  22.0 - About Pages

   1.0 Global: About, Credits, Freedoms
    1.1 Typography
    1.2 Structure
    1.3 Point Releases
   2.0 About Page
    2.1 Typography
    2.2 Structure
    2.3 Floating Header Layout
   3.0 Credits & Freedoms Pages

  1.0 - Global: About, Credits, Freedoms

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/* WordPress Version Badge */

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/* Tabs */

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/* 1.1 - Typography */

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/* 1.2 - Structure */

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/* 1.3 - Point Releases */

.about-wrap .point-releases {
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.about-wrap .changelog.point-releases h3 {
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.about-wrap .changelog.point-releases h3:first-child {
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  2.0 - About Page

/* 2.1 - Typography */

.about-wrap .feature-section.two-col h3 {
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/* 2.2 - Structure */

.about-wrap .headline-feature.feature-video {
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.about-wrap .changelog.feature-section .col {
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/* Return to Dashboard Home link */

.about-wrap .return-to-dashboard {
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.about-wrap .return-to-dashboard a {
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/* 2.3 Floating Header Layout */

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  3.0 - Credits & Freedoms Pages

/* Credits */

.about-wrap h3.wp-people-group {
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.about-wrap .wp-person .title {
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.about-wrap #wp-people-group-validators + p.wp-credits-list {
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.about-wrap p.wp-credits-list a {
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/* Freedoms */

.freedoms-php .about-wrap ol {
	margin: 40px 60px;

.freedoms-php .about-wrap ol li {
	list-style-type: decimal;
	font-weight: 600;

.freedoms-php .about-wrap ol p {
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  4.0 - Media Queries

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