__( 'Main Index Template' ), 'style.css' => __( 'Stylesheet' ), 'rtl.css' => __( 'RTL Stylesheet' ), 'comments.php' => __( 'Comments' ), 'comments-popup.php' => __( 'Popup Comments' ), 'footer.php' => __( 'Footer' ), 'header.php' => __( 'Header' ), 'sidebar.php' => __( 'Sidebar' ), 'archive.php' => __( 'Archives' ), 'category.php' => __( 'Category Template' ), 'page.php' => __( 'Page Template' ), 'search.php' => __( 'Search Results' ), 'searchform.php' => __( 'Search Form' ), 'single.php' => __( 'Single Post' ), '404.php' => __( '404 Template' ), 'link.php' => __( 'Links Template' ), 'functions.php' => __( 'Theme Functions' ), 'attachment.php' => __( 'Attachment Template' ), 'image.php' => __('Image Attachment Template'), 'video.php' => __('Video Attachment Template'), 'audio.php' => __('Audio Attachment Template'), 'application.php' => __('Application Attachment Template'), 'my-hacks.php' => __( 'my-hacks.php (legacy hacks support)' ), '.htaccess' => __( '.htaccess (for rewrite rules )' ), // Deprecated files 'wp-layout.css' => __( 'Stylesheet' ), 'wp-comments.php' => __( 'Comments Template' ), 'wp-comments-popup.php' => __( 'Popup Comments Template' )); /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $file * @return unknown */ function get_file_description( $file ) { global $wp_file_descriptions; if ( isset( $wp_file_descriptions[basename( $file )] ) ) { return $wp_file_descriptions[basename( $file )]; } elseif ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . $file ) && is_file( WP_CONTENT_DIR . $file ) ) { $template_data = implode( '', file( WP_CONTENT_DIR . $file ) ); if ( preg_match( '|Template Name:(.*)$|mi', $template_data, $name )) return _cleanup_header_comment($name[1]) . ' Page Template'; } return basename( $file ); } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @return unknown */ function get_home_path() { $home = get_option( 'home' ); $siteurl = get_option( 'siteurl' ); if ( $home != '' && $home != $siteurl ) { $wp_path_rel_to_home = str_replace($home, '', $siteurl); /* $siteurl - $home */ $pos = strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], $wp_path_rel_to_home); $home_path = substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], 0, $pos); $home_path = trailingslashit( $home_path ); } else { $home_path = ABSPATH; } return $home_path; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $file * @return unknown */ function get_real_file_to_edit( $file ) { if ('index.php' == $file || '.htaccess' == $file ) { $real_file = get_home_path() . $file; } else { $real_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . $file; } return $real_file; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param string $folder Optional. Full path to folder * @param int $levels Optional. Levels of folders to follow, Default: 100 (PHP Loop limit). * @return bool|array */ function list_files( $folder = '', $levels = 100 ) { if( empty($folder) ) return false; if( ! $levels ) return false; $files = array(); if ( $dir = @opendir( $folder ) ) { while (($file = readdir( $dir ) ) !== false ) { if ( in_array($file, array('.', '..') ) ) continue; if ( is_dir( $folder . '/' . $file ) ) { $files2 = list_files( $folder . '/' . $file, $levels - 1); if( $files2 ) $files = array_merge($files, $files2 ); else $files[] = $folder . '/' . $file . '/'; } else { $files[] = $folder . '/' . $file; } } } @closedir( $dir ); return $files; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @return unknown */ function get_temp_dir() { if ( defined('WP_TEMP_DIR') ) return trailingslashit(WP_TEMP_DIR); $temp = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/'; if ( is_dir($temp) && is_writable($temp) ) return $temp; if ( function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir') ) return trailingslashit(sys_get_temp_dir()); return '/tmp/'; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $filename * @param unknown_type $dir * @return unknown */ function wp_tempnam($filename = '', $dir = ''){ if ( empty($dir) ) $dir = get_temp_dir(); $filename = basename($filename); if ( empty($filename) ) $filename = time(); $filename = $dir . wp_unique_filename($dir, $filename); touch($filename); return $filename; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $file * @param unknown_type $allowed_files * @return unknown */ function validate_file_to_edit( $file, $allowed_files = '' ) { $file = stripslashes( $file ); $code = validate_file( $file, $allowed_files ); if (!$code ) return $file; switch ( $code ) { case 1 : wp_die( __('Sorry, can’t edit files with ".." in the name. If you are trying to edit a file in your WordPress home directory, you can just type the name of the file in.' )); case 2 : wp_die( __('Sorry, can’t call files with their real path.' )); case 3 : wp_die( __('Sorry, that file cannot be edited.' )); } } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param array $file Reference to a single element of $_FILES. Call the function once for each uploaded file. * @param array $overrides Optional. An associative array of names=>values to override default variables with extract( $overrides, EXTR_OVERWRITE ). * @return array On success, returns an associative array of file attributes. On failure, returns $overrides['upload_error_handler'](&$file, $message ) or array( 'error'=>$message ). */ function wp_handle_upload( &$file, $overrides = false, $time = null ) { // The default error handler. if (! function_exists( 'wp_handle_upload_error' ) ) { function wp_handle_upload_error( &$file, $message ) { return array( 'error'=>$message ); } } // You may define your own function and pass the name in $overrides['upload_error_handler'] $upload_error_handler = 'wp_handle_upload_error'; // You may define your own function and pass the name in $overrides['unique_filename_callback'] $unique_filename_callback = null; // $_POST['action'] must be set and its value must equal $overrides['action'] or this: $action = 'wp_handle_upload'; // Courtesy of php.net, the strings that describe the error indicated in $_FILES[{form field}]['error']. $upload_error_strings = array( false, __( "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini." ), __( "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form." ), __( "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." ), __( "No file was uploaded." ), '', __( "Missing a temporary folder." ), __( "Failed to write file to disk." )); // All tests are on by default. Most can be turned off by $override[{test_name}] = false; $test_form = true; $test_size = true; // If you override this, you must provide $ext and $type!!!! $test_type = true; $mimes = false; // Install user overrides. Did we mention that this voids your warranty? if ( is_array( $overrides ) ) extract( $overrides, EXTR_OVERWRITE ); // A correct form post will pass this test. if ( $test_form && (!isset( $_POST['action'] ) || ($_POST['action'] != $action ) ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'Invalid form submission.' )); // A successful upload will pass this test. It makes no sense to override this one. if ( $file['error'] > 0 ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, $upload_error_strings[$file['error']] ); // A non-empty file will pass this test. if ( $test_size && !($file['size'] > 0 ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini.' )); // A properly uploaded file will pass this test. There should be no reason to override this one. if (! @ is_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'] ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'Specified file failed upload test.' )); // A correct MIME type will pass this test. Override $mimes or use the upload_mimes filter. if ( $test_type ) { $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( $file['name'], $mimes ); extract( $wp_filetype ); if ( ( !$type || !$ext ) && !current_user_can( 'unfiltered_upload' ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'File type does not meet security guidelines. Try another.' )); if ( !$ext ) $ext = ltrim(strrchr($file['name'], '.'), '.'); if ( !$type ) $type = $file['type']; } // A writable uploads dir will pass this test. Again, there's no point overriding this one. if ( ! ( ( $uploads = wp_upload_dir($time) ) && false === $uploads['error'] ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, $uploads['error'] ); $filename = wp_unique_filename( $uploads['path'], $file['name'], $unique_filename_callback ); // Move the file to the uploads dir $new_file = $uploads['path'] . "/$filename"; if ( false === @ move_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'], $new_file ) ) { return $upload_error_handler( $file, sprintf( __('The uploaded file could not be moved to %s.' ), $uploads['path'] ) ); } // Set correct file permissions $stat = stat( dirname( $new_file )); $perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666; @ chmod( $new_file, $perms ); // Compute the URL $url = $uploads['url'] . "/$filename"; $return = apply_filters( 'wp_handle_upload', array( 'file' => $new_file, 'url' => $url, 'type' => $type ) ); return $return; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * Pass this function an array similar to that of a $_FILES POST array. * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $file * @param unknown_type $overrides * @return unknown */ function wp_handle_sideload( &$file, $overrides = false ) { // The default error handler. if (! function_exists( 'wp_handle_upload_error' ) ) { function wp_handle_upload_error( &$file, $message ) { return array( 'error'=>$message ); } } // You may define your own function and pass the name in $overrides['upload_error_handler'] $upload_error_handler = 'wp_handle_upload_error'; // You may define your own function and pass the name in $overrides['unique_filename_callback'] $unique_filename_callback = null; // $_POST['action'] must be set and its value must equal $overrides['action'] or this: $action = 'wp_handle_sideload'; // Courtesy of php.net, the strings that describe the error indicated in $_FILES[{form field}]['error']. $upload_error_strings = array( false, __( "The file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini." ), __( "The file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form." ), __( "The file was only partially uploaded." ), __( "No file was sent." ), __( "Missing a temporary folder." ), __( "Failed to write file to disk." )); // All tests are on by default. Most can be turned off by $override[{test_name}] = false; $test_form = true; $test_size = true; // If you override this, you must provide $ext and $type!!!! $test_type = true; $mimes = false; // Install user overrides. Did we mention that this voids your warranty? if ( is_array( $overrides ) ) extract( $overrides, EXTR_OVERWRITE ); // A correct form post will pass this test. if ( $test_form && (!isset( $_POST['action'] ) || ($_POST['action'] != $action ) ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'Invalid form submission.' )); // A successful upload will pass this test. It makes no sense to override this one. if ( $file['error'] > 0 ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, $upload_error_strings[$file['error']] ); // A non-empty file will pass this test. if ( $test_size && !(filesize($file['tmp_name']) > 0 ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini.' )); // A properly uploaded file will pass this test. There should be no reason to override this one. if (! @ is_file( $file['tmp_name'] ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'Specified file does not exist.' )); // A correct MIME type will pass this test. Override $mimes or use the upload_mimes filter. if ( $test_type ) { $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( $file['name'], $mimes ); extract( $wp_filetype ); if ( ( !$type || !$ext ) && !current_user_can( 'unfiltered_upload' ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, __( 'File type does not meet security guidelines. Try another.' )); if ( !$ext ) $ext = ltrim(strrchr($file['name'], '.'), '.'); if ( !$type ) $type = $file['type']; } // A writable uploads dir will pass this test. Again, there's no point overriding this one. if ( ! ( ( $uploads = wp_upload_dir() ) && false === $uploads['error'] ) ) return $upload_error_handler( $file, $uploads['error'] ); $filename = wp_unique_filename( $uploads['path'], $file['name'], $unique_filename_callback ); // Strip the query strings. $filename = str_replace('?','-', $filename); $filename = str_replace('&','-', $filename); // Move the file to the uploads dir $new_file = $uploads['path'] . "/$filename"; if ( false === @ rename( $file['tmp_name'], $new_file ) ) { return $upload_error_handler( $file, sprintf( __('The uploaded file could not be moved to %s.' ), $uploads['path'] ) ); } // Set correct file permissions $stat = stat( dirname( $new_file )); $perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666; @ chmod( $new_file, $perms ); // Compute the URL $url = $uploads['url'] . "/$filename"; $return = apply_filters( 'wp_handle_upload', array( 'file' => $new_file, 'url' => $url, 'type' => $type ) ); return $return; } /** * Downloads a url to a local file using the Snoopy HTTP Class. * * @since unknown * @todo Transition over to using the new HTTP Request API (jacob). * * @param string $url the URL of the file to download * @return mixed WP_Error on failure, string Filename on success. */ function download_url( $url ) { //WARNING: The file is not automatically deleted, The script must unlink() the file. if ( ! $url ) return new WP_Error('http_no_url', __('Invalid URL Provided')); $tmpfname = wp_tempnam($url); if ( ! $tmpfname ) return new WP_Error('http_no_file', __('Could not create Temporary file')); $handle = @fopen($tmpfname, 'wb'); if ( ! $handle ) return new WP_Error('http_no_file', __('Could not create Temporary file')); $response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 30)); if ( is_wp_error($response) ) { fclose($handle); unlink($tmpfname); return $response; } if ( $response['response']['code'] != '200' ){ fclose($handle); unlink($tmpfname); return new WP_Error('http_404', trim($response['response']['message'])); } fwrite($handle, $response['body']); fclose($handle); return $tmpfname; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $file * @param unknown_type $to * @return unknown */ function unzip_file($file, $to) { global $wp_filesystem; if ( ! $wp_filesystem || !is_object($wp_filesystem) ) return new WP_Error('fs_unavailable', __('Could not access filesystem.')); // Unzip uses a lot of memory @ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); $fs =& $wp_filesystem; require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php'); $archive = new PclZip($file); // Is the archive valid? if ( false == ($archive_files = $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING)) ) return new WP_Error('incompatible_archive', __('Incompatible archive'), $archive->errorInfo(true)); if ( 0 == count($archive_files) ) return new WP_Error('empty_archive', __('Empty archive')); $path = explode('/', untrailingslashit($to)); for ( $i = count($path); $i > 0; $i-- ) { //>0 = first element is empty allways for paths starting with '/' $tmppath = implode('/', array_slice($path, 0, $i) ); if ( $fs->is_dir($tmppath) ) { //Found the highest folder that exists, Create from here(ie +1) for ( $i = $i + 1; $i <= count($path); $i++ ) { $tmppath = implode('/', array_slice($path, 0, $i) ); if ( ! $fs->mkdir($tmppath, FS_CHMOD_DIR) ) return new WP_Error('mkdir_failed', __('Could not create directory'), $tmppath); } break; //Exit main for loop } } $to = trailingslashit($to); foreach ($archive_files as $file) { $path = $file['folder'] ? $file['filename'] : dirname($file['filename']); $path = explode('/', $path); for ( $i = count($path); $i >= 0; $i-- ) { //>=0 as the first element contains data if ( empty($path[$i]) ) continue; $tmppath = $to . implode('/', array_slice($path, 0, $i) ); if ( $fs->is_dir($tmppath) ) {//Found the highest folder that exists, Create from here for ( $i = $i + 1; $i <= count($path); $i++ ) { //< count() no file component please. $tmppath = $to . implode('/', array_slice($path, 0, $i) ); if ( ! $fs->is_dir($tmppath) && ! $fs->mkdir($tmppath, FS_CHMOD_DIR) ) return new WP_Error('mkdir_failed', __('Could not create directory'), $tmppath); } break; //Exit main for loop } } // We've made sure the folders are there, so let's extract the file now: if ( ! $file['folder'] ) { if ( !$fs->put_contents( $to . $file['filename'], $file['content']) ) return new WP_Error('copy_failed', __('Could not copy file'), $to . $file['filename']); $fs->chmod($to . $file['filename'], FS_CHMOD_FILE); } } return true; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $from * @param unknown_type $to * @return unknown */ function copy_dir($from, $to) { global $wp_filesystem; $dirlist = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($from); $from = trailingslashit($from); $to = trailingslashit($to); foreach ( (array) $dirlist as $filename => $fileinfo ) { if ( 'f' == $fileinfo['type'] ) { if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy($from . $filename, $to . $filename, true) ) { // If copy failed, chmod file to 0644 and try again. $wp_filesystem->chmod($to . $filename, 0644); if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy($from . $filename, $to . $filename, true) ) return new WP_Error('copy_failed', __('Could not copy file'), $to . $filename); } $wp_filesystem->chmod($to . $filename, FS_CHMOD_FILE); } elseif ( 'd' == $fileinfo['type'] ) { if ( !$wp_filesystem->is_dir($to . $filename) ) { if ( !$wp_filesystem->mkdir($to . $filename, FS_CHMOD_DIR) ) return new WP_Error('mkdir_failed', __('Could not create directory'), $to . $filename); } $result = copy_dir($from . $filename, $to . $filename); if ( is_wp_error($result) ) return $result; } } } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $args * @return unknown */ function WP_Filesystem( $args = false ) { global $wp_filesystem; require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'); $method = get_filesystem_method($args); if ( ! $method ) return false; $abstraction_file = apply_filters('filesystem_method_file', ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-' . $method . '.php', $method); if( ! file_exists($abstraction_file) ) return; require_once($abstraction_file); $method = "WP_Filesystem_$method"; $wp_filesystem = new $method($args); if ( is_wp_error($wp_filesystem->errors) && $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code() ) return false; if ( !$wp_filesystem->connect() ) return false; //There was an erorr connecting to the server. // Set the permission constants if not already set. if ( ! defined('FS_CHMOD_DIR') ) define('FS_CHMOD_DIR', 0755 ); if ( ! defined('FS_CHMOD_FILE') ) define('FS_CHMOD_FILE', 0644 ); return true; } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $args * @return unknown */ function get_filesystem_method($args = array()) { $method = false; if( function_exists('getmyuid') && function_exists('fileowner') ){ $temp_file = wp_tempnam(); if ( getmyuid() == fileowner($temp_file) ) $method = 'direct'; unlink($temp_file); } if ( ! $method && isset($args['connection_type']) && 'ssh' == $args['connection_type'] && extension_loaded('ssh2') && extension_loaded('sockets') ) $method = 'ssh2'; if ( ! $method && extension_loaded('ftp') ) $method = 'ftpext'; if ( ! $method && ( extension_loaded('sockets') || function_exists('fsockopen') ) ) $method = 'ftpsockets'; //Sockets: Socket extension; PHP Mode: FSockopen / fwrite / fread return apply_filters('filesystem_method', $method); } /** * {@internal Missing Short Description}} * * @since unknown * * @param unknown_type $form_post * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $error * @return unknown */ function request_filesystem_credentials($form_post, $type = '', $error = false) { $req_cred = apply_filters('request_filesystem_credentials', '', $form_post, $type, $error); if ( '' !== $req_cred ) return $req_cred; if ( empty($type) ) $type = get_filesystem_method(); if ( 'direct' == $type ) return true; $credentials = get_option('ftp_credentials', array( 'hostname' => '', 'username' => '')); // If defined, set it to that, Else, If POST'd, set it to that, If not, Set it to whatever it previously was(saved details in option) $credentials['hostname'] = defined('FTP_HOST') ? FTP_HOST : (!empty($_POST['hostname']) ? $_POST['hostname'] : $credentials['hostname']); $credentials['username'] = defined('FTP_USER') ? FTP_USER : (!empty($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : $credentials['username']); $credentials['password'] = defined('FTP_PASS') ? FTP_PASS : (!empty($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''); // Check to see if we are setting the public/private keys for ssh $credentials['public_key'] = defined('FTP_PUBKEY') ? FTP_PUBKEY : (!empty($_POST['public_key']) ? $_POST['public_key'] : ''); $credentials['private_key'] = defined('FTP_PRIKEY') ? FTP_PRIKEY : (!empty($_POST['private_key']) ? $_POST['private_key'] : ''); //sanitize the hostname, Some people might pass in odd-data: $credentials['hostname'] = preg_replace('|\w+://|', '', $credentials['hostname']); //Strip any schemes off if ( strpos($credentials['hostname'], ':') ) list( $credentials['hostname'], $credentials['port'] ) = explode(':', $credentials['hostname'], 2); else unset($credentials['port']); if ( defined('FTP_SSH') || (isset($_POST['connection_type']) && 'ssh' == $_POST['connection_type']) ) $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ssh'; else if ( defined('FTP_SSL') || (isset($_POST['connection_type']) && 'ftps' == $_POST['connection_type']) ) $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftps'; else if ( !isset($credentials['connection_type']) || (isset($_POST['connection_type']) && 'ftp' == $_POST['connection_type']) ) $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftp'; if ( ! $error && ( ( !empty($credentials['password']) && !empty($credentials['username']) && !empty($credentials['hostname']) ) || ( 'ssh' == $credentials['connection_type'] && !empty($credentials['public_key']) && !empty($credentials['private_key']) ) ) ) { $stored_credentials = $credentials; if ( !empty($stored_credentials['port']) ) //save port as part of hostname to simplify above code. $stored_credentials['hostname'] .= ':' . $stored_credentials['port']; unset($stored_credentials['password'], $stored_credentials['port'], $stored_credentials['private_key'], $stored_credentials['public_key']); update_option('ftp_credentials', $stored_credentials); return $credentials; } $hostname = ''; $username = ''; $password = ''; $connection_type = ''; if ( !empty($credentials) ) extract($credentials, EXTR_OVERWRITE); if ( $error ) { $error_string = __('Error: There was an error connecting to the server, Please verify the settings are correct.'); if ( is_wp_error($error) ) $error_string = $error->get_error_message(); echo '

' . $error_string . '

'; } ?>

" size="40" />
size="40" />
size="40" />'.__('(Password not shown)').''; ?>

size="40" />
size="40" />