/*globals _, Backbone */ /** * wp.media.view.Button * * @class * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ var View = require( './view.js' ), Button; Button = View.extend({ tagName: 'a', className: 'media-button', attributes: { href: '#' }, events: { 'click': 'click' }, defaults: { text: '', style: '', size: 'large', disabled: false }, initialize: function() { /** * Create a model with the provided `defaults`. * * @member {Backbone.Model} */ this.model = new Backbone.Model( this.defaults ); // If any of the `options` have a key from `defaults`, apply its // value to the `model` and remove it from the `options object. _.each( this.defaults, function( def, key ) { var value = this.options[ key ]; if ( _.isUndefined( value ) ) { return; } this.model.set( key, value ); delete this.options[ key ]; }, this ); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.render ); }, /** * @returns {wp.media.view.Button} Returns itself to allow chaining */ render: function() { var classes = [ 'button', this.className ], model = this.model.toJSON(); if ( model.style ) { classes.push( 'button-' + model.style ); } if ( model.size ) { classes.push( 'button-' + model.size ); } classes = _.uniq( classes.concat( this.options.classes ) ); this.el.className = classes.join(' '); this.$el.attr( 'disabled', model.disabled ); this.$el.text( this.model.get('text') ); return this; }, /** * @param {Object} event */ click: function( event ) { if ( '#' === this.attributes.href ) { event.preventDefault(); } if ( this.options.click && ! this.model.get('disabled') ) { this.options.click.apply( this, arguments ); } } }); module.exports = Button;