/** * wp.media.view.Cropper * * Uses the imgAreaSelect plugin to allow a user to crop an image. * * Takes imgAreaSelect options from * wp.customize.HeaderControl.calculateImageSelectOptions via * wp.customize.HeaderControl.openMM. * * @class * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ var View = require( './view.js' ), UploaderStatusError = require( './uploader/status-error.js' ), UploaderStatus = require( './uploader/status.js' ), l10n = wp.media.view.l10n, $ = jQuery, Cropper; Cropper = View.extend({ className: 'crop-content', template: wp.template('crop-content'), initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'onImageLoad'); }, ready: function() { this.controller.frame.on('content:error:crop', this.onError, this); this.$image = this.$el.find('.crop-image'); this.$image.on('load', this.onImageLoad); $(window).on('resize.cropper', _.debounce(this.onImageLoad, 250)); }, remove: function() { $(window).off('resize.cropper'); this.$el.remove(); this.$el.off(); View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); }, prepare: function() { return { title: l10n.cropYourImage, url: this.options.attachment.get('url') }; }, onImageLoad: function() { var imgOptions = this.controller.get('imgSelectOptions'); if (typeof imgOptions === 'function') { imgOptions = imgOptions(this.options.attachment, this.controller); } imgOptions = _.extend(imgOptions, {parent: this.$el}); this.trigger('image-loaded'); this.controller.imgSelect = this.$image.imgAreaSelect(imgOptions); }, onError: function() { var filename = this.options.attachment.get('filename'); this.views.add( '.upload-errors', new UploaderStatusError({ filename: UploaderStatus.prototype.filename(filename), message: window._wpMediaViewsL10n.cropError }), { at: 0 }); } }); module.exports = Cropper;