
// On which page are we ?
if (preg_match('#([^/]+\.php)$#', $PHP_SELF, $self_matches)) {
	$pagenow = $self_matches[1];
} else if (strstr($PHP_SELF, '?')) {
	$pagenow = explode('/', $PHP_SELF);
	$pagenow = trim($pagenow[(sizeof($pagenow)-1)]);
	$pagenow = explode('?', $pagenow);
	$pagenow = $pagenow[0];
} else {
	$pagenow = 'index.php';

// Simple browser detection
$is_lynx = 0; $is_gecko = 0; $is_winIE = 0; $is_macIE = 0; $is_opera = 0; $is_NS4 = 0;

if (preg_match('/Lynx/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
	$is_lynx = 1;
} elseif (preg_match('/Gecko/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
	$is_gecko = 1;
} elseif ((preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) && (preg_match('/Win/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) {
	$is_winIE = 1;
} elseif ((preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) && (preg_match('/Mac/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) {
	$is_macIE = 1;
} elseif (preg_match('/Opera/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
	$is_opera = 1;
} elseif ((preg_match('/Nav/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) || (preg_match('/Mozilla\/4\./', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) {
	$is_NS4 = 1;
$is_IE    = (($is_macIE) || ($is_winIE));

// Server detection
$is_apache = ( strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') || strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'LiteSpeed') ) ? 1 : 0;
$is_IIS = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS') ? 1 : 0;

// if the config file does not provide the smilies array, let's define it here
if (!isset($wpsmiliestrans)) {
	$wpsmiliestrans = array(
	':mrgreen:'	=> 'icon_mrgreen.gif',
	':neutral:'	=> 'icon_neutral.gif',
	':twisted:'	=> 'icon_twisted.gif',
	':arrow:'	=> 'icon_arrow.gif',
	':shock:'	=> 'icon_eek.gif',
	':smile:'	=> 'icon_smile.gif',
	' :???:'	=> 'icon_confused.gif',
	':cool:'	=> 'icon_cool.gif',
	':evil:'	=> 'icon_evil.gif',
	':grin:'	=> 'icon_biggrin.gif',
	':idea:'	=> 'icon_idea.gif',
	':oops:'	=> 'icon_redface.gif',
	':razz:'	=> 'icon_razz.gif',
	':roll:'	=> 'icon_rolleyes.gif',
	':wink:'	=> 'icon_wink.gif',
	':cry:'		=> 'icon_cry.gif',
	':eek:'		=> 'icon_surprised.gif',
	':lol:'		=> 'icon_lol.gif',
	':mad:'		=> 'icon_mad.gif',
	':sad:'		=> 'icon_sad.gif',
	' 8-)'		=> 'icon_cool.gif',
	' 8-O'		=> 'icon_eek.gif',
	' :-('		=> 'icon_sad.gif',
	' :-)'		=> 'icon_smile.gif',
	' :-?'		=> 'icon_confused.gif',
	' :-D'		=> 'icon_biggrin.gif',
	' :-P'		=> 'icon_razz.gif',
	' :-o'		=> 'icon_surprised.gif',
	' :-x'		=> 'icon_mad.gif',
	' :-|'		=> 'icon_neutral.gif',
	' ;-)'		=> 'icon_wink.gif',
	' 8)'		=> 'icon_cool.gif',
	' 8O'		=> 'icon_eek.gif',
	' :('		=> 'icon_sad.gif',
	' :)'		=> 'icon_smile.gif',
	' :?'		=> 'icon_confused.gif',
	' :D'		=> 'icon_biggrin.gif',
	' :P'		=> 'icon_razz.gif',
	' :o'		=> 'icon_surprised.gif',
	' :x'		=> 'icon_mad.gif',
	' :|'		=> 'icon_neutral.gif',
	' ;)'		=> 'icon_wink.gif',
	':!:'		=> 'icon_exclaim.gif',
	':?:'		=> 'icon_question.gif',

// generates smilies' search & replace arrays
foreach($wpsmiliestrans as $smiley => $img) {
	$wp_smiliessearch[] = $smiley;
	$smiley_masked = htmlspecialchars( trim($smiley) , ENT_QUOTES);
	$wp_smiliesreplace[] = " <img src='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-includes/images/smilies/$img' alt='$smiley_masked' class='wp-smiley' /> ";
