(function($){ var media = wp.media, Attachment = media.model.Attachment, Attachments = media.model.Attachments, Query = media.model.Query, l10n; // Link any localized strings. l10n = media.view.l10n = typeof _wpMediaViewsL10n === 'undefined' ? {} : _wpMediaViewsL10n; // Link any settings. media.view.settings = l10n.settings || {}; delete l10n.settings; // Copy the `post` setting over to the model settings. media.model.settings.post = media.view.settings.post; // Check if the browser supports CSS 3.0 transitions $.support.transition = (function(){ var style = document.documentElement.style, transitions = { WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', MozTransition: 'transitionend', OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend', transition: 'transitionend' }, transition; transition = _.find( _.keys( transitions ), function( transition ) { return ! _.isUndefined( style[ transition ] ); }); return transition && { end: transitions[ transition ] }; }()); // Makes it easier to bind events using transitions. media.transition = function( selector, sensitivity ) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); sensitivity = sensitivity || 2000; if ( $.support.transition ) { if ( ! (selector instanceof $) ) selector = $( selector ); // Resolve the deferred when the first element finishes animating. selector.first().one( $.support.transition.end, deferred.resolve ); // Just in case the event doesn't trigger, fire a callback. _.delay( deferred.resolve, sensitivity ); // Otherwise, execute on the spot. } else { deferred.resolve(); } return deferred.promise(); }; /** * ======================================================================== * CONTROLLERS * ======================================================================== */ /** * wp.media.controller.Region */ media.controller.Region = function( options ) { _.extend( this, _.pick( options || {}, 'id', 'view', 'selector' ) ); }; // Use Backbone's self-propagating `extend` inheritance method. media.controller.Region.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _.extend( media.controller.Region.prototype, { mode: function( mode ) { if ( ! mode ) return this._mode; // Bail if we're trying to change to the current mode. if ( mode === this._mode ) return this; this.trigger('deactivate'); this._mode = mode; this.render( mode ); this.trigger('activate'); return this; }, render: function( mode ) { // If no mode is provided, just re-render the current mode. // If the provided mode isn't active, perform a full switch. if ( mode && mode !== this._mode ) return this.mode( mode ); var set = { view: null }, view; this.trigger( 'create', set ); view = set.view; this.trigger( 'render', view ); if ( view ) this.set( view ); return this; }, get: function() { return this.view.views.first( this.selector ); }, set: function( views, options ) { if ( options ) options.add = false; return this.view.views.set( this.selector, views, options ); }, trigger: function( event ) { var base; if ( ! this._mode ) return; var args = _.toArray( arguments ); base = this.id + ':' + event; // Trigger `region:action:mode` event. args[0] = base + ':' + this._mode; this.view.trigger.apply( this.view, args ); // Trigger `region:action` event. args[0] = base; this.view.trigger.apply( this.view, args ); return this; } }); /** * wp.media.controller.StateMachine */ media.controller.StateMachine = function( states ) { this.states = new Backbone.Collection( states ); }; // Use Backbone's self-propagating `extend` inheritance method. media.controller.StateMachine.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; // Add events to the `StateMachine`. _.extend( media.controller.StateMachine.prototype, Backbone.Events, { // Fetch a state. // // If no `id` is provided, returns the active state. // // Implicitly creates states. state: function( id ) { // Ensure that the `states` collection exists so the `StateMachine` // can be used as a mixin. this.states = this.states || new Backbone.Collection(); // Default to the active state. id = id || this._state; if ( id && ! this.states.get( id ) ) this.states.add({ id: id }); return this.states.get( id ); }, // Sets the active state. setState: function( id ) { var previous = this.state(); // Bail if we're trying to select the current state, if we haven't // created the `states` collection, or are trying to select a state // that does not exist. if ( ( previous && id === previous.id ) || ! this.states || ! this.states.get( id ) ) return this; if ( previous ) { previous.trigger('deactivate'); this._lastState = previous.id; } this._state = id; this.state().trigger('activate'); return this; }, // Returns the previous active state. // // Call the `state()` method with no parameters to retrieve the current // active state. lastState: function() { if ( this._lastState ) return this.state( this._lastState ); } }); // Map methods from the `states` collection to the `StateMachine` itself. _.each([ 'on', 'off', 'trigger' ], function( method ) { media.controller.StateMachine.prototype[ method ] = function() { // Ensure that the `states` collection exists so the `StateMachine` // can be used as a mixin. this.states = this.states || new Backbone.Collection(); // Forward the method to the `states` collection. this.states[ method ].apply( this.states, arguments ); return this; }; }); // wp.media.controller.State // --------------------------- media.controller.State = Backbone.Model.extend({ constructor: function() { this.on( 'activate', this._preActivate, this ); this.on( 'activate', this.activate, this ); this.on( 'activate', this._postActivate, this ); this.on( 'deactivate', this._deactivate, this ); this.on( 'deactivate', this.deactivate, this ); this.on( 'reset', this.reset, this ); this.on( 'ready', this._ready, this ); this.on( 'ready', this.ready, this ); this.on( 'change:menu', this._updateMenu, this ); Backbone.Model.apply( this, arguments ); }, ready: function() {}, activate: function() {}, deactivate: function() {}, reset: function() {}, _ready: function() { this._updateMenu(); }, _preActivate: function() { this.active = true; }, _postActivate: function() { this.on( 'change:menu', this._menu, this ); this.on( 'change:titleMode', this._title, this ); this.on( 'change:content', this._content, this ); this.on( 'change:toolbar', this._toolbar, this ); this.frame.on( 'title:render:default', this._renderTitle, this ); this._title(); this._menu(); this._toolbar(); this._content(); this._router(); }, _deactivate: function() { this.active = false; this.frame.off( 'title:render:default', this._renderTitle, this ); this.off( 'change:menu', this._menu, this ); this.off( 'change:titleMode', this._title, this ); this.off( 'change:content', this._content, this ); this.off( 'change:toolbar', this._toolbar, this ); }, _title: function() { this.frame.title.render( this.get('titleMode') || 'default' ); }, _renderTitle: function( view ) { view.$el.text( this.get('title') || '' ); }, _router: function() { var router = this.frame.router, mode = this.get('router'), view; this.frame.$el.toggleClass( 'hide-router', ! mode ); if ( ! mode ) return; this.frame.router.render( mode ); view = router.get(); if ( view.select ) view.select( this.frame.content.mode() ); }, _menu: function() { var menu = this.frame.menu, mode = this.get('menu'), view; if ( ! mode ) return; menu.mode( mode ); view = menu.get(); if ( view.select ) view.select( this.id ); }, _updateMenu: function() { var previous = this.previous('menu'), menu = this.get('menu'); if ( previous ) this.frame.off( 'menu:render:' + previous, this._renderMenu, this ); if ( menu ) this.frame.on( 'menu:render:' + menu, this._renderMenu, this ); }, _renderMenu: function( view ) { var menuItem = this.get('menuItem'), title = this.get('title'), priority = this.get('priority'); if ( ! menuItem && title ) { menuItem = { text: title }; if ( priority ) menuItem.priority = priority; } if ( ! menuItem ) return; view.set( this.id, menuItem ); } }); _.each(['toolbar','content'], function( region ) { media.controller.State.prototype[ '_' + region ] = function() { var mode = this.get( region ); if ( mode ) this.frame[ region ].render( mode ); }; }); // wp.media.controller.Library // --------------------------- media.controller.Library = media.controller.State.extend({ defaults: { id: 'library', multiple: false, // false, 'add', 'reset' describe: false, toolbar: 'select', sidebar: 'settings', content: 'upload', router: 'browse', searchable: true, filterable: false, sortable: true, title: l10n.mediaLibraryTitle, // Uses a user setting to override the content mode. contentUserSetting: true, // Sync the selection from the last state when 'multiple' matches. syncLastSelection: true }, initialize: function() { if ( ! this.get('selection') ) { this.set( 'selection', new media.model.Selection( null, { multiple: this.get('multiple') }) ); } if ( ! this.get('library') ) this.set( 'library', media.query() ); if ( ! this.get('edge') ) this.set( 'edge', 120 ); if ( ! this.get('gutter') ) this.set( 'gutter', 8 ); this.resetDisplays(); }, activate: function() { if ( this.get('syncLastSelection') ) { this.getLastSelection(); } this._excludeStateLibrary(); this.buildComposite(); this.on( 'change:library change:exclude', this.buildComposite, this ); this.on( 'change:excludeState', this._excludeState, this ); wp.Uploader.queue.on( 'add', this.uploading, this ); this.get('selection').on( 'add remove reset', this.refreshContent, this ); this.on( 'insert', this._insertDisplaySettings, this ); if ( this.get('contentUserSetting') ) { this.frame.on( 'content:activate', this.saveContentMode, this ); this.set( 'content', getUserSetting( 'libraryContent', this.get('content') ) ); } }, deactivate: function() { this.frame.off( 'content:activate', this.saveContentMode, this ); // Unbind all event handlers that use this state as the context // from the selection. this.get('selection').off( null, null, this ); wp.Uploader.queue.off( null, null, this ); this.off( 'change:excludeState', this._excludeState, this ); this.off( 'change:library change:exclude', this.buildComposite, this ); this.destroyComposite(); }, reset: function() { this.get('selection').reset(); this.resetDisplays(); this.refreshContent(); }, resetDisplays: function() { this._displays = []; this._defaultDisplaySettings = { align: getUserSetting( 'align', 'none' ), size: getUserSetting( 'imgsize', 'medium' ), link: getUserSetting( 'urlbutton', 'post' ) }; }, display: function( attachment ) { var displays = this._displays; if ( ! displays[ attachment.cid ] ) displays[ attachment.cid ] = new Backbone.Model( this._defaultDisplaySettings ); return displays[ attachment.cid ]; }, _insertDisplaySettings: function() { var selection = this.get('selection'), display; // If inserting one image, set those display properties as the // default user setting. if ( selection.length !== 1 ) return; display = this.display( selection.first() ).toJSON(); setUserSetting( 'align', display.align ); setUserSetting( 'imgsize', display.size ); setUserSetting( 'urlbutton', display.link ); }, getLastSelection: function() { var selection = this.get('selection'), lastState = this.frame.lastState(), lastSelection = lastState && lastState.get('selection'), lastMultiple, thisMultiple; if ( ! lastSelection ) return; // We don't care about the method of multiple selection the // selections use, just that they both support (or don't support) // multiple selection. lastMultiple = !! lastSelection.multiple; thisMultiple = !! selection.multiple; if ( lastMultiple !== thisMultiple ) return; selection.reset( lastSelection.toArray() ).single( lastSelection.single() ); }, refreshContent: function() { var selection = this.get('selection'), frame = this.frame, router = frame.router, mode = frame.content.mode(); if ( this.active && ! selection.length && ! router.get( mode ) ) this.frame.content.render( this.get('content') ); }, uploading: function( attachment ) { var content = this.frame.content; // If the uploader was selected, navigate to the browser. if ( 'upload' === content.mode() ) this.frame.content.mode('browse'); // If we're in a workflow that supports multiple attachments, // automatically select any uploading attachments. if ( this.get('multiple') ) this.get('selection').add( attachment ); }, saveContentMode: function() { // Only track the browse router on library states. if ( 'browse' !== this.get('router') ) return; var mode = this.frame.content.mode(), view = this.frame.router.get(); if ( view && view.get( mode ) ) setUserSetting( 'libraryContent', mode ); }, buildComposite: function() { var original = this.get('_library'), exclude = this.get('exclude'), composite; this.destroyComposite(); if ( ! this.get('exclude') ) return; // Remember the state's original library. if ( ! original ) this.set( '_library', original = this.get('library') ); // Create a composite library in its place. composite = new media.model.Attachments( null, { props: _.pick( original.props.toJSON(), 'order', 'orderby' ) }); // Accepts attachments that exist in the original library and // that do not exist in the excluded library. composite.validator = function( attachment ) { return !! original.getByCid( attachment.cid ) && ! exclude.getByCid( attachment.cid ); }; composite.mirror( original ).observe( exclude ); this.set( 'library', composite ); }, destroyComposite: function() { var composite = this.get('library'), original = this.get('_library'); if ( ! original ) return; composite.unobserve(); this.set( 'library', original ); this.unset('_library'); }, _excludeState: function() { var current = this.get('excludeState'), previous = this.previous('excludeState'); if ( previous ) this.frame.state( previous ).off( 'change:library', this._excludeStateLibrary, this ); if ( current ) this.frame.state( current ).on( 'change:library', this._excludeStateLibrary, this ); }, _excludeStateLibrary: function() { var current = this.get('excludeState'); if ( ! current ) return; this.set( 'exclude', this.frame.state( current ).get('library') ); } }); // wp.media.controller.GalleryEdit // ------------------------------- media.controller.GalleryEdit = media.controller.Library.extend({ defaults: { id: 'gallery-edit', multiple: false, describe: true, edge: 199, editing: false, sortable: true, searchable: false, toolbar: 'gallery-edit', content: 'browse', title: l10n.editGalleryTitle, priority: 60, dragInfo: true }, initialize: function() { // If we haven't been provided a `library`, create a `Selection`. if ( ! this.get('library') ) this.set( 'library', new media.model.Selection() ); // The single `Attachment` view to be used in the `Attachments` view. if ( ! this.get('AttachmentView') ) this.set( 'AttachmentView', media.view.Attachment.EditLibrary ); media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); }, activate: function() { var library = this.get('library'); // Limit the library to images only. library.props.set( 'type', 'image' ); // Watch for uploaded attachments. this.get('library').observe( wp.Uploader.queue ); this.frame.on( 'content:render:browse', this.gallerySettings, this ); media.controller.Library.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments ); }, deactivate: function() { // Stop watching for uploaded attachments. this.get('library').unobserve( wp.Uploader.queue ); this.frame.off( 'content:render:browse', this.gallerySettings, this ); media.controller.Library.prototype.deactivate.apply( this, arguments ); }, gallerySettings: function( browser ) { var library = this.get('library'); if ( ! library || ! browser ) return; library.gallery = library.gallery || new Backbone.Model(); browser.sidebar.set({ gallery: new media.view.Settings.Gallery({ controller: this, model: library.gallery, priority: 40 }) }); browser.toolbar.set( 'reverse', { text: l10n.reverseOrder, priority: 80, click: function() { library.reset( library.toArray().reverse() ); } }); } }); // wp.media.controller.FeaturedImage // --------------------------------- media.controller.FeaturedImage = media.controller.Library.extend({ defaults: _.defaults({ id: 'featured-image', filterable: 'uploaded', multiple: false, menu: 'main', toolbar: 'featured-image', title: l10n.featuredImageTitle, priority: 60 }, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults ), initialize: function() { var library, comparator; // If we haven't been provided a `library`, create a `Selection`. if ( ! this.get('library') ) this.set( 'library', media.query({ type: 'image' }) ); media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); library = this.get('library'); comparator = library.comparator; // Overload the library's comparator to push items that are not in // the mirrored query to the front of the aggregate collection. library.comparator = function( a, b ) { var aInQuery = !! this.mirroring.getByCid( a.cid ), bInQuery = !! this.mirroring.getByCid( b.cid ); if ( ! aInQuery && bInQuery ) return -1; else if ( aInQuery && ! bInQuery ) return 1; else return comparator.apply( this, arguments ); }; // Add all items in the selection to the library, so any featured // images that are not initially loaded still appear. library.observe( this.get('selection') ); }, activate: function() { var selection = this.get('selection'), id = media.view.settings.post.featuredImageId, attachment; if ( '' !== id && -1 !== id ) { attachment = Attachment.get( id ); attachment.fetch(); } selection.reset( attachment ? [ attachment ] : [] ); media.controller.Library.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments ); } }); // wp.media.controller.Embed // ------------------------- media.controller.Embed = media.controller.State.extend({ defaults: { id: 'embed', url: '', menu: 'main', content: 'embed', toolbar: 'main-embed', type: 'link', title: l10n.fromUrlTitle, priority: 120 }, // The amount of time used when debouncing the scan. sensitivity: 200, initialize: function() { this.debouncedScan = _.debounce( _.bind( this.scan, this ), this.sensitivity ); this.props = new Backbone.Model({ url: '' }); this.props.on( 'change:url', this.debouncedScan, this ); this.props.on( 'change:url', this.refresh, this ); this.on( 'scan', this.scanImage, this ); }, scan: function() { var attributes = { type: 'link' }; this.trigger( 'scan', attributes ); this.set( attributes ); }, scanImage: function( attributes ) { var frame = this.frame, state = this, url = this.props.get('url'), image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { if ( state !== frame.state() || url !== state.props.get('url') ) return; state.set({ type: 'image', width: image.width, height: image.height }); }; image.src = url; }, refresh: function() { this.frame.toolbar.get().refresh(); }, reset: function() { this.props = new Backbone.Model({ url: '' }); if ( this.active ) this.refresh(); } }); /** * ======================================================================== * VIEWS * ======================================================================== */ // wp.media.Views // ------------- // // A subview manager. media.Views = function( view, views ) { this.view = view; this._views = _.isArray( views ) ? { '': views } : views || {}; }; media.Views.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _.extend( media.Views.prototype, { // ### Fetch all of the subviews // // Returns an array of all subviews. all: function() { return _.flatten( this._views ); }, // ### Get a selector's subviews // // Fetches all subviews that match a given `selector`. // // If no `selector` is provided, it will grab all subviews attached // to the view's root. get: function( selector ) { selector = selector || ''; return this._views[ selector ]; }, // ### Get a selector's first subview // // Fetches the first subview that matches a given `selector`. // // If no `selector` is provided, it will grab the first subview // attached to the view's root. // // Useful when a selector only has one subview at a time. first: function( selector ) { var views = this.get( selector ); return views && views.length ? views[0] : null; }, // ### Register subview(s) // // Registers any number of `views` to a `selector`. // // When no `selector` is provided, the root selector (the empty string) // is used. `views` accepts a `Backbone.View` instance or an array of // `Backbone.View` instances. // // --- // // Accepts an `options` object, which has a significant effect on the // resulting behavior. // // `options.silent` – *boolean, `false`* // > If `options.silent` is true, no DOM modifications will be made. // // `options.add` – *boolean, `false`* // > Use `Views.add()` as a shortcut for setting `options.add` to true. // // > By default, the provided `views` will replace // any existing views associated with the selector. If `options.add` // is true, the provided `views` will be added to the existing views. // // `options.at` – *integer, `undefined`* // > When adding, to insert `views` at a specific index, use // `options.at`. By default, `views` are added to the end of the array. set: function( selector, views, options ) { var existing, next; if ( ! _.isString( selector ) ) { options = views; views = selector; selector = ''; } options = options || {}; views = _.isArray( views ) ? views : [ views ]; existing = this.get( selector ); next = views; if ( existing ) { if ( options.add ) { if ( _.isUndefined( options.at ) ) { next = existing.concat( views ); } else { next = existing; next.splice.apply( next, [ options.at, 0 ].concat( views ) ); } } else { _.each( next, function( view ) { view.__detach = true; }); _.each( existing, function( view ) { if ( view.__detach ) view.$el.detach(); else view.dispose(); }); _.each( next, function( view ) { delete view.__detach; }); } } this._views[ selector ] = next; _.each( views, function( subview ) { var constructor = subview.Views || media.Views, subviews = subview.views = subview.views || new constructor( subview ); subviews.parent = this.view; subviews.selector = selector; }, this ); if ( ! options.silent ) this._attach( selector, views, _.extend({ ready: this._isReady() }, options ) ); return this; }, // ### Add subview(s) to existing subviews // // An alias to `Views.set()`, which defaults `options.add` to true. // // Adds any number of `views` to a `selector`. // // When no `selector` is provided, the root selector (the empty string) // is used. `views` accepts a `Backbone.View` instance or an array of // `Backbone.View` instances. // // Use `Views.set()` when setting `options.add` to `false`. // // Accepts an `options` object. By default, provided `views` will be // inserted at the end of the array of existing views. To insert // `views` at a specific index, use `options.at`. If `options.silent` // is true, no DOM modifications will be made. // // For more information on the `options` object, see `Views.set()`. add: function( selector, views, options ) { if ( ! _.isString( selector ) ) { options = views; views = selector; selector = ''; } return this.set( selector, views, _.extend({ add: true }, options ) ); }, // ### Stop tracking subviews // // Stops tracking `views` registered to a `selector`. If no `views` are // set, then all of the `selector`'s subviews will be unregistered and // disposed. // // Accepts an `options` object. If `options.silent` is set, `dispose` // will *not* be triggered on the unregistered views. unset: function( selector, views, options ) { var existing; if ( ! _.isString( selector ) ) { options = views; views = selector; selector = ''; } views = views || []; if ( existing = this.get( selector ) ) { views = _.isArray( views ) ? views : [ views ]; this._views[ selector ] = views.length ? _.difference( existing, views ) : []; } if ( ! options || ! options.silent ) _.invoke( views, 'dispose' ); return this; }, // ### Detach all subviews // // Detaches all subviews from the DOM. // // Helps to preserve all subview events when re-rendering the master // view. Used in conjunction with `Views.render()`. detach: function() { $( _.pluck( this.all(), 'el' ) ).detach(); return this; }, // ### Render all subviews // // Renders all subviews. Used in conjunction with `Views.detach()`. render: function() { var options = { ready: this._isReady() }; _.each( this._views, function( views, selector ) { this._attach( selector, views, options ); }, this ); this.rendered = true; return this; }, // ### Dispose all subviews // // Triggers the `dispose()` method on all subviews. Detaches the master // view from its parent. Resets the internals of the views manager. // // Accepts an `options` object. If `options.silent` is set, `unset` // will *not* be triggered on the master view's parent. dispose: function( options ) { if ( ! options || ! options.silent ) { if ( this.parent && this.parent.views ) this.parent.views.unset( this.selector, this.view, { silent: true }); delete this.parent; delete this.selector; } _.invoke( this.all(), 'dispose' ); this._views = []; return this; }, // ### Replace a selector's subviews // // By default, sets the `$target` selector's html to the subview `els`. // // Can be overridden in subclasses. replace: function( $target, els ) { $target.html( els ); return this; }, // ### Insert subviews into a selector // // By default, appends the subview `els` to the end of the `$target` // selector. If `options.at` is set, inserts the subview `els` at the // provided index. // // Can be overridden in subclasses. insert: function( $target, els, options ) { var at = options && options.at, $children; if ( _.isNumber( at ) && ($children = $target.children()).length > at ) $children.eq( at ).before( els ); else $target.append( els ); return this; }, // ### Trigger the ready event // // **Only use this method if you know what you're doing.** // For performance reasons, this method does not check if the view is // actually attached to the DOM. It's taking your word for it. // // Fires the ready event on the current view and all attached subviews. ready: function() { this.view.trigger('ready'); // Find all attached subviews, and call ready on them. _.chain( this.all() ).map( function( view ) { return view.views; }).flatten().where({ attached: true }).invoke('ready'); }, // #### Internal. Attaches a series of views to a selector. // // Checks to see if a matching selector exists, renders the views, // performs the proper DOM operation, and then checks if the view is // attached to the document. _attach: function( selector, views, options ) { var $selector = selector ? this.view.$( selector ) : this.view.$el, managers; // Check if we found a location to attach the views. if ( ! $selector.length ) return this; managers = _.chain( views ).pluck('views').flatten().value(); // Render the views if necessary. _.each( managers, function( manager ) { if ( manager.rendered ) return; manager.view.render(); manager.rendered = true; }, this ); // Insert or replace the views. this[ options.add ? 'insert' : 'replace' ]( $selector, _.pluck( views, 'el' ), options ); // Set attached and trigger ready if the current view is already // attached to the DOM. _.each( managers, function( manager ) { manager.attached = true; if ( options.ready ) manager.ready(); }, this ); return this; }, // #### Internal. Checks if the current view is in the DOM. _isReady: function() { var node = this.view.el; while ( node ) { if ( node === document.body ) return true; node = node.parentNode; } return false; } }); // wp.media.View // ------------- // // The base view class. media.View = Backbone.View.extend({ // The constructor for the `Views` manager. Views: media.Views, constructor: function( options ) { this.views = new this.Views( this, this.views ); this.on( 'ready', this.ready, this ); if ( options && options.controller ) this.controller = options.controller; Backbone.View.apply( this, arguments ); }, dispose: function() { // Undelegating events, removing events from the model, and // removing events from the controller mirror the code for // `Backbone.View.dispose` in Backbone master. this.undelegateEvents(); if ( this.model && this.model.off ) this.model.off( null, null, this ); if ( this.collection && this.collection.off ) this.collection.off( null, null, this ); // Unbind controller events. if ( this.controller && this.controller.off ) this.controller.off( null, null, this ); // Recursively dispose child views. if ( this.views ) this.views.dispose(); return this; }, remove: function() { this.dispose(); return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply( this, arguments ); }, render: function() { var options; if ( this.prepare ) options = this.prepare(); this.views.detach(); if ( this.template ) { options = options || {}; this.trigger( 'prepare', options ); this.$el.html( this.template( options ) ); } this.views.render(); return this; }, prepare: function() { return this.options; }, ready: function() {} }); /** * wp.media.view.Frame */ media.view.Frame = media.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this._createRegions(); this._createStates(); }, _createRegions: function() { // Clone the regions array. this.regions = this.regions ? this.regions.slice() : []; // Initialize regions. _.each( this.regions, function( region ) { this[ region ] = new media.controller.Region({ view: this, id: region, selector: '.media-frame-' + region }); }, this ); }, _createStates: function() { // Create the default `states` collection. this.states = new Backbone.Collection( null, { model: media.controller.State }); // Ensure states have a reference to the frame. this.states.on( 'add', function( model ) { model.frame = this; model.trigger('ready'); }, this ); }, reset: function() { this.states.invoke( 'trigger', 'reset' ); return this; } }); // Make the `Frame` a `StateMachine`. _.extend( media.view.Frame.prototype, media.controller.StateMachine.prototype ); /** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame */ media.view.MediaFrame = media.view.Frame.extend({ className: 'media-frame', template: media.template('media-frame'), regions: ['menu','title','content','toolbar','router'], initialize: function() { media.view.Frame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); _.defaults( this.options, { title: '', modal: true, uploader: true }); // Ensure core UI is enabled. this.$el.addClass('wp-core-ui'); // Initialize modal container view. if ( this.options.modal ) { this.modal = new media.view.Modal({ controller: this, title: this.options.title }); this.modal.content( this ); } // Force the uploader off if the upload limit has been exceeded or // if the browser isn't supported. if ( wp.Uploader.limitExceeded || ! wp.Uploader.browser.supported ) this.options.uploader = false; // Initialize window-wide uploader. if ( this.options.uploader ) { this.uploader = new media.view.UploaderWindow({ controller: this, uploader: { dropzone: this.modal ? this.modal.$el : this.$el, container: this.$el } }); this.views.set( '.media-frame-uploader', this.uploader ); } this.on( 'attach', _.bind( this.views.ready, this.views ), this ); // Bind default title creation. this.on( 'title:create:default', this.createTitle, this ); this.title.mode('default'); }, render: function() { // Activate the default state if no active state exists. if ( ! this.state() && this.options.state ) this.setState( this.options.state ); return media.view.Frame.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments ); }, createTitle: function( title ) { title.view = new media.View({ controller: this, tagName: 'h1' }); }, createMenu: function( menu ) { menu.view = new media.view.Menu({ controller: this }); }, createToolbar: function( toolbar ) { toolbar.view = new media.view.Toolbar({ controller: this }); }, createRouter: function( router ) { router.view = new media.view.Router({ controller: this }); }, createIframeStates: function( options ) { var settings = media.view.settings, tabs = settings.tabs, tabUrl = settings.tabUrl, $postId; if ( ! tabs || ! tabUrl ) return; // Add the post ID to the tab URL if it exists. $postId = $('#post_ID'); if ( $postId.length ) tabUrl += '&post_id=' + $postId.val(); // Generate the tab states. _.each( tabs, function( title, id ) { var frame = this.state( 'iframe:' + id ).set( _.defaults({ tab: id, src: tabUrl + '&tab=' + id, title: title, content: 'iframe', menu: 'main' }, options ) ); }, this ); this.on( 'content:create:iframe', this.iframeContent, this ); this.on( 'menu:render:main', this.iframeMenu, this ); this.on( 'open', this.hijackThickbox, this ); this.on( 'close', this.restoreThickbox, this ); }, iframeContent: function( content ) { this.$el.addClass('hide-toolbar'); content.view = new media.view.Iframe({ controller: this }); }, iframeMenu: function( view ) { var views = {}; if ( ! view ) return; _.each( media.view.settings.tabs, function( title, id ) { views[ 'iframe:' + id ] = { text: this.state( 'iframe:' + id ).get('title'), priority: 200 }; }, this ); view.set( views ); }, hijackThickbox: function() { var frame = this; if ( ! window.tb_remove || this._tb_remove ) return; this._tb_remove = window.tb_remove; window.tb_remove = function() { frame.close(); frame.reset(); frame.setState( frame.options.state ); frame._tb_remove.call( window ); }; }, restoreThickbox: function() { if ( ! this._tb_remove ) return; window.tb_remove = this._tb_remove; delete this._tb_remove; } }); // Map some of the modal's methods to the frame. _.each(['open','close','attach','detach','escape'], function( method ) { media.view.MediaFrame.prototype[ method ] = function( view ) { if ( this.modal ) this.modal[ method ].apply( this.modal, arguments ); return this; }; }); /** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select */ media.view.MediaFrame.Select = media.view.MediaFrame.extend({ initialize: function() { media.view.MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); _.defaults( this.options, { selection: [], library: {}, multiple: false, state: 'library' }); this.createSelection(); this.createStates(); this.bindHandlers(); }, createSelection: function() { var controller = this, selection = this.options.selection; if ( ! (selection instanceof media.model.Selection) ) { this.options.selection = new media.model.Selection( selection, { multiple: this.options.multiple }); } }, createStates: function() { var options = this.options; // Add the default states. this.states.add([ // Main states. new media.controller.Library({ selection: options.selection, library: media.query( options.library ), multiple: options.multiple, menu: 'main', title: options.title, priority: 20 }) ]); }, bindHandlers: function() { this.on( 'menu:create:main', this.createMenu, this ); this.on( 'router:create:browse', this.createRouter, this ); this.on( 'router:render:browse', this.browseRouter, this ); this.on( 'content:create:browse', this.browseContent, this ); this.on( 'content:render:upload', this.uploadContent, this ); this.on( 'toolbar:create:select', this.createSelectToolbar, this ); }, // Routers browseRouter: function( view ) { view.set({ upload: { text: l10n.uploadFilesTitle, priority: 20 }, browse: { text: l10n.mediaLibraryTitle, priority: 40 } }); }, // Content browseContent: function( content ) { var state = this.state(); this.$el.removeClass('hide-toolbar'); // Browse our library of attachments. content.view = new media.view.AttachmentsBrowser({ controller: this, collection: state.get('library'), selection: state.get('selection'), model: state, sortable: state.get('sortable'), search: state.get('searchable'), filters: state.get('filterable'), display: state.get('displaySettings'), dragInfo: state.get('dragInfo'), AttachmentView: state.get('AttachmentView') }); }, uploadContent: function() { this.$el.removeClass('hide-toolbar'); this.content.set( new media.view.UploaderInline({ controller: this }) ); }, // Toolbars createSelectToolbar: function( toolbar, options ) { options = options || this.options.button || {}; options.controller = this; toolbar.view = new media.view.Toolbar.Select( options ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post */ media.view.MediaFrame.Post = media.view.MediaFrame.Select.extend({ initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { multiple: true, editing: false, state: 'insert' }); media.view.MediaFrame.Select.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); this.createIframeStates(); }, createStates: function() { var options = this.options, selection = options.selection; // Add the default states. this.states.add([ // Main states. new media.controller.Library({ id: 'insert', title: l10n.insertMediaTitle, priority: 20, menu: 'main', toolbar: 'main-insert', filterable: 'all', library: media.query( options.library ), selection: selection, multiple: options.multiple ? 'reset' : false, editable: true, // Show the attachment display settings. displaySettings: true, // Update user settings when users adjust the // attachment display settings. displayUserSettings: true }), new media.controller.Library({ id: 'gallery', title: l10n.createGalleryTitle, priority: 40, menu: 'main', toolbar: 'main-gallery', filterable: 'uploaded', multiple: 'add', editable: false, library: media.query( _.defaults({ type: 'image' }, options.library ) ), selection: new media.model.Selection( selection.models, { multiple: 'add' }) }), // Embed states. new media.controller.Embed(), // Gallery states. new media.controller.GalleryEdit({ library: options.selection, editing: options.editing, menu: 'gallery' }), new media.controller.Library({ id: 'gallery-library', library: media.query({ type: 'image' }), filterable: 'uploaded', multiple: 'add', menu: 'gallery', toolbar: 'gallery-add', excludeState: 'gallery-edit', title: l10n.addToGalleryTitle, priority: 100 }) ]); if ( media.view.settings.post.featuredImageId ) { this.states.add( new media.controller.FeaturedImage({ controller: this, menu: 'main' }) ); } }, bindHandlers: function() { media.view.MediaFrame.Select.prototype.bindHandlers.apply( this, arguments ); this.on( 'menu:create:gallery', this.createMenu, this ); this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-insert', this.createToolbar, this ); this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-gallery', this.createToolbar, this ); this.on( 'toolbar:create:featured-image', this.featuredImageToolbar, this ); this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-embed', this.mainEmbedToolbar, this ); var handlers = { menu: { 'main': 'mainMenu', 'gallery': 'galleryMenu' }, content: { 'embed': 'embedContent', 'edit-selection': 'editSelectionContent' }, toolbar: { 'main-insert': 'mainInsertToolbar', 'main-gallery': 'mainGalleryToolbar', 'gallery-edit': 'galleryEditToolbar', 'gallery-add': 'galleryAddToolbar' } }; _.each( handlers, function( regionHandlers, region ) { _.each( regionHandlers, function( callback, handler ) { this.on( region + ':render:' + handler, this[ callback ], this ); }, this ); }, this ); }, // Menus mainMenu: function( view ) { view.set({ 'library-separator': new media.View({ className: 'separator', priority: 100 }) }); }, galleryMenu: function( view ) { var lastState = this.lastState(), previous = lastState && lastState.id, frame = this; view.set({ cancel: { text: l10n.cancelGalleryTitle, priority: 20, click: function() { if ( previous ) frame.setState( previous ); else frame.close(); } }, separateCancel: new media.View({ className: 'separator', priority: 40 }) }); }, // Content embedContent: function() { var view = new media.view.Embed({ controller: this, model: this.state() }).render(); this.content.set( view ); view.url.focus(); }, editSelectionContent: function() { var state = this.state(), selection = state.get('selection'), view; view = new media.view.AttachmentsBrowser({ controller: this, collection: selection, selection: selection, model: state, sortable: true, search: false, dragInfo: true, AttachmentView: media.view.Attachment.EditSelection }).render(); view.toolbar.set( 'backToLibrary', { text: l10n.returnToLibrary, priority: -100, click: function() { this.controller.content.mode('browse'); } }); // Browse our library of attachments. this.content.set( view ); }, // Toolbars selectionStatusToolbar: function( view ) { var editable = this.state().get('editable'); view.set( 'selection', new media.view.Selection({ controller: this, collection: this.state().get('selection'), priority: -40, // If the selection is editable, pass the callback to // switch the content mode. editable: editable && function() { this.controller.content.mode('edit-selection'); } }).render() ); }, mainInsertToolbar: function( view ) { var controller = this; this.selectionStatusToolbar( view ); view.set( 'insert', { style: 'primary', priority: 80, text: l10n.insertIntoPost, requires: { selection: true }, click: function() { var state = controller.state(), selection = state.get('selection'); controller.close(); state.trigger( 'insert', selection ).reset(); } }); }, mainGalleryToolbar: function( view ) { var controller = this; this.selectionStatusToolbar( view ); view.set( 'gallery', { style: 'primary', text: l10n.createNewGallery, priority: 60, requires: { selection: true }, click: function() { var selection = controller.state().get('selection'), edit = controller.state('gallery-edit'), models = selection.where({ type: 'image' }); edit.set( 'library', new media.model.Selection( models, { props: selection.props.toJSON(), multiple: true }) ); this.controller.setState('gallery-edit'); } }); }, featuredImageToolbar: function( toolbar ) { this.createSelectToolbar( toolbar, { text: l10n.setFeaturedImage, state: this.options.state || 'upload' }); }, mainEmbedToolbar: function( toolbar ) { toolbar.view = new media.view.Toolbar.Embed({ controller: this }); }, galleryEditToolbar: function() { var editing = this.state().get('editing'); this.toolbar.set( new media.view.Toolbar({ controller: this, items: { insert: { style: 'primary', text: editing ? l10n.updateGallery : l10n.insertGallery, priority: 80, requires: { library: true }, click: function() { var controller = this.controller, state = controller.state(); controller.close(); state.trigger( 'update', state.get('library') ); controller.reset(); // @todo: Make the state activated dynamic (instead of hardcoded). controller.setState('upload'); } } } }) ); }, galleryAddToolbar: function() { this.toolbar.set( new media.view.Toolbar({ controller: this, items: { insert: { style: 'primary', text: l10n.addToGallery, priority: 80, click: function() { var controller = this.controller, state = controller.state(), edit = controller.state('gallery-edit'); edit.get('library').add( state.get('selection').models ); state.trigger('reset'); controller.setState('gallery-edit'); } } } }) ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Modal */ media.view.Modal = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', template: media.template('media-modal'), attributes: { tabindex: 0 }, events: { 'click .media-modal-backdrop, .media-modal-close': 'escapeHandler', 'keydown': 'keydown' }, initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { container: document.body, title: '', propagate: true, freeze: document.body }); }, prepare: function() { return { title: this.options.title }; }, attach: function() { if ( this.views.attached ) return this; if ( ! this.views.rendered ) this.render(); this.$el.appendTo( this.options.container ); // Manually mark the view as attached and trigger ready. this.views.attached = true; this.views.ready(); return this.propagate('attach'); }, detach: function() { if ( this.$el.is(':visible') ) this.close(); this.$el.detach(); this.views.attached = false; return this.propagate('detach'); }, open: function() { var $el = this.$el, options = this.options, $freeze; if ( $el.is(':visible') ) return this; if ( ! this.views.attached ) this.attach(); // If the `freeze` option is set, record the window's scroll // position and the body's overflow, and then set overflow to hidden. if ( options.freeze ) { $freeze = $( options.freeze ); this._freeze = { overflow: $freeze.css('overflow'), scrollTop: $( window ).scrollTop() }; $freeze.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); } $el.show().focus(); return this.propagate('open'); }, close: function( options ) { var freeze = this._freeze; if ( ! this.views.attached || ! this.$el.is(':visible') ) return this; this.$el.hide(); this.propagate('close'); // If the `freeze` option is set, restore the container's scroll // position and overflow property. if ( freeze ) { $( this.options.freeze ).css( 'overflow', freeze.overflow ); $( window ).scrollTop( freeze.scrollTop ); } if ( options && options.escape ) this.propagate('escape'); return this; }, escape: function() { return this.close({ escape: true }); }, escapeHandler: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); this.escape(); }, content: function( content ) { this.views.set( '.media-modal-content', content ); return this; }, // Triggers a modal event and if the `propagate` option is set, // forwards events to the modal's controller. propagate: function( id ) { this.trigger( id ); if ( this.options.propagate ) this.controller.trigger( id ); return this; }, keydown: function( event ) { // Close the modal when escape is pressed. if ( 27 === event.which ) { event.preventDefault(); this.escape(); return; } } }); // wp.media.view.UploaderWindow // ---------------------------- media.view.UploaderWindow = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'uploader-window', template: media.template('uploader-window'), initialize: function() { var uploader; this.$browser = $('').hide().appendTo('body'); uploader = this.options.uploader = _.defaults( this.options.uploader || {}, { dropzone: this.$el, browser: this.$browser, params: {} }); // Ensure the dropzone is a jQuery collection. if ( uploader.dropzone && ! (uploader.dropzone instanceof $) ) uploader.dropzone = $( uploader.dropzone ); this.controller.on( 'activate', this.refresh, this ); }, refresh: function() { if ( this.uploader ) this.uploader.refresh(); }, ready: function() { var postId = media.view.settings.post.id, dropzone; // If the uploader already exists, bail. if ( this.uploader ) return; if ( postId ) this.options.uploader.params.post_id = postId; this.uploader = new wp.Uploader( this.options.uploader ); dropzone = this.uploader.dropzone; dropzone.on( 'dropzone:enter', _.bind( this.show, this ) ); dropzone.on( 'dropzone:leave', _.bind( this.hide, this ) ); }, show: function() { var $el = this.$el.show(); // Ensure that the animation is triggered by waiting until // the transparent element is painted into the DOM. _.defer( function() { $el.css({ opacity: 1 }); }); }, hide: function() { var $el = this.$el.css({ opacity: 0 }); media.transition( $el ).done( function() { // Transition end events are subject to race conditions. // Make sure that the value is set as intended. if ( '0' === $el.css('opacity') ) $el.hide(); }); } }); media.view.UploaderInline = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'uploader-inline', template: media.template('uploader-inline'), initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { message: '', status: true }); if ( ! this.options.$browser && this.controller.uploader ) this.options.$browser = this.controller.uploader.$browser; if ( _.isUndefined( this.options.postId ) ) this.options.postId = media.view.settings.post.id; if ( this.options.status ) { this.views.set( '.upload-inline-status', new media.view.UploaderStatus({ controller: this.controller }) ); } }, ready: function() { var $browser = this.options.$browser, $placeholder; if ( this.controller.uploader ) { $placeholder = this.$('.browser'); // Check if we've already replaced the placeholder. if ( $placeholder[0] === $browser[0] ) return; $browser.detach().text( $placeholder.text() ); $browser[0].className = $placeholder[0].className; $placeholder.replaceWith( $browser.show() ); } return this; } }); /** * wp.media.view.UploaderStatus */ media.view.UploaderStatus = media.View.extend({ className: 'media-uploader-status', template: media.template('uploader-status'), events: { 'click .upload-dismiss-errors': 'dismiss' }, initialize: function() { this.queue = wp.Uploader.queue; this.queue.on( 'add remove reset', this.visibility, this ); this.queue.on( 'add remove reset change:percent', this.progress, this ); this.queue.on( 'add remove reset change:uploading', this.info, this ); this.errors = wp.Uploader.errors; this.errors.reset(); this.errors.on( 'add remove reset', this.visibility, this ); this.errors.on( 'add', this.error, this ); }, dispose: function() { wp.Uploader.queue.off( null, null, this ); media.View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments ); return this; }, visibility: function() { this.$el.toggleClass( 'uploading', !! this.queue.length ); this.$el.toggleClass( 'errors', !! this.errors.length ); this.$el.toggle( !! this.queue.length || !! this.errors.length ); }, ready: function() { _.each({ '$bar': '.media-progress-bar div', '$index': '.upload-index', '$total': '.upload-total', '$filename': '.upload-filename' }, function( selector, key ) { this[ key ] = this.$( selector ); }, this ); this.visibility(); this.progress(); this.info(); }, progress: function() { var queue = this.queue, $bar = this.$bar, memo = 0; if ( ! $bar || ! queue.length ) return; $bar.width( ( queue.reduce( function( memo, attachment ) { if ( ! attachment.get('uploading') ) return memo + 100; var percent = attachment.get('percent'); return memo + ( _.isNumber( percent ) ? percent : 100 ); }, 0 ) / queue.length ) + '%' ); }, info: function() { var queue = this.queue, index = 0, active; if ( ! queue.length ) return; active = this.queue.find( function( attachment, i ) { index = i; return attachment.get('uploading'); }); this.$index.text( index + 1 ); this.$total.text( queue.length ); this.$filename.html( active ? this.filename( active.get('filename') ) : '' ); }, filename: function( filename ) { return media.truncate( _.escape( filename ), 24 ); }, error: function( error ) { this.views.add( '.upload-errors', new media.view.UploaderStatusError({ filename: this.filename( error.get('file').name ), message: error.get('message') }), { at: 0 }); }, dismiss: function( event ) { var errors = this.views.get('.upload-errors'); event.preventDefault(); if ( errors ) _.invoke( errors, 'remove' ); wp.Uploader.errors.reset(); } }); media.view.UploaderStatusError = media.View.extend({ className: 'upload-error', template: media.template('uploader-status-error') }); /** * wp.media.view.Toolbar */ media.view.Toolbar = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'media-toolbar', initialize: function() { var state = this.controller.state(), selection = this.selection = state.get('selection'), library = this.library = state.get('library'); this._views = {}; // The toolbar is composed of two `PriorityList` views. this.primary = new media.view.PriorityList(); this.secondary = new media.view.PriorityList(); this.primary.$el.addClass('media-toolbar-primary'); this.secondary.$el.addClass('media-toolbar-secondary'); this.views.set([ this.secondary, this.primary ]); if ( this.options.items ) this.set( this.options.items, { silent: true }); if ( ! this.options.silent ) this.render(); if ( selection ) selection.on( 'add remove reset', this.refresh, this ); if ( library ) library.on( 'add remove reset', this.refresh, this ); }, dispose: function() { if ( this.selection ) this.selection.off( null, null, this ); if ( this.library ) this.library.off( null, null, this ); return media.View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments ); }, ready: function() { this.refresh(); }, set: function( id, view, options ) { var list; options = options || {}; // Accept an object with an `id` : `view` mapping. if ( _.isObject( id ) ) { _.each( id, function( view, id ) { this.set( id, view, { silent: true }); }, this ); } else { if ( ! ( view instanceof Backbone.View ) ) { view.classes = [ 'media-button-' + id ].concat( view.classes || [] ); view = new media.view.Button( view ).render(); } view.controller = view.controller || this.controller; this._views[ id ] = view; list = view.options.priority < 0 ? 'secondary' : 'primary'; this[ list ].set( id, view, options ); } if ( ! options.silent ) this.refresh(); return this; }, get: function( id ) { return this._views[ id ]; }, unset: function( id, options ) { delete this._views[ id ]; this.primary.unset( id, options ); this.secondary.unset( id, options ); if ( ! options || ! options.silent ) this.refresh(); return this; }, refresh: function() { var state = this.controller.state(), library = state.get('library'), selection = state.get('selection'); _.each( this._views, function( button ) { if ( ! button.model || ! button.options || ! button.options.requires ) return; var requires = button.options.requires, disabled = false; if ( requires.selection && selection && ! selection.length ) disabled = true; else if ( requires.library && library && ! library.length ) disabled = true; button.model.set( 'disabled', disabled ); }); } }); // wp.media.view.Toolbar.Select // ---------------------------- media.view.Toolbar.Select = media.view.Toolbar.extend({ initialize: function() { var options = this.options, controller = options.controller, selection = controller.state().get('selection'); _.bindAll( this, 'clickSelect' ); _.defaults( options, { event: 'select', state: false, reset: true, close: true, text: l10n.select, // Does the button rely on the selection? requires: { selection: true } }); options.items = _.defaults( options.items || {}, { select: { style: 'primary', text: options.text, priority: 80, click: this.clickSelect, requires: options.requires } }); media.view.Toolbar.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); }, clickSelect: function() { var options = this.options, controller = this.controller; if ( options.close ) controller.close(); if ( options.event ) controller.state().trigger( options.event ); if ( options.reset ) controller.reset(); if ( options.state ) controller.setState( options.state ); } }); // wp.media.view.Toolbar.Embed // --------------------------- media.view.Toolbar.Embed = media.view.Toolbar.Select.extend({ initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { text: l10n.insertIntoPost, requires: false }); media.view.Toolbar.Select.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); }, refresh: function() { var url = this.controller.state().props.get('url'); this.get('select').model.set( 'disabled', ! url || /^https?:\/\/$/.test(url) ); media.view.Toolbar.Select.prototype.refresh.apply( this, arguments ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Button */ media.view.Button = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'a', className: 'media-button', attributes: { href: '#' }, events: { 'click': 'click' }, defaults: { text: '', style: '', size: 'large', disabled: false }, initialize: function() { // Create a model with the provided `defaults`. this.model = new Backbone.Model( this.defaults ); // If any of the `options` have a key from `defaults`, apply its // value to the `model` and remove it from the `options object. _.each( this.defaults, function( def, key ) { var value = this.options[ key ]; if ( _.isUndefined( value ) ) return; this.model.set( key, value ); delete this.options[ key ]; }, this ); this.model.on( 'change', this.render, this ); }, render: function() { var classes = [ 'button', this.className ], model = this.model.toJSON(); if ( model.style ) classes.push( 'button-' + model.style ); if ( model.size ) classes.push( 'button-' + model.size ); classes = _.uniq( classes.concat( this.options.classes ) ); this.el.className = classes.join(' '); this.$el.attr( 'disabled', model.disabled ); this.$el.text( this.model.get('text') ); return this; }, click: function( event ) { if ( '#' === this.attributes.href ) event.preventDefault(); if ( this.options.click && ! this.model.get('disabled') ) this.options.click.apply( this, arguments ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.ButtonGroup */ media.view.ButtonGroup = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'button-group button-large media-button-group', initialize: function() { this.buttons = _.map( this.options.buttons || [], function( button ) { if ( button instanceof Backbone.View ) return button; else return new media.view.Button( button ).render(); }); delete this.options.buttons; if ( this.options.classes ) this.$el.addClass( this.options.classes ); }, render: function() { this.$el.html( $( _.pluck( this.buttons, 'el' ) ).detach() ); return this; } }); /** * wp.media.view.PriorityList */ media.view.PriorityList = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', initialize: function() { this._views = {}; this.set( _.extend( {}, this._views, this.options.views ), { silent: true }); delete this.options.views; if ( ! this.options.silent ) this.render(); }, set: function( id, view, options ) { var priority, views, index; options = options || {}; // Accept an object with an `id` : `view` mapping. if ( _.isObject( id ) ) { _.each( id, function( view, id ) { this.set( id, view ); }, this ); return this; } if ( ! (view instanceof Backbone.View) ) view = this.toView( view, id, options ); view.controller = view.controller || this.controller; this.unset( id ); priority = view.options.priority || 10; views = this.views.get() || []; _.find( views, function( existing, i ) { if ( existing.options.priority > priority ) { index = i; return true; } }); this._views[ id ] = view; this.views.add( view, { at: _.isNumber( index ) ? index : views.length || 0 }); return this; }, get: function( id ) { return this._views[ id ]; }, unset: function( id ) { var view = this.get( id ); if ( view ) view.remove(); delete this._views[ id ]; return this; }, toView: function( options ) { return new media.View( options ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.MenuItem */ media.view.MenuItem = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'a', className: 'media-menu-item', attributes: { href: '#' }, events: { 'click': '_click' }, _click: function( event ) { var clickOverride = this.options.click; if ( event ) event.preventDefault(); if ( clickOverride ) clickOverride.call( this ); else this.click(); }, click: function() { var state = this.options.state; if ( state ) this.controller.setState( state ); }, render: function() { var options = this.options; if ( options.text ) this.$el.text( options.text ); else if ( options.html ) this.$el.html( options.html ); return this; } }); /** * wp.media.view.Menu */ media.view.Menu = media.view.PriorityList.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'media-menu', property: 'state', ItemView: media.view.MenuItem, region: 'menu', toView: function( options, id ) { options = options || {}; options[ this.property ] = options[ this.property ] || id; return new this.ItemView( options ).render(); }, ready: function() { media.view.PriorityList.prototype.ready.apply( this, arguments ); this.visibility(); }, set: function() { media.view.PriorityList.prototype.set.apply( this, arguments ); this.visibility(); }, unset: function() { media.view.PriorityList.prototype.unset.apply( this, arguments ); this.visibility(); }, visibility: function() { var region = this.region, view = this.controller[ region ].get(), views = this.views.get(), hide = ! views || views.length < 2; if ( this === view ) this.controller.$el.toggleClass( 'hide-' + region, hide ); }, select: function( id ) { var view = this.get( id ); if ( ! view ) return; this.deselect(); view.$el.addClass('active'); }, deselect: function() { this.$el.children().removeClass('active'); } }); /** * wp.media.view.RouterItem */ media.view.RouterItem = media.view.MenuItem.extend({ click: function() { var contentMode = this.options.contentMode; if ( contentMode ) this.controller.content.mode( contentMode ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Router */ media.view.Router = media.view.Menu.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'media-router', property: 'contentMode', ItemView: media.view.RouterItem, region: 'router', initialize: function() { this.controller.on( 'content:render', this.update, this ); media.view.Menu.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); }, update: function() { var mode = this.controller.content.mode(); if ( mode ) this.select( mode ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Sidebar */ media.view.Sidebar = media.view.PriorityList.extend({ className: 'media-sidebar' }); /** * wp.media.view.Attachment */ media.view.Attachment = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', className: 'attachment', template: media.template('attachment'), events: { 'click .attachment-preview': 'toggleSelectionHandler', 'change [data-setting]': 'updateSetting', 'change [data-setting] input': 'updateSetting', 'change [data-setting] select': 'updateSetting', 'change [data-setting] textarea': 'updateSetting', 'click .close': 'removeFromLibrary', 'click .check': 'removeFromSelection', 'click a': 'preventDefault' }, buttons: {}, initialize: function() { var selection = this.options.selection; this.model.on( 'change:sizes change:uploading change:caption change:title', this.render, this ); this.model.on( 'change:percent', this.progress, this ); // Update the selection. this.model.on( 'add', this.select, this ); this.model.on( 'remove', this.deselect, this ); if ( selection ) selection.on( 'reset', this.updateSelect, this ); // Update the model's details view. this.model.on( 'selection:single selection:unsingle', this.details, this ); this.details( this.model, this.controller.state().get('selection') ); }, dispose: function() { var selection = this.options.selection; // Make sure all settings are saved before removing the view. this.updateAll(); if ( selection ) selection.off( null, null, this ); media.View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments ); return this; }, render: function() { var attachment = this.model.toJSON(), options = _.defaults( this.model.toJSON(), { orientation: 'landscape', uploading: false, type: '', subtype: '', icon: '', filename: '', caption: '', title: '', dateFormatted: '', width: '', height: '', compat: false, alt: '' }); options.buttons = this.buttons; options.describe = this.controller.state().get('describe'); if ( 'image' === options.type ) options.size = this.imageSize(); this.views.detach(); this.$el.html( this.template( options ) ); this.$el.toggleClass( 'uploading', options.uploading ); if ( options.uploading ) this.$bar = this.$('.media-progress-bar div'); else delete this.$bar; // Check if the model is selected. this.updateSelect(); // Update the save status. this.updateSave(); this.views.render(); return this; }, progress: function() { if ( this.$bar && this.$bar.length ) this.$bar.width( this.model.get('percent') + '%' ); }, toggleSelectionHandler: function( event ) { var method; if ( event.shiftKey ) method = 'between'; else if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) method = 'toggle'; this.toggleSelection({ method: method }); }, toggleSelection: function( options ) { var collection = this.collection, selection = this.options.selection, model = this.model, method = options && options.method, single, between, models, singleIndex, modelIndex; if ( ! selection ) return; single = selection.single(); method = _.isUndefined( method ) ? selection.multiple : method; // If the `method` is set to `between`, select all models that // exist between the current and the selected model. if ( 'between' === method && single && selection.multiple ) { // If the models are the same, short-circuit. if ( single === model ) return; singleIndex = collection.indexOf( single ); modelIndex = collection.indexOf( this.model ); if ( singleIndex < modelIndex ) models = collection.models.slice( singleIndex, modelIndex + 1 ); else models = collection.models.slice( modelIndex, singleIndex + 1 ); selection.add( models ).single( model ); return; // If the `method` is set to `toggle`, just flip the selection // status, regardless of whether the model is the single model. } else if ( 'toggle' === method ) { selection[ this.selected() ? 'remove' : 'add' ]( model ).single( model ); return; } if ( method !== 'add' ) method = 'reset'; if ( this.selected() ) { // If the model is the single model, remove it. // If it is not the same as the single model, // it now becomes the single model. selection[ single === model ? 'remove' : 'single' ]( model ); } else { // If the model is not selected, run the `method` on the // selection. By default, we `reset` the selection, but the // `method` can be set to `add` the model to the selection. selection[ method ]( model ).single( model ); } }, updateSelect: function() { this[ this.selected() ? 'select' : 'deselect' ](); }, selected: function() { var selection = this.options.selection; if ( selection ) return !! selection.getByCid( this.model.cid ); }, select: function( model, collection ) { var selection = this.options.selection; // Check if a selection exists and if it's the collection provided. // If they're not the same collection, bail; we're in another // selection's event loop. if ( ! selection || ( collection && collection !== selection ) ) return; this.$el.addClass('selected'); }, deselect: function( model, collection ) { var selection = this.options.selection; // Check if a selection exists and if it's the collection provided. // If they're not the same collection, bail; we're in another // selection's event loop. if ( ! selection || ( collection && collection !== selection ) ) return; this.$el.removeClass('selected'); }, details: function( model, collection ) { var selection = this.options.selection, details; if ( selection !== collection ) return; details = selection.single(); this.$el.toggleClass( 'details', details === this.model ); }, preventDefault: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }, imageSize: function( size ) { var sizes = this.model.get('sizes'); size = size || 'medium'; // Use the provided image size if possible. if ( sizes && sizes[ size ] ) { return _.clone( sizes[ size ] ); } else { return { url: this.model.get('url'), width: this.model.get('width'), height: this.model.get('height'), orientation: this.model.get('orientation') }; } }, updateSetting: function( event ) { var $setting = $( event.target ).closest('[data-setting]'), setting, value; if ( ! $setting.length ) return; setting = $setting.data('setting'); value = event.target.value; if ( this.model.get( setting ) !== value ) this.save( setting, value ); }, // Pass all the arguments to the model's save method. // // Records the aggregate status of all save requests and updates the // view's classes accordingly. save: function() { var view = this, save = this._save = this._save || { status: 'ready' }, request = this.model.save.apply( this.model, arguments ), requests = save.requests ? $.when( request, save.requests ) : request; // If we're waiting to remove 'Saved.', stop. if ( save.savedTimer ) clearTimeout( save.savedTimer ); this.updateSave('waiting'); save.requests = requests; requests.done( function() { // If we've performed another request since this one, bail. if ( save.requests !== requests ) return; view.updateSave('complete'); save.savedTimer = setTimeout( function() { view.updateSave('ready'); delete save.savedTimer; }, 2000 ); }); }, updateSave: function( status ) { var save = this._save = this._save || { status: 'ready' }; if ( status && status !== save.status ) { this.$el.removeClass( 'save-' + save.status ); save.status = status; } this.$el.addClass( 'save-' + save.status ); return this; }, updateAll: function() { var $settings = this.$('[data-setting]'), model = this.model, changed; changed = _.chain( $settings ).map( function( el ) { var $input = $('input, textarea, select, [value]', el ), setting, value; if ( ! $input.length ) return; setting = $(el).data('setting'); value = $input.val(); // Record the value if it changed. if ( model.get( setting ) !== value ) return [ setting, value ]; }).compact().object().value(); if ( ! _.isEmpty( changed ) ) model.save( changed ); }, removeFromLibrary: function( event ) { // Stop propagation so the model isn't selected. event.stopPropagation(); this.collection.remove( this.model ); }, removeFromSelection: function( event ) { var selection = this.options.selection; if ( ! selection ) return; // Stop propagation so the model isn't selected. event.stopPropagation(); selection.remove( this.model ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Attachment.Library */ media.view.Attachment.Library = media.view.Attachment.extend({ buttons: { check: true } }); /** * wp.media.view.Attachment.EditLibrary */ media.view.Attachment.EditLibrary = media.view.Attachment.extend({ buttons: { close: true } }); /** * wp.media.view.Attachments */ media.view.Attachments = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', className: 'attachments', cssTemplate: media.template('attachments-css'), events: { 'scroll': 'scroll' }, initialize: function() { this.el.id = _.uniqueId('__attachments-view-'); _.defaults( this.options, { refreshSensitivity: 200, refreshThreshold: 3, AttachmentView: media.view.Attachment, sortable: false }); this._viewsByCid = {}; this.collection.on( 'add', function( attachment, attachments, options ) { this.views.add( this.createAttachmentView( attachment ), { at: options.index }); }, this ); this.collection.on( 'remove', function( attachment, attachments, options ) { var view = this._viewsByCid[ attachment.cid ]; delete this._viewsByCid[ attachment.cid ]; if ( view ) view.remove(); }, this ); this.collection.on( 'reset', this.render, this ); // Throttle the scroll handler. this.scroll = _.chain( this.scroll ).bind( this ).throttle( this.options.refreshSensitivity ).value(); this.initSortable(); _.bindAll( this, 'css' ); this.model.on( 'change:edge change:gutter', this.css, this ); this._resizeCss = _.debounce( _.bind( this.css, this ), this.refreshSensitivity ); $(window).on( 'resize.attachments', this._resizeCss ); this.css(); }, dispose: function() { this.collection.props.off( null, null, this ); $(window).off( 'resize.attachments', this._resizeCss ); media.View.prototype.dispose.apply( this, arguments ); }, css: function() { var $css = $( '#' + this.el.id + '-css' ); if ( $css.length ) $css.remove(); media.view.Attachments.$head().append( this.cssTemplate({ id: this.el.id, edge: this.edge(), gutter: this.model.get('gutter') }) ); }, edge: function() { var edge = this.model.get('edge'), gutter, width, columns; if ( ! this.$el.is(':visible') ) return edge; gutter = this.model.get('gutter') * 2; width = this.$el.width() - gutter; columns = Math.ceil( width / ( edge + gutter ) ); edge = Math.floor( ( width - ( columns * gutter ) ) / columns ); return edge; }, initSortable: function() { var collection = this.collection, from; if ( ! this.options.sortable || ! $.fn.sortable ) return; this.$el.sortable({ // If the `collection` has a `comparator`, disable sorting. disabled: !! collection.comparator, // Prevent attachments from being dragged outside the bounding // box of the list. containment: this.$el, // Change the position of the attachment as soon as the // mouse pointer overlaps a thumbnail. tolerance: 'pointer', // Record the initial `index` of the dragged model. start: function( event, ui ) { from = ui.item.index(); }, // Update the model's index in the collection. // Do so silently, as the view is already accurate. update: function( event, ui ) { var model = collection.at( from ), comparator = collection.comparator; // Temporarily disable the comparator to prevent `add` // from re-sorting. delete collection.comparator; // Silently shift the model to its new index. collection.remove( model, { silent: true }).add( model, { silent: true, at: ui.item.index() }); // Restore the comparator. collection.comparator = comparator; // Fire the `reset` event to ensure other collections sync. collection.trigger( 'reset', collection ); // If the collection is sorted by menu order, // update the menu order. collection.saveMenuOrder(); } }); // If the `orderby` property is changed on the `collection`, // check to see if we have a `comparator`. If so, disable sorting. collection.props.on( 'change:orderby', function() { this.$el.sortable( 'option', 'disabled', !! collection.comparator ); }, this ); this.collection.props.on( 'change:orderby', this.refreshSortable, this ); this.refreshSortable(); }, refreshSortable: function() { if ( ! this.options.sortable || ! $.fn.sortable ) return; // If the `collection` has a `comparator`, disable sorting. var collection = this.collection, orderby = collection.props.get('orderby'), enabled = 'menuOrder' === orderby || ! collection.comparator; this.$el.sortable( 'option', 'disabled', ! enabled ); }, createAttachmentView: function( attachment ) { var view = new this.options.AttachmentView({ controller: this.controller, model: attachment, collection: this.collection, selection: this.options.selection }); return this._viewsByCid[ attachment.cid ] = view; }, prepare: function() { // Create all of the Attachment views, and replace // the list in a single DOM operation. if ( this.collection.length ) { this.views.set( this.collection.map( this.createAttachmentView, this ) ); // If there are no elements, clear the views and load some. } else { this.views.unset(); this.collection.more().done( this.scroll ); } }, ready: function() { // Trigger the scroll event to check if we're within the // threshold to query for additional attachments. this.scroll(); }, scroll: function( event ) { // @todo: is this still necessary? if ( ! this.$el.is(':visible') ) return; if ( this.collection.hasMore() && this.el.scrollHeight < this.el.scrollTop + ( this.el.clientHeight * this.options.refreshThreshold ) ) { this.collection.more().done( this.scroll ); } } }, { $head: (function() { var $head; return function() { return $head = $head || $('head'); }; }()) }); /** * wp.media.view.Search */ media.view.Search = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'input', className: 'search', attributes: { type: 'search', placeholder: l10n.search }, events: { 'input': 'search', 'keyup': 'search', 'change': 'search', 'search': 'search' }, render: function() { this.el.value = this.model.escape('search'); return this; }, search: function( event ) { if ( event.target.value ) this.model.set( 'search', event.target.value ); else this.model.unset('search'); } }); /** * wp.media.view.AttachmentFilters */ media.view.AttachmentFilters = media.View.extend({ tagName: 'select', className: 'attachment-filters', events: { change: 'change' }, keys: [], initialize: function() { this.createFilters(); // Build `