/*globals wp, _ */ /** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select * * A frame for selecting an item or items from the media library. * * @class * @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame * @augments wp.media.view.Frame * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View * @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine */ var MediaFrame = wp.media.view.MediaFrame, l10n = wp.media.view.l10n, Select; Select = MediaFrame.extend({ initialize: function() { // Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class. MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); _.defaults( this.options, { selection: [], library: {}, multiple: false, state: 'library' }); this.createSelection(); this.createStates(); this.bindHandlers(); }, /** * Attach a selection collection to the frame. * * A selection is a collection of attachments used for a specific purpose * by a media frame. e.g. Selecting an attachment (or many) to insert into * post content. * * @see media.model.Selection */ createSelection: function() { var selection = this.options.selection; if ( ! (selection instanceof wp.media.model.Selection) ) { this.options.selection = new wp.media.model.Selection( selection, { multiple: this.options.multiple }); } this._selection = { attachments: new wp.media.model.Attachments(), difference: [] }; }, /** * Create the default states on the frame. */ createStates: function() { var options = this.options; if ( this.options.states ) { return; } // Add the default states. this.states.add([ // Main states. new wp.media.controller.Library({ library: wp.media.query( options.library ), multiple: options.multiple, title: options.title, priority: 20 }) ]); }, /** * Bind region mode event callbacks. * * @see media.controller.Region.render */ bindHandlers: function() { this.on( 'router:create:browse', this.createRouter, this ); this.on( 'router:render:browse', this.browseRouter, this ); this.on( 'content:create:browse', this.browseContent, this ); this.on( 'content:render:upload', this.uploadContent, this ); this.on( 'toolbar:create:select', this.createSelectToolbar, this ); }, /** * Render callback for the router region in the `browse` mode. * * @param {wp.media.view.Router} routerView */ browseRouter: function( routerView ) { routerView.set({ upload: { text: l10n.uploadFilesTitle, priority: 20 }, browse: { text: l10n.mediaLibraryTitle, priority: 40 } }); }, /** * Render callback for the content region in the `browse` mode. * * @param {wp.media.controller.Region} contentRegion */ browseContent: function( contentRegion ) { var state = this.state(); this.$el.removeClass('hide-toolbar'); // Browse our library of attachments. contentRegion.view = new wp.media.view.AttachmentsBrowser({ controller: this, collection: state.get('library'), selection: state.get('selection'), model: state, sortable: state.get('sortable'), search: state.get('searchable'), filters: state.get('filterable'), display: state.has('display') ? state.get('display') : state.get('displaySettings'), dragInfo: state.get('dragInfo'), idealColumnWidth: state.get('idealColumnWidth'), suggestedWidth: state.get('suggestedWidth'), suggestedHeight: state.get('suggestedHeight'), AttachmentView: state.get('AttachmentView') }); }, /** * Render callback for the content region in the `upload` mode. */ uploadContent: function() { this.$el.removeClass( 'hide-toolbar' ); this.content.set( new wp.media.view.UploaderInline({ controller: this }) ); }, /** * Toolbars * * @param {Object} toolbar * @param {Object} [options={}] * @this wp.media.controller.Region */ createSelectToolbar: function( toolbar, options ) { options = options || this.options.button || {}; options.controller = this; toolbar.view = new wp.media.view.Toolbar.Select( options ); } }); module.exports = Select;