// this file contains all the scripts used in the post/edit page function new_tag_remove_tag() { var id = jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ); var num = id.substr( 10 ); var current_tags = jQuery( '#tags-input' ).val().split(','); delete current_tags[num]; var new_tags = []; jQuery.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) { if ( val && !val.match(/^\s+$/) && '' != val ) { new_tags = new_tags.concat( val ); } }); jQuery( '#tags-input' ).val( new_tags.join( ',' ).replace( /\s*,+\s*/, ',' ).replace( /,+/, ',' ).replace( /,+\s+,+/, ',' ).replace( /,+\s*$/, '' ).replace( /^\s*,+/, '' ) ); tag_update_quickclicks(); jQuery('#newtag').focus(); return false; } function tag_update_quickclicks() { if ( jQuery( '#tags-input' ).length == 0 ) return; var current_tags = jQuery( '#tags-input' ).val().split(','); jQuery( '#tagchecklist' ).empty(); shown = false; // jQuery.merge( current_tags, current_tags ); // this doesn't work anymore, need something to array_unique jQuery.each( current_tags, function( key, val ) { val = val.replace( /^\s+/, '' ).replace( /\s+$/, '' ); // trim if ( !val.match(/^\s+$/) && '' != val ) { txt = 'X ' + val + ' '; jQuery( '#tagchecklist' ).append( txt ); jQuery( '#tag-check-' + key ).click( new_tag_remove_tag ); shown = true; } }); if ( shown ) jQuery( '#tagchecklist' ).prepend( ''+postL10n.tagsUsed+'
' ); } function tag_flush_to_text(e,a) { a = a || false; var text = a ? jQuery(a).text() : jQuery('#newtag').val(); var newtags = jQuery('#tags-input').val(); var t = text.replace( /\s*([^,]+)[\s,]*/, '$1' ); if ( newtags.indexOf(t) != -1 ) return false; newtags += ',' + text; // massage newtags = newtags.replace( /\s+,+\s*/g, ',' ).replace( /,+/g, ',' ).replace( /,+\s+,+/g, ',' ).replace( /,+\s*$/g, '' ).replace( /^\s*,+/g, '' ); jQuery('#tags-input').val( newtags ); tag_update_quickclicks(); if ( ! a ) { jQuery('#newtag').val(''); jQuery('#newtag').focus(); } return false; } function tag_save_on_publish() { if ( jQuery('#newtag').val() != postL10n.addTag ) tag_flush_to_text(); } function tag_press_key( e ) { if ( 13 == e.keyCode ) { tag_flush_to_text(); return false; } }; (function($){ tagCloud = { init : function() { $('#tagcloud-link').click(function(){tagCloud.get(); return false;}); }, get : function() { $.post('admin-ajax.php', {'action':'get-tagcloud'}, function(r, stat) { if ( 0 == r || 'success' != stat ) r = wpAjax.broken; r = '


'; $('#tagcloud-link').after($(r)); $('#the-tagcloud a').click(function(){ tag_flush_to_text(0,this); return false; }); }); } } })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready( function($) { tagCloud.init(); // close postboxes that should be closed jQuery('.if-js-closed').removeClass('if-js-closed').addClass('closed'); // postboxes postboxes.add_postbox_toggles('post'); // Editable slugs make_slugedit_clickable(); // hide advanced slug field jQuery('#slugdiv').hide(); jQuery('#tags-input').hide(); tag_update_quickclicks(); // add the quickadd form jQuery('#jaxtag').prepend(''+postL10n.separate+''); jQuery('#tagadd').click( tag_flush_to_text ); jQuery('#newtag').focus(function() { if ( this.value == postL10n.addTag ) jQuery(this).val( '' ).removeClass( 'form-input-tip' ); }); jQuery('#newtag').blur(function() { if ( this.value == '' ) jQuery(this).val( postL10n.addTag ).addClass( 'form-input-tip' ); }); // auto-save tags on post save/publish jQuery('#publish').click( tag_save_on_publish ); jQuery('#save-post').click( tag_save_on_publish ); jQuery('#title').blur( function() { if ( (jQuery("#post_ID").val() > 0) || (jQuery("#title").val().length == 0) ) return; autosave(); } ); // auto-suggest stuff jQuery('#newtag').suggest( 'admin-ajax.php?action=ajax-tag-search', { delay: 500, minchars: 2, multiple: true, multipleSep: ", " } ); jQuery('#newtag').keypress( tag_press_key ); // category tabs var categoryTabs =jQuery('#category-tabs').tabs(); // Ajax Cat var newCat = jQuery('#newcat').one( 'focus', function() { jQuery(this).val( '' ).removeClass( 'form-input-tip' ) } ); jQuery('#category-add-sumbit').click( function() { newCat.focus(); } ); var newCatParent = false; var newCatParentOption = false; var noSyncChecks = false; // prophylactic. necessary? var syncChecks = function() { if ( noSyncChecks ) return; noSyncChecks = true; var th = jQuery(this); var c = th.is(':checked'); var id = th.val().toString(); jQuery('#in-category-' + id + ', #in-popular-category-' + id).attr( 'checked', c ); noSyncChecks = false; }; var popularCats = jQuery('#categorychecklist-pop :checkbox').map( function() { return parseInt(jQuery(this).val(), 10); } ).get().join(','); var catAddBefore = function( s ) { s.data += '&popular_ids=' + popularCats + '&' + jQuery( '#categorychecklist :checked' ).serialize(); return s; }; var catAddAfter = function( r, s ) { if ( !newCatParent ) newCatParent = jQuery('#newcat_parent'); if ( !newCatParentOption ) newCatParentOption = newCatParent.find( 'option[value=-1]' ); jQuery(s.what + ' response_data', r).each( function() { var t = jQuery(jQuery(this).text()); t.find( 'label' ).each( function() { var th = jQuery(this); var val = th.find('input').val(); var id = th.find('input')[0].id jQuery('#' + id).change( syncChecks ).change(); if ( newCatParent.find( 'option[value=' + val + ']' ).size() ) return; var name = jQuery.trim( th.text() ); var o = jQuery( '' ).text( name ); newCatParent.prepend( o ); } ); newCatParentOption.attr( 'selected', true ); } ); }; jQuery('#categorychecklist').wpList( { alt: '', response: 'category-ajax-response', addBefore: catAddBefore, addAfter: catAddAfter } ); jQuery('#category-add-toggle').click( function() { jQuery(this).parents('div:first').toggleClass( 'wp-hidden-children' ); // categoryTabs.tabs( 'select', '#categories-all' ); // this is broken (in the UI beta?) categoryTabs.find( 'a[href="#categories-all"]' ).click(); jQuery('#newcat').focus(); return false; } ); jQuery('.categorychecklist .popular-category :checkbox').change( syncChecks ).filter( ':checked' ).change(); var stamp = $('#timestamp').html(); $('.edit-timestamp').click(function () { if ($('#timestampdiv').is(":hidden")) { $('#timestampdiv').slideDown("normal"); $('.edit-timestamp').hide(); } return false; }); $('.cancel-timestamp').click(function() { $('#timestampdiv').slideUp("normal"); $('#mm').val($('#hidden_mm').val()); $('#jj').val($('#hidden_jj').val()); $('#aa').val($('#hidden_aa').val()); $('#hh').val($('#hidden_hh').val()); $('#mn').val($('#hidden_mn').val()); $('#timestamp').html(stamp); $('.edit-timestamp').show(); var attemptedDate = new Date( $('#aa').val(), $('#mm').val() -1, $('#jj').val(), $('#hh').val(), $('#mn').val() ); var currentDate = new Date( $('#cur_aa').val(), $('#cur_mm').val() -1, $('#cur_jj').val(), $('#cur_hh').val(), $('#cur_mn').val() ); 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return false; }); $('.edit-post-status').click(function() { if ($('#post-status-select').is(":hidden")) { $('#post-status-select').slideDown("normal"); $(this).hide(); } return false; }); $('.save-post-status').click(function() { $('#post-status-select').slideUp("normal"); $('#post-status-display').html($('#post_status :selected').text()); $('.edit-post-status').show(); if ( $('#post_status :selected').val() == 'pending' ) { $('#save-post').val( postL10n.savePending ); } else { $('#save-post').val( postL10n.saveDraft ); } return false; }); $('.cancel-post-status').click(function() { $('#post-status-select').slideUp("normal"); $('#post_status').val($('#hidden_post_status').val()); $('#post-status-display').html($('#post_status :selected').text()); $('.edit-post-status').show(); if ( $('#post_status :selected').val() == 'pending' ) { $('#save-post').val( postL10n.savePending ); } else { $('#save-post').val( postL10n.saveDraft ); } return false; }); // Custom Fields jQuery('#the-list').wpList( { addAfter: function( xml, s ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( autosave_update_post_ID ) ) { autosave_update_post_ID(s.parsed.responses[0].supplemental.postid); } }, addBefore: function( s ) { s.data += '&post_id=' + jQuery('#post_ID').val(); return s; } }); // preview $('#post-preview').click(function(e){ if ( 1 > $('#post_ID').val() && autosaveFirst ) { autosaveDelayPreview = true; autosave(); return false; } $('input#wp-preview').val('dopreview'); $('form#post').attr('target', 'wp-preview').submit().attr('target', ''); $('input#wp-preview').val(''); return false; }); }); (function($){ commentsBox = { st : 0, get : function(total, num) { var st = this.st; if ( ! num ) num = 20; this.st += num; this.total = total; $('.waiting').show(); var data = { 'action' : 'get-comments', 'mode' : 'single', '_ajax_nonce' : $('#add_comment_nonce').val(), 'post_ID' : $('#post_ID').val(), 'start' : st, 'num' : num }; $.post('admin-ajax.php', data, function(r) { var r = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(r); $('#commentstatusdiv .widefat').show(); $('.waiting').hide(); if ( 'object' == typeof r && r.responses[0] ) { $('#the-comment-list').append( r.responses[0].data ); $('#the-comment-list .hide-if-no-js').removeClass('hide-if-no-js'); theList = theExtraList = null; $("a[className*=':']").unbind(); setCommentsList(); if ( commentsBox.st > commentsBox.total ) $('#show-comments').hide(); else $('#show-comments').html(postL10n.showcomm); return; } else if ( 1 == r ) { $('#show-comments').parent().html(postL10n.endcomm); return; } $('#the-comment-list').append(''+wpAjax.broken+''); } ); return false; } }; })(jQuery);