' . __( 'Cheatin’ uh?' ) . '' . '

' . __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit theme options on this site.' ) . '

', 403 ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'nav-menu' ); if ( wp_is_mobile() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-touch-punch' ); } // Container for any messages displayed to the user $messages = array(); // Container that stores the name of the active menu $nav_menu_selected_title = ''; // The menu id of the current menu being edited $nav_menu_selected_id = isset( $_REQUEST['menu'] ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['menu'] : 0; // Get existing menu locations assignments $locations = get_registered_nav_menus(); $menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); $num_locations = count( array_keys( $locations ) ); // Allowed actions: add, update, delete $action = isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'edit'; /* * If a JSON blob of navigation menu data is found, expand it and inject it * into `$_POST` to avoid PHP `max_input_vars` limitations. See #14134. */ _wp_expand_nav_menu_post_data(); switch ( $action ) { case 'add-menu-item': check_admin_referer( 'add-menu_item', 'menu-settings-column-nonce' ); if ( isset( $_REQUEST['nav-menu-locations'] ) ) { set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', array_map( 'absint', $_REQUEST['menu-locations'] ) ); } elseif ( isset( $_REQUEST['menu-item'] ) ) { wp_save_nav_menu_items( $nav_menu_selected_id, $_REQUEST['menu-item'] ); } break; case 'move-down-menu-item': // Moving down a menu item is the same as moving up the next in order. check_admin_referer( 'move-menu_item' ); $menu_item_id = isset( $_REQUEST['menu-item'] ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['menu-item'] : 0; if ( is_nav_menu_item( $menu_item_id ) ) { $menus = isset( $_REQUEST['menu'] ) ? array( (int) $_REQUEST['menu'] ) : wp_get_object_terms( $menu_item_id, 'nav_menu', array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $menus ) && ! empty( $menus[0] ) ) { $menu_id = (int) $menus[0]; $ordered_menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_id ); $menu_item_data = (array) wp_setup_nav_menu_item( get_post( $menu_item_id ) ); // Set up the data we need in one pass through the array of menu items. $dbids_to_orders = array(); $orders_to_dbids = array(); foreach ( (array) $ordered_menu_items as $ordered_menu_item_object ) { if ( isset( $ordered_menu_item_object->ID ) ) { if ( isset( $ordered_menu_item_object->menu_order ) ) { $dbids_to_orders[ $ordered_menu_item_object->ID ] = $ordered_menu_item_object->menu_order; $orders_to_dbids[ $ordered_menu_item_object->menu_order ] = $ordered_menu_item_object->ID; } } } // Get next in order. if ( isset( $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] + 1 ] ) ) { $next_item_id = $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] + 1 ]; $next_item_data = (array) wp_setup_nav_menu_item( get_post( $next_item_id ) ); // If not siblings of same parent, bubble menu item up but keep order. if ( ! empty( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ) && ( empty( $next_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ) || $next_item_data['menu_item_parent'] != $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ) ) { $parent_db_id = in_array( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'], $orders_to_dbids ) ? (int) $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] : 0; $parent_object = wp_setup_nav_menu_item( get_post( $parent_db_id ) ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $parent_object ) ) { $parent_data = (array) $parent_object; $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = $parent_data['menu_item_parent']; update_post_meta( $menu_item_data['ID'], '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', (int) $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ); } // Make menu item a child of its next sibling. } else { $next_item_data['menu_order'] = $next_item_data['menu_order'] - 1; $menu_item_data['menu_order'] = $menu_item_data['menu_order'] + 1; $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = $next_item_data['ID']; update_post_meta( $menu_item_data['ID'], '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', (int) $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ); wp_update_post( $menu_item_data ); wp_update_post( $next_item_data ); } // The item is last but still has a parent, so bubble up. } elseif ( ! empty( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ) && in_array( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'], $orders_to_dbids ) ) { $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = (int) get_post_meta( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'], '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', true ); update_post_meta( $menu_item_data['ID'], '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', (int) $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ); } } } break; case 'move-up-menu-item': check_admin_referer( 'move-menu_item' ); $menu_item_id = isset( $_REQUEST['menu-item'] ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['menu-item'] : 0; if ( is_nav_menu_item( $menu_item_id ) ) { $menus = isset( $_REQUEST['menu'] ) ? array( (int) $_REQUEST['menu'] ) : wp_get_object_terms( $menu_item_id, 'nav_menu', array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $menus ) && ! empty( $menus[0] ) ) { $menu_id = (int) $menus[0]; $ordered_menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_id ); $menu_item_data = (array) wp_setup_nav_menu_item( get_post( $menu_item_id ) ); // Set up the data we need in one pass through the array of menu items. $dbids_to_orders = array(); $orders_to_dbids = array(); foreach ( (array) $ordered_menu_items as $ordered_menu_item_object ) { if ( isset( $ordered_menu_item_object->ID ) ) { if ( isset( $ordered_menu_item_object->menu_order ) ) { $dbids_to_orders[ $ordered_menu_item_object->ID ] = $ordered_menu_item_object->menu_order; $orders_to_dbids[ $ordered_menu_item_object->menu_order ] = $ordered_menu_item_object->ID; } } } // If this menu item is not first. if ( ! empty( $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] ) && ! empty( $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] - 1 ] ) ) { // If this menu item is a child of the previous. if ( ! empty( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ) && in_array( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'], array_keys( $dbids_to_orders ) ) && isset( $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] - 1 ] ) && ( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] == $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] - 1 ] ) ) { $parent_db_id = in_array( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'], $orders_to_dbids ) ? (int) $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] : 0; $parent_object = wp_setup_nav_menu_item( get_post( $parent_db_id ) ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $parent_object ) ) { $parent_data = (array) $parent_object; /* * If there is something before the parent and parent a child of it, * make menu item a child also of it. */ if ( ! empty( $dbids_to_orders[ $parent_db_id ] ) && ! empty( $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $parent_db_id ] - 1 ] ) && ! empty( $parent_data['menu_item_parent'] ) ) { $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = $parent_data['menu_item_parent']; /* * Else if there is something before parent and parent not a child of it, * make menu item a child of that something's parent */ } elseif ( ! empty( $dbids_to_orders[ $parent_db_id ] ) && ! empty( $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $parent_db_id ] - 1 ] ) ) { $_possible_parent_id = (int) get_post_meta( $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $parent_db_id ] - 1 ], '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', true ); if ( in_array( $_possible_parent_id, array_keys( $dbids_to_orders ) ) ) { $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = $_possible_parent_id; } else { $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = 0; } // Else there isn't something before the parent. } else { $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = 0; } // Set former parent's [menu_order] to that of menu-item's. $parent_data['menu_order'] = $parent_data['menu_order'] + 1; // Set menu-item's [menu_order] to that of former parent. $menu_item_data['menu_order'] = $menu_item_data['menu_order'] - 1; // Save changes. update_post_meta( $menu_item_data['ID'], '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', (int) $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ); wp_update_post( $menu_item_data ); wp_update_post( $parent_data ); } // Else this menu item is not a child of the previous. } elseif ( empty( $menu_item_data['menu_order'] ) || empty( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ) || ! in_array( $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'], array_keys( $dbids_to_orders ) ) || empty( $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] - 1 ] ) || $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] - 1 ] != $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ) { // Just make it a child of the previous; keep the order. $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] = (int) $orders_to_dbids[ $dbids_to_orders[ $menu_item_id ] - 1 ]; update_post_meta( $menu_item_data['ID'], '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', (int) $menu_item_data['menu_item_parent'] ); wp_update_post( $menu_item_data ); } } } } break; case 'delete-menu-item': $menu_item_id = (int) $_REQUEST['menu-item']; check_admin_referer( 'delete-menu_item_' . $menu_item_id ); if ( is_nav_menu_item( $menu_item_id ) && wp_delete_post( $menu_item_id, true ) ) { $messages[] = '

' . __( 'The menu item has been successfully deleted.' ) . '

'; } break; case 'delete': check_admin_referer( 'delete-nav_menu-' . $nav_menu_selected_id ); if ( is_nav_menu( $nav_menu_selected_id ) ) { $deletion = wp_delete_nav_menu( $nav_menu_selected_id ); } else { // Reset the selected menu. $nav_menu_selected_id = 0; unset( $_REQUEST['menu'] ); } if ( ! isset( $deletion ) ) { break; } if ( is_wp_error( $deletion ) ) { $messages[] = '

' . $deletion->get_error_message() . '

'; } else { $messages[] = '

' . __( 'The menu has been successfully deleted.' ) . '

'; } break; case 'delete_menus': check_admin_referer( 'nav_menus_bulk_actions' ); foreach ( $_REQUEST['delete_menus'] as $menu_id_to_delete ) { if ( ! is_nav_menu( $menu_id_to_delete ) ) { continue; } $deletion = wp_delete_nav_menu( $menu_id_to_delete ); if ( is_wp_error( $deletion ) ) { $messages[] = '

' . $deletion->get_error_message() . '

'; $deletion_error = true; } } if ( empty( $deletion_error ) ) { $messages[] = '

' . __( 'Selected menus have been successfully deleted.' ) . '

'; } break; case 'update': check_admin_referer( 'update-nav_menu', 'update-nav-menu-nonce' ); // Remove menu locations that have been unchecked. foreach ( $locations as $location => $description ) { if ( ( empty( $_POST['menu-locations'] ) || empty( $_POST['menu-locations'][ $location ] ) ) && isset( $menu_locations[ $location ] ) && $menu_locations[ $location ] == $nav_menu_selected_id ) { unset( $menu_locations[ $location ] ); } } // Merge new and existing menu locations if any new ones are set. if ( isset( $_POST['menu-locations'] ) ) { $new_menu_locations = array_map( 'absint', $_POST['menu-locations'] ); $menu_locations = array_merge( $menu_locations, $new_menu_locations ); } // Set menu locations. set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', $menu_locations ); // Add Menu. if ( 0 == $nav_menu_selected_id ) { $new_menu_title = trim( esc_html( $_POST['menu-name'] ) ); if ( $new_menu_title ) { $_nav_menu_selected_id = wp_update_nav_menu_object( 0, array( 'menu-name' => $new_menu_title ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $_nav_menu_selected_id ) ) { $messages[] = '

' . $_nav_menu_selected_id->get_error_message() . '

'; } else { $_menu_object = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $_nav_menu_selected_id ); $nav_menu_selected_id = $_nav_menu_selected_id; $nav_menu_selected_title = $_menu_object->name; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['menu-item'] ) ) { wp_save_nav_menu_items( $nav_menu_selected_id, absint( $_REQUEST['menu-item'] ) ); } if ( isset( $_REQUEST['zero-menu-state'] ) ) { // If there are menu items, add them wp_nav_menu_update_menu_items( $nav_menu_selected_id, $nav_menu_selected_title ); // Auto-save nav_menu_locations $locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); foreach ( $locations as $location => $menu_id ) { $locations[ $location ] = $nav_menu_selected_id; break; // There should only be 1 } set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', $locations ); } if ( isset( $_REQUEST['use-location'] ) ) { $locations = get_registered_nav_menus(); $menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); if ( isset( $locations[ $_REQUEST['use-location'] ] ) ) { $menu_locations[ $_REQUEST['use-location'] ] = $nav_menu_selected_id; } set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', $menu_locations ); } // $messages[] = '

' . sprintf( __( '%s has been created.' ), $nav_menu_selected_title ) . '

'; wp_redirect( admin_url( 'nav-menus.php?menu=' . $_nav_menu_selected_id ) ); exit(); } } else { $messages[] = '

' . __( 'Please enter a valid menu name.' ) . '

'; } // Update existing menu. } else { $_menu_object = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $nav_menu_selected_id ); $menu_title = trim( esc_html( $_POST['menu-name'] ) ); if ( ! $menu_title ) { $messages[] = '

' . __( 'Please enter a valid menu name.' ) . '

'; $menu_title = $_menu_object->name; } if ( ! is_wp_error( $_menu_object ) ) { $_nav_menu_selected_id = wp_update_nav_menu_object( $nav_menu_selected_id, array( 'menu-name' => $menu_title ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $_nav_menu_selected_id ) ) { $_menu_object = $_nav_menu_selected_id; $messages[] = '

' . $_nav_menu_selected_id->get_error_message() . '

'; } else { $_menu_object = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $_nav_menu_selected_id ); $nav_menu_selected_title = $_menu_object->name; } } // Update menu items. if ( ! is_wp_error( $_menu_object ) ) { $messages = array_merge( $messages, wp_nav_menu_update_menu_items( $_nav_menu_selected_id, $nav_menu_selected_title ) ); // If the menu ID changed, redirect to the new URL. if ( $nav_menu_selected_id != $_nav_menu_selected_id ) { wp_redirect( admin_url( 'nav-menus.php?menu=' . intval( $_nav_menu_selected_id ) ) ); exit(); } } } break; case 'locations': if ( ! $num_locations ) { wp_redirect( admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) ); exit(); } add_filter( 'screen_options_show_screen', '__return_false' ); if ( isset( $_POST['menu-locations'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'save-menu-locations' ); $new_menu_locations = array_map( 'absint', $_POST['menu-locations'] ); $menu_locations = array_merge( $menu_locations, $new_menu_locations ); // Set menu locations set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', $menu_locations ); $messages[] = '

' . __( 'Menu locations updated.' ) . '

'; } break; } // Get all nav menus. $nav_menus = wp_get_nav_menus(); $menu_count = count( $nav_menus ); // Are we on the add new screen? $add_new_screen = ( isset( $_GET['menu'] ) && 0 == $_GET['menu'] ) ? true : false; $locations_screen = ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) && 'locations' == $_GET['action'] ) ? true : false; /* * If we have one theme location, and zero menus, we take them right * into editing their first menu. */ $page_count = wp_count_posts( 'page' ); $one_theme_location_no_menus = ( 1 == count( get_registered_nav_menus() ) && ! $add_new_screen && empty( $nav_menus ) && ! empty( $page_count->publish ) ) ? true : false; $nav_menus_l10n = array( 'oneThemeLocationNoMenus' => $one_theme_location_no_menus, 'moveUp' => __( 'Move up one' ), 'moveDown' => __( 'Move down one' ), 'moveToTop' => __( 'Move to the top' ), /* translators: %s: previous item name */ 'moveUnder' => __( 'Move under %s' ), /* translators: %s: previous item name */ 'moveOutFrom' => __( 'Move out from under %s' ), /* translators: %s: previous item name */ 'under' => __( 'Under %s' ), /* translators: %s: previous item name */ 'outFrom' => __( 'Out from under %s' ), /* translators: 1: item name, 2: item position, 3: total number of items */ 'menuFocus' => __( '%1$s. Menu item %2$d of %3$d.' ), /* translators: 1: item name, 2: item position, 3: parent item name */ 'subMenuFocus' => __( '%1$s. Sub item number %2$d under %3$s.' ), ); wp_localize_script( 'nav-menu', 'menus', $nav_menus_l10n ); /* * Redirect to add screen if there are no menus and this users has either zero, * or more than 1 theme locations. */ if ( 0 == $menu_count && ! $add_new_screen && ! $one_theme_location_no_menus ) { wp_redirect( admin_url( 'nav-menus.php?action=edit&menu=0' ) ); } // Get recently edited nav menu. $recently_edited = absint( get_user_option( 'nav_menu_recently_edited' ) ); if ( empty( $recently_edited ) && is_nav_menu( $nav_menu_selected_id ) ) { $recently_edited = $nav_menu_selected_id; } // Use $recently_edited if none are selected. if ( empty( $nav_menu_selected_id ) && ! isset( $_GET['menu'] ) && is_nav_menu( $recently_edited ) ) { $nav_menu_selected_id = $recently_edited; } // On deletion of menu, if another menu exists, show it. if ( ! $add_new_screen && 0 < $menu_count && isset( $_GET['action'] ) && 'delete' == $_GET['action'] ) { $nav_menu_selected_id = $nav_menus[0]->term_id; } // Set $nav_menu_selected_id to 0 if no menus. if ( $one_theme_location_no_menus ) { $nav_menu_selected_id = 0; } elseif ( empty( $nav_menu_selected_id ) && ! empty( $nav_menus ) && ! $add_new_screen ) { // if we have no selection yet, and we have menus, set to the first one in the list. $nav_menu_selected_id = $nav_menus[0]->term_id; } // Update the user's setting. if ( $nav_menu_selected_id != $recently_edited && is_nav_menu( $nav_menu_selected_id ) ) { update_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'nav_menu_recently_edited', $nav_menu_selected_id ); } // If there's a menu, get its name. if ( ! $nav_menu_selected_title && is_nav_menu( $nav_menu_selected_id ) ) { $_menu_object = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $nav_menu_selected_id ); $nav_menu_selected_title = ! is_wp_error( $_menu_object ) ? $_menu_object->name : ''; } // Generate truncated menu names. foreach ( (array) $nav_menus as $key => $_nav_menu ) { $nav_menus[ $key ]->truncated_name = wp_html_excerpt( $_nav_menu->name, 40, '…' ); } // Retrieve menu locations. if ( current_theme_supports( 'menus' ) ) { $locations = get_registered_nav_menus(); $menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); } /* * Ensure the user will be able to scroll horizontally * by adding a class for the max menu depth. * * @global int $_wp_nav_menu_max_depth */ global $_wp_nav_menu_max_depth; $_wp_nav_menu_max_depth = 0; // Calling wp_get_nav_menu_to_edit generates $_wp_nav_menu_max_depth. if ( is_nav_menu( $nav_menu_selected_id ) ) { $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $nav_menu_selected_id, array( 'post_status' => 'any' ) ); $edit_markup = wp_get_nav_menu_to_edit( $nav_menu_selected_id ); } /** * @global int $_wp_nav_menu_max_depth * * @param string $classes * @return string */ function wp_nav_menu_max_depth( $classes ) { global $_wp_nav_menu_max_depth; return "$classes menu-max-depth-$_wp_nav_menu_max_depth"; } add_filter( 'admin_body_class', 'wp_nav_menu_max_depth' ); wp_nav_menu_setup(); wp_initial_nav_menu_meta_boxes(); if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'menus' ) && ! $num_locations ) { $messages[] = '

' . sprintf( __( 'Your theme does not natively support menus, but you can use them in sidebars by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the Widgets screen.' ), admin_url( 'widgets.php' ) ) . '

'; } if ( ! $locations_screen ) : // Main tab $overview = '

' . __( 'This screen is used for managing your navigation menus.' ) . '

'; /* translators: 1: Widgets admin screen URL, 2 and 3: The name of the default themes */ $overview .= '

' . sprintf( __( 'Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme, even used in sidebars by adding a “Navigation Menu” widget on the Widgets screen. If your theme does not support the navigation menus feature (the default themes, %2$s and %3$s, do), you can learn about adding this support by following the Documentation link to the side.' ), admin_url( 'widgets.php' ), 'Twenty Sixteen', 'Twenty Seventeen' ) . '

'; $overview .= '

' . __( 'From this screen you can:' ) . '

'; $overview .= ''; get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'overview', 'title' => __( 'Overview' ), 'content' => $overview, ) ); $menu_management = '

' . __( 'The menu management box at the top of the screen is used to control which menu is opened in the editor below.' ) . '

'; $menu_management .= ''; $menu_management .= '

' . __( 'You can assign theme locations to individual menus by selecting the desired settings at the bottom of the menu editor. To assign menus to all theme locations at once, visit the Manage Locations tab at the top of the screen.' ) . '

'; get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'menu-management', 'title' => __( 'Menu Management' ), 'content' => $menu_management, ) ); $editing_menus = '

' . __( 'Each navigation menu may contain a mix of links to pages, categories, custom URLs or other content types. Menu links are added by selecting items from the expanding boxes in the left-hand column below.' ) . '

'; $editing_menus .= '

' . __( 'Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item in the editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab.' ) . '

'; $editing_menus .= ''; get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'editing-menus', 'title' => __( 'Editing Menus' ), 'content' => $editing_menus, ) ); else : // Locations Tab. $locations_overview = '

' . __( 'This screen is used for globally assigning menus to locations defined by your theme.' ) . '

'; $locations_overview .= ''; get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'locations-overview', 'title' => __( 'Overview' ), 'content' => $locations_overview, ) ); endif; get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar( '

' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '

' . '

' . __( 'Documentation on Menus' ) . '

' . '

' . __( 'Support Forums' ) . '

' ); // Get the admin header. require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); ?>

'menu_locations' ) : array( 'panel' => 'nav_menus' ); printf( ' %2$s', esc_url( add_query_arg( array( array( 'autofocus' => $focus ), 'return' => urlencode( remove_query_arg( wp_removable_query_args(), wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) ), ), admin_url( 'customize.php' ) ) ), __( 'Manage with Live Preview' ) ); endif; $nav_tab_active_class = ''; if ( ! isset( $_GET['action'] ) || isset( $_GET['action'] ) && 'locations' != $_GET['action'] ) { $nav_tab_active_class = ' nav-tab-active'; } ?>
' . __( 'Your theme supports one menu. Select which menu you would like to use.' ) . '

'; } else { echo '

' . sprintf( _n( 'Your theme supports %s menu. Select which menu appears in each location.', 'Your theme supports %s menus. Select which menu appears in each location.', $num_locations ), number_format_i18n( $num_locations ) ) . '

'; } ?>
create a new menu.' ), esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => 0, ), admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) ) ) ); ?>
create a new menu.' ), esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'edit', 'menu' => 0, ), admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) ) ) ); ?>