'singular' => '',
'ajax' => false,
'screen' => null,
) );
$this->screen = convert_to_screen( $args['screen'] );
add_filter( "manage_{$this->screen->id}_columns", array( $this, 'get_columns' ), 0 );
if ( !$args['plural'] )
$args['plural'] = $this->screen->base;
$args['plural'] = sanitize_key( $args['plural'] );
$args['singular'] = sanitize_key( $args['singular'] );
$this->_args = $args;
if ( $args['ajax'] ) {
// wp_enqueue_script( 'list-table' );
add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, '_js_vars' ) );
if ( empty( $this->modes ) ) {
$this->modes = array(
'list' => __( 'List View' ),
'excerpt' => __( 'Excerpt View' )
* Make private properties readable for backwards compatibility.
* @since 4.0.0
* @access public
* @param string $name Property to get.
* @return mixed Property.
public function __get( $name ) {
return $this->$name;
* Make private properties settable for backwards compatibility.
* @since 4.0.0
* @access public
* @param string $name Property to set.
* @param mixed $value Property value.
* @return mixed Newly-set property.
public function __set( $name, $value ) {
return $this->$name = $value;
* Make private properties checkable for backwards compatibility.
* @since 4.0.0
* @access public
* @param string $name Property to check if set.
* @return bool Whether the property is set.
public function __isset( $name ) {
return isset( $this->$name );
* Make private properties un-settable for backwards compatibility.
* @since 4.0.0
* @access public
* @param string $name Property to unset.
public function __unset( $name ) {
unset( $this->$name );
* Make private/protected methods readable for backwards compatibility.
* @since 4.0.0
* @access public
* @param callable $name Method to call.
* @param array $arguments Arguments to pass when calling.
* @return mixed|bool Return value of the callback, false otherwise.
public function __call( $name, $arguments ) {
return call_user_func_array( array( $this, $name ), $arguments );
* Checks the current user's permissions
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @abstract
public function ajax_user_can() {
die( 'function WP_List_Table::ajax_user_can() must be over-ridden in a sub-class.' );
* Prepares the list of items for displaying.
* @uses WP_List_Table::set_pagination_args()
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @abstract
public function prepare_items() {
die( 'function WP_List_Table::prepare_items() must be over-ridden in a sub-class.' );
* An internal method that sets all the necessary pagination arguments
* @param array $args An associative array with information about the pagination
* @access protected
protected function set_pagination_args( $args ) {
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'total_items' => 0,
'total_pages' => 0,
'per_page' => 0,
) );
if ( !$args['total_pages'] && $args['per_page'] > 0 )
$args['total_pages'] = ceil( $args['total_items'] / $args['per_page'] );
// Redirect if page number is invalid and headers are not already sent.
if ( ! headers_sent() && ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! DOING_AJAX ) && $args['total_pages'] > 0 && $this->get_pagenum() > $args['total_pages'] ) {
wp_redirect( add_query_arg( 'paged', $args['total_pages'] ) );
$this->_pagination_args = $args;
* Access the pagination args.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @param string $key Pagination argument to retrieve. Common values include 'total_items',
* 'total_pages', 'per_page', or 'infinite_scroll'.
* @return int Number of items that correspond to the given pagination argument.
public function get_pagination_arg( $key ) {
if ( 'page' == $key )
return $this->get_pagenum();
if ( isset( $this->_pagination_args[$key] ) )
return $this->_pagination_args[$key];
* Whether the table has items to display or not
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @return bool
public function has_items() {
return !empty( $this->items );
* Message to be displayed when there are no items
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
public function no_items() {
_e( 'No items found.' );
* Display the search box.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @param string $text The search button text
* @param string $input_id The search input id
public function search_box( $text, $input_id ) {
if ( empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) && !$this->has_items() )
$input_id = $input_id . '-search-input';
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) )
echo '';
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['order'] ) )
echo '';
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['post_mime_type'] ) )
echo '';
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['detached'] ) )
echo '';
'search-submit') ); ?>
link ) with the list
* of views available on this table.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function get_views() {
return array();
* Display the list of views available on this table.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
public function views() {
$views = $this->get_views();
* Filter the list of available list table views.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->screen->id, refers
* to the ID of the current screen, usually a string.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param array $views An array of available list table views.
$views = apply_filters( "views_{$this->screen->id}", $views );
if ( empty( $views ) )
echo "
* Get an associative array ( option_name => option_title ) with the list
* of bulk actions available on this table.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access protected
* @return array
protected function get_bulk_actions() {
return array();
* Display the bulk actions dropdown.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access protected
* @param string $which The location of the bulk actions: 'top' or 'bottom'.
* This is designated as optional for backwards-compatibility.
protected function bulk_actions( $which = '' ) {
if ( is_null( $this->_actions ) ) {
$no_new_actions = $this->_actions = $this->get_bulk_actions();
* Filter the list table Bulk Actions drop-down.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, $this->screen->id, refers
* to the ID of the current screen, usually a string.
* This filter can currently only be used to remove bulk actions.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param array $actions An array of the available bulk actions.
$this->_actions = apply_filters( "bulk_actions-{$this->screen->id}", $this->_actions );
$this->_actions = array_intersect_assoc( $this->_actions, $no_new_actions );
$two = '';
} else {
$two = '2';
if ( empty( $this->_actions ) )
echo "";
echo "\n";
submit_button( __( 'Apply' ), 'action', false, false, array( 'id' => "doaction$two" ) );
echo "\n";
* Get the current action selected from the bulk actions dropdown.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
* @return string|bool The action name or False if no action was selected
public function current_action() {
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['filter_action'] ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST['filter_action'] ) )
return false;
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && -1 != $_REQUEST['action'] )
return $_REQUEST['action'];
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['action2'] ) && -1 != $_REQUEST['action2'] )
return $_REQUEST['action2'];
return false;
* Generate row actions div
* @since 3.1.0
* @access protected
* @param array $actions The list of actions
* @param bool $always_visible Whether the actions should be always visible
* @return string
protected function row_actions( $actions, $always_visible = false ) {
$action_count = count( $actions );
$i = 0;
if ( !$action_count )
return '';
$out = '