* html #poststuff {
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/* This is the Holly Hack \*/
* html .wrap { height: 1% }
/* For Win IE's eyes only */

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thead, .thead {
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* html #postexcerpt .dbx-toggle-open, * html #postexcerpt .dbx-toggle-open {
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#login p label { 
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#login #submit {
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#save {
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* html #template div {
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#zeitgeist h2 {
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.active td {
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.alternate.active .name {
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#ajax-response {
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/* A handy div class for hiding controls.
   Some browsers will disable them when you
   set display:none; */
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/* Box stuff */
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.dbx-clone, .dbx-clone .dbx-handle-cursor {
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.dbx-dummy {
.dbx-group, .dbx-box, .dbx-handle {

#grabit {
	width: 188px;

* html #themeselect {
	padding: 0px 3px;
	height: 22px;

  avoid padding, margins or borders on dbx-box, 
  to reduce visual discrepancies between it and the clone.  
  overall, dbx-box is best left as visually unstyled as possible 
.dbx-box {

/* Can change this */
#moremeta fieldset, #advancedstuff fieldset {
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#moremeta fieldset div {
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#moremeta {
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#moremeta select {
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#slugdiv input, #passworddiv input, #authordiv select, #thumbdiv input, #parentdiv input {
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#moremeta h3, #advancedstuff h3 {
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#advancedstuff div {
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#categorydiv ul {
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#categorychecklist {
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#categorychecklist li {
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#ajaxcat input {
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#your-profile #rich_editing {
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#your-profile fieldset {
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#your-profile fieldset input  {
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/* default box styles */

/* toggle state of inner content area */
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.dbx-box-closed .dbx-content {
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#moremeta fieldset.dbx-box-closed {
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/* handles */

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#moremeta .dbx-box {
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#advancedstuff h3.dbx-handle {
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#advancedstuff div.dbx-handle-wrapper {
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#advancedstuff div.dbx-content {
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#postexcerpt div.dbx-content {
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#advancedstuff div.dbx-content-wrapper {
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#advancedstuff fieldset.dbx-box {
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#advancedstuff div.dbx-box-wrapper {
	background: url(images/box-butt-left.gif) no-repeat bottom left;

#advancedstuff .dbx-box-closed div.dbx-content-wrapper {
	padding-bottom: 2px;
	background: url(images/box-butt-left.gif) no-repeat bottom left;

#advancedstuff .dbx-box {
	background: url(images/box-butt-right.gif) no-repeat bottom right;

/* handle cursors */
.dbx-handle-cursor {
	cursor: move;

/* toggle images */
a.dbx-toggle, a.dbx-toggle:visited {
	overflow: hidden;
	background-image: url( images/toggle.gif );
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#moremeta a.dbx-toggle, #moremeta a.dbx-toggle-open:visited {
	height: 25px;
	width: 27px;
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#moremeta a.dbx-toggle-open, #moremeta a.dbx-toggle-open:visited {
	height: 25px;
	width: 27px;
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#advancedstuff a.dbx-toggle, #advancedstuff a.dbx-toggle-open:visited {
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#advancedstuff a.dbx-toggle-open, #advancedstuff a.dbx-toggle-open:visited {
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	width: 22px;
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	background-position: 0 -28px;

#categorychecklist {
	margin-right: 6px;

/* additional clone styles */
.dbx-clone {
	opacity: 0.8;
	-moz-opacity: 0.8;
	-khtml-opacity: 0.8;
	filter: alpha(opacity=80);

#newcat { width: 120px; margin-right: 5px; }
input#catadd { 	background: #a4a4a4;
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	text-align: center;
	width: 37px; }
#howto {
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	display: block;
#jaxcat {
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#ajax-response.alignleft {
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