/*globals wp, _, Backbone */ /** * wp.media.controller.Embed * * A state for embedding media from a URL. * * @class * @augments wp.media.controller.State * @augments Backbone.Model * * @param {object} attributes The attributes hash passed to the state. * @param {string} [attributes.id=embed] Unique identifier. * @param {string} [attributes.title=Insert From URL] Title for the state. Displays in the media menu and the frame's title region. * @param {string} [attributes.content=embed] Initial mode for the content region. * @param {string} [attributes.menu=default] Initial mode for the menu region. * @param {string} [attributes.toolbar=main-embed] Initial mode for the toolbar region. * @param {string} [attributes.menu=false] Initial mode for the menu region. * @param {int} [attributes.priority=120] The priority for the state link in the media menu. * @param {string} [attributes.type=link] The type of embed. Currently only link is supported. * @param {string} [attributes.url] The embed URL. * @param {object} [attributes.metadata={}] Properties of the embed, which will override attributes.url if set. */ var State = require( './state.js' ), l10n = wp.media.view.l10n, $ = Backbone.$, Embed; Embed = State.extend({ defaults: { id: 'embed', title: l10n.insertFromUrlTitle, content: 'embed', menu: 'default', toolbar: 'main-embed', priority: 120, type: 'link', url: '', metadata: {} }, // The amount of time used when debouncing the scan. sensitivity: 200, initialize: function(options) { this.metadata = options.metadata; this.debouncedScan = _.debounce( _.bind( this.scan, this ), this.sensitivity ); this.props = new Backbone.Model( this.metadata || { url: '' }); this.props.on( 'change:url', this.debouncedScan, this ); this.props.on( 'change:url', this.refresh, this ); this.on( 'scan', this.scanImage, this ); }, /** * Trigger a scan of the embedded URL's content for metadata required to embed. * * @fires wp.media.controller.Embed#scan */ scan: function() { var scanners, embed = this, attributes = { type: 'link', scanners: [] }; // Scan is triggered with the list of `attributes` to set on the // state, useful for the 'type' attribute and 'scanners' attribute, // an array of promise objects for asynchronous scan operations. if ( this.props.get('url') ) { this.trigger( 'scan', attributes ); } if ( attributes.scanners.length ) { scanners = attributes.scanners = $.when.apply( $, attributes.scanners ); scanners.always( function() { if ( embed.get('scanners') === scanners ) { embed.set( 'loading', false ); } }); } else { attributes.scanners = null; } attributes.loading = !! attributes.scanners; this.set( attributes ); }, /** * Try scanning the embed as an image to discover its dimensions. * * @param {Object} attributes */ scanImage: function( attributes ) { var frame = this.frame, state = this, url = this.props.get('url'), image = new Image(), deferred = $.Deferred(); attributes.scanners.push( deferred.promise() ); // Try to load the image and find its width/height. image.onload = function() { deferred.resolve(); if ( state !== frame.state() || url !== state.props.get('url') ) { return; } state.set({ type: 'image' }); state.props.set({ width: image.width, height: image.height }); }; image.onerror = deferred.reject; image.src = url; }, refresh: function() { this.frame.toolbar.get().refresh(); }, reset: function() { this.props.clear().set({ url: '' }); if ( this.active ) { this.refresh(); } } }); module.exports = Embed;