UI String */ function get_column_headers( $screen ) { // TODO: fold into WP_Screen? if ( is_string( $screen ) ) $screen = convert_to_screen( $screen ); global $_wp_column_headers; if ( !isset( $_wp_column_headers[ $screen->id ] ) ) { $_wp_column_headers[ $screen->id ] = apply_filters( 'manage_' . $screen->id . '_columns', array() ); } return $_wp_column_headers[ $screen->id ]; } /** * Get a list of hidden columns. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string|object $screen The screen you want the hidden columns for * @return array */ function get_hidden_columns( $screen ) { // TODO: fold into WP_Screen if ( is_string( $screen ) ) $screen = convert_to_screen( $screen ); return (array) get_user_option( 'manage' . $screen->id . 'columnshidden' ); } /** * Get Hidden Meta Boxes * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string|object $screen Screen identifier * @return array Hidden Meta Boxes */ function get_hidden_meta_boxes( $screen ) { // TODO: fold into WP_Screen if ( is_string( $screen ) ) $screen = convert_to_screen( $screen ); $hidden = get_user_option( "metaboxhidden_{$screen->id}" ); // Hide slug boxes by default if ( !is_array( $hidden ) ) { if ( 'post' == $screen->base || 'page' == $screen->base ) $hidden = array('slugdiv', 'trackbacksdiv', 'postcustom', 'postexcerpt', 'commentstatusdiv', 'commentsdiv', 'authordiv', 'revisionsdiv'); else $hidden = array( 'slugdiv' ); $hidden = apply_filters('default_hidden_meta_boxes', $hidden, $screen); } return $hidden; } /** * Convert a screen string to a screen object * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $screen The name of the screen * @return object An object containing the safe screen name and id */ function convert_to_screen( $screen ) { // TODO: fold into WP_Screen? $screen = str_replace( array('.php', '-new', '-add', '-network', '-user' ), '', $screen); if ( is_network_admin() ) $screen .= '-network'; elseif ( is_user_admin() ) $screen .= '-user'; // why do we need this? $screen = (string) apply_filters( 'screen_meta_screen', $screen ); $screen = (object) array('id' => $screen, 'base' => $screen); return $screen; } function screen_icon( $for = '' ) { // TODO: fold into WP_Screen? global $current_screen; if ( !isset($current_screen) ) return; echo $current_screen->get_screen_icon( $for ); } /** * Get the current screen object * * @since 3.1.0 * * @return object Current screen object */ function get_current_screen() { global $current_screen; if ( !isset($current_screen) ) return null; return $current_screen; } /** * Set the current screen object * * @since 3.0.0 * * @uses $current_screen * * @param string $id Screen id, optional. */ function set_current_screen( $id = '' ) { global $current_screen; if ( !is_a( $current_screen, 'WP_Screen' ) ) $current_screen = new WP_Screen( $id ); // why do we need this? $current_screen = apply_filters('current_screen', $current_screen); } /** * A class representing the current admin screen. * * @since 3.3.0 * @access public */ final class WP_Screen { /** * Any action associated with the screen. 'add' for *-add.php and *-new.php screens. Empty otherwise. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access public */ public $action = ''; /** * The base type of the screen. This is typically the same as $id but with any post types and taxonomies stripped. * For example, for an $id of 'edit-post' the base is 'edit'. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access public */ public $base; /** * The unique ID of the screen. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access public */ public $id; /** * Whether the screen is in the network admin. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var bool * @access public */ public $is_network; /** * Whether the screen is in the user admin. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var bool * @access public */ public $is_user; /** * The base menu parent. * This is derived from $parent_file by removing the query string and any .php extension. * $parent_file values of 'edit.php?post_type=page' and 'edit.php?post_type=post' have a $parent_base of 'edit'. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access public */ public $parent_base; /** * The parent_file for the screen per the admin menu system. * Some $parent_file values are 'edit.php?post_type=page', 'edit.php', and 'options-general.php'. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access public */ public $parent_file; /** * The post type associated with the screen, if any. * The 'edit.php?post_type=page' screen has a post type of 'page'. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access public */ public $post_type; /** * The taxonomy associated with the screen, if any. * The 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category' screen has a taxonomy of 'category'. * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access public */ public $taxonomy; /** * The help tab data associated with the screen, if any. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var array * @access private */ private $_help_tabs = array(); /** * The help sidebar data associated with the screen, if any. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var string * @access private */ private $_help_sidebar = ''; /** * The screen options associated with the screen, if any. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var array * @access private */ private $_options = array( '_context' => '', '_screen_settings' => '' ); /** * Show screen options if any. * * @since 3.3.0 * @var bool * @access private */ private $_show_options = false; /** * Constructor * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param string $id A screen id. If empty, the $hook_suffix global is used to derive the ID. */ public function __construct( $id = '' ) { global $hook_suffix, $typenow, $taxnow; $action = ''; if ( empty( $id ) ) { $screen = $hook_suffix; $screen = str_replace('.php', '', $screen); if ( preg_match('/-add|-new$/', $screen) ) $action = 'add'; $screen = str_replace('-new', '', $screen); $screen = str_replace('-add', '', $screen); $this->id = $this->base = $screen; } else { $id = sanitize_key( $id ); if ( false !== strpos($id, '-') ) { list( $id, $typenow ) = explode('-', $id, 2); if ( taxonomy_exists( $typenow ) ) { $id = 'edit-tags'; $taxnow = $typenow; $typenow = ''; } } $this->id = $this->base = $id; } $this->action = $action; // Map index to dashboard if ( 'index' == $this->base ) $this->base = 'dashboard'; if ( 'index' == $this->id ) $this->id = 'dashboard'; if ( 'edit' == $this->id ) { if ( empty($typenow) ) $typenow = 'post'; $this->id .= '-' . $typenow; $this->post_type = $typenow; } elseif ( 'post' == $this->id ) { if ( empty($typenow) ) $typenow = 'post'; $this->id = $typenow; $this->post_type = $typenow; } elseif ( 'edit-tags' == $this->id ) { if ( empty($taxnow) ) $taxnow = 'post_tag'; $this->id = 'edit-' . $taxnow; $this->taxonomy = $taxnow; } $this->is_network = is_network_admin(); $this->is_user = is_user_admin(); if ( $this->is_network ) { $this->base .= '-network'; $this->id .= '-network'; } elseif ( $this->is_user ) { $this->base .= '-user'; $this->id .= '-user'; } } /** * Set the parent information for the screen. * This is called in admin-header.php after the menu parent for the screen has been determined. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param string $parent_file The parent file of the screen. Typically the $parent_file global. */ function set_parentage( $parent_file ) { $this->parent_file = $parent_file; $this->parent_base = preg_replace('/\?.*$/', '', $parent_file); $this->parent_base = str_replace('.php', '', $this->parent_base); } /** * Adds an option for the screen. * Use the 'add_screen_help_and_options' action to add screen options. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param string $option Option ID * @param mixed $args Associative array of arguments particular to the default $option or the HTML string to be printed in the Screen Options tab. */ public function add_option( $option = false, $args ) { if ( is_array($args) && !empty($option) ) $this->_options[ $option ] = $args; elseif ( is_string($args) ) $this->_options['_screen_settings'] .= $args; $this->_show_options = true; } /** * Adds option context. * Use the 'add_screen_help_and_options' action to add it. Will not be shown if there aren't any screen options. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param string $text */ public function add_option_context( $text ) { $this->_options['_context'] .= $text; } /** * Add a help tab to the contextual help for the screen. * Use the 'add_screen_help_and_options' action to add contextual help tabs. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param array $args * - string - title - Title for the tab. * - string - id - Tab ID. * - string - section - Section title for the tab. Optional. * - string - content - Help tab content in plain text or HTML. Optional. * - callback - callback - A callback to generate the tab content. Optional. * */ public function add_help_tab( $args ) { $defaults = array( 'title' => false, 'id' => false, 'section' => false, 'content' => '', 'callback' => false ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); // Ensure we have title and ID. if ( ! $args['title'] || ! $args['id'] ) return; $this->_help_tabs[] = $args; } /** * Add a sidebar to the contextual help for the screen. * Use the 'add_screen_help_and_options' action to add a sidebar to the contextual help. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param string $content Sidebar content in plain text or HTML. */ public function add_help_sidebar( $content ) { if ( empty($this->_help_sidebar) ) // add only one $this->_help_sidebar = $content; } /** * Render the screen's help section. * * This will trigger the deprecated filters for backwards compatibility. * * @since 3.3.0 */ public function render_screen_meta() { global $_wp_contextual_help; // Intended for adding Help and Screen Options. do_action('add_screen_help_and_options'); // Call old contextual_help_list filter. if ( ! isset( $_wp_contextual_help ) ) $_wp_contextual_help = array(); // why are we filtering a global? $_wp_contextual_help = apply_filters( 'contextual_help_list', $_wp_contextual_help, $this ); if ( isset( $_wp_contextual_help[ $this->id ] ) ) { // Call old contextual_help filter. // why are we filtering the same global second time?? $contextual_help = apply_filters( 'contextual_help', $_wp_contextual_help[ $this->id ], $this->id, $this ); $this->add_help_tab( array( 'title' => __('Screen Info'), 'id' => 'screen-info', 'content' => $_wp_contextual_help[ $this->id ] ) ); } // Time to render! ?>
_options['_screen_settings']; // Default screen_settings for various screens. // TODO: should probably be set on these screens, not here. switch ( $this->id ) { case 'widgets': $screen_settings .= '' . __('Enable accessibility mode') . '' . __('Disable accessibility mode') . "
\n"; break; } // TODO: deprecate $screen_settings = apply_filters( 'screen_settings', $screen_settings, $this ); echo ''; } /** * Render the option for hiding table columns on the page * * @since 3.3.0 */ function render_table_columns_prefs() { $columns = get_column_headers( $this ); if ( ! empty( $columns ) ) { $hidden = get_hidden_columns( $this ); ?> id ] ) ) { $hidden = get_hidden_meta_boxes($this); ?> id, $this ); if ( ! empty( $columns ) && isset( $columns[ $this->id ] ) ) $this->add_option( 'layout_columns', array('max' => $columns[ $this->id ] ) ); if ( ! isset( $this->_options['layout_columns'] ) ) { $screen_layout_columns = 0; return; } $screen_layout_columns = get_user_option("screen_layout_$this->id"); $num = $this->_options['layout_columns']['max']; if ( ! $screen_layout_columns ) { if ( isset( $this->_options['layout_columns']['default'] ) ) $screen_layout_columns = $this->_options['layout_columns']['default']; else $screen_layout_columns = 'auto'; } ?>