new_opts["$blog_opt"] = array('backup'=>false, 'modify' => $modify, 'error'=>false); $this->import['blogs']["$id"] = array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => trim($blogsary[2][$key]), 'options' => $new_opts, 'url' => false, 'publish_cookies' => false, 'published' => false, 'archives' => false, 'lump_authors' => false, 'newusers' => array(), 'nextstep' => 2 ); } update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); wp_redirect("admin.php?import=blogger&noheader=true&step=1"); } die(); } // Step 1: Select one of the blogs belonging to the user logged in. function select_blog() { if ( is_array($this->import['blogs']) ) { $this->show_blogs(); die(); } else { $this->restart(); } } // Step 2: Backup the Blogger options pages, updating some of them. function backup_settings() { $output.= '

'.__('Backing up Blogger options')."

\n"; $form = false; foreach ($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options'] as $blog_opt => $optary) { if ( $blog_opt == $_GET['form'] ) { // Save the posted form data $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['backup'] = $_POST; update_option('import-blogger',$this->import); // Post the modified form data to Blogger if ( $optary['modify'] ) { $posturl = "http://www.blogger.com/{$blog_opt}.do"; $headers = array_merge($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['cookies'], $this->import['cookies']); if ( 'blog-publishing' == $blog_opt ) { if ( $_POST['publishMode'] > 0 ) { $response = $this->get_blogger("http://www.blogger.com/blog-publishing.g?blogID={$_GET['blog']}&publishMode=0", $headers); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 ) wp_die('

'.__('Failed attempt to change publish mode from FTP to BlogSpot.').'

' . addslashes(print_r($headers, 1)) . addslashes(print_r($response, 1)) . '
'); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['url'] = 'http://' . $optary['modify']['subdomain'] . '.blogspot.com/'; sleep(2); } else { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['url'] = 'http://' . $_POST['subdomain'] . '.blogspot.com/'; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); $output .= "


\n"; continue; } $paramary = $optary['modify']; } else { $paramary = array_merge($_POST, $optary['modify']); } $response = $this->post_blogger($posturl, $headers, $paramary); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 || strstr($response['body'], 'There are errors on this form') ) wp_die('

'.__('Error on form submission. Retry or reset the importer.').'

' . addslashes(print_r($response, 1))); } $output .= "


\n"; } elseif ( is_array($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['backup']) ) { // This option set has already been backed up. $output .= "


\n"; } elseif ( ! $form ) { // This option page needs to be downloaded and given to the browser for submission back to this script. $response = $this->get_blogger("http://www.blogger.com/{$blog_opt}.g?blogID={$_GET['blog']}", $this->import['cookies']); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['cookies'] = $response['cookies']; update_option('import-blogger',$this->import); $body = $response['body']; $body = preg_replace("|\]*>|ms","",$body); $body = preg_replace("|/?{$blog_opt}.do|","admin.php?import=blogger&noheader=true&step=2&blog={$_GET['blog']}&form={$blog_opt}",$body); $body = str_replace("name='submit'","name='supermit'",$body); $body = str_replace('name="submit"','name="supermit"',$body); $body = str_replace('','',str_replace('','',$body)); $form = "
"; $form.= $body; $form.= "
"; $output.= '

'.sprintf('%s in progress, please wait...', $blog_opt)."

\n"; } else { $output.= "


\n"; } } if ( $form ) die($output . $form); $this->set_next_step(4); $this->do_next_step(); } // Step 3: Cancelled :-) // Step 4: Publish with the new template and settings. function publish_blog() { $this->publish_blogger(5, __('Publishing with new template and options')); } // Step 5: Get the archive URLs from the new blog. function get_archive_urls() { $bloghtml = $this->get_blogger($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['url']); if (! strstr($bloghtml['body'], 'import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['archives'][$archive] = false; } $this->set_next_step(6); $this->do_next_step(); } // Step 6: Get each monthly archive, import it, mark it done. function get_archive() { global $wpdb; $output = '

'.__('Importing Blogger archives into WordPress').'

'; $did_one = false; $post_array = $posts = array(); foreach ( $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['archives'] as $url => $status ) { $archivename = substr(basename($url),0,7); if ( $status || $did_one ) { $foo = 'bar'; // Do nothing. } else { // Import the selected month $postcount = 0; $skippedpostcount = 0; $commentcount = 0; $skippedcommentcount = 0; $status = __('in progress...'); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['archives']["$url"] = $status; update_option('import-blogger', $import); $archive = $this->get_blogger($url); if ( $archive['code'] > 200 ) continue; $posts = explode('', $archive['body']); for ($i = 1; $i < count($posts); $i = $i + 1) { $postparts = explode('', $posts[$i]); $postinfo = explode('|W|P|', $postparts[0]); $post_date = $postinfo[0]; $post_content = $postinfo[2]; // Don't try to re-use the original numbers // because the new, longer numbers are too // big to handle as ints. //$post_number = $postinfo[3]; $post_title = ( $postinfo[4] != '' ) ? $postinfo[4] : $postinfo[3]; $post_author_name = $wpdb->escape(trim($postinfo[1])); $post_author_email = $postinfo[5] ? $postinfo[5] : 'user@wordpress.org'; if ( $this->lump_authors ) { // Ignore Blogger authors. Use the current user_ID for all posts imported. $post_author = $GLOBALS['user_ID']; } else { // Add a user for each new author encountered. if (! username_exists($post_author_name) ) { $user_login = $wpdb->escape($post_author_name); $user_email = $wpdb->escape($post_author_email); $user_password = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime())), 0, 6); $result = wp_create_user( $user_login, $user_password, $user_email ); $status.= sprintf('Registered user %s.', $user_login); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['newusers'][] = $user_login; } $userdata = get_userdatabylogin( $post_author_name ); $post_author = $userdata->ID; } $post_date = explode(' ', $post_date); $post_date_Ymd = explode('/', $post_date[0]); $postyear = $post_date_Ymd[2]; $postmonth = zeroise($post_date_Ymd[0], 2); $postday = zeroise($post_date_Ymd[1], 2); $post_date_His = explode(':', $post_date[1]); $posthour = zeroise($post_date_His[0], 2); $postminute = zeroise($post_date_His[1], 2); $postsecond = zeroise($post_date_His[2], 2); if (($post_date[2] == 'PM') && ($posthour != '12')) $posthour = $posthour + 12; else if (($post_date[2] == 'AM') && ($posthour == '12')) $posthour = '00'; $post_date = "$postyear-$postmonth-$postday $posthour:$postminute:$postsecond"; $post_content = addslashes($post_content); $post_content = str_replace(array('
'), "\n", $post_content); // the XHTML touch... ;) $post_title = addslashes($post_title); $post_status = 'publish'; if ( $ID = post_exists($post_title, '', $post_date) ) { $post_array[$i]['ID'] = $ID; $skippedpostcount++; } else { $post_array[$i]['post'] = compact('post_author', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_category', 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_status'); $post_array[$i]['comments'] = false; } // Import any comments attached to this post. if ($postparts[1]) : for ($j = 1; $j < count($postparts); $j = $j + 1) { $commentinfo = explode('|W|P|', $postparts[$j]); $comment_date = explode(' ', $commentinfo[0]); $comment_date_Ymd = explode('/', $comment_date[0]); $commentyear = $comment_date_Ymd[2]; $commentmonth = zeroise($comment_date_Ymd[0], 2); $commentday = zeroise($comment_date_Ymd[1], 2); $comment_date_His = explode(':', $comment_date[1]); $commenthour = zeroise($comment_date_His[0], 2); $commentminute = zeroise($comment_date_His[1], 2); $commentsecond = '00'; if (($comment_date[2] == 'PM') && ($commenthour != '12')) $commenthour = $commenthour + 12; else if (($comment_date[2] == 'AM') && ($commenthour == '12')) $commenthour = '00'; $comment_date = "$commentyear-$commentmonth-$commentday $commenthour:$commentminute:$commentsecond"; $comment_author = addslashes(strip_tags($commentinfo[1])); if ( strpos($commentinfo[1], 'a href') ) { $comment_author_parts = explode('"', htmlentities($commentinfo[1])); $comment_author_url = $comment_author_parts[1]; } else $comment_author_url = ''; $comment_content = $commentinfo[2]; $comment_content = str_replace(array('
'), "\n", $comment_content); $comment_approved = 1; if ( comment_exists($comment_author, $comment_date) ) { $skippedcommentcount++; } else { $comment = compact('comment_author', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_date', 'comment_content', 'comment_approved'); $post_array[$i]['comments'][$j] = wp_filter_comment($comment); } $commentcount++; } endif; $postcount++; } if ( count($post_array) ) { krsort($post_array); foreach($post_array as $post) { if ( ! $comment_post_ID = $post['ID'] ) $comment_post_ID = wp_insert_post($post['post']); if ( $post['comments'] ) { foreach ( $post['comments'] as $comment ) { $comment['comment_post_ID'] = $comment_post_ID; wp_insert_comment($comment); } } } } $status = sprintf(__('%s post(s) parsed, %s skipped...'), $postcount, $skippedpostcount).' '. sprintf(__('%s comment(s) parsed, %s skipped...'), $commentcoun, $skippedcommentcount).' '. ' '.__('Done').''; $import = $this->import; $import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['archives']["$url"] = $status; update_option('import-blogger', $import); $did_one = true; } $output.= "

$archivename $status

\n"; } if ( ! $did_one ) $this->set_next_step(7); die( $this->refresher(1000) . $output ); } // Step 7: Restore the backed-up settings to Blogger function restore_settings() { $output = '

'.__('Restoring your Blogger options')."

\n"; $did_one = false; // Restore options in reverse order. if ( ! $this->import['reversed'] ) { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options'] = array_reverse($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options'], true); $this->import['reversed'] = true; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); } foreach ( $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options'] as $blog_opt => $optary ) { if ( $did_one ) { $output .= "


\n"; } elseif ( $optary['restored'] || ! $optary['modify'] ) { $output .= "


\n"; } else { $posturl = "http://www.blogger.com/{$blog_opt}.do"; $headers = array_merge($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['cookies'], $this->import['cookies']); if ( 'blog-publishing' == $blog_opt) { if ( $optary['backup']['publishMode'] > 0 ) { $response = $this->get_blogger("http://www.blogger.com/blog-publishing.g?blogID={$_GET['blog']}&publishMode={$optary['backup']['publishMode']}", $headers); sleep(2); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 ) wp_die('

Error restoring publishMode.

Please tell the devs.

' . addslashes(print_r($response, 1)) ); } } if ( $optary['backup'] != $optary['modify'] ) { $response = $this->post_blogger($posturl, $headers, $optary['backup']); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 || strstr($response['body'], 'There are errors on this form') ) { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['error'] = true; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); $output .= sprintf(__('%s failed. Trying again.'), "

$blog_opt ").'

'; } else { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['restored'] = true; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); $output .= sprintf(__('%s restored.'), "

$blog_opt ").'

'; } } $did_one = true; } } if ( $did_one ) { die( $this->refresher(1000) . $output ); } elseif ( $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']['blog-publishing']['backup']['publishMode'] > 0 ) { $this->set_next_step(9); } else { $this->set_next_step(8); } $this->do_next_step(); } // Step 8: Republish, all back to normal function republish_blog() { $this->publish_blogger(9, __('Publishing with original template and options')); } // Step 9: Congratulate the user function congrats() { echo '


'.__('Now that you have imported your Blogger blog into WordPress, what are you going to do? Here are some suggestions:').'

'; } // Figures out what to do, then does it. function start() { if ( $_GET['restart'] == 'true' ) { $this->restart(); } if ( isset($_GET['noheader']) ) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $this->import = get_option('import-blogger'); if ( false === $this->import ) { $step = 0; } elseif ( isset($_GET['step']) ) { $step = (int) $_GET['step']; } elseif ( isset($_GET['blog']) && isset($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['nextstep']) ) { $step = $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['nextstep']; } elseif ( is_array($this->import['blogs']) ) { $step = 1; } else { $step = 0; } //echo "Step $step."; //wp_die('
				case 1 :
				case 2 :
				case 3 :
				case 4 :
				case 5 :
				case 6 :
				case 7 :
				case 8 :
				case 9 :

		} else {

	function Blogger_Import() {
		// This space intentionally left blank.

$blogger_import = new Blogger_Import();

register_importer('blogger', 'Blogger and Blogspot', __('Import posts and comments from your Blogger account'), array ($blogger_import, 'start'));
