get_pagenum(); $title = __( 'Sites' ); $parent_file = 'sites.php'; add_screen_option( 'per_page' ); get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'overview', 'title' => __('Overview'), 'content' => '

' . __('Add New takes you to the Add New Site screen. You can search for a site by Name, ID number, or IP address. Screen Options allows you to choose how many sites to display on one page.') . '

' . '

' . __('This is the main table of all sites on this network. Switch between list and excerpt views by using the icons above the right side of the table.') . '

' . '

' . __('Hovering over each site reveals seven options (three for the primary site):') . '

' . '' . '

' . __('The site ID is used internally, and is not shown on the front end of the site or to users/viewers.') . '

' . '

' . __('Clicking on bold headings can re-sort this table.') . '

' ) ); get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar( '

' . __('For more information:') . '

' . '

' . __('Documentation on Site Management') . '

' . '

' . __('Support Forums') . '

' ); get_current_screen()->set_screen_reader_content( array( 'heading_pagination' => __( 'Sites list navigation' ), 'heading_list' => __( 'Sites list' ), ) ); $id = isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ? intval( $_REQUEST['id'] ) : 0; if ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { /** This action is documented in wp-admin/network/edit.php */ do_action( 'wpmuadminedit' ); // A list of valid actions and their associated messaging for confirmation output. $manage_actions = array( 'activateblog' => __( 'You are about to activate the site %s.' ), 'deactivateblog' => __( 'You are about to deactivate the site %s.' ), 'unarchiveblog' => __( 'You are about to unarchive the site %s.' ), 'archiveblog' => __( 'You are about to archive the site %s.' ), 'unspamblog' => __( 'You are about to unspam the site %s.' ), 'spamblog' => __( 'You are about to mark the site %s as spam.' ), 'deleteblog' => __( 'You are about to delete the site %s.' ), 'unmatureblog' => __( 'You are about to mark the site %s as mature.' ), 'matureblog' => __( 'You are about to mark the site %s as not mature.' ), ); if ( 'confirm' === $_GET['action'] ) { // The action2 parameter contains the action being taken on the site. $site_action = $_GET['action2']; if ( ! array_key_exists( $site_action, $manage_actions ) ) { wp_die( __( 'The requested action is not valid.' ) ); } // The mature/unmature UI exists only as external code. Check the "confirm" nonce for backward compatibility. if ( 'matureblog' === $site_action || 'unmatureblog' === $site_action ) { check_admin_referer( 'confirm' ); } else { check_admin_referer( $site_action . '_' . $id ); } if ( ! headers_sent() ) { nocache_headers(); header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' ); } if ( $current_site->blog_id == $id ) { wp_die( __( 'You are not allowed to change the current site.' ) ); } $site_details = get_blog_details( $id ); $site_address = untrailingslashit( $site_details->domain . $site_details->path ); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); ?>

403 ) ); $updated_action = 'not_deleted'; if ( $id != '0' && $id != $current_site->blog_id && current_user_can( 'delete_site', $id ) ) { wpmu_delete_blog( $id, true ); $updated_action = 'delete'; } break; case 'allblogs': if ( ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) || isset( $_POST['action2'] ) ) && isset( $_POST['allblogs'] ) ) { $doaction = $_POST['action'] != -1 ? $_POST['action'] : $_POST['action2']; foreach ( (array) $_POST['allblogs'] as $key => $val ) { if ( $val != '0' && $val != $current_site->blog_id ) { switch ( $doaction ) { case 'delete': if ( ! current_user_can( 'delete_site', $val ) ) wp_die( __( 'You are not allowed to delete the site.' ) ); $updated_action = 'all_delete'; wpmu_delete_blog( $val, true ); break; case 'spam': case 'notspam': $updated_action = ( 'spam' === $doaction ) ? 'all_spam' : 'all_notspam'; update_blog_status( $val, 'spam', ( 'spam' === $doaction ) ? '1' : '0' ); break; } } else { wp_die( __( 'You are not allowed to change the current site.' ) ); } } } else { $location = network_admin_url( 'sites.php' ); if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['paged'] ) ) { $location = add_query_arg( 'paged', (int) $_REQUEST['paged'], $location ); } wp_redirect( $location ); exit(); } break; case 'archiveblog': case 'unarchiveblog': update_blog_status( $id, 'archived', ( 'archiveblog' === $_GET['action'] ) ? '1' : '0' ); break; case 'activateblog': update_blog_status( $id, 'deleted', '0' ); /** * Fires after a network site is activated. * * @since MU * * @param string $id The ID of the activated site. */ do_action( 'activate_blog', $id ); break; case 'deactivateblog': /** * Fires before a network site is deactivated. * * @since MU * * @param string $id The ID of the site being deactivated. */ do_action( 'deactivate_blog', $id ); update_blog_status( $id, 'deleted', '1' ); break; case 'unspamblog': case 'spamblog': update_blog_status( $id, 'spam', ( 'spamblog' === $_GET['action'] ) ? '1' : '0' ); break; case 'unmatureblog': case 'matureblog': update_blog_status( $id, 'mature', ( 'matureblog' === $_GET['action'] ) ? '1' : '0' ); break; } if ( empty( $updated_action ) && array_key_exists( $_GET['action'], $manage_actions ) ) { $updated_action = $_GET['action']; } if ( ! empty( $updated_action ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( array( 'updated' => $updated_action ), wp_get_referer() ) ); exit(); } } $msg = ''; if ( isset( $_GET['updated'] ) ) { switch ( $_GET['updated'] ) { case 'all_notspam': $msg = __( 'Sites removed from spam.' ); break; case 'all_spam': $msg = __( 'Sites marked as spam.' ); break; case 'all_delete': $msg = __( 'Sites deleted.' ); break; case 'delete': $msg = __( 'Site deleted.' ); break; case 'not_deleted': $msg = __( 'You do not have permission to delete that site.' ); break; case 'archiveblog': $msg = __( 'Site archived.' ); break; case 'unarchiveblog': $msg = __( 'Site unarchived.' ); break; case 'activateblog': $msg = __( 'Site activated.' ); break; case 'deactivateblog': $msg = __( 'Site deactivated.' ); break; case 'unspamblog': $msg = __( 'Site removed from spam.' ); break; case 'spamblog': $msg = __( 'Site marked as spam.' ); break; default: /** * Filters a specific, non-default site-updated message in the Network admin. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$_GET['updated']`, refers to the * non-default site update action. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param string $msg The update message. Default 'Settings saved'. */ $msg = apply_filters( 'network_sites_updated_message_' . $_GET['updated'], __( 'Settings saved.' ) ); break; } if ( ! empty( $msg ) ) $msg = '

' . $msg . '

'; } $wp_list_table->prepare_items(); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); ?>

' . __( 'Search results for “%s”' ) . '', esc_html( $s ) ); } ?>

display(); ?>