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You can also e-mail the admin to ask for a promotion.
When you’re promoted, just reload this page and you’ll be able to blog. :)'), get_option('admin_email')); ?>
' . __( 'Your Drafts:' ) . ' '; if ( count($my_drafts) < 3 ) { $i = 0; foreach ( $my_drafts as $post ) { if ( $i++ != 0 ) echo ', '; echo ''; the_title(); echo ''; } echo '.
'; } else { printf( __( 'You have %d drafts.' ) . '', 'edit.php?post_status=draft&author=' . $user_ID, count($my_drafts) ); } } if ( $pending ) { echo '' . __( 'Pending Review:' ) . ' '; if ( count($pending) < 3 ) { $i = 0; foreach ( $pending as $post ) { if ( $i++ != 0 ) echo ', '; echo ''; the_title(); echo ''; } echo '.
'; } else { printf( __( 'There are %d drafts pending review.' ) . '', 'edit.php?post_status=pending', count($pending) ); } } if ( $others_drafts ) { echo '' . __( 'Others’ Drafts:' ) . ' '; if ( count($others_drafts) < 3 ) { $i = 0; foreach ( $others_drafts as $post ) { if ( $i++ != 0 ) echo ', '; echo ''; the_title(); echo ''; } echo '.
'; } else { printf( __( 'There are %d in-progress drafts by other authors.' ) . '', 'edit.php?post_status=pending&author=-' . $user_ID, count($others_drafts) ); } } echo "\n"; } ?>