/* !Block styles */ .entry .entry-content > *, .entry .entry-summary > * { margin: 32px 0; max-width: 100%; @include postContentMaxWidth(); @include media(tablet) { margin: 32px 0; } > *:first-child { margin-top: 0; } > *:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } &.alignwide { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; clear: both; @include media(tablet) { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; } } &.alignfull { position: relative; left: -#{$size__spacing-unit }; width: calc( 100% + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); max-width: calc( 100% + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); clear: both; @include media(tablet) { margin-top: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); margin-bottom: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); left: calc( -12.5% - 75px ); width: calc( 125% + 150px ); max-width: calc( 125% + 150px ); } } &.alignleft { /*rtl:ignore*/ float: left; max-width: calc(5 * (100vw / 12)); margin-top: 0; margin-left: 0; /*rtl:ignore*/ margin-right: $size__spacing-unit; @include media(tablet) { max-width: calc(4 * (100vw / 12)); /*rtl:ignore*/ margin-right: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); } } &.alignright { /*rtl:ignore*/ float: right; max-width: calc(5 * (100vw / 12)); margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; /*rtl:ignore*/ margin-left: $size__spacing-unit; @include media(tablet) { max-width: calc(4 * (100vw / 12)); margin-right: 0; /*rtl:ignore*/ margin-left: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); } } &.aligncenter { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; @include postContentMaxWidth(); @include media(tablet) { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } } } /* * Unset nested content selector styles * - Prevents layout styles from cascading too deeply * - helps with plugin compatibility */ .entry .entry-content, .entry .entry-summary { .entry-content, .entry-summary, .entry { margin: inherit; max-width: inherit; padding: inherit; @include media(tablet) { margin: inherit; max-width: inherit; padding: inherit; } } } .entry .entry-content { //! Paragraphs p.has-background { padding: 20px 30px; } //! Audio .wp-block-audio { width: 100%; audio { width: 100%; } &.alignleft audio, &.alignright audio { max-width: (0.33 * $mobile_width); @include media(tablet) { max-width: (0.5 * $tablet_width); } @include media(wide) { max-width: (0.33 * $desktop_width); } } } //! Video .wp-block-video { video { width: 100%; } } //! Button .wp-block-button { .wp-block-button__link { @include button-transition; border: none; font-size: $font__size-sm; font-family: $font__heading; line-height: $font__line-height-heading; box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; padding: ($size__spacing-unit * .76) $size__spacing-unit; outline: none; outline: none; &:not(.has-background) { background-color: $color__background-button; } &:not(.has-text-color) { color: white; } &:hover { color: white; background: $color__background-button-hover; cursor: pointer; } &:focus { color: white; background: $color__background-button-hover; outline: thin dotted; outline-offset: -4px; } } &:not(.is-style-squared) .wp-block-button__link { border-radius: 5px; } &.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link, &.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link:focus, &.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link:active { @include button-all-transition; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; &:not(.has-background) { background: transparent; } &:not(.has-text-color) { color: $color__background-button; border-color: currentColor; } } &.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link:hover { color: white; border-color: $color__background-button-hover; } } //! Latest posts, categories, archives .wp-block-archives, .wp-block-categories, .wp-block-latest-posts { padding: 0; list-style: none; li { color: $color__text-light; font-family: $font__heading; font-size: calc(#{$font__size_base} * #{$font__size-ratio}); font-weight: bold; line-height: $font__line-height-heading; padding-bottom: ( .75 * $size__spacing-unit ); &.menu-item-has-children, &:last-child { padding-bottom: 0; } a { text-decoration: none; } } } .wp-block-archives, .wp-block-categories { &.aligncenter { text-align: center; } } //! Latest categories .wp-block-categories { ul { padding-top: ( .75 * $size__spacing-unit ); } li ul { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; } @include nestedSubMenuPadding(); } //! Latest posts grid view .wp-block-latest-posts.is-grid { li { border-top: 2px solid $color__border; padding-top: (1 * $size__spacing-unit); margin-bottom: (2 * $size__spacing-unit); a { &:after { content: ''; } } &:last-child { margin-bottom: auto; a:after { content: ''; } } } } //! Latest preformatted text .wp-block-preformatted { font-size: $font__size-xs; line-height: 1.8; padding: $size__spacing-unit; } //! Verse .wp-block-verse { font-family: $font__body; font-size: $font__size_base; line-height: 1.8; } //! Paragraphs .has-drop-cap { &:not(:focus):first-letter { font-family: $font__heading; font-size: $font__size-xxxl; line-height: 1; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 0.25em 0 0; } } //! Pullquote .wp-block-pullquote { border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; padding: $size__spacing-unit; blockquote { color: $color__text-main; border: none; margin-top: calc(4 * #{ $size__spacing-unit}); margin-bottom: calc(4.33 * #{ $size__spacing-unit}); margin-right: 0; } p { font-size: $font__size-lg; font-style: italic; line-height: 1.3; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-top: 0.5em; em { font-style: normal; } @include media(tablet) { font-size: $font__size-xl; } } cite { display: inline-block; font-family: $font__heading; line-height: 1.6; text-transform: none; color: $color__text-light; /* * This requires a rem-based font size calculation instead of our normal em-based one, * because the cite tag sometimes gets wrapped in a p tag. This is equivalent to $font-size_xs. */ font-size: calc(1rem / (1.25 * #{$font__size-ratio})); } &.alignleft, &.alignright { width: 100%; padding: 0; blockquote { margin-left: 0; padding: 0; text-align: left; max-width: 100%; } } &.is-style-solid-color { background-color: $color__link; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; @include media(tablet) { padding-left: 10%; padding-right: 10%; } p { font-size: $font__size-lg; line-height: 1.3; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-top: 0.5em; @include media(tablet) { font-size: $font__size-xl; } } a { color: $color__background-body; } cite { color: inherit; } blockquote { max-width: calc(100% - (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); color: $color__background-body; padding-left: 0; margin-left: $size__spacing-unit; &.has-text-color p, &.has-text-color a, &.has-primary-color, &.has-secondary-color, &.has-dark-gray-color, &.has-light-gray-color, &.has-white-color { color: inherit; } @include media(tablet) { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } } &.alignfull { @include media(tablet) { padding-left: calc(10% + 58px + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); padding-right: calc(10% + 58px + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); } } } } //! Blockquote .wp-block-quote { &:not(.is-large), &:not(.is-style-large) { border-left: 2px solid $color__link; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } p { font-size: 1em; font-style: normal; line-height: 1.8; } cite { /* * This requires a rem-based font size calculation instead of our normal em-based one, * because the cite tag sometimes gets wrapped in a p tag. This is equivalent to $font-size_xs. */ font-size: calc(1rem / (1.25 * #{$font__size-ratio})); } &.is-large, &.is-style-large { margin: $size__spacing-unit 0; padding: 0; border-left: none; p { font-size: $font__size-lg; line-height: 1.4; font-style: italic; } cite, footer { /* * This requires a rem-based font size calculation instead of our normal em-based one, * because the cite tag sometimes gets wrapped in a p tag. This is equivalent to $font-size_xs. */ font-size: calc(1rem / (1.25 * #{$font__size-ratio})); } @include media(tablet) { margin: $size__spacing-unit 0; padding: $size__spacing-unit 0; p { font-size: $font__size-lg; } } } } //! Image .wp-block-image { img { display: block; } &.alignleft, &.alignright { max-width: 100%; } &.alignfull img { width: 100vw; @include media(tablet) { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } } } //! Cover Image .wp-block-cover-image, .wp-block-cover { position: relative; min-height: 430px; padding: $size__spacing-unit; @include media(tablet) { padding: $size__spacing-unit 10%; } .wp-block-cover-image-text, .wp-block-cover-text, h2 { font-family: $font__heading; font-size: $font__size-lg; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.25; padding: 0; color: #fff; -ms-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -webkit-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; @include media(tablet) { font-size: $font__size-xl; max-width: 100%; } } &.alignleft, &.alignright { width: 100%; @include media(tablet) { padding: $size__spacing-unit; } } &.alignfull { .wp-block-cover-image-text, .wp-block-cover-text, h2 { @include postContentMaxWidth(); } @include media(tablet) { padding-left: calc(10% + 58px + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); padding-right: calc(10% + 58px + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit})); .wp-block-cover-image-text, .wp-block-cover-text, h2 { padding: 0; } } } } //! Galleries .wp-block-gallery { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0; .blocks-gallery-image:last-child, .blocks-gallery-item:last-child { margin-bottom: 16px; } } //! Captions .wp-block-audio figcaption, .wp-block-video figcaption, .wp-block-image figcaption, .wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-image figcaption, .wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-item figcaption { font-size: $font__size-xs; font-family: $font__heading; line-height: $font__line-height-pre; margin: 0; padding: ( $size__spacing-unit * .5 ); text-align: center; } //! Separator .wp-block-separator, hr { background-color: $color__text-light; border: 0; height: 2px; margin-bottom: (2 * $size__spacing-unit); margin-top: (2 * $size__spacing-unit); max-width: 2.25em; text-align: left; &.is-style-wide { max-width: 100%; @include postContentMaxWidth(); } &.is-style-dots { max-width: 100%; @include postContentMaxWidth(); background-color: inherit; border: inherit; height: inherit; text-align: center; &:before { color: $color__text-light; font-size: $font__size-lg; letter-spacing: $font__size-sm; padding-left: $font__size-sm; } } /* Remove duplicate rule-line when a separator * is followed by an H1, or H2 */ & + h1, & + h2 { &:before { display: none; } } } //! Twitter Embed .wp-block-embed-twitter { word-break: break-word; } //! Table .wp-block-table { th, td { border-color: $color__text-light; } } //! File .wp-block-file { font-family: $font__heading; .wp-block-file__button { display: table; @include button-transition; border: none; border-radius: 5px; background: $color__background-button; font-size: $font__size-base; font-family: $font__heading; line-height: $font__line-height-heading; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; padding: ($size__spacing-unit * .75) $size__spacing-unit; color: #fff; margin-left: 0; margin-top: calc(0.75 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); @include media(desktop) { font-size: $font__size-base; padding: ($size__spacing-unit * .875) ($size__spacing-unit * 1.5); } &:hover { background: $color__background-button-hover; cursor: pointer; } &:focus { background: $color__background-button-hover; outline: thin dotted; outline-offset: -4px; } } } //! Code .wp-block-code { border-radius: 0; code { font-size: $font__size-md; white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: break-word; } } //! Columns .wp-block-columns { &.alignfull { padding-left: $size__spacing-unit; padding-right: $size__spacing-unit; } @include media(mobile) { flex-wrap: nowrap; } @include media(tablet) { .wp-block-column > * { &:first-child { margin-top: 0; } &:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } } &[class*='has-'] > * { margin-right: $size__spacing-unit; &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } &.alignfull, &.alignfull .wp-block-column { padding-left: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); padding-right: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}); } } } //! Latest Comments .wp-block-latest-comments { .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-meta { font-family: $font__heading; font-weight: bold; .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-date { font-weight: normal; } } .wp-block-latest-comments__comment, .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-date, .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-excerpt p { font-size: inherit; } &.has-avatars { } &.has-dates { .wp-block-latest-comments__comment-date { font-size: $font__size-xs; } } &.has-excerpts { } } //! Font Sizes .has-small-font-size { font-size: $font__size-sm; } .has-normal-font-size { font-size: $font__size-md; } .has-large-font-size { font-size: $font__size-lg; } .has-huge-font-size { font-size: $font__size-xl; } //! Custom background colors .has-primary-background-color, .has-secondary-background-color, .has-dark-gray-background-color, .has-light-gray-background-color { // Use white text against these backgrounds by default. color: $color__background-body; p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a { color: $color__background-body; } } .has-white-background-color { color: $color__text-main; // Use dark gray text against this background by default. p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a { color: $color__text-main; } } .has-primary-background-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color.has-primary-background-color { background-color: $color__link; } .has-secondary-background-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color.has-secondary-background-color { background-color: $color__border-link-hover; } .has-dark-gray-background-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color.has-dark-gray-background-color { background-color: $color__text-main; } .has-light-gray-background-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color.has-light-gray-background-color { background-color: $color__text-light; } .has-white-background-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color.has-white-background-color { background-color: #FFF; } //! Custom foreground colors .has-primary-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-primary-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-primary-color p { color: $color__link; } .has-secondary-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-secondary-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-secondary-color p { color: $color__border-link-hover; } .has-dark-gray-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-dark-gray-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-dark-gray-color p { color: $color__text-main; } .has-light-gray-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-light-gray-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-light-gray-color p { color: $color__text-light; } .has-white-color, .wp-block-pullquote.is-style-solid-color blockquote.has-white-color { color: #FFF; } }