/** * Handles the addition of the comment form. * * @since 2.7.0 * @output wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js * * @namespace addComment * * @type {Object} */ window.addComment = ( function( window ) { // Avoid scope lookups on commonly used variables. var document = window.document; // Settings. var config = { commentReplyClass : 'comment-reply-link', commentReplyTitleId : 'reply-title', cancelReplyId : 'cancel-comment-reply-link', commentFormId : 'commentform', temporaryFormId : 'wp-temp-form-div', parentIdFieldId : 'comment_parent', postIdFieldId : 'comment_post_ID' }; // Cross browser MutationObserver. var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; // Check browser cuts the mustard. var cutsTheMustard = 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window; /* * Check browser supports dataset. * !! sets the variable to true if the property exists. */ var supportsDataset = !! document.documentElement.dataset; // For holding the cancel element. var cancelElement; // For holding the comment form element. var commentFormElement; // The respond element. var respondElement; // The mutation observer. var observer; if ( cutsTheMustard && document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { ready(); } else if ( cutsTheMustard ) { window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', ready, false ); } /** * Sets up object variables after the DOM is ready. * * @since 5.1.1 */ function ready() { // Initialise the events. init(); // Set up a MutationObserver to check for comments loaded late. observeChanges(); } /** * Add events to links classed .comment-reply-link. * * Searches the context for reply links and adds the JavaScript events * required to move the comment form. To allow for lazy loading of * comments this method is exposed as window.commentReply.init(). * * @since 5.1.0 * * @memberOf addComment * * @param {HTMLElement} context The parent DOM element to search for links. */ function init( context ) { if ( ! cutsTheMustard ) { return; } // Get required elements. cancelElement = getElementById( config.cancelReplyId ); commentFormElement = getElementById( config.commentFormId ); // No cancel element, no replies. if ( ! cancelElement ) { return; } cancelElement.addEventListener( 'touchstart', cancelEvent ); cancelElement.addEventListener( 'click', cancelEvent ); // Submit the comment form when the user types [Ctrl] or [Cmd] + [Enter]. var submitFormHandler = function( e ) { if ( ( e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey ) && e.keyCode === 13 ) { commentFormElement.removeEventListener( 'keydown', submitFormHandler ); e.preventDefault(); // The submit button ID is 'submit' so we can't call commentFormElement.submit(). Click it instead. commentFormElement.submit.click(); return false; } }; if ( commentFormElement ) { commentFormElement.addEventListener( 'keydown', submitFormHandler ); } var links = replyLinks( context ); var element; for ( var i = 0, l = links.length; i < l; i++ ) { element = links[i]; element.addEventListener( 'touchstart', clickEvent ); element.addEventListener( 'click', clickEvent ); } } /** * Return all links classed .comment-reply-link. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param {HTMLElement} context The parent DOM element to search for links. * * @return {HTMLCollection|NodeList|Array} */ function replyLinks( context ) { var selectorClass = config.commentReplyClass; var allReplyLinks; // childNodes is a handy check to ensure the context is a HTMLElement. if ( ! context || ! context.childNodes ) { context = document; } if ( document.getElementsByClassName ) { // Fastest. allReplyLinks = context.getElementsByClassName( selectorClass ); } else { // Fast. allReplyLinks = context.querySelectorAll( '.' + selectorClass ); } return allReplyLinks; } /** * Cancel event handler. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param {Event} event The calling event. */ function cancelEvent( event ) { var cancelLink = this; var temporaryFormId = config.temporaryFormId; var temporaryElement = getElementById( temporaryFormId ); if ( ! temporaryElement || ! respondElement ) { // Conditions for cancel link fail. return; } getElementById( config.parentIdFieldId ).value = '0'; // Move the respond form back in place of the temporary element. var headingText = temporaryElement.textContent; temporaryElement.parentNode.replaceChild( respondElement, temporaryElement ); cancelLink.style.display = 'none'; var replyHeadingElement = getElementById( config.commentReplyTitleId ); var replyHeadingTextNode = replyHeadingElement && replyHeadingElement.firstChild; if ( replyHeadingTextNode && replyHeadingTextNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && headingText ) { replyHeadingTextNode.textContent = headingText; } event.preventDefault(); } /** * Click event handler. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param {Event} event The calling event. */ function clickEvent( event ) { var replyNode = getElementById( config.commentReplyTitleId ); var defaultReplyHeading = replyNode && replyNode.firstChild.textContent; var replyLink = this, commId = getDataAttribute( replyLink, 'belowelement' ), parentId = getDataAttribute( replyLink, 'commentid' ), respondId = getDataAttribute( replyLink, 'respondelement' ), postId = getDataAttribute( replyLink, 'postid' ), replyTo = getDataAttribute( replyLink, 'replyto' ) || defaultReplyHeading, follow; if ( ! commId || ! parentId || ! respondId || ! postId ) { /* * Theme or plugin defines own link via custom `wp_list_comments()` callback * and calls `moveForm()` either directly or via a custom event hook. */ return; } /* * Third party comments systems can hook into this function via the global scope, * therefore the click event needs to reference the global scope. */ follow = window.addComment.moveForm( commId, parentId, respondId, postId, replyTo ); if ( false === follow ) { event.preventDefault(); } } /** * Creates a mutation observer to check for newly inserted comments. * * @since 5.1.0 */ function observeChanges() { if ( ! MutationObserver ) { return; } var observerOptions = { childList: true, subtree: true }; observer = new MutationObserver( handleChanges ); observer.observe( document.body, observerOptions ); } /** * Handles DOM changes, calling init() if any new nodes are added. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param {Array} mutationRecords Array of MutationRecord objects. */ function handleChanges( mutationRecords ) { var i = mutationRecords.length; while ( i-- ) { // Call init() once if any record in this set adds nodes. if ( mutationRecords[ i ].addedNodes.length ) { init(); return; } } } /** * Backward compatible getter of data-* attribute. * * Uses element.dataset if it exists, otherwise uses getAttribute. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param {HTMLElement} Element DOM element with the attribute. * @param {string} Attribute the attribute to get. * * @return {string} */ function getDataAttribute( element, attribute ) { if ( supportsDataset ) { return element.dataset[attribute]; } else { return element.getAttribute( 'data-' + attribute ); } } /** * Get element by ID. * * Local alias for document.getElementById. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param {HTMLElement} The requested element. */ function getElementById( elementId ) { return document.getElementById( elementId ); } /** * Moves the reply form from its current position to the reply location. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @memberOf addComment * * @param {string} addBelowId HTML ID of element the form follows. * @param {string} commentId Database ID of comment being replied to. * @param {string} respondId HTML ID of 'respond' element. * @param {string} postId Database ID of the post. * @param {string} replyTo Form heading content. */ function moveForm( addBelowId, commentId, respondId, postId, replyTo ) { // Get elements based on their IDs. var addBelowElement = getElementById( addBelowId ); respondElement = getElementById( respondId ); // Get the hidden fields. var parentIdField = getElementById( config.parentIdFieldId ); var postIdField = getElementById( config.postIdFieldId ); var element, cssHidden, style; var replyHeading = getElementById( config.commentReplyTitleId ); var replyHeadingTextNode = replyHeading && replyHeading.firstChild; if ( ! addBelowElement || ! respondElement || ! parentIdField ) { // Missing key elements, fail. return; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof replyTo ) { replyTo = replyHeadingTextNode && replyHeadingTextNode.textContent; } addPlaceHolder( respondElement ); // Set the value of the post. if ( postId && postIdField ) { postIdField.value = postId; } parentIdField.value = commentId; cancelElement.style.display = ''; addBelowElement.parentNode.insertBefore( respondElement, addBelowElement.nextSibling ); if ( replyHeadingTextNode && replyHeadingTextNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { replyHeadingTextNode.textContent = replyTo; } /* * This is for backward compatibility with third party commenting systems * hooking into the event using older techniques. */ cancelElement.onclick = function() { return false; }; // Focus on the first field in the comment form. try { for ( var i = 0; i < commentFormElement.elements.length; i++ ) { element = commentFormElement.elements[i]; cssHidden = false; // Get elements computed style. if ( 'getComputedStyle' in window ) { // Modern browsers. style = window.getComputedStyle( element ); } else if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) { // IE 8. style = element.currentStyle; } /* * For display none, do the same thing jQuery does. For visibility, * check the element computed style since browsers are already doing * the job for us. In fact, the visibility computed style is the actual * computed value and already takes into account the element ancestors. */ if ( ( element.offsetWidth <= 0 && element.offsetHeight <= 0 ) || style.visibility === 'hidden' ) { cssHidden = true; } // Skip form elements that are hidden or disabled. if ( 'hidden' === element.type || element.disabled || cssHidden ) { continue; } element.focus(); // Stop after the first focusable element. break; } } catch(e) { } /* * false is returned for backward compatibility with third party commenting systems * hooking into this function. */ return false; } /** * Add placeholder element. * * Places a place holder element above the #respond element for * the form to be returned to if needs be. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param {HTMLelement} respondElement the #respond element holding comment form. */ function addPlaceHolder( respondElement ) { var temporaryFormId = config.temporaryFormId; var temporaryElement = getElementById( temporaryFormId ); var replyElement = getElementById( config.commentReplyTitleId ); var initialHeadingText = replyElement ? replyElement.firstChild.textContent : ''; if ( temporaryElement ) { // The element already exists, no need to recreate. return; } temporaryElement = document.createElement( 'div' ); temporaryElement.id = temporaryFormId; temporaryElement.style.display = 'none'; temporaryElement.textContent = initialHeadingText; respondElement.parentNode.insertBefore( temporaryElement, respondElement ); } return { init: init, moveForm: moveForm }; })( window );