/*globals _, wp, jQuery */ /** * wp.media.view.Modal * * A modal view, which the media modal uses as its default container. * * @class * @augments wp.media.View * @augments wp.Backbone.View * @augments Backbone.View */ var View = require( './view.js' ), FocusManager = require( './focus-manager.js' ), $ = jQuery, Modal; Modal = View.extend({ tagName: 'div', template: wp.template('media-modal'), attributes: { tabindex: 0 }, events: { 'click .media-modal-backdrop, .media-modal-close': 'escapeHandler', 'keydown': 'keydown' }, initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { container: document.body, title: '', propagate: true, freeze: true }); this.focusManager = new FocusManager({ el: this.el }); }, /** * @returns {Object} */ prepare: function() { return { title: this.options.title }; }, /** * @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining */ attach: function() { if ( this.views.attached ) { return this; } if ( ! this.views.rendered ) { this.render(); } this.$el.appendTo( this.options.container ); // Manually mark the view as attached and trigger ready. this.views.attached = true; this.views.ready(); return this.propagate('attach'); }, /** * @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining */ detach: function() { if ( this.$el.is(':visible') ) { this.close(); } this.$el.detach(); this.views.attached = false; return this.propagate('detach'); }, /** * @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining */ open: function() { var $el = this.$el, options = this.options, mceEditor; if ( $el.is(':visible') ) { return this; } if ( ! this.views.attached ) { this.attach(); } // If the `freeze` option is set, record the window's scroll position. if ( options.freeze ) { this._freeze = { scrollTop: $( window ).scrollTop() }; } // Disable page scrolling. $( 'body' ).addClass( 'modal-open' ); $el.show(); // Try to close the onscreen keyboard if ( 'ontouchend' in document ) { if ( ( mceEditor = window.tinymce && window.tinymce.activeEditor ) && ! mceEditor.isHidden() && mceEditor.iframeElement ) { mceEditor.iframeElement.focus(); mceEditor.iframeElement.blur(); setTimeout( function() { mceEditor.iframeElement.blur(); }, 100 ); } } this.$el.focus(); return this.propagate('open'); }, /** * @param {Object} options * @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining */ close: function( options ) { var freeze = this._freeze; if ( ! this.views.attached || ! this.$el.is(':visible') ) { return this; } // Enable page scrolling. $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'modal-open' ); // Hide modal and remove restricted media modal tab focus once it's closed this.$el.hide().undelegate( 'keydown' ); // Put focus back in useful location once modal is closed $('#wpbody-content').focus(); this.propagate('close'); // If the `freeze` option is set, restore the container's scroll position. if ( freeze ) { $( window ).scrollTop( freeze.scrollTop ); } if ( options && options.escape ) { this.propagate('escape'); } return this; }, /** * @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining */ escape: function() { return this.close({ escape: true }); }, /** * @param {Object} event */ escapeHandler: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); this.escape(); }, /** * @param {Array|Object} content Views to register to '.media-modal-content' * @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining */ content: function( content ) { this.views.set( '.media-modal-content', content ); return this; }, /** * Triggers a modal event and if the `propagate` option is set, * forwards events to the modal's controller. * * @param {string} id * @returns {wp.media.view.Modal} Returns itself to allow chaining */ propagate: function( id ) { this.trigger( id ); if ( this.options.propagate ) { this.controller.trigger( id ); } return this; }, /** * @param {Object} event */ keydown: function( event ) { // Close the modal when escape is pressed. if ( 27 === event.which && this.$el.is(':visible') ) { this.escape(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } }); module.exports = Modal;