/* global tb_remove */ window.wp = window.wp || {}; (function( $, wp, pagenow ) { wp.updates = {}; /** * User nonce for ajax calls. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var string */ wp.updates.ajaxNonce = window._wpUpdatesSettings.ajax_nonce; /** * Localized strings. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var object */ wp.updates.l10n = window._wpUpdatesSettings.l10n; /** * Whether filesystem credentials need to be requested from the user. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var bool */ wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials = null; /** * Filesystem credentials to be packaged along with the request. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var object */ wp.updates.filesystemCredentials = { ftp: { host: null, username: null, password: null, connectionType: null }, ssh: { publicKey: null, privateKey: null } }; /** * Flag if we're waiting for an update to complete. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var bool */ wp.updates.updateLock = false; /** * * Flag if we've done an update successfully. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var bool */ wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully = false; /** * If the user tries to update a plugin while an update is * already happening, it can be placed in this queue to perform later. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var array */ wp.updates.updateQueue = []; /** * Store a jQuery reference to return focus to when exiting the request credentials modal. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @var jQuery object */ wp.updates.$elToReturnFocusToFromCredentialsModal = null; /** * Decrement update counts throughout the various menus. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @param {string} updateType */ wp.updates.decrementCount = function( upgradeType ) { var count, pluginCount, $adminBarUpdateCount = $( '#wp-admin-bar-updates .ab-label' ), $dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount = $( 'a[href="update-core.php"] .update-plugins' ), $pluginsMenuItem = $( '#menu-plugins' ); count = $adminBarUpdateCount.text(); count = parseInt( count, 10 ) - 1; if ( count < 0 || isNaN( count ) ) { return; } $( '#wp-admin-bar-updates .ab-item' ).removeAttr( 'title' ); $adminBarUpdateCount.text( count ); $dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount.each( function( index, elem ) { elem.className = elem.className.replace( /count-\d+/, 'count-' + count ); } ); $dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount.removeAttr( 'title' ); $dashboardNavMenuUpdateCount.find( '.update-count' ).text( count ); if ( 'plugin' === upgradeType ) { pluginCount = $pluginsMenuItem.find( '.plugin-count' ).eq(0).text(); pluginCount = parseInt( pluginCount, 10 ) - 1; if ( pluginCount < 0 || isNaN( pluginCount ) ) { return; } $pluginsMenuItem.find( '.plugin-count' ).text( pluginCount ); $pluginsMenuItem.find( '.update-plugins' ).each( function( index, elem ) { elem.className = elem.className.replace( /count-\d+/, 'count-' + pluginCount ); } ); if (pluginCount > 0 ) { $( '.subsubsub .upgrade .count' ).text( '(' + pluginCount + ')' ); } else { $( '.subsubsub .upgrade' ).remove(); } } }; /** * Send an Ajax request to the server to update a plugin. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param {string} plugin * @param {string} slug */ wp.updates.updatePlugin = function( plugin, slug ) { var $message, name; if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) { $message = $( '[data-slug="' + slug + '"]' ).next().find( '.update-message' ); } else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) { $message = $( '.plugin-card-' + slug ).find( '.update-now' ); name = $message.data( 'name' ); $message.attr( 'aria-label', wp.updates.l10n.updatingLabel.replace( '%s', name ) ); } $message.addClass( 'updating-message' ); if ( $message.html() !== wp.updates.l10n.updating ){ $message.data( 'originaltext', $message.html() ); } $message.text( wp.updates.l10n.updating ); wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updatingMsg ); if ( wp.updates.updateLock ) { wp.updates.updateQueue.push( { type: 'update-plugin', data: { plugin: plugin, slug: slug } } ); return; } wp.updates.updateLock = true; var data = { _ajax_nonce: wp.updates.ajaxNonce, plugin: plugin, slug: slug, username: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.username, password: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.password, hostname: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.hostname, connection_type: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.connectionType, public_key: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.publicKey, private_key: wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.privateKey }; wp.ajax.post( 'update-plugin', data ) .done( wp.updates.updateSuccess ) .fail( wp.updates.updateError ); }; /** * On a successful plugin update, update the UI with the result. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param {object} response */ wp.updates.updateSuccess = function( response ) { var $updateMessage, name, $pluginRow, newText; if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) { $pluginRow = $( '[data-slug="' + response.slug + '"]' ).first(); $updateMessage = $pluginRow.next().find( '.update-message' ); $pluginRow.addClass( 'updated' ).removeClass( 'update' ); // Update the version number in the row. newText = $pluginRow.find('.plugin-version-author-uri').html().replace( response.oldVersion, response.newVersion ); $pluginRow.find('.plugin-version-author-uri').html( newText ); // Add updated class to update message parent tr $pluginRow.next().addClass( 'updated' ); } else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) { $updateMessage = $( '.plugin-card-' + response.slug ).find( '.update-now' ); $updateMessage.addClass( 'button-disabled' ); name = $updateMessage.data( 'name' ); $updateMessage.attr( 'aria-label', wp.updates.l10n.updatedLabel.replace( '%s', name ) ); } $updateMessage.removeClass( 'updating-message' ).addClass( 'updated-message' ); $updateMessage.text( wp.updates.l10n.updated ); wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updatedMsg ); wp.updates.decrementCount( 'plugin' ); wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully = true; /* * The lock can be released since the update was successful, * and any other updates can commence. */ wp.updates.updateLock = false; $(document).trigger( 'wp-plugin-update-success', response ); wp.updates.queueChecker(); }; /** * On a plugin update error, update the UI appropriately. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param {object} response */ wp.updates.updateError = function( response ) { var $message, name; wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully = false; if ( response.errorCode && response.errorCode == 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' && wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials ) { wp.updates.credentialError( response, 'update-plugin' ); return; } if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) { $message = $( '[data-slug="' + response.slug + '"]' ).next().find( '.update-message' ); } else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) { $message = $( '.plugin-card-' + response.slug ).find( '.update-now' ); name = $message.data( 'name' ); $message.attr( 'aria-label', wp.updates.l10n.updateFailedLabel.replace( '%s', name ) ); } $message.removeClass( 'updating-message' ); $message.html( wp.updates.l10n.updateFailed.replace( '%s', response.error ) ); wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updateFailed ); $(document).trigger( 'wp-plugin-update-error', response ); }; /** * Show an error message in the request for credentials form. * * @param {string} message * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.showErrorInCredentialsForm = function( message ) { var $modal = $( '.notification-dialog' ); // Remove any existing error. $modal.find( '.error' ).remove(); $modal.find( 'h3' ).after( '
' + message + '
' ); }; /** * Events that need to happen when there is a credential error * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.credentialError = function( response, type ) { wp.updates.updateQueue.push( { 'type': type, 'data': { // Not cool that we're depending on response for this data. // This would feel more whole in a view all tied together. plugin: response.plugin, slug: response.slug } } ); wp.updates.showErrorInCredentialsForm( response.error ); wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials(); }; /** * If an update job has been placed in the queue, queueChecker pulls it out and runs it. * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.queueChecker = function() { if ( wp.updates.updateLock || wp.updates.updateQueue.length <= 0 ) { return; } var job = wp.updates.updateQueue.shift(); wp.updates.updatePlugin( job.data.plugin, job.data.slug ); }; /** * Request the users filesystem credentials if we don't have them already. * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials = function( event ) { if ( wp.updates.updateDoneSuccessfully === false ) { /* * For the plugin install screen, return the focus to the install button * after exiting the credentials request modal. */ if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow && event ) { wp.updates.$elToReturnFocusToFromCredentialsModal = $( event.target ); } wp.updates.updateLock = true; wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalOpen(); } }; /** * Keydown handler for the request for credentials modal. * * Close the modal when the escape key is pressed. * Constrain keyboard navigation to inside the modal. * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.keydown = function( event ) { if ( 27 === event.keyCode ) { wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalCancel(); } else if ( 9 === event.keyCode ) { // #upgrade button must always be the last focusable element in the dialog. if ( event.target.id === 'upgrade' && ! event.shiftKey ) { $( '#hostname' ).focus(); event.preventDefault(); } else if ( event.target.id === 'hostname' && event.shiftKey ) { $( '#upgrade' ).focus(); event.preventDefault(); } } }; /** * Open the request for credentials modal. * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalOpen = function() { var $modal = $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog' ); $( 'body' ).addClass( 'modal-open' ); $modal.show(); $modal.find( 'input:enabled:first' ).focus(); $modal.keydown( wp.updates.keydown ); }; /** * Close the request for credentials modal. * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalClose = function() { $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog' ).hide(); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'modal-open' ); wp.updates.$elToReturnFocusToFromCredentialsModal.focus(); }; /** * The steps that need to happen when the modal is canceled out * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalCancel = function() { // no updateLock and no updateQueue means we already have cleared things up var slug, $message; if( wp.updates.updateLock === false && wp.updates.updateQueue.length === 0 ){ return; } slug = wp.updates.updateQueue[0].data.slug, // remove the lock, and clear the queue wp.updates.updateLock = false; wp.updates.updateQueue = []; wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalClose(); if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) { $message = $( '[data-slug="' + slug + '"]' ).next().find( '.update-message' ); } else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) { $message = $( '.plugin-card-' + slug ).find( '.update-now' ); } $message.removeClass( 'updating-message' ); $message.html( $message.data( 'originaltext' ) ); wp.a11y.speak( wp.updates.l10n.updateCancel ); }; /** * Potentially add an AYS to a user attempting to leave the page * * If an update is on-going and a user attempts to leave the page, * open an "Are you sure?" alert. * * @since 4.2.0 */ wp.updates.beforeunload = function() { if ( wp.updates.updateLock ) { return wp.updates.l10n.beforeunload; } }; $( document ).ready( function() { /* * Check whether a user needs to submit filesystem credentials based on whether * the form was output on the page server-side. * * @see {wp_print_request_filesystem_credentials_modal() in PHP} */ wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials = ( $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog' ).length <= 0 ) ? false : true; // File system credentials form submit noop-er / handler. $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog form' ).on( 'submit', function() { // Persist the credentials input by the user for the duration of the page load. wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.hostname = $('#hostname').val(); wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.username = $('#username').val(); wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.password = $('#password').val(); wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ftp.connectionType = $('input[name="connection_type"]:checked').val(); wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.publicKey = $('#public_key').val(); wp.updates.filesystemCredentials.ssh.privateKey = $('#private_key').val(); wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalClose(); // Unlock and invoke the queue. wp.updates.updateLock = false; wp.updates.queueChecker(); return false; }); // Close the request credentials modal when $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog [data-js-action="close"], .notification-dialog-background' ).on( 'click', function() { wp.updates.requestForCredentialsModalCancel(); }); // Hide SSH fields when not selected $( '#request-filesystem-credentials-dialog input[name="connection_type"]' ).on( 'change', function() { $( this ).parents( 'form' ).find( '#private_key, #public_key' ).parents( 'label' ).toggle( ( 'ssh' == $( this ).val() ) ); }).change(); // Click handler for plugin updates in List Table view. $( '.plugin-update-tr' ).on( 'click', '.update-link', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials && ! wp.updates.updateLock ) { wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials( e ); } var updateRow = $( e.target ).parents( '.plugin-update-tr' ); // Return the user to the input box of the plugin's table row after closing the modal. wp.updates.$elToReturnFocusToFromCredentialsModal = $( '#' + updateRow.data( 'slug' ) ).find( '.check-column input' ); wp.updates.updatePlugin( updateRow.data( 'plugin' ), updateRow.data( 'slug' ) ); } ); $( '.plugin-card' ).on( 'click', '.update-now', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $button = $( e.target ); if ( wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials && ! wp.updates.updateLock ) { wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials( e ); } wp.updates.updatePlugin( $button.data( 'plugin' ), $button.data( 'slug' ) ); } ); $( '#plugin_update_from_iframe' ).on( 'click' , function( e ) { var target, data; target = window.parent == window ? null : window.parent, $.support.postMessage = !! window.postMessage; if ( $.support.postMessage === false || target === null || window.parent.location.pathname.indexOf( 'update-core.php' ) !== -1 ) return; e.preventDefault(); data = { 'action' : 'updatePlugin', 'slug' : $(this).data('slug') }; target.postMessage( JSON.stringify( data ), window.location.origin ); }); } ); $( window ).on( 'message', function( e ) { var event = e.originalEvent, message, loc = document.location, expectedOrigin = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.hostname; if ( event.origin !== expectedOrigin ) { return; } message = $.parseJSON( event.data ); if ( typeof message.action === 'undefined' ) { return; } switch (message.action){ case 'decrementUpdateCount' : wp.updates.decrementCount( message.upgradeType ); break; case 'updatePlugin' : tb_remove(); if ( 'plugins' === pagenow || 'plugins-network' === pagenow ) { // Return the user to the input box of the plugin's table row after closing the modal. $( '#' + message.slug ).find( '.check-column input' ).focus(); // trigger the update $( '.plugin-update-tr[data-slug="' + message.slug + '"]' ).find( '.update-link' ).trigger( 'click' ); } else if ( 'plugin-install' === pagenow ) { $( '.plugin-card-' + message.slug ).find( 'h4 a' ).focus(); $( '.plugin-card-' + message.slug ).find( '[data-slug="' + message.slug + '"]' ).trigger( 'click' ); } break; } } ); $( window ).on( 'beforeunload', wp.updates.beforeunload ); })( jQuery, window.wp, window.pagenow, window.ajaxurl );