errors = new WP_Error(); $this->permission = umask(); } function connect(){ return; } function setDefaultPermissions($perm){ $this->permission = $perm; } function find_base_dir($base = '.'){ return str_replace('\\','/',ABSPATH); } function get_base_dir($base = '.'){ return str_replace('\\','/',ABSPATH); } function get_contents($file){ return @file_get_contents($file); } function get_contents_array($file){ return @file($file); } function put_contents($file,$contents,$mode=false,$type=''){ $fp=@fopen($file,'w'.$type); if (!$fp) return false; @fwrite($fp,$contents); @fclose($fp); $this->chmod($file,$mode); return true; } function cwd(){ return @getcwd(); } function chgrp($file,$group,$recursive=false){ if( ! $this->exists($file) ) return false; if( ! $recursive ) return @chgrp($file,$group); if( ! $this->is_dir($file) ) return @chgrp($file,$group); //Is a directory, and we want recursive $filelist = $this->dirlist($file); foreach($filelist as $filename){ $this->chgrp($file.'/'.$filename,$group,$recursive); } return true; } function chmod($file,$mode=false,$recursive=false){ if( ! $mode ) $mode = $this->permission; if( ! $this->exists($file) ) return false; if( ! $recursive ) return @chmod($file,$mode); if( ! $this->is_dir($file) ) return @chmod($file,$mode); //Is a directory, and we want recursive $filelist = $this->dirlist($file); foreach($filelist as $filename){ $this->chmod($file.'/'.$filename,$mode,$recursive); } return true; } function chown($file,$owner,$recursive=false){ if( ! $this->exists($file) ) return false; if( ! $recursive ) return @chown($file,$owner); if( ! $this->is_dir($file) ) return @chown($file,$owner); //Is a directory, and we want recursive $filelist = $this->dirlist($file); foreach($filelist as $filename){ $this->chown($file.'/'.$filename,$owner,$recursive); } return true; } function owner($file){ $owneruid=@fileowner($file); if( ! $owneruid ) return false; if( !function_exists('posix_getpwuid') ) return $owneruid; $ownerarray=posix_getpwuid($owneruid); return $ownerarray['name']; } function getchmod($file){ return @fileperms($file); } function gethchmod($file){ //From the page for ...? $perms = $this->getchmod($file); if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { // Socket $info = 's'; } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { // Symbolic Link $info = 'l'; } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { // Regular $info = '-'; } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { // Block special $info = 'b'; } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { // Directory $info = 'd'; } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { // Character special $info = 'c'; } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { // FIFO pipe $info = 'p'; } else { // Unknown $info = 'u'; } // Owner $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); // Group $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); // World $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); return $info; } function getnumchmodfromh($mode) { $realmode = ""; $legal = array("","w","r","x","-"); $attarray = preg_split("//",$mode); for($i=0;$i'0','r'=>'4','w'=>'2','x'=>'1'); $mode = strtr($mode,$trans); $newmode = ''; $newmode .= $mode[0]+$mode[1]+$mode[2]; $newmode .= $mode[3]+$mode[4]+$mode[5]; $newmode .= $mode[6]+$mode[7]+$mode[8]; return $newmode; } function group($file){ $gid=@filegroup($file); if( ! $gid ) return false; if( !function_exists('posix_getgrgid') ) return $gid; $grouparray=posix_getgrgid($gid); return $grouparray['name']; } function copy($source,$destination,$overwrite=false){ if( $overwrite && $this->exists($destination) ) return false; return copy($source,$destination); } function move($source,$destination,$overwrite=false){ //Possible to use rename() if( $this->copy($source,$destination,$overwrite) && $this->exists($destination) ){ $this->delete($source); return true; } else { return false; } } function delete($file,$recursive=false){ $file = str_replace('\\','/',$file); //for win32, occasional problems deleteing files otherwise if( $this->is_file($file) ) return @unlink($file); if( !$recursive && $this->is_dir($file) ) return @rmdir($file); $filelist = $this->dirlist($file); if( ! $filelist ) return true; //No files exist, Say we've deleted them $retval = true; foreach($filelist as $filename=>$fileinfo){ if( ! $this->delete($file.'/'.$filename,$recursive) ) $retval = false; } if( ! @rmdir($file) ) return false; return $retval; } function exists($file){ return @file_exists($file); } function is_file($file){ return @is_file($file); } function is_dir($path){ return @is_dir($path); } function is_readable($file){ return @is_readable($file); } function is_writable($file){ return @is_writable($file); } function atime($file){ return @fileatime($file); } function mtime($file){ return @filemtime($file); } function size($file){ return @filesize($file); } function touch($file,$time=0,$atime=0){ if($time==0) $time = time(); if($atime==0) $atime = time(); return @touch($file,$time,$atime); } function mkdir($path,$chmod=false,$chown=false,$chgrp=false){ if( ! $chmod) $chmod = $this->permission; if( !@mkdir($path,$chmod) ) return false; if( $chown ) $this->chown($path,$chown); if( $chgrp ) $this->chgrp($path,$chgrp); return true; } function rmdir($path,$recursive=false){ if( ! $recursive ) return @rmdir($path); //recursive: $filelist = $this->dirlist($path); foreach($filelist as $filename=>$det){ if ( '/' == substr($filename,-1,1) ) $this->rmdir($path.'/'.$filename,$recursive); @rmdir($entry); } return @rmdir($path); } function dirlist($path,$incdot=false,$recursive=false){ if( $this->is_file($path) ){ $limitFile = basename($path); $path = dirname($path); } else { $limitFile = false; } if( ! $this->is_dir($path) ) return false; $ret = array(); $dir = dir($path); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { $struc = array(); $struc['name'] = $entry; if( '.' == $struc['name'][0] && !$incdot) continue; if( $limitFile && $struc['name'] != $limitFile) continue; $struc['perms'] = $this->gethchmod($path.'/'.$entry); $struc['permsn'] = $this->getnumchmodfromh($struc['perms']); $struc['number'] = false; $struc['owner'] = $this->owner($path.'/'.$entry); $struc['group'] = $this->group($path.'/'.$entry); $struc['size'] = $this->size($path.'/'.$entry); $struc['lastmodunix']= $this->mtime($path.'/'.$entry); $struc['lastmod'] = date('M j',$struc['lastmodunix']); $struc['time'] = date('h:i:s',$struc['lastmodunix']); $struc['type'] = $this->is_dir($path.'/'.$entry) ? 'd' : 'f'; if('folder' == $struc['type'] ){ $struc['files'] = array(); if( $incdot ){ //We're including the doted starts if( '.' != $struc['name'] && '..' != $struc['name'] ){ //Ok, It isnt a special folder if ($recursive) $struc['files'] = $this->dirlist($path.'/'.$struc['name'],$incdot,$recursive); } } else { //No dots if ($recursive) $struc['files'] = $this->dirlist($path.'/'.$struc['name'],$incdot,$recursive); } } //File $ret[$struc['name']] = $struc; } $dir->close(); unset($dir); return $ret; } function __destruct(){ return; } } ?>