is_single = false; $this->is_page = false; $this->is_archive = false; $this->is_date = false; $this->is_year = false; $this->is_month = false; $this->is_day = false; $this->is_time = false; $this->is_author = false; $this->is_category = false; $this->is_search = false; $this->is_feed = false; $this->is_trackback = false; $this->is_home = false; $this->is_404 = false; $this->is_paged = false; $this->is_admin = false; $this->is_subpost = false; } function init () { unset($this->posts); unset($this->query); unset($this->query_vars); unset($this->queried_object); unset($this->queried_object_id); $this->post_count = 0; $this->current_post = -1; $this->in_the_loop = false; $this->init_query_flags(); } // Reparse the query vars. function parse_query_vars() { $this->parse_query(''); } // Parse a query string and set query type booleans. function parse_query ($query) { if ( !empty($query) || !isset($this->query) ) { $this->init(); parse_str($query, $qv); $this->query = $query; $this->query_vars = $qv; } if ('404' == $qv['error']) { $this->is_404 = true; if ( !empty($query) ) { do_action('parse_query', array(&$this)); } return; } $qv['m'] = (int) $qv['m']; $qv['p'] = (int) $qv['p']; if ( ('' != $qv['subpost']) || $qv['subpost_id'] ) { $this->is_single = true; $this->is_subpost = true; } if ('' != $qv['name']) { $this->is_single = true; } elseif ( $qv['p'] ) { $this->is_single = true; } elseif (('' != $qv['hour']) && ('' != $qv['minute']) &&('' != $qv['second']) && ('' != $qv['year']) && ('' != $qv['monthnum']) && ('' != $qv['day'])) { // If year, month, day, hour, minute, and second are set, a single // post is being queried. $this->is_single = true; } elseif ('' != $qv['static'] || '' != $qv['pagename'] || '' != $qv['page_id']) { $this->is_page = true; $this->is_single = false; } elseif (!empty($qv['s'])) { $this->is_search = true; } else { // Look for archive queries. Dates, categories, authors. if ( (int) $qv['second']) { $this->is_time = true; $this->is_date = true; } if ( (int) $qv['minute']) { $this->is_time = true; $this->is_date = true; } if ( (int) $qv['hour']) { $this->is_time = true; $this->is_date = true; } if ( (int) $qv['day']) { if (! $this->is_date) { $this->is_day = true; $this->is_date = true; } } if ( (int) $qv['monthnum']) { if (! $this->is_date) { $this->is_month = true; $this->is_date = true; } } if ( (int) $qv['year']) { if (! $this->is_date) { $this->is_year = true; $this->is_date = true; } } if ( (int) $qv['m']) { $this->is_date = true; if (strlen($qv['m']) > 9) { $this->is_time = true; } else if (strlen($qv['m']) > 7) { $this->is_day = true; } else if (strlen($qv['m']) > 5) { $this->is_month = true; } else { $this->is_year = true; } } if ('' != $qv['w']) { $this->is_date = true; } if (empty($qv['cat']) || ($qv['cat'] == '0')) { $this->is_category = false; } else { if (stristr($qv['cat'],'-')) { $this->is_category = false; } else { $this->is_category = true; } } if ('' != $qv['category_name']) { $this->is_category = true; } if ((empty($qv['author'])) || ($qv['author'] == '0')) { $this->is_author = false; } else { $this->is_author = true; } if ('' != $qv['author_name']) { $this->is_author = true; } if ( ($this->is_date || $this->is_author || $this->is_category)) { $this->is_archive = true; } } if ('' != $qv['feed']) { $this->is_feed = true; } if ('' != $qv['tb']) { $this->is_trackback = true; } if ('' != $qv['paged']) { $this->is_paged = true; } if ('' != $qv['comments_popup']) { $this->is_comments_popup = true; } if (strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'wp-admin/')) { $this->is_admin = true; } if ( ! ($this->is_subpost || $this->is_archive || $this->is_single || $this->is_page || $this->is_search || $this->is_feed || $this->is_trackback || $this->is_404 || $this->is_admin || $this->is_comments_popup)) { $this->is_home = true; } if ( !empty($query) ) { do_action('parse_query', array(&$this)); } } function set_404() { $this->init_query_flags(); $this->is_404 = true; } function get($query_var) { if (isset($this->query_vars[$query_var])) { return $this->query_vars[$query_var]; } return ''; } function set($query_var, $value) { $this->query_vars[$query_var] = $value; } function &get_posts() { global $wpdb, $pagenow, $request, $user_ID; do_action('pre_get_posts', array(&$this)); // Shorthand. $q = $this->query_vars; // First let's clear some variables $whichcat = ''; $whichauthor = ''; $result = ''; $where = ''; $limits = ''; $distinct = ''; $join = ''; if ( !isset($q['posts_per_page']) || $q['posts_per_page'] == 0 ) $q['posts_per_page'] = get_settings('posts_per_page'); if ( !isset($q['what_to_show']) ) $q['what_to_show'] = get_settings('what_to_show'); if ( isset($q['showposts']) && $q['showposts'] ) { $q['showposts'] = (int) $q['showposts']; $q['posts_per_page'] = $q['showposts']; } if ( (isset($q['posts_per_archive_page']) && $q['posts_per_archive_page'] != 0) && ($this->is_archive || $this->is_search) ) $q['posts_per_page'] = $q['posts_per_archive_page']; if ( !isset($q['nopaging']) ) { if ($q['posts_per_page'] == -1) { $q['nopaging'] = true; } else { $q['nopaging'] = false; } } if ( $this->is_feed ) { $q['posts_per_page'] = get_settings('posts_per_rss'); $q['what_to_show'] = 'posts'; } if (isset($q['page'])) { $q['page'] = trim($q['page'], '/'); $q['page'] = (int) $q['page']; } $add_hours = intval(get_settings('gmt_offset')); $add_minutes = intval(60 * (get_settings('gmt_offset') - $add_hours)); $wp_posts_post_date_field = "post_date"; // "DATE_ADD(post_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)"; // If a month is specified in the querystring, load that month if ( (int) $q['m'] ) { $q['m'] = '' . preg_replace('|[^0-9]|', '', $q['m']); $where .= ' AND YEAR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 0, 4); if (strlen($q['m'])>5) $where .= ' AND MONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 4, 2); if (strlen($q['m'])>7) $where .= ' AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 6, 2); if (strlen($q['m'])>9) $where .= ' AND HOUR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 8, 2); if (strlen($q['m'])>11) $where .= ' AND MINUTE(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 10, 2); if (strlen($q['m'])>13) $where .= ' AND SECOND(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 12, 2); } if ( (int) $q['hour'] ) { $q['hour'] = '' . intval($q['hour']); $where .= " AND HOUR(post_date)='" . $q['hour'] . "'"; } if ( (int) $q['minute'] ) { $q['minute'] = '' . intval($q['minute']); $where .= " AND MINUTE(post_date)='" . $q['minute'] . "'"; } if ( (int) $q['second'] ) { $q['second'] = '' . intval($q['second']); $where .= " AND SECOND(post_date)='" . $q['second'] . "'"; } if ( (int) $q['year'] ) { $q['year'] = '' . intval($q['year']); $where .= " AND YEAR(post_date)='" . $q['year'] . "'"; } if ( (int) $q['monthnum'] ) { $q['monthnum'] = '' . intval($q['monthnum']); $where .= " AND MONTH(post_date)='" . $q['monthnum'] . "'"; } if ( (int) $q['day'] ) { $q['day'] = '' . intval($q['day']); $where .= " AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)='" . $q['day'] . "'"; } if ('' != $q['name']) { $q['name'] = sanitize_title($q['name']); $where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['name'] . "'"; } else if ('' != $q['pagename']) { $q['pagename'] = sanitize_title(basename(str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($q['pagename'])))); $q['name'] = $q['pagename']; $where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['pagename'] . "'"; } elseif ('' != $q['subpost']) { $q['subpost'] = sanitize_title($q['subpost']); $q['name'] = $q['subpost']; $where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['subpost'] . "'"; } if ( (int) $q['w'] ) { $q['w'] = ''.intval($q['w']); $where .= " AND WEEK(post_date, 1)='" . $q['w'] . "'"; } if ( intval($q['comments_popup']) ) $q['p'] = intval($q['comments_popup']); // If a subpost is requested by number, let it supercede any post number. if ( ($q['subpost_id'] != '') && (intval($q['subpost_id']) != 0) ) $q['p'] = (int) $q['subpost_id']; // If a post number is specified, load that post if (($q['p'] != '') && intval($q['p']) != 0) { $q['p'] = (int) $q['p']; $where = ' AND ID = ' . $q['p']; } if (($q['page_id'] != '') && (intval($q['page_id']) != 0)) { $q['page_id'] = intval($q['page_id']); $q['p'] = $q['page_id']; $where = ' AND ID = '.$q['page_id']; } // If a search pattern is specified, load the posts that match if (!empty($q['s'])) { $q['s'] = addslashes_gpc($q['s']); $search = ' AND ('; $q['s'] = preg_replace('/, +/', ' ', $q['s']); $q['s'] = str_replace(',', ' ', $q['s']); $q['s'] = str_replace('"', ' ', $q['s']); $q['s'] = trim($q['s']); if ($q['exact']) { $n = ''; } else { $n = '%'; } if (!$q['sentence']) { $s_array = explode(' ',$q['s']); $q['search_terms'] = $s_array; $search .= '((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[0].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[0].$n.'\'))'; for ( $i = 1; $i < count($s_array); $i = $i + 1) { $search .= ' AND ((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[$i].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[$i].$n.'\'))'; } $search .= ' OR (post_title LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\')'; $search .= ')'; } else { $search = ' AND ((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\'))'; } } // Category stuff if ((empty($q['cat'])) || ($q['cat'] == '0') || // Bypass cat checks if fetching specific posts ( $this->is_single || $this->is_page )) { $whichcat=''; } else { $q['cat'] = ''.urldecode($q['cat']).''; $q['cat'] = addslashes_gpc($q['cat']); if (stristr($q['cat'],'-')) { // Note: if we have a negative, we ignore all the positives. It must // always mean 'everything /except/ this one'. We should be able to do // multiple negatives but we don't :-( $eq = '!='; $andor = 'AND'; $q['cat'] = explode('-',$q['cat']); $q['cat'] = intval($q['cat'][1]); } else { $eq = '='; $andor = 'OR'; } $join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->post2cat.post_id) "; $cat_array = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $q['cat']); $whichcat .= ' AND (category_id '.$eq.' '.intval($cat_array[0]); $whichcat .= get_category_children($cat_array[0], ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' '); for ($i = 1; $i < (count($cat_array)); $i = $i + 1) { $whichcat .= ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' '.intval($cat_array[$i]); $whichcat .= get_category_children($cat_array[$i], ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' '); } $whichcat .= ')'; if ($eq == '!=') { $q['cat'] = '-'.$q['cat']; // Put back the knowledge that we are excluding a category. } } // Category stuff for nice URIs if ('' != $q['category_name']) { if (stristr($q['category_name'],'/')) { $q['category_name'] = explode('/',$q['category_name']); if ($q['category_name'][count($q['category_name'])-1]) { $q['category_name'] = $q['category_name'][count($q['category_name'])-1]; // no trailing slash } else { $q['category_name'] = $q['category_name'][count($q['category_name'])-2]; // there was a trailling slash } } $q['category_name'] = sanitize_title($q['category_name']); $tables = ", $wpdb->post2cat, $wpdb->categories"; $join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->post2cat.post_id) LEFT JOIN $wpdb->categories ON ($wpdb->post2cat.category_id = $wpdb->categories.cat_ID) "; $whichcat = " AND (category_nicename = '" . $q['category_name'] . "'"; $q['cat'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT cat_ID FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE category_nicename = '" . $q['category_name'] . "'"); $whichcat .= get_category_children($q['cat'], " OR category_id = "); $whichcat .= ")"; } // Author/user stuff if ((empty($q['author'])) || ($q['author'] == '0')) { $whichauthor=''; } else { $q['author'] = ''.urldecode($q['author']).''; $q['author'] = addslashes_gpc($q['author']); if (stristr($q['author'], '-')) { $eq = '!='; $andor = 'AND'; $q['author'] = explode('-', $q['author']); $q['author'] = ''.intval($q['author'][1]); } else { $eq = '='; $andor = 'OR'; } $author_array = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $q['author']); $whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author '.$eq.' '.intval($author_array[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < (count($author_array)); $i = $i + 1) { $whichauthor .= ' '.$andor.' post_author '.$eq.' '.intval($author_array[$i]); } $whichauthor .= ')'; } // Author stuff for nice URIs if ('' != $q['author_name']) { if (stristr($q['author_name'],'/')) { $q['author_name'] = explode('/',$q['author_name']); if ($q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-1]) { $q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-1];#no trailing slash } else { $q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-2];#there was a trailling slash } } $q['author_name'] = sanitize_title($q['author_name']); $q['author'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename='".$q['author_name']."'"); $whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author = '.intval($q['author']).')'; } $where .= $search.$whichcat.$whichauthor; if ((empty($q['order'])) || ((strtoupper($q['order']) != 'ASC') && (strtoupper($q['order']) != 'DESC'))) { $q['order']='DESC'; } // Order by if (empty($q['orderby'])) { $q['orderby']='date '.$q['order']; } else { // Used to filter values $allowed_keys = array('author','date','category','title'); $q['orderby'] = urldecode($q['orderby']); $q['orderby'] = addslashes_gpc($q['orderby']); $orderby_array = explode(' ',$q['orderby']); if (!in_array($orderby_array[0],$allowed_keys)) { $orderby_array[0] = 'date'; } $q['orderby'] = $orderby_array[0].' '.$q['order']; if (count($orderby_array)>1) { for ($i = 1; $i < (count($orderby_array)); $i = $i + 1) { // Only allow certain values for safety if (in_array($orderby_array[$i],$allowed_keys)) { $q['orderby'] .= ',post_'.$orderby_array[$i].' '.$q['order']; } } } } $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59'); if ($pagenow != 'post.php' && $pagenow != 'edit.php') { $where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'"; $distinct = 'DISTINCT'; } if ( $this->is_subpost ) { $where .= ' AND (post_status = "object")'; } elseif ($this->is_page) { $where .= ' AND (post_status = "static")'; } elseif ($this->is_single) { $where .= ' AND (post_status != "static")'; } else { $where .= ' AND (post_status = "publish"'; if (isset($user_ID) && ('' != intval($user_ID))) $where .= " OR post_author = $user_ID AND post_status != 'draft' AND post_status != 'static')"; else $where .= ')'; } if (! $this->is_subpost ) $where .= ' AND post_status != "object"'; // Apply filters on where and join prior to paging so that any // manipulations to them are reflected in the paging by day queries. $where = apply_filters('posts_where', $where); $join = apply_filters('posts_join', $join); // Paging if (empty($q['nopaging']) && ! $this->is_single) { $page = $q['paged']; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } if (($q['what_to_show'] == 'posts')) { $pgstrt = ''; $pgstrt = (intval($page) -1) * $q['posts_per_page'] . ', '; $limits = 'LIMIT '.$pgstrt.$q['posts_per_page']; } elseif ($q['what_to_show'] == 'days') { $startrow = $q['posts_per_page'] * (intval($page)-1); $start_date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT max(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $startrow,1"); $endrow = $startrow + $q['posts_per_page'] - 1; $end_date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT min(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $endrow,1"); if ($page > 1) { $where .= " AND post_date >= '$end_date' AND post_date <= '$start_date'"; } else { $where .= " AND post_date >= '$end_date'"; } } } // Apply post-paging filters on where and join. Only plugins that // manipulate paging queries should use these hooks. $where = apply_filters('posts_where_paged', $where); $where .= " GROUP BY $wpdb->posts.ID"; $join = apply_filters('posts_join_paged', $join); $orderby = "post_" . $q['orderby']; $orderby = apply_filters('posts_orderby', $orderby); $request = " SELECT $distinct * FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE 1=1".$where." ORDER BY " . $orderby . " $limits"; $this->posts = $wpdb->get_results($request); // Check post status to determine if post should be displayed. if ($this->is_single) { $status = get_post_status($this->posts[0]); if ('publish' != $status) { if ( ! (isset($user_ID) && ('' != intval($user_ID))) ) { // User must be logged in to view unpublished posts. $this->posts = array(); } else { if ('draft' == $status) { // User must have edit permissions on the draft to preview. if (! user_can_edit_post($user_ID, $this->posts[0]->ID)) $this->posts = array(); } elseif ('private' == $status) { if ($this->posts[0]->post_author != $user_ID) $this->posts = array(); } } } } $this->posts = apply_filters('the_posts', $this->posts); $this->post_count = count($this->posts); if ($this->post_count > 0) { $this->post = $this->posts[0]; } update_post_caches($this->posts); // Save any changes made to the query vars. $this->query_vars = $q; return $this->posts; } function next_post() { $this->current_post++; $this->post = $this->posts[$this->current_post]; return $this->post; } function the_post() { global $post; $this->in_the_loop = true; $post = $this->next_post(); setup_postdata($post); if ( $this->current_post == 0 ) // loop has just started do_action('loop_start'); } function have_posts() { if ($this->current_post + 1 < $this->post_count) { return true; } elseif ($this->current_post + 1 == $this->post_count) { do_action('loop_end'); // Do some cleaning up after the loop $this->rewind_posts(); } $this->in_the_loop = false; return false; } function rewind_posts() { $this->current_post = -1; if ($this->post_count > 0) { $this->post = $this->posts[0]; } } function &query($query) { $this->parse_query($query); return $this->get_posts(); } function get_queried_object() { if (isset($this->queried_object)) { return $this->queried_object; } $this->queried_object = NULL; $this->queried_object_id = 0; if ($this->is_category) { $cat = $this->get('cat'); $category = &get_category($cat); $this->queried_object = &$category; $this->queried_object_id = $cat; } else if ($this->is_single) { $this->queried_object = $this->post; $this->queried_object_id = $this->post->ID; } else if ($this->is_page) { $this->queried_object = $this->post; $this->queried_object_id = $this->post->ID; } else if ($this->is_author) { global $cache_userdata; if (isset($cache_userdata[$this->get('author')])) { $this->queried_object = $cache_userdata[$this->get('author')]; $this->queried_object_id = $this->get('author'); } } return $this->queried_object; } function get_queried_object_id() { $this->get_queried_object(); if (isset($this->queried_object_id)) { return $this->queried_object_id; } return 0; } function WP_Query ($query = '') { if (! empty($query)) { $this->query($query); } } } class retrospam_mgr { var $spam_words; var $comments_list; var $found_comments; function retrospam_mgr() { global $wpdb; $list = explode("\n", get_settings('moderation_keys') ); $list = array_unique( $list ); $this->spam_words = $list; $this->comment_list = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_ID AS ID, comment_content AS text, comment_approved AS approved, comment_author_url AS url, comment_author_ip AS ip, comment_author_email AS email FROM $wpdb->comments ORDER BY comment_ID ASC"); } // End of class constructor function move_spam( $id_list ) { global $wpdb; $cnt = 0; $id_list = explode( ',', $id_list ); foreach ( $id_list as $comment ) { if ( $wpdb->query("update $wpdb->comments set comment_approved = '0' where comment_ID = '$comment'") ) { $cnt++; } } echo "

$cnt comment"; if ($cnt != 1 ) echo "s"; echo " moved to the moderation queue.

\n"; } // End function move_spam function find_spam() { $in_queue = 0; foreach( $this->comment_list as $comment ) { if( $comment->approved == 1 ) { foreach( $this->spam_words as $word ) { $word = trim($word); if ( empty( $word ) ) continue; $fulltext = strtolower($comment->email.' '.$comment->url.' '.$comment->ip.' '.$comment->text); if( strpos( $fulltext, strtolower($word) ) != FALSE ) { $this->found_comments[] = $comment->ID; break; } } } else { $in_queue++; } } return array( 'found' => $this->found_comments, 'in_queue' => $in_queue ); } // End function find_spam function display_edit_form( $counters ) { $numfound = count($counters[found]); $numqueue = $counters[in_queue]; $body = '

' . sprintf(__('Suspected spam comments: %s'), $numfound) . '

'; if ( count($counters[found]) > 0 ) { $id_list = implode( ',', $counters[found] ); $body .= '

'. __('Move suspect comments to moderation queue »') . '

'; } $head = '

' . __('Check Comments Results:') . '

'; $foot .= '

' . __('« Return to Discussion Options page.') . '

'; return $head . $body . $foot; } // End function display_edit_form } class WP_Rewrite { var $permalink_structure; var $category_base; var $category_structure; var $author_base = 'author'; var $author_structure; var $date_structure; var $page_structure; var $search_base = 'search'; var $search_structure; var $comments_base = 'comments'; var $feed_base = 'feed'; var $comments_feed_structure; var $feed_structure; var $front; var $root = ''; var $index = 'index.php'; var $matches = ''; var $rules; var $use_verbose_rules = false; var $rewritecode = array( '%year%', '%monthnum%', '%day%', '%hour%', '%minute%', '%second%', '%postname%', '%post_id%', '%category%', '%author%', '%pagename%', '%search%' ); var $rewritereplace = array( '([0-9]{4})', '([0-9]{1,2})', '([0-9]{1,2})', '([0-9]{1,2})', '([0-9]{1,2})', '([0-9]{1,2})', '([^/]+)', '([0-9]+)', '(.+?)', '([^/]+)', '([^/]+)', '(.+)' ); var $queryreplace = array ( 'year=', 'monthnum=', 'day=', 'hour=', 'minute=', 'second=', 'name=', 'p=', 'category_name=', 'author_name=', 'pagename=', 's=' ); var $feeds = array ('feed', 'rdf', 'rss', 'rss2', 'atom'); function using_permalinks() { if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) return false; else return true; } function using_index_permalinks() { if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { return false; } // If the index is not in the permalink, we're using mod_rewrite. if (preg_match('#^/*' . $this->index . '#', $this->permalink_structure)) { return true; } return false; } function using_mod_rewrite_permalinks() { if ( $this->using_permalinks() && ! $this->using_index_permalinks()) return true; else return false; } function preg_index($number) { $match_prefix = '$'; $match_suffix = ''; if (! empty($this->matches)) { $match_prefix = '$' . $this->matches . '['; $match_suffix = ']'; } return "$match_prefix$number$match_suffix"; } function page_rewrite_rules() { $uris = get_settings('page_uris'); $rewrite_rules = array(); $page_structure = $this->get_page_permastruct(); if( is_array( $uris ) ) { foreach ($uris as $uri => $pagename) { $this->add_rewrite_tag('%pagename%', "($uri)", 'pagename='); $rewrite_rules += $this->generate_rewrite_rules($page_structure); } } return $rewrite_rules; } function get_date_permastruct() { if (isset($this->date_structure)) { return $this->date_structure; } if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { $this->date_structure = ''; return false; } // The date permalink must have year, month, and day separated by slashes. $endians = array('%year%/%monthnum%/%day%', '%day%/%monthnum%/%year%', '%monthnum%/%day%/%year%'); $this->date_structure = ''; $date_endian = ''; foreach ($endians as $endian) { if (false !== strpos($this->permalink_structure, $endian)) { $date_endian= $endian; break; } } if ( empty($date_endian) ) $date_endian = '%year%/%monthnum%/%day%'; // Do not allow the date tags and %post_id% to overlap in the permalink // structure. If they do, move the date tags to $front/date/. $front = $this->front; preg_match_all('/%.+?%/', $this->permalink_structure, $tokens); $tok_index = 1; foreach ($tokens[0] as $token) { if ( ($token == '%post_id%') && ($tok_index <= 3) ) { $front = $front . 'date/'; break; } } $this->date_structure = $front . $date_endian; return $this->date_structure; } function get_year_permastruct() { $structure = $this->get_date_permastruct($this->permalink_structure); if (empty($structure)) { return false; } $structure = str_replace('%monthnum%', '', $structure); $structure = str_replace('%day%', '', $structure); $structure = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $structure); return $structure; } function get_month_permastruct() { $structure = $this->get_date_permastruct($this->permalink_structure); if (empty($structure)) { return false; } $structure = str_replace('%day%', '', $structure); $structure = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $structure); return $structure; } function get_day_permastruct() { return $this->get_date_permastruct($this->permalink_structure); } function get_category_permastruct() { if (isset($this->category_structure)) { return $this->category_structure; } if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { $this->category_structure = ''; return false; } if (empty($this->category_base)) $this->category_structure = $this->front . 'category/'; else $this->category_structure = $this->category_base . '/'; $this->category_structure .= '%category%'; return $this->category_structure; } function get_author_permastruct() { if (isset($this->author_structure)) { return $this->author_structure; } if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { $this->author_structure = ''; return false; } $this->author_structure = $this->front . $this->author_base . '/%author%'; return $this->author_structure; } function get_search_permastruct() { if (isset($this->search_structure)) { return $this->search_structure; } if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { $this->search_structure = ''; return false; } $this->search_structure = $this->root . $this->search_base . '/%search%'; return $this->search_structure; } function get_page_permastruct() { if (isset($this->page_structure)) { return $this->page_structure; } if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { $this->page_structure = ''; return false; } $this->page_structure = $this->root . '%pagename%'; return $this->page_structure; } function get_feed_permastruct() { if (isset($this->feed_structure)) { return $this->feed_structure; } if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { $this->feed_structure = ''; return false; } $this->feed_structure = $this->root . $this->feed_base . '/%feed%'; return $this->feed_structure; } function get_comment_feed_permastruct() { if (isset($this->comment_feed_structure)) { return $this->comment_feed_structure; } if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { $this->comment_feed_structure = ''; return false; } $this->comment_feed_structure = $this->root . $this->comments_base . '/' . $this->feed_base . '/%feed%'; return $this->comment_feed_structure; } function add_rewrite_tag($tag, $pattern, $query) { // If the tag already exists, replace the existing pattern and query for // that tag, otherwise add the new tag, pattern, and query to the end of // the arrays. $position = array_search($tag, $this->rewritecode); if (FALSE !== $position && NULL !== $position) { $this->rewritereplace[$position] = $pattern; $this->queryreplace[$position] = $query; } else { $this->rewritecode[] = $tag; $this->rewritereplace[] = $pattern; $this->queryreplace[] = $query; } } function generate_rewrite_rules($permalink_structure, $page = true, $feed = true, $forcomments = false, $walk_dirs = true) { $feedregex2 = ''; foreach ($this->feeds as $feed_name) { $feedregex2 .= $feed_name . '|'; } $feedregex2 = '(' . trim($feedregex2, '|') . ')/?$'; $feedregex = $this->feed_base . '/' . $feedregex2; $trackbackregex = 'trackback/?$'; $pageregex = 'page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$'; $front = substr($permalink_structure, 0, strpos($permalink_structure, '%')); preg_match_all('/%.+?%/', $permalink_structure, $tokens); $num_tokens = count($tokens[0]); $index = $this->index; $feedindex = $index; $trackbackindex = $index; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) { if (0 < $i) { $queries[$i] = $queries[$i - 1] . '&'; } $query_token = str_replace($this->rewritecode, $this->queryreplace, $tokens[0][$i]) . $this->preg_index($i+1); $queries[$i] .= $query_token; } $structure = $permalink_structure; if ($front != '/') { $structure = str_replace($front, '', $structure); } $structure = trim($structure, '/'); if ($walk_dirs) { $dirs = explode('/', $structure); } else { $dirs[] = $structure; } $num_dirs = count($dirs); $front = preg_replace('|^/+|', '', $front); $post_rewrite = array(); $struct = $front; for ($j = 0; $j < $num_dirs; ++$j) { $struct .= $dirs[$j] . '/'; $struct = ltrim($struct, '/'); $match = str_replace($this->rewritecode, $this->rewritereplace, $struct); $num_toks = preg_match_all('/%.+?%/', $struct, $toks); $query = $queries[$num_toks - 1]; $pagematch = $match . $pageregex; $pagequery = $index . '?' . $query . '&paged=' . $this->preg_index($num_toks + 1); $feedmatch = $match . $feedregex; $feedquery = $feedindex . '?' . $query . '&feed=' . $this->preg_index($num_toks + 1); $feedmatch2 = $match . $feedregex2; $feedquery2 = $feedindex . '?' . $query . '&feed=' . $this->preg_index($num_toks + 1); if ($forcomments) { $feedquery .= '&withcomments=1'; $feedquery2 .= '&withcomments=1'; } $rewrite = array(); if ($feed) $rewrite = array($feedmatch => $feedquery, $feedmatch2 => $feedquery2); if ($page) $rewrite = $rewrite + array($pagematch => $pagequery); if ($num_toks) { $post = 0; if (strstr($struct, '%postname%') || strstr($struct, '%post_id%') || strstr($struct, '%pagename%') || (strstr($struct, '%year%') && strstr($struct, '%monthnum%') && strstr($struct, '%day%') && strstr($struct, '%hour%') && strstr($struct, '%minute') && strstr($struct, '%second%'))) { $post = 1; $trackbackmatch = $match . $trackbackregex; $trackbackquery = $trackbackindex . '?' . $query . '&tb=1'; $match = rtrim($match, '/'); $submatchbase = str_replace(array('(',')'),'',$match); $sub1 = $submatchbase . '/([^/]+)/'; $sub1tb = $sub1 . $trackbackregex; $sub1feed = $sub1 . $feedregex; $sub1feed2 = $sub1 . $feedregex2; $sub1 .= '?$'; $sub2 = $submatchbase . '/subpost/([^/]+)/'; $sub2tb = $sub2 . $trackbackregex; $sub2feed = $sub2 . $feedregex; $sub2feed2 = $sub2 . $feedregex2; $sub2 .= '?$'; $subquery = $index . '?subpost=' . $this->preg_index(1); $subtbquery = $subquery . '&tb=1'; $subfeedquery = $subquery . '&feed=' . $this->preg_index(2); $match = $match . '(/[0-9]+)?/?$'; $query = $index . '?' . $query . '&page=' . $this->preg_index($num_toks + 1); } else { $match .= '?$'; $query = $index . '?' . $query; } $rewrite = $rewrite + array($match => $query); if ($post) { $rewrite = array($trackbackmatch => $trackbackquery) + $rewrite + array($sub1 => $subquery, $sub1tb => $subtbquery, $sub1feed => $subfeedquery, $sub1feed2 => $subfeedquery) + array($sub2 => $subquery, $sub2tb => $subtbquery, $sub2feed => $subfeedquery, $sub2feed2 => $subfeedquery); } } $post_rewrite = $rewrite + $post_rewrite; } return $post_rewrite; } function generate_rewrite_rule($permalink_structure, $walk_dirs = false) { return $this->generate_rewrite_rules($permalink_structure, false, false, false, $walk_dirs); } /* rewrite_rules * Construct rewrite matches and queries from permalink structure. * Returns an associate array of matches and queries. */ function rewrite_rules() { $rewrite = array(); if (empty($this->permalink_structure)) { return $rewrite; } // Post $post_rewrite = $this->generate_rewrite_rules($this->permalink_structure); $post_rewrite = apply_filters('post_rewrite_rules', $post_rewrite); // Date $date_rewrite = $this->generate_rewrite_rules($this->get_date_permastruct()); $date_rewrite = apply_filters('date_rewrite_rules', $date_rewrite); // Root $root_rewrite = $this->generate_rewrite_rules($this->root . '/'); $root_rewrite = apply_filters('root_rewrite_rules', $root_rewrite); // Comments $comments_rewrite = $this->generate_rewrite_rules($this->root . $this->comments_base, true, true, true); $comments_rewrite = apply_filters('comments_rewrite_rules', $comments_rewrite); // Search $search_structure = $this->get_search_permastruct(); $search_rewrite = $this->generate_rewrite_rules($search_structure); $search_rewrite = apply_filters('search_rewrite_rules', $search_rewrite); // Categories $category_rewrite = $this->generate_rewrite_rules($this->get_category_permastruct()); $category_rewrite = apply_filters('category_rewrite_rules', $category_rewrite); // Authors $author_rewrite = $this->generate_rewrite_rules($this->get_author_permastruct()); $author_rewrite = apply_filters('author_rewrite_rules', $author_rewrite); // Pages $page_rewrite = $this->page_rewrite_rules(); $page_rewrite = apply_filters('page_rewrite_rules', $page_rewrite); // Put them together. $this->rules = $page_rewrite + $root_rewrite + $comments_rewrite + $search_rewrite + $category_rewrite + $author_rewrite + $date_rewrite + $post_rewrite; do_action('generate_rewrite_rules', array(&$this)); $this->rules = apply_filters('rewrite_rules_array', $this->rules); return $this->rules; } function wp_rewrite_rules() { $this->matches = 'matches'; return $this->rewrite_rules(); } function mod_rewrite_rules() { if ( ! $this->using_permalinks()) { return ''; } $site_root = parse_url(get_settings('siteurl')); $site_root = trailingslashit($site_root['path']); $home_root = parse_url(get_settings('home')); $home_root = trailingslashit($home_root['path']); $rules = "\n"; $rules .= "RewriteEngine On\n"; $rules .= "RewriteBase $home_root\n"; if ($this->use_verbose_rules) { $this->matches = ''; $rewrite = $this->rewrite_rules(); $num_rules = count($rewrite); $rules .= "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]\n" . "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d\n" . "RewriteRule ^.*$ - [S=$num_rules]\n"; foreach ($rewrite as $match => $query) { // Apache 1.3 does not support the reluctant (non-greedy) modifier. $match = str_replace('.+?', '.+', $match); // If the match is unanchored and greedy, prepend rewrite conditions // to avoid infinite redirects and eclipsing of real files. if ($match == '(.+)/?$' || $match == '([^/]+)/?$' ) { //nada. } if (strstr($query, $this->index)) { $rules .= 'RewriteRule ^' . $match . ' ' . $home_root . $query . " [QSA,L]\n"; } else { $rules .= 'RewriteRule ^' . $match . ' ' . $site_root . $query . " [QSA,L]\n"; } } } else { $rules .= "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\n" . "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\n" . "RewriteRule . {$home_root}{$this->index}\n"; } $rules .= "\n"; $rules = apply_filters('mod_rewrite_rules', $rules); $rules = apply_filters('rewrite_rules', $rules); // Deprecated return $rules; } function init() { $this->permalink_structure = get_settings('permalink_structure'); $this->front = substr($this->permalink_structure, 0, strpos($this->permalink_structure, '%')); $this->root = ''; if ($this->using_index_permalinks()) { $this->root = $this->index . '/'; } $this->category_base = get_settings('category_base'); unset($this->category_structure); unset($this->author_structure); unset($this->date_structure); unset($this->page_structure); unset($this->search_structure); unset($this->feed_structure); unset($this->comment_feed_structure); } function set_permalink_structure($permalink_structure) { if ($permalink_structure != $this->permalink_structure) { update_option('permalink_structure', $permalink_structure); $this->init(); } } function set_category_base($category_base) { if ($category_base != $this->category_base) { update_option('category_base', $category_base); $this->init(); } } function WP_Rewrite() { $this->init(); } } class WP { var $public_query_vars = array('m', 'p', 'posts', 'w', 'cat', 'withcomments', 's', 'search', 'exact', 'sentence', 'debug', 'calendar', 'page', 'paged', 'more', 'tb', 'pb', 'author', 'order', 'orderby', 'year', 'monthnum', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'name', 'category_name', 'feed', 'author_name', 'static', 'pagename', 'page_id', 'error', 'comments_popup', 'subpost', 'subpost_id'); var $private_query_vars = array('posts_per_page', 'posts_per_archive_page', 'what_to_show', 'showposts', 'nopaging'); var $query_vars; var $query_string; var $did_permalink = false; function parse_request($extra_query_vars = '') { global $wp_rewrite; $this->query_vars = array(); if (! empty($extra_query_vars)) parse_str($extra_query_vars, $extra_query_vars); else $extra_query_vars = array(); // Process PATH_INFO, REQUEST_URI, and 404 for permalinks. if ((isset($_GET['error']) && $_GET['error'] == '404') || ((! empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) && ('/' != $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && (false === strpos($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], '.php')) ) || ((false === strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '.php')) && ('/' != $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) ) { $this->did_permalink = true; // If we match a rewrite rule, this will be cleared. $error = '404'; // Fetch the rewrite rules. $rewrite = $wp_rewrite->wp_rewrite_rules(); if (! empty($rewrite)) { $pathinfo = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; $pathinfo_array = explode('?', $pathinfo); $pathinfo = $pathinfo_array[0]; $req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $req_uri_array = explode('?', $req_uri); $req_uri = $req_uri_array[0]; $home_path = parse_url(get_settings('home')); $home_path = $home_path['path']; // Trim path info from the end and the leading home path from the // front. For path info requests, this leaves us with the requesting // filename, if any. For 404 requests, this leaves us with the // requested permalink. $req_uri = str_replace($pathinfo, '', $req_uri); $req_uri = str_replace($home_path, '', $req_uri); $req_uri = trim($req_uri, '/'); $pathinfo = trim($pathinfo, '/'); // The requested permalink is in $pathinfo for path info requests and // $req_uri for other requests. if (! empty($pathinfo) && ($wp_rewrite->index != $pathinfo)) { $request = $pathinfo; } else { $request = $req_uri; } // Look for matches. $request_match = $request; foreach ($rewrite as $match => $query) { // If the requesting file is the anchor of the match, prepend it // to the path info. if ((! empty($req_uri)) && (strpos($match, $req_uri) === 0) && ($req_uri != $request)) { $request_match = $req_uri . '/' . $request; die("$request_match $match
"); } if (preg_match("!^$match!", $request_match, $matches)) { // Got a match. // Trim the query of everything up to the '?'. $query = preg_replace("!^.+\?!", '', $query); // Substitute the substring matches into the query. eval("\$query = \"$query\";"); // Parse the query. parse_str($query, $query_vars); // If we're processing a 404 request, clear the error var // since we found something. if (isset($_GET['error'])) { unset($_GET['error']); } if (isset($error)) { unset($error); } break; } } } } $this->public_query_vars = apply_filters('query_vars', $this->public_query_vars); for ($i=0; $ipublic_query_vars); $i += 1) { $wpvar = $this->public_query_vars[$i]; if (isset($extra_query_vars[$wpvar])) $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $extra_query_vars[$wpvar]; elseif (isset($GLOBALS[$wpvar])) $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $GLOBALS[$wpvar]; elseif (!empty($_POST[$wpvar])) $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $_POST[$wpvar]; elseif (!empty($_GET[$wpvar])) $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $_GET[$wpvar]; elseif (!empty($query_vars[$wpvar])) $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $query_vars[$wpvar]; else $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = ''; } } function send_headers() { @header('X-Pingback: '. get_bloginfo('pingback_url')); if ( !empty($this->query_vars['error']) && '404' == $this->query_vars['error'] ) { status_header( 404 ); } else if ( empty($this->query_vars['feed']) ) { @header('Content-type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset')); } else { // We're showing a feed, so WP is indeed the only thing that last changed if ( $this->query_vars['withcomments'] ) $wp_last_modified = mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s', get_lastcommentmodified('GMT'), 0).' GMT'; else $wp_last_modified = mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s', get_lastpostmodified('GMT'), 0).' GMT'; $wp_etag = '"' . md5($wp_last_modified) . '"'; @header("Last-Modified: $wp_last_modified"); @header("ETag: $wp_etag"); // Support for Conditional GET if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) $client_etag = stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']); else $client_etag = false; $client_last_modified = trim( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); // If string is empty, return 0. If not, attempt to parse into a timestamp $client_modified_timestamp = $client_last_modified ? strtotime($client_last_modified) : 0; // Make a timestamp for our most recent modification... $wp_modified_timestamp = strtotime($wp_last_modified); if ( ($client_last_modified && $client_etag) ? (($client_modified_timestamp >= $wp_modified_timestamp) && ($client_etag == $wp_etag)) : (($client_modified_timestamp >= $wp_modified_timestamp) || ($client_etag == $wp_etag)) ) { status_header( 304 ); exit; } } } function build_query_string() { $this->query_string = ''; foreach ($this->public_query_vars as $wpvar) { if (isset($this->query_vars[$wpvar]) && '' != $this->query_vars[$wpvar]) { $this->query_string .= (strlen($this->query_string) < 1) ? '' : '&'; $this->query_string .= $wpvar . '=' . rawurlencode($this->query_vars[$wpvar]); } } foreach ($this->private_query_vars as $wpvar) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$wpvar]) && '' != $GLOBALS[$wpvar]) { $this->query_string .= (strlen($this->query_string) < 1) ? '' : '&'; $this->query_string .= $wpvar . '=' . rawurlencode($GLOBALS[$wpvar]); } } $this->query_string = apply_filters('query_string', $this->query_string); } function register_globals() { global $wp_query; // Extract updated query vars back into global namespace. foreach ($wp_query->query_vars as $key => $value) { $GLOBALS[$key] = $value; } $GLOBALS['query_string'] = & $this->query_string; $GLOBALS['posts'] = & $wp_query->posts; $GLOBALS['post'] = & $wp_query->post; if ( is_single() || is_page() ) { $GLOBALS['more'] = 1; $GLOBALS['single'] = 1; } } function prime_caches() { update_category_cache(); get_currentuserinfo(); } function query_posts() { $this->build_query_string(); query_posts($this->query_string); } function handle_404() { global $wp_query; // Issue a 404 if a permalink request doesn't match any posts. Don't // issue a 404 if one was already issued, if the request was a search, // or if the request was a regular query string request rather than a // permalink request. if ( (0 == count($wp_query->posts)) && !is_404() && !is_search() && ( $this->did_permalink || (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && (false === strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'))) ) ) { $wp_query->set_404(); status_header( 404 ); } else { status_header( 200 ); } } function main($query_args = '') { $this->parse_request($query_args); $this->send_headers(); $this->prime_caches(); $this->query_posts(); $this->handle_404(); $this->register_globals(); } function WP() { // Empty. } } ?>