/* global tinymce */ /** * WP Fullscreen (Distraction Free Writing) TinyMCE plugin */ tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpfullscreen', function( editor ) { var settings = editor.settings; function fullscreenOn() { settings.wp_fullscreen = true; editor.dom.addClass( editor.getDoc().documentElement, 'wp-fullscreen' ); // Start auto-resizing editor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResizeOn' ); } function fullscreenOff() { settings.wp_fullscreen = false; editor.dom.removeClass( editor.getDoc().documentElement, 'wp-fullscreen' ); // Stop auto-resizing editor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResizeOff' ); } // For use from outside the editor. editor.addCommand( 'wpFullScreenOn', fullscreenOn ); editor.addCommand( 'wpFullScreenOff', fullscreenOff ); function getExtAPI() { return ( typeof wp !== 'undefined' && wp.editor && wp.editor.fullscreen ); } // Toggle DFW mode. For use from inside the editor. function toggleFullscreen() { var fullscreen = getExtAPI(); if ( fullscreen ) { if ( editor.getParam('wp_fullscreen') ) { fullscreen.off(); } else { fullscreen.on(); } } } editor.addCommand( 'wpFullScreen', toggleFullscreen ); editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { var fullscreen; // Turn fullscreen off when Esc is pressed. if ( event.keyCode === 27 && ( fullscreen = getExtAPI() ) && fullscreen.settings.visible ) { fullscreen.off(); } }); editor.on( 'init', function() { // Set the editor when initializing from whitin DFW if ( editor.getParam('wp_fullscreen') ) { fullscreenOn(); } editor.addShortcut( 'alt+shift+w', '', 'wpFullScreen' ); }); // Register buttons editor.addButton( 'wp_fullscreen', { tooltip: 'Distraction Free Writing', shortcut: 'Alt+Shift+W', onclick: toggleFullscreen, classes: 'wp-fullscreen btn widget' // This overwrites all classes on the container! }); editor.addMenuItem( 'wp_fullscreen', { text: 'Distraction Free Writing', icon: 'wp_fullscreen', shortcut: 'Alt+Shift+W', context: 'view', onclick: toggleFullscreen }); });