( function( tinymce ) { tinymce.ui.WPLinkPreview = tinymce.ui.Control.extend( { url: '#', renderHtml: function() { return ( '' ); }, setURL: function( url ) { var index, lastIndex; if ( this.url !== url ) { this.url = url; url = window.decodeURIComponent( url ); url = url.replace( /^(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?/, '' ); if ( ( index = url.indexOf( '?' ) ) !== -1 ) { url = url.slice( 0, index ); } if ( ( index = url.indexOf( '#' ) ) !== -1 ) { url = url.slice( 0, index ); } url = url.replace( /(?:index)?\.html$/, '' ); if ( url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) { url = url.slice( 0, -1 ); } // If the URL is longer that 40 chars, concatenate the beginning (after the domain) and ending with ... if ( url.length > 40 && ( index = url.indexOf( '/' ) ) !== -1 && ( lastIndex = url.lastIndexOf( '/' ) ) !== -1 && lastIndex !== index ) { // If the beginning + ending are shorter that 40 chars, show more of the ending if ( index + url.length - lastIndex < 40 ) { lastIndex = -( 40 - ( index + 1 ) ); } url = url.slice( 0, index + 1 ) + '\u2026' + url.slice( lastIndex ); } tinymce.$( this.getEl().firstChild ).attr( 'href', this.url ).text( url ); } } } ); tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wplink', function( editor ) { var toolbar; editor.addCommand( 'WP_Link', function() { window.wpLink && window.wpLink.open( editor.id ); }); // WP default shortcut editor.addShortcut( 'access+a', '', 'WP_Link' ); // The "de-facto standard" shortcut, see #27305 editor.addShortcut( 'meta+k', '', 'WP_Link' ); editor.addButton( 'link', { icon: 'link', tooltip: 'Insert/edit link', cmd: 'WP_Link', stateSelector: 'a[href]' }); editor.addButton( 'unlink', { icon: 'unlink', tooltip: 'Remove link', cmd: 'unlink' }); editor.addMenuItem( 'link', { icon: 'link', text: 'Insert/edit link', cmd: 'WP_Link', stateSelector: 'a[href]', context: 'insert', prependToContext: true }); editor.on( 'pastepreprocess', function( event ) { var pastedStr = event.content, regExp = /^(?:https?:)?\/\/\S+$/i; if ( ! editor.selection.isCollapsed() && ! regExp.test( editor.selection.getContent() ) ) { pastedStr = pastedStr.replace( /<[^>]+>/g, '' ); pastedStr = tinymce.trim( pastedStr ); if ( regExp.test( pastedStr ) ) { editor.execCommand( 'mceInsertLink', false, { href: editor.dom.decode( pastedStr ) } ); event.preventDefault(); } } } ); editor.addButton( 'wp_link_preview', { type: 'WPLinkPreview', onPostRender: function() { var self = this; editor.on( 'wptoolbar', function( event ) { var anchor = editor.dom.getParent( event.element, 'a' ), $anchor, href; if ( anchor ) { $anchor = editor.$( anchor ); href = $anchor.attr( 'href' ); if ( href && ! $anchor.find( 'img' ).length ) { self.setURL( href ); event.element = anchor; event.toolbar = toolbar; } } } ); } } ); editor.addButton( 'wp_link_edit', { tooltip: 'Edit ', // trailing space is needed, used for context icon: 'dashicon dashicons-edit', cmd: 'WP_Link' } ); editor.addButton( 'wp_link_remove', { tooltip: 'Remove', icon: 'dashicon dashicons-no', cmd: 'unlink' } ); editor.on( 'preinit', function() { if ( editor.wp && editor.wp._createToolbar ) { toolbar = editor.wp._createToolbar( [ 'wp_link_preview', 'wp_link_edit', 'wp_link_remove' ], true ); } } ); } ); } )( window.tinymce );