addLoadEvent(function(){theList=new listMan();}); function deleteSomething(what,id,message,obj){if(!obj)obj=theList;if(!message)message="";if(confirm(message))return obj.ajaxDelete(what,id);else return false;} function dimSomething(what,id,dimClass,obj){if(!obj)obj=theList;return obj.ajaxDimmer(what,id,dimClass);} var listMan = Class.create(); Object.extend(listMan.prototype, { ajaxRespEl: 'ajax-response', ajaxHandler: false, inputData: '', clearInputs: [], showLink: true, topAdder: false, alt: 'alternate', altOffset: 0, addComplete: null, delComplete: null, dimComplete: null, dataStore: null, formStore: null, initialize: function(theListId) { this.theList = $(theListId ? theListId : 'the-list'); if ( !this.theList ) return false; this.theList.cleanWhitespace(); }, // sends add-what and fields contained in where // recieves html with top element having an id like what-# ajaxAdder: function( what, where, update ) { // Do NOT wrap TR in TABLE TBODY var ajaxAdd = new WPAjax( this.ajaxHandler, this.ajaxRespEl ); if ( ajaxAdd.notInitialized() ) return true; ajaxAdd.options.parameters += '&action=' + ( update ? 'update-' : 'add-' ) + what + '&' + this.grabInputs( where, ajaxAdd ) + this.inputData; var tempObj=this; ajaxAdd.addOnComplete( function(transport) { var newItems = $A(transport.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(what)); if ( newItems ) { newItems.each( function(i) { var id = i.getAttribute('id'); var exists = $(what+'-'+id); if ( exists ) tempObj.replaceListItem( exists, getNodeValue(i,'response_data'), update ); else tempObj.addListItem( getNodeValue(i, 'response_data') ); if ( tempObj.showLink ) tempObj.showLink = id; }); ajaxAdd.myResponseElement.update(tempObj.showLink ? ( "
" ) : ''); } if ( tempObj.addComplete && typeof tempObj.addComplete == 'function' ) tempObj.addComplete( what, where, update, transport ); tempObj.recolorList(); ajaxAdd.restoreInputs = null; }); if ( !update ) ajaxAdd.addOnWPError( function(transport) { tempObj.restoreForm(ajaxAdd.restoreInputs); }); ajaxAdd.request(ajaxAdd.url); if ( !update ) this.clear(); return false; }, // sends update-what and fields contained in where // recieves html with top element having an id like what-# ajaxUpdater: function( what, where ) { return this.ajaxAdder( what, where, true ); }, // sends delete-what and id# ajaxDelete: function( what, id ) { var ajaxDel = new WPAjax( this.ajaxHandler, this.ajaxRespEl ); if( ajaxDel.notInitialized() ) return true; var tempObj = this; var action = 'delete-' + what + '&id=' + id; var idName = what.replace('-as-spam','') + '-' + id; ajaxDel.addOnComplete( function(transport) { ajaxDel.myResponseElement.update(''); tempObj.destore(action); if( tempObj.delComplete && typeof tempObj.delComplete == 'function' ) tempObj.delComplete( what, id, transport ); }); ajaxDel.addOnWPError( function(transport) { tempObj.restore(action, true); }); ajaxDel.options.parameters += '&action=' + action + this.inputData; ajaxDel.request(ajaxDel.url);, idName); tempObj.removeListItem( idName ); return false; }, // Toggles class nomes // sends dim-what and id# ajaxDimmer: function( what, id, dimClass ) { ajaxDim = new WPAjax( this.ajaxHandler, this.ajaxRespEl ); if ( ajaxDim.notInitialized() ) return true; var tempObj = this; var action = 'dim-' + what + '&id=' + id; var idName = what + '-' + id; ajaxDim.addOnComplete( function(transport) { ajaxDim.myResponseElement.update(''); tempObj.destore(action); if ( tempObj.dimComplete && typeof tempObj.dimComplete == 'function' ) tempObj.dimComplete( what, id, dimClass, transport ); }); ajaxDim.addOnWPError( function(transport) { tempObj.restore(action, true); }); ajaxDim.options.parameters += '&action=' + action + this.inputData; ajaxDim.request(ajaxDim.url);, idName); this.dimItem( idName, dimClass ); return false; }, addListItem: function( h ) { new Insertion[this.topAdder ? 'Top' : 'Bottom'](this.theList,h); this.theList.cleanWhitespace(); var id = this.topAdder ? :; if ( this.alt ) if ( this.theList.childNodes.length % 2 ) $(id).addClassName(this.alt); Fat.fade_element(id); }, // only hides the element sa it can be put back again if necessary removeListItem: function( id, noFade ) { id = $(id); if ( !noFade ) { Fat.fade_element(,null,700,'#FF3333'); var tempObj = this; var func = function() { id.hide(); tempObj.recolorList(); } setTimeout(func, 705); } else { id.hide(); this.recolorList(); } }, replaceListItem: function( id, h, update ) { id = $(id); if ( !update ) { id.remove(); this.addListItem( h ); return; } id.replace(h); Fat.fade_element(; }, // toggles class dimItem: function( id, dimClass, noFade ) { id = $(id); if ( id.hasClassName(dimClass) ) { if ( !noFade ) Fat.fade_element(,null,700,null); id.removeClassName(dimClass); } else { if ( !noFade ) Fat.fade_element(,null,700,'#FF3333'); id.addClassName(dimClass); } }, // store an element in case we need it later store: function(action, id) { if ( !this.dataStore ) this.dataStore = $H(); this.dataStore[action] = $(id).cloneNode(true); }, // delete from store destore: function(action) { delete(this.dataStore[action]); }, // restore element from store into existing (possibly hidden) element of same id restore: function(action, error) { var id = this.dataStore[action].id; this.theList.replaceChild(this.dataStore[action], $(id)); delete(this.dataStore[action]); if ( error ) { func = function() { $(id).setStyle( { 'background-color': '#FF3333' } ); } func(); setTimeout(func, 705); // Hit it twice in case it's still fading. } }, // Like Form.serialize, but excludes action and sets up clearInputs grabInputs: function( where, ajaxObj ) { if ( ajaxObj ) ajaxObj.restoreInputs = []; var elements = Form.getElements($(where)); var queryComponents = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if ( 'action' == elements[i].name ) continue; if ( 'hidden' != elements[i].type && 'submit' != elements[i].type && 'button' != elements[i].type ) { this.clearInputs.push(elements[i]); if ( ajaxObj ) ajaxObj.restoreInputs.push([elements[i], elements[i].value]); } var queryComponent = Form.Element.serialize(elements[i]); if (queryComponent) { queryComponents.push(queryComponent); } } return queryComponents.join('&'); }, // form.reset() can only do whole forms. This can do subsections. clear: function() { this.clearInputs.each( function(i) { i = $(i); if ( 'textarea' == i.tagName.toLowerCase() ) i.value = ''; else switch ( i.type.toLowerCase() ) { case 'password': case 'text': i.value = ''; break; case 'checkbox': case 'radio': i.checked = false; break; case 'select': case 'select-one': i.selectedIndex = null; break; case 'select-multiple': for (var o = 0; o < i.length; o++) i.options[o].selected = false; break; } }); this.clearInputs = []; }, restoreForm: function(elements) { elements.each( function(i) { i[0].value = i[1]; }); }, recolorList: function() { if ( !this.alt ) return; var alt = this.alt; var offset = this.altOffset; var listItems = $A(this.theList.childNodes).findAll( function(i) { return i.visible() } ); listItems.each( function(i,n) { if ( ( n + offset ) % 2 ) i.removeClassName(alt); else i.addClassName(alt); }); } }); //No submit unless code returns true. function killSubmit ( code, e ) { e = e ? e : window.event; if ( !e ) return; var t = ? : e.srcElement; if ( ( 'text' == t.type && e.keyCode == 13 ) || ( 'submit' == t.type && 'click' == e.type ) ) { if ( ( 'string' == typeof code && !eval(code) ) || ( 'function' == typeof code && !code() ) ) { e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; return false; } } } //Generic but lame JS closure function encloseFunc(f){var a=arguments[1];return function(){return f(a);}}